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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Pest\Expectations; use Attribute; use Pest\Arc..

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namespace Pest\Expectations;

use Attribute;
use Pest\Arch\Contracts\ArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\Targeted;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToBeUsedIn;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToBeUsedInNothing;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToUse;
use Pest\Arch\GroupArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\PendingArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\SingleArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\Support\FileLineFinder;
use Pest\Exceptions\InvalidExpectation;
use Pest\Expectation;
use Pest\Support\Arr;
use Pest\Support\Exporter;
use PHPUnit\Architecture\Elements\ObjectDescription;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;

 * @internal
 * @template TValue
 * @mixin Expectation<TValue>
final class OppositeExpectation
     * Creates a new opposite expectation.
     * @param  Expectation<TValue>  $original
    public function __construct(private readonly Expectation $original)

     * Asserts that the value array not has the provided $keys.
     * @param  array<int, int|string|array<int-string, mixed>>  $keys
     * @return Expectation<TValue>
    public function toHaveKeys(array $keys): Expectation
        foreach ($keys as $k => $key) {
            try {
                if (is_array($key)) {
                    $this->toHaveKeys(array_keys(Arr::dot($key, $k.'.')));
                } else {
            } catch (ExpectationFailedException) {

            $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toHaveKey', [$key]);

        return $this->original;

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not use any of the given dependencies.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toUse(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation
        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): SingleArchExpectation => ToUse::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(
            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toUse', $target),
        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not use the "declare(strict_types=1)" declaration.
    public function toUseStrictTypes(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
            'not to use strict types',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not final.
    public function toBeFinal(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && ! $object->reflectionClass->isFinal(),
            'not to be final',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not readonly.
    public function toBeReadonly(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && ! $object->reflectionClass->isReadOnly() && assert(true), // @phpstan-ignore-line
            'not to be readonly',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not trait.
    public function toBeTrait(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isTrait(),
            'not to be trait',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not traits.
    public function toBeTraits(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeTrait();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not abstract.
    public function toBeAbstract(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isAbstract(),
            'not to be abstract',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a specific method.
    public function toHaveMethod(string $method): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->hasMethod($method),
            'to not have method',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not enum.
    public function toBeEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isEnum(),
            'not to be enum',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not enums.
    public function toBeEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets is not class.
    public function toBeClass(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! class_exists($object->name),
            'not to be class',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => true),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not classes.
    public function toBeClasses(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeClass();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not interface.
    public function toBeInterface(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isInterface(),
            'not to be interface',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not interfaces.
    public function toBeInterfaces(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeInterface();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to be not subclass of the given class.
     * @param  class-string  $class
    public function toExtend(string $class): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isSubclassOf($class),
            sprintf("not to extend '%s'", $class),
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to be not have any parent class.
    public function toExtendNothing(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getParentClass() !== false,
            'to extend a class',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target not to implement the given interfaces.
     * @param  array<int, class-string>|string  $interfaces
    public function toImplement(array|string $interfaces): ArchExpectation
        $interfaces = is_array($interfaces) ? $interfaces : [$interfaces];

        return Targeted::make(
            function (ObjectDescription $object) use ($interfaces): bool {
                foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                    if ($object->reflectionClass->implementsInterface($interface)) {
                        return false;

                return true;
            "not to implement '".implode("', '", $interfaces)."'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not implement any interfaces.
    public function toImplementNothing(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getInterfaceNames() !== [],
            'to implement an interface',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Not supported.
     * @param  array<int, class-string>|string  $interfaces
    public function toOnlyImplement(array|string $interfaces): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyImplement']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not have the given prefix.
    public function toHavePrefix(string $prefix): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_starts_with($object->reflectionClass->getShortName(), $prefix),
            "not to have prefix '{$prefix}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not have the given suffix.
    public function toHaveSuffix(string $suffix): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_ends_with($object->reflectionClass->getName(), $suffix),
            "not to have suffix '{$suffix}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Not supported.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toOnlyUse(array|string $targets): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyUse']);

     * Not supported.
    public function toUseNothing(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toUseNothing']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used.
    public function toBeUsed(): ArchExpectation
        return ToBeUsedInNothing::make($this->original);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used by any of the given targets.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toBeUsedIn(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation
        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): GroupArchExpectation => ToBeUsedIn::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(
            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toBeUsedIn', $target),
        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));

    public function toOnlyBeUsedIn(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyBeUsedIn']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used.
    public function toBeUsedInNothing(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toBeUsedInNothing']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not an invokable class.
    public function toBeInvokable(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->hasMethod('__invoke'),
            'to not be invokable',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class'))

     * Asserts that the given expectation target not to have the given attribute.
     * @param  class-string<Attribute>  $attribute
    public function toHaveAttribute(string $attribute): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getAttributes($attribute) === [],
            "to not have attribute '{$attribute}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class'))

