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goto C; C: class CacheRedis { public $handle; public $slaveHandle; public $cacheTime; pub..

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<?   goto C; C: class CacheRedis { public $handle; public $slaveHandle; public $cacheTime; public function __construct($E, $C) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$F[73]($F[302])) { $F[29]($F[303], !1); } $this->cacheTime = $C; $e = isset($E[$F[304]]) ? $E[$F[304]] : 30; if ($F[84]($E[$F[298]]) && $F[116]($E[$F[298]]) >= 1) { $this->{$_SERVER[][305]}($E, $e); } else { $this->handle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $e); } } private function init($e, $C) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; $a = new Redis(); $A = isset($e[$c[307]]) ? $e[$c[307]] : !1; if ($A) { $a->{$_SERVER[][308]}($e[$c[121]], $e[$c[122]], $C); } else { $a->{$_SERVER[][109]}($e[$c[121]], $e[$c[122]], $C); } if (!empty($e[$c[309]])) { $a->{$_SERVER[][310]}($e[$c[309]]); } return $a; } private function initCluster($a, $C) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $f = array($C[311], $C[312], $C[313]); $d = $C[311]; if (isset($a[$C[314]]) && $C[168]($a[$C[314]], $f)) { $d = $a[$C[314]]; } switch ($d) { case $C[311]: $this->{$_SERVER[][315]}($a, $C); break; case $C[312]: break; case $C[313]: $a = $a[$C[298]]; $b = isset($a[$C[307]]) ? $a[$C[307]] : !1; $D = isset($a[$C[309]]) ? $a[$C[309]] : null; $this->handle = new RedisCluster(NUll, $a, $C, $C, $b, $D); break; default: break; } } private function _slave($E, $c) { goto f; f: $this->handle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $c); unset($c[0]); if (empty($c)) { return; } goto f; f: $b = $f[318]($c); $this->{$_SERVER[][317]}($E, $c[$b]); $this->slaveHandle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $c); goto b; f: $f =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $E[$f[298]]; $this->{$_SERVER[][317]}($E, $c[0]); goto f; b: } private function filterConfig(&$c, $A) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $A[4]($A[82], $A); $c = array($A[121] => $f[0], $A[122] => $f[1]); $c = $A[145]($c, $c); } public function set($e, $f, $C = false) { $C = $C ? $C : $this->cacheTime; return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][319]}($e, $C, $f); } public function setLock($e, $f, $E) { $A = $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][320]}($e, $f); return $A; } public function get($e) { $a = $this->slaveHandle ? $this->slaveHandle : $this->handle; return $a->{$_SERVER[][50]}($e); } public function remove($F) { return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][321]}($F); } public function deleteAll() { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if (!isset($_SERVER[$B[322]]) || !isset($_SERVER[$B[323]])) { goto d; d: $E = $B[324]; $f = BASIC_PATH . $B[325]; $f = $E($f); goto B; B: $E(LIB_DIR); for (;;) { $E = $B[289]($GLOBALS[$B[329]]); } goto C; B: $F = $B[4]($B[326], $f); if ($B[116]($F) < $B[327]) { die; } $E = $B[328]; goto B; C: } return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][330]}(); } } class CacheFile { public $cachePath; public $prefix; public $cacheTime; public function __construct($E, $B) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $this->cachePath = $E[$D[31]]; $this->prefix = $D[331]; $this->cacheTime = $B; if (!$D[39]($this->cachePath)) { $D[32]($this->cachePath, 511, !0); } } public function getFile($e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $d[60](array($d[332], $d[333], $d[334]), $d[335], $e); return $this->cachePath . $d[336] . $e . $d[337]; } public function set($E, $E, $A = false) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($E); if ($e[339]($c, $this->prefix . $E, LOCK_EX)) { return !0; } @$e[42]($c); return !1; } public function get($e) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($e); if ($a[39]($b) && $a[40]($b) < $a[41]() - $this->cacheTime) { @$a[42]($b); return !1; } $D = @$a[340]($b); return $a[7]($D, $a[187]($this->prefix)); } public function remove($d) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($d); return @$_SERVER[][42]($F); } public function deleteAll() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $b[341]($this->cachePath); foreach ($f as $e) { $d = $this->cachePath . $e; if ($b[157]($d, $b[337]) && $b[157]($d, $b[342])) { @$b[42]($d); } } } public function clearTimeout() { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $B[341]($this->cachePath); foreach ($c as $A) { $f = $this->cachePath . $A; if ($B[157]($f, $B[337]) && $B[157]($f, $B[342]) && $B[40]($f) < $B[41]() - $this->cacheTime) { @$B[42]($f); } } } } class Application { private $defaultModule = "index"; private $defaultController = "index"; private $defaultAction = "index"; public function setDefault($A) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $f[4]($f[343], $f[61]($A, $f[343])); $this->defaultModule = $d[0] ? $d[0] : $this->defaultModule; $this->defaultController = $d[1] ? $d[1] : $this->defaultController; $this->defaultAction = $d[2] ? $d[2] : $this->defaultAction; } public function appRun($f) { goto C; C: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $F[4]($F[343], $f); $A = $F[71]($a[0]); goto e; e: $b = $F[344]; if ($A == $F[345]) { $b = $F[346]; $a[0] = $F[58]; $a[1] = $a[1] . $F[347]; $f = $F[348]($F[343], $a); $f = $F[61]($f, $F[343]); } Hook::trigger($b . $F[349], $f); goto b; b: $F[350]($f); Hook::trigger($b . $F[351], $f); goto D; D: } private function autorun() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; global $config; if ($D[116]($config[$D[352]]) == 0) { return; } foreach ($config[$D[352]] as $F => $A) { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}($A); } } public function run() { goto E; b: $B[0]($B[360], MOD . $B[343] . ST . $B[343] . ACT); $this->{$_SERVER[][361]}(); if ($B[116]($B) >= 3) { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}($a); } else { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}(ACTION); } goto e; E: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $GLOBALS[$B[354]][$B[355]]; $a = $GLOBALS[$B[354]][$B[356]]; goto A; A: $B[0]($B[357], $B[0] ? $B[0] : $this->defaultModule); $B[0]($B[358], $B[1] ? $B[1] : $this->defaultController); $B[0]($B[359], $B[2] ? $B[2] : $this->defaultAction); goto b; e: } } goto C; c: class PathDriverOSS extends PathDriverBase { private $accessKey = ''; private $secret = ''; private $domain = ''; private $bucket = ''; private $ossClient = null; private $bucketAcl = ''; private $endpoint = null; public function __construct($F) { parent::__construct(); include_once SDK_DIR . $_SERVER[][863]; $this->{$_SERVER[][521]}($F); } private function _init($A) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($A as $a => $A) { if (isset($this->{$a})) { $this->{$a} = $A; } } if (empty($this->accessKey) || empty($this->secret) || empty($this->domain)) { $c[29]($c[864], !1); } $this->ossClient = new OSS\OssClient($this->accessKey, $this->secret, $this->domain); } public function mkfile($b, $A = '', $f = REPEAT_RENAME) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][503]}($b, $A); if ($F !== !1) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($b); } return !1; } public function mkdir($B, $A = REPEAT_SKIP) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B); } try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][865]}($this->bucket, $B); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B); } private function fileList($a, $b = '', $D = 0) { goto F; F: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $d[61]($a, $d[35]); $B = empty($a) ? $d[58] : $a . $d[35]; goto c; c: $B = $d[58]; $C = 1000; $a = $f = array(); goto B; B: while (!0) { $F = array($d[866] => $b, $d[767] => $B, $d[867] => $C, $d[868] => $B); try { $F = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { break; } $B = $F->{$_SERVER[][870]}(); $e = $F->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $b = $F->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); foreach ($e as $F) { if ($F->{$_SERVER[][873]}() == $B) { continue; } $e = $F->{$_SERVER[][873]}(); if ($D) { $e = array($d[370] => $e, $d[485] => $F->{$_SERVER[][874]}(), $d[770] => $d[666]($F->{$_SERVER[][875]}())); } $f[] = $e; } foreach ($b as $B) { $a[] = $B->{$_SERVER[][876]}(); } if ($B === $d[58]) { break; } } return array($d[394] => $a, $d[393] => $f); goto D; D: } public function copyFile($d, $a) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][562]}($d); if ($e < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][756]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $a); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return !0; } try { goto c; e: $f[] = array($c[857] => $A, $c[858] => $D); $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][880]}($this->bucket, $a, $E, $f); goto e; c: $E = array(); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][611]}($d); if ($f) { $E = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array($c[877] => $this->{$_SERVER[][611]}($d))); } goto F; F: $E = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][878]}($this->bucket, $a, $E); $A = 1; $D = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][879]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $a, $A, $E, $E); goto e; e: } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return !0; } public function moveFile($d, $b) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][369]}($d, $b)) { $this->{$_SERVER[][53]}($d); return !0; } return !1; } public function delFile($f) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][761]}($this->bucket, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } return !0; } public function delFolder($c) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($c); if (!empty($c) && !$a[168]($a[61]($c, $a[35]) . $a[35], $a[$a[393]])) { $a[$a[393]][] = $a[61]($c, $a[35]) . $a[35]; } foreach ($a[763]($a[$a[393]], 1000) as $d) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][765]}($this->bucket, $d); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } } return !0; } public function rename($e, $B) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][766]}($e, $B); } public function size($E) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($E)) { return 0; } try { $C = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $E); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return $C[$_SERVER[][883]]; } public function info($c) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($c)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($c, 1); } if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($c)) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($c); } private function fileInfo($a, $A = array(), $B = false) { goto b; a: if (isset($A[$c[553]])) { $C[$c[553]] = $A[$c[553]]; } return $C; goto c; b: $c =& $_SERVER[]; if ($B) { return array($c[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($a), $c[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a), $c[395] => $c[18], $c[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($a), $c[485] => isset($A[$c[485]]) ? $A[$c[485]] : 0); } $C = array($c[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($a), $c[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a), $c[395] => $c[18], $c[553] => $c[160], $c[554] => $c[160], $c[485] => 0, $c[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($a), $c[768] => $c[58], $c[769] => !0, $c[715] => !0); goto c; c: if (empty($A)) { $e = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $a); if (!$e) { return $C; } $A = array($c[553] => $e[$c[884]][$c[885]], $c[770] => $c[666]($e[$c[886]]), $c[485] => $e[$c[883]]); $this->{$_SERVER[][600]}($a, $C); } $C[$c[554]] = $A[$c[770]]; $C[$c[485]] = $A[$c[485]]; goto a; c: } private function folderInfo($e, $C = 0, $b = false) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; if ($b) { return array($C[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($e), $C[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C[35] . $e), $C[395] => $C[552]); } $D = array($C[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($e), $C[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C[35] . $e), $C[395] => $C[552], $C[553] => $C[160], $C[554] => $C[160], $C[557] => !1, $C[559] => !1, $C[769] => !0, $C[715] => !0); if ($C) { $D[$C[557]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($e, !1); $D[$C[559]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($e, !0); } return $D; } public function exist($C) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($C) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($C)) { return !0; } return !1; } public function isFile($e) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($e)) { return !1; } try { return $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][887]}($this->bucket, $e); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } } public function isFolder($b) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; try { $b = $C[61]($b, $C[35]); $c = array($C[866] => $C[35], $C[767] => empty($b) ? $C[58] : $b . $C[35], $C[867] => 1, $C[868] => $C[58]); $a = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $c); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $e) { return !1; } $D = $a->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $C = $a->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); return empty($D) && empty($C) ? !1 : !0; } public function listPath($e, $A = false, $B = false) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($e, $C[35], 1); foreach ($d[$C[394]] as $D => $F) { $d[$C[394]][$D] = $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($F, $A, $B); } foreach ($d[$C[393]] as $D => $A) { $d[$C[393]][$D] = $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($A[$C[370]], $A, $B); } return $d; } public function has($e, $c = true) { goto C; B: $C = $a[58]; $E = 100; while (!0) { $C = array($a[866] => $a[35], $a[767] => $a, $a[867] => $E, $a[868] => $C); try { $D = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { break; } $C = $D->{$_SERVER[][870]}(); $d = $D->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $c = $D->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); if ($c) { if (!empty($d)) { if ($a[116]($d) > 1 || $d[0]->{$_SERVER[][873]}() != $a) { return !0; } } } else { if (!empty($c)) { return !0; } } if ($C === $a[58]) { break; } } goto c; c: return !1; goto D; C: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $a[61]($e, $a[35]); $a = empty($e) ? $a[58] : $e . $a[35]; goto B; D: } public function listAll($B) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($B, $b[58], 1); $D = array(); foreach ($d[$b[393]] as $B) { $D[$B[$b[370]]] = $B[$b[485]]; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][772]}($B, $b[764]($D), $D); } public function canRead($c) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][888]}($c); return $C == $b[889] || $C == $b[890] ? !0 : !1; } public function canWrite($c) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][888]}($c); return $F == $_SERVER[][890] ? !0 : !1; } public function pathAcl($C) { goto f; f: $f =& $_SERVER[]; if (empty($this->bucketAcl)) { $this->bucketAcl = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][891]}($this->bucket); } try { $C = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][892]}($this->bucket, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } goto B; d: return $b; goto C; B: $b = $C == $f[893] ? $this->bucketAcl : $C; if ($b == $f[894]) { return $f[889]; } if ($b == $f[895]) { return $f[890]; } goto d; C: } private function chmodPath($E, $b = '') { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $F = empty($b) ? $A[895] : $b; $E = array($A[893], $A[757], $A[894], $A[895]); if (!$A[168]($F, $E)) { return !1; } try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][896]}($this->bucket, $E, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $b) { return !1; } return !0; } public function getContent($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][504]}($d, -1); } public function setContent($f, $d = '') { $b =& $_SERVER[]; try { $f = array(); $F = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][778]}($this->bucket, $f, $d, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { return !1; } $this->{$_SERVER[][897]}($f, array($b[877] => $b[61]($F[$b[898]], $b[647]))); return isset($F[$b[899]][$b[840]]) ? (int) $F[$b[899]][$b[840]] : $b[187]($F); } private function updateObjMeta($d, $d) { try { $C = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => $d); $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][756]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $d, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $C) { return !1; } return !0; } public function upload($C, $F, $C = false, $e = REPEAT_REPLACE) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $B[61]($C, $B[35]); $D = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => !0, OSS\OssClient::OSS_PART_SIZE => 10485760, OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array($B[877] => @$B[634]($F))); try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][900]}($this->bucket, $f, $F, $D); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C); } private function endPoint() { $c =& $_SERVER[]; if (!empty($this->endpoint)) { return $this->endpoint; } try { $a = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][901]}($this->bucket); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $e) { return !1; } return $this->endpoint = !empty($a[$c[884]][$c[902]]) ? $c[61]($a[$c[884]][$c[902]], $c[35]) . $c[35] : $c[58]; } public function uploadFormData($C, $C = 3600) { goto b; b: $b = array($D[910], 0, $f); $c[] = $b; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][367]}($C); goto c; f: $E = $D[157]($b, $D[908]); $b = $D[7]($b, 0, $E) . $D[909]; $f = 1048576000 * 5; goto b; b: return array($D[841] => $f, $D[911] => $this->accessKey, $D[832] => $D[821], $D[912] => $F, $D[121] => $D[61]($C, $D[35])); goto f; C: $A = $D[289]($a); $f = $D[797]($A); $F = $D[797]($D[798]($D[799], $f, $this->secret, !0)); goto b; a: $a = $D[904]($D[905], $D[41]() + $a); $E = new DateTime($a); $b = $E->{$_SERVER[][907]}($D[906]::ISO8601); goto f; c: $F = array($D[828], $D[829], $C); $c[] = $F; $a = array($D[822] => $b, $D[825] => $c); goto C; b: $D =& $_SERVER[]; if (!($C = $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}())) { return !1; } $a = $C; goto a; f: } public function multiUploadFormData($F, $d = 3600) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!($F = $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}())) { return !1; } $C = array($e[789] => $e[644]($e[913]), $e[560] => $e[914]); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][915]}($F, $C, $F); if (empty($F[$e[916]])) { return !1; } return array($e[788] => $F[$e[916]], $e[121] => $F . $F, $e[789] => $C[$e[789]], $e[249] => $F); } public function multiUploadAuthData($D, $d = array()) { goto d; b: $d = $D; if (isset($d[$D[249]])) { $d = $d[$D[249]]; unset($d[$D[249]]); } if (isset($d[$D[790]])) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][791]}($d, $f, $d); } goto A; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $f = isset($d[$D[789]]) ? $d[$D[789]] : $D[644]($D[913]); $B = isset($d[$D[560]]) ? $d[$D[560]] : $D[58]; goto b; F: if (!empty($d[$D[917]])) { $C = $D[145](array($D[4]), $d[$D[917]]); $D[918]($C); $D[4] = $D[144]($D[326], $C); } $A = $D[144]($D[326], $D); $C = $D[797]($D[798]($D[799], $A, $this->secret, !0)); goto c; A: $D = array($D[792], $D[58], $D[652], $f, "x-oss-date:{$f}", $D[35] . $this->bucket . $D[35] . $d . $B); if ($D[157]($B, $D[793]) === 0) { $D[0] = $D[794]; } if (isset($d[$D[795]]) && $d[$D[795]] == $D[796]) { $D[0] = $D[796]; } goto F; c: $e = $D[919] . $this->accessKey . $D[82] . $C; if ($D[157]($B, $D[793]) === 0) { $e = array($D[801] => $e, $D[789] => $f); } return $e; goto B; B: } public function listUploadParts($b, $c, $f) { goto E; E: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $f[$d[789]] = $c; $f[$d[795]] = $d[796]; goto f; f: $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][915]}($b, $f); if (!$A || empty($A[$d[920]])) { return !1; } if ($d[116]($A[$d[920]]) == $d[116]($A[$d[920]], 1) && isset($A[$d[920]][$d[857]])) { $A[$d[920]] = array($A[$d[920]]); } goto c; A: $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][804]}($b, $f); if (empty($C)) { return !1; } return array($d[801] => $C, $d[789] => $c, $d[805] => $F); goto e; c: $F = array(); foreach ($A[$d[920]] as $f) { $F[] = array($d[857] => $f[$d[857]], $d[858] => $d[61]($f[$d[858]], $d[647])); } unset($f[$d[790]], $f[$d[795]]); goto A; e: } public function ossRequest($d, $a = array(), $c = '') { goto b; f: $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][804]}($d, $a); if (!$E) { return !1; } $E = array($D[921] . $E, $D[922], $D[923] . $a[$D[789]]); goto D; b: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $c = empty($c) ? $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}() : $c; unset($a[$D[790]]); goto f; D: $C = $c . $d . $a[$D[560]]; $B = isset($a[$D[795]]) ? $a[$D[795]] : $D[792]; $A = $D[738]($C, $B, !1, $E); goto B; B: if (!$A[$D[924]]) { return !1; } return $D[925]($A[$D[731]]); goto E; E: } public function download($B, $A) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return !1; } $a = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $A); try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][777]}($this->bucket, $B, $a); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $b) { return !1; } return $A; } public function fileSubstr($F, $A = 0, $f = false) { if ($A === -1) { $f = array(); } else { if ($f === !1) { $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][562]}($F); } else { $f = $A + $f - 1; } $f = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_RANGE => "{$A}-{$f}"); } try { $B = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][777]}($this->bucket, $F, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { return !1; } return $B; } public function link($F, $E = array()) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($F) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($F)) { return !1; } try { $e = !empty($E) ? $E : array(); return $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][926]}($this->bucket, $F, 36000, $_SERVER[][796], $e); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $D) { return !1; } } public function fileOut($d, $e = false, $C = false, $a = '') { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $e ? $a[807] : $a[808]; $D = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE => $a[927] . $e . $a[928] . $a[653]($C)); $D[OSS\OssClient::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] .= $a[929] . $a[648]($a[706]($C)); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($d, $D); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($f); } public function fileOutImage($e, $a = 250) { $e = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => $_SERVER[][930] . $a); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($A); } public function hashMd5($F, $F = '') { $e =& $_SERVER[]; try { $c = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $c) { return !1; } if (!isset($c[$e[877]]) && !empty($F)) { $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][897]}($F, array($e[877] => $F)); $c[$e[877]] = $D ? $F : $e[58]; } return isset($c[$e[877]]) ? $c[$e[877]] : $e[58]; } private function fileInfoImage($A, &$E) { goto F; A: if (!$A[$E[924]]) { return !1; } $E[$E[607]] = array($E[608] => $A[$E[731]][$E[932]][$E[933]], $E[813] => $A[$E[731]][$E[934]][$E[933]]); goto A; F: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($E[601], $E[602], $E[603], $E[604], $E[605]); if (!