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\_Welcome to (Alpha 0.10.8) ~ Much Love, Ferib
local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30) if (v1(v30,2)==81) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";else local v90=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v112=v5(v90,v19);v19=nil;return v112;else return v90;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v91=(v31/((570 -(367 + 201))^(v32-(2 -1))))%((5 -3)^(((v33-(1 -0)) -(v32-(878 -(282 + 595)))) + (1638 -(1523 + 114)))) ;return v91-(v91%(2 -1)) ;else local v92=(621 -(555 + (278 -214)))^(v32-(1 -0)) ;return (((v31%(v92 + v92))>=v92) and (932 -(857 + (191 -(32 + 85))))) or (1270 -(226 + 1044)) ;end end local function v21() local v34=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v34;end local function v22() local v35=0 + 0 ;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v35==(1 + 0)) then return (v37 * (1213 -(892 + 65))) + v36 ;end if (v35==(0 -0)) then v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (3 -1) );v18=v18 + ((183 -(67 + 113)) -1) ;v35=(258 + 93) -(87 + 263) ;end end end local function v23() local v38=0 -0 ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;while true do if (v38==(0 + 0)) then v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (11 -8) );v18=v18 + ((1953 -(915 + 82)) -(802 + 150)) ;v38=2 -1 ;end if (v38==(1 -0)) then return (v42 * 16777216) + (v41 * 65536) + (v40 * (187 + 69)) + v39 ;end end end local function v24() local v43=0 -0 ;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v43==(2 + 0)) then v48=v20(v45,27 -(4 + 2) ,1218 -(1069 + 118) );v49=((v20(v45,32)==(2 -1)) and -(1 -0)) or (1 + 0) ;v43=3;end if (v43==0) then v44=v23();v45=v23();v43=1;end if (v43==(4 -1)) then if (v48==(0 + 0)) then if (v47==(791 -(368 + 423))) then return v49 * ((0 -0) -0) ;else v48=19 -((35 -25) + 8) ;v46=0 -0 ;end elseif (v48==(2489 -(416 + 26))) then return ((v47==(0 -0)) and (v49 * ((1 + 0)/((859 -(814 + 45)) -0)))) or (v49 * NaN) ;end return v8(v49,v48-(1461 -(145 + 293)) ) * (v46 + (v47/(((1064 -632) -(3 + 41 + 386))^(1538 -(353 + 645 + 488))))) ;end if (((886 -(261 + 624)) + 0)==v43) then v46=1;v47=(v20(v45,1 + 0 ,20) * ((774 -(201 + 571))^((2079 -909) -((1196 -(1020 + 60)) + 1022)))) + v44 ;v43=8 -6 ;end end end local function v25(v50) local v51=1423 -(630 + 793) ;local v52;local v53;while true do if (v51==(0 -0)) then v52=nil;if not v50 then local v119=0;while true do if (v119==(0 -0)) then v50=v23();if (v50==(0 + 0 + 0)) then return "";end break;end end end v51=3 -2 ;end if ((1748 -(760 + 987))==v51) then v52=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v50) -(1914 -(1789 + 124)) );v18=v18 + v50 ;v51=768 -(745 + 21) ;end if (v51==(1 + 1)) then v53={};for v113=2 -1 , #v52 do v53[v113]=v2(v1(v3(v52,v113,v113)));end v51=(1066 -(87 + 968)) -8 ;end if ((1 + (8 -6))==v51) then return v6(v53);end end end local v26=v23;local function v27(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28() local v54=(function() return function(v93,v94,v95,v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101) local v102=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v93=(function() return;end)();local v94=(function() return;end)();while true do local v111=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if ((0 -0)==v111) then if (v102==(3 -2)) then local v122=(function() return 1824 -(1195 + 629) ;end)();while true do if (v122~=0) then else while true do if (0~=v93) then else v94=(function() return v95();end)();if (v96(v94, #",", #":")==(0 -0)) then local v142=(function() return 241 -(187 + 54) ;end)();local v143=(function() return;end)();local v144=(function() return;end)();local v145=(function() return;end)();local v146=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v142==(780 -(162 + 618))) then local v412=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v412==0) then v143=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();v144=(function() return nil;end)();v412=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();end if (1==v412) then v142=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();break;end end end if (v142==2) then while true do if (2~=v143) then else local v493=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v494=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v493==(1636 -(1373 + 263))) then v494=(function() return 1000 -(451 + 549) ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v494) then if (v96(v145, #"}", #">")~= #"~") then else v146[2]=(function() return v97[v146[2 -0 ]];end)();end if (v96(v145,2 -0 ,2)== #" ") then v146[ #"nil"]=(function() return v97[v146[ #"91("]];end)();end v494=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v494==1) then v143=(function() return #"asd";end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v143== #"19(") then if (v96(v145, #"asd", #"asd")== #"{") then v146[ #"http"]=(function() return v97[v146[ #"0313"]];end)();end v98[v99]=(function() return v146;end)();break;end if (v143~=(1384 -(746 + 638))) then else local