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PHP Decode
<?php return array( 'informations' => array( 'documentation' => '
Decoded Output download
return array(
'informations' => array(
'documentation' => '',
'documentation_upgrade' => '',
'forum' => '',
'blog' => '',
'support' => '',
'tutorial' => '',
'tailored_help' => '',
'contact' => '',
'services' => '',
'tutorials' => '',
'installation_guide' => '',
'install_help' => '',
'translations' => array(
'An SQL error occurred for entity <i>%1$s</i>: <i>%2$s</i>' => 'A aprut o eroare SQL pentru entitatea <i>%1$s</i>: <i>%2$s</i>',
'Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %1$s pentru entitatea %2$s',
'Cannot create image "%1$s" (bad permissions on folder "%2$s")' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %1$s (permisiuni necorespunztoare pentru dosarul %2$s)',
'Cannot create image "%s"' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %s',
'SQL error on query <i>%s</i>' => 'Eroare SQL la interogarea <i>%s</i>',
'%s Login information' => 'Informaii de conectare %s',
'Field required' => 'Cmp obligatoriu',
'Invalid shop name' => 'Numele magazinului nevalid',
'The field %s is limited to %d characters' => 'Cmpul %s este limitat la %d caractere',
'Your firstname contains some invalid characters' => 'Prenumele tu conine cteva caractere nevalide',
'Your lastname contains some invalid characters' => 'Numele tu conine cteva caractere nevalide',
'The password is incorrect (alphanumeric string with at least 8 characters)' => 'Parola este incorect (ir alfanumeric cu cel puin 8 caractere)',
'Password and its confirmation are different' => 'Parola i confirmarea acesteia sunt diferite',
'This e-mail address is invalid' => 'Aceast adres de e-mail este nevalid',
'Image folder %s is not writable' => 'Dosarul de imagini %s nu poate fi scris',
'An error occurred during logo copy.' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul copierii siglei.',
'An error occurred during logo upload.' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul ncrcrii siglei.',
'Lingerie and Adult' => 'Lenjerie i Adult',
'Animals and Pets' => 'Animale i animale de companie',
'Art and Culture' => 'Arta si Cultura',
'Babies' => 'Bebelui',
'Beauty and Personal Care' => 'Frumusee i ngrijire personal',
'Cars' => 'Maini',
'Computer Hardware and Software' => 'Hardware i software de calculator',
'Download' => 'Descarca',
'Fashion and accessories' => 'Moda si accesorii',
'Flowers, Gifts and Crafts' => 'Flori, cadouri i meteuguri',
'Food and beverage' => 'Mancare si bautura',
'HiFi, Photo and Video' => 'HiFi, Foto i Video',
'Home and Garden' => 'Casa si gradina',
'Home Appliances' => 'Electrocasnice',
'Jewelry' => 'Bijuterii',
'Mobile and Telecom' => 'Mobil i Telecom',
'Services' => 'Servicii',
'Shoes and accessories' => 'Incaltaminte si accesorii',
'Sports and Entertainment' => 'Sport i divertisment',
'Travel' => 'Voiaj',
'Database is connected' => 'Baza de date este conectat',
'Database is created' => 'Este creat baza de date',
'Cannot create the database automatically' => 'Nu se poate crea automat baza de date',
'Create file' => 'Creai fiierul',
'Create database tables' => 'Creai tabele de baze de date',
'Create default website and languages' => 'Creai site-ul web i limbi implicite',
'Populate database tables' => 'Populai tabelele bazei de date',
'Configure website information' => 'Configurai informaiile site-ului web',
'Install demonstration data' => 'Instalai date demonstrative',
'Install modules' => 'Instalai module',
'Install Addons modules' => 'Instalai module de suplimente',
'Install theme' => 'Instalai tema',
'Required PHP parameters' => 'Parametri PHP necesari',
'The required PHP version is between 5.6 to 7.4' => 'Versiunea PHP necesar este ntre 5.6 i 7.4',
'Cannot upload files' => 'Nu se pot ncrca fiiere',
'Cannot create new files and folders' => 'Nu se pot crea fiiere i foldere noi',
'GD library is not installed' => 'Biblioteca GD nu este instalat',
'PDO MySQL extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia PDO MySQL nu este ncrcat',
'Curl extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia curl nu este ncrcat',
'SOAP extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia SOAP nu este ncrcat',
'SimpleXml extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia SimpleXml nu este ncrcat',
'In the PHP configuration set memory_limit to minimum 128M' => 'n configuraia PHP setai memory_limit la minim 128M',
'In the PHP configuration set max_execution_time to minimum 500' => 'n configuraia PHP setai max_execution_time la minim 500',
'In the PHP configuration set upload_max_filesize to minimum 16M' => 'n configuraia PHP setai upload_max_filesize la minimum 16M',
'Cannot open external URLs (requires allow_url_fopen as On).' => 'Nu se pot deschide adrese URL externe (necesit allow_url_fopen ca Activat).',
'ZIP extension is not enabled' => 'Extensia ZIP nu este activat',
'Files' => 'Fiiere',
'Not all files were successfully uploaded on your server' => 'Nu toate fiierele au fost ncrcate cu succes pe serverul dvs',
'Permissions on files and folders' => 'Permisiuni pentru fiiere i foldere',
