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PHP Decode
<?php // Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner // This file is part of esoTalk. Pleas..
Decoded Output download
// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
// Sitemap: generates necessary sitemap files and outputs sitemap.xml.
define("IN_ESOTALK", 1);
// Include our config files.
require "config.default.php";
@include "config/config.php";
if (!isset($config)) exit;
// Combine config.default.php and config/config.php into $config (the latter will overwrite the former.)
$config = array_merge($defaultConfig, $config);
// Compare the hardcoded version of esoTalk (ESOTALK_VERSION) to the installed one ($versions["esoTalk"]).
// If they're out-of-date, stop page execution.
require "config/versions.php";
if ($versions["esoTalk"] != ESOTALK_VERSION) exit;
require "lib/functions.php";
// If sitemap.xml is recent then we'll just use the cached version.
// Otherwise, we'll regenerate all the sitemap files.
if (!file_exists("sitemap.xml") or filemtime("sitemap.xml") < time() - $config["sitemapCacheTime"] - 200) {
// If there are lots of conversations, this might take a while...
// Connect to the database.
require "lib/database.php";
$db = new Database();
if (!$db->connect($config["mysqlHost"], $config["mysqlUser"], $config["mysqlPass"], $config["mysqlDB"])) exit;
// Does sitemap.general.xml exist? If not, create it.
if (!file_exists("sitemap.general.xml")) {
writeFile("sitemap.general.xml", "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''><url><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}</loc><changefreq>hourly</changefreq><priority>1.0</priority></url></urlset>");
// Initiate the counter and some settings.
$i = 1;
define("URLS_PER_SITEMAP", 40000); // 40,000 almost definitely will not exceed the 10MB sitemap limit.
define("ZLIB", extension_loaded("zlib") ? ".gz" : null);
// Generate conversation sitemap files until we run out of conversations.
while (true) {
// Set the filename with the counter.
$filename = "sitemap.conversations.$i.xml" . ZLIB;
// Get the next batch of public conversations from the database.
$r = mysql_query("SELECT conversationId, slug, posts / ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - startTime) / 86400) AS postsPerDay, IF(lastActionTime, lastActionTime, startTime) AS lastUpdated, posts FROM " . config("esoTalk.database.prefix") . "conversations WHERE !private LIMIT " . (($i - 1) * URLS_PER_SITEMAP) . "," . URLS_PER_SITEMAP);
// If there are no conversations left, break from the loop.
if (!mysql_num_rows($r)) break;
// Otherwise let's make the sitemap file.
else {
$urlset = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''>";
// Create a <url> tag for each conversation in the result set.
while (list($conversationId, $slug, $postsPerDay, $lastUpdated, $posts) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
$urlset .= "<url><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}" . makeLink($conversationId, $slug) . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00", $lastUpdated) . "</lastmod><changefreq>";
// How often should we tell them to check for updates?
if ($postsPerDay < 0.006) $urlset .= "yearly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.07) $urlset .= "monthly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.3) $urlset .= "weekly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 3) $urlset .= "daily";
else $urlset .= "hourly";
$urlset .= "</changefreq>";
// Estimate the conversation's importance based upon the number of posts.
if ($posts < 50) ; // Default priority is 0.5, so specifying it is redundant.
elseif ($posts < 100) $urlset .= "<priority>0.6</priority>";
elseif ($posts < 500) $urlset .= "<priority>0.7</priority>";
elseif ($posts < 1000) $urlset .= "<priority>0.8</priority>";
else $urlset .= "<priority>0.9</priority>";
$urlset .= "</url>";
// [Encode, and] write out the file.
$urlset .= "</urlset>";
if (ZLIB) $urlset = gzencode($urlset, 9);
writeFile($filename, $urlset);
// And increment the counter for the next cycle.
// Now we're gonna generate the sitemap index.
$sitemap = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><sitemapindex xmlns=''><sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.general.xml</loc></sitemap>";
// For each conversation sitemap that we wrote, up until we break'd, add a <sitemap> entry to the index.
for ($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++) $sitemap .= "<sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.conversations.$j.xml" . ZLIB . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00") . "</lastmod></sitemap>";
$sitemap .= "</sitemapindex>";
// And write out!
writeFile("sitemap.xml", $sitemap);
// Whether we generated new sitemaps or are using a cached version, let's include the sitemap index and serve it as xml.
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$handle = fopen("sitemap.xml", "r");
echo fread($handle, filesize("sitemap.xml"));
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
// Copyright 2011 Toby Zerner, Simon Zerner
// This file is part of esoTalk. Please see the included license file for usage information.