v496=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v497=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v496~=(0 -0)) then else v497=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v497==(342 -(218 + 123))) then v143=(function() return #" ";end)();break;end if (v497==(1581 -(1535 + 46))) then v144=(function() return v96(v94,2, #"-19");end)();v145=(function() return v96(v94, #".com",6);end)();v497=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end end break;end end end if (v143~= #">") then else local v498=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v499=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v498==(560 -(306 + 254))) then v499=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v499==(1 -0)) then v143=(function() return 2;end)();break;end if (v499==(1467 -(899 + 568))) then v146=(function() return {v100(),v100(),nil,nil};end)();if (v144==(0 -0)) then local v524=(function() return 0;end)();local v525=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v524==0) then v525=(function() return 603 -(268 + 335) ;end)();while true do if (v525==(290 -(60 + 230))) then v146[ #"nil"]=(function() return v100();end)();v146[ #"0313"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end elseif (v144== #">") then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101();end)();elseif (v144==(574 -(426 + 146))) then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101() -((1 + 1)^16) ;end)();elseif (v144~= #"asd") then else local v530=(function() return 1456 -(282 + 1174) ;end)();local v531=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v530~=0) then else v531=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v531==(811 -(569 + 242))) then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101() -(2^16) ;end)();v146[ #"0313"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end end v499=(function() return 2 -1 ;end)();end end break;end end end end break;end if (v142==(1 + 0)) then v145=(function() return nil;end)();v146=(function() return nil;end)();v142=(function() return 1026 -(706 + 318) ;end)();end end end break;end end return v93,v94,v95,v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101;end end end if (v102==0) then v93=(function() return 0;end)();v94=(function() return nil;end)();v102=(function() return 1;end)();end break;end end end end;end)();local v55=(function() return function(v103,v104,v105) local v106=(function() return 1251 -(721 + 530) ;end)();local v107=(function() return;end)();while true do if ((1271 -(945 + 326))==v106) then v107=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (0~=v107) then else local v123=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v123==0) then v103[v104-#"." ]=(function() return v105();end)();return v103,v104,v105;end end end end break;end end end;end)();local v56=(function() return {};end)();local v57=(function() return {};end)();local v58=(function() return {};end)();local v59=(function() return {v56,v57,nil,v58};end)();local v60=(function() return v23();end)();local v61=(function() return {};end)();for v69= #"/",v60 do local v70=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v71=(function() return;end)();local v72=(function() return;end)();local v73=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v70~=(700 -(271 + 429))) then else v71=(function() return 0;end)();v72=(function() return nil;end)();v70=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end if (v70~=(1501 -(1408 + 92))) then else v73=(function() return nil;end)();while true do if (v71~=(1086 -(461 + 625))) then else local v120=(function() return 1288 -(993 + 295) ;end)();while true do if (v120~=1) then else v71=(function() return 1;end)();break;end if (v120==0) then v72=(function() return v21();end)();v73=(function() return nil;end)();v120=(function() return 1;end)();end end end if (v71==(1 + 0)) then if (v72== #">") then v73=(function() return v21()~=0 ;end)();elseif (v72==(1173 -(418 + 753))) then v73=(function() return v24();end)();elseif (v72== #"nil") then v73=(function() return v25();end)();end v61[v69]=(function() return v73;end)();break;end end break;end end end v59[ #"gha"]=(function() return v21();end)();for v74= #"!",v23() do FlatIdent_6FA1,Descriptor,v21,v20,v61,v56,v74,v22,v23=(function() return v54(FlatIdent_6FA1,Descriptor,v21,v20,v61,v56,v74,v22,v23);end)();end for v75= #"/",v23() do v57,v75,v28=(function() return v55(v57,v75,v28);end)();end return v59;end local function v29(v63,v64,v65) local v66=v63[1 + 0 ];local v67=v63[1 + 1 ];local v68=v63[1 + 2 ];return function(...) local v76=v66;local v77=v67;local v78=v68;local v79=v27;local v80=1 + 0 ;local v81= -1;local v82={};local v83={...