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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ClassNotation;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer
final class VisibilityRequiredFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'properties' => [
class Foo {
public $var;
protected $var_foo;
private $FooBar;
public static $var1;
protected static $var_foo2;
private static $FooBar1;
public static $var2;
protected static $var_foo3;
private static $FooBar2;
private static $FooBar3;
public $old = 'foo';
class Foo {
public $var;
protected $var_foo;
private $FooBar;
static public $var1;
static protected $var_foo2;
static private $FooBar1;
public static $var2;
protected static $var_foo3;
private static $FooBar2;
private static
var $old = 'foo';
yield 'properties after method' => [
class Foo {
public function aaa() {}
public $bbb;
class Foo {
public function aaa() {}
var $bbb;
yield 'methods' => [
class MyTestWithAnonymousClass extends TestCase
public function setUp()
$provider = new class(function () {}) {};
public function testSomethingWithMoney(
Money $amount
) {
class MyTestWithAnonymousClass extends TestCase
function setUp()
$provider = new class(function () {}) {};
public function testSomethingWithMoney(
Money $amount
) {
yield [
abstract class Foo {
public function& foo0() {}
public function & foo1() {}
public function &foo2() {}
protected function foo3($b) {}
abstract protected function foo4();
private function foo5() {}
final public function foo6() {}
abstract public function foo7();
final public function foo8() {}
abstract public function foo9();
public static function fooA() {}
public static function fooD() {}
final public static function fooE() {}
abstract public function fooF();
public function fooG ($foo) {}
public function fooH() {
static $foo;
$bar = function($baz) {};
abstract class Foo {
public function& foo0() {}
public function & foo1() {}
function &foo2() {}
protected function foo3($b) {}
abstract function foo4();
private function foo5() {}
final public function foo6() {}
abstract public function foo7();
public final function foo8() {}
public abstract function foo9();
public static function fooA() {}
public static
function fooD() {}
final static function fooE() {}
abstract function fooF();
function fooG ($foo) {}
function fooH() {
static $foo;
$bar = function($baz) {};
yield [
abstract class Foo1 {
public function& foo0($a) {}
abstract class Foo1 {
function& foo0($a) {}
yield 'leave functions alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo() {
static $foo;
yield 'leave functions alone with variables matching OOP words' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo() {
static $class;
$interface = 'foo';
$trait = 'bar';
yield 'leave functions alone inside conditionals' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone inside conditionals with OOP word in comment' => [<<<'EOF'
/* class <= this is just a stop-word */
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone with OOP word in comment' => [<<<'EOF'
/* class */
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in inline HTML' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
<div class="test"></div>
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in string value' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return 'she has class right?';
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in function name' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone after class' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo;
if (!function_exists('bar')) {
function bar()
return 'bar';
yield 'curly open syntax' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
private $bar;
public function foo()
$foo = "foo";
$fooA = "ab{$foo}cd";
$bar = "bar"; // test if variable after T_CURLY_OPEN is intact
yield 'dollar open curly braces syntax' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo {
public function bar()
$foo = "foo${width}foo";
$bar = "bar"; // test if variable after T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES is intact
yield 'leave JavaScript outside PHP alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo()
return "foo";
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
yield 'leave JavaScript in string alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function registerJS()
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
yield 'leave JavaScript in variable alone' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public function bar()
$script = <<<JAVASCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
return $script;
yield 'comma separated properties' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo1;
private $foo2;
protected $bar1, $bar2;
public $baz1 = null, $baz2, $baz3 = false;
public $foo, $bar;
class Foo
var $foo1;
private $foo2;
protected $bar1, $bar2;
public $baz1 = null, $baz2, $baz3 = false;
var $foo, $bar;
yield 'var declarations with array value' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo1 = 1;
public $foo2a = array('foo');
public $foo2b = ['foo'];
public $foo3a = array('foo', 'bar');
public $foo3b = ['foo', 'bar'];
public $foo4a = '1a', $foo5a = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6a = 10;
public $foo4b = '1b', $foo5b = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6b = 10;
class Foo
var $foo1 = 1;
var $foo2a = array('foo');
var $foo2b = ['foo'];
var $foo3a = array('foo', 'bar');
var $foo3b = ['foo', 'bar'];
public $foo4a = '1a', $foo5a = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6a = 10;
public $foo4b = '1b', $foo5b = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6b = 10;
yield [