     * Handle dynamic method calls into the original expectation.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>  $arguments
     * @return Expectation<TValue>|Expectation<mixed>|never
    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): Expectation
        try {
            if (! is_object($this->original->value) && method_exists(PendingArchExpectation::class, $name)) {
                throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', $name]);

            /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
        } catch (ExpectationFailedException|AssertionFailedError) {
            return $this->original;

        $this->throwExpectationFailedException($name, $arguments);

     * Handle dynamic properties gets into the original expectation.
     * @return Expectation<TValue>|Expectation<mixed>|never
    public function __get(string $name): Expectation
        try {
            if (! is_object($this->original->value) && method_exists(PendingArchExpectation::class, $name)) {
                throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', $name]);

            $this->original->{$name}; // @phpstan-ignore-line
        } catch (ExpectationFailedException) {
            return $this->original;


     * Creates a new expectation failed exception with a nice readable message.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>|string  $arguments
    public function throwExpectationFailedException(string $name, array|string $arguments = []): never
        $arguments = is_array($arguments) ? $arguments : [$arguments];

        $exporter = Exporter::default();

        $toString = fn (mixed $argument): string => $exporter->shortenedExport($argument);

        throw new ExpectationFailedException(sprintf(
            'Expecting %s not %s %s.',
            strtolower((string) preg_replace('/(?<!\ )[A-Z]/', ' $0', $name)),
            implode(' ', array_map(fn (mixed $argument): string => $toString($argument), $arguments)),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a constructor method.
    public function toHaveConstructor(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toHaveMethod('__construct');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a destructor method.
    public function toHaveDestructor(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toHaveMethod('__destruct');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not a backed enum of given type.
    private function toBeBackedEnum(string $backingType): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isEnum()
                || ! (new \ReflectionEnum($object->name))->isBacked() // @phpstan-ignore-line
                || (string) (new \ReflectionEnum($object->name))->getBackingType() !== $backingType, // @phpstan-ignore-line
            'not to be '.$backingType.' backed enum',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not string backed enums.
    public function toBeStringBackedEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeStringBackedEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not int backed enums.
    public function toBeIntBackedEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeIntBackedEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not a string backed enum.
    public function toBeStringBackedEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeBackedEnum('string');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not an int backed enum.
    public function toBeIntBackedEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeBackedEnum('int');

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code



namespace Pest\Expectations;

use Attribute;
use Pest\Arch\Contracts\ArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\Targeted;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToBeUsedIn;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToBeUsedInNothing;
use Pest\Arch\Expectations\ToUse;
use Pest\Arch\GroupArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\PendingArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\SingleArchExpectation;
use Pest\Arch\Support\FileLineFinder;
use Pest\Exceptions\InvalidExpectation;
use Pest\Expectation;
use Pest\Support\Arr;
use Pest\Support\Exporter;
use PHPUnit\Architecture\Elements\ObjectDescription;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;

 * @internal
 * @template TValue
 * @mixin Expectation<TValue>
final class OppositeExpectation
     * Creates a new opposite expectation.
     * @param  Expectation<TValue>  $original
    public function __construct(private readonly Expectation $original)

     * Asserts that the value array not has the provided $keys.
     * @param  array<int, int|string|array<int-string, mixed>>  $keys
     * @return Expectation<TValue>
    public function toHaveKeys(array $keys): Expectation
        foreach ($keys as $k => $key) {
            try {
                if (is_array($key)) {
                    $this->toHaveKeys(array_keys(Arr::dot($key, $k.'.')));
                } else {
            } catch (ExpectationFailedException) {

            $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toHaveKey', [$key]);

        return $this->original;

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not use any of the given dependencies.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toUse(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation
        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): SingleArchExpectation => ToUse::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(
            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toUse', $target),
        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not use the "declare(strict_types=1)" declaration.
    public function toUseStrictTypes(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
            'not to use strict types',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not final.
    public function toBeFinal(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && ! $object->reflectionClass->isFinal(),
            'not to be final',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not readonly.
    public function toBeReadonly(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && ! $object->reflectionClass->isReadOnly() && assert(true), // @phpstan-ignore-line
            'not to be readonly',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not trait.
    public function toBeTrait(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isTrait(),
            'not to be trait',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not traits.
    public function toBeTraits(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeTrait();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not abstract.
    public function toBeAbstract(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isAbstract(),
            'not to be abstract',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a specific method.
    public function toHaveMethod(string $method): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->hasMethod($method),
            'to not have method',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not enum.
    public function toBeEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isEnum(),
            'not to be enum',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not enums.
    public function toBeEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets is not class.
    public function toBeClass(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! class_exists($object->name),
            'not to be class',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => true),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not classes.
    public function toBeClasses(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeClass();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not interface.
    public function toBeInterface(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isInterface(),
            'not to be interface',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not interfaces.
    public function toBeInterfaces(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeInterface();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to be not subclass of the given class.
     * @param  class-string  $class
    public function toExtend(string $class): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isSubclassOf($class),
            sprintf("not to extend '%s'", $class),
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to be not have any parent class.
    public function toExtendNothing(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getParentClass() !== false,
            'to extend a class',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target not to implement the given interfaces.
     * @param  array<int, class-string>|string  $interfaces
    public function toImplement(array|string $interfaces): ArchExpectation
        $interfaces = is_array($interfaces) ? $interfaces : [$interfaces];