};local v84=v12("#",...) -(1770 -(1749 + 20)) ;local v85={};local v86={};for v108=0 + (0 -0) ,v84 do if (v108>=v78) then v82[v108-v78 ]=v83[v108 + 1 ];else v86[v108]=v83[v108 + (1245 -(485 + 759)) ];end end local v87=(v84-v78) + ((3061 -1738) -(1249 + 73)) ;local v88;local v89;while true do v88=v76[v80];v89=v88[1 + 0 ];if (v89<=(1201 -(466 + 679))) then if ((1081<4524) and (v89<=(64 -37))) then if ((440>=71) and (v89<=(37 -24))) then if (v89<=6) then if (v89<=2) then if (v89<=(1900 -(106 + 1794))) then local v125=v88[1 + 1 ];v86[v125](v13(v86,v125 + (1190 -(442 + 747)) + 0 ,v88[3]));elseif (v89>(2 -1)) then if (v86[v88[5 -3 ]]==v86[v88[4]]) then v80=v80 + (115 -(4 + 110)) ;else v80=v88[587 -(57 + 527) ];end else v86[v88[1429 -(41 + 1386) ]]=v86[v88[106 -(17 + 86) ]] + v88[3 + 1 ] ;end elseif (v89<=(8 -(1139 -(832 + 303)))) then if ((4934>2607) and (v89>(8 -5))) then local v148=v88[168 -(122 + 44) ];local v149,v150=v79(v86[v148](v13(v86,v148 + 1 ,v88[3])));v81=(v150 + v148) -(1 -0) ;local v151=0 -0 ;for v338=v148,v81 do local v339=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v339==(0 + 0)) then v151=v151 + (1 -0) ;v86[v338]=v149[v151];break;end end end else v86[v88[2]]=v64[v88[68 -(30 + 35) ]];end elseif ((v89>(4 + 1)) or (1167>1278) or (1400>3116)) then v80=v88[1260 -(1043 + 214) ];else local v155=0 -0 ;local v156;local v157;while true do if ((v155==1) or (1145<=1082)) then for v451=v156 + (1213 -(323 + 889)) ,v81 do v7(v157,v86[v451]);end break;end if ((525<1662) and ((v155==(0 -0)) or (3105==4881))) then v156=v88[582 -(361 + 219) ];v157=v86[v156];v155=321 -((999 -(88 + 858)) + 267) ;end end end elseif (v89<=9) then if (v89<=(2 + 5)) then local v126=v88[415 -(15 + 398) ];v86[v126]=v86[v126](v13(v86,v126 + 1 ,v81));elseif (v89>(990 -(18 + 964))) then local v158=v88[2];local v159=v86[v158];local v160=v86[v158 + 2 ];if ((v160>(0 -0)) or (876>2550)) then if (v159>v86[v158 + 1 + 0 + 0 ]) then v80=v88[3];else v86[v158 + 2 + 1 + 0 ]=v159;end elseif (v159<v86[v158 + (851 -(20 + 830)) ]) then v80=v88[1 + 2 ];else v86[v158 + 3 + 0 ]=v159;end else do return;end end elseif ((219<=2456) and (v89<=11)) then if ((v89==(799 -(766 + 23))) or (1887>4878)) then if (v86[v88[9 -7 ]]<v86[v88[(177 -47) -(116 + 10) ]]) then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else v80=v88[741 -((1427 -885) + 196) ];end else v86[v88[3 -1 ]][v88[1 + 2 ]]=v86[v88[3 + 1 ]];end elseif (v89>(5 + 7)) then v86[v88[4 -2 ]]=v65[v88[7 -4 ]];elseif ( not v86[v88[1553 -(1126 + (1442 -1017)) ]] or (4087>4116)) then v80=v80 + (406 -(118 + 287)) ;else v80=v88[11 -8 ];end elseif ((1106<=1266) and (v89<=(1141 -(118 + 1003)))) then if (v89<=(46 -30)) then if (v89<=14) then v86[v88[(1452 -(1036 + 37)) -(142 + 167 + 68) ]]=v86[v88[13 -10 ]] * v88[1 + 3 ] ;elseif (v89>(992 -(553 + 424))) then local v165=0;local v166;local v167;local v168;while true do if (v165==(3 -1)) then if (v167>(0 + 0)) then if (v168<=v86[v166 + 1 + 0 ]) then v80=v88[2 + 1 ];v86[v166 + 3 ]=v168;end elseif (((3155<4650) and (v168>=v86[v166 + 1 ])) or (4219==1150)) then v80=v88[2 + 1 ];v86[v166 + 2 + 1 ]=v168;end break;end if ((v165==1) or (2989<=222)) then v168=v86[v166] + v167 ;v86[v166]=v168;v165=2;end if (v165==0) then v166=v88[4 -2 ];v167=v86[v166 + (5 -3) ];v165=2 -1 ;end end else local v169=0 + 0 ;local v170;local v171;local v172;local v173;while true do if (v169==1) then v81=(v172 + v170) -1 ;v173=0 -(0 -0) ;v169=755 -(239 + 514) ;end if ((3774>=1839) and (v169==(0 + 0 + 0))) then v170=v88[(2811 -(641 + 839)) -((1710 -(910 + 3)) + 532) ];v171,v172=v79(v86[v170](v13(v86,v170 + 1 + 0 ,v81)));v169=1 + 0 ;end if ((2258>1241) and ((4 -2)==v169)) then for v456=v170,v81 do v173=v173 + 1 ;v86[v456]=v171[v173];end break;end end end elseif (v89<=(1220 -(373 + 829))) then if ((2811==2811) and (v89==17)) then v86[v88[733 -(476 + 255) ]]={};else local v175=v88[2];local v176,v177=v79(v86[v175](v13(v86,v175 + 1 ,v88[(2888 -1755) -((2053 -(1466 + 218)) + 761) ])));v81=(v177 + v175) -(1 + 0 + 0) ;local v178=(1148 -(556 + 592)) -(0 + 0) ;for v340=v175,v81 do v178=v178 + (1 -0) ;v86[v340]=v176[v178];end end elseif ((41<4259) and (2146>1122) and (v89==(257 -(64 + 174)))) then local v179=v88[2];local v180=v86[v179];for v343=v179 + 1 ,v88[(809 -(329 + 479)) + 2 ] do v7(v180,v86[v343]);end else local v181=0 -0 ;local v182;while true do if (v181==0) then v182=v88[2];v86[v182](v13(v86,v182 + ((1191 -(174 + 680)) -(144 + 192)) ,v88[3]));break;end end end elseif ((v89<=(239 -(42 + 174))) or (1930<56)) then if ((v89<=(16 + 5)) or (56==3616)) then if (v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]==v88[2 + 2 ]) then v80=v80 + (1505 -(363 + 1141)) ;else v80=v88[1583 -(1183 + 397) ];end elseif ((v89>(66 -44)) or (2421<622)) then local v184=v77[v88[3 + 0 ]];local v185;local v186={};v185=v10({},{__index=function(v344,v345) local v346=v186[v345];return v346[1 + 0 ][v346[1977 -(1913 + 62) ]];end,__newindex=function(v347,v348,v349) local v350=v186[v348];v350[1 + 0 ][v350[5 -3 ]]=v349;end});for v352=1934 -(565 + 1368) ,v88[4] do local v353=0;local v354;while true do if ((3333==3333) and (v353==(0 -0))) then v80=v80 + (1662 -(1055 + 422 + 184)) ;v354=v76[v80];v353=1 -(739 -(396 + 343)) ;end if (v353==(1 + 0)) then if (v354[1]==(880 -(564 + 292))) then v186[v352-(1 + 0) ]={v86,v354[4 -1 ]};else v186[v352-(2 -1) ]={v64,v354[3 + 0 ]};end v85[ #v85 + (477 -(41 + 435)) ]=v186;break;end end end v86[v88[1003 -(938 + 63) ]]=v29(v184,v185,v65);else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v86[v88[1128 -(936 + 189) ]] -v88[(1391 -(135 + 1254)) + 2 ] ;end elseif (v89<=(1638 -(1565 + 48))) then if (v89>(15 + 9)) then if ((v86[v88[1140 -(782 + 356) ]]~=v88[(1020 -749) -(176 + 91) ]) or (2225==20)) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v80=v88[7 -4 ];end else v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v86[v88[1095 -(975 + 117) ]];end elseif ((v89==(1901 -(157 + 1718))) or (872>=3092)) then local v191=v88[2];local v192={v86[v191](v86[v191 + (4 -3) ])};local v193=0 + 0 ;for v355=v191,v88[14 -10 ] do local v356=(0 + 0) -0 ;while true do if (v356==(1018 -(697 + 321))) then v193=v193 + (2 -1) ;v86[v355]=v192[v193];break;end end end elseif v86[v88[3 -1 ]] then v80=v80 + (2 -(1528 -(389 + 1138))) ;else v80=v88[2 + 1 ];end elseif (v89<=41) then if (v89<=34) then if ((1009<=1130) and (v89<=(56 -26))) then if (v89<=(74 -46)) then if (v86[v88[1229 -(322 + 905) ]]==v86[v88[615 -(602 + 9) ]]) then v80=v80 + ((1764 -(102 + 472)) -(449 + 740)) ;else v80=v88[875 -(826 + 46) ];end elseif ((2758<2980) and (v89==29)) then local v195=v88[2];local v196=v86[v195 + (949 -(232 + 13 + 702)) ];local v197=v86[v195] + v196 ;v86[v195]=v197;if (v196>(0 -0)) then if ((v197<=v86[v195 + 1 + 0 ]) or (86>=3626)) then v80=v88[1901 -(260 + 1638) ];v86[v195 + (443 -(212 + 170 + 58)) ]=v197;end elseif ((4404>=3252) and (v197>=v86[v195 + (3 -2) ])) then local v465=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((2395==2395) and (((0 + 0) -0)==v465)) then v80=v88[8 -5 ];v86[v195 + (1208 -(902 + 303)) ]=v197;break;end end end else local v199=v88[(1548 -(320 + 1225)) -1 ];v86[v199]=v86[v199](v13(v86,v199 + (2 -1) ,v81));end elseif (v89<=(3 + 29)) then if ((3780>2709) and (v89>(1721 -(1121 + 569)))) then v86[v88[216 -(22 + 192) ]]=v88[686 -(483 + 200) ];else local v203=1463 -(1404 + 59) ;local v204;local v205;local v206;while true do if (1==v203) then v206=v88[8 -5 ];for v466=1 -0 ,v206 do v205[v466]=v86[v204 + v466 ];end break;end if (v203==0) then v204=v88[767 -(468 + 297) ];v205=v86[v204];v203=563 -(334 + 228) ;end end end elseif (v89>(111 -78)) then v64[v88[6 -3 ]]=v86[v88[(2 -0) -0 ]];elseif not v86[v88[1 + 1 ]] then v80=v80 + (237 -(141 + 95)) ;else v80=v88[3 + 0 ];end elseif ((v89<=(94 -57)) or (237>=2273)) then if ((1107>796) and ((v89<=((52 + 32) -49)) or (2040<=703))) then v86[v88[1 + 1 ]]=v29(v77[v88[8 -5 ]],nil,v65);elseif (v89>36) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]= not v86[v88[2 + 1 ]];else local v210=0 -0 ;local v211;while true do if ((959==959) and ((0 + 0)==v210)) then v211=v88[(1629 -(157 + 1307)) -((1951 -(821 + 1038)) + 71) ];v86[v211]=v86[v211](v86[v211 + 1 ]);break;end end end elseif ((v89<=((49 -29) + 19)) or (245>=2204)) then if (v89>(63 -25)) then v80=v88[768 -(574 + 21 + 170) ];else do return v86[v88[(3 -1) + 0 ]];end end elseif (v89>40) then v86[v88[4 -(1 + 1) ]]();else local v213=v88[2 + 0 ];local v214=v86[v88[(2111 -1259) -(254 + 595) ]];v86[v213 + (127 -((1081 -(834 + 192)) + 71)) ]=v214;v86[v213]=v214[v88[5 -1 ]];end elseif ((3162>=2069) and (3279<=3967) and (v89<=(1838 -(573 + 1217)))) then if (v89<=(121 -77)) then if ((v89<=(4 + 3 + 35)) or (306>3081)) then v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v86[v88[942 -(714 + 225) ]] + v86[v88[(3 + 8) -(1 + 6) ]] ;elseif ((v89>(59 -16)) or (1988==877)) then local v218=0 + 0 ;local v219;local v220;local v221;while true do if ((v218==(0 -0)) or (3513<2706)) then v219=v88[808 -(118 + 688) ];v220=v86[v219];v218=49 -(25 + 23) ;end if ((4291>1912) and (v218==(1 + 0))) then v221=v86[v219 + (1888 -(927 + 959)) ];if (v221>(0 -(0 -0))) then if ((2003<2339) and (v220>v86[v219 + (733 -((320 -(300 + 4)) + 716)) ])) then v80=v88[3];else v86[v219 + ((2 + 3) -2) ]=v220;end elseif ((432==432) and (v220<v86[v219 + ((256 -158) -(11 + (448 -(112 + 250)))) ])) then v80=v88[6 -3 ];else v86[v219 + 3 ]=v220;end break;end end else local v222=(114 + 171) -(175 + 110) ;local v223;while true do if ((2978<3639) and (v222==((0 -0) -0))) then v223=v86[v88[19 -15 ]];if ( not v223 or (1145>=1253)) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v86[v88[1798 -(503 + 1293) ]]=v223;v80=v88[3];end break;end end end elseif (v89<=(128 -(47 + 35))) then if ((3418>2118) and (v89>(33 + 12))) then for v357=v88[1063 -(810 + 251) ],v88[2 + 1 + 0 ] do v86[v357]=nil;end else local v224=v86[v88[2 + 2 ]];if v224 then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 + 0 ;else v86[v88[(266 + 269) -(43 + 490) ]]=v224;v80=v88[736 -(711 + 22) ];end end elseif (v89>(181 -134)) then local v225=859 -(240 + 619) ;local v226;while true do if (v225==(0 + 0)) then v226=v86[v88[5 -1 ]];if v226 then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else v86[v88[1746 -(1344 + 400) ]]=v226;v80=v88[408 -(255 + 112 + 38) ];end break;end end else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v86[v88[3]][v88[3 + 1 ]];end ?>
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Original Code
.____ ________ ___. _____ __
| | __ _______ \_____ \\_ |___/ ____\_ __ ______ ____ _____ _/ |_ ___________
| | | | \__ \ / | \| __ \ __\ | \/ ___// ___\\__ \\ __\/ _ \_ __ \
