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PHP Decode

<?php /** * This file is part of the Zephir. * * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]..

Decoded Output download


 * This file is part of the Zephir.
 * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace Zephir\Types;

 * Encapsulates built-in methods for the "string" type
 * TODO: explode, join, replace
class StringType extends AbstractType
    public array $methodMap = [
        'index'            => 'strpos',
        'trim'             => 'trim',
        'trimleft'         => 'ltrim',
        'trimright'        => 'rtrim',
        'length'           => 'strlen',
        'lower'            => 'strtolower',
        'upper'            => 'strtoupper',
        'lowerfirst'       => 'lcfirst',
        'upperfirst'       => 'ucfirst',
        'format'           => 'sprintf',
        'md5'              => 'md5',
        'sha1'             => 'sha1',
        'nl2br'            => 'nl2br',
        'parsecsv'         => 'str_getcsv',
        'parsejson'        => 'json_decode',
        'tojson'           => 'json_encode',
        'repeat'           => 'str_repeat',
        'shuffle'          => 'str_shuffle',
        'split'            => 'str_split',
        'compare'          => 'strcmp',
        'comparelocale'    => 'strcoll',
        'rev'              => 'strrev',
        'htmlspecialchars' => 'htmlspecialchars',
        'camelize'         => 'camelize',
        'uncamelize'       => 'uncamelize',

    public function getTypeName(): string
        return Types::T_STRING;

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Original Code


 * This file is part of the Zephir.
 * (c) Phalcon Team <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace Zephir\Types;

 * Encapsulates built-in methods for the "string" type
 * TODO: explode, join, replace
class StringType extends AbstractType
    public array $methodMap = [
        'index'            => 'strpos',
        'trim'             => 'trim',
        'trimleft'         => 'ltrim',
        'trimright'        => 'rtrim',
        'length'           => 'strlen',
        'lower'            => 'strtolower',
        'upper'            => 'strtoupper',
        'lowerfirst'       => 'lcfirst',
        'upperfirst'       => 'ucfirst',
        'format'           => 'sprintf',
        'md5'              => 'md5',
        'sha1'             => 'sha1',
        'nl2br'            => 'nl2br',
        'parsecsv'         => 'str_getcsv',
        'parsejson'        => 'json_decode',
        'tojson'           => 'json_encode',
        'repeat'           => 'str_repeat',
        'shuffle'          => 'str_shuffle',
        'split'            => 'str_split',
        'compare'          => 'strcmp',
        'comparelocale'    => 'strcoll',
        'rev'              => 'strrev',
        'htmlspecialchars' => 'htmlspecialchars',
        'camelize'         => 'camelize',
        'uncamelize'       => 'uncamelize',

    public function getTypeName(): string
        return Types::T_STRING;

Function Calls





MD5 3d3af1ef98752271d24fae818218de6a
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 107 ms