'Recursive write permissions for %1$s user on %2$s' => 'Permisiuni de scriere recursive pentru utilizatorul %1$s pe %2$s',
'Recommended PHP parameters' => 'Parametri PHP recomandai',
'You are using PHP %s version. Soon, the latest PHP version supported by QloApps will be PHP 5.6. To make sure youre ready for the future, we recommend you to upgrade to PHP 5.6 now!' => 'Utilizai versiunea PHP %s. n curnd, cea mai recent versiune PHP suportat de QloApps va fi PHP 5.6. Pentru a v asigura c suntei pregtit pentru viitor, v recomandm s facei upgrade la PHP 5.6 acum!',
'PHP register_globals option is enabled' => 'Opiunea PHP register_globals este activat',
'GZIP compression is not activated' => 'Comprimarea GZIP nu este activat',
'Mbstring extension is not enabled' => 'Extensia Mbstring nu este activat',
'Dom extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia Dom nu este ncrcat',
'Server name is not valid' => 'Numele serverului nu este valid',
'You must enter a database name' => 'Trebuie s introducei un nume de baz de date',
'You must enter a database login' => 'Trebuie s introducei o autentificare la baza de date',
'Tables prefix is invalid' => 'Prefixul tabelelor este nevalid',
'Cannot convert database data to utf-8' => 'Nu se pot converti datele bazei de date n utf-8',
'At least one table with same prefix was already found, please change your prefix or drop your database' => 'Cel puin un tabel cu acelai prefix a fost deja gsit, v rugm s v schimbai prefixul sau s renunai la baza de date',
'The values of auto_increment increment and offset must be set to 1' => 'Valorile auto_increment increment i offset trebuie setate la 1',
'Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields' => 'Serverul bazei de date nu a fost gsit. V rugm s verificai cmpurile de conectare, parol i server',
'Connection to MySQL server succeeded, but database "%s" not found' => 'Conexiunea la serverul MySQL a reuit, dar baza de date %s nu a fost gsit',
'Attempt to create the database automatically' => 'ncercai s creai automat baza de date',
'%s file is not writable (check permissions)' => 'Fiierul %s nu poate fi scris (verificai permisiunile)',
'%s folder is not writable (check permissions)' => 'Dosarul %s nu poate fi scris (verificai permisiunile)',
'Cannot write settings file' => 'Nu se poate scrie fiierul de setri',
'Database structure file not found' => 'Fiierul cu structura bazei de date nu a fost gsit',
'Cannot create group shop' => 'Nu se poate crea magazinul de grup',
'Cannot create shop' => 'Nu se poate crea magazin',
'Cannot create shop URL' => 'Nu se poate crea adresa URL a magazinului',
'File "language.xml" not found for language iso "%s"' => 'Fiierul language.xml nu a fost gsit pentru limba ISO %s',
'File "language.xml" not valid for language iso "%s"' => 'Fiierul language.xml nu este valid pentru limba ISO %s',
'Cannot install language "%s"' => 'Nu se poate instala limba %s',
'Cannot copy flag language "%s"' => 'Nu se poate copia limba %s',
'Cannot create admin account' => 'Nu se poate crea un cont de administrator',
'Cannot install module "%s"' => 'Modulul %s nu se poate instala',
'Fixtures class "%s" not found' => 'Clasa de dispozitive %s nu a fost gsit',
'"%s" must be an instance of "InstallXmlLoader"' => '%s trebuie s fie o instan a InstallXmlLoader',
'Information about your Website' => 'Informaii despre site-ul dvs',
'Website name' => 'Numele site-ului',
'Main activity' => 'Activitate principala',
'Please choose your main activity' => 'V rugm s alegei activitatea dvs. principal',
'Other activity...' => 'Alt activitate...',
'Help us learn more about your store so we can offer you optimal guidance and the best features for your business!' => 'Ajutai-ne s aflm mai multe despre magazinul dvs., astfel nct s v putem oferi ndrumri optime i cele mai bune funcii pentru afacerea dvs.!',
'Install demo data' => 'Instalai date demonstrative',
'Yes' => 'da',
'No' => 'Nu',
'Installing demo data is a good way to learn how to use QloApps if you have not used it before. This demo data can later be erased using module QloApps Data Cleaner which comes pre-installed with this installation.' => 'Instalarea datelor demo este o modalitate bun de a nva cum s utilizai QloApps dac nu le-ai folosit nainte. Aceste date demonstrative pot fi terse ulterior folosind modulul QloApps Data Cleaner, care vine preinstalat cu aceast instalare.',
'Country' => 'ar',
'Select your country' => 'Alege-ti tara',
'Website timezone' => 'Fusul orar al site-ului',
'Select your timezone' => 'Selecteaz-i fusul orar',
'Enable SSL' => 'Activai SSL',
'Shop logo' => 'Sigla magazinului',
'Optional - You can add you logo at a later time.' => 'Opional - v putei aduga logo-ul mai trziu.',
'Your Account' => 'Contul tu',
'First name' => 'Nume',
'Last name' => 'Nume',
'E-mail address' => 'Adresa de e-mail',
'This email address will be your username to access your website\'s back office.' => 'Aceast adres de e-mail va fi numele dvs. de utilizator pentru a accesa back office-ul site-ului dvs. web.',
'Password' => 'Parola',