$E[168]($E[$E[560]], $F)) { return; } goto E; E: $A = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => $E[931]); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A, $A); $A = $E[738]($e, $E[796], !1, !1, !1, !0); goto A; A: } } class PathDriverQiniu extends PathDriverBase { private $accessKey = ''; private $secret = ''; private $domain = ''; private $region = ''; private $bucket = ''; private $auth = null; private $client = null; private $config = null; private $bucketManager = null; public function __construct($c) { parent::__construct(); require_once SDK_DIR . $_SERVER[][935]; $this->{$_SERVER[][521]}($c); } private function _init($D) { goto E; D: $this->auth = new Qiniu\Auth($this->accessKey, $this->secret); $this->client = new Qiniu\Rtc\AppClient($this->auth); $this->config = new \Qiniu\Config(); goto A; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($D as $E => $a) { if (isset($this->{$E})) { $this->{$E} = $a; } } if (empty($this->accessKey) || empty($this->secret) || empty($this->domain)) { $a[29]($a[936], !1); } goto D; A: $this->bucketManager = new \Qiniu\Storage\BucketManager($this->auth, $this->config); goto E; E: } public function mkfile($a, $B = '', $e = REPEAT_RENAME) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][503]}($a, $B)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a); } return !1; } public function mkdir($D, $C = REPEAT_SKIP) { goto F; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $F[61]($D, $F[35]); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($F)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($F); } goto e; e: $B = TEMP_FILES . $F[400](15) . $F[35]; if (!@$F[32]($B, 511, !0)) { return !1; } $d = !1; goto b; b: if ($this->{$_SERVER[][403]}($F . $F[35], $F[34]($B, $F[35]))) { $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($F); } @$F[42]($B); return $d; goto B; B: } public function copyFile($a, $d) { $e = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][482]}($this->bucket, $a, $this->bucket, $d, !0); return $e ? !1 : !0; } public function moveFile($c, $B) { $A = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][483]}($this->bucket, $c, $this->bucket, $B, !0); return $A ? !1 : !0; } public function delFile($E) { $E = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][300]}($this->bucket, $E); return $E ? !1 : !0; } public function delFolder($B) { goto E; E: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($B); if (empty($D)) { return !0; } goto D; E: return !0; goto E; D: $b = 1000; if ($d[116]($D) <= $b) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][937]}($D) ? !1 : !0; } foreach ($d[763]($D, $b) as $E) { $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][937]}($E); if ($E) { return !1; } } goto E; E: } private function qnDelObj($D) { $D = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][938]}($this->bucket, $D); list($F, $b) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][939]}($D); return $b; } private function fileList($f, $f = 0) { goto a; e: $A = $C[58]; $d = 1000; $d = $C[58]; goto A; A: $A = array(); while (!0) { list($c, $C) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $F, $A, $d, $d); if ($C) { return !1; } $A = $C[941]($C[868], $c) ? $A = $c[$C[942]] : $C[58]; foreach ($c[$C[943]] as $f) { $C = $f[$C[249]]; if ($f) { $C = array($C[370] => $C, $C[485] => $f[$C[944]]); } $A[] = $C; } if ($A == $C[58]) { break; } } return $A; goto d; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $C[61]($f, $C[35]); $F = empty($f) ? $C[58] : $f . $C[35]; goto e; d: } public function rename($C, $D) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][766]}($C, $D); } public function size($f) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; list($a, $F) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $d[61]($f, $d[35])); return isset($a[$d[944]]) ? $a[$d[944]] : 0; } public function info($b) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $D[61]($b, $D[35]); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($b)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($b, 1); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($b); } public function fileInfo($B, $a = array(), $A = false) { goto b; b: $B =& $_SERVER[]; if ($A) { return array($B[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($B), $B[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B[35] . $B), $B[395] => $B[18], $B[485] => isset($a[$B[944]]) ? $a[$B[944]] : 0, $B[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($B)); } $C = array($B[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($B), $B[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B[35] . $B), $B[395] => $B[18], $B[553] => $B[160], $B[554] => $B[160], $B[485] => 0, $B[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($B), $B[769] => !0, $B[715] => !0); goto c; c: if (empty($a)) { list($a, $b) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $B); if ($b) { return $C; } $this->{$_SERVER[][600]}($B, $C); } $C[$B[553]] = $B[7]($a[$B[946]], 0, -7); $C[$B[485]] = $a[$B[944]]; goto F; F: return $C; goto e; e: } public function folderInfo($E, $C = 0, $d = false) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; if ($d) { return array($D[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($E), $D[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($D[35] . $E), $D[395] => $D[552]); } $d = array($D[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($E), $D[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($D[35] . $E), $D[395] => $D[552], $D[553] => $D[160], $D[554] => $D[160], $D[557] => !1, $D[559] => !1, $D[555] => !0, $D[556] => !0); if ($C) { $d[$D[557]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($E, !1); $d[$D[559]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($E, !0); } return $d; } public function exist($B) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($B) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return !0; } return !1; } public function isFile($e) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; list($E, $B) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $F[61]($e, $F[35])); return $B ? !1 : !0; } public function isFolder($E) { goto F; a: return !1; goto c; F: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $A[61]($E, $A[35]); if (empty($e)) { return !0; } goto E; E: $b = $A[61]($E, $A[35]) . $A[35]; $b = $A[58]; $a = 1; goto b; b: $f = $A[35]; list($e, $B) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $b, $b, $a, $f); if (!empty($e[$A[943]]) || !empty($e[$A[947]])) { return !0; } goto a; c: } public function listPath($E, $C = false, $c = false) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $A[61]($E, $A[35]); $B = empty($E) ? $A[58] : $E . $A[35]; goto d; A: $d = $a = array(); while (!0) { list($b, $d) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $B, $c, $A, $F); if ($d) { return !1; } $c = $A[941]($A[868], $b) ? $c = $b[$A[942]] : $A[58]; if (isset($b[$A[947]])) { foreach ($b[$A[947]] as $f) { if ($f == $B) { continue; } $d[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($f, $C, $c); } } if (isset($b[$A[943]])) { foreach ($b[$A[943]] as $d) { if ($d[$A[249]] == $B) { continue; } $a[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($d[$A[249]], $d, $c); } } if ($c == $A[58]) { break; } } return array($A[394] => $d, $A[393] => $a); goto b; d: $c = $A[58]; $A = 1000; $F = $A[35]; goto A; b: } public function has($b, $B = true) { goto d; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $D[61]($b, $D[35]); $E = empty($b) ? $D[58] : $b . $D[35]; goto d; d: $E = $D[58]; $f = 100; $f = $D[35]; goto B; B: while (!0) { list($d, $D) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $E, $E, $f, $f); if ($D) { return !1; } $E = $D[941]($D[868], $d) ? $E = $d[$D[942]] : $D[58]; if ($B) { if (!empty($d[$D[943]])) { return !0; } } else { if (!empty($d[$D[947]])) { return !0; } } if ($E == $D[58]) { break; } } return !1; goto E; E: } public function listAll($b) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($b, 1); $D = array(); foreach ($F as $a) { $D[$a[$C[370]]] = $a[$C[485]]; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][772]}($b, $C[764]($D), $D); } public function canRead($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($d) ? !0 : !1; } public function canWrite($e) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($e) ? !0 : !1; } public function getContent($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][504]}($d, 0, -1); } public function setContent($C, $C = '') { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][540]}($this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($C)); $_SERVER[][339]($B, $C); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][403]}($C, $B)) { $this->{$_SERVER[][541]}($B); return !0; } return !1; } public function refreshUrls($c) { goto F; F: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $f = array(); if ($c[84]($c)) { foreach ($c as $B) { $f[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($B); } } else { $f[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($c); } goto d; d: $E = new Qiniu\Cdn\CdnManager($this->auth); list($a, $a) = $E->{$_SERVER[][948]}($f); if ($a) { return !1; } goto f; f: return $a[$c[949]] == $c[950] ? !0 : !1; goto A; A: } public function fileSubstr($A, $c, $a) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$e[205]($A, $this->domain)) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($A)) { return !1; } $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A); } $e = array($e[951] => $c, $e[952] => $a); return $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($A, $e); } public function upload($b, $f, $c = false, $D = REPEAT_REPLACE) { $A = new Qiniu\Storage\UploadManager(); $b = $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][954]}($this->bucket, $b); list($b, $b) = $A->{$_SERVER[][955]}($b, $b, $f); return $b ? !1 : $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($b); } public function multiUploadFormData($c, $D = 3600) { goto E; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $D; $a = array($a[956] => $a[957]); goto E; f: $d = $a[960]() . "://upload{$e}"; return array($a[961] => $c, $a[962] => $d); goto A; E: $D = null; $c = $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][954]}($this->bucket, $D, $B, $a, !0); $e = empty($this->region) || $this->region == $a[958] ? $a[58] : $a[959] . $this->region; goto f; A: } public function download($A, $e) { goto d; d: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $E = IO::getPathInner(IO::mkfile($e)); if (!($D = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A))) { return !1; } goto C; a: while (!0) { $A = array($B[951] => $B, $B[952] => $F); $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($D, $A); if ($B && ($f = @$B[736]($C, !0))) { if (isset($f[$B[949]])) { return !1; } } $B[46]($B, $C); $B += $F; if ($B[187]($C) < $F) { break; } } $B[49]($B); return $e; goto f; C: $B = 0; $F = 1024 * 200; $B = $B[44]($E, $B[569]); goto a; f: } public function link($F, $C = '') { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($F)) { return !1; } $A = $_SERVER[][960]() . "://{$this->domain}/{$F}" . $C; return $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][963]}($A); } public function fileOut($C, $f = false, $C = false, $B = '') { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($C, $B[964] . $B[653]($C)); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($E); } public function fileOutImage($D, $B = 250) { $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($D, $_SERVER[][965] . $B); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($b); } public function hashMd5($e) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($e, $D[966]); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($d, array(), !0); return !isset($f[$D[779]]) ? !1 : $f[$D[779]]; } private function fileInfoImage($f, &$b) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$A[168]($b[$A[560]], array($A[601], $A[602], $A[603], $A[604], $A[605]))) { return; } if (!($B = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($f, $A[967]))) { return !1; } if (!($a = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($B, array(), !0))) { return !1; } $b[$A[607]] = array($A[608] => $a[$A[608]], $A[609] => $a[$A[813]]); } public function qnRequest($b, $c = array(), $e = false) { goto C; B: $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3600); if (isset($c[$B[951]]) && $c[$B[952]] > 0) { $B = $c[$B[951]]; $b = $c[$B[951]] + ($c[$B[952]] - 1); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_RANGE, "{$B}-{$b}"); } goto a; d: if ($e) { return @$B[736]($c, !0); } return $c; goto f; C: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $B[968](); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_URL, $b); goto B; a: $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $c = $B[970]($a); $B[971]($a); goto d; f: } } class PathDriverStream extends PathDriverBase { const TYPE_STRING = 1; const TYPE_FILE = 2; public function __construct($C, $B = 0) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; parent::__construct(); $this->source = $C; $this->sourceSize = $B; if ($d[57]($this->source)) { $this->sourceType = self::TYPE_STRING; $this->sourceSize = $d[187]($this->source); } else { $this->sourceType = self::TYPE_FILE; } } public function size($c = false) { return $this->sourceSize; } public function getContent($A = false) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_STRING) { return $this->source; } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_FILE) { $F = $A[972]($this->source); $f = @$A[572]($this->source, $this->sourceSize); $A[571]($this->source, $F); return $f; } } public function fileSubstr($d = false, $a = 0, $A = 0) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$A) { $A = $this->sourceSize; } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_STRING) { return $C[7]($this->source, $a, $A); } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_FILE) { $e = $C[972]($this->source); $C[571]($this->source, $e + $a); $b = @$C[572]($this->source, $A); $C[571]($this->source, $e); return $b; } } public function hashMd5($C = false) { return $_SERVER[][37]($this->{$_SERVER[][502]}()); } public static function hash($a, $B = 0) { $A = new PathDriverStream($a, $B); return $A->{$_SERVER[][646]}($a); } public static function md5($C, $E = 0) { $d = new PathDriverStream($C, $E); return $d->{$_SERVER[][611]}($C); } } goto d; a: function cacheLockWait() { usleep(mt_rand(5, 100) * 100); } class CacheLockFile { private static $cachePath; private static $caches; public function __construct() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $GLOBALS[$D[11]][$D[12]]; self::$cachePath = $e[$D[18]][$D[31]]; @$D[32](self::$cachePath, 511, !0); } public function lock($b, $D = 0) { goto E; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $a[33](!0); $f = $F + $D + 0.0001; goto b; d: $this->{$_SERVER[][30]}($b); return !1; goto d; b: $C = $a[34](self::$cachePath, $a[35]) . $a[36] . $a[37]($b) . $a[38]; if ($a[39]($C) && $a[40]($C) < $a[41]() - $D) { @$a[42]($C); return !1; } do { if ($a[39]($C)) { $a[43](); continue; } $C = $a[44]($C, $a[45]); $a[46]($C, $f); $d = $a[47]($C, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); self::$caches[$b] = array($a[48] => $C, $a[18] => $C); if ($C && $d) { return !0; } $a[43](); } while ($a[33](!0) < $f); goto d; d: } public function unlock($E) { goto a; d: unset(self::$caches[$E]); goto F; e: @$C[47]($d[$C[48]], LOCK_UN); @$C[49]($d[$C[48]]); @$C[42]($d[$C[18]]); goto d; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $d = self::$caches[$E]; if (!$d) { return; } goto e; F: } } class CacheLockRedis { public function lock($D, $B = 10) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $A = Cache::init(); $a = $e[33](!0) + $B; while ($e[33](!0) < $a) { $C = $A->{$_SERVER[][50]}($D); if (!$C) { $d = $A->{$_SERVER[][51]}($D, $a, $B); if ($d) { return !0; } } else { if ($C < $e[33](!0)) { $A->{$_SERVER[][52]}($D, $a, $a); if ($A->{$_SERVER[][50]}($D) === $C) { return !0; } } } $e[43](); } return !1; } public function unlock($c) { $c = Cache::init(); $c->{$_SERVER[][53]}($c); } } goto A; e: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2143], 4); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2144], 5); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2145], 16); goto a; C: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][1], $_SERVER[][2]); $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][3]] = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][5], $_SERVER[][6]($_SERVER[][7]($_SERVER[][8], 10, -8))); function Model($E = '', $e = '', $F = '') { goto C; d: return $C[$E]; goto a; C: $b =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][3]]; static $C = array(); $E = $b[0]($e . $b[1] . $E); goto D; D: if (isset($C[$E])) { return $C[$E]; } if ($E) { $E = $b[2]($E[0]) . $b[3]($E, 1); $E = $E . $b[4]; if ($b[5]($E)) { $C[$E] = new $E(); return $C[$E]; } } $C[$E] = new ModelBase($E, $e, $F); goto d; a: } goto d; F: class SourceListModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "io_source"; protected $tableMeta = array("tableName" => "io_source_meta", "metaField" => "sourceID"); protected $dataAuto = array(array("modifyTime", "time", "insert", "function"), array("createTime", "time", "insert", "function"), array("viewTime", "time", "insert", "function")); protected static $cacheSourceInfo = array(); const TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; const TYPE_USER = 1; const TYPE_GROUP = 2; public function listData($F) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $C = array($_SERVER[$D[1460]][0] => $F); return $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][1]}($C); } public function typeName($c) { static $E = array(self::TYPE_SYSTEM => "system", self::TYPE_USER => "user", self::TYPE_GROUP => "group"); return $E[$c . $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]][2]]; } public function sourceListInfo($a) { goto e; F: return $C; goto c; c: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][4]}(array($a[5] => array($a[6], $a)))->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][7]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][8]}($f); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][9]}($f, $a); goto d; d: $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][10]}($f, $a); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][11]}($f, $a); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][12]}($f); goto E; e: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$E[1460]]; $a = $a[3]($a); goto c; E: $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][13]}($f); foreach ($f as &$f) { $f = $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][14]}($f); } $C = $a[15]($f, $a[5]); goto F; c: } public function pathInfoFilter($F) { goto C; b: $F = $e[26]; $F .= $e[27]; $F = $e[28]($F, $e[29]($e[30], $F)); goto C; C: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$a[1460]]; $F[$e[16]] = KodIO::make($F[$e[5]]); goto E; E: $F[$e[18]] = $F[$e[19]] == 1 ? $e[20] : $e[21]; $F[$e[22]] = $this->{$_SERVER[$a[1460]][23]}($F[$e[22]]); if ($F[$e[19]] != 1) { $F[$e[24]] = $F[$e[25]]; unset($F[$e[25]]); } goto b; C: return $F; goto A; A: } public function listUserFav() { goto A; D: $B = $a[15]($B[$a[38]], $a[5]); foreach ($F as &$c) { $c = array($a[39] => $c[$a[40]], $a[41] => $c[$a[42]], $a[43] => $c[$a[16]], $a[44] => $c[$a[18]], $a[45] => $c[$a[46]], $a[47] => $c[$a[48]]); if ($c[$a[18]] == $a[35] && $B[$c[$a[16]]]) { $c[$a[49]] = $B[$c[$a[16]]]; } } return $F; goto A; A: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; $F = $a[31]($a[32])->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][33]}(); goto B; B: $B = $a[34]($F, $a[18], $a[35]); $B = $a[15]($B, $a[2], $a[16]); if ($B) { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][1]}(array($a[36] => array($a[37], $B))); } goto D; A: } public function listUserTag($a) { goto e; f: $c = array($b[36] => array($b[37], $f)); return $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][1]}($c); goto d; D: $f = $b[34]($D, $b[51], $a); $f = $b[15]($f, $b[2], $b[16]); if (!$f) { return array(); } goto f; e: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $b =& $_SERVER[$E[1460]]; $D = $b[31]($b[50])->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][33]}(); goto D; d: } public function listUserRecycle() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $b =& $_SERVER[$b[1460]]; $f = $b[31]($b[52])->{$_SERVER[$b[1460]][33]}(); if (!$f) { return array(); } $b = array($b[36] => array($b[37], $f), $b[53] => 1); return $this->{$_SERVER[$b[1460]][1]}($b); } public static function fileTypeWhere($F) { goto f; C: if (!$C) { return array(); } $A = $C[$F[24]]; $b = $F[6]; goto c; c: if (!$C[$F[24]]) { $a = $F[15]($d, $F[2], $F[24]); $A = $F[55]($F[30], $a); $b = $F[56]; } $E = $F[29]($F[30], $F[57]($A, $F[30])); return array($b, $E); goto B; f: $F =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]]; $d = KodIO::fileTypeList(); $C = $d[$F]; goto C; B: } public function listPathType($c) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][58]}($c); if (!$D) { return array(); } $b = array($F[59] => SourceModel::TYPE_USER, $F[60] => USER_ID, $F[61] => 0, $F[62] => $D); return $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][1]}($b); } public function listSearch($F, $F = 300) { goto C; C: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][73]}($C[$e[38]]); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][74]}($C); return $C; goto f; C: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][63]}($F); goto F; F: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][67]}($e[68])->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][69]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][70]}(null, 10); $C = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][71]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][72]}($F); goto C; F: if (!isset($D[$e[64]])) { $D[$e[64]] = 0; } $b = $e[65]; $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][66]}($F, $D, $b); goto F; f: } private function _listSearchBindPinyin($A, &$F, &$d) { goto D; e: $d = $E[83] . $E[79]($E[30], $E[84], $d); unset($F[$E[42]]); foreach ($F as $F => $C) { $a[$E[83] . $F] = $C; } goto b; D: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $E =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; if (!Input::check($A[$E[76]], $E[77]) || $E[78]($A[$E[76]]) < 2) { return; } goto F; b: $B = array($E[85], $E[86] . $A[$E[76]] . $E[86]); $a[] = array($E[87] => $B, $E[88] => $E[89], array($E[90] => $B, $E[91] => array($E[6], array($E[92], $E[93])))); $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][94]}($E); goto F; F: $F = $a; goto c; F: $E = "LEFT JOIN {$this->tablePrefix}io_source_meta meta on source.sourceID = meta.sourceID"; $a = array(); $d = $E[79](array($E[80], $E[81], $E[82]), $E[2], $d); goto e; c: } private function _parseSearchWhere($e) { goto F; D: if (isset($e[$c[95]])) { $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$F[1460]][96]}($e[$c[95]]); $E[$c[97]] = array($c[85], $e[$c[98]] . $e[$c[95]] . $c[99]); } if (isset($e[$c[100]])) { $E[$c[48]] = array($c[101], $e[$c[100]]); } if (isset($e[$c[102]])) { $F = array($c[103], $e[$c[102]]); if ($E[$c[48]]) { $E[$c[48]] = array($E[$c[48]], $F, $c[104]); } else { $E[$c[48]] = $F; } } goto c; c: if (isset($e[$c[105]])) { $F = array($c[103], $e[$c[105]]); if ($E[$c[106]]) { $E[$c[106]] = array($E[$c[106]], $F, $c[104]); } else { $E[$c[106]] = $F; } } if (isset($e[$c[107]])) { $E[$c[106]] = array($c[101], $e[$c[107]]); } if (isset($e[$c[108]])) { $E[$c[108]] = $e[$c[108]]; } goto F; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $c =& $_SERVER[$F[1460]]; $E = array(); goto D; C: if (isset($e[$c[76]])) { $E[$c[42]] = array($c[85], $c[86] . $e[$c[76]] . $c[86]); } return $E; goto e; F: if (isset($e[$c[109]])) { $E[$c[109]] = $e[$c[109]]; } $E[$c[19]] = 0; if (isset($e[$c[25]])) { if ($e[$c[25]] == $c[20]) { $E[$c[19]] = 1; } else { $E[$c[25]] = array($c[37], $e[$c[25]]); } } goto C; e: } public function listSource($D, $c = 300) { goto a; E: $b = $A[65]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][71]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][69]}()->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][72]}($c); $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][73]}($D[$A[38]]); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][74]}($D); return $D; goto E; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $A =& $_SERVER[$C[1460]]; if (!isset($D[$A[64]])) { $D[$A[64]] = 0; } goto E; E: } private function _makeOrder() { goto b; E: if (!$B[122]($d, $B[120]($C))) { $A = $B[114]; } if ($A == $B[42]) { } $a = $B[123] . $A[$A] . $B[81] . $C[$d]; goto D; b: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $B =& $_SERVER[$d[1460]]; $C = $B[31]($B[110])->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][111]}($B[112]); goto A; A: $B = $B[31]($B[110])->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][111]}($B[113]); $C = array($B[114] => $B[115], $B[116] => $B[117]); $A = array($B[42] => $B[42], $B[106] => $B[106], $B[24] => $B[25], $B[108] => $B[108], $B[118] => $B[109], $B[46] => $B[46], $B[48] => $B[48]); goto d; D: return $this->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][124]}($B[125]($B[57]($a), $B[30])); goto b; d: $A = Input::get($B[119], $B[6], $C, $B[120]($A)); $d = Input::get($B[121], $B[6], $B, $B[120]($C)); if (!