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PHP Decode

<?php /** * This file is part of the LidaaTwigBundle package. */ namespace Lidaa\TwigB..

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 * This file is part of the LidaaTwigBundle package.

namespace Lidaa\TwigBundle\Extension;

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;

 * FormExtension
 * @author Lidaa <[email protected]>
class FormExtension extends \Twig_Extension
    protected $resources;
    protected $blocks;
    protected $environment;
    protected $themes;
    protected $varStack;
    protected $template;

    public function __construct(array $resources = array())
        $this->themes = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $this->varStack = array();
        $this->blocks = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $this->resources = $resources;

    public function initRuntime(\Twig_Environment $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;

    public function setTheme(FormView $view, array $resources)
        $this->themes->attach($view, $resources);
        $this->blocks = new \SplObjectStorage();

    public function getFunctions()
        $fonctions = array();

        $fonctions['type_row']     = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeRow', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_label']   = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeLabel', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_widget']  = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeWidget', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_errors']  = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeErrors', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_enctype'] = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeEnctype', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
	$fonctions['type_rest']    = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeRest', array('is_safe' => array('html')));

        return $fonctions;

    public function typeRow(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'row', $variables);

    public function typeLabel(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'label', $variables);

    public function typeWidget(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'widget', $variables);

    public function typeErrors(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'errors', $variables);

    public function typeEnctype(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'enctype');

    public function typeRest(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'rest', $variables);

    public function getName()
        return 'lidaa.form';

    protected function render(FormView $view, $section, array $variables = array())
        $mainTemplate = in_array($section, array('widget', 'row'));
        if ($mainTemplate && $view->isRendered()) {
            return '';

        if (null === $this->template) {
            $this->template = reset($this->resources);
            if (!$this->template instanceof \Twig_Template) {
                $this->template = $this->environment->loadTemplate($this->template);

        $custom = '_' . $view->get('id');
        $rendering = $custom . $section;

        $blocks = $this->getBlocks($view);

        if (isset($this->varStack[$rendering])) {
            $typeIndex = $this->varStack[$rendering]['typeIndex'] - 1;
            $types = $this->varStack[$rendering]['types'];
            $this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'] = array_replace_recursive($this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'], $variables);
        } else {
            $types = $view->get('types');

            $types[] = $custom;

            $typeIndex = count($types) - 1;

            $this->varStack[$rendering] = array(
                'variables' => array_replace_recursive($view->all(), $variables),
                'types' => $types,

        do {
            $types[$typeIndex] .= '_' . $section;

            if (isset($blocks[$types[$typeIndex]])) {

                $this->varStack[$rendering]['typeIndex'] = $typeIndex;

                // we do not call renderBlock here to avoid too many nested level calls (XDebug limits the level to 100 by default)
                $this->template->displayBlock($types[$typeIndex], $this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'], $blocks);

                $html = ob_get_clean();

                if ($mainTemplate) {


                return $html;
        } while (--$typeIndex >= 0);

        throw new FormException(sprintf(
                        'Unable to render the form as none of the following blocks exist: "%s".', implode('", "', array_reverse($types))

    protected function getBlocks(FormView $view)
        if (!$this->blocks->contains($view)) {

            $rootView = !$view->hasParent();

            $templates = $rootView ? $this->resources : array();

            if (isset($this->themes[$view])) {
                $templates = array_merge($templates, $this->themes[$view]);

            $blocks = array();

            foreach ($templates as $template) {
                if (!$template instanceof \Twig_Template) {
                    $template = $this->environment->loadTemplate($template);
                $templateBlocks = array();
                do {
                    $templateBlocks = array_merge($template->getBlocks(), $templateBlocks);
                } while (false !== $template = $template->getParent(array()));
                $blocks = array_merge($blocks, $templateBlocks);

            if (!$rootView) {
                $blocks = array_merge($this->getBlocks($view->getParent()), $blocks);

            $this->blocks->attach($view, $blocks);
        } else {
            $blocks = $this->blocks[$view];

        return $blocks;

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Original Code


 * This file is part of the LidaaTwigBundle package.