'Must be at least 8 characters' => 'Trebuie s aib cel puin 8 caractere',
'Re-type to confirm' => 'Tastai din nou pentru a confirma',
'The information you give us is collected by us and is subject to data processing and statistics. Under the current "Act on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties" you have the right to access, rectify and oppose to the processing of your personal data through this <a href="%s" onclick="return !">link</a>.' => 'Informaiile pe care ni le oferii sunt colectate de noi i sunt supuse prelucrrii datelor i statisticilor. Conform actualului Lege privind prelucrarea datelor, fiierele de date i libertile individuale avei dreptul de a accesa, de a rectifica i de a v opune prelucrrii datelor dumneavoastr cu caracter personal prin acest <a href="%s" onclick="return ! (this.href)">link</a>.',
'I agree to receive the Newsletter and promotional offers from QloApps.' => 'Sunt de acord s primesc buletinul informativ i ofertele promoionale de la QloApps.',
'You will always receive transactional emails like new updates, security fixes and patches even if you do not opt in for this option.' => 'Vei primi ntotdeauna e-mailuri tranzacionale, cum ar fi noi actualizri, remedieri de securitate i patch-uri, chiar dac nu v nscriei pentru aceast opiune.',
'Configure your database by filling out the following fields' => 'Configurai-v baza de date completnd urmtoarele cmpuri',
'To use QloApps, you must <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">create a database</a> to collect all of your website\'s data-related activities.' => 'Pentru a utiliza QloApps, trebuie s <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">creai o baz de date</a> pentru a colecta toate activitile legate de date ale site-ului dvs. web.',
'Please complete the fields below in order for QloApps to connect to your database. ' => 'V rugm s completai cmpurile de mai jos pentru ca QloApps s se conecteze la baza dvs. de date.',
'Database server address' => 'Adresa serverului bazei de date',
'The default port is 3306. To use a different port, add the port number at the end of your server\'s address i.e ":4242".' => 'Portul implicit este 3306. Pentru a utiliza un alt port, adugai numrul portului la sfritul adresei serverului dvs., adic :4242.',
'Database name' => 'Numele bazei de date',
'Database login' => 'Conectare la baza de date',
'Database password' => 'Parola bazei de date',
'Database Engine' => 'Motorul bazei de date',
'Tables prefix' => 'Prefixul tabelelor',
'Drop existing tables (mode dev)' => 'Eliminai tabelele existente (mod dev)',
'Test your database connection now!' => 'Testai acum conexiunea la baza de date!',
'Next' => 'Urmtorul',
'Back' => 'napoi',
'If you need some assistance, you can <a href="%1$s" onclick="return !;">get tailored help</a> from our support team. <a href="%2$s" onclick="return !;">The official documentation</a> is also here to guide you.' => 'Dac avei nevoie de asisten, putei <a href="%1$s" onclick="return !;">obine ajutor personalizat</a> de la echipa noastr de asisten. <a href="%2$s" onclick="return !;">Documentaia oficial</a> este, de asemenea, aici pentru a v ghida.',
'Official forum' => 'Forum oficial',
'Support' => 'A sustine',
'Documentation' => 'Documentaie',
'Contact us' => 'Contactai-ne',
'QloApps Installation Assistant' => 'Asistent de instalare QloApps',
'Forum' => 'forum',
'Blog' => 'Blog',
'menu_welcome' => 'Alegei limba dvs',
'menu_license' => 'Acorduri de licen',
'menu_system' => 'Compatibilitate cu sistemul',
'menu_configure' => 'Informaii site-ul web',
'menu_database' => 'Configurarea sistemului',
'menu_process' => 'Instalare QloApps',
'Need Help?' => 'Nevoie de ajutor?',
'Click here to Contact us' => 'Click aici pentru a ne contacta',
'Installation' => 'Instalare',
'See our Installation guide' => 'Consultai ghidul nostru de instalare',
'Tutorials' => 'Tutoriale',
'See our QloApps tutorials' => 'Consultai tutorialele noastre QloApps',
'Installation Assistant' => 'Asistent de instalare',
'To install QloApps, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.' => 'Pentru a instala QloApps, trebuie s avei JavaScript activat n browser.',
'' => '',
'License Agreements' => 'Acorduri de licen',
'To enjoy the many features that are offered for free by QloApps, please read the license terms below. QloApps core is licensed under OSL 3.0, while the modules and themes are licensed under AFL 3.0.' => 'Pentru a v bucura de numeroasele funcii oferite gratuit de QloApps, v rugm s citii termenii de licen de mai jos. Nucleul QloApps este liceniat sub OSL 3.0, n timp ce modulele i temele sunt liceniate sub AFL 3.0.',
'I agree to the above terms and conditions.' => 'Sunt de acord cu termenii i condiiile de mai sus.',
'I agree to participate in improving the solution by sending anonymous information about my configuration.' => 'Sunt de acord s particip la mbuntirea soluiei trimind informaii anonime despre configuraia mea.',
'Done!' => 'Terminat!',
'An error occurred during installation...' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul instalrii...',