'<?php class A { public const B=1; }',
'<?php class A { const B=1; }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
'<?php class A { public const B=1;public const C=1;/**/public const#a
D=1;public const E=1;//
public const F=1; }',
'<?php class A { const B=1;const C=1;/**/const#a
D=1;const E=1;//
const F=1; }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
'<?php class A { private const B=1; protected const C=2; public const D=4; public $a; function A(){} }',
'<?php class A { private const B=1; protected const C=2; const D=4; public $a; function A(){} }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
class foo
public const A = 1, B =2, C =3;
public const TWO = ONE * 2;
public const THREE = ONE + self::TWO;
public const SENTENCE = "The value of THREE is ".self::THREE;
class foo
const A = 1, B =2, C =3;
const TWO = ONE * 2;
const THREE = ONE + self::TWO;
const SENTENCE = "The value of THREE is ".self::THREE;
['elements' => ['const']],
yield 'comment' => [
class A
{# We will have a function below
# It will be static
# and awesome
public static function# <- this is the function
AB# <- this is the name
class A
{# We will have a function below
static# It will be static
# and awesome
function# <- this is the function
AB# <- this is the name
yield 'anonymous class' => [
$a = new class() {
public function a() {
class C
public function A()
$a = new class() {public function a() {}};
$a = new class() {
function a() {
class C
function A()
$a = new class() {function a() {}};
yield 'removing newlines between keywords' => [
class Foo
public $bar;
final public static function bar() {}
final public static function baz() {}
class Foo
function bar() {}
function baz() {}
yield 'keeping comment' => [
class Foo
/* constant */ private const BAR = 3;
/* variable */ private $bar;
/* function */ private function bar() {}
class Foo
private /* constant */ const BAR = 3;
private /* variable */ $bar;
private /* function */ function bar() {}
['elements' => ['property', 'method', 'const']],
yield 'fixing with all keywords' => [
abstract class Foo
abstract protected static function fooA();
abstract protected static function fooB();
abstract protected static function fooC();
abstract protected static function fooD();
abstract protected static function fooE();
abstract protected static function fooF();
abstract public static function fooG();
abstract public static function fooH();
abstract class Foo
abstract protected static function fooA();
abstract static protected function fooB();
protected abstract static function fooC();
protected static abstract function fooD();
static abstract protected function fooE();
static protected abstract function fooF();
abstract static function fooG();
static abstract function fooH();
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { protected ?string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ? string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ? string $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { var ? string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static Foo\Bar $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static public Foo\Bar $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ?array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static ?array $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static public ?array $foo; }',
* @requires PHP 8.0
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int|float|null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int | /* or empty */ null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private array|null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private null|array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static null|array $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static null|array $foo; }',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public Foo1&Bar $foo; }',
yield [
class Foo
public readonly string $prop2a;
class Foo
readonly public string $prop2a;
yield [
class Foo
public readonly string $prop1;
public readonly string $prop2;
class Foo
readonly string $prop1;
public readonly string $prop2;
yield [
class Foo
final public const B = "2";
class Foo
public final const B = "2";
yield [
class Foo
final public const B = "2";
class Foo
final const B = "2";
yield [
enum Foo {
case CAT;
public function test(): self { return $this; }
enum Foo {
case CAT;
function test(): self { return $this; }
* @requires PHP 8.2
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
public function testFix82(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php trait Foo { public const Bar = 1; }',
'<?php trait Foo { const Bar = 1; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo {
public (A&B)|C|D $x;
protected A|(B&C)|D $y;
private A|B|(C&D) $z;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigurationCases
public function testInvalidConfiguration(array $config, string $expectedMessage): void
* @return iterable<string, array{array<string, mixed>, string}>
public static function provideInvalidConfigurationCases(): iterable
yield 'invalid type' => [
['elements' => [null]],
'/^\[visibility_required\] Invalid configuration: The option "elements" .*\.$/',
yield 'invalid value' => [
['elements' => ['_unknown_']],
'/^\[visibility_required\] Invalid configuration: The option "elements" .*\.$/',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ClassNotation;
use PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidFixerConfigurationException;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer>
* @phpstan-import-type _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration from \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer
final class VisibilityRequiredFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $configuration
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $configuration = []): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'properties' => [
class Foo {
public $var;
protected $var_foo;
private $FooBar;
public static $var1;
protected static $var_foo2;
private static $FooBar1;
public static $var2;
protected static $var_foo3;
private static $FooBar2;
private static $FooBar3;
public $old = 'foo';
class Foo {
public $var;
protected $var_foo;
private $FooBar;
static public $var1;
static protected $var_foo2;
static private $FooBar1;
public static $var2;
protected static $var_foo3;
private static $FooBar2;
private static
var $old = 'foo';
yield 'properties after method' => [
class Foo {
public function aaa() {}
public $bbb;
class Foo {
public function aaa() {}
var $bbb;
yield 'methods' => [
class MyTestWithAnonymousClass extends TestCase
public function setUp()
$provider = new class(function () {}) {};
public function testSomethingWithMoney(
Money $amount
) {
class MyTestWithAnonymousClass extends TestCase
function setUp()
$provider = new class(function () {}) {};
public function testSomethingWithMoney(
Money $amount
) {
yield [
abstract class Foo {
public function& foo0() {}
public function & foo1() {}
public function &foo2() {}
protected function foo3($b) {}
abstract protected function foo4();
private function foo5() {}
final public function foo6() {}
abstract public function foo7();
final public function foo8() {}
abstract public function foo9();
public static function fooA() {}
public static function fooD() {}
final public static function fooE() {}
abstract public function fooF();
public function fooG ($foo) {}
public function fooH() {
static $foo;
$bar = function($baz) {};
abstract class Foo {
public function& foo0() {}
public function & foo1() {}
function &foo2() {}
protected function foo3($b) {}
abstract function foo4();
private function foo5() {}
final public function foo6() {}
abstract public function foo7();
public final function foo8() {}
public abstract function foo9();
public static function fooA() {}
public static
function fooD() {}
final static function fooE() {}
abstract function fooF();
function fooG ($foo) {}
function fooH() {
static $foo;
$bar = function($baz) {};
yield [
abstract class Foo1 {
public function& foo0($a) {}
abstract class Foo1 {
function& foo0($a) {}
yield 'leave functions alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo() {
static $foo;
yield 'leave functions alone with variables matching OOP words' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo() {
static $class;
$interface = 'foo';
$trait = 'bar';
yield 'leave functions alone inside conditionals' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone inside conditionals with OOP word in comment' => [<<<'EOF'
/* class <= this is just a stop-word */
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone with OOP word in comment' => [<<<'EOF'
/* class */
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in inline HTML' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
<div class="test"></div>
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in string value' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return 'she has class right?';
yield 'leave functions alone outside classes with OOP word in function name' => [<<<'EOF'
if (!function_exists('foo')) {
function foo($arg)
return $arg;
yield 'leave functions alone after class' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo;
if (!function_exists('bar')) {
function bar()
return 'bar';
yield 'curly open syntax' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
private $bar;
public function foo()
$foo = "foo";
$fooA = "ab{$foo}cd";
$bar = "bar"; // test if variable after T_CURLY_OPEN is intact
yield 'dollar open curly braces syntax' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo {
public function bar()
$foo = "foo${width}foo";
$bar = "bar"; // test if variable after T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES is intact
yield 'leave JavaScript outside PHP alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function foo()
return "foo";
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
yield 'leave JavaScript in string alone' => [<<<'EOF'
function registerJS()
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
yield 'leave JavaScript in variable alone' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public function bar()
$script = <<<JAVASCRIPT
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(bar) {
return $script;
yield 'comma separated properties' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo1;
private $foo2;
protected $bar1, $bar2;
public $baz1 = null, $baz2, $baz3 = false;
public $foo, $bar;
class Foo
var $foo1;
private $foo2;
protected $bar1, $bar2;
public $baz1 = null, $baz2, $baz3 = false;
var $foo, $bar;
yield 'var declarations with array value' => [<<<'EOF'
class Foo
public $foo1 = 1;
public $foo2a = array('foo');
public $foo2b = ['foo'];
public $foo3a = array('foo', 'bar');
public $foo3b = ['foo', 'bar'];
public $foo4a = '1a', $foo5a = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6a = 10;
public $foo4b = '1b', $foo5b = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6b = 10;
class Foo
var $foo1 = 1;
var $foo2a = array('foo');
var $foo2b = ['foo'];
var $foo3a = array('foo', 'bar');
var $foo3b = ['foo', 'bar'];
public $foo4a = '1a', $foo5a = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6a = 10;
public $foo4b = '1b', $foo5b = array(1, 2, 3), $foo6b = 10;