// Sitemap: generates necessary sitemap files and outputs sitemap.xml.
define("IN_ESOTALK", 1);
// Include our config files.
require "config.default.php";
@include "config/config.php";
if (!isset($config)) exit;
// Combine config.default.php and config/config.php into $config (the latter will overwrite the former.)
$config = array_merge($defaultConfig, $config);
// Compare the hardcoded version of esoTalk (ESOTALK_VERSION) to the installed one ($versions["esoTalk"]).
// If they're out-of-date, stop page execution.
require "config/versions.php";
if ($versions["esoTalk"] != ESOTALK_VERSION) exit;
require "lib/functions.php";
// If sitemap.xml is recent then we'll just use the cached version.
// Otherwise, we'll regenerate all the sitemap files.
if (!file_exists("sitemap.xml") or filemtime("sitemap.xml") < time() - $config["sitemapCacheTime"] - 200) {
// If there are lots of conversations, this might take a while...
// Connect to the database.
require "lib/database.php";
$db = new Database();
if (!$db->connect($config["mysqlHost"], $config["mysqlUser"], $config["mysqlPass"], $config["mysqlDB"])) exit;
// Does sitemap.general.xml exist? If not, create it.
if (!file_exists("sitemap.general.xml")) {
writeFile("sitemap.general.xml", "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''><url><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}</loc><changefreq>hourly</changefreq><priority>1.0</priority></url></urlset>");
// Initiate the counter and some settings.
$i = 1;
define("URLS_PER_SITEMAP", 40000); // 40,000 almost definitely will not exceed the 10MB sitemap limit.
define("ZLIB", extension_loaded("zlib") ? ".gz" : null);
// Generate conversation sitemap files until we run out of conversations.
while (true) {
// Set the filename with the counter.
$filename = "sitemap.conversations.$i.xml" . ZLIB;
// Get the next batch of public conversations from the database.
$r = mysql_query("SELECT conversationId, slug, posts / ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - startTime) / 86400) AS postsPerDay, IF(lastActionTime, lastActionTime, startTime) AS lastUpdated, posts FROM " . config("esoTalk.database.prefix") . "conversations WHERE !private LIMIT " . (($i - 1) * URLS_PER_SITEMAP) . "," . URLS_PER_SITEMAP);
// If there are no conversations left, break from the loop.
if (!mysql_num_rows($r)) break;
// Otherwise let's make the sitemap file.
else {
$urlset = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><urlset xmlns=''>";
// Create a <url> tag for each conversation in the result set.
while (list($conversationId, $slug, $postsPerDay, $lastUpdated, $posts) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
$urlset .= "<url><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}" . makeLink($conversationId, $slug) . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00", $lastUpdated) . "</lastmod><changefreq>";
// How often should we tell them to check for updates?
if ($postsPerDay < 0.006) $urlset .= "yearly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.07) $urlset .= "monthly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 0.3) $urlset .= "weekly";
elseif ($postsPerDay < 3) $urlset .= "daily";
else $urlset .= "hourly";
$urlset .= "</changefreq>";
// Estimate the conversation's importance based upon the number of posts.
if ($posts < 50) ; // Default priority is 0.5, so specifying it is redundant.
elseif ($posts < 100) $urlset .= "<priority>0.6</priority>";
elseif ($posts < 500) $urlset .= "<priority>0.7</priority>";
elseif ($posts < 1000) $urlset .= "<priority>0.8</priority>";
else $urlset .= "<priority>0.9</priority>";
$urlset .= "</url>";
// [Encode, and] write out the file.
$urlset .= "</urlset>";
if (ZLIB) $urlset = gzencode($urlset, 9);
writeFile($filename, $urlset);
// And increment the counter for the next cycle.
// Now we're gonna generate the sitemap index.
$sitemap = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><sitemapindex xmlns=''><sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.general.xml</loc></sitemap>";
// For each conversation sitemap that we wrote, up until we break'd, add a <sitemap> entry to the index.
for ($j = 1; $j < $i; $j++) $sitemap .= "<sitemap><loc>{$config["baseURL"]}sitemap.conversations.$j.xml" . ZLIB . "</loc><lastmod>" . gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s+00:00") . "</lastmod></sitemap>";
$sitemap .= "</sitemapindex>";
// And write out!
writeFile("sitemap.xml", $sitemap);
// Whether we generated new sitemaps or are using a cached version, let's include the sitemap index and serve it as xml.
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$handle = fopen("sitemap.xml", "r");
echo fread($handle, filesize("sitemap.xml"));
Function Calls
define | 1 |
MD5 | 441601da577d00384aece6e60bfcb24e |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 107 ms |