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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Alias;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Alexander M. Turek <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\ModernizeStrposFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\ModernizeStrposFixer>
final class ModernizeStrposFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'yoda ===' => [
'<?php if ( str_starts_with($haystack1, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1, $needle)) {}',
yield 'not zero yoda !==' => [
'<?php if ( !str_starts_with($haystack2, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== strpos($haystack2, $needle)) {}',
yield 'false yoda ===' => [
'<?php if ( !str_contains($haystack, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (false === strpos($haystack, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (str_starts_with($haystack3, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack3, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'casing call' => [
'<?php if (str_starts_with($haystack4, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (STRPOS($haystack4, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'leading namespace' => [
'<?php if (\str_starts_with($haystack5, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (\strpos($haystack5, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'leading namespace with yoda' => [
'<?php if ( \str_starts_with($haystack5, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 === \strpos($haystack5, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack6, $needle) !== 0) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!\str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (\strpos($haystack6, $needle) !== 0) {}',
yield [
'<?php if ( !\str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== \strpos($haystack6, $needle)) {}',
yield 'casing operand' => [
'<?php if (str_contains($haystack7, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack7, $needle) !== FALSE) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!str_contains($haystack8, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack8, $needle) === false) {}',
yield [
'<?php if ( !str_starts_with($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== strpos($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php $a = !str_starts_with($haystack9a, $needle) ;',
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack9a, $needle) !== 0;',
yield 'comments inside, no spacing' => [
'<?php if (/* foo *//* bar */str_contains($haystack10,$a)) {}',
'<?php if (/* foo */false/* bar */!==strpos($haystack10,$a)) {}',
yield [
'<?php $a = !str_contains($haystack11, $needle)?>',
'<?php $a = false === strpos($haystack11, $needle)?>',
yield [
'<?php $a = $input && str_contains($input, $method) ? $input : null;',
'<?php $a = $input && strpos($input, $method) !== FALSE ? $input : null;',
// do not fix
yield [
$x = 1;
$x = "strpos";
// if (false === strpos($haystack12, $needle)) {}
/** if (false === strpos($haystack13, $needle)) {} */
yield 'different namespace' => [
'<?php if (a\strpos($haystack14, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'different namespace with yoda' => [
'<?php if (0 === a\strpos($haystack14, $needle)) {}',
yield 'non condition (hardcoded)' => [
'<?php $x = strpos(\'foo\', \'f\');',
yield 'non condition' => [
'<?php $x = strpos($haystack15, $needle) ?>',
yield 'none zero int' => [
'<?php if (1 !== strpos($haystack16, $needle)) {}',
yield 'greater condition' => [
'<?php if (strpos($haystack17, $needle) > 0) {}',
yield 'lesser condition' => [
'<?php if (0 < strpos($haystack18, $needle)) {}',
yield 'no argument' => [
'<?php $z = strpos();',
yield 'one argument' => [
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1)) {}',
yield '3 arguments' => [
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1, $a, $b)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 1' => [
'<?php if (4 + 0 !== strpos($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 2' => [
'<?php if (!false === strpos($haystack, $needle)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 3' => [
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0 + 1;',
yield 'higher precedence 4' => [
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0 > $b;',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\Alias;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;
* @author Alexander M. Turek <[email protected]>
* @internal
* @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\ModernizeStrposFixer
* @extends AbstractFixerTestCase<\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Alias\ModernizeStrposFixer>
final class ModernizeStrposFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixCases
public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
$this->doTest($expected, $input);
public static function provideFixCases(): iterable
yield 'yoda ===' => [
'<?php if ( str_starts_with($haystack1, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1, $needle)) {}',
yield 'not zero yoda !==' => [
'<?php if ( !str_starts_with($haystack2, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== strpos($haystack2, $needle)) {}',
yield 'false yoda ===' => [
'<?php if ( !str_contains($haystack, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (false === strpos($haystack, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (str_starts_with($haystack3, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack3, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'casing call' => [
'<?php if (str_starts_with($haystack4, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (STRPOS($haystack4, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'leading namespace' => [
'<?php if (\str_starts_with($haystack5, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (\strpos($haystack5, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'leading namespace with yoda' => [
'<?php if ( \str_starts_with($haystack5, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 === \strpos($haystack5, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack6, $needle) !== 0) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!\str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (\strpos($haystack6, $needle) !== 0) {}',
yield [
'<?php if ( !\str_starts_with($haystack6, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== \strpos($haystack6, $needle)) {}',
yield 'casing operand' => [
'<?php if (str_contains($haystack7, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack7, $needle) !== FALSE) {}',
yield [
'<?php if (!str_contains($haystack8, $needle) ) {}',
'<?php if (strpos($haystack8, $needle) === false) {}',
yield [
'<?php if ( !str_starts_with($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
'<?php if (0 !== strpos($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
yield [
'<?php $a = !str_starts_with($haystack9a, $needle) ;',
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack9a, $needle) !== 0;',
yield 'comments inside, no spacing' => [
'<?php if (/* foo *//* bar */str_contains($haystack10,$a)) {}',
'<?php if (/* foo */false/* bar */!==strpos($haystack10,$a)) {}',
yield [
'<?php $a = !str_contains($haystack11, $needle)?>',
'<?php $a = false === strpos($haystack11, $needle)?>',
yield [
'<?php $a = $input && str_contains($input, $method) ? $input : null;',
'<?php $a = $input && strpos($input, $method) !== FALSE ? $input : null;',
// do not fix
yield [
$x = 1;
$x = "strpos";
// if (false === strpos($haystack12, $needle)) {}
/** if (false === strpos($haystack13, $needle)) {} */
yield 'different namespace' => [
'<?php if (a\strpos($haystack14, $needle) === 0) {}',
yield 'different namespace with yoda' => [
'<?php if (0 === a\strpos($haystack14, $needle)) {}',
yield 'non condition (hardcoded)' => [
'<?php $x = strpos(\'foo\', \'f\');',
yield 'non condition' => [
'<?php $x = strpos($haystack15, $needle) ?>',
yield 'none zero int' => [
'<?php if (1 !== strpos($haystack16, $needle)) {}',
yield 'greater condition' => [
'<?php if (strpos($haystack17, $needle) > 0) {}',
yield 'lesser condition' => [
'<?php if (0 < strpos($haystack18, $needle)) {}',
yield 'no argument' => [
'<?php $z = strpos();',
yield 'one argument' => [
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1)) {}',
yield '3 arguments' => [
'<?php if (0 === strpos($haystack1, $a, $b)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 1' => [
'<?php if (4 + 0 !== strpos($haystack9, $needle)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 2' => [
'<?php if (!false === strpos($haystack, $needle)) {}',
yield 'higher precedence 3' => [
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0 + 1;',
yield 'higher precedence 4' => [
'<?php $a = strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0 > $b;',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 43ee93468479065a607d05b11ac02a65 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 95 ms |