| |___| | // __ \_/ | \ \_\ \ | | | /\___ \\ \___ / __ \| | ( <_> ) | \/
|_______ \____/(____ /\_______ /___ /__| |____//____ >\___ >____ /__| \____/|__|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
\_Welcome to (Alpha 0.10.8) ~ Much Love, Ferib
local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30) if (v1(v30,2)==81) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";else local v90=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v112=v5(v90,v19);v19=nil;return v112;else return v90;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v91=(v31/((570 -(367 + 201))^(v32-(2 -1))))%((5 -3)^(((v33-(1 -0)) -(v32-(878 -(282 + 595)))) + (1638 -(1523 + 114)))) ;return v91-(v91%(2 -1)) ;else local v92=(621 -(555 + (278 -214)))^(v32-(1 -0)) ;return (((v31%(v92 + v92))>=v92) and (932 -(857 + (191 -(32 + 85))))) or (1270 -(226 + 1044)) ;end end local function v21() local v34=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v34;end local function v22() local v35=0 + 0 ;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v35==(1 + 0)) then return (v37 * (1213 -(892 + 65))) + v36 ;end if (v35==(0 -0)) then v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (3 -1) );v18=v18 + ((183 -(67 + 113)) -1) ;v35=(258 + 93) -(87 + 263) ;end end end local function v23() local v38=0 -0 ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;while true do if (v38==(0 + 0)) then v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (11 -8) );v18=v18 + ((1953 -(915 + 82)) -(802 + 150)) ;v38=2 -1 ;end if (v38==(1 -0)) then return (v42 * 16777216) + (v41 * 65536) + (v40 * (187 + 69)) + v39 ;end end end local function v24() local v43=0 -0 ;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v43==(2 + 0)) then v48=v20(v45,27 -(4 + 2) ,1218 -(1069 + 118) );v49=((v20(v45,32)==(2 -1)) and -(1 -0)) or (1 + 0) ;v43=3;end if (v43==0) then v44=v23();v45=v23();v43=1;end if (v43==(4 -1)) then if (v48==(0 + 0)) then if (v47==(791 -(368 + 423))) then return v49 * ((0 -0) -0) ;else v48=19 -((35 -25) + 8) ;v46=0 -0 ;end elseif (v48==(2489 -(416 + 26))) then return ((v47==(0 -0)) and (v49 * ((1 + 0)/((859 -(814 + 45)) -0)))) or (v49 * NaN) ;end return v8(v49,v48-(1461 -(145 + 293)) ) * (v46 + (v47/(((1064 -632) -(3 + 41 + 386))^(1538 -(353 + 645 + 488))))) ;end if (((886 -(261 + 624)) + 0)==v43) then v46=1;v47=(v20(v45,1 + 0 ,20) * ((774 -(201 + 571))^((2079 -909) -((1196 -(1020 + 60)) + 1022)))) + v44 ;v43=8 -6 ;end end end local function v25(v50) local v51=1423 -(630 + 793) ;local v52;local v53;while true do if (v51==(0 -0)) then v52=nil;if not v50 then local v119=0;while true do if (v119==(0 -0)) then v50=v23();if (v50==(0 + 0 + 0)) then return "";end break;end end end v51=3 -2 ;end if ((1748 -(760 + 987))==v51) then v52=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v50) -(1914 -(1789 + 124)) );v18=v18 + v50 ;v51=768 -(745 + 21) ;end if (v51==(1 + 1)) then v53={};for v113=2 -1 , #v52 do v53[v113]=v2(v1(v3(v52,v113,v113)));end v51=(1066 -(87 + 968)) -8 ;end if ((1 + (8 -6))==v51) then return v6(v53);end end end local v26=v23;local function v27(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28() local v54=(function() return function(v93,v94,v95,v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101) local v102=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v93=(function() return;end)();local v94=(function() return;end)();while true do local v111=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if ((0 -0)==v111) then if (v102==(3 -2)) then local v122=(function() return 1824 -(1195 + 629) ;end)();while true do if (v122~=0) then else while true do if (0~=v93) then else v94=(function() return v95();end)();if (v96(v94, #",", #":")==(0 -0)) then local v142=(function() return 241 -(187 + 54) ;end)();local v143=(function() return;end)();local v144=(function() return;end)();local v145=(function() return;end)();local v146=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v142==(780 -(162 + 618))) then local v412=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v412==0) then v143=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();v144=(function() return nil;end)();v412=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();end if (1==v412) then v142=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();break;end end end if (v142==2) then while true do if (2~=v143) then else local v493=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v494=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v493==(1636 -(1373 + 263))) then v494=(function() return 1000 -(451 + 549) ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v494) then if (v96(v145, #"}", #">")~= #"~") then else v146[2]=(function() return v97[v146[2 -0 ]];end)();end if (v96(v145,2 -0 ,2)== #" ") then v146[ #"nil"]=(function() return v97[v146[ #"91("]];end)();end v494=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v494==1) then v143=(function() return #"asd";end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v143== #"19(") then if (v96(v145, #"asd", #"asd")== #"{") then v146[ #"http"]=(function() return v97[v146[ #"0313"]];end)();end