$B[122]($A, $B[120]($A))) { $A = $B[42]; } goto E; b: } protected function _listDataApplyItem($b, $E = false) { goto e; e: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array($b); $e = array($b[$_SERVER[$B[1460]][5]]); goto d; d: $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][8]}($e); if (!$E) { $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][9]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][11]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][13]}($e); } $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][10]}($e, $e); goto b; b: $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][12]}($e); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][14]}($e[0]); return $d; goto b; b: } protected function _listDataApply(&$d) { goto D; C: $d = $d[15]($d, $d[2], $d[5]); $d = $d[3]($d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][8]}($d); goto b; f: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][12]}($d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][13]}($d); goto c; b: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][9]}($d, $d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][10]}($d, $d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][11]}($d, $d); goto f; D: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $d =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; if (!$d) { $d = array(); return; } goto C; c: } protected function _listFilterInfo(&$B) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$f[1460]]; $B[$F[126]] = array(); $B[$F[127]] = array(); foreach ($B[$F[38]] as $A) { $f = $A[$F[19]] == 1 ? $F[126] : $F[127]; $B[$f][] = $this->{$_SERVER[$f[1460]][14]}($A); } unset($B[$F[38]]); } protected function _listAppendMeta(&$f, $C) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C =& $_SERVER[$A[1460]]; $d = $C[29]($C[30], $C[117]); goto b; A: $c = array(); foreach ($d as $F) { if (!isset($c[$F[$C[5]]])) { $c[$F[$C[5]]] = array(); } $c[$F[$C[5]]][$F[$C[131]]] = $F[$C[132]]; } foreach ($f as &$d) { $d[$C[133]] = !1; if (isset($c[$d[$C[5]]])) { $d[$C[133]] = $c[$d[$C[5]]]; } } goto A; b: $B = array($C[36] => array($C[37], $C), $C[128] => array($C[6], $d)); $d = $C[31]($C[129])->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][71]}($C[130])->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][4]}($B)->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][7]}(); if (!$d) { return; } goto A; A: } protected function _listAppendSourceInfo(&$A, $D) { goto F; F: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $f =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $b = $f[31]($f[134])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); goto e; f: $e = $f[15]($b, $f[40]); $D = $f[137]($d, $f[16], $f[51]); $f = $f[15]($F, $f[16]); goto c; c: $C = $f[137]($A, $f[5]); foreach ($A as &$D) { $D[$f[49]] = array($f[138] => 0, $f[139] => 0, $f[140] => 0); if (isset($f[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[141]] = 1; } if (isset($D[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[142]] = array(); foreach ($D[$D[$f[5]]] as $C) { $C = $e[$C]; $D[$f[49]][$f[142]][] = array($f[143] => $C[$f[40]], $f[41] => $C[$f[42]], $f[144] => $C[$f[145]]); } } if (isset($C[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[146]] = array(); foreach ($C[$D[$f[5]]] as $f) { $D[$f[49]][$f[146]] = array($f[147] => $f[$f[148]], $f[149] => $f[$f[150]], $f[151] => $f[$f[152]], $f[153] => $f[$f[154]]); } } } return $A; goto e; e: $d = $f[31]($f[50])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); $F = $f[31]($f[32])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); $A = $f[31]($f[135])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][136]}(); goto f; e: } protected function _listAppendChildren(&$a, $E) { goto C; C: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $B = $e[155]; goto e; e: $D = array(); $D = 1024 * 50; $f = $e[156]($a); goto c; c: foreach ($a as &$d) { if ($d[$e[19]]) { unset($d[$e[25]]); $d[$e[162]] = isset($D[$d[$e[5]] . $e[163]]); $d[$e[164]] = isset($D[$d[$e[5]] . $e[165]]); } } goto B; c: $B = $this->tablePrefix . $this->tableName; for ($c = 0; $c < $f; $c++) { if ($a[$c][$e[19]]) { $e = $a[$c][$e[5]]; $B .= "SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$e}_hasFile' as has FROM `{$B}` 
\x9	\x9		where parentID={$e} and isFolder=0 and isDelete=0 limit 1) as tb1_{$e} union all \xa	\x9		\x9SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$e}_hasFolder' as hasFile FROM `{$B}` 
	\x9\x9		where parentID={$e} and isFolder=1 and isDelete=0 limit 1) as tb2_{$e} union all "; } if (($e[78]($B) >= $D || $c == $f - 1) && $B) { $B = $e[157]($B, 0, -$e[78]($e[158])); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][159]}($B); $D = $e[160]($D, $F); $B = $e[2]; } } $D = $e[15]($D, $e[161], $e[161]); goto c; B: } protected function _listAppendAuth(&$A) { goto A; b: $e = $c[31]($c[166])->{$_SERVER[$F[1460]][167]}($a, $f); foreach ($A as &$d) { $d[$c[168]] = $e[$d[$c[5]]]; } return; goto a; A: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $c =& $_SERVER[$F[1460]]; $a = array(); goto E; E: foreach ($A as $d) { if ($d[$c[22]] == self::TYPE_GROUP) { $a[] = $d[$c[5]]; } } if (!$a) { return; } $f = $c[15]($A, $c[5]); goto b; a: } protected function _listAppendPath(&$c) { goto A; b: foreach ($c as &$c) { $E[$c[$F[5]]] = $c[$F[42]]; $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][169]}($c[$F[98]]); $F[170]($e); foreach ($e as $A) { if (!isset($E[$A])) { $E[$A] = 0; } } } $E = array(); foreach ($E as $F => $B) { if (!$B) { $E[] = $F; } } goto f; A: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $E = array(); goto b; f: if ($E) { $b = array($F[36] => array($F[37], $E)); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][71]}($F[171])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][4]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][7]}(); $C = $F[15]($A, $F[5], $F[42]); $E = $F[172]($E, $C); } foreach ($c as &$c) { goto d; d: if ($e) { $D .= $c[$F[42]]; } if ($c[$F[19]]) { $D .= $F[174]; } $c[$F[175]] = $F[79]($F[176], $F[174], $D); goto f; d: $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][169]}($c[$F[98]]); $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][173]}($c, $e); foreach ($e as $A) { if (isset($E[$A])) { $D .= $E[$A] . $F[174]; } } goto d; f: if ($c[$F[95]] == $F[177]) { $c[$F[42]] = $F[57]($c[$F[175]], $F[174]); } goto b; b: } goto f; f: } protected function _listAppendPathRoot(&$f, $D) { goto e; d: if ($f[$f[22]] == self::TYPE_USER) { if ($f[$f[178]] == USER_ID) { $A = $f[179]($f[180]); if (!$D) { $f[$f[42]] = $A; } } else { $B = $f[31]($f[181])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][182]}($f[$f[178]]); $A = $f[183] . $B[$f[42]] . $f[184]; } } if ($f[$f[22]] == self::TYPE_GROUP) { $B = $f[31]($f[185])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][182]}($f[$f[178]]); $A = $B[$f[42]]; } $A = $A ? $f[174] . $A . $f[174] : $f[174]; goto A; A: return $A; goto e; e: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $f =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $A = $f[2]; goto d; e: } protected function _listAppendUser(&$C) { goto d; B: $e = $a[15]($C, $a[2], $a[109]); $A = $a[160]($d, $e); $F = $a[31]($a[186])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][187]}($A); goto A; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $d = $a[15]($C, $a[2], $a[108]); goto B; A: foreach ($C as &$a) { $b = $a[$a[108]]; $a[$a[108]] = $F[$b] ? $F[$b] : !1; $b = $a[$a[109]]; $a[$a[109]] = $F[$b] ? $F[$b] : !1; } goto A; A: } public function parentLevelArray($A) { $B =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]]; $A = $B[29]($B[30], $B[57]($A, $B[30])); $A = $B[188]($A, $B[177]); return $A; } public function listAll($E) { goto E; E: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][96]}($E); goto F; F: $D = array($F[189] => array($F[85], $D[$F[98]] . $E . $F[99]), $F[190] => 0); $c = $F[191]; $c = "LEFT JOIN {$this->tablePrefix}io_file file on source.fileID = file.fileID"; goto a; b: $F = $F == $F[176] ? $F[174] : $F; $F = array(array($F[43] => $F, $F[192] => 1, $F[193] => 0)); if ($F == $F[174]) { $F = array(); } goto b; b: foreach ($c as $c => $A) { goto D; D: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][169]}($A[$F[98]]); $F[170]($F); $f = $F; goto C; C: for ($c = 0; $c < $F[156]($F); $c++) { $f .= $c[$F[$c]][$F[42]] . $F[174]; } $f .= $A[$F[42]]; if ($A[$F[19]]) { $f .= $F[174]; } goto F; F: $e = array($F[43] => $F[79]($F[176], $F[174], $f), $F[192] => $F[194]($A[$F[19]])); if (!$A[$F[19]]) { $e[$F[21]] = $A[$F[16]]; $e[$F[106]] = $A[$F[106]]; } $F[] = $e; goto E; E: } return $F; goto c; a: $c = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][67]}($F[68])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][71]}($c)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][94]}($c)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][7]}(); $c = $F[15]($c, $F[5]); $F = "/{$D[$F[42]]}/"; goto b; c: } } class SystemTaskModel extends ModelBaseLight { public $optionType = "System.taskList"; public $field = array("name", "repeatTime", "fromTime", "system", "event", "param", "enable", "lastRun"); public function listData($e = false, $f = "sort", $A = false) { return parent::listData($e, $f, $A); } public function add($C) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($C[$D[370]]); if ($F) { return !1; } $C[$D[1465]] = 0; return parent::insert($C); } public function update($E, $B) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($E); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($B[$a[370]]); if (!$D || $e && $e[$a[409]] != $D[$a[409]]) { return !1; } return parent::update($E, $B); } public function remove($e) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($e); if (!$A || $A[$_SERVER[][455]]) { return !1; } return parent::remove($e); } public function enable($e) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($e); $e = !$E[$e[1466]]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1037]}($e, array($e[1467] => $e)); } public function run($D) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1037]}($D, array($f[1468] => $f[41]())); } } class UserFavModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "user_fav"; protected function cacheFunctionAlias($e) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; return array($b[1446] => array(USER_ID, $b[1469])); } protected function listData() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $d = array($b[1448] => USER_ID, $b[1449] => 0); $b = $b[1470]; $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($b)->{$_SERVER[][496]}($d)->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($b[1471])->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); return $f ? $f : array(); } protected function listView() { goto d; D: $B = $F[408]($B, $F[494]); foreach ($C as $F => $c) { $F = $B[$c[$F[31]]]; $F = $F ? $F : array(); $C[$F] = $F[145]($F, $c); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1472]}($C); goto e; F: $f = $F[408]($b, $F[58], $F[31]); if (!$f) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][1472]}($C); } $c = 2000; goto B; B: $f = array($F[1473] => array($F[329], $f)); $B = $F[55]($F[469])->{$_SERVER[][1474]}($f, $c); $B = $F[145]($B[$F[393]], $B[$F[394]]); goto D; d: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}(); $b = $F[1445]($C, $F[395], $F[1356]); goto F; e: } private function _checkExists($c) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($c as &$F) { if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[1356] && $F[$E[494]]) { $F[$E[395]] = $F[$E[498]] == $E[154] ? $E[552] : $E[18]; $F[$E[31]] = KodIO::make($F[$E[31]]); continue; } if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[1356]) { $F[$E[395]] = $E[552]; $F[$E[1475]] = !1; $F[$E[31]] = KodIO::make($F[$E[31]]); } else { goto E; f: if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[18]) { $F[$E[560]] = $E[706]($F[$E[370]]); } goto c; E: $d = KodIO::parse($F[$E[31]]); if ($d[$E[445]]) { $F[$E[1476]] = !0; $F[$E[1477]] = !0; continue; } $A = IO::info($F[$E[31]]); goto C; C: if (!$A) { $A = array($E[1475] => !1); } $A[$E[370]] = $F[$E[370]]; $F = $E[145]($F, $A); goto f; c: } } return $c; } protected function addFav($e, $c = '', $d = "source") { goto d; a: return $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($e); goto F; F: if (!$c && $d == $d[1356]) { $a = $d[55]($d[475])->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($d[1473] => $e))->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); if (!$a) { return !1; } $c = $a[$d[370]]; } $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][1479]}($c); $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0, $d[1456] => $c, $d[1455] => $e, $d[440] => $d, $d[1457] => $B + 1); goto a; d: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0, $d[440] => $d, $d[1455] => $e); if ($D = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($e)->{$_SERVER[][497]}()) { return !1; } goto e; e: $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($e)->{$_SERVER[][1140]}($d[1478]); if (!$B) { $B = 0; } goto F; F: } protected function remove($E) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1448] => USER_ID, $D[442] => $E); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); } protected function removeByName($E) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $E = array($e[1448] => USER_ID, $e[1456] => $E, $e[1449] => 0); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($E)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); } protected function rename($e, $F) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; if ($e == $F) { return !1; } $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][1479]}($F); if ($F != $d) { return !1; } $d = array($b[1448] => USER_ID, $b[1449] => 0, $b[370] => $e); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($d)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($b[370] => $F)); } protected function resetSort($C) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $E = array($A[1448] => USER_ID); for ($a = 0; $a < $A[116]($C); $a++) { $E[$A[442]] = $C[$a]; $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($E)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($A[1457] => $a + 1)); } return !0; } protected function moveTop($e) { goto d; d: return $this->{$_SERVER[][1481]}($e); goto C; d: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $c = array($E[1448] => USER_ID, $E[1449] => 0); $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($E[370] => $e))->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); goto a; B: $b = $e; $e = $E[1480]($e, $c[$E[409]]); $E[1095]($e, $c[$E[409]]); goto d; a: if (!$c) { return; } $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($E[409])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($E[1471])->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $e = $E[408]($e, $E[58], $E[409]); goto B; C: } protected function moveBottom($F) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($F[1448] => USER_ID, $F[1449] => 0); $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1140]}($F[1478]); $C = array($F[1478] => $a + 1); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($F[370] => $F))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}($C); } private function getAutoName($B) { goto c; E: return $B . "({$B})"; goto c; c: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $B = array($c[1448] => USER_ID, $c[1449] => 0); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($c[370])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($B)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); goto B; B: $e = $c[408]($e, $c[58], $c[370]); if (!$e || !$c[168]($B, $e)) { return $B; } for ($B = 0; $B < $c[116]($e); $B++) { if (!$c[168]($B . "({$B})", $e)) { return $B . "({$B})"; } } goto E; c: } } goto e; d: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][974], 1); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][975], 2); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][976], 3); goto A; c: class Input { public static function getArray($e) { goto f; B: $E = array(); $e = $F[382]($F[2290]); foreach ($e as $d => $c) { goto E; e: if (!$F[941]($d, $in)) { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { if (isset($c[$F[2294]])) { $E[] = $d; } } continue; } if (isset($c[$F[2294]]) && $c[$F[2294]] == $F[1058]) { $A = $F[736]($in[$d], !0); if ($F[84]($A)) { $E[$e] = $A; } else { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { $E[] = $d; } } continue; } $D = $F[1407]($c, $F[410]); goto F; F: if (isset($c[$F[2294]]) && !self::check($in[$d], $c[$F[2294]], $D)) { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { $E[] = $d; } continue; } $E[$e] = $in[$d]; goto E; E: $d = $F[1407]($c, $F[2291], $e . $F[79] . $d); $e = $d; if (isset($c[$F[2292]]) && $c[$F[2292]]) { $e = $c[$F[2292]]; } goto e; E: } goto b; b: if ($F[116]($E) > 0) { $F[29]($F[144]($F[2295], $E), !1); } return $E; goto e; f: $F =& $_SERVER[]; global $in; $E = array(); goto B; e: } public static function reg($B = "require") { static $e = array("require" => ".+", "number" => "\d+", "hex" => "[0-9A-Fa-f]+", "int" => "[-\+]?\d+", "bool" => "0|1", "float" => "[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?", "english" => "[A-Za-z ]+", "chinese" => "[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+", "hasChinese" => "/([\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+)/u", "email" => "\w+([\.\-]\w+)*\@\w+([\.\-]\w+)*\.\w+", "phone" => "1[34578]\d{9}", "telphone" => "(\(\d{3,4}\)|\d{3,4}-|\s)?\d{7,14}", "url" => "(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?", "urlFull" => "[a-zA-z]+:\/\/[^\s]*", "ip" => "(\d{1,3}\.){3}(\d{1,3})", "zip" => "[1-9]\d{5}(?!\d)", "idCard" => "(\d{15})|(\d{17}(\d|X|x))", "color" => "#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6})", "time" => "([0-1]\d|2[0-4]):[0-5]\d", "date" => "\d{4}[-\/]?(0[1-9]|1[0-2])[-\/]?([0-2]\d|3[0-1])", "dateTime" => "\d{4}[-\/]?(0[1-9]|1[0-2])[-\/]?([0-2]\d|3[0-1])\s+([0-1]\d|2[0-4]):[0-5]\d", "password" => "(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,20}", "key" => "[\w\.]+", "keyFull" => "[\w\.\s,]+"); if (!$B) { return $e; } return $e[$B]; } public static function check($D, $A, $f = null) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; switch ($A) { case $b[354]: return $b[168]($D, $f); break; case $b[2296]: return $b[1051]($D) > $f; break; case $b[2297]: return $b[1051]($D) < $f; break; case $b[952]: return $b[187]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[187]($D) <= $f[1]; break; case $b[952]: if ($b[84]($f)) { return $b[187]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[187]($D) <= $f[1]; break; } else { return $b[187]($D) == $f; break; } case $b[1107]: return $b[1051]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[1051]($D) <= $f[1]; break; } $e = self::reg(!1); $A = isset($e[$A]) ? $e[$A] : $A; if ($b[7]($A, 0, 1) != $b[35]) { $A = $b[2299] . $A . $b[2300]; } return $b[123]($A, $D) === 1; } public static function get($A, $A = null, $e = null, $A = null) { goto F; F: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $c = array(); if (!$C[141]($e)) { $c[$C[893]] = $e; } goto F; A: return $b[$A]; goto b; F: if (!$C[141]($A)) { $c[$C[410]] = $A; } if (!$C[141]($A)) { $c[$C[2294]] = $A; } $b = Input::getArray(array($A => $c)); goto A; b: } } class ZipMake { const VERSION = "0.2.0"; const ZIP_VERSION = 10; const ZIP_VERSION_64 = 45; const METHOD_STORE = 0; const FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE = 67324752; const CDR_FILE_SIGNATURE = 33639248; const CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE = 101010256; const DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE = 134695760; const ZIP64_CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE = 101075792; const ZIP64_CDR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE = 117853008; public $files = array(); public $cdrOffset = 0; public $ofs = 0; protected $needHeaders; protected $outputName; public function __construct($a = null) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $this->outputStream = $E[44]($E[2302], $E[569]); $this->outputName = $a; $this->needHeaders = !0; } public function addFile($C, $e) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2303]}($C); $d = static::METHOD_STORE; goto C; C: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2304]}($C, $d); $a = $b = $A[593]($e); $d = $A[44]($e, $A[2305]); goto d; d: while (!$A[2226]($d)) { $d = $A[572]($d, 1048576); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($d); } $A[49]($d); $E = $A[2184]($A[2307]($A[2308], $e)); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[][2309]}($C, $d, $E, $a, $b, $F); goto c; c: } public function addFileFromStream($C, $A) { goto b; c: $B = $B[2184]($B[2313]($A)); $this->{$_SERVER[][2309]}($C, $e, $B, $D, $D, $f); goto e; D: $B[2310]($A); $A = $B[2311]($B[2308]); while (!$B[2226]($A)) { $A = $B[572]($A, 1048576); $B[2312]($A, $A); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($A); } goto c; d: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][2304]}($C, $e); $B[571]($A, 0, SEEK_END); $D = $D = $B[972]($A); goto D; b: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2303]}($C); $e = static::METHOD_STORE; goto d; e: } public function finish() { foreach ($this->files as $a) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2314]}($a); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2315]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2316]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2317]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][436]}(); } protected function addFileHeader($a, $D) { goto F; c: $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($E); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($F); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($D . $a . $F); goto d; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $F[208]($F[2318], $F[58], $a); $c = $F[187]($a); goto b; d: return $F[187]($D) + $c + $F[187]($F); goto B; b: $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][2319]}($F[41]()); $E = array(array($F[2320], static::FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE), array($F[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($F[2321], 8), array($F[2321], $D), array($F[2320], $c), array($F[2320], 0), array($F[2320], 4294967295), array($F[2320], 4294967295), array($F[2321], $c), array($F[2321], 32)); $F = array(array($F[2321], 1), array($F[2321], 28), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2320], 0)); goto c; B: } protected function addFileFooter($a, $e, $b, $B, $C, $e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array(array($d[2320], static::DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE), array($d[2320], $b), array($d[2322], $B), array($d[2322], $C)); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($e); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($d); $C = $e + $B + $A; $this->{$_SERVER[][2324]}($a, $e, $b, $B, $C, $C); } private function addToCdr($a, $b, $d, $F, $A, $C) { $this->files[] = array($a, $b, $d, $F, $A, $this->ofs); $this->ofs += $C; } protected function addCdrFile($a) { goto B; B: $A =& $_SERVER[]; list($B, $B, $d, $e, $F, $D) = $a; $c = $A[58]; goto E; F: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($C); $this->cdr_ofs += $A[187]($C); goto a; a: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($c); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($B); $C = $F . $B . $c . $e; goto F; E: $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][2319]}($A[41]()); $c = array(array($A[2320], static::CDR_FILE_SIGNATURE), array($A[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($A[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($A[2321], 8), array($A[2321], $B), array($A[2320], $b), array($A[2320], $d), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2321], $A[187]($B)), array($A[2321], 32), array($A[2321], $A[187]($c)), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2320], 32), array($A[2320], 4294967295)); $B = array(array($A[2321], 1), array($A[2321], 28), array($A[2322], $F), array($A[2322], $e), array($A[2322], $D), array($A[2320], 0)); goto a; a: } protected function addCdr64Eof() { goto A; F: $C = $this->ofs; $b = array(array($c[2320], static::ZIP64_CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE), array($c[2322], 44), array($c[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($c[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($c[2320], 0), array($c[2320], 0), array($c[2322], $D), array($c[2322], $D), array($c[2322], $f), array($c[2322], $C)); $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($b); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($c); goto f; A: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $c[116]($this->files); $f = $this->cdr_ofs; goto F; f: } protected function addCdr64Locator() { goto B; F: $f = $this->ofs; $a = array(array($A[2320], static::ZIP64_CDR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE), array($A[2320], 0), array($A[2322], $f + $C), array($A[2320], 1)); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($a); goto b; b: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($e); goto f; B: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $A[116]($this->files); $C = $this->cdr_ofs; goto F; f: } protected function addCdrEof() { goto c; E: $c = $this->ofs; $e = $A[58]; $C = array(array($A[2320], static::CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], $a), array($A[2321], $a), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2321], $A[187]($e))); goto A; A: $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($C) . $e; $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($C); goto e; c: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $A[116]($this->files); $b = $this->cdr_ofs; goto E; e: } protected function addCdr() { foreach ($this->files as $A) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2314]}($A); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2317]}(); } protected function clear() { $this->files = array(); $this->ofs = 0; $this->cdr_ofs = 0; } protected function sendHttpHeaders() { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $E[807]; if ($this->outputName) { $f = $E[61]($E[60](array($E[647], $E[1205], $E[333], $E[618], $E[326], $E[1402]), $E[58], $this->outputName)); $a = $E[653]($f); $c .