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PHP Decode
<?php /** * Page Editor Lines * Contains text strings used within the user interface of ..
Decoded Output download
* Page Editor Lines
* Contains text strings used within the user interface of the
* WYSIWYG page editor. Some Markdown editor strings may still
* exist in the 'entities' file instead since this was added later.
return [
// General editor terms
'general' => '',
'advanced' => '',
'none' => '',
'cancel' => '',
'save' => '',
'close' => '',
'undo' => '',
'redo' => '',
'left' => '',
'center' => '',
'right' => '',
'top' => '',
'middle' => '',
'bottom' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'More' => '',
'select' => '...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => '',
'header_large' => '',
'header_medium' => '',
'header_small' => '',
'header_tiny' => '',
'paragraph' => '',
'blockquote' => '',
'inline_code' => '',
'callouts' => '',
'callout_information' => '',
'callout_success' => '',
'callout_warning' => '',
'callout_danger' => '',
'bold' => '',
'italic' => '',
'underline' => '',
'strikethrough' => '',
'superscript' => '',
'subscript' => '',
'text_color' => '',
'custom_color' => '',
'remove_color' => '',
'background_color' => '',
'align_left' => '',
'align_center' => '',
'align_right' => '',
'align_justify' => '',
'list_bullet' => '',
'list_numbered' => '',
'list_task' => '',
'indent_increase' => '',
'indent_decrease' => '',
'table' => '',
'insert_image' => '',
'insert_image_title' => '',
'insert_link' => '',
'insert_link_title' => '',
'insert_horizontal_line' => '',
'insert_code_block' => '',
'edit_code_block' => '',
'insert_drawing' => '',
'drawing_manager' => '',
'insert_media' => '',
'insert_media_title' => '',
'clear_formatting' => '',
'source_code' => '',
'source_code_title' => '',
'fullscreen' => '',
'image_options' => '',
// Tables
'table_properties' => '',
'table_properties_title' => '',
'delete_table' => '',
'table_clear_formatting' => '',
'resize_to_contents' => '',
'row_header' => '',
'insert_row_before' => '',
'insert_row_after' => '',
'delete_row' => '',
'insert_column_before' => '',
'insert_column_after' => '',
'delete_column' => '',
'table_cell' => '',
'table_row' => '',
'table_column' => '',
'cell_properties' => '',
'cell_properties_title' => '',
'cell_type' => '',
'cell_type_cell' => '',
'cell_scope' => '',
'cell_type_header' => '',
'merge_cells' => '',
'split_cell' => '',
'table_row_group' => '',
'table_column_group' => '',
'horizontal_align' => '',
'vertical_align' => '',
'border_width' => '',
'border_style' => '',
'border_color' => '',
'row_properties' => '',
'row_properties_title' => '',
'cut_row' => '',
'copy_row' => '',
'paste_row_before' => '',
'paste_row_after' => '',
'row_type' => '',
'row_type_header' => '',
'row_type_body' => '',
'row_type_footer' => '',
'alignment' => '',
'cut_column' => '',
'copy_column' => '',
'paste_column_before' => '',
'paste_column_after' => '',
'cell_padding' => '',
'cell_spacing' => '',
'caption' => '',
'show_caption' => '',
'constrain' => '',
'cell_border_solid' => '',
'cell_border_dotted' => '',
'cell_border_dashed' => '',
'cell_border_double' => '',
'cell_border_groove' => '',
'cell_border_ridge' => '',
'cell_border_inset' => '',
'cell_border_outset' => '',
'cell_border_none' => '',
'cell_border_hidden' => '',
// Images, links, details/summary & embed
'source' => '',
'alt_desc' => '',
'embed' => '',
'paste_embed' => '',
'url' => 'URL',
'text_to_display' => '',
'title' => '',
'open_link' => '',
'open_link_in' => '',
'open_link_current' => '',
'open_link_new' => '',
'remove_link' => '',
'insert_collapsible' => '',
'collapsible_unwrap' => '',
'edit_label' => '',
'toggle_open_closed' => '',
'collapsible_edit' => '',
'toggle_label' => '',
// About view
'about' => '',
'about_title' => 'WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => '',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'MIT:tinyLink',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'TinyMCE',
'save_continue' => '',
'callouts_cycle' => '()',
'link_selector' => '',
'shortcuts' => '',
'shortcut' => '',
'shortcuts_intro' => '',
'windows_linux' => '(Windows/Linux)',
'mac' => '(Mac)',
'description' => '',
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Page Editor Lines
* Contains text strings used within the user interface of the
* WYSIWYG page editor. Some Markdown editor strings may still
* exist in the 'entities' file instead since this was added later.