v98[v99]=(function() return v146;end)();break;end if (v143~=(1384 -(746 + 638))) then else local v496=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v497=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v496~=(0 -0)) then else v497=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v497==(342 -(218 + 123))) then v143=(function() return #" ";end)();break;end if (v497==(1581 -(1535 + 46))) then v144=(function() return v96(v94,2, #"-19");end)();v145=(function() return v96(v94, #".com",6);end)();v497=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end end break;end end end if (v143~= #">") then else local v498=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v499=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v498==(560 -(306 + 254))) then v499=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v499==(1 -0)) then v143=(function() return 2;end)();break;end if (v499==(1467 -(899 + 568))) then v146=(function() return {v100(),v100(),nil,nil};end)();if (v144==(0 -0)) then local v524=(function() return 0;end)();local v525=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v524==0) then v525=(function() return 603 -(268 + 335) ;end)();while true do if (v525==(290 -(60 + 230))) then v146[ #"nil"]=(function() return v100();end)();v146[ #"0313"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end elseif (v144== #">") then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101();end)();elseif (v144==(574 -(426 + 146))) then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101() -((1 + 1)^16) ;end)();elseif (v144~= #"asd") then else local v530=(function() return 1456 -(282 + 1174) ;end)();local v531=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v530~=0) then else v531=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v531==(811 -(569 + 242))) then v146[ #"91("]=(function() return v101() -(2^16) ;end)();v146[ #"0313"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end end v499=(function() return 2 -1 ;end)();end end break;end end end end break;end if (v142==(1 + 0)) then v145=(function() return nil;end)();v146=(function() return nil;end)();v142=(function() return 1026 -(706 + 318) ;end)();end end end break;end end return v93,v94,v95,v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101;end end end if (v102==0) then v93=(function() return 0;end)();v94=(function() return nil;end)();v102=(function() return 1;end)();end break;end end end end;end)();local v55=(function() return function(v103,v104,v105) local v106=(function() return 1251 -(721 + 530) ;end)();local v107=(function() return;end)();while true do if ((1271 -(945 + 326))==v106) then v107=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (0~=v107) then else local v123=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v123==0) then v103[v104-#"." ]=(function() return v105();end)();return v103,v104,v105;end end end end break;end end end;end)();local v56=(function() return {};end)();local v57=(function() return {};end)();local v58=(function() return {};end)();local v59=(function() return {v56,v57,nil,v58};end)();local v60=(function() return v23();end)();local v61=(function() return {};end)();for v69= #"/",v60 do local v70=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v71=(function() return;end)();local v72=(function() return;end)();local v73=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v70~=(700 -(271 + 429))) then else v71=(function() return 0;end)();v72=(function() return nil;end)();v70=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end if (v70~=(1501 -(1408 + 92))) then else v73=(function() return nil;end)();while true do if (v71~=(1086 -(461 + 625))) then else local v120=(function() return 1288 -(993 + 295) ;end)();while true do if (v120~=1) then else v71=(function() return 1;end)();break;end if (v120==0) then v72=(function() return v21();end)();v73=(function() return nil;end)();v120=(function() return 1;end)();end end end if (v71==(1 + 0)) then if (v72== #">") then v73=(function() return v21()~=0 ;end)();elseif (v72==(1173 -(418 + 753))) then v73=(function() return v24();end)();elseif (v72== #"nil") then v73=(function() return v25();end)();end v61[v69]=(function() return v73;end)();break;end end break;end end end v59[ #"gha"]=(function() return v21();end)();for v74= #"!",v23() do FlatIdent_6FA1,Descriptor,v21,v20,v61,v56,v74,v22,v23=(function() return v54(FlatIdent_6FA1,Descriptor,v21,v20,v61,v56,v74,v22,v23);end)();end for v75= #"/",v23() do v57,v75,v28=(function() return v55(v57,v75,v28);end)();end return v59;end local function v29(v63,v64,v65) local v66=v63[1 + 0 ];local v67=v63[1 + 1 ];local v68=v63[1 + 2 ];return function(...) local v76=v66;local v77=v67;local v78=v68;local v79=v27;local v80=1 + 0 ;local v81= -1;local v82={};local v83={...