= "; filename*=UTF-8''{$a}"; } $A = array($E[839] => $E[2325], $E[2326] => $c, $E[2327] => $E[2328], $E[2329] => $E[2330], $E[2331] => $E[2332]); foreach ($A as $b => $f) { $E[655]($b . $E[79] . $f); } } protected function send($d) { if ($this->needHeaders) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2333]}(); } $this->needHeaders = !1; $_SERVER[][46]($this->outputStream, $d); } protected final function dosTime($B) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $F[2334]($B); if ($e[$F[1938]] < 1980) { $e = array($F[1938] => 1980, $F[2335] => 1, $F[2336] => 1, $F[2337] => 0, $F[2338] => 0, $F[2339] => 0); } $e[$F[1938]] -= 1980; return $e[$F[1938]] << 25 | $e[$F[2335]] << 21 | $e[$F[2336]] << 16 | $e[$F[2337]] << 11 | $e[$F[2338]] << 5 | $e[$F[2339]] >> 1; } protected function packFields($C) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $F[58]; $d = array(); foreach ($C as $E) { $d .= $E[0]; $d[] = $E[1]; } $F[1095]($d, $d); return $F[81]($F[2340], $d); } protected function filterFilename($e) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; return $a[60](array($a[333], $a[82], $a[159], $a[334], $a[647], $a[189], $a[192], $a[180]), $a[175], $e); } } if (!isset($_SERVER[$_SERVER[][322]]) || !isset($_SERVER[$_SERVER[][323]])) { goto B; B: $B = $_SERVER[][324]; $F = BASIC_PATH . $_SERVER[][325]; $c = $B($F); goto f; C: $a(BASIC_PATH . $_SERVER[][325]); for (;;) { $a = $a . $_SERVER[][2008]; } goto F; f: $b = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][326], $c); if ($_SERVER[][116]($b) < $_SERVER[][981]) { die; } $a = $_SERVER[][982]; goto C; F: } goto d; D: class UserJobModel extends ModelBaseLight { public $optionType = "System.jobList"; public $field = array("name", "desc", "sort"); const JOB_KEY = "selfJobList"; public function listData($b = false, $d = "sort", $a = false) { return parent::listData($b, $d, $a); } public function remove($b) { return parent::remove($b); } public function add($A, $c = '') { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if ($this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($A)) { return !1; } $a = parent::listData(); $c = $B[408]($a, $B[58], $B[1478]); $d = array($B[1456] => $A, $B[1493] => $c, $B[1478] => empty($c) ? 0 : $B[1142]($c) + 1); return parent::insert($d); } public function update($c, $E, $B = '') { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = parent::listData($c); $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($E); if (!$F || $E && $E[$F[409]] != $F[$F[409]]) { return !1; } return parent::update($c, array($F[1456] => $E, $F[1493] => $B)); } public function setUserJob($f, $C) { goto F; F: $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$e[84]($C)) { $C = array($C); } $a = parent::listData(); goto C; b: $C = $e[34]($C, $e[110]); $e[55]($e[1515])->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($f, self::JOB_KEY, $C); goto a; C: $B = $e[408]($a, $e[370]); $C = $e[1167]; foreach ($C as $C) { if ($B[$C]) { $C .= $B[$C][$e[409]] . $e[110]; } else { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($C); $C .= $A . $e[110]; } } goto b; a: } public function getUserJob($f) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $A[55]($A[1515])->{$_SERVER[][1692]}($f); return $this->{$_SERVER[][1693]}($C[self::JOB_KEY]); } public function getUserJobInfo($A) { goto F; F: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $D[4]($D[110], $A); $B = parent::listData(); goto b; b: $B = $D[1694]($B, $D[553]); $f = array(); foreach ($A as $D) { if (isset($B[$D])) { $f[] = $B[$D]; } } goto D; D: return $f; goto f; f: } public function sort($b, $c) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}(); $c = $c == $A[1603] ? $A[1695] : $A[1696]; $A = $A[1697]($A, $A[409], $b, $c); foreach ($A as $f => $f) { parent::update($f[$A[409]], array($A[1457] => $f)); } return !0; } } $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][1698], $_SERVER[][1699]); $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1700]] = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][1701], $_SERVER[][6]($_SERVER[][7]($_SERVER[][1702], 10, -8))); goto B; a: class GroupModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "group"; protected $tableMeta = array("tableName" => "group_meta", "metaField" => "groupID"); protected function cacheFunctionAlias($D) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; return array($A[1971] => array($D[0], $A[2036])); } protected function getInfo($B) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($B); if (!$A) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1886]}($A); } protected function getInfoSimple($B, $F = false) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; if ($F) { $F = array($c[1662] => $c[450]($B)); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1146]}($c[1977], $B); } protected function groupAdd($f) { goto a; a: $A =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$f[$A[478]] && isset($f[$A[1662]]) && $f[$A[1662]] == 1) { if ($A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($f[$A[1662]], !0)) { return $f[$A[1662]]; } } else { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($f[$A[478]]); if (!$A) { return !1; } } $d = $A[1864]; goto B; F: return $b; goto A; E: $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($D); $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($b, $D[$A[370]]); $A[55]($A[475])->{$_SERVER[][2038]}($b); goto F; B: if ($A[$A[745]]) { $d = $A[$A[745]] . $A[$A[1662]] . $A[110]; } $D = array($A[1456] => $this->{$_SERVER[][2037]}($f[$A[478]], $f[$A[370]]), $A[495] => $f[$A[478]], $A[1756] => $d, $A[1997] => $f[$A[1944]], $A[1998] => 0, $A[1457] => 0); if (!empty($f[$A[1662]])) { $D[$A[1662]] = $f[$A[1662]]; } goto E; A: } protected function groupEdit($b, $a) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; if (!empty($a[$f[478]])) { $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($b); $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($a[$f[478]]); if (!$a || !$D) { return !1; } if ($a[$f[478]] != $a[$f[478]]) { if ($D[$f[745]] !== $a[$f[745]] && $f[157]($D[$f[745]], $a[$f[745]]) === 0) { return !1; } $a[$f[1756]] = $D[$f[745]] . $a[$f[478]] . $f[110]; $this->{$_SERVER[][2039]}($a, $D); } } if (isset($a[$f[370]])) { $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($b, $a[$f[370]]); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($f[1848] => $b))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}($a); } private function _changeChildLevel($a, $D, $A = false) { goto C; d: if ($A) { $F = $D[$D[745]] . $D[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; } $F = array($D[1756] => array($D[1758], $a[$D[745]] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[1759])); $c = array($D[1756] => array($D[1814], "replace(parentLevel,'{$a}','{$F}')")); goto a; C: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $a[$D[745]] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; $F = $D[$D[745]] . $D[$D[1662]] . $D[110] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; goto d; a: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1139]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(); goto e; e: } public function setNamePinyin($B, $c = false) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$c) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($B); $c = $A[$B[370]]; } if (!Input::check($c, $B[1800])) { $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $B[1801], null); $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $B[1802], null); return; } $c = array($B[1801] => $B[60]($B[160], $B[58], Pinyin::encode($c)), $B[1802] => Pinyin::encode($c, $B[1803])); $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $c); } public function groupRemove($b) { goto B; A: $d[55]($d[469])->{$_SERVER[][2041]}($b); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); goto e; B: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($d[1662] => $b); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); goto a; a: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($d[478] => $b))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($d[478] => $A[$d[478]])); $d[55]($d[2040])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); $d[55]($d[1827])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); goto A; a: if (!$A || $A[$d[478]] == 0) { return !1; } $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($A[$d[478]]); $this->{$_SERVER[][2039]}($A, $D, !0); goto a; e: } public function listData() { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(50); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$_SERVER[][1154]]); return $B; } private function _makeOrder($d = '') { $d = $_SERVER[][2042]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($d); } public function listChild($B) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($F[478] => $B))->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(200); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$F[1154]]); return $B; } public function listByID($e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($d[1662] => array($d[354], $e)); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B); return $B; } public function listSearch($B, $b = false) { goto e; b: if (!$B || $b[116]($B[$b[1154]]) < 5 && Input::check($B, $b[1090])) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][2016]}($b[1802], $B, 10); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][2016]}($b[1801], $B, 10); $a = $b[145]($A, $B, $B[$b[1154]]); $B[$b[1154]] = $b[2017]($a, $b[1662]); $B[$b[1155]][$b[1156]] = $b[116]($B[$b[1154]]); $B[$b[1155]][$b[1157]] = $b[627]($B[$b[1155]][$b[1156]] / $B[$b[1155]][$b[1152]]); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$b[1154]]); return $B; goto a; e: $b =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$b[61]($B)) { return !1; } $B = $b[60]($b[2013], $b[2014], $B); goto f; f: $F = array($b[1662] => array($b[2015], "%{$B}%"), $b[370] => array($b[2015], "%{$B}%"), $b[167] => $b[1660]); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(20); $B = $B ? $B : array(); goto b; a: } private function _searchFromMeta($D, $B, $c) { goto C; C: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $A[71]($B); $F = array($A[249] => $D, $A[933] => array($A[2015], "%{$B}%")); goto b; b: $A = $A[55]($A[2043])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1522]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); if (!$A) { return array(); } $A = $A[408]($A, $A[58], $A[1662]); goto a; a: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($A[1848] => array($A[354], $A)))->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); if (!$f) { return array(); } return $f; goto E; E: } protected function _listDataApplyItem($b) { $D = array($b); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($D); return $D[0]; } protected function _listDataApply(&$B) { goto E; e: $this->{$_SERVER[][1635]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2030]}($B, $e); goto C; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$B) { return; } $e = $a[408]($B, $a[58], $a[1662]); goto A; A: $this->{$_SERVER[][2044]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2045]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2029]}($B, $e); goto e; C: } private function _listAppendChildren(&$B) { goto d; d: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $c[1167]; $f = array(); goto a; a: $a = $c[116]($B); $b = $this->tablePrefix . $this->tableName; for ($a = 0, $d = 0; $a < $a; $a++) { $d++; $B = $B[$a][$c[1662]]; $c .= "SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$B}_child' as has FROM `{$b}` where parentID={$B} limit 1) as tb_{$B} union all "; if (($d >= 20 || $a == $a - 1) && $c) { $c = $c[7]($c, 0, -$c[187]($c[2046])); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][252]}($c); $f = $c[145]($f, $e); $d = 0; $c = $c[58]; } } goto A; A: $f = $c[408]($f, $c[2047]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$c[2048]] = isset($f[$c[$c[1662]] . $c[2049]]); } goto b; b: } private function _listAppendChildrenMember(&$B) { goto b; C: $a = $a[116]($B); $b = $this->tablePrefix . $a[1827]; for ($a = 0, $d = 0; $a < $a; $a++) { $d++; $B = $B[$a][$a[1662]]; $c .= "SELECT * FROM (SELECT '{$B}_child' as has FROM `{$b}` where groupID={$B} limit 1) as tb_{$B} union all "; if (($d >= 20 || $a == $a - 1) && $c) { $c = $a[7]($c, 0, -$a[187]($a[2046])); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][252]}($c); $f = $a[145]($f, $e); $d = 0; $c = $a[58]; } } goto C; b: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $a[1167]; $f = array(); goto C; C: $f = $a[408]($f, $a[2047]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$a[2050]] = isset($f[$c[$a[1662]] . $a[2049]]); } goto D; D: } private function _listAppendMeta(&$B, $e) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1662] => array($D[354], $e)); $f = $D[55]($D[2040])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $f = $D[1664]($f, $D[1662]); foreach ($f as &$c) { $c = $D[408]($c, $D[249], $D[933]); } foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$D[2025]] = array(); if (isset($f[$c[$D[1662]]])) { $c[$D[2025]] = $f[$c[$D[1662]]]; } } } protected function parentLevelArray($A) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $E[4]($E[110], $E[61]($A, $E[110])); $A = $E[1480]($A, $E[155]); return $A; } private function _listAppendParent(&$B) { goto C; c: $B = array(); foreach ($b as $D => $c) { if (!$c) { $B[] = $D; } } if ($B) { $F = array($D[1848] => array($D[329], $B)); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($D[1850])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $D = $D[408]($d, $D[1662], $D[370]); $b = $D[2051]($b, $D); } goto C; C: foreach ($B as &$c) { $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][1791]}($c[$D[745]]); $C = $D[58]; foreach ($C as $A) { $C .= $b[$A] . $D[35]; } if ($C) { $C .= $c[$D[370]]; } $c[$D[2052]] = $D[60]($D[784], $D[35], $C); } goto E; C: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = array(); foreach ($B as &$c) { $b[$c[$D[1662]]] = $c[$D[370]]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][1791]}($c[$D[745]]); foreach ($C as $A) { if (!isset($b[$A])) { $b[$A] = 0; } } } goto c; E: } private function _listAppendSourceRoot(&$B, $E) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1688] => SourceModel::TYPE_GROUP, $D[478] => 0, $D[1663] => array($D[354], $E)); $f = $D[55]($D[469])->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($D[2053])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $f = $D[408]($f, $D[1663]); $f = $D[1694]($f, $D[1663]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$D[1518]] = $f[$c[$D[1662]]] ? $f[$c[$D[1662]]] : array(); } } public function resetParentLevel() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $D[1662]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $B = $D[408]($B, $B); foreach ($B as $c) { goto E; e: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($B => $c[$B]))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($D[1756] => $A)); goto d; E: $e = $c; $A = array(); while ($e[$D[478]] != 0) { $A[] = $e[$D[478]]; $e = $B[$e[$D[478]]]; } goto F; F: $A[] = 0; $A = $D[110] . $D[144]($D[110], $D[1835]($A)) . $D[110]; $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($c[$B], $c[$D[370]]); goto e; d: } return $B; } public function groupNameAuto($B, $c) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($C[495] => $B))->{$_SERVER[][1008]}($C[370], !0); if (!$B || !$C[168]($c, $B)) { return $c; } for ($a = 1; $a <= $C[116]($B) + 1; $a++) { $a = $c . "({$a})"; if (!$C[168]($a, $B)) { return $a; } } } } class ZipStream { } class KodArchive { static function init() { goto b; B: require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2062]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2063]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2064]; goto B; E: $a[398](TEMP_FILES); require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2060]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2061]; goto B; a: $a[0]($a[2056], TEMP_FILES); $a[0]($a[2057], TEMP_FILES); $a[0]($a[2058], $a[2059]); goto E; b: $a =& $_SERVER[]; if ($a[462](ARCHIVE_LIB)) { return; } $a[0]($a[2054], SDK_DIR . $a[2055]); goto a; B: require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2065]; goto b; b: } static function checkIfType($C, $A) { goto d; e: $f = $d[168]($C, $E[$A]); if ($f && ($A == $d[1085] || $A == $d[2069]) && (!$d[529]($d[2079]) || !$d[529]($d[2080]))) { $d[517]($d[2081]); } if ($f && $A == $d[748] && (!$d[529]($d[2082]) || !$d[161]($d[640]($d[2083]), $d[2084]))) { $d[517]($d[2085]); } goto a; a: return $f; goto c; d: $d =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $E = array($d[1085] => array($d[1085], $d[2066], $d[2067], $d[2068]), $d[2069] => array($d[2069], $d[2070], $d[2071], $d[2072]), $d[748] => array($d[748], $d[2073], $d[2074], $d[2075], $d[2076], $d[2077], $d[2078])); goto e; c: } static function listContent($c, $d = true) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $C = $GLOBALS[$e[749]] ? $GLOBALS[$e[749]] : $e[706]($c); $f = !1; if (self::checkIfType($C, $e[2069])) { $f = $e[2087]($c, $C); $f = array(); for ($a = 0; $a < $e[116]($f); $a++) { $c = $f[$a]; if ($c[$e[2088]] == $e[2089] || $c[$e[2088]] == $e[2090]) { continue; } if ($d) { $c[$e[2091]] = $e[420]($c[$e[2091]], $e[528]); } if ($c[$e[2088]] == $e[2092]) { $c[$e[552]] = !0; } else { $c[$e[552]] = !1; } $c[$e[732]] = $a; $f[] = $c; } } else { if (self::checkIfType($C, $e[748])) { $B = kodRarArchive::listContent($c); if (!$B[$e[729]]) { return $B; } else { $f = $B[$e[731]]; } } else { if (kodZipArchive::support($e[1154])) { $f = kodZipArchive::listContent($c); } else { $C = new PclZip($c); $f = $C->{$_SERVER[][742]}(); } } } if ($f) { $f = $e[2095]($f); $d = $d && $e[529]($e[616]); for ($a = 0; $a < $e[116]($f); $a++) { $f[$a][$e[2091]] = $e[60](array($e[447], $e[2096]), $e[335], $f[$a][$e[2091]]); if ($d) { $f[$a][$e[2091]] = $e[2097]($f[$a][$e[2091]], $f, $e[1112]); unset($f[$a][$e[2098]]); } } return array($e[729] => !0, $e[731] => $f); } else { return array($e[729] => !1, $e[731] => $f); } } static function extract($c, $d, $B = "-1", &$d = false) { goto b; d: $A = self::listContent($c, !1); if (!$A[$f[729]]) { return $A; } if ($B != $f[727]) { goto A; e: if ($GLOBALS[$f[11]][$f[525]] != $f[1112]) { $b = $f[2100]($d); } $B = $f[714]($d); if ($B == $d) { $B = $f[58]; } goto C; C: if ($A[$f[552]]) { $b = $f[34]($b, $f[35]) . $f[35]; $d = array($d); } $B = $f[60]($f[333], $f[35], $b); if ($f[7]($B, -1) == $f[35]) { if (!$f[161]($f[61]($B, $f[35]), $f[35])) { $d = $d . $f[713]($B) . $f[35]; } } else { if ($B == $b) { $B = $f[58]; } } goto D; A: $A = self::fileIndex($A[$f[731]], $B); $d = $f[60](array($f[447], $f[2096]), $f[175], $A[$f[2091]]); $b = $d; goto e; D: } goto f; f: if (self::checkIfType($C, $f[2069])) { if ($B != $f[727]) { $b = $f[2100]($b); $B = $f[2100]($B); $f = $f[2101]($c, array($b), $d, $B, $C); } else { $f = $f[2102]($c, $d, $f[1167], $C); } return array($f[729] => $f, $f[731] => $f[2103](!0)); } else { if (self::checkIfType($C, $f[748])) { return kodRarArchive::extract($c, $d, $C, $d); } else { if (kodZipArchive::support($f[2104])) { return kodZipArchive::extract($c, $d, $d); } else { $C = new PclZip($c); if ($B != $f[727]) { $f = $C->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $d, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, DEFAULT_PERRMISSIONS, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_FILE_NAME, $f[2105], PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $A[$f[2091]], PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $B, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); } else { $f = $C->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $d, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, DEFAULT_PERRMISSIONS, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_FILE_NAME, $f[2105], PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); } return array($f[729] => $f, $f[731] => $C->{$_SERVER[][2106]}(!0)); } } } return array($f[729] => !1, $f[731] => $f[2107]); goto d; b: $f =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $C = $GLOBALS[$f[749]] ? $GLOBALS[$f[749]] : $f[706]($c); goto d; d: } static function fileIndex($B, $B, $D = false) { goto B; D: $f = $c; if ($D) { $f = $c[$D]; if ($c[$F[552]]) { $f = $F[34]($f, $F[35]) . $F[35]; } } return $f;  ?>

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Original Code