return [
// General editor terms
'general' => '',
'advanced' => '',
'none' => '',
'cancel' => '',
'save' => '',
'close' => '',
'undo' => '',
'redo' => '',
'left' => '',
'center' => '',
'right' => '',
'top' => '',
'middle' => '',
'bottom' => '',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'More' => '',
'select' => '...',
// Toolbar
'formats' => '',
'header_large' => '',
'header_medium' => '',
'header_small' => '',
'header_tiny' => '',
'paragraph' => '',
'blockquote' => '',
'inline_code' => '',
'callouts' => '',
'callout_information' => '',
'callout_success' => '',
'callout_warning' => '',
'callout_danger' => '',
'bold' => '',
'italic' => '',
'underline' => '',
'strikethrough' => '',
'superscript' => '',
'subscript' => '',
'text_color' => '',
'custom_color' => '',
'remove_color' => '',
'background_color' => '',
'align_left' => '',
'align_center' => '',
'align_right' => '',
'align_justify' => '',
'list_bullet' => '',
'list_numbered' => '',
'list_task' => '',
'indent_increase' => '',
'indent_decrease' => '',
'table' => '',
'insert_image' => '',
'insert_image_title' => '',
'insert_link' => '',
'insert_link_title' => '',
'insert_horizontal_line' => '',
'insert_code_block' => '',
'edit_code_block' => '',
'insert_drawing' => '',
'drawing_manager' => '',
'insert_media' => '',
'insert_media_title' => '',
'clear_formatting' => '',
'source_code' => '',
'source_code_title' => '',
'fullscreen' => '',
'image_options' => '',
// Tables
'table_properties' => '',
'table_properties_title' => '',
'delete_table' => '',
'table_clear_formatting' => '',
'resize_to_contents' => '',
'row_header' => '',
'insert_row_before' => '',
'insert_row_after' => '',
'delete_row' => '',
'insert_column_before' => '',
'insert_column_after' => '',
'delete_column' => '',
'table_cell' => '',
'table_row' => '',
'table_column' => '',
'cell_properties' => '',
'cell_properties_title' => '',
'cell_type' => '',
'cell_type_cell' => '',
'cell_scope' => '',
'cell_type_header' => '',
'merge_cells' => '',
'split_cell' => '',
'table_row_group' => '',
'table_column_group' => '',
'horizontal_align' => '',
'vertical_align' => '',
'border_width' => '',
'border_style' => '',
'border_color' => '',
'row_properties' => '',
'row_properties_title' => '',
'cut_row' => '',
'copy_row' => '',
'paste_row_before' => '',
'paste_row_after' => '',
'row_type' => '',
'row_type_header' => '',
'row_type_body' => '',
'row_type_footer' => '',
'alignment' => '',
'cut_column' => '',
'copy_column' => '',
'paste_column_before' => '',
'paste_column_after' => '',
'cell_padding' => '',
'cell_spacing' => '',
'caption' => '',
'show_caption' => '',
'constrain' => '',
'cell_border_solid' => '',
'cell_border_dotted' => '',
'cell_border_dashed' => '',
'cell_border_double' => '',
'cell_border_groove' => '',
'cell_border_ridge' => '',
'cell_border_inset' => '',
'cell_border_outset' => '',
'cell_border_none' => '',
'cell_border_hidden' => '',
// Images, links, details/summary & embed
'source' => '',
'alt_desc' => '',
'embed' => '',
'paste_embed' => '',
'url' => 'URL',
'text_to_display' => '',
'title' => '',
'open_link' => '',
'open_link_in' => '',
'open_link_current' => '',
'open_link_new' => '',
'remove_link' => '',
'insert_collapsible' => '',
'collapsible_unwrap' => '',
'edit_label' => '',
'toggle_open_closed' => '',
'collapsible_edit' => '',
'toggle_label' => '',
// About view
'about' => '',
'about_title' => 'WYSIWYG',
'editor_license' => '',
'editor_tiny_license' => 'MIT:tinyLink',
'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'TinyMCE',
'save_continue' => '',
'callouts_cycle' => '()',
'link_selector' => '',
'shortcuts' => '',
'shortcut' => '',
'shortcuts_intro' => '',
'windows_linux' => '(Windows/Linux)',
'mac' => '(Mac)',
'description' => '',
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 47672cdde1b73fd36b4ac1326400df3a |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 81 ms |