};local v84=v12("#",...) -(1770 -(1749 + 20)) ;local v85={};local v86={};for v108=0 + (0 -0) ,v84 do if (v108>=v78) then v82[v108-v78 ]=v83[v108 + 1 ];else v86[v108]=v83[v108 + (1245 -(485 + 759)) ];end end local v87=(v84-v78) + ((3061 -1738) -(1249 + 73)) ;local v88;local v89;while true do v88=v76[v80];v89=v88[1 + 0 ];if (v89<=(1201 -(466 + 679))) then if ((1081<4524) and (v89<=(64 -37))) then if ((440>=71) and (v89<=(37 -24))) then if (v89<=6) then if (v89<=2) then if (v89<=(1900 -(106 + 1794))) then local v125=v88[1 + 1 ];v86[v125](v13(v86,v125 + (1190 -(442 + 747)) + 0 ,v88[3]));elseif (v89>(2 -1)) then if (v86[v88[5 -3 ]]==v86[v88[4]]) then v80=v80 + (115 -(4 + 110)) ;else v80=v88[587 -(57 + 527) ];end else v86[v88[1429 -(41 + 1386) ]]=v86[v88[106 -(17 + 86) ]] + v88[3 + 1 ] ;end elseif (v89<=(8 -(1139 -(832 + 303)))) then if ((4934>2607) and (v89>(8 -5))) then local v148=v88[168 -(122 + 44) ];local v149,v150=v79(v86[v148](v13(v86,v148 + 1 ,v88[3])));v81=(v150 + v148) -(1 -0) ;local v151=0 -0 ;for v338=v148,v81 do local v339=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v339==(0 + 0)) then v151=v151 + (1 -0) ;v86[v338]=v149[v151];break;end end end else v86[v88[2]]=v64[v88[68 -(30 + 35) ]];end elseif ((v89>(4 + 1)) or (1167>1278) or (1400>3116)) then v80=v88[1260 -(1043 + 214) ];else local v155=0 -0 ;local v156;local v157;while true do if ((v155==1) or (1145<=1082)) then for v451=v156 + (1213 -(323 + 889)) ,v81 do v7(v157,v86[v451]);end break;end if ((525<1662) and ((v155==(0 -0)) or (3105==4881))) then v156=v88[582 -(361 + 219) ];v157=v86[v156];v155=321 -((999 -(88 + 858)) + 267) ;end end end elseif (v89<=9) then if (v89<=(2 + 5)) then local v126=v88[415 -(15 + 398) ];v86[v126]=v86[v126](v13(v86,v126 + 1 ,v81));elseif (v89>(990 -(18 + 964))) then local v158=v88[2];local v159=v86[v158];local v160=v86[v158 + 2 ];if ((v160>(0 -0)) or (876>2550)) then if (v159>v86[v158 + 1 + 0 + 0 ]) then v80=v88[3];else v86[v158 + 2 + 1 + 0 ]=v159;end elseif (v159<v86[v158 + (851 -(20 + 830)) ]) then v80=v88[1 + 2 ];else v86[v158 + 3 + 0 ]=v159;end else do return;end end elseif ((219<=2456) and (v89<=11)) then if ((v89==(799 -(766 + 23))) or (1887>4878)) then if (v86[v88[9 -7 ]]<v86[v88[(177 -47) -(116 + 10) ]]) then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else v80=v88[741 -((1427 -885) + 196) ];end else v86[v88[3 -1 ]][v88[1 + 2 ]]=v86[v88[3 + 1 ]];end elseif (v89>(5 + 7)) then v86[v88[4 -2 ]]=v65[v88[7 -4 ]];elseif ( not v86[v88[1553 -(1126 + (1442 -1017)) ]] or (4087>4116)) then v80=v80 + (406 -(118 + 287)) ;else v80=v88[11 -8 ];end elseif ((1106<=1266) and (v89<=(1141 -(118 + 1003)))) then if (v89<=(46 -30)) then if (v89<=14) then v86[v88[(1452 -(1036 + 37)) -(142 + 167 + 68) ]]=v86[v88[13 -10 ]] * v88[1 + 3 ] ;elseif (v89>(992 -(553 + 424))) then local v165=0;local v166;local v167;local v168;while true do if (v165==(3 -1)) then if (v167>(0 + 0)) then if (v168<=v86[v166 + 1 + 0 ]) then v80=v88[2 + 1 ];v86[v166 + 3 ]=v168;end elseif (((3155<4650) and (v168>=v86[v166 + 1 ])) or (4219==1150)) then v80=v88[2 + 1 ];v86[v166 + 2 + 1 ]=v168;end break;end if ((v165==1) or (2989<=222)) then v168=v86[v166] + v167 ;v86[v166]=v168;v165=2;end if (v165==0) then v166=v88[4 -2 ];v167=v86[v166 + (5 -3) ];v165=2 -1 ;end end else local v169=0 + 0 ;local v170;local v171;local v172;local v173;while true do if (v169==1) then v81=(v172 + v170) -1 ;v173=0 -(0 -0) ;v169=755 -(239 + 514) ;end if ((3774>=1839) and (v169==(0 + 0 + 0))) then v170=v88[(2811 -(641 + 839)) -((1710 -(910 + 3)) + 532) ];v171,v172=v79(v86[v170](v13(v86,v170 + 1 + 0 ,v81)));v169=1 + 0 ;end if ((2258>1241) and ((4 -2)==v169)) then for v456=v170,v81 do v173=v173 + 1 ;v86[v456]=v171[v173];end break;end end end elseif (v89<=(1220 -(373 + 829))) then if ((2811==2811) and (v89==17)) then v86[v88[733 -(476 + 255) ]]={};else local v175=v88[2];local v176,v177=v79(v86[v175](v13(v86,v175 + 1 ,v88[(2888 -1755) -((2053 -(1466 + 218)) + 761) ])));v81=(v177 + v175) -(1 + 0 + 0) ;local v178=(1148 -(556 + 592)) -(0 + 0) ;for v340=v175,v81 do v178=v178 + (1 -0) ;v86[v340]=v176[v178];end end elseif ((41<4259) and (2146>1122) and (v89==(257 -(64 + 174)))) then local v179=v88[2];local v180=v86[v179];for v343=v179 + 1 ,v88[(809 -(329 + 479)) + 2 ] do v7(v180,v86[v343]);end else local v181=0 -0 ;local v182;while true do if (v181==0) then v182=v88[2];v86[v182](v13(v86,v182 + ((1191 -(174 + 680)) -(144 + 192)) ,v88[3]));break;end end end elseif ((v89<=(239 -(42 + 174))) or (1930<56)) then if ((v89<=(16 + 5)) or (56==3616)) then if (v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]==v88[2 + 2 ]) then v80=v80 + (1505 -(363 + 1141)) ;else v80=v88[1583 -(1183 + 397) ];end elseif ((v89>(66 -44)) or (2421<622)) then local v184=v77[v88[3 + 0 ]];local v185;local v186={};v185=v10({},{__index=function(v344,v345) local v346=v186[v345];return v346[1 + 0 ][v346[1977 -(1913 + 62) ]];end,__newindex=function(v347,v348,v349) local v350=v186[v348];v350[1 + 0 ][v350[5 -3 ]]=v349;end});for v352=1934 -(565 + 1368) ,v88[4] do local v353=0;local v354;while true do if ((3333==3333) and (v353==(0 -0))) then v80=v80 + (1662 -(1055 + 422 + 184)) ;v354=v76[v80];v353=1 -(739 -(396 + 343)) ;end if (v353==(1 + 0)) then if (v354[1]==(880 -(564 + 292))) then v186[v352-(1 + 0) ]={v86,v354[4 -1 ]};else v186[v352-(2 -1) ]={v64,v354[3 + 0 ]};end v85[ #v85 + (477 -(41 + 435)) ]=v186;break;end end end v86[v88[1003 -(938 + 