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PHP Decode

<?php namespace Livewire\Drawer; class BaseUtils { static function isSyntheticTuple(..

Decoded Output download


namespace Livewire\Drawer;

class BaseUtils
    static function isSyntheticTuple($payload) {
        return is_array($payload)
            && count($payload) === 2
            && isset($payload[1]['s']);

    static function isAPrimitive($target) {
            is_numeric($target) ||
            is_string($target) ||
            is_bool($target) ||

    static function getPublicPropertiesDefinedOnSubclass($target) {
        return static::getPublicProperties($target, function ($property) {
            // Filter out any properties from the first-party Component class...
            return $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== \Livewire\Component::class;

    static function getPublicProperties($target, $filter = null)
        return collect((new \ReflectionObject($target))->getProperties())
            ->filter(function ($property) {
                return $property->isPublic() && ! $property->isStatic() && $property->isDefault();
            ->filter($filter ?? fn () => true)
            ->mapWithKeys(function ($property) use ($target) {
                // Ensures typed property is initialized in PHP >=7.4, if so, return its value,
                // if not initialized, return null (as expected in earlier PHP Versions)
                if (method_exists($property, 'isInitialized') && !$property->isInitialized($target)) {
                    // If a type of `array` is given with no value, let's assume users want
                    // it prefilled with an empty array...
                    $value = (method_exists($property, 'getType') && $property->getType() && method_exists($property->getType(), 'getName') && $property->getType()->getName() === 'array')
                        ? [] : null;
                } else {
                    $value = $property->getValue($target);

                return [$property->getName() => $value];

    static function getPublicMethodsDefinedBySubClass($target)
        $methods = array_filter((new \ReflectionObject($target))->getMethods(), function ($method) {
            $isInBaseComponentClass = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === \Livewire\Component::class;

            return $method->isPublic()
                && ! $method->isStatic()
                && ! $isInBaseComponentClass;

        return array_map(function ($method) {
            return $method->getName();
        }, $methods);

    static function hasAttribute($target, $property, $attributeClass) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        foreach ($property->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
            $instance = $attribute->newInstance();

            if ($instance instanceof $attributeClass) return true;

        return false;

    static function getProperty($target, $property) {
        return (new \ReflectionObject($target))->getProperty($property);

    static function propertyIsTyped($target, $property) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        return $property->hasType();

    static function propertyIsTypedAndUninitialized($target, $property) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        return $property->hasType() && (! $property->isInitialized($target));

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Original Code


namespace Livewire\Drawer;

class BaseUtils
    static function isSyntheticTuple($payload) {
        return is_array($payload)
            && count($payload) === 2
            && isset($payload[1]['s']);

    static function isAPrimitive($target) {
            is_numeric($target) ||
            is_string($target) ||
            is_bool($target) ||

    static function getPublicPropertiesDefinedOnSubclass($target) {
        return static::getPublicProperties($target, function ($property) {
            // Filter out any properties from the first-party Component class...
            return $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== \Livewire\Component::class;

    static function getPublicProperties($target, $filter = null)
        return collect((new \ReflectionObject($target))->getProperties())
            ->filter(function ($property) {
                return $property->isPublic() && ! $property->isStatic() && $property->isDefault();
            ->filter($filter ?? fn () => true)
            ->mapWithKeys(function ($property) use ($target) {
                // Ensures typed property is initialized in PHP >=7.4, if so, return its value,
                // if not initialized, return null (as expected in earlier PHP Versions)
                if (method_exists($property, 'isInitialized') && !$property->isInitialized($target)) {
                    // If a type of `array` is given with no value, let's assume users want
                    // it prefilled with an empty array...
                    $value = (method_exists($property, 'getType') && $property->getType() && method_exists($property->getType(), 'getName') && $property->getType()->getName() === 'array')
                        ? [] : null;
                } else {
                    $value = $property->getValue($target);

                return [$property->getName() => $value];

    static function getPublicMethodsDefinedBySubClass($target)
        $methods = array_filter((new \ReflectionObject($target))->getMethods(), function ($method) {
            $isInBaseComponentClass = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === \Livewire\Component::class;

            return $method->isPublic()
                && ! $method->isStatic()
                && ! $isInBaseComponentClass;

        return array_map(function ($method) {
            return $method->getName();
        }, $methods);

    static function hasAttribute($target, $property, $attributeClass) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        foreach ($property->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
            $instance = $attribute->newInstance();

            if ($instance instanceof $attributeClass) return true;

        return false;

    static function getProperty($target, $property) {
        return (new \ReflectionObject($target))->getProperty($property);

    static function propertyIsTyped($target, $property) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        return $property->hasType();

    static function propertyIsTypedAndUninitialized($target, $property) {
        $property = static::getProperty($target, $property);

        return $property->hasType() && (! $property->isInitialized($target));

Function Calls





MD5 28e40b46983a979b823f3ca8d1133529
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 119 ms