'You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by <a href="%s">clicking here</a>.' => 'Putei folosi linkurile din coloana din stnga pentru a reveni la paii anteriori sau putei reporni procesul de instalare <a href="%s">fcnd clic aici</a>.',
'Suggested Modules' => 'Module sugerate',
'Find just the right features on QloApps Addons to make your hospitality business a success.' => 'Gsii funciile potrivite pe suplimentele QloApps pentru ca afacerea dvs. de ospitalitate s fie un succes.',
'Discover All Modules' => 'Descoperii toate modulele',
'Suggested Themes' => 'Teme sugerate',
'Create a design that suits your hotel and your customers, with a ready-to-use template theme.' => 'Creai un design care se potrivete hotelului i clienilor dvs., cu o tem ablon gata de utilizat.',
'Discover All Themes' => 'Descoperii toate temele',
'Your installation is finished!' => 'Instalarea dvs. s-a terminat!',
'You have just finished installing QloApps. Thank you for using QloApps!' => 'Tocmai ai terminat de instalat QloApps. V mulumim c folosii QloApps!',
'Please remember your login information:' => 'V rugm s reinei informaiile dvs. de conectare:',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'Print my login information' => 'Printeaz-mi informaiile de conectare',
'Display' => 'Afia',
'For security purposes, you must delete the "install" folder.' => 'Din motive de securitate, trebuie s tergei folderul instalare.',
'Back Office' => 'Back Office',
'Manage your website using your Back Office. Manage your orders and customers, add modules, change themes, etc.' => 'Gestionai-v site-ul folosind Back Office. Gestionai-v comenzile i clienii, adugai module, schimbai temele etc.',
'Manage Your Website' => 'Gestionai-v site-ul',
'Front Office' => 'Front office',
'Discover your website as your future customers will see it!' => 'Descoper site-ul tu aa cum l vor vedea viitorii ti clieni!',
'Discover Your Website' => 'Descoperii site-ul dvs',
'Share your experience with your friends!' => 'mprtete-i experiena cu prietenii ti!',
'I just built an online hotel booking website with QloApps!' => 'Tocmai am creat un site web de rezervare hotelier online cu QloApps!',
'See all the features here :' => 'Vezi toate caracteristicile aici:',
'Tweet' => 'Tweet',
'Share' => 'Aciune',
'Google+' => 'Google+',
'Pinterest' => 'Pinterest',
'LinkedIn' => 'LinkedIn',
'We are currently checking QloApps compatibility with your system environment' => 'n prezent verificm compatibilitatea QloApps cu mediul dumneavoastr de sistem',
'If you have any questions, please visit our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">documentation</a> and <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">community forum</a>.' => 'Dac avei ntrebri, vizitai <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">documentaia</a> i <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">forumul comunitii< /a>.',
'QloApps compatibility with your system environment has been verified!' => 'Compatibilitatea QloApps cu mediul dumneavoastr de sistem a fost verificat!',
'Oops! Please correct the item(s) below, and then click "Refresh information" to test the compatibility of your new system.' => 'Hopa! V rugm s corectai articolul(ele) de mai jos i apoi facei clic pe Actualizai informaii pentru a testa compatibilitatea noului dumneavoastr sistem.',
'Refresh these settings' => 'Actualizeaz aceste setri',
'QloApps requires at least 128 MB of memory to run: please check the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file or contact your host provider about this.' => 'QloApps necesit cel puin 128 MB de memorie pentru a rula: v rugm s verificai directiva memory_limit din fiierul dvs. php.ini sau contactai furnizorul dvs. de gazd n acest sens.',
'Welcome to the QloApps %s Installer' => 'Bun venit la QloApps %s Installer',
'Installing QloApps is quick and easy. In just a few moments, you will become part of a community. You are on the way to creating your own hotel booking website that you can manage easily every day.' => 'Instalarea QloApps este rapid i uoar. n doar cteva momente, vei deveni parte dintr-o comunitate. Suntei pe cale s v creai propriul site web de rezervare la hotel, pe care l putei gestiona cu uurin n fiecare zi.',
'If you need help, do not hesitate to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">watch this short tutorial</a>, or check <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">our documentation</a>.' => 'Dac avei nevoie de ajutor, nu ezitai s <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">vizionai acest scurt tutorial</a> sau s verificai <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">documentaia noastr</a>.',
'Continue the installation in:' => 'Continuai instalarea n:',
'The language selection above only applies to the Installation Assistant. Once QloApps is installed, you can choose the language of your website from over %d translations, all for free!' => 'Selectarea limbii de mai sus se aplic numai Asistentului de instalare. Odat ce QloApps este instalat, putei alege limba site-ului dvs. dintre peste %d traduceri, toate gratuit!',
); ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
return array(
'informations' => array(
'documentation' => '',
'documentation_upgrade' => '',
'forum' => '',
'blog' => '',
'support' => '',
'tutorial' => '',
'tailored_help' => '',
'contact' => '',
'services' => '',
'tutorials' => '',
'installation_guide' => '',
'install_help' => '',
'translations' => array(
'An SQL error occurred for entity <i>%1$s</i>: <i>%2$s</i>' => 'A aprut o eroare SQL pentru entitatea <i>%1$s</i>: <i>%2$s</i>',
'Cannot create image "%1$s" for entity "%2$s"' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %1$s pentru entitatea %2$s',
'Cannot create image "%1$s" (bad permissions on folder "%2$s")' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %1$s (permisiuni necorespunztoare pentru dosarul %2$s)',
'Cannot create image "%s"' => 'Nu se poate crea imaginea %s',
'SQL error on query <i>%s</i>' => 'Eroare SQL la interogarea <i>%s</i>',
'%s Login information' => 'Informaii de conectare %s',
'Field required' => 'Cmp obligatoriu',
'Invalid shop name' => 'Numele magazinului nevalid',
'The field %s is limited to %d characters' => 'Cmpul %s este limitat la %d caractere',
'Your firstname contains some invalid characters' => 'Prenumele tu conine cteva caractere nevalide',
'Your lastname contains some invalid characters' => 'Numele tu conine cteva caractere nevalide',
'The password is incorrect (alphanumeric string with at least 8 characters)' => 'Parola este incorect (ir alfanumeric cu cel puin 8 caractere)',
'Password and its confirmation are different' => 'Parola i confirmarea acesteia sunt diferite',
'This e-mail address is invalid' => 'Aceast adres de e-mail este nevalid',
'Image folder %s is not writable' => 'Dosarul de imagini %s nu poate fi scris',
'An error occurred during logo copy.' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul copierii siglei.',
'An error occurred during logo upload.' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul ncrcrii siglei.',
'Lingerie and Adult' => 'Lenjerie i Adult',
'Animals and Pets' => 'Animale i animale de companie',
'Art and Culture' => 'Arta si Cultura',
'Babies' => 'Bebelui',
'Beauty and Personal Care' => 'Frumusee i ngrijire personal',
'Cars' => 'Maini',
'Computer Hardware and Software' => 'Hardware i software de calculator',
'Download' => 'Descarca',
'Fashion and accessories' => 'Moda si accesorii',
'Flowers, Gifts and Crafts' => 'Flori, cadouri i meteuguri',
'Food and beverage' => 'Mancare si bautura',
'HiFi, Photo and Video' => 'HiFi, Foto i Video',
'Home and Garden' => 'Casa si gradina',
'Home Appliances' => 'Electrocasnice',
'Jewelry' => 'Bijuterii',
'Mobile and Telecom' => 'Mobil i Telecom',
'Services' => 'Servicii',
'Shoes and accessories' => 'Incaltaminte si accesorii',
'Sports and Entertainment' => 'Sport i divertisment',
'Travel' => 'Voiaj',
'Database is connected' => 'Baza de date este conectat',
'Database is created' => 'Este creat baza de date',
'Cannot create the database automatically' => 'Nu se poate crea automat baza de date',
'Create file' => 'Creai fiierul',
'Create database tables' => 'Creai tabele de baze de date',
'Create default website and languages' => 'Creai site-ul web i limbi implicite',
'Populate database tables' => 'Populai tabelele bazei de date',
'Configure website information' => 'Configurai informaiile site-ului web',
'Install demonstration data' => 'Instalai date demonstrative',
'Install modules' => 'Instalai module',
'Install Addons modules' => 'Instalai module de suplimente',
'Install theme' => 'Instalai tema',
'Required PHP parameters' => 'Parametri PHP necesari',
'The required PHP version is between 5.6 to 7.4' => 'Versiunea PHP necesar este ntre 5.6 i 7.4',
'Cannot upload files' => 'Nu se pot ncrca fiiere',
'Cannot create new files and folders' => 'Nu se pot crea fiiere i foldere noi',
'GD library is not installed' => 'Biblioteca GD nu este instalat',
'PDO MySQL extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia PDO MySQL nu este ncrcat',
'Curl extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia curl nu este ncrcat',
'SOAP extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia SOAP nu este ncrcat',
'SimpleXml extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia SimpleXml nu este ncrcat',
'In the PHP configuration set memory_limit to minimum 128M' => 'n configuraia PHP setai memory_limit la minim 128M',
'In the PHP configuration set max_execution_time to minimum 500' => 'n configuraia PHP setai max_execution_time la minim 500',
'In the PHP configuration set upload_max_filesize to minimum 16M' => 'n configuraia PHP setai upload_max_filesize la minimum 16M',
'Cannot open external URLs (requires allow_url_fopen as On).' => 'Nu se pot deschide adrese URL externe (necesit allow_url_fopen ca Activat).',
'ZIP extension is not enabled' => 'Extensia ZIP nu este activat',
'Files' => 'Fiiere',
'Not all files were successfully uploaded on your server' => 'Nu toate fiierele au fost ncrcate cu succes pe serverul dvs',
'Permissions on files and folders' => 'Permisiuni pentru fiiere i foldere',
'Recursive write permissions for %1$s user on %2$s' => 'Permisiuni de scriere recursive pentru utilizatorul %1$s pe %2$s',
