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PHP Decode
<?php namespace Livewire\Features\SupportTesting; use Livewire\Drawer\Utils; class Init..
Decoded Output download
namespace Livewire\Features\SupportTesting;
use Livewire\Drawer\Utils;
class InitialRender extends Render
function __construct(
protected RequestBroker $requestBroker,
) {}
static function make($requestBroker, $name, $params = [], $fromQueryString = [], $cookies = [], $headers = [])
$instance = new static($requestBroker);
return $instance->makeInitialRequest($name, $params, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers);
function makeInitialRequest($name, $params, $fromQueryString = [], $cookies = [], $headers = [])
$uri = '/livewire-unit-test-endpoint/'.str()->random(20);
$this->registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($uri, function () use ($name, $params) {
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade::render('@livewire($name, $params)', [
'name' => $name,
'params' => $params,
[$response, $componentInstance, $componentView] = $this->extractComponentAndBladeView(function () use ($uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers) {
return $this->requestBroker->temporarilyDisableExceptionHandlingAndMiddleware(function ($requestBroker) use ($uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers) {
return $requestBroker->addHeaders($headers)->call('GET', $uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies);
$html = $response->getContent();
// Set "original" to Blade view for assertions like "assertViewIs()"...
$response->original = $componentView;
$snapshot = Utils::extractAttributeDataFromHtml($html, 'wire:snapshot');
$effects = Utils::extractAttributeDataFromHtml($html, 'wire:effects');
return new ComponentState($componentInstance, $response, $componentView, $html, $snapshot, $effects);
private function registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($path, $closure)
// To prevent this route from overriding wildcard routes registered within the application,
// We have to make sure that this route is registered before other existing routes.
$livewireTestingRoute = new \Illuminate\Routing\Route(['GET', 'HEAD'], $path, $closure);
$existingRoutes = app('router')->getRoutes();
// Make an empty collection.
$runningCollection = new \Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection;
// Add this testing route as the first one.
// Now add the existing routes after it.
foreach ($existingRoutes as $route) {
// Now set this route collection as THE route collection for the app.
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
namespace Livewire\Features\SupportTesting;
use Livewire\Drawer\Utils;
class InitialRender extends Render
function __construct(
protected RequestBroker $requestBroker,
) {}
static function make($requestBroker, $name, $params = [], $fromQueryString = [], $cookies = [], $headers = [])
$instance = new static($requestBroker);
return $instance->makeInitialRequest($name, $params, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers);
function makeInitialRequest($name, $params, $fromQueryString = [], $cookies = [], $headers = [])
$uri = '/livewire-unit-test-endpoint/'.str()->random(20);
$this->registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($uri, function () use ($name, $params) {
return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade::render('@livewire($name, $params)', [
'name' => $name,
'params' => $params,
[$response, $componentInstance, $componentView] = $this->extractComponentAndBladeView(function () use ($uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers) {
return $this->requestBroker->temporarilyDisableExceptionHandlingAndMiddleware(function ($requestBroker) use ($uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies, $headers) {
return $requestBroker->addHeaders($headers)->call('GET', $uri, $fromQueryString, $cookies);
$html = $response->getContent();
// Set "original" to Blade view for assertions like "assertViewIs()"...
$response->original = $componentView;
$snapshot = Utils::extractAttributeDataFromHtml($html, 'wire:snapshot');
$effects = Utils::extractAttributeDataFromHtml($html, 'wire:effects');
return new ComponentState($componentInstance, $response, $componentView, $html, $snapshot, $effects);
private function registerRouteBeforeExistingRoutes($path, $closure)
// To prevent this route from overriding wildcard routes registered within the application,
// We have to make sure that this route is registered before other existing routes.
$livewireTestingRoute = new \Illuminate\Routing\Route(['GET', 'HEAD'], $path, $closure);
$existingRoutes = app('router')->getRoutes();
// Make an empty collection.
$runningCollection = new \Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection;
// Add this testing route as the first one.
// Now add the existing routes after it.
foreach ($existingRoutes as $route) {
// Now set this route collection as THE route collection for the app.
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 4649c219618c987738b86bf132bd83cf |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 104 ms |