        return Targeted::make(
            function (ObjectDescription $object) use ($interfaces): bool {
                foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
                    if ($object->reflectionClass->implementsInterface($interface)) {
                        return false;

                return true;
            "not to implement '".implode("', '", $interfaces)."'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not implement any interfaces.
    public function toImplementNothing(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getInterfaceNames() !== [],
            'to implement an interface',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Not supported.
     * @param  array<int, class-string>|string  $interfaces
    public function toOnlyImplement(array|string $interfaces): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyImplement']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not have the given prefix.
    public function toHavePrefix(string $prefix): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_starts_with($object->reflectionClass->getShortName(), $prefix),
            "not to have prefix '{$prefix}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target to not have the given suffix.
    public function toHaveSuffix(string $suffix): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_ends_with($object->reflectionClass->getName(), $suffix),
            "not to have suffix '{$suffix}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Not supported.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toOnlyUse(array|string $targets): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyUse']);

     * Not supported.
    public function toUseNothing(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toUseNothing']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used.
    public function toBeUsed(): ArchExpectation
        return ToBeUsedInNothing::make($this->original);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used by any of the given targets.
     * @param  array<int, string>|string  $targets
    public function toBeUsedIn(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation
        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): GroupArchExpectation => ToBeUsedIn::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(
            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toBeUsedIn', $target),
        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));

    public function toOnlyBeUsedIn(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toOnlyBeUsedIn']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not used.
    public function toBeUsedInNothing(): never
        throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', 'toBeUsedInNothing']);

     * Asserts that the given expectation dependency is not an invokable class.
    public function toBeInvokable(): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->hasMethod('__invoke'),
            'to not be invokable',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class'))

     * Asserts that the given expectation target not to have the given attribute.
     * @param  class-string<Attribute>  $attribute
    public function toHaveAttribute(string $attribute): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getAttributes($attribute) === [],
            "to not have attribute '{$attribute}'",
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class'))

     * Handle dynamic method calls into the original expectation.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>  $arguments
     * @return Expectation<TValue>|Expectation<mixed>|never
    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): Expectation
        try {
            if (! is_object($this->original->value) && method_exists(PendingArchExpectation::class, $name)) {
                throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', $name]);

            /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
        } catch (ExpectationFailedException|AssertionFailedError) {
            return $this->original;

        $this->throwExpectationFailedException($name, $arguments);

     * Handle dynamic properties gets into the original expectation.
     * @return Expectation<TValue>|Expectation<mixed>|never
    public function __get(string $name): Expectation
        try {
            if (! is_object($this->original->value) && method_exists(PendingArchExpectation::class, $name)) {
                throw InvalidExpectation::fromMethods(['not', $name]);

            $this->original->{$name}; // @phpstan-ignore-line
        } catch (ExpectationFailedException) {
            return $this->original;


     * Creates a new expectation failed exception with a nice readable message.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>|string  $arguments
    public function throwExpectationFailedException(string $name, array|string $arguments = []): never
        $arguments = is_array($arguments) ? $arguments : [$arguments];

        $exporter = Exporter::default();

        $toString = fn (mixed $argument): string => $exporter->shortenedExport($argument);

        throw new ExpectationFailedException(sprintf(
            'Expecting %s not %s %s.',
            strtolower((string) preg_replace('/(?<!\ )[A-Z]/', ' $0', $name)),
            implode(' ', array_map(fn (mixed $argument): string => $toString($argument), $arguments)),

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a constructor method.
    public function toHaveConstructor(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toHaveMethod('__construct');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target does not have a destructor method.
    public function toHaveDestructor(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toHaveMethod('__destruct');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not a backed enum of given type.
    private function toBeBackedEnum(string $backingType): ArchExpectation
        return Targeted::make(
            fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! $object->reflectionClass->isEnum()
                || ! (new \ReflectionEnum($object->name))->isBacked() // @phpstan-ignore-line
                || (string) (new \ReflectionEnum($object->name))->getBackingType() !== $backingType, // @phpstan-ignore-line
            'not to be '.$backingType.' backed enum',
            FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not string backed enums.
    public function toBeStringBackedEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeStringBackedEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation targets are not int backed enums.
    public function toBeIntBackedEnums(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeIntBackedEnum();

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not a string backed enum.
    public function toBeStringBackedEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeBackedEnum('string');

     * Asserts that the given expectation target is not an int backed enum.
    public function toBeIntBackedEnum(): ArchExpectation
        return $this->toBeBackedEnum('int');

Function Calls





MD5 0b779954bafbbf81cdc0f44674f36386
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 115 ms