'Recommended PHP parameters' => 'Parametri PHP recomandai',
'You are using PHP %s version. Soon, the latest PHP version supported by QloApps will be PHP 5.6. To make sure youre ready for the future, we recommend you to upgrade to PHP 5.6 now!' => 'Utilizai versiunea PHP %s. n curnd, cea mai recent versiune PHP suportat de QloApps va fi PHP 5.6. Pentru a v asigura c suntei pregtit pentru viitor, v recomandm s facei upgrade la PHP 5.6 acum!',
'PHP register_globals option is enabled' => 'Opiunea PHP register_globals este activat',
'GZIP compression is not activated' => 'Comprimarea GZIP nu este activat',
'Mbstring extension is not enabled' => 'Extensia Mbstring nu este activat',
'Dom extension is not loaded' => 'Extensia Dom nu este ncrcat',
'Server name is not valid' => 'Numele serverului nu este valid',
'You must enter a database name' => 'Trebuie s introducei un nume de baz de date',
'You must enter a database login' => 'Trebuie s introducei o autentificare la baza de date',
'Tables prefix is invalid' => 'Prefixul tabelelor este nevalid',
'Cannot convert database data to utf-8' => 'Nu se pot converti datele bazei de date n utf-8',
'At least one table with same prefix was already found, please change your prefix or drop your database' => 'Cel puin un tabel cu acelai prefix a fost deja gsit, v rugm s v schimbai prefixul sau s renunai la baza de date',
'The values of auto_increment increment and offset must be set to 1' => 'Valorile auto_increment increment i offset trebuie setate la 1',
'Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields' => 'Serverul bazei de date nu a fost gsit. V rugm s verificai cmpurile de conectare, parol i server',
'Connection to MySQL server succeeded, but database "%s" not found' => 'Conexiunea la serverul MySQL a reuit, dar baza de date %s nu a fost gsit',
'Attempt to create the database automatically' => 'ncercai s creai automat baza de date',
'%s file is not writable (check permissions)' => 'Fiierul %s nu poate fi scris (verificai permisiunile)',
'%s folder is not writable (check permissions)' => 'Dosarul %s nu poate fi scris (verificai permisiunile)',
'Cannot write settings file' => 'Nu se poate scrie fiierul de setri',
'Database structure file not found' => 'Fiierul cu structura bazei de date nu a fost gsit',
'Cannot create group shop' => 'Nu se poate crea magazinul de grup',
'Cannot create shop' => 'Nu se poate crea magazin',
'Cannot create shop URL' => 'Nu se poate crea adresa URL a magazinului',
'File "language.xml" not found for language iso "%s"' => 'Fiierul language.xml nu a fost gsit pentru limba ISO %s',
'File "language.xml" not valid for language iso "%s"' => 'Fiierul language.xml nu este valid pentru limba ISO %s',
'Cannot install language "%s"' => 'Nu se poate instala limba %s',
'Cannot copy flag language "%s"' => 'Nu se poate copia limba %s',
'Cannot create admin account' => 'Nu se poate crea un cont de administrator',
'Cannot install module "%s"' => 'Modulul %s nu se poate instala',
'Fixtures class "%s" not found' => 'Clasa de dispozitive %s nu a fost gsit',
'"%s" must be an instance of "InstallXmlLoader"' => '%s trebuie s fie o instan a InstallXmlLoader',
'Information about your Website' => 'Informaii despre site-ul dvs',
'Website name' => 'Numele site-ului',
'Main activity' => 'Activitate principala',
'Please choose your main activity' => 'V rugm s alegei activitatea dvs. principal',
'Other activity...' => 'Alt activitate...',
'Help us learn more about your store so we can offer you optimal guidance and the best features for your business!' => 'Ajutai-ne s aflm mai multe despre magazinul dvs., astfel nct s v putem oferi ndrumri optime i cele mai bune funcii pentru afacerea dvs.!',
'Install demo data' => 'Instalai date demonstrative',
'Yes' => 'da',
'No' => 'Nu',
'Installing demo data is a good way to learn how to use QloApps if you have not used it before. This demo data can later be erased using module QloApps Data Cleaner which comes pre-installed with this installation.' => 'Instalarea datelor demo este o modalitate bun de a nva cum s utilizai QloApps dac nu le-ai folosit nainte. Aceste date demonstrative pot fi terse ulterior folosind modulul QloApps Data Cleaner, care vine preinstalat cu aceast instalare.',
'Country' => 'ar',
'Select your country' => 'Alege-ti tara',
'Website timezone' => 'Fusul orar al site-ului',
'Select your timezone' => 'Selecteaz-i fusul orar',
'Enable SSL' => 'Activai SSL',
'Shop logo' => 'Sigla magazinului',
'Optional - You can add you logo at a later time.' => 'Opional - v putei aduga logo-ul mai trziu.',
'Your Account' => 'Contul tu',
'First name' => 'Nume',
'Last name' => 'Nume',
'E-mail address' => 'Adresa de e-mail',
'This email address will be your username to access your website\'s back office.' => 'Aceast adres de e-mail va fi numele dvs. de utilizator pentru a accesa back office-ul site-ului dvs. web.',
'Password' => 'Parola',
'Must be at least 8 characters' => 'Trebuie s aib cel puin 8 caractere',
'Re-type to confirm' => 'Tastai din nou pentru a confirma',
