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PHP Decode

<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..

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 * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
 *     Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file LICENSE.

namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\FunctionNotation;

use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;

 * @internal
 * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FunctionNotation\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer
 * @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FunctionNotation\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer>
final class NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
     * @dataProvider provideFixCases
    public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo = null, $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo = "two words", $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function cFunction($foo, $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function cFunction($foo = false, $bar = "bar", $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function dFunction($foo, $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function dFunction($foo = false, $bar, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (Foo $bar = null, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = "default") {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar = "removedDefault", \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = "default") {}',

        yield [
                                        function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

                                        function fFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};
                                        function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

                                        function fFunction($foo, $bar = 'removedValue', \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

        yield [
            '<?php function foo ($bar /* a */  /* b */ , $c) {}',
            '<?php function foo ($bar /* a */ = /* b */ 1, $c) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function hFunction($foo,$bar,\SplFileInfo $baz,$x = 5) {};',
            '<?php function hFunction($foo,$bar="removedValue",\SplFileInfo $baz,$x = 5) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz = null, $x) {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo = PHP_EOL, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz = null, $x) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo       = null, $bar) {}',

        yield [
                                        function foo(
                                            $a, // test
                                            $b, /* test */
                                            $c, // abc
                                        ) {}
                                        function foo(
                                            $a = 1, // test
                                            $b = 2, /* test */
                                            $c = null, // abc
                                        ) {}

        yield [
            '<?php function foo($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function foo($foo = array(array(1)), $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = array("a" => "b", "c" => "d"), $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = ["a" => "b", "c" => "d"], $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = NULL, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(\SplFileInfo $a = Null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(array $a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(callable $a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(\SplFileInfo &$a = Null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(&$a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a(&$a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a, $b = 1) use ($c) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a, $b) use ($c) {};',
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a = 1, $b) use ($c) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo#
$bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo#
$bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a = 1, ...$b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a = 1, \SplFileInfo ...$b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar = null, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar = null, ?Baz $baz = null) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php $fn = fn ($a, $b) => null;',
            '<?php $fn = fn ($a = 1, $b) => null;',

     * @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.0
    public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
        yield 'handle trailing comma' => [
            '<?php function foo($x, $y = 42, $z = 42 ) {}',

        yield 'handle attributes without arguments' => [
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1] $x,
                #[Attribute2] $y,
                #[Attribute3] $z
            ) {}',
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1] $x,
                #[Attribute2] $y = 42,
                #[Attribute3] $z
            ) {}',

        yield 'handle attributes with arguments' => [
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1(1, 2)] $x,
                #[Attribute2(3, 4)] $y,
                #[Attribute3(5, 6)] $z
            ) {}',
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1(1, 2)] $x,
                #[Attribute2(3, 4)] $y = 42,
                #[Attribute3(5, 6)] $z
            ) {}',

     * @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.1
    public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
        yield 'do not crash' => [
            '<?php strlen( ... );',

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code



 * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
 *     Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file LICENSE.

namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\FunctionNotation;

use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;

 * @internal
 * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FunctionNotation\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer
 * @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FunctionNotation\NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer>
final class NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
     * @dataProvider provideFixCases
    public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo = null, $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo = "two words", $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function cFunction($foo, $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function cFunction($foo = false, $bar = "bar", $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function dFunction($foo, $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function dFunction($foo = false, $bar, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (Foo $bar = null, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = "default") {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar = "removedDefault", \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = "default") {}',

        yield [
                                        function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

                                        function fFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};
                                        function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

                                        function fFunction($foo, $bar = 'removedValue', \SplFileInfo $baz, $x = 'default') {};

        yield [
            '<?php function foo ($bar /* a */  /* b */ , $c) {}',
            '<?php function foo ($bar /* a */ = /* b */ 1, $c) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function hFunction($foo,$bar,\SplFileInfo $baz,$x = 5) {};',
            '<?php function hFunction($foo,$bar="removedValue",\SplFileInfo $baz,$x = 5) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz = null, $x) {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo = PHP_EOL, $bar, \SplFileInfo $baz = null, $x) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function eFunction($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function eFunction($foo       = null, $bar) {}',

        yield [
                                        function foo(
                                            $a, // test
                                            $b, /* test */
                                            $c, // abc
                                        ) {}
                                        function foo(
                                            $a = 1, // test
                                            $b = 2, /* test */
                                            $c = null, // abc
                                        ) {}

        yield [
            '<?php function foo($foo, $bar) {}',
            '<?php function foo($foo = array(array(1)), $bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = array("a" => "b", "c" => "d"), $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = ["a" => "b", "c" => "d"], $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a($a = NULL, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(\SplFileInfo $a = Null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(array $a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(callable $a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(\SplFileInfo &$a = Null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a(&$a, $b) {}',
            '<?php function a(&$a = null, $b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a, $b = 1) use ($c) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a, $b) use ($c) {};',
            '<?php $fnc = function ($a = 1, $b) use ($c) {};',

        yield [
            '<?php function bFunction($foo#
$bar) {}',
            '<?php function bFunction($foo#
$bar) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a = 1, ...$b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function a($a = 1, \SplFileInfo ...$b) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar, $baz) {}',
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar = null, $baz) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php function foo (?Foo $bar = null, ?Baz $baz = null) {}',

        yield [
            '<?php $fn = fn ($a, $b) => null;',
            '<?php $fn = fn ($a = 1, $b) => null;',

     * @dataProvider provideFix80Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.0
    public function testFix80(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFix80Cases(): iterable
        yield 'handle trailing comma' => [
            '<?php function foo($x, $y = 42, $z = 42 ) {}',

        yield 'handle attributes without arguments' => [
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1] $x,
                #[Attribute2] $y,
                #[Attribute3] $z
            ) {}',
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1] $x,
                #[Attribute2] $y = 42,
                #[Attribute3] $z
            ) {}',

        yield 'handle attributes with arguments' => [
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1(1, 2)] $x,
                #[Attribute2(3, 4)] $y,
                #[Attribute3(5, 6)] $z
            ) {}',
            '<?php function foo(
                #[Attribute1(1, 2)] $x,
                #[Attribute2(3, 4)] $y = 42,
                #[Attribute3(5, 6)] $z
            ) {}',

     * @dataProvider provideFix81Cases
     * @requires PHP 8.1
    public function testFix81(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public static function provideFix81Cases(): iterable
        yield 'do not crash' => [
            '<?php strlen( ... );',

Function Calls





MD5 41eef56474773bad30d821e7ee59c6ca
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 91 ms