63) ]]=v29(v184,v185,v65);else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v86[v88[1128 -(936 + 189) ]] -v88[(1391 -(135 + 1254)) + 2 ] ;end elseif (v89<=(1638 -(1565 + 48))) then if (v89>(15 + 9)) then if ((v86[v88[1140 -(782 + 356) ]]~=v88[(1020 -749) -(176 + 91) ]) or (2225==20)) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v80=v88[7 -4 ];end else v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v86[v88[1095 -(975 + 117) ]];end elseif ((v89==(1901 -(157 + 1718))) or (872>=3092)) then local v191=v88[2];local v192={v86[v191](v86[v191 + (4 -3) ])};local v193=0 + 0 ;for v355=v191,v88[14 -10 ] do local v356=(0 + 0) -0 ;while true do if (v356==(1018 -(697 + 321))) then v193=v193 + (2 -1) ;v86[v355]=v192[v193];break;end end end elseif v86[v88[3 -1 ]] then v80=v80 + (2 -(1528 -(389 + 1138))) ;else v80=v88[2 + 1 ];end elseif (v89<=41) then if (v89<=34) then if ((1009<=1130) and (v89<=(56 -26))) then if (v89<=(74 -46)) then if (v86[v88[1229 -(322 + 905) ]]==v86[v88[615 -(602 + 9) ]]) then v80=v80 + ((1764 -(102 + 472)) -(449 + 740)) ;else v80=v88[875 -(826 + 46) ];end elseif ((2758<2980) and (v89==29)) then local v195=v88[2];local v196=v86[v195 + (949 -(232 + 13 + 702)) ];local v197=v86[v195] + v196 ;v86[v195]=v197;if (v196>(0 -0)) then if ((v197<=v86[v195 + 1 + 0 ]) or (86>=3626)) then v80=v88[1901 -(260 + 1638) ];v86[v195 + (443 -(212 + 170 + 58)) ]=v197;end elseif ((4404>=3252) and (v197>=v86[v195 + (3 -2) ])) then local v465=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((2395==2395) and (((0 + 0) -0)==v465)) then v80=v88[8 -5 ];v86[v195 + (1208 -(902 + 303)) ]=v197;break;end end end else local v199=v88[(1548 -(320 + 1225)) -1 ];v86[v199]=v86[v199](v13(v86,v199 + (2 -1) ,v81));end elseif (v89<=(3 + 29)) then if ((3780>2709) and (v89>(1721 -(1121 + 569)))) then v86[v88[216 -(22 + 192) ]]=v88[686 -(483 + 200) ];else local v203=1463 -(1404 + 59) ;local v204;local v205;local v206;while true do if (1==v203) then v206=v88[8 -5 ];for v466=1 -0 ,v206 do v205[v466]=v86[v204 + v466 ];end break;end if (v203==0) then v204=v88[767 -(468 + 297) ];v205=v86[v204];v203=563 -(334 + 228) ;end end end elseif (v89>(111 -78)) then v64[v88[6 -3 ]]=v86[v88[(2 -0) -0 ]];elseif not v86[v88[1 + 1 ]] then v80=v80 + (237 -(141 + 95)) ;else v80=v88[3 + 0 ];end elseif ((v89<=(94 -57)) or (237>=2273)) then if ((1107>796) and ((v89<=((52 + 32) -49)) or (2040<=703))) then v86[v88[1 + 1 ]]=v29(v77[v88[8 -5 ]],nil,v65);elseif (v89>36) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]= not v86[v88[2 + 1 ]];else local v210=0 -0 ;local v211;while true do if ((959==959) and ((0 + 0)==v210)) then v211=v88[(1629 -(157 + 1307)) -((1951 -(821 + 1038)) + 71) ];v86[v211]=v86[v211](v86[v211 + 1 ]);break;end end end elseif ((v89<=((49 -29) + 19)) or (245>=2204)) then if (v89>(63 -25)) then v80=v88[768 -(574 + 21 + 170) ];else do return v86[v88[(3 -1) + 0 ]];end end elseif (v89>40) then v86[v88[4 -(1 + 1) ]]();else local v213=v88[2 + 0 ];local v214=v86[v88[(2111 -1259) -(254 + 595) ]];v86[v213 + (127 -((1081 -(834 + 192)) + 71)) ]=v214;v86[v213]=v214[v88[5 -1 ]];end elseif ((3162>=2069) and (3279<=3967) and (v89<=(1838 -(573 + 1217)))) then if (v89<=(121 -77)) then if ((v89<=(4 + 3 + 35)) or (306>3081)) then v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v86[v88[942 -(714 + 225) ]] + v86[v88[(3 + 8) -(1 + 6) ]] ;elseif ((v89>(59 -16)) or (1988==877)) then local v218=0 + 0 ;local v219;local v220;local v221;while true do if ((v218==(0 -0)) or (3513<2706)) then v219=v88[808 -(118 + 688) ];v220=v86[v219];v218=49 -(25 + 23) ;end if ((4291>1912) and (v218==(1 + 0))) then v221=v86[v219 + (1888 -(927 + 959)) ];if (v221>(0 -(0 -0))) then if ((2003<2339) and (v220>v86[v219 + (733 -((320 -(300 + 4)) + 716)) ])) then v80=v88[3];else v86[v219 + ((2 + 3) -2) ]=v220;end elseif ((432==432) and (v220<v86[v219 + ((256 -158) -(11 + (448 -(112 + 250)))) ])) then v80=v88[6 -3 ];else v86[v219 + 3 ]=v220;end break;end end else local v222=(114 + 171) -(175 + 110) ;local v223;while true do if ((2978<3639) and (v222==((0 -0) -0))) then v223=v86[v88[19 -15 ]];if ( not v223 or (1145>=1253)) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v86[v88[1798 -(503 + 1293) ]]=v223;v80=v88[3];end break;end end end elseif (v89<=(128 -(47 + 35))) then if ((3418>2118) and (v89>(33 + 12))) then for v357=v88[1063 -(810 + 251) ],v88[2 + 1 + 0 ] do v86[v357]=nil;end else local v224=v86[v88[2 + 2 ]];if v224 then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 + 0 ;else v86[v88[(266 + 269) -(43 + 490) ]]=v224;v80=v88[736 -(711 + 22) ];end end elseif (v89>(181 -134)) then local v225=859 -(240 + 619) ;local v226;while true do if (v225==(0 + 0)) then v226=v86[v88[5 -1 ]];if v226 then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else v86[v88[1746 -(1344 + 400) ]]=v226;v80=v88[408 -(255 + 112 + 38) ];end break;end end else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v86[v88[3]][v88[3 + 1 ]];end
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 1c333e4f56d779efa72eed1457951eaa |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 72 ms |