'The information you give us is collected by us and is subject to data processing and statistics. Under the current "Act on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties" you have the right to access, rectify and oppose to the processing of your personal data through this <a href="%s" onclick="return !">link</a>.' => 'Informaiile pe care ni le oferii sunt colectate de noi i sunt supuse prelucrrii datelor i statisticilor. Conform actualului Lege privind prelucrarea datelor, fiierele de date i libertile individuale avei dreptul de a accesa, de a rectifica i de a v opune prelucrrii datelor dumneavoastr cu caracter personal prin acest <a href="%s" onclick="return ! (this.href)">link</a>.',
'I agree to receive the Newsletter and promotional offers from QloApps.' => 'Sunt de acord s primesc buletinul informativ i ofertele promoionale de la QloApps.',
'You will always receive transactional emails like new updates, security fixes and patches even if you do not opt in for this option.' => 'Vei primi ntotdeauna e-mailuri tranzacionale, cum ar fi noi actualizri, remedieri de securitate i patch-uri, chiar dac nu v nscriei pentru aceast opiune.',
'Configure your database by filling out the following fields' => 'Configurai-v baza de date completnd urmtoarele cmpuri',
'To use QloApps, you must <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">create a database</a> to collect all of your website\'s data-related activities.' => 'Pentru a utiliza QloApps, trebuie s <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">creai o baz de date</a> pentru a colecta toate activitile legate de date ale site-ului dvs. web.',
'Please complete the fields below in order for QloApps to connect to your database. ' => 'V rugm s completai cmpurile de mai jos pentru ca QloApps s se conecteze la baza dvs. de date.',
'Database server address' => 'Adresa serverului bazei de date',
'The default port is 3306. To use a different port, add the port number at the end of your server\'s address i.e ":4242".' => 'Portul implicit este 3306. Pentru a utiliza un alt port, adugai numrul portului la sfritul adresei serverului dvs., adic :4242.',
'Database name' => 'Numele bazei de date',
'Database login' => 'Conectare la baza de date',
'Database password' => 'Parola bazei de date',
'Database Engine' => 'Motorul bazei de date',
'Tables prefix' => 'Prefixul tabelelor',
'Drop existing tables (mode dev)' => 'Eliminai tabelele existente (mod dev)',
'Test your database connection now!' => 'Testai acum conexiunea la baza de date!',
'Next' => 'Urmtorul',
'Back' => 'napoi',
'If you need some assistance, you can <a href="%1$s" onclick="return !;">get tailored help</a> from our support team. <a href="%2$s" onclick="return !;">The official documentation</a> is also here to guide you.' => 'Dac avei nevoie de asisten, putei <a href="%1$s" onclick="return !;">obine ajutor personalizat</a> de la echipa noastr de asisten. <a href="%2$s" onclick="return !;">Documentaia oficial</a> este, de asemenea, aici pentru a v ghida.',
'Official forum' => 'Forum oficial',
'Support' => 'A sustine',
'Documentation' => 'Documentaie',
'Contact us' => 'Contactai-ne',
'QloApps Installation Assistant' => 'Asistent de instalare QloApps',
'Forum' => 'forum',
'Blog' => 'Blog',
'menu_welcome' => 'Alegei limba dvs',
'menu_license' => 'Acorduri de licen',
'menu_system' => 'Compatibilitate cu sistemul',
'menu_configure' => 'Informaii site-ul web',
'menu_database' => 'Configurarea sistemului',
'menu_process' => 'Instalare QloApps',
'Need Help?' => 'Nevoie de ajutor?',
'Click here to Contact us' => 'Click aici pentru a ne contacta',
'Installation' => 'Instalare',
'See our Installation guide' => 'Consultai ghidul nostru de instalare',
'Tutorials' => 'Tutoriale',
'See our QloApps tutorials' => 'Consultai tutorialele noastre QloApps',
'Installation Assistant' => 'Asistent de instalare',
'To install QloApps, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.' => 'Pentru a instala QloApps, trebuie s avei JavaScript activat n browser.',
'' => '',
'License Agreements' => 'Acorduri de licen',
'To enjoy the many features that are offered for free by QloApps, please read the license terms below. QloApps core is licensed under OSL 3.0, while the modules and themes are licensed under AFL 3.0.' => 'Pentru a v bucura de numeroasele funcii oferite gratuit de QloApps, v rugm s citii termenii de licen de mai jos. Nucleul QloApps este liceniat sub OSL 3.0, n timp ce modulele i temele sunt liceniate sub AFL 3.0.',
'I agree to the above terms and conditions.' => 'Sunt de acord cu termenii i condiiile de mai sus.',
'I agree to participate in improving the solution by sending anonymous information about my configuration.' => 'Sunt de acord s particip la mbuntirea soluiei trimind informaii anonime despre configuraia mea.',
'Done!' => 'Terminat!',
'An error occurred during installation...' => 'A aprut o eroare n timpul instalrii...',
'You can use the links on the left column to go back to the previous steps, or restart the installation process by <a href="%s">clicking here</a>.' => 'Putei folosi linkurile din coloana din stnga pentru a reveni la paii anteriori sau putei reporni procesul de instalare <a href="%s">fcnd clic aici</a>.',