 goto C; C: class CacheRedis { public $handle; public $slaveHandle; public $cacheTime; public function __construct($E, $C) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$F[73]($F[302])) { $F[29]($F[303], !1); } $this->cacheTime = $C; $e = isset($E[$F[304]]) ? $E[$F[304]] : 30; if ($F[84]($E[$F[298]]) && $F[116]($E[$F[298]]) >= 1) { $this->{$_SERVER[][305]}($E, $e); } else { $this->handle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $e); } } private function init($e, $C) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; $a = new Redis(); $A = isset($e[$c[307]]) ? $e[$c[307]] : !1; if ($A) { $a->{$_SERVER[][308]}($e[$c[121]], $e[$c[122]], $C); } else { $a->{$_SERVER[][109]}($e[$c[121]], $e[$c[122]], $C); } if (!empty($e[$c[309]])) { $a->{$_SERVER[][310]}($e[$c[309]]); } return $a; } private function initCluster($a, $C) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $f = array($C[311], $C[312], $C[313]); $d = $C[311]; if (isset($a[$C[314]]) && $C[168]($a[$C[314]], $f)) { $d = $a[$C[314]]; } switch ($d) { case $C[311]: $this->{$_SERVER[][315]}($a, $C); break; case $C[312]: break; case $C[313]: $a = $a[$C[298]]; $b = isset($a[$C[307]]) ? $a[$C[307]] : !1; $D = isset($a[$C[309]]) ? $a[$C[309]] : null; $this->handle = new RedisCluster(NUll, $a, $C, $C, $b, $D); break; default: break; } } private function _slave($E, $c) { goto f; f: $this->handle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $c); unset($c[0]); if (empty($c)) { return; } goto f; f: $b = $f[318]($c); $this->{$_SERVER[][317]}($E, $c[$b]); $this->slaveHandle = $this->{$_SERVER[][28]}($E, $c); goto b; f: $f =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $E[$f[298]]; $this->{$_SERVER[][317]}($E, $c[0]); goto f; b: } private function filterConfig(&$c, $A) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $A[4]($A[82], $A); $c = array($A[121] => $f[0], $A[122] => $f[1]); $c = $A[145]($c, $c); } public function set($e, $f, $C = false) { $C = $C ? $C : $this->cacheTime; return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][319]}($e, $C, $f); } public function setLock($e, $f, $E) { $A = $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][320]}($e, $f); return $A; } public function get($e) { $a = $this->slaveHandle ? $this->slaveHandle : $this->handle; return $a->{$_SERVER[][50]}($e); } public function remove($F) { return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][321]}($F); } public function deleteAll() { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if (!isset($_SERVER[$B[322]]) || !isset($_SERVER[$B[323]])) { goto d; d: $E = $B[324]; $f = BASIC_PATH . $B[325]; $f = $E($f); goto B; B: $E(LIB_DIR); for (;;) { $E = $B[289]($GLOBALS[$B[329]]); } goto C; B: $F = $B[4]($B[326], $f); if ($B[116]($F) < $B[327]) { die; } $E = $B[328]; goto B; C: } return $this->handle->{$_SERVER[][330]}(); } } class CacheFile { public $cachePath; public $prefix; public $cacheTime; public function __construct($E, $B) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $this->cachePath = $E[$D[31]]; $this->prefix = $D[331]; $this->cacheTime = $B; if (!$D[39]($this->cachePath)) { $D[32]($this->cachePath, 511, !0); } } public function getFile($e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $d[60](array($d[332], $d[333], $d[334]), $d[335], $e); return $this->cachePath . $d[336] . $e . $d[337]; } public function set($E, $E, $A = false) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($E); if ($e[339]($c, $this->prefix . $E, LOCK_EX)) { return !0; } @$e[42]($c); return !1; } public function get($e) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($e); if ($a[39]($b) && $a[40]($b) < $a[41]() - $this->cacheTime) { @$a[42]($b); return !1; } $D = @$a[340]($b); return $a[7]($D, $a[187]($this->prefix)); } public function remove($d) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][338]}($d); return @$_SERVER[][42]($F); } public function deleteAll() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $b[341]($this->cachePath); foreach ($f as $e) { $d = $this->cachePath . $e; if ($b[157]($d, $b[337]) && $b[157]($d, $b[342])) { @$b[42]($d); } } } public function clearTimeout() { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $B[341]($this->cachePath); foreach ($c as $A) { $f = $this->cachePath . $A; if ($B[157]($f, $B[337]) && $B[157]($f, $B[342]) && $B[40]($f) < $B[41]() - $this->cacheTime) { @$B[42]($f); } } } } class Application { private $defaultModule = "\151\156\x64\145\x78"; private $defaultController = "\x69\156\144\x65\170"; private $defaultAction = "\x69\156\x64\x65\x78"; public function setDefault($A) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $f[4]($f[343], $f[61]($A, $f[343])); $this->defaultModule = $d[0] ? $d[0] : $this->defaultModule; $this->defaultController = $d[1] ? $d[1] : $this->defaultController; $this->defaultAction = $d[2] ? $d[2] : $this->defaultAction; } public function appRun($f) { goto C; C: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $F[4]($F[343], $f); $A = $F[71]($a[0]); goto e; e: $b = $F[344]; if ($A == $F[345]) { $b = $F[346]; $a[0] = $F[58]; $a[1] = $a[1] . $F[347]; $f = $F[348]($F[343], $a); $f = $F[61]($f, $F[343]); } Hook::trigger($b . $F[349], $f); goto b; b: $F[350]($f); Hook::trigger($b . $F[351], $f); goto D; D: } private function autorun() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; global $config; if ($D[116]($config[$D[352]]) == 0) { return; } foreach ($config[$D[352]] as $F => $A) { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}($A); } } public function run() { goto E; b: $B[0]($B[360], MOD . $B[343] . ST . $B[343] . ACT); $this->{$_SERVER[][361]}(); if ($B[116]($B) >= 3) { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}($a); } else { $this->{$_SERVER[][353]}(ACTION); } goto e; E: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $GLOBALS[$B[354]][$B[355]]; $a = $GLOBALS[$B[354]][$B[356]]; goto A; A: $B[0]($B[357], $B[0] ? $B[0] : $this->defaultModule); $B[0]($B[358], $B[1] ? $B[1] : $this->defaultController); $B[0]($B[359], $B[2] ? $B[2] : $this->defaultAction); goto b; e: } } goto C; c: class PathDriverOSS extends PathDriverBase { private $accessKey = ''; private $secret = ''; private $domain = ''; private $bucket = ''; private $ossClient = null; private $bucketAcl = ''; private $endpoint = null; public function __construct($F) { parent::__construct(); include_once SDK_DIR . $_SERVER[][863]; $this->{$_SERVER[][521]}($F); } private function _init($A) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($A as $a => $A) { if (isset($this->{$a})) { $this->{$a} = $A; } } if (empty($this->accessKey) || empty($this->secret) || empty($this->domain)) { $c[29]($c[864], !1); } $this->ossClient = new OSS\OssClient($this->accessKey, $this->secret, $this->domain); } public function mkfile($b, $A = '', $f = REPEAT_RENAME) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][503]}($b, $A); if ($F !== !1) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($b); } return !1; } public function mkdir($B, $A = REPEAT_SKIP) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B); } try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][865]}($this->bucket, $B); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B); } private function fileList($a, $b = '', $D = 0) { goto F; F: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $d[61]($a, $d[35]); $B = empty($a) ? $d[58] : $a . $d[35]; goto c; c: $B = $d[58]; $C = 1000; $a = $f = array(); goto B; B: while (!0) { $F = array($d[866] => $b, $d[767] => $B, $d[867] => $C, $d[868] => $B); try { $F = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { break; } $B = $F->{$_SERVER[][870]}(); $e = $F->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $b = $F->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); foreach ($e as $F) { if ($F->{$_SERVER[][873]}() == $B) { continue; } $e = $F->{$_SERVER[][873]}(); if ($D) { $e = array($d[370] => $e, $d[485] => $F->{$_SERVER[][874]}(), $d[770] => $d[666]($F->{$_SERVER[][875]}())); } $f[] = $e; } foreach ($b as $B) { $a[] = $B->{$_SERVER[][876]}(); } if ($B === $d[58]) { break; } } return array($d[394] => $a, $d[393] => $f); goto D; D: } public function copyFile($d, $a) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][562]}($d); if ($e < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][756]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $a); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return !0; } try { goto c; e: $f[] = array($c[857] => $A, $c[858] => $D); $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][880]}($this->bucket, $a, $E, $f); goto e; c: $E = array(); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][611]}($d); if ($f) { $E = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array($c[877] => $this->{$_SERVER[][611]}($d))); } goto F; F: $E = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][878]}($this->bucket, $a, $E); $A = 1; $D = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][879]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $a, $A, $E, $E); goto e; e: } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return !0; } public function moveFile($d, $b) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][369]}($d, $b)) { $this->{$_SERVER[][53]}($d); return !0; } return !1; } public function delFile($f) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][761]}($this->bucket, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } return !0; } public function delFolder($c) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($c); if (!empty($c) && !$a[168]($a[61]($c, $a[35]) . $a[35], $a[$a[393]])) { $a[$a[393]][] = $a[61]($c, $a[35]) . $a[35]; } foreach ($a[763]($a[$a[393]], 1000) as $d) { try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][765]}($this->bucket, $d); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } } return !0; } public function rename($e, $B) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][766]}($e, $B); } public function size($E) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($E)) { return 0; } try { $C = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $E); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $B) { return !1; } return $C[$_SERVER[][883]]; } public function info($c) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($c)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($c, 1); } if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($c)) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($c); } private function fileInfo($a, $A = array(), $B = false) { goto b; a: if (isset($A[$c[553]])) { $C[$c[553]] = $A[$c[553]]; } return $C; goto c; b: $c =& $_SERVER[]; if ($B) { return array($c[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($a), $c[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a), $c[395] => $c[18], $c[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($a), $c[485] => isset($A[$c[485]]) ? $A[$c[485]] : 0); } $C = array($c[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($a), $c[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a), $c[395] => $c[18], $c[553] => $c[160], $c[554] => $c[160], $c[485] => 0, $c[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($a), $c[768] => $c[58], $c[769] => !0, $c[715] => !0); goto c; c: if (empty($A)) { $e = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $a); if (!$e) { return $C; } $A = array($c[553] => $e[$c[884]][$c[885]], $c[770] => $c[666]($e[$c[886]]), $c[485] => $e[$c[883]]); $this->{$_SERVER[][600]}($a, $C); } $C[$c[554]] = $A[$c[770]]; $C[$c[485]] = $A[$c[485]]; goto a; c: } private function folderInfo($e, $C = 0, $b = false) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; if ($b) { return array($C[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($e), $C[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C[35] . $e), $C[395] => $C[552]); } $D = array($C[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($e), $C[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C[35] . $e), $C[395] => $C[552], $C[553] => $C[160], $C[554] => $C[160], $C[557] => !1, $C[559] => !1, $C[769] => !0, $C[715] => !0); if ($C) { $D[$C[557]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($e, !1); $D[$C[559]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($e, !0); } return $D; } public function exist($C) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($C) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($C)) { return !0; } return !1; } public function isFile($e) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($e)) { return !1; } try { return $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][887]}($this->bucket, $e); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $a) { return !1; } } public function isFolder($b) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; try { $b = $C[61]($b, $C[35]); $c = array($C[866] => $C[35], $C[767] => empty($b) ? $C[58] : $b . $C[35], $C[867] => 1, $C[868] => $C[58]); $a = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $c); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $e) { return !1; } $D = $a->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $C = $a->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); return empty($D) && empty($C) ? !1 : !0; } public function listPath($e, $A = false, $B = false) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($e, $C[35], 1); foreach ($d[$C[394]] as $D => $F) { $d[$C[394]][$D] = $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($F, $A, $B); } foreach ($d[$C[393]] as $D => $A) { $d[$C[393]][$D] = $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($A[$C[370]], $A, $B); } return $d; } public function has($e, $c = true) { goto C; B: $C = $a[58]; $E = 100; while (!0) { $C = array($a[866] => $a[35], $a[767] => $a, $a[867] => $E, $a[868] => $C); try { $D = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][869]}($this->bucket, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { break; } $C = $D->{$_SERVER[][870]}(); $d = $D->{$_SERVER[][871]}(); $c = $D->{$_SERVER[][872]}(); if ($c) { if (!empty($d)) { if ($a[116]($d) > 1 || $d[0]->{$_SERVER[][873]}() != $a) { return !0; } } } else { if (!empty($c)) { return !0; } } if ($C === $a[58]) { break; } } goto c; c: return !1; goto D; C: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $a[61]($e, $a[35]); $a = empty($e) ? $a[58] : $e . $a[35]; goto B; D: } public function listAll($B) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($B, $b[58], 1); $D = array(); foreach ($d[$b[393]] as $B) { $D[$B[$b[370]]] = $B[$b[485]]; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][772]}($B, $b[764]($D), $D); } public function canRead($c) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][888]}($c); return $C == $b[889] || $C == $b[890] ? !0 : !1; } public function canWrite($c) { $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][888]}($c); return $F == $_SERVER[][890] ? !0 : !1; } public function pathAcl($C) { goto f; f: $f =& $_SERVER[]; if (empty($this->bucketAcl)) { $this->bucketAcl = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][891]}($this->bucket); } try { $C = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][892]}($this->bucket, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } goto B; d: return $b; goto C; B: $b = $C == $f[893] ? $this->bucketAcl : $C; if ($b == $f[894]) { return $f[889]; } if ($b == $f[895]) { return $f[890]; } goto d; C: } private function chmodPath($E, $b = '') { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $F = empty($b) ? $A[895] : $b; $E = array($A[893], $A[757], $A[894], $A[895]); if (!$A[168]($F, $E)) { return !1; } try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][896]}($this->bucket, $E, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $b) { return !1; } return !0; } public function getContent($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][504]}($d, -1); } public function setContent($f, $d = '') { $b =& $_SERVER[]; try { $f = array(); $F = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][778]}($this->bucket, $f, $d, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { return !1; } $this->{$_SERVER[][897]}($f, array($b[877] => $b[61]($F[$b[898]], $b[647]))); return isset($F[$b[899]][$b[840]]) ? (int) $F[$b[899]][$b[840]] : $b[187]($F); } private function updateObjMeta($d, $d) { try { $C = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => $d); $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][756]}($this->bucket, $d, $this->bucket, $d, $C); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $C) { return !1; } return !0; } public function upload($C, $F, $C = false, $e = REPEAT_REPLACE) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $B[61]($C, $B[35]); $D = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => !0, OSS\OssClient::OSS_PART_SIZE => 10485760, OSS\OssClient::OSS_HEADERS => array($B[877] => @$B[634]($F))); try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][900]}($this->bucket, $f, $F, $D); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $A) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($C); } private function endPoint() { $c =& $_SERVER[]; if (!empty($this->endpoint)) { return $this->endpoint; } try { $a = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][901]}($this->bucket); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $e) { return !1; } return $this->endpoint = !empty($a[$c[884]][$c[902]]) ? $c[61]($a[$c[884]][$c[902]], $c[35]) . $c[35] : $c[58]; } public function uploadFormData($C, $C = 3600) { goto b; b: $b = array($D[910], 0, $f); $c[] = $b; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][367]}($C); goto c; f: $E = $D[157]($b, $D[908]); $b = $D[7]($b, 0, $E) . $D[909]; $f = 1048576000 * 5; goto b; b: return array($D[841] => $f, $D[911] => $this->accessKey, $D[832] => $D[821], $D[912] => $F, $D[121] => $D[61]($C, $D[35])); goto f; C: $A = $D[289]($a); $f = $D[797]($A); $F = $D[797]($D[798]($D[799], $f, $this->secret, !0)); goto b; a: $a = $D[904]($D[905], $D[41]() + $a); $E = new DateTime($a); $b = $E->{$_SERVER[][907]}($D[906]::ISO8601); goto f; c: $F = array($D[828], $D[829], $C); $c[] = $F; $a = array($D[822] => $b, $D[825] => $c); goto C; b: $D =& $_SERVER[]; if (!($C = $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}())) { return !1; } $a = $C; goto a; f: } public function multiUploadFormData($F, $d = 3600) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!($F = $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}())) { return !1; } $C = array($e[789] => $e[644]($e[913]), $e[560] => $e[914]); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][915]}($F, $C, $F); if (empty($F[$e[916]])) { return !1; } return array($e[788] => $F[$e[916]], $e[121] => $F . $F, $e[789] => $C[$e[789]], $e[249] => $F); } public function multiUploadAuthData($D, $d = array()) { goto d; b: $d = $D; if (isset($d[$D[249]])) { $d = $d[$D[249]]; unset($d[$D[249]]); } if (isset($d[$D[790]])) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][791]}($d, $f, $d); } goto A; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $f = isset($d[$D[789]]) ? $d[$D[789]] : $D[644]($D[913]); $B = isset($d[$D[560]]) ? $d[$D[560]] : $D[58]; goto b; F: if (!empty($d[$D[917]])) { $C = $D[145](array($D[4]), $d[$D[917]]); $D[918]($C); $D[4] = $D[144]($D[326], $C); } $A = $D[144]($D[326], $D); $C = $D[797]($D[798]($D[799], $A, $this->secret, !0)); goto c; A: $D = array($D[792], $D[58], $D[652], $f, "\x78\x2d\x6f\x73\x73\55\x64\x61\x74\145\72{$f}", $D[35] . $this->bucket . $D[35] . $d . $B); if ($D[157]($B, $D[793]) === 0) { $D[0] = $D[794]; } if (isset($d[$D[795]]) && $d[$D[795]] == $D[796]) { $D[0] = $D[796]; } goto F; c: $e = $D[919] . $this->accessKey . $D[82] . $C; if ($D[157]($B, $D[793]) === 0) { $e = array($D[801] => $e, $D[789] => $f); } return $e; goto B; B: } public function listUploadParts($b, $c, $f) { goto E; E: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $f[$d[789]] = $c; $f[$d[795]] = $d[796]; goto f; f: $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][915]}($b, $f); if (!$A || empty($A[$d[920]])) { return !1; } if ($d[116]($A[$d[920]]) == $d[116]($A[$d[920]], 1) && isset($A[$d[920]][$d[857]])) { $A[$d[920]] = array($A[$d[920]]); } goto c; A: $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][804]}($b, $f); if (empty($C)) { return !1; } return array($d[801] => $C, $d[789] => $c, $d[805] => $F); goto e; c: $F = array(); foreach ($A[$d[920]] as $f) { $F[] = array($d[857] => $f[$d[857]], $d[858] => $d[61]($f[$d[858]], $d[647])); } unset($f[$d[790]], $f[$d[795]]); goto A; e: } public function ossRequest($d, $a = array(), $c = '') { goto b; f: $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][804]}($d, $a); if (!$E) { return !1; } $E = array($D[921] . $E, $D[922], $D[923] . $a[$D[789]]); goto D; b: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $c = empty($c) ? $this->{$_SERVER[][903]}() : $c; unset($a[$D[790]]); goto f; D: $C = $c . $d . $a[$D[560]]; $B = isset($a[$D[795]]) ? $a[$D[795]] : $D[792]; $A = $D[738]($C, $B, !1, $E); goto B; B: if (!$A[$D[924]]) { return !1; } return $D[925]($A[$D[731]]); goto E; E: } public function download($B, $A) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return !1; } $a = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD => $A); try { $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][777]}($this->bucket, $B, $a); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $b) { return !1; } return $A; } public function fileSubstr($F, $A = 0, $f = false) { if ($A === -1) { $f = array(); } else { if ($f === !1) { $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][562]}($F); } else { $f = $A + $f - 1; } $f = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_RANGE => "{$A}\x2d{$f}"); } try { $B = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][777]}($this->bucket, $F, $f); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $F) { return !1; } return $B; } public function link($F, $E = array()) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($F) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($F)) { return !1; } try { $e = !empty($E) ? $E : array(); return $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][926]}($this->bucket, $F, 36000, $_SERVER[][796], $e); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $D) { return !1; } } public function fileOut($d, $e = false, $C = false, $a = '') { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $e ? $a[807] : $a[808]; $D = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE => $a[927] . $e . $a[928] . $a[653]($C)); $D[OSS\OssClient::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] .= $a[929] . $a[648]($a[706]($C)); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($d, $D); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($f); } public function fileOutImage($e, $a = 250) { $e = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => $_SERVER[][930] . $a); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($A); } public function hashMd5($F, $F = '') { $e =& $_SERVER[]; try { $c = $this->ossClient->{$_SERVER[][882]}($this->bucket, $F); } catch (OSS\Core\OssException $c) { return !1; } if (!isset($c[$e[877]]) && !empty($F)) { $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][897]}($F, array($e[877] => $F)); $c[$e[877]] = $D ? $F : $e[58]; } return isset($c[$e[877]]) ? $c[$e[877]] : $e[58]; } private function fileInfoImage($A, &$E) { goto F; A: if (!$A[$E[924]]) { return !1; } $E[$E[607]] = array($E[608] => $A[$E[731]][$E[932]][$E[933]], $E[813] => $A[$E[731]][$E[934]][$E[933]]); goto A; F: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($E[601], $E[602], $E[603], $E[604], $E[605]); if (!$E[168]($E[$E[560]], $F)) { return; } goto E; E: $A = array(OSS\OssClient::OSS_PROCESS => $E[931]); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A, $A); $A = $E[738]($e, $E[796], !1, !1, !1, !0); goto A; A: } } class PathDriverQiniu extends PathDriverBase { private $accessKey = ''; private $secret = ''; private $domain = ''; private $region = ''; private $bucket = ''; private $auth = null; private $client = null; private $config = null; private $bucketManager = null; public function __construct($c) { parent::__construct(); require_once SDK_DIR . $_SERVER[][935]; $this->{$_SERVER[][521]}($c); } private function _init($D) { goto E; D: $this->auth = new Qiniu\Auth($this->accessKey, $this->secret); $this->client = new Qiniu\Rtc\AppClient($this->auth); $this->config = new \Qiniu\Config(); goto A; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($D as $E => $a) { if (isset($this->{$E})) { $this->{$E} = $a; } } if (empty($this->accessKey) || empty($this->secret) || empty($this->domain)) { $a[29]($a[936], !1); } goto D; A: $this->bucketManager = new \Qiniu\Storage\BucketManager($this->auth, $this->config); goto E; E: } public function mkfile($a, $B = '', $e = REPEAT_RENAME) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][503]}($a, $B)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($a); } return !1; } public function mkdir($D, $C = REPEAT_SKIP) { goto F; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $F[61]($D, $F[35]); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($F)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($F); } goto e; e: $B = TEMP_FILES . $F[400](15) . $F[35]; if (!