yield [
'<?php class A { public const B=1; }',
'<?php class A { const B=1; }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
'<?php class A { public const B=1;public const C=1;/**/public const#a
D=1;public const E=1;//
public const F=1; }',
'<?php class A { const B=1;const C=1;/**/const#a
D=1;const E=1;//
const F=1; }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
'<?php class A { private const B=1; protected const C=2; public const D=4; public $a; function A(){} }',
'<?php class A { private const B=1; protected const C=2; const D=4; public $a; function A(){} }',
['elements' => ['const']],
yield [
class foo
public const A = 1, B =2, C =3;
public const TWO = ONE * 2;
public const THREE = ONE + self::TWO;
public const SENTENCE = "The value of THREE is ".self::THREE;
class foo
const A = 1, B =2, C =3;
const TWO = ONE * 2;
const THREE = ONE + self::TWO;
const SENTENCE = "The value of THREE is ".self::THREE;
['elements' => ['const']],
yield 'comment' => [
class A
{# We will have a function below
# It will be static
# and awesome
public static function# <- this is the function
AB# <- this is the name
class A
{# We will have a function below
static# It will be static
# and awesome
function# <- this is the function
AB# <- this is the name
yield 'anonymous class' => [
$a = new class() {
public function a() {
class C
public function A()
$a = new class() {public function a() {}};
$a = new class() {
function a() {
class C
function A()
$a = new class() {function a() {}};
yield 'removing newlines between keywords' => [
class Foo
public $bar;
final public static function bar() {}
final public static function baz() {}
class Foo
function bar() {}
function baz() {}
yield 'keeping comment' => [
class Foo
/* constant */ private const BAR = 3;
/* variable */ private $bar;
/* function */ private function bar() {}
class Foo
private /* constant */ const BAR = 3;
private /* variable */ $bar;
private /* function */ function bar() {}
['elements' => ['property', 'method', 'const']],
yield 'fixing with all keywords' => [
abstract class Foo
abstract protected static function fooA();
abstract protected static function fooB();
abstract protected static function fooC();
abstract protected static function fooD();
abstract protected static function fooE();
abstract protected static function fooF();
abstract public static function fooG();
abstract public static function fooH();
abstract class Foo
abstract protected static function fooA();
abstract static protected function fooB();
protected abstract static function fooC();
protected static abstract function fooD();
static abstract protected function fooE();
static protected abstract function fooF();
abstract static function fooG();
static abstract function fooH();
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { protected ?string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ? string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ? string $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { var ? string $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static Foo\Bar $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static public Foo\Bar $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public ?array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static ?array $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static public ?array $foo; }',
* @requires PHP 8.0
* @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int|float|null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private int | /* or empty */ null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private array|null $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { private null|array $foo; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public static null|array $foo; }',
'<?php class Foo { static null|array $foo; }',
* @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
* @requires PHP 8.1
public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php class Foo { public Foo1&Bar $foo; }',
yield [
class Foo
public readonly string $prop2a;
class Foo
readonly public string $prop2a;
yield [
class Foo
public readonly string $prop1;
public readonly string $prop2;
class Foo
readonly string $prop1;
public readonly string $prop2;
yield [
class Foo
final public const B = "2";
class Foo
public final const B = "2";
yield [
class Foo
final public const B = "2";
class Foo
final const B = "2";
yield [
enum Foo {
case CAT;
public function test(): self { return $this; }
enum Foo {
case CAT;
function test(): self { return $this; }
* @requires PHP 8.2
* @dataProvider provideFix82Cases
public function testFix82(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFix82Cases(): iterable
yield [
'<?php trait Foo { public const Bar = 1; }',
'<?php trait Foo { const Bar = 1; }',
yield [
'<?php class Foo {
public (A&B)|C|D $x;
protected A|(B&C)|D $y;
private A|B|(C&D) $z;
* @param _AutogeneratedInputConfiguration $config
* @dataProvider provideInvalidConfigurationCases
public function testInvalidConfiguration(array $config, string $expectedMessage): void
* @return iterable<string, array{array<string, mixed>, string}>
public static function provideInvalidConfigurationCases(): iterable
yield 'invalid type' => [
['elements' => [null]],
'/^\[visibility_required\] Invalid configuration: The option "elements" .*\.$/',
yield 'invalid value' => [
['elements' => ['_unknown_']],
'/^\[visibility_required\] Invalid configuration: The option "elements" .*\.$/',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 20bef77aaff82ab43ead952e0e4489fd |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 108 ms |