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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\DocBlock;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Line;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Tag;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase;
* @author Graham Campbell <[email protected]>
* @author Jakub Kwaniewski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator
final class TagComparatorTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideComparatorTogetherCases
* @group legacy
public function testComparatorTogether(string $first, string $second, bool $expected): void
$tag1 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$first));
$tag2 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$second));
$this->expectDeprecation('Method PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator::shouldBeTogether is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0.');
self::assertSame($expected, TagComparator::shouldBeTogether($tag1, $tag2));
public static function provideComparatorTogetherCases(): iterable
yield ['return', 'return', true];
yield ['param', 'param', true];
yield ['return', 'param', false];
yield ['var', 'foo', false];
yield ['api', 'deprecated', false];
yield ['author', 'copyright', true];
yield ['author', 'since', false];
yield ['link', 'see', true];
yield ['category', 'package', true];
* @dataProvider provideComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroupsCases
* @param list<list<string>> $groups
* @group legacy
public function testComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroups(array $groups, string $first, string $second, bool $expected): void
$tag1 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$first));
$tag2 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$second));
$this->expectDeprecation('Method PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator::shouldBeTogether is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0.');
TagComparator::shouldBeTogether($tag1, $tag2, $groups)
public static function provideComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroupsCases(): iterable
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'return', 'return', true];
yield [[], 'param', 'return', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'return', 'param', true];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'var', 'foo', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'api', 'deprecated', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'author', 'copyright', false];
yield [[['param', 'return'], ['author', 'since']], 'author', 'since', true];
yield [[...TagComparator::DEFAULT_GROUPS, ['param', 'return']], 'link', 'see', true];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'category', 'package', false];
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\DocBlock;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Line;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\Tag;
use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase;
* @author Graham Campbell <[email protected]>
* @author Jakub Kwaniewski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator
final class TagComparatorTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideComparatorTogetherCases
* @group legacy
public function testComparatorTogether(string $first, string $second, bool $expected): void
$tag1 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$first));
$tag2 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$second));
$this->expectDeprecation('Method PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator::shouldBeTogether is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0.');
self::assertSame($expected, TagComparator::shouldBeTogether($tag1, $tag2));
public static function provideComparatorTogetherCases(): iterable
yield ['return', 'return', true];
yield ['param', 'param', true];
yield ['return', 'param', false];
yield ['var', 'foo', false];
yield ['api', 'deprecated', false];
yield ['author', 'copyright', true];
yield ['author', 'since', false];
yield ['link', 'see', true];
yield ['category', 'package', true];
* @dataProvider provideComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroupsCases
* @param list<list<string>> $groups
* @group legacy
public function testComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroups(array $groups, string $first, string $second, bool $expected): void
$tag1 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$first));
$tag2 = new Tag(new Line('* @'.$second));
$this->expectDeprecation('Method PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\TagComparator::shouldBeTogether is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0.');
TagComparator::shouldBeTogether($tag1, $tag2, $groups)
public static function provideComparatorTogetherWithDefinedGroupsCases(): iterable
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'return', 'return', true];
yield [[], 'param', 'return', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'return', 'param', true];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'var', 'foo', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'api', 'deprecated', false];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'author', 'copyright', false];
yield [[['param', 'return'], ['author', 'since']], 'author', 'since', true];
yield [[...TagComparator::DEFAULT_GROUPS, ['param', 'return']], 'link', 'see', true];
yield [[['param', 'return']], 'category', 'package', false];
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 1690e5f5f0b46e86e9da996238fba1c1 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 97 ms |