@$F[32]($B, 511, !0)) { return !1; } $d = !1; goto b; b: if ($this->{$_SERVER[][403]}($F . $F[35], $F[34]($B, $F[35]))) { $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($F); } @$F[42]($B); return $d; goto B; B: } public function copyFile($a, $d) { $e = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][482]}($this->bucket, $a, $this->bucket, $d, !0); return $e ? !1 : !0; } public function moveFile($c, $B) { $A = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][483]}($this->bucket, $c, $this->bucket, $B, !0); return $A ? !1 : !0; } public function delFile($E) { $E = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][300]}($this->bucket, $E); return $E ? !1 : !0; } public function delFolder($B) { goto E; E: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($B); if (empty($D)) { return !0; } goto D; E: return !0; goto E; D: $b = 1000; if ($d[116]($D) <= $b) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][937]}($D) ? !1 : !0; } foreach ($d[763]($D, $b) as $E) { $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][937]}($E); if ($E) { return !1; } } goto E; E: } private function qnDelObj($D) { $D = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][938]}($this->bucket, $D); list($F, $b) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][939]}($D); return $b; } private function fileList($f, $f = 0) { goto a; e: $A = $C[58]; $d = 1000; $d = $C[58]; goto A; A: $A = array(); while (!0) { list($c, $C) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $F, $A, $d, $d); if ($C) { return !1; } $A = $C[941]($C[868], $c) ? $A = $c[$C[942]] : $C[58]; foreach ($c[$C[943]] as $f) { $C = $f[$C[249]]; if ($f) { $C = array($C[370] => $C, $C[485] => $f[$C[944]]); } $A[] = $C; } if ($A == $C[58]) { break; } } return $A; goto d; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $f = $C[61]($f, $C[35]); $F = empty($f) ? $C[58] : $f . $C[35]; goto e; d: } public function rename($C, $D) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][766]}($C, $D); } public function size($f) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; list($a, $F) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $d[61]($f, $d[35])); return isset($a[$d[944]]) ? $a[$d[944]] : 0; } public function info($b) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $D[61]($b, $D[35]); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($b)) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($b, 1); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($b); } public function fileInfo($B, $a = array(), $A = false) { goto b; b: $B =& $_SERVER[]; if ($A) { return array($B[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($B), $B[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B[35] . $B), $B[395] => $B[18], $B[485] => isset($a[$B[944]]) ? $a[$B[944]] : 0, $B[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($B)); } $C = array($B[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($B), $B[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($B[35] . $B), $B[395] => $B[18], $B[553] => $B[160], $B[554] => $B[160], $B[485] => 0, $B[560] => $this->{$_SERVER[][561]}($B), $B[769] => !0, $B[715] => !0); goto c; c: if (empty($a)) { list($a, $b) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $B); if ($b) { return $C; } $this->{$_SERVER[][600]}($B, $C); } $C[$B[553]] = $B[7]($a[$B[946]], 0, -7); $C[$B[485]] = $a[$B[944]]; goto F; F: return $C; goto e; e: } public function folderInfo($E, $C = 0, $d = false) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; if ($d) { return array($D[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($E), $D[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($D[35] . $E), $D[395] => $D[552]); } $d = array($D[370] => $this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($E), $D[31] => $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($D[35] . $E), $D[395] => $D[552], $D[553] => $D[160], $D[554] => $D[160], $D[557] => !1, $D[559] => !1, $D[555] => !0, $D[556] => !0); if ($C) { $d[$D[557]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($E, !1); $d[$D[559]] = $this->{$_SERVER[][558]}($E, !0); } return $d; } public function exist($B) { if ($this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($B) || $this->{$_SERVER[][380]}($B)) { return !0; } return !1; } public function isFile($e) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; list($E, $B) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][945]}($this->bucket, $F[61]($e, $F[35])); return $B ? !1 : !0; } public function isFolder($E) { goto F; a: return !1; goto c; F: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $A[61]($E, $A[35]); if (empty($e)) { return !0; } goto E; E: $b = $A[61]($E, $A[35]) . $A[35]; $b = $A[58]; $a = 1; goto b; b: $f = $A[35]; list($e, $B) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $b, $b, $a, $f); if (!empty($e[$A[943]]) || !empty($e[$A[947]])) { return !0; } goto a; c: } public function listPath($E, $C = false, $c = false) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $A[61]($E, $A[35]); $B = empty($E) ? $A[58] : $E . $A[35]; goto d; A: $d = $a = array(); while (!0) { list($b, $d) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $B, $c, $A, $F); if ($d) { return !1; } $c = $A[941]($A[868], $b) ? $c = $b[$A[942]] : $A[58]; if (isset($b[$A[947]])) { foreach ($b[$A[947]] as $f) { if ($f == $B) { continue; } $d[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][551]}($f, $C, $c); } } if (isset($b[$A[943]])) { foreach ($b[$A[943]] as $d) { if ($d[$A[249]] == $B) { continue; } $a[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][550]}($d[$A[249]], $d, $c); } } if ($c == $A[58]) { break; } } return array($A[394] => $d, $A[393] => $a); goto b; d: $c = $A[58]; $A = 1000; $F = $A[35]; goto A; b: } public function has($b, $B = true) { goto d; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = $D[61]($b, $D[35]); $E = empty($b) ? $D[58] : $b . $D[35]; goto d; d: $E = $D[58]; $f = 100; $f = $D[35]; goto B; B: while (!0) { list($d, $D) = $this->bucketManager->{$_SERVER[][940]}($this->bucket, $E, $E, $f, $f); if ($D) { return !1; } $E = $D[941]($D[868], $d) ? $E = $d[$D[942]] : $D[58]; if ($B) { if (!empty($d[$D[943]])) { return !0; } } else { if (!empty($d[$D[947]])) { return !0; } } if ($E == $D[58]) { break; } } return !1; goto E; E: } public function listAll($b) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][881]}($b, 1); $D = array(); foreach ($F as $a) { $D[$a[$C[370]]] = $a[$C[485]]; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][772]}($b, $C[764]($D), $D); } public function canRead($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($d) ? !0 : !1; } public function canWrite($e) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][384]}($e) ? !0 : !1; } public function getContent($d) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][504]}($d, 0, -1); } public function setContent($C, $C = '') { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][540]}($this->{$_SERVER[][387]}($C)); $_SERVER[][339]($B, $C); if ($this->{$_SERVER[][403]}($C, $B)) { $this->{$_SERVER[][541]}($B); return !0; } return !1; } public function refreshUrls($c) { goto F; F: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $f = array(); if ($c[84]($c)) { foreach ($c as $B) { $f[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($B); } } else { $f[] = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($c); } goto d; d: $E = new Qiniu\Cdn\CdnManager($this->auth); list($a, $a) = $E->{$_SERVER[][948]}($f); if ($a) { return !1; } goto f; f: return $a[$c[949]] == $c[950] ? !0 : !1; goto A; A: } public function fileSubstr($A, $c, $a) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$e[205]($A, $this->domain)) { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($A)) { return !1; } $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A); } $e = array($e[951] => $c, $e[952] => $a); return $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($A, $e); } public function upload($b, $f, $c = false, $D = REPEAT_REPLACE) { $A = new Qiniu\Storage\UploadManager(); $b = $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][954]}($this->bucket, $b); list($b, $b) = $A->{$_SERVER[][955]}($b, $b, $f); return $b ? !1 : $this->{$_SERVER[][373]}($b); } public function multiUploadFormData($c, $D = 3600) { goto E; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $D; $a = array($a[956] => $a[957]); goto E; f: $d = $a[960]() . "\72\x2f\57\x75\x70\x6c\157\141\144{$e}\56\x71\x69\156\x69\165\x70\56\143\157\x6d\x2f"; return array($a[961] => $c, $a[962] => $d); goto A; E: $D = null; $c = $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][954]}($this->bucket, $D, $B, $a, !0); $e = empty($this->region) || $this->region == $a[958] ? $a[58] : $a[959] . $this->region; goto f; A: } public function download($A, $e) { goto d; d: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $E = IO::getPathInner(IO::mkfile($e)); if (!($D = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($A))) { return !1; } goto C; a: while (!0) { $A = array($B[951] => $B, $B[952] => $F); $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($D, $A); if ($B && ($f = @$B[736]($C, !0))) { if (isset($f[$B[949]])) { return !1; } } $B[46]($B, $C); $B += $F; if ($B[187]($C) < $F) { break; } } $B[49]($B); return $e; goto f; C: $B = 0; $F = 1024 * 200; $B = $B[44]($E, $B[569]); goto a; f: } public function link($F, $C = '') { if (!$this->{$_SERVER[][374]}($F)) { return !1; } $A = $_SERVER[][960]() . "\x3a\57\x2f{$this->domain}\x2f{$F}" . $C; return $this->auth->{$_SERVER[][963]}($A); } public function fileOut($C, $f = false, $C = false, $B = '') { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($C, $B[964] . $B[653]($C)); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($E); } public function fileOutImage($D, $B = 250) { $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($D, $_SERVER[][965] . $B); $this->{$_SERVER[][698]}($b); } public function hashMd5($e) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($e, $D[966]); $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($d, array(), !0); return !isset($f[$D[779]]) ? !1 : $f[$D[779]]; } private function fileInfoImage($f, &$b) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$A[168]($b[$A[560]], array($A[601], $A[602], $A[603], $A[604], $A[605]))) { return; } if (!($B = $this->{$_SERVER[][516]}($f, $A[967]))) { return !1; } if (!($a = $this->{$_SERVER[][953]}($B, array(), !0))) { return !1; } $b[$A[607]] = array($A[608] => $a[$A[608]], $A[609] => $a[$A[813]]); } public function qnRequest($b, $c = array(), $e = false) { goto C; B: $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3600); if (isset($c[$B[951]]) && $c[$B[952]] > 0) { $B = $c[$B[951]]; $b = $c[$B[951]] + ($c[$B[952]] - 1); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_RANGE, "{$B}\55{$b}"); } goto a; d: if ($e) { return @$B[736]($c, !0); } return $c; goto f; C: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $B[968](); $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_URL, $b); goto B; a: $B[969]($a, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $c = $B[970]($a); $B[971]($a); goto d; f: } } class PathDriverStream extends PathDriverBase { const TYPE_STRING = 1; const TYPE_FILE = 2; public function __construct($C, $B = 0) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; parent::__construct(); $this->source = $C; $this->sourceSize = $B; if ($d[57]($this->source)) { $this->sourceType = self::TYPE_STRING; $this->sourceSize = $d[187]($this->source); } else { $this->sourceType = self::TYPE_FILE; } } public function size($c = false) { return $this->sourceSize; } public function getContent($A = false) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_STRING) { return $this->source; } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_FILE) { $F = $A[972]($this->source); $f = @$A[572]($this->source, $this->sourceSize); $A[571]($this->source, $F); return $f; } } public function fileSubstr($d = false, $a = 0, $A = 0) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$A) { $A = $this->sourceSize; } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_STRING) { return $C[7]($this->source, $a, $A); } if ($this->sourceType == self::TYPE_FILE) { $e = $C[972]($this->source); $C[571]($this->source, $e + $a); $b = @$C[572]($this->source, $A); $C[571]($this->source, $e); return $b; } } public function hashMd5($C = false) { return $_SERVER[][37]($this->{$_SERVER[][502]}()); } public static function hash($a, $B = 0) { $A = new PathDriverStream($a, $B); return $A->{$_SERVER[][646]}($a); } public static function md5($C, $E = 0) { $d = new PathDriverStream($C, $E); return $d->{$_SERVER[][611]}($C); } } goto d; a: function cacheLockWait() { usleep(mt_rand(5, 100) * 100); } class CacheLockFile { private static $cachePath; private static $caches; public function __construct() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $GLOBALS[$D[11]][$D[12]]; self::$cachePath = $e[$D[18]][$D[31]]; @$D[32](self::$cachePath, 511, !0); } public function lock($b, $D = 0) { goto E; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $a[33](!0); $f = $F + $D + 0.0001; goto b; d: $this->{$_SERVER[][30]}($b); return !1; goto d; b: $C = $a[34](self::$cachePath, $a[35]) . $a[36] . $a[37]($b) . $a[38]; if ($a[39]($C) && $a[40]($C) < $a[41]() - $D) { @$a[42]($C); return !1; } do { if ($a[39]($C)) { $a[43](); continue; } $C = $a[44]($C, $a[45]); $a[46]($C, $f); $d = $a[47]($C, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); self::$caches[$b] = array($a[48] => $C, $a[18] => $C); if ($C && $d) { return !0; } $a[43](); } while ($a[33](!0) < $f); goto d; d: } public function unlock($E) { goto a; d: unset(self::$caches[$E]); goto F; e: @$C[47]($d[$C[48]], LOCK_UN); @$C[49]($d[$C[48]]); @$C[42]($d[$C[18]]); goto d; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $d = self::$caches[$E]; if (!$d) { return; } goto e; F: } } class CacheLockRedis { public function lock($D, $B = 10) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $A = Cache::init(); $a = $e[33](!0) + $B; while ($e[33](!0) < $a) { $C = $A->{$_SERVER[][50]}($D); if (!$C) { $d = $A->{$_SERVER[][51]}($D, $a, $B); if ($d) { return !0; } } else { if ($C < $e[33](!0)) { $A->{$_SERVER[][52]}($D, $a, $a); if ($A->{$_SERVER[][50]}($D) === $C) { return !0; } } } $e[43](); } return !1; } public function unlock($c) { $c = Cache::init(); $c->{$_SERVER[][53]}($c); } } goto A; e: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2143], 4); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2144], 5); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][2145], 16); goto a; C: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][1], $_SERVER[][2]); $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][3]] = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][5], $_SERVER[][6]($_SERVER[][7]($_SERVER[][8], 10, -8))); function Model($E = '', $e = '', $F = '') { goto C; d: return $C[$E]; goto a; C: $b =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][3]]; static $C = array(); $E = $b[0]($e . $b[1] . $E); goto D; D: if (isset($C[$E])) { return $C[$E]; } if ($E) { $E = $b[2]($E[0]) . $b[3]($E, 1); $E = $E . $b[4]; if ($b[5]($E)) { $C[$E] = new $E(); return $C[$E]; } } $C[$E] = new ModelBase($E, $e, $F); goto d; a: } goto d; F: class SourceListModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "\151\157\x5f\x73\157\165\162\x63\145"; protected $tableMeta = array("\164\x61\142\154\145\116\x61\x6d\x65" => "\x69\157\137\x73\x6f\x75\x72\143\x65\x5f\x6d\x65\x74\141", "\x6d\145\164\x61\x46\151\145\154\x64" => "\x73\x6f\165\162\143\x65\111\104"); protected $dataAuto = array(array("\x6d\x6f\144\x69\146\171\124\x69\155\x65", "\164\x69\x6d\x65", "\151\156\x73\x65\x72\164", "\146\x75\156\x63\x74\x69\x6f\156"), array("\143\x72\x65\x61\x74\x65\x54\x69\155\x65", "\x74\151\155\145", "\x69\x6e\x73\x65\162\164", "\x66\165\156\x63\x74\151\157\156"), array("\x76\151\x65\167\x54\x69\155\145", "\x74\x69\155\x65", "\151\156\x73\145\162\164", "\146\x75\x6e\143\164\x69\x6f\x6e")); protected static $cacheSourceInfo = array(); const TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; const TYPE_USER = 1; const TYPE_GROUP = 2; public function listData($F) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $C = array($_SERVER[$D[1460]][0] => $F); return $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][1]}($C); } public function typeName($c) { static $E = array(self::TYPE_SYSTEM => "\163\x79\x73\x74\x65\x6d", self::TYPE_USER => "\165\x73\145\162", self::TYPE_GROUP => "\147\x72\157\x75\160"); return $E[$c . $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]][2]]; } public function sourceListInfo($a) { goto e; F: return $C; goto c; c: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][4]}(array($a[5] => array($a[6], $a)))->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][7]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][8]}($f); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][9]}($f, $a); goto d; d: $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][10]}($f, $a); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][11]}($f, $a); $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][12]}($f); goto E; e: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$E[1460]]; $a = $a[3]($a); goto c; E: $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][13]}($f); foreach ($f as &$f) { $f = $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][14]}($f); } $C = $a[15]($f, $a[5]); goto F; c: } public function pathInfoFilter($F) { goto C; b: $F = $e[26]; $F .= $e[27]; $F = $e[28]($F, $e[29]($e[30], $F)); goto C; C: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$a[1460]]; $F[$e[16]] = KodIO::make($F[$e[5]]); goto E; E: $F[$e[18]] = $F[$e[19]] == 1 ? $e[20] : $e[21]; $F[$e[22]] = $this->{$_SERVER[$a[1460]][23]}($F[$e[22]]); if ($F[$e[19]] != 1) { $F[$e[24]] = $F[$e[25]]; unset($F[$e[25]]); } goto b; C: return $F; goto A; A: } public function listUserFav() { goto A; D: $B = $a[15]($B[$a[38]], $a[5]); foreach ($F as &$c) { $c = array($a[39] => $c[$a[40]], $a[41] => $c[$a[42]], $a[43] => $c[$a[16]], $a[44] => $c[$a[18]], $a[45] => $c[$a[46]], $a[47] => $c[$a[48]]); if ($c[$a[18]] == $a[35] && $B[$c[$a[16]]]) { $c[$a[49]] = $B[$c[$a[16]]]; } } return $F; goto A; A: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; $F = $a[31]($a[32])->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][33]}(); goto B; B: $B = $a[34]($F, $a[18], $a[35]); $B = $a[15]($B, $a[2], $a[16]); if ($B) { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][1]}(array($a[36] => array($a[37], $B))); } goto D; A: } public function listUserTag($a) { goto e; f: $c = array($b[36] => array($b[37], $f)); return $this->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][1]}($c); goto d; D: $f = $b[34]($D, $b[51], $a); $f = $b[15]($f, $b[2], $b[16]); if (!$f) { return array(); } goto f; e: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $b =& $_SERVER[$E[1460]]; $D = $b[31]($b[50])->{$_SERVER[$E[1460]][33]}(); goto D; d: } public function listUserRecycle() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $b =& $_SERVER[$b[1460]]; $f = $b[31]($b[52])->{$_SERVER[$b[1460]][33]}(); if (!$f) { return array(); } $b = array($b[36] => array($b[37], $f), $b[53] => 1); return $this->{$_SERVER[$b[1460]][1]}($b); } public static function fileTypeWhere($F) { goto f; C: if (!$C) { return array(); } $A = $C[$F[24]]; $b = $F[6]; goto c; c: if (!$C[$F[24]]) { $a = $F[15]($d, $F[2], $F[24]); $A = $F[55]($F[30], $a); $b = $F[56]; } $E = $F[29]($F[30], $F[57]($A, $F[30])); return array($b, $E); goto B; f: $F =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]]; $d = KodIO::fileTypeList(); $C = $d[$F]; goto C; B: } public function listPathType($c) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][58]}($c); if (!$D) { return array(); } $b = array($F[59] => SourceModel::TYPE_USER, $F[60] => USER_ID, $F[61] => 0, $F[62] => $D); return $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][1]}($b); } public function listSearch($F, $F = 300) { goto C; C: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][73]}($C[$e[38]]); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][74]}($C); return $C; goto f; C: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][63]}($F); goto F; F: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][67]}($e[68])->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][69]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][70]}(null, 10); $C = $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][71]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][72]}($F); goto C; F: if (!isset($D[$e[64]])) { $D[$e[64]] = 0; } $b = $e[65]; $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][66]}($F, $D, $b); goto F; f: } private function _listSearchBindPinyin($A, &$F, &$d) { goto D; e: $d = $E[83] . $E[79]($E[30], $E[84], $d); unset($F[$E[42]]); foreach ($F as $F => $C) { $a[$E[83] . $F] = $C; } goto b; D: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $E =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; if (!Input::check($A[$E[76]], $E[77]) || $E[78]($A[$E[76]]) < 2) { return; } goto F; b: $B = array($E[85], $E[86] . $A[$E[76]] . $E[86]); $a[] = array($E[87] => $B, $E[88] => $E[89], array($E[90] => $B, $E[91] => array($E[6], array($E[92], $E[93])))); $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][94]}($E); goto F; F: $F = $a; goto c; F: $E = "\114\105\106\124\40\112\x4f\x49\116\x20{$this->tablePrefix}\151\157\x5f\163\x6f\165\x72\x63\x65\137\155\145\164\141\40\155\x65\164\141\x20\x6f\x6e\40\163\x6f\165\162\143\145\56\x73\157\x75\x72\143\145\x49\x44\40\75\40\x6d\x65\164\141\x2e\163\157\165\162\143\145\111\x44"; $a = array(); $d = $E[79](array($E[80], $E[81], $E[82]), $E[2], $d); goto e; c: } private function _parseSearchWhere($e) { goto F; D: if (isset($e[$c[95]])) { $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$F[1460]][96]}($e[$c[95]]); $E[$c[97]] = array($c[85], $e[$c[98]] . $e[$c[95]] . $c[99]); } if (isset($e[$c[100]])) { $E[$c[48]] = array($c[101], $e[$c[100]]); } if (isset($e[$c[102]])) { $F = array($c[103], $e[$c[102]]); if ($E[$c[48]]) { $E[$c[48]] = array($E[$c[48]], $F, $c[104]); } else { $E[$c[48]] = $F; } } goto c; c: if (isset($e[$c[105]])) { $F = array($c[103], $e[$c[105]]); if ($E[$c[106]]) { $E[$c[106]] = array($E[$c[106]], $F, $c[104]); } else { $E[$c[106]] = $F; } } if (isset($e[$c[107]])) { $E[$c[106]] = array($c[101], $e[$c[107]]); } if (isset($e[$c[108]])) { $E[$c[108]] = $e[$c[108]]; } goto F; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $c =& $_SERVER[$F[1460]]; $E = array(); goto D; C: if (isset($e[$c[76]])) { $E[$c[42]] = array($c[85], $c[86] . $e[$c[76]] . $c[86]); } return $E; goto e; F: if (isset($e[$c[109]])) { $E[$c[109]] = $e[$c[109]]; } $E[$c[19]] = 0; if (isset($e[$c[25]])) { if ($e[$c[25]] == $c[20]) { $E[$c[19]] = 1; } else { $E[$c[25]] = array($c[37], $e[$c[25]]); } } goto C; e: } public function listSource($D, $c = 300) { goto a; E: $b = $A[65]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][71]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][69]}()->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][72]}($c); $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][73]}($D[$A[38]]); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[$C[1460]][74]}($D); return $D; goto E; a: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $A =& $_SERVER[$C[1460]]; if (!isset($D[$A[64]])) { $D[$A[64]] = 0; } goto E; E: } private function _makeOrder() { goto b; E: if (!$B[122]($d, $B[120]($C))) { $A = $B[114]; } if ($A == $B[42]) { } $a = $B[123] . $A[$A] . $B[81] . $C[$d]; goto D; b: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $B =& $_SERVER[$d[1460]]; $C = $B[31]($B[110])->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][111]}($B[112]); goto A; A: $B = $B[31]($B[110])->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][111]}($B[113]); $C = array($B[114] => $B[115], $B[116] => $B[117]); $A = array($B[42] => $B[42], $B[106] => $B[106], $B[24] => $B[25], $B[108] => $B[108], $B[118] => $B[109], $B[46] => $B[46], $B[48] => $B[48]); goto d; D: return $this->{$_SERVER[$d[1460]][124]}($B[125]($B[57]($a), $B[30])); goto b; d: $A = Input::get($B[119], $B[6], $C, $B[120]($A)); $d = Input::get($B[121], $B[6], $B, $B[120]($C)); if (!$B[122]($A, $B[120]($A))) { $A = $B[42]; } goto E; b: } protected function _listDataApplyItem($b, $E = false) { goto e; e: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array($b); $e = array($b[$_SERVER[$B[1460]][5]]); goto d; d: $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][8]}($e); if (!$E) { $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][9]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][11]}($e, $e); $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][13]}($e); } $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][10]}($e, $e); goto b; b: $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][12]}($e); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][14]}($e[0]); return $d; goto b; b: } protected function _listDataApply(&$d) { goto D; C: $d = $d[15]($d, $d[2], $d[5]); $d = $d[3]($d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][8]}($d); goto b; f: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][12]}($d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][13]}($d); goto c; b: $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][9]}($d, $d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][10]}($d, $d); $this->{$_SERVER[$e[1460]][11]}($d, $d); goto f; D: $e =& $_SERVER[]; $d =& $_SERVER[$e[1460]]; if (!