namespace Lidaa\TwigBundle\Extension;

use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;

 * FormExtension
 * @author Lidaa <[email protected]>
class FormExtension extends \Twig_Extension
    protected $resources;
    protected $blocks;
    protected $environment;
    protected $themes;
    protected $varStack;
    protected $template;

    public function __construct(array $resources = array())
        $this->themes = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $this->varStack = array();
        $this->blocks = new \SplObjectStorage();
        $this->resources = $resources;

    public function initRuntime(\Twig_Environment $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;

    public function setTheme(FormView $view, array $resources)
        $this->themes->attach($view, $resources);
        $this->blocks = new \SplObjectStorage();

    public function getFunctions()
        $fonctions = array();

        $fonctions['type_row']     = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeRow', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_label']   = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeLabel', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_widget']  = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeWidget', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_errors']  = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeErrors', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
        $fonctions['type_enctype'] = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeEnctype', array('is_safe' => array('html')));
	$fonctions['type_rest']    = new \Twig_Function_Method($this, 'typeRest', array('is_safe' => array('html')));

        return $fonctions;

    public function typeRow(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'row', $variables);

    public function typeLabel(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'label', $variables);

    public function typeWidget(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'widget', $variables);

    public function typeErrors(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'errors', $variables);

    public function typeEnctype(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'enctype');

    public function typeRest(FormView $type, array $variables = array())
        return $this->render($type, 'rest', $variables);

    public function getName()
        return 'lidaa.form';

    protected function render(FormView $view, $section, array $variables = array())
        $mainTemplate = in_array($section, array('widget', 'row'));
        if ($mainTemplate && $view->isRendered()) {
            return '';

        if (null === $this->template) {
            $this->template = reset($this->resources);
            if (!$this->template instanceof \Twig_Template) {
                $this->template = $this->environment->loadTemplate($this->template);

        $custom = '_' . $view->get('id');
        $rendering = $custom . $section;

        $blocks = $this->getBlocks($view);

        if (isset($this->varStack[$rendering])) {
            $typeIndex = $this->varStack[$rendering]['typeIndex'] - 1;
            $types = $this->varStack[$rendering]['types'];
            $this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'] = array_replace_recursive($this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'], $variables);
        } else {
            $types = $view->get('types');

            $types[] = $custom;

            $typeIndex = count($types) - 1;

            $this->varStack[$rendering] = array(
                'variables' => array_replace_recursive($view->all(), $variables),
                'types' => $types,

        do {
            $types[$typeIndex] .= '_' . $section;

            if (isset($blocks[$types[$typeIndex]])) {

                $this->varStack[$rendering]['typeIndex'] = $typeIndex;

                // we do not call renderBlock here to avoid too many nested level calls (XDebug limits the level to 100 by default)
                $this->template->displayBlock($types[$typeIndex], $this->varStack[$rendering]['variables'], $blocks);

                $html = ob_get_clean();

                if ($mainTemplate) {


                return $html;
        } while (--$typeIndex >= 0);

        throw new FormException(sprintf(
                        'Unable to render the form as none of the following blocks exist: "%s".', implode('", "', array_reverse($types))

    protected function getBlocks(FormView $view)
        if (!$this->blocks->contains($view)) {

            $rootView = !$view->hasParent();

            $templates = $rootView ? $this->resources : array();

            if (isset($this->themes[$view])) {
                $templates = array_merge($templates, $this->themes[$view]);

            $blocks = array();

            foreach ($templates as $template) {
                if (!$template instanceof \Twig_Template) {
                    $template = $this->environment->loadTemplate($template);
                $templateBlocks = array();
                do {
                    $templateBlocks = array_merge($template->getBlocks(), $templateBlocks);
                } while (false !== $template = $template->getParent(array()));
                $blocks = array_merge($blocks, $templateBlocks);

            if (!$rootView) {
                $blocks = array_merge($this->getBlocks($view->getParent()), $blocks);

            $this->blocks->attach($view, $blocks);
        } else {
            $blocks = $this->blocks[$view];

        return $blocks;

Function Calls





MD5 0c135fd30e43d02c5f70d990ea132687
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 126 ms