'Suggested Modules' => 'Module sugerate',
'Find just the right features on QloApps Addons to make your hospitality business a success.' => 'Gsii funciile potrivite pe suplimentele QloApps pentru ca afacerea dvs. de ospitalitate s fie un succes.',
'Discover All Modules' => 'Descoperii toate modulele',
'Suggested Themes' => 'Teme sugerate',
'Create a design that suits your hotel and your customers, with a ready-to-use template theme.' => 'Creai un design care se potrivete hotelului i clienilor dvs., cu o tem ablon gata de utilizat.',
'Discover All Themes' => 'Descoperii toate temele',
'Your installation is finished!' => 'Instalarea dvs. s-a terminat!',
'You have just finished installing QloApps. Thank you for using QloApps!' => 'Tocmai ai terminat de instalat QloApps. V mulumim c folosii QloApps!',
'Please remember your login information:' => 'V rugm s reinei informaiile dvs. de conectare:',
'E-mail' => 'E-mail',
'Print my login information' => 'Printeaz-mi informaiile de conectare',
'Display' => 'Afia',
'For security purposes, you must delete the "install" folder.' => 'Din motive de securitate, trebuie s tergei folderul instalare.',
'Back Office' => 'Back Office',
'Manage your website using your Back Office. Manage your orders and customers, add modules, change themes, etc.' => 'Gestionai-v site-ul folosind Back Office. Gestionai-v comenzile i clienii, adugai module, schimbai temele etc.',
'Manage Your Website' => 'Gestionai-v site-ul',
'Front Office' => 'Front office',
'Discover your website as your future customers will see it!' => 'Descoper site-ul tu aa cum l vor vedea viitorii ti clieni!',
'Discover Your Website' => 'Descoperii site-ul dvs',
'Share your experience with your friends!' => 'mprtete-i experiena cu prietenii ti!',
'I just built an online hotel booking website with QloApps!' => 'Tocmai am creat un site web de rezervare hotelier online cu QloApps!',
'See all the features here :' => 'Vezi toate caracteristicile aici:',
'Tweet' => 'Tweet',
'Share' => 'Aciune',
'Google+' => 'Google+',
'Pinterest' => 'Pinterest',
'LinkedIn' => 'LinkedIn',
'We are currently checking QloApps compatibility with your system environment' => 'n prezent verificm compatibilitatea QloApps cu mediul dumneavoastr de sistem',
'If you have any questions, please visit our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">documentation</a> and <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">community forum</a>.' => 'Dac avei ntrebri, vizitai <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">documentaia</a> i <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">forumul comunitii< /a>.',
'QloApps compatibility with your system environment has been verified!' => 'Compatibilitatea QloApps cu mediul dumneavoastr de sistem a fost verificat!',
'Oops! Please correct the item(s) below, and then click "Refresh information" to test the compatibility of your new system.' => 'Hopa! V rugm s corectai articolul(ele) de mai jos i apoi facei clic pe Actualizai informaii pentru a testa compatibilitatea noului dumneavoastr sistem.',
'Refresh these settings' => 'Actualizeaz aceste setri',
'QloApps requires at least 128 MB of memory to run: please check the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file or contact your host provider about this.' => 'QloApps necesit cel puin 128 MB de memorie pentru a rula: v rugm s verificai directiva memory_limit din fiierul dvs. php.ini sau contactai furnizorul dvs. de gazd n acest sens.',
'Welcome to the QloApps %s Installer' => 'Bun venit la QloApps %s Installer',
'Installing QloApps is quick and easy. In just a few moments, you will become part of a community. You are on the way to creating your own hotel booking website that you can manage easily every day.' => 'Instalarea QloApps este rapid i uoar. n doar cteva momente, vei deveni parte dintr-o comunitate. Suntei pe cale s v creai propriul site web de rezervare la hotel, pe care l putei gestiona cu uurin n fiecare zi.',
'If you need help, do not hesitate to <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">watch this short tutorial</a>, or check <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">our documentation</a>.' => 'Dac avei nevoie de ajutor, nu ezitai s <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">vizionai acest scurt tutorial</a> sau s verificai <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">documentaia noastr</a>.',
'Continue the installation in:' => 'Continuai instalarea n:',
'The language selection above only applies to the Installation Assistant. Once QloApps is installed, you can choose the language of your website from over %d translations, all for free!' => 'Selectarea limbii de mai sus se aplic numai Asistentului de instalare. Odat ce QloApps este instalat, putei alege limba site-ului dvs. dintre peste %d traduceri, toate gratuit!',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 280642b7d28bd03607a02528c0e2b325 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 1741 ms |