$d) { $d = array(); return; } goto C; c: } protected function _listFilterInfo(&$B) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$f[1460]]; $B[$F[126]] = array(); $B[$F[127]] = array(); foreach ($B[$F[38]] as $A) { $f = $A[$F[19]] == 1 ? $F[126] : $F[127]; $B[$f][] = $this->{$_SERVER[$f[1460]][14]}($A); } unset($B[$F[38]]); } protected function _listAppendMeta(&$f, $C) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C =& $_SERVER[$A[1460]]; $d = $C[29]($C[30], $C[117]); goto b; A: $c = array(); foreach ($d as $F) { if (!isset($c[$F[$C[5]]])) { $c[$F[$C[5]]] = array(); } $c[$F[$C[5]]][$F[$C[131]]] = $F[$C[132]]; } foreach ($f as &$d) { $d[$C[133]] = !1; if (isset($c[$d[$C[5]]])) { $d[$C[133]] = $c[$d[$C[5]]]; } } goto A; b: $B = array($C[36] => array($C[37], $C), $C[128] => array($C[6], $d)); $d = $C[31]($C[129])->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][71]}($C[130])->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][4]}($B)->{$_SERVER[$A[1460]][7]}(); if (!$d) { return; } goto A; A: } protected function _listAppendSourceInfo(&$A, $D) { goto F; F: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $f =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $b = $f[31]($f[134])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); goto e; f: $e = $f[15]($b, $f[40]); $D = $f[137]($d, $f[16], $f[51]); $f = $f[15]($F, $f[16]); goto c; c: $C = $f[137]($A, $f[5]); foreach ($A as &$D) { $D[$f[49]] = array($f[138] => 0, $f[139] => 0, $f[140] => 0); if (isset($f[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[141]] = 1; } if (isset($D[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[142]] = array(); foreach ($D[$D[$f[5]]] as $C) { $C = $e[$C]; $D[$f[49]][$f[142]][] = array($f[143] => $C[$f[40]], $f[41] => $C[$f[42]], $f[144] => $C[$f[145]]); } } if (isset($C[$D[$f[5]]])) { $D[$f[49]][$f[146]] = array(); foreach ($C[$D[$f[5]]] as $f) { $D[$f[49]][$f[146]] = array($f[147] => $f[$f[148]], $f[149] => $f[$f[150]], $f[151] => $f[$f[152]], $f[153] => $f[$f[154]]); } } } return $A; goto e; e: $d = $f[31]($f[50])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); $F = $f[31]($f[32])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][33]}(); $A = $f[31]($f[135])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][136]}(); goto f; e: } protected function _listAppendChildren(&$a, $E) { goto C; C: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $e =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $B = $e[155]; goto e; e: $D = array(); $D = 1024 * 50; $f = $e[156]($a); goto c; c: foreach ($a as &$d) { if ($d[$e[19]]) { unset($d[$e[25]]); $d[$e[162]] = isset($D[$d[$e[5]] . $e[163]]); $d[$e[164]] = isset($D[$d[$e[5]] . $e[165]]); } } goto B; c: $B = $this->tablePrefix . $this->tableName; for ($c = 0; $c < $f; $c++) { if ($a[$c][$e[19]]) { $e = $a[$c][$e[5]]; $B .= "\123\x45\x4c\105\103\124\40\52\40\106\122\117\115\x20\x28\123\x45\x4c\105\103\x54\x20\x27{$e}\137\150\x61\163\x46\151\154\x65\47\40\141\x73\40\150\141\163\x20\106\x52\x4f\115\40\140{$B}\x60\40\12\x9\11\x9\11\11\x77\150\x65\x72\x65\40\160\x61\x72\145\156\164\111\104\x3d{$e}\40\x61\156\x64\x20\151\x73\x46\157\x6c\x64\145\x72\x3d\x30\x20\141\156\x64\x20\x69\x73\x44\x65\x6c\x65\164\x65\75\x30\40\x6c\x69\x6d\x69\164\40\61\51\40\141\x73\x20\x74\142\61\x5f{$e}\x20\165\x6e\x69\157\156\40\x61\x6c\154\40\xa\11\x9\11\11\x9\123\x45\x4c\105\x43\x54\40\52\x20\x46\x52\x4f\x4d\x20\x28\x53\105\x4c\x45\x43\124\x20\x27{$e}\137\x68\141\x73\x46\157\154\144\x65\162\47\40\141\x73\x20\150\x61\163\x46\151\154\x65\40\106\x52\x4f\115\x20\140{$B}\x60\x20\12\11\x9\x9\11\11\167\150\145\162\145\x20\x70\141\162\145\x6e\x74\x49\x44\75{$e}\40\x61\156\144\40\151\163\x46\x6f\154\144\x65\162\75\61\x20\141\x6e\x64\40\x69\x73\104\145\154\145\x74\145\75\x30\x20\x6c\x69\155\x69\x74\x20\61\x29\x20\x61\x73\40\x74\x62\62\137{$e}\40\165\156\x69\x6f\x6e\x20\x61\154\154\40"; } if (($e[78]($B) >= $D || $c == $f - 1) && $B) { $B = $e[157]($B, 0, -$e[78]($e[158])); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][159]}($B); $D = $e[160]($D, $F); $B = $e[2]; } } $D = $e[15]($D, $e[161], $e[161]); goto c; B: } protected function _listAppendAuth(&$A) { goto A; b: $e = $c[31]($c[166])->{$_SERVER[$F[1460]][167]}($a, $f); foreach ($A as &$d) { $d[$c[168]] = $e[$d[$c[5]]]; } return; goto a; A: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $c =& $_SERVER[$F[1460]]; $a = array(); goto E; E: foreach ($A as $d) { if ($d[$c[22]] == self::TYPE_GROUP) { $a[] = $d[$c[5]]; } } if (!$a) { return; } $f = $c[15]($A, $c[5]); goto b; a: } protected function _listAppendPath(&$c) { goto A; b: foreach ($c as &$c) { $E[$c[$F[5]]] = $c[$F[42]]; $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][169]}($c[$F[98]]); $F[170]($e); foreach ($e as $A) { if (!isset($E[$A])) { $E[$A] = 0; } } } $E = array(); foreach ($E as $F => $B) { if (!$B) { $E[] = $F; } } goto f; A: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $E = array(); goto b; f: if ($E) { $b = array($F[36] => array($F[37], $E)); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][71]}($F[171])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][4]}($b)->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][7]}(); $C = $F[15]($A, $F[5], $F[42]); $E = $F[172]($E, $C); } foreach ($c as &$c) { goto d; d: if ($e) { $D .= $c[$F[42]]; } if ($c[$F[19]]) { $D .= $F[174]; } $c[$F[175]] = $F[79]($F[176], $F[174], $D); goto f; d: $e = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][169]}($c[$F[98]]); $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][173]}($c, $e); foreach ($e as $A) { if (isset($E[$A])) { $D .= $E[$A] . $F[174]; } } goto d; f: if ($c[$F[95]] == $F[177]) { $c[$F[42]] = $F[57]($c[$F[175]], $F[174]); } goto b; b: } goto f; f: } protected function _listAppendPathRoot(&$f, $D) { goto e; d: if ($f[$f[22]] == self::TYPE_USER) { if ($f[$f[178]] == USER_ID) { $A = $f[179]($f[180]); if (!$D) { $f[$f[42]] = $A; } } else { $B = $f[31]($f[181])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][182]}($f[$f[178]]); $A = $f[183] . $B[$f[42]] . $f[184]; } } if ($f[$f[22]] == self::TYPE_GROUP) { $B = $f[31]($f[185])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][182]}($f[$f[178]]); $A = $B[$f[42]]; } $A = $A ? $f[174] . $A . $f[174] : $f[174]; goto A; A: return $A; goto e; e: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $f =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $A = $f[2]; goto d; e: } protected function _listAppendUser(&$C) { goto d; B: $e = $a[15]($C, $a[2], $a[109]); $A = $a[160]($d, $e); $F = $a[31]($a[186])->{$_SERVER[$D[1460]][187]}($A); goto A; d: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $a =& $_SERVER[$D[1460]]; $d = $a[15]($C, $a[2], $a[108]); goto B; A: foreach ($C as &$a) { $b = $a[$a[108]]; $a[$a[108]] = $F[$b] ? $F[$b] : !1; $b = $a[$a[109]]; $a[$a[109]] = $F[$b] ? $F[$b] : !1; } goto A; A: } public function parentLevelArray($A) { $B =& $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1460]]; $A = $B[29]($B[30], $B[57]($A, $B[30])); $A = $B[188]($A, $B[177]); return $A; } public function listAll($E) { goto E; E: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $F =& $_SERVER[$B[1460]]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][96]}($E); goto F; F: $D = array($F[189] => array($F[85], $D[$F[98]] . $E . $F[99]), $F[190] => 0); $c = $F[191]; $c = "\x4c\105\106\124\40\112\x4f\x49\116\40{$this->tablePrefix}\x69\157\x5f\146\151\x6c\x65\40\146\151\x6c\145\40\x6f\x6e\x20\x73\x6f\x75\x72\143\x65\x2e\x66\151\x6c\x65\x49\x44\40\x3d\x20\146\151\x6c\x65\x2e\x66\x69\x6c\145\x49\104"; goto a; b: $F = $F == $F[176] ? $F[174] : $F; $F = array(array($F[43] => $F, $F[192] => 1, $F[193] => 0)); if ($F == $F[174]) { $F = array(); } goto b; b: foreach ($c as $c => $A) { goto D; D: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][169]}($A[$F[98]]); $F[170]($F); $f = $F; goto C; C: for ($c = 0; $c < $F[156]($F); $c++) { $f .= $c[$F[$c]][$F[42]] . $F[174]; } $f .= $A[$F[42]]; if ($A[$F[19]]) { $f .= $F[174]; } goto F; F: $e = array($F[43] => $F[79]($F[176], $F[174], $f), $F[192] => $F[194]($A[$F[19]])); if (!$A[$F[19]]) { $e[$F[21]] = $A[$F[16]]; $e[$F[106]] = $A[$F[106]]; } $F[] = $e; goto E; E: } return $F; goto c; a: $c = $this->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][67]}($F[68])->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][71]}($c)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][4]}($D)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][94]}($c)->{$_SERVER[$B[1460]][7]}(); $c = $F[15]($c, $F[5]); $F = "\x2f{$D[$F[42]]}\57"; goto b; c: } } class SystemTaskModel extends ModelBaseLight { public $optionType = "\x53\x79\163\x74\x65\155\56\x74\141\163\x6b\114\151\x73\164"; public $field = array("\156\141\x6d\145", "\162\145\x70\145\141\x74\x54\151\x6d\x65", "\146\x72\x6f\x6d\x54\x69\155\145", "\163\171\x73\x74\x65\x6d", "\145\x76\145\x6e\164", "\x70\141\x72\x61\155", "\x65\156\141\x62\154\x65", "\154\x61\x73\x74\x52\165\x6e"); public function listData($e = false, $f = "\163\x6f\x72\x74", $A = false) { return parent::listData($e, $f, $A); } public function add($C) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($C[$D[370]]); if ($F) { return !1; } $C[$D[1465]] = 0; return parent::insert($C); } public function update($E, $B) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($E); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($B[$a[370]]); if (!$D || $e && $e[$a[409]] != $D[$a[409]]) { return !1; } return parent::update($E, $B); } public function remove($e) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($e); if (!$A || $A[$_SERVER[][455]]) { return !1; } return parent::remove($e); } public function enable($e) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}($e); $e = !$E[$e[1466]]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1037]}($e, array($e[1467] => $e)); } public function run($D) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1037]}($D, array($f[1468] => $f[41]())); } } class UserFavModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "\165\163\145\162\x5f\146\141\166"; protected function cacheFunctionAlias($e) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; return array($b[1446] => array(USER_ID, $b[1469])); } protected function listData() { $b =& $_SERVER[]; $d = array($b[1448] => USER_ID, $b[1449] => 0); $b = $b[1470]; $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($b)->{$_SERVER[][496]}($d)->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($b[1471])->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); return $f ? $f : array(); } protected function listView() { goto d; D: $B = $F[408]($B, $F[494]); foreach ($C as $F => $c) { $F = $B[$c[$F[31]]]; $F = $F ? $F : array(); $C[$F] = $F[145]($F, $c); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1472]}($C); goto e; F: $f = $F[408]($b, $F[58], $F[31]); if (!$f) { return $this->{$_SERVER[][1472]}($C); } $c = 2000; goto B; B: $f = array($F[1473] => array($F[329], $f)); $B = $F[55]($F[469])->{$_SERVER[][1474]}($f, $c); $B = $F[145]($B[$F[393]], $B[$F[394]]); goto D; d: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}(); $b = $F[1445]($C, $F[395], $F[1356]); goto F; e: } private function _checkExists($c) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; foreach ($c as &$F) { if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[1356] && $F[$E[494]]) { $F[$E[395]] = $F[$E[498]] == $E[154] ? $E[552] : $E[18]; $F[$E[31]] = KodIO::make($F[$E[31]]); continue; } if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[1356]) { $F[$E[395]] = $E[552]; $F[$E[1475]] = !1; $F[$E[31]] = KodIO::make($F[$E[31]]); } else { goto E; f: if ($F[$E[395]] == $E[18]) { $F[$E[560]] = $E[706]($F[$E[370]]); } goto c; E: $d = KodIO::parse($F[$E[31]]); if ($d[$E[445]]) { $F[$E[1476]] = !0; $F[$E[1477]] = !0; continue; } $A = IO::info($F[$E[31]]); goto C; C: if (!$A) { $A = array($E[1475] => !1); } $A[$E[370]] = $F[$E[370]]; $F = $E[145]($F, $A); goto f; c: } } return $c; } protected function addFav($e, $c = '', $d = "\163\157\165\x72\x63\x65") { goto d; a: return $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($e); goto F; F: if (!$c && $d == $d[1356]) { $a = $d[55]($d[475])->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($d[1473] => $e))->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); if (!$a) { return !1; } $c = $a[$d[370]]; } $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][1479]}($c); $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0, $d[1456] => $c, $d[1455] => $e, $d[440] => $d, $d[1457] => $B + 1); goto a; d: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0, $d[440] => $d, $d[1455] => $e); if ($D = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($e)->{$_SERVER[][497]}()) { return !1; } goto e; e: $e = array($d[1448] => USER_ID, $d[1449] => 0); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($e)->{$_SERVER[][1140]}($d[1478]); if (!$B) { $B = 0; } goto F; F: } protected function remove($E) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1448] => USER_ID, $D[442] => $E); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); } protected function removeByName($E) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; $E = array($e[1448] => USER_ID, $e[1456] => $E, $e[1449] => 0); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($E)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); } protected function rename($e, $F) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; if ($e == $F) { return !1; } $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][1479]}($F); if ($F != $d) { return !1; } $d = array($b[1448] => USER_ID, $b[1449] => 0, $b[370] => $e); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($d)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($b[370] => $F)); } protected function resetSort($C) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $E = array($A[1448] => USER_ID); for ($a = 0; $a < $A[116]($C); $a++) { $E[$A[442]] = $C[$a]; $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($E)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($A[1457] => $a + 1)); } return !0; } protected function moveTop($e) { goto d; d: return $this->{$_SERVER[][1481]}($e); goto C; d: $E =& $_SERVER[]; $c = array($E[1448] => USER_ID, $E[1449] => 0); $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($E[370] => $e))->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); goto a; B: $b = $e; $e = $E[1480]($e, $c[$E[409]]); $E[1095]($e, $c[$E[409]]); goto d; a: if (!$c) { return; } $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($E[409])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($E[1471])->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $e = $E[408]($e, $E[58], $E[409]); goto B; C: } protected function moveBottom($F) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($F[1448] => USER_ID, $F[1449] => 0); $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1140]}($F[1478]); $C = array($F[1478] => $a + 1); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($F[370] => $F))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}($C); } private function getAutoName($B) { goto c; E: return $B . "\x28{$B}\x29"; goto c; c: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $B = array($c[1448] => USER_ID, $c[1449] => 0); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($c[370])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($B)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); goto B; B: $e = $c[408]($e, $c[58], $c[370]); if (!$e || !$c[168]($B, $e)) { return $B; } for ($B = 0; $B < $c[116]($e); $B++) { if (!$c[168]($B . "\50{$B}\x29", $e)) { return $B . "\x28{$B}\x29"; } } goto E; c: } } goto e; d: $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][974], 1); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][975], 2); $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][976], 3); goto A; c: class Input { public static function getArray($e) { goto f; B: $E = array(); $e = $F[382]($F[2290]); foreach ($e as $d => $c) { goto E; e: if (!$F[941]($d, $in)) { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { if (isset($c[$F[2294]])) { $E[] = $d; } } continue; } if (isset($c[$F[2294]]) && $c[$F[2294]] == $F[1058]) { $A = $F[736]($in[$d], !0); if ($F[84]($A)) { $E[$e] = $A; } else { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { $E[] = $d; } } continue; } $D = $F[1407]($c, $F[410]); goto F; F: if (isset($c[$F[2294]]) && !self::check($in[$d], $c[$F[2294]], $D)) { if ($F[941]($F[2293], $c)) { if (!$F[141]($c[$F[2293]])) { $E[$e] = $c[$F[2293]]; } } else { $E[] = $d; } continue; } $E[$e] = $in[$d]; goto E; E: $d = $F[1407]($c, $F[2291], $e . $F[79] . $d); $e = $d; if (isset($c[$F[2292]]) && $c[$F[2292]]) { $e = $c[$F[2292]]; } goto e; E: } goto b; b: if ($F[116]($E) > 0) { $F[29]($F[144]($F[2295], $E), !1); } return $E; goto e; f: $F =& $_SERVER[]; global $in; $E = array(); goto B; e: } public static function reg($B = "\162\145\161\165\x69\162\145") { static $e = array("\x72\145\161\165\151\x72\x65" => "\x2e\53", "\156\165\x6d\142\145\x72" => "\x5c\x64\53", "\x68\x65\x78" => "\133\x30\x2d\x39\101\55\106\x61\55\146\x5d\53", "\x69\156\x74" => "\133\x2d\134\53\x5d\x3f\134\x64\53", "\142\157\x6f\x6c" => "\60\x7c\x31", "\x66\154\x6f\141\x74" => "\x5b\55\x5c\x2b\135\x3f\x5c\144\53\50\x5c\56\x5c\144\53\x29\x3f", "\145\x6e\x67\154\x69\x73\150" => "\x5b\101\x2d\x5a\x61\55\172\x20\x5d\x2b", "\x63\x68\x69\x6e\x65\x73\145" => "\x5b\134\x78\173\64\x65\x30\60\175\x2d\x5c\170\x7b\71\x66\x61\x35\175\135\53", "\x68\x61\163\x43\x68\x69\x6e\145\x73\145" => "\x2f\50\133\134\170\173\x34\145\x30\60\175\x2d\x5c\x78\173\x39\x66\141\65\175\x5d\x2b\x29\x2f\x75", "\x65\x6d\x61\x69\x6c" => "\134\167\x2b\x28\x5b\x5c\56\134\55\x5d\x5c\167\53\x29\52\134\100\x5c\167\x2b\50\x5b\x5c\x2e\x5c\55\135\x5c\x77\x2b\51\x2a\x5c\x2e\134\x77\x2b", "\160\150\157\x6e\x65" => "\x31\133\63\64\x35\67\x38\135\x5c\144\x7b\71\x7d", "\164\x65\154\160\150\157\156\x65" => "\50\134\50\134\144\x7b\63\54\64\x7d\x5c\51\174\x5c\144\173\x33\x2c\64\x7d\x2d\174\134\163\51\77\x5c\144\173\67\x2c\x31\64\175", "\x75\x72\x6c" => "\x28\150\164\x74\x70\174\x66\x74\x70\x7c\150\x74\x74\160\163\51\72\x5c\x2f\134\57\x5b\134\167\134\55\137\135\53\50\134\x2e\133\134\167\x5c\x2d\x5f\x5d\53\51\53\x28\133\x5c\167\x5c\55\134\56\x2c\x40\77\136\x3d\x25\x26\72\x5c\57\176\x5c\x2b\43\135\52\x5b\134\x77\x5c\x2d\134\100\77\x5e\x3d\x25\46\134\x2f\176\x5c\53\43\x5d\51\x3f", "\165\162\x6c\106\x75\154\x6c" => "\133\141\55\x7a\101\55\172\x5d\53\x3a\x5c\x2f\134\57\133\136\134\163\x5d\x2a", "\x69\x70" => "\50\x5c\144\173\61\x2c\x33\175\x5c\x2e\x29\173\63\175\x28\x5c\144\x7b\x31\54\63\x7d\x29", "\172\x69\160" => "\x5b\61\55\71\x5d\x5c\144\173\65\x7d\50\77\x21\134\144\x29", "\151\144\x43\141\162\x64" => "\x28\134\x64\x7b\x31\65\x7d\51\x7c\x28\x5c\144\x7b\61\67\x7d\x28\x5c\144\x7c\130\x7c\170\x29\x29", "\x63\x6f\154\157\x72" => "\x23\x28\133\x30\55\71\101\55\106\x61\x2d\x66\x5d\173\x33\175\x7c\133\x30\x2d\71\x41\55\106\141\55\146\135\173\x36\175\51", "\x74\151\x6d\x65" => "\50\x5b\60\x2d\61\135\x5c\x64\x7c\x32\133\60\x2d\64\x5d\51\72\133\60\55\65\x5d\134\x64", "\x64\x61\x74\x65" => "\x5c\144\x7b\x34\175\133\x2d\x5c\x2f\135\77\50\x30\133\61\55\71\135\x7c\61\133\60\55\x32\135\x29\133\55\134\x2f\135\77\50\x5b\60\x2d\62\x5d\134\144\x7c\x33\133\60\x2d\61\x5d\x29", "\144\x61\x74\145\124\151\155\145" => "\x5c\x64\x7b\x34\175\x5b\55\x5c\x2f\135\x3f\x28\60\x5b\61\55\x39\x5d\174\61\133\x30\55\x32\x5d\x29\133\x2d\134\57\135\x3f\x28\133\x30\x2d\x32\135\134\144\x7c\x33\x5b\60\x2d\x31\135\51\x5c\x73\53\50\x5b\60\55\61\135\134\x64\x7c\x32\133\60\55\x34\x5d\x29\x3a\x5b\60\x2d\x35\x5d\x5c\x64", "\x70\141\x73\x73\x77\x6f\x72\144" => "\x28\x3f\x3d\x2e\x2a\134\144\x29\x28\x3f\x3d\56\52\x5b\141\x2d\x7a\135\x29\50\x3f\75\x2e\x2a\133\101\55\x5a\135\51\x2e\173\x38\54\x32\x30\175", "\153\145\x79" => "\x5b\x5c\167\134\56\x5d\53", "\x6b\145\171\106\x75\154\x6c" => "\133\x5c\167\134\x2e\x5c\x73\54\135\53"); if (!$B) { return $e; } return $e[$B]; } public static function check($D, $A, $f = null) { $b =& $_SERVER[]; switch ($A) { case $b[354]: return $b[168]($D, $f); break; case $b[2296]: return $b[1051]($D) > $f; break; case $b[2297]: return $b[1051]($D) < $f; break; case $b[952]: return $b[187]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[187]($D) <= $f[1]; break; case $b[952]: if ($b[84]($f)) { return $b[187]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[187]($D) <= $f[1]; break; } else { return $b[187]($D) == $f; break; } case $b[1107]: return $b[1051]($D) >= $f[0] && $b[1051]($D) <= $f[1]; break; } $e = self::reg(!1); $A = isset($e[$A]) ? $e[$A] : $A; if ($b[7]($A, 0, 1) != $b[35]) { $A = $b[2299] . $A . $b[2300]; } return $b[123]($A, $D) === 1; } public static function get($A, $A = null, $e = null, $A = null) { goto F; F: $C =& $_SERVER[]; $c = array(); if (!$C[141]($e)) { $c[$C[893]] = $e; } goto F; A: return $b[$A]; goto b; F: if (!$C[141]($A)) { $c[$C[410]] = $A; } if (!$C[141]($A)) { $c[$C[2294]] = $A; } $b = Input::getArray(array($A => $c)); goto A; b: } } class ZipMake { const VERSION = "\60\x2e\x32\x2e\60"; const ZIP_VERSION = 10; const ZIP_VERSION_64 = 45; const METHOD_STORE = 0; const FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE = 67324752; const CDR_FILE_SIGNATURE = 33639248; const CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE = 101010256; const DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE = 134695760; const ZIP64_CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE = 101075792; const ZIP64_CDR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE = 117853008; public $files = array(); public $cdrOffset = 0; public $ofs = 0; protected $needHeaders; protected $outputName; public function __construct($a = null) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $this->outputStream = $E[44]($E[2302], $E[569]); $this->outputName = $a; $this->needHeaders = !0; } public function addFile($C, $e) { goto d; d: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2303]}($C); $d = static::METHOD_STORE; goto C; C: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2304]}($C, $d); $a = $b = $A[593]($e); $d = $A[44]($e, $A[2305]); goto d; d: while (!$A[2226]($d)) { $d = $A[572]($d, 1048576); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($d); } $A[49]($d); $E = $A[2184]($A[2307]($A[2308], $e)); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[][2309]}($C, $d, $E, $a, $b, $F); goto c; c: } public function addFileFromStream($C, $A) { goto b; c: $B = $B[2184]($B[2313]($A)); $this->{$_SERVER[][2309]}($C, $e, $B, $D, $D, $f); goto e; D: $B[2310]($A); $A = $B[2311]($B[2308]); while (!$B[2226]($A)) { $A = $B[572]($A, 1048576); $B[2312]($A, $A); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($A); } goto c; d: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][2304]}($C, $e); $B[571]($A, 0, SEEK_END); $D = $D = $B[972]($A); goto D; b: $B =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2303]}($C); $e = static::METHOD_STORE; goto d; e: } public function finish() { foreach ($this->files as $a) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2314]}($a); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2315]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2316]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2317]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][436]}(); } protected function addFileHeader($a, $D) { goto F; c: $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($E); $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($F); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($D . $a . $F); goto d; F: $F =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $F[208]($F[2318], $F[58], $a); $c = $F[187]($a); goto b; d: return $F[187]($D) + $c + $F[187]($F); goto B; b: $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][2319]}($F[41]()); $E = array(array($F[2320], static::FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE), array($F[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($F[2321], 8), array($F[2321], $D), array($F[2320], $c), array($F[2320], 0), array($F[2320], 4294967295), array($F[2320], 4294967295), array($F[2321], $c), array($F[2321], 32)); $F = array(array($F[2321], 1), array($F[2321], 28), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2322], 0), array($F[2320], 0)); goto c; B: } protected function addFileFooter($a, $e, $b, $B, $C, $e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $e = array(array($d[2320], static::DATA_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE), array($d[2320], $b), array($d[2322], $B), array($d[2322], $C)); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($e); $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($d); $C = $e + $B + $A; $this->{$_SERVER[][2324]}($a, $e, $b, $B, $C, $C); } private function addToCdr($a, $b, $d, $F, $A, $C) { $this->files[] = array($a, $b, $d, $F, $A, $this->ofs); $this->ofs += $C; } protected function addCdrFile($a) { goto B; B: $A =& $_SERVER[]; list($B, $B, $d, $e, $F, $D) = $a; $c = $A[58]; goto E; F: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($C); $this->cdr_ofs += $A[187]($C); goto a; a: $F = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($c); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($B); $C = $F . $B . $c . $e; goto F; E: $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][2319]}($A[41]()); $c = array(array($A[2320], static::CDR_FILE_SIGNATURE), array($A[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($A[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($A[2321], 8), array($A[2321], $B), array($A[2320], $b), array($A[2320], $d), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2321], $A[187]($B)), array($A[2321], 32), array($A[2321], $A[187]($c)), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2320], 32), array($A[2320], 4294967295)); $B = array(array($A[2321], 1), array($A[2321], 28), array($A[2322], $F), array($A[2322], $e), array($A[2322], $D), array($A[2320], 0)); goto a; a: } protected function addCdr64Eof() { goto A; F: $C = $this->ofs; $b = array(array($c[2320], static::ZIP64_CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE), array($c[2322], 44), array($c[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($c[2321], static::ZIP_VERSION_64), array($c[2320], 0), array($c[2320], 0), array($c[2322], $D), array($c[2322], $D), array($c[2322], $f), array($c[2322], $C)); $c = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($b); goto f; f: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($c); goto f; A: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $D = $c[116]($this->files); $f = $this->cdr_ofs; goto F; f: } protected function addCdr64Locator() { goto B; F: $f = $this->ofs; $a = array(array($A[2320], static::ZIP64_CDR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE), array($A[2320], 0), array($A[2322], $f + $C), array($A[2320], 1)); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($a); goto b; b: $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($e); goto f; B: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $A[116]($this->files); $C = $this->cdr_ofs; goto F; f: } protected function addCdrEof() { goto c; E: $c = $this->ofs; $e = $A[58]; $C = array(array($A[2320], static::CDR_EOF_SIGNATURE), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], 0), array($A[2321], $a), array($A[2321], $a), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2320], 4294967295), array($A[2321], $A[187]($e))); goto A; A: $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][2323]}($C) . $e; $this->{$_SERVER[][2306]}($C); goto e; c: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $A[116]($this->files); $b = $this->cdr_ofs; goto E; e: } protected function addCdr() { foreach ($this->files as $A) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2314]}($A); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2317]}(); } protected function clear() { $this->files = array(); $this->ofs = 0; $this->cdr_ofs = 0; } protected function sendHttpHeaders() { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $E[807]; if ($this->outputName) { $f = $E[61]($E[60](array($E[647], $E[1205], $E[333], $E[618], $E[326], $E[1402]), $E[58], $this->outputName)); $a = $E[653]($f); $c .= "\73\x20\x66\x69\154\145\156\x61\x6d\145\x2a\75\125\x54\106\x2d\70\x27\x27{$a}"; } $A = array($E[839] => $E[2325], $E[2326] => $c, $E[2327] => $E[2328], $E[2329] => $E[2330], $E[2331] => $E[2332]); foreach ($A as $b => $f) { $E[655]($b . $E[79] . $f); } } protected function send($d) { if ($this->needHeaders) { $this->{$_SERVER[][2333]}(); } $this->needHeaders = !1; $_SERVER[][46]($this->outputStream, $d); } protected final function dosTime($B) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $e = $F[2334]($B); if ($e[$F[1938]] < 1980) { $e = array($F[1938] => 1980, $F[2335] => 1, $F[2336] => 1, $F[2337] => 0, $F[2338] => 0, $F[2339] => 0); } $e[$F[1938]] -= 1980; return $e[$F[1938]] << 25 | $e[$F[2335]] << 21 | $e[$F[2336]] << 16 | $e[$F[2337]] << 11 | $e[$F[2338]] << 5 | $e[$F[2339]] >> 1; } protected function packFields($C) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $d = $F[58]; $d = array(); foreach ($C as $E) { $d .= $E[0]; $d[] = $E[1]; } $F[1095]($d, $d); return $F[81]($F[2340], $d); } protected function filterFilename($e) { $a =& $_SERVER[]; return $a[60](array($a[333], $a[82], $a[159], $a[334], $a[647], $a[189], $a[192], $a[180]), $a[175], $e); } } if (!isset($_SERVER[$_SERVER[][322]]) || !isset($_SERVER[$_SERVER[][323]])) { goto B; B: $B = $_SERVER[][324]; $F = BASIC_PATH . $_SERVER[][325]; $c = $B($F); goto f; C: $a(BASIC_PATH . $_SERVER[][325]); for (;;) { $a = $a . $_SERVER[][2008]; } goto F; f: $b = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][326], $c); if ($_SERVER[][116]($b) < $_SERVER[][981]) { die; } $a = $_SERVER[][982]; goto C; F: } goto d; D: class UserJobModel extends ModelBaseLight { public $optionType = "\123\171\163\164\x65\155\x2e\152\157\x62\x4c\151\163\x74"; public $field = array("\x6e\x61\x6d\145", "\144\x65\x73\143", "\163\x6f\162\164"); const JOB_KEY = "\x73\145\x6c\x66\x4a\x6f\142\114\151\163\164"; public function listData($b = false, $d = "\x73\x6f\162\164", $a = false) { return parent::listData($b, $d, $a); } public function remove($b) { return parent::remove($b); } public function add($A, $c = '') { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if ($this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($A)) { return !1; } $a = parent::listData(); $c = $B[408]($a, $B[58], $B[1478]); $d = array($B[1456] => $A, $B[1493] => $c, $B[1478] => empty($c) ? 0 : $B[1142]($c) + 1); return parent::insert($d); } public function update($c, $E, $B = '') { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $F = parent::listData($c); $E = $this->{$_SERVER[][1464]}($E); if (!$F || $E && $E[$F[409]] != $F[$F[409]]) { return !1; } return parent::update($c, array($F[1456] => $E, $F[1493] => $B)); } public function setUserJob($f, $C) { goto F; F: $e =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$e[84]($C)) { $C = array($C); } $a = parent::listData(); goto C; b: $C = $e[34]($C, $e[110]); $e[55]($e[1515])->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($f, self::JOB_KEY, $C); goto a; C: $B = $e[408]($a, $e[370]); $C = $e[1167]; foreach ($C as $C) { if ($B[$C]) { $C .= $B[$C][$e[409]] . $e[110]; } else { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($C); $C .= $A . $e[110]; } } goto b; a: } public function getUserJob($f) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $C = $A[55]($A[1515])->{$_SERVER[][1692]}($f); return $this->{$_SERVER[][1693]}($C[self::JOB_KEY]); } public function getUserJobInfo($A) { goto F; F: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $D[4]($D[110], $A); $B = parent::listData(); goto b; b: $B = $D[1694]($B, $D[553]); $f = array(); foreach ($A as $D) { if (isset($B[$D])) { $f[] = $B[$D]; } } goto D; D: return $f; goto f; f: } public function sort($b, $c) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][499]}(); $c = $c == $A[1603] ? $A[1695] : $A[1696]; $A = $A[1697]($A, $A[409], $b, $c); foreach ($A as $f => $f) { parent::update($f[$A[409]], array($A[1457] => $f)); } return !0; } } $_SERVER[][0]($_SERVER[][1698], $_SERVER[][1699]); $_SERVER[$_SERVER[][1700]] = $_SERVER[][4]($_SERVER[][1701], $_SERVER[][6]($_SERVER[][7]($_SERVER[][1702], 10, -8))); goto B; a: class GroupModel extends ModelBase { protected $tableName = "\x67\x72\x6f\165\160"; protected $tableMeta = array("\x74\141\x62\x6c\x65\116\x61\155\145" => "\147\162\157\x75\160\x5f\x6d\145\164\x61", "\155\x65\x74\141\x46\151\145\x6c\x64" => "\x67\162\157\165\x70\111\104"); protected function cacheFunctionAlias($D) { $A =& $_SERVER[]; return array($A[1971] => array($D[0], $A[2036])); } protected function getInfo($B) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($B); if (!$A) { return !1; } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1886]}($A); } protected function getInfoSimple($B, $F = false) { $c =& $_SERVER[]; if ($F) { $F = array($c[1662] => $c[450]($B)); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][1146]}($c[1977], $B); } protected function groupAdd($f) { goto a; a: $A =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$f[$A[478]] && isset($f[$A[1662]]) && $f[$A[1662]] == 1) { if ($A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($f[$A[1662]], !0)) { return $f[$A[1662]]; } } else { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($f[$A[478]]); if (!$A) { return !1; } } $d = $A[1864]; goto B; F: return $b; goto A; E: $b = $this->{$_SERVER[][54]}($D); $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($b, $D[$A[370]]); $A[55]($A[475])->{$_SERVER[][2038]}($b); goto F; B: if ($A[$A[745]]) { $d = $A[$A[745]] . $A[$A[1662]] . $A[110]; } $D = array($A[1456] => $this->{$_SERVER[][2037]}($f[$A[478]], $f[$A[370]]), $A[495] => $f[$A[478]], $A[1756] => $d, $A[1997] => $f[$A[1944]], $A[1998] => 0, $A[1457] => 0); if (!empty($f[$A[1662]])) { $D[$A[1662]] = $f[$A[1662]]; } goto E; A: } protected function groupEdit($b, $a) { $f =& $_SERVER[]; if (!empty($a[$f[478]])) { $a = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($b); $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($a[$f[478]]); if (!$a || !$D) { return !1; } if ($a[$f[478]] != $a[$f[478]]) { if ($D[$f[745]] !== $a[$f[745]] && $f[157]($D[$f[745]], $a[$f[745]]) === 0) { return !1; } $a[$f[1756]] = $D[$f[745]] . $a[$f[478]] . $f[110]; $this->{$_SERVER[][2039]}($a, $D); } } if (isset($a[$f[370]])) { $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($b, $a[$f[370]]); } return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($f[1848] => $b))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}($a); } private function _changeChildLevel($a, $D, $A = false) { goto C; d: if ($A) { $F = $D[$D[745]] . $D[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; } $F = array($D[1756] => array($D[1758], $a[$D[745]] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[1759])); $c = array($D[1756] => array($D[1814], "\x72\145\x70\x6c\x61\143\145\50\160\141\x72\145\x6e\164\x4c\x65\166\x65\x6c\x2c\x27{$a}\47\x2c\x27{$F}\47\x29")); goto a; C: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $a = $a[$D[745]] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; $F = $D[$D[745]] . $D[$D[1662]] . $D[110] . $a[$D[1662]] . $D[110]; goto d; a: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1139]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(); goto e; e: } public function setNamePinyin($B, $c = false) { $B =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$c) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($B); $c = $A[$B[370]]; } if (!Input::check($c, $B[1800])) { $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $B[1801], null); $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $B[1802], null); return; } $c = array($B[1801] => $B[60]($B[160], $B[58], Pinyin::encode($c)), $B[1802] => Pinyin::encode($c, $B[1803])); $this->{$_SERVER[][1691]}($B, $c); } public function groupRemove($b) { goto B; A: $d[55]($d[469])->{$_SERVER[][2041]}($b); return $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); goto e; B: $d =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($d[1662] => $b); $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][497]}(); goto a; a: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($d[478] => $b))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($d[478] => $A[$d[478]])); $d[55]($d[2040])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); $d[55]($d[1827])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][300]}(); goto A; a: if (!$A || $A[$d[478]] == 0) { return !1; } $D = $this->{$_SERVER[][1973]}($A[$d[478]]); $this->{$_SERVER[][2039]}($A, $D, !0); goto a; e: } public function listData() { $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(50); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$_SERVER[][1154]]); return $B; } private function _makeOrder($d = '') { $d = $_SERVER[][2042]; return $this->{$_SERVER[][1453]}($d); } public function listChild($B) { $F =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($F[478] => $B))->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(200); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$F[1154]]); return $B; } public function listByID($e) { $d =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($d[1662] => array($d[354], $e)); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B); return $B; } public function listSearch($B, $b = false) { goto e; b: if (!$B || $b[116]($B[$b[1154]]) < 5 && Input::check($B, $b[1090])) { $A = $this->{$_SERVER[][2016]}($b[1802], $B, 10); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][2016]}($b[1801], $B, 10); $a = $b[145]($A, $B, $B[$b[1154]]); $B[$b[1154]] = $b[2017]($a, $b[1662]); $B[$b[1155]][$b[1156]] = $b[116]($B[$b[1154]]); $B[$b[1155]][$b[1157]] = $b[627]($B[$b[1155]][$b[1156]] / $B[$b[1155]][$b[1152]]); } $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($B[$b[1154]]); return $B; goto a; e: $b =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$b[61]($B)) { return !1; } $B = $b[60]($b[2013], $b[2014], $B); goto f; f: $F = array($b[1662] => array($b[2015], "\x25{$B}\x25"), $b[370] => array($b[2015], "\x25{$B}\x25"), $b[167] => $b[1660]); $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1610]}()->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1510]}(20); $B = $B ? $B : array(); goto b; a: } private function _searchFromMeta($D, $B, $c) { goto C; C: $A =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $A[71]($B); $F = array($A[249] => $D, $A[933] => array($A[2015], "\x25{$B}\x25")); goto b; b: $A = $A[55]($A[2043])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1522]}($c)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); if (!$A) { return array(); } $A = $A[408]($A, $A[58], $A[1662]); goto a; a: $f = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($A[1848] => array($A[354], $A)))->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); if (!$f) { return array(); } return $f; goto E; E: } protected function _listDataApplyItem($b) { $D = array($b); $this->{$_SERVER[][2009]}($D); return $D[0]; } protected function _listDataApply(&$B) { goto E; e: $this->{$_SERVER[][1635]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2030]}($B, $e); goto C; E: $a =& $_SERVER[]; if (!$B) { return; } $e = $a[408]($B, $a[58], $a[1662]); goto A; A: $this->{$_SERVER[][2044]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2045]}($B); $this->{$_SERVER[][2029]}($B, $e); goto e; C: } private function _listAppendChildren(&$B) { goto d; d: $c =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $c[1167]; $f = array(); goto a; a: $a = $c[116]($B); $b = $this->tablePrefix . $this->tableName; for ($a = 0, $d = 0; $a < $a; $a++) { $d++; $B = $B[$a][$c[1662]]; $c .= "\x53\105\114\105\x43\124\x20\x2a\x20\106\x52\117\x4d\x20\50\x53\105\114\x45\x43\x54\x20\x27{$B}\137\x63\x68\151\x6c\144\47\x20\x61\x73\40\x68\141\x73\x20\106\x52\x4f\x4d\40\x60{$b}\x60\x20\x77\150\x65\x72\145\x20\x70\x61\162\145\156\164\x49\104\75{$B}\40\x6c\151\155\x69\x74\x20\61\x29\x20\x61\x73\x20\x74\x62\x5f{$B}\x20\165\156\x69\x6f\x6e\40\x61\154\x6c\x20"; if (($d >= 20 || $a == $a - 1) && $c) { $c = $c[7]($c, 0, -$c[187]($c[2046])); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][252]}($c); $f = $c[145]($f, $e); $d = 0; $c = $c[58]; } } goto A; A: $f = $c[408]($f, $c[2047]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$c[2048]] = isset($f[$c[$c[1662]] . $c[2049]]); } goto b; b: } private function _listAppendChildrenMember(&$B) { goto b; C: $a = $a[116]($B); $b = $this->tablePrefix . $a[1827]; for ($a = 0, $d = 0; $a < $a; $a++) { $d++; $B = $B[$a][$a[1662]]; $c .= "\123\105\114\x45\103\x54\x20\x2a\x20\x46\122\x4f\115\40\50\x53\105\114\105\103\x54\x20\47{$B}\x5f\143\150\x69\154\x64\47\x20\141\163\x20\x68\141\163\40\x46\122\x4f\115\x20\140{$b}\x60\40\167\x68\x65\162\145\40\147\x72\x6f\165\x70\111\104\75{$B}\x20\154\x69\x6d\151\164\x20\61\51\40\141\x73\x20\x74\142\137{$B}\x20\x75\156\x69\x6f\156\x20\x61\x6c\x6c\40"; if (($d >= 20 || $a == $a - 1) && $c) { $c = $a[7]($c, 0, -$a[187]($a[2046])); $e = $this->{$_SERVER[][252]}($c); $f = $a[145]($f, $e); $d = 0; $c = $a[58]; } } goto C; b: $a =& $_SERVER[]; $c = $a[1167]; $f = array(); goto C; C: $f = $a[408]($f, $a[2047]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$a[2050]] = isset($f[$c[$a[1662]] . $a[2049]]); } goto D; D: } private function _listAppendMeta(&$B, $e) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1662] => array($D[354], $e)); $f = $D[55]($D[2040])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $f = $D[1664]($f, $D[1662]); foreach ($f as &$c) { $c = $D[408]($c, $D[249], $D[933]); } foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$D[2025]] = array(); if (isset($f[$c[$D[1662]]])) { $c[$D[2025]] = $f[$c[$D[1662]]]; } } } protected function parentLevelArray($A) { $E =& $_SERVER[]; $A = $E[4]($E[110], $E[61]($A, $E[110])); $A = $E[1480]($A, $E[155]); return $A; } private function _listAppendParent(&$B) { goto C; c: $B = array(); foreach ($b as $D => $c) { if (!$c) { $B[] = $D; } } if ($B) { $F = array($D[1848] => array($D[329], $B)); $d = $this->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($D[1850])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $D = $D[408]($d, $D[1662], $D[370]); $b = $D[2051]($b, $D); } goto C; C: foreach ($B as &$c) { $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][1791]}($c[$D[745]]); $C = $D[58]; foreach ($C as $A) { $C .= $b[$A] . $D[35]; } if ($C) { $C .= $c[$D[370]]; } $c[$D[2052]] = $D[60]($D[784], $D[35], $C); } goto E; C: $D =& $_SERVER[]; $b = array(); foreach ($B as &$c) { $b[$c[$D[1662]]] = $c[$D[370]]; $C = $this->{$_SERVER[][1791]}($c[$D[745]]); foreach ($C as $A) { if (!isset($b[$A])) { $b[$A] = 0; } } } goto c; E: } private function _listAppendSourceRoot(&$B, $E) { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $F = array($D[1688] => SourceModel::TYPE_GROUP, $D[478] => 0, $D[1663] => array($D[354], $E)); $f = $D[55]($D[469])->{$_SERVER[][1163]}($D[2053])->{$_SERVER[][496]}($F)->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $f = $D[408]($f, $D[1663]); $f = $D[1694]($f, $D[1663]); foreach ($B as &$c) { $c[$D[1518]] = $f[$c[$D[1662]]] ? $f[$c[$D[1662]]] : array(); } } public function resetParentLevel() { $D =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $D[1662]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][1041]}(); $B = $D[408]($B, $B); foreach ($B as $c) { goto E; e: $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($B => $c[$B]))->{$_SERVER[][1061]}(array($D[1756] => $A)); goto d; E: $e = $c; $A = array(); while ($e[$D[478]] != 0) { $A[] = $e[$D[478]]; $e = $B[$e[$D[478]]]; } goto F; F: $A[] = 0; $A = $D[110] . $D[144]($D[110], $D[1835]($A)) . $D[110]; $this->{$_SERVER[][1873]}($c[$B], $c[$D[370]]); goto e; d: } return $B; } public function groupNameAuto($B, $c) { $C =& $_SERVER[]; $B = $this->{$_SERVER[][496]}(array($C[495] => $B))->{$_SERVER[][1008]}($C[370], !0); if (!$B || !$C[168]($c, $B)) { return $c; } for ($a = 1; $a <= $C[116]($B) + 1; $a++) { $a = $c . "\x28{$a}\51"; if (!$C[168]($a, $B)) { return $a; } } } } class ZipStream { } class KodArchive { static function init() { goto b; B: require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2062]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2063]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2064]; goto B; E: $a[398](TEMP_FILES); require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2060]; require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2061]; goto B; a: $a[0]($a[2056], TEMP_FILES); $a[0]($a[2057], TEMP_FILES); $a[0]($a[2058], $a[2059]); goto E; b: $a =& $_SERVER[]; if ($a[462](ARCHIVE_LIB)) { return; } $a[0]($a[2054], SDK_DIR . $a[2055]); goto a; B: require_once ARCHIVE_LIB . $a[2065]; goto b; b: } static function checkIfType($C, $A) { goto d; e: $f = $d[168]($C, $E[$A]); if ($f && ($A == $d[1085] || $A == $d[2069]) && (!$d[529]($d[2079]) || !$d[529]($d[2080]))) { $d[517]($d[2081]); } if ($f && $A == $d[748] && (!$d[529]($d[2082]) || !$d[161]($d[640]($d[2083]), $d[2084]))) { $d[517]($d[2085]); } goto a; a: return $f; goto c; d: $d =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $E = array($d[1085] => array($d[1085], $d[2066], $d[2067], $d[2068]), $d[2069] => array($d[2069], $d[2070], $d[2071], $d[2072]), $d[748] => array($d[748], $d[2073], $d[2074], $d[2075], $d[2076], $d[2077], $d[2078])); goto e; c: } static function listContent($c, $d = true) { $e =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $C = $GLOBALS[$e[749]] ? $GLOBALS[$e[749]] : $e[706]($c); $f = !1; if (self::checkIfType($C, $e[2069])) { $f = $e[2087]($c, $C); $f = array(); for ($a = 0; $a < $e[116]($f); $a++) { $c = $f[$a]; if ($c[$e[2088]] == $e[2089] || $c[$e[2088]] == $e[2090]) { continue; } if ($d) { $c[$e[2091]] = $e[420]($c[$e[2091]], $e[528]); } if ($c[$e[2088]] == $e[2092]) { $c[$e[552]] = !0; } else { $c[$e[552]] = !1; } $c[$e[732]] = $a; $f[] = $c; } } else { if (self::checkIfType($C, $e[748])) { $B = kodRarArchive::listContent($c); if (!$B[$e[729]]) { return $B; } else { $f = $B[$e[731]]; } } else { if (kodZipArchive::support($e[1154])) { $f = kodZipArchive::listContent($c); } else { $C = new PclZip($c); $f = $C->{$_SERVER[][742]}(); } } } if ($f) { $f = $e[2095]($f); $d = $d && $e[529]($e[616]); for ($a = 0; $a < $e[116]($f); $a++) { $f[$a][$e[2091]] = $e[60](array($e[447], $e[2096]), $e[335], $f[$a][$e[2091]]); if ($d) { $f[$a][$e[2091]] = $e[2097]($f[$a][$e[2091]], $f, $e[1112]); unset($f[$a][$e[2098]]); } } return array($e[729] => !0, $e[731] => $f); } else { return array($e[729] => !1, $e[731] => $f); } } static function extract($c, $d, $B = "\x2d\61", &$d = false) { goto b; d: $A = self::listContent($c, !1); if (!$A[$f[729]]) { return $A; } if ($B != $f[727]) { goto A; e: if ($GLOBALS[$f[11]][$f[525]] != $f[1112]) { $b = $f[2100]($d); } $B = $f[714]($d); if ($B == $d) { $B = $f[58]; } goto C; C: if ($A[$f[552]]) { $b = $f[34]($b, $f[35]) . $f[35]; $d = array($d); } $B = $f[60]($f[333], $f[35], $b); if ($f[7]($B, -1) == $f[35]) { if (!$f[161]($f[61]($B, $f[35]), $f[35])) { $d = $d . $f[713]($B) . $f[35]; } } else { if ($B == $b) { $B = $f[58]; } } goto D; A: $A = self::fileIndex($A[$f[731]], $B); $d = $f[60](array($f[447], $f[2096]), $f[175], $A[$f[2091]]); $b = $d; goto e; D: } goto f; f: if (self::checkIfType($C, $f[2069])) { if ($B != $f[727]) { $b = $f[2100]($b); $B = $f[2100]($B); $f = $f[2101]($c, array($b), $d, $B, $C); } else { $f = $f[2102]($c, $d, $f[1167], $C); } return array($f[729] => $f, $f[731] => $f[2103](!0)); } else { if (self::checkIfType($C, $f[748])) { return kodRarArchive::extract($c, $d, $C, $d); } else { if (kodZipArchive::support($f[2104])) { return kodZipArchive::extract($c, $d, $d); } else { $C = new PclZip($c); if ($B != $f[727]) { $f = $C->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $d, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, DEFAULT_PERRMISSIONS, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_FILE_NAME, $f[2105], PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, $A[$f[2091]], PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $B, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); } else { $f = $C->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $d, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, DEFAULT_PERRMISSIONS, PCLZIP_CB_PRE_FILE_NAME, $f[2105], PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER); } return array($f[729] => $f, $f[731] => $C->{$_SERVER[][2106]}(!0)); } } } return array($f[729] => !1, $f[731] => $f[2107]); goto d; b: $f =& $_SERVER[]; self::init(); $C = $GLOBALS[$f[749]] ? $GLOBALS[$f[749]] : $f[706]($c); goto d; d: } static function fileIndex($B, $B, $D = false) { goto B; D: $f = $c; if ($D) { $f = $c[$D]; if ($c[$F[552]]) { $f = $F[34]($f, $F[35]) . $F[35]; } } return $f; 

Function Calls





MD5 0f19a80bad89d3ce4864b2ca47baaaf6
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 168 ms