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PHP Decode
<?php final class PholioMockImagesView extends AphrontView { private $mock; private ..
Decoded Output download
final class PholioMockImagesView extends AphrontView {
private $mock;
private $imageID;
private $requestURI;
private $commentFormID;
private $panelID;
private $viewportID;
private $behaviorConfig;
public function setCommentFormID($comment_form_id) {
$this->commentFormID = $comment_form_id;
return $this;
public function getCommentFormID() {
return $this->commentFormID;
public function setRequestURI(PhutilURI $request_uri) {
$this->requestURI = $request_uri;
return $this;
public function getRequestURI() {
return $this->requestURI;
public function setImageID($image_id) {
$this->imageID = $image_id;
return $this;
public function getImageID() {
return $this->imageID;
public function setMock(PholioMock $mock) {
$this->mock = $mock;
return $this;
public function getMock() {
return $this->mock;
public function __construct() {
$this->panelID = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
$this->viewportID = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
public function getBehaviorConfig() {
if (!$this->getMock()) {
throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setMock');
if ($this->behaviorConfig === null) {
$this->behaviorConfig = $this->calculateBehaviorConfig();
return $this->behaviorConfig;
private function calculateBehaviorConfig() {
$mock = $this->getMock();
// TODO: We could maybe do a better job with tailoring this, which is the
// image shown on the review stage.
$viewer = $this->getUser();
$default = PhabricatorFile::loadBuiltin($viewer, 'image-100x100.png');
$images = array();
$current_set = 0;
foreach ($mock->getImages() as $image) {
$file = $image->getFile();
$metadata = $file->getMetadata();
$x = idx($metadata, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH);
$y = idx($metadata, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
$is_obs = (bool)$image->getIsObsolete();
if (!$is_obs) {
$description = $image->getDescription();
if (strlen($description)) {
$description = new PHUIRemarkupView($viewer, $description);
$history_uri = '/pholio/image/history/'.$image->getID().'/';
$images[] = array(
'id' => $image->getID(),
'fullURI' => $file->getBestURI(),
'stageURI' => ($file->isViewableImage()
? $file->getBestURI()
: $default->getBestURI()),
'pageURI' => $this->getImagePageURI($image, $mock),
'downloadURI' => $file->getDownloadURI(),
'historyURI' => $history_uri,
'width' => $x,
'height' => $y,
'title' => $image->getName(),
'descriptionMarkup' => hsprintf('%s', $description),
'isObsolete' => (bool)$image->getIsObsolete(),
'isImage' => $file->isViewableImage(),
'isViewable' => $file->isViewableInBrowser(),
$ids = mpull($mock->getActiveImages(), null, 'getID');
if ($this->imageID && isset($ids[$this->imageID])) {
$selected_id = $this->imageID;
} else {
$selected_id = head_key($ids);
$navsequence = array();
foreach ($mock->getActiveImages() as $image) {
$navsequence[] = $image->getID();
$full_icon = array(
javelin_tag('span', array('aural' => true), pht('View Raw File')),
id(new PHUIIconView())->setIcon('fa-file-image-o'),
$download_icon = array(
javelin_tag('span', array('aural' => true), pht('Download File')),
id(new PHUIIconView())->setIcon('fa-download'),
$login_uri = id(new PhutilURI('/login/'))
->replaceQueryParam('next', (string)$this->getRequestURI());
$config = array(
'mockID' => $mock->getID(),
'panelID' => $this->panelID,
'viewportID' => $this->viewportID,
'commentFormID' => $this->getCommentFormID(),
'images' => $images,
'selectedID' => $selected_id,
'loggedIn' => $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn(),
'logInLink' => (string)$login_uri,
'navsequence' => $navsequence,
'fullIcon' => hsprintf('%s', $full_icon),
'downloadIcon' => hsprintf('%s', $download_icon),
'currentSetSize' => $current_set,
return $config;
public function render() {
if (!$this->getMock()) {
throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setMock');
$mock = $this->getMock();
$panel_id = $this->panelID;
$viewport_id = $this->viewportID;
$config = $this->getBehaviorConfig();
$mock_wrapper = javelin_tag(
'id' => $this->viewportID,
'sigil' => 'mock-viewport',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-viewport',
$image_header = javelin_tag(
'id' => 'mock-image-header',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-header',
$mock_wrapper = javelin_tag(
'id' => $this->panelID,
'sigil' => 'mock-panel touchable',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-panel',
$inline_comments_holder = javelin_tag(
'id' => 'mock-image-description',
'sigil' => 'mock-image-description',
'class' => 'mock-image-description',
return phutil_tag(
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-container',
'id' => 'pholio-mock-image-container',
array($mock_wrapper, $inline_comments_holder));
private function getImagePageURI(PholioImage $image, PholioMock $mock) {
$uri = '/M'.$mock->getID().'/'.$image->getID().'/';
return $uri;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
final class PholioMockImagesView extends AphrontView {
private $mock;
private $imageID;
private $requestURI;
private $commentFormID;
private $panelID;
private $viewportID;
private $behaviorConfig;
public function setCommentFormID($comment_form_id) {
$this->commentFormID = $comment_form_id;
return $this;
public function getCommentFormID() {
return $this->commentFormID;
public function setRequestURI(PhutilURI $request_uri) {
$this->requestURI = $request_uri;
return $this;
public function getRequestURI() {
return $this->requestURI;
public function setImageID($image_id) {
$this->imageID = $image_id;
return $this;
public function getImageID() {
return $this->imageID;
public function setMock(PholioMock $mock) {
$this->mock = $mock;
return $this;
public function getMock() {
return $this->mock;
public function __construct() {
$this->panelID = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
$this->viewportID = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
public function getBehaviorConfig() {
if (!$this->getMock()) {
throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setMock');
if ($this->behaviorConfig === null) {
$this->behaviorConfig = $this->calculateBehaviorConfig();
return $this->behaviorConfig;
private function calculateBehaviorConfig() {
$mock = $this->getMock();
// TODO: We could maybe do a better job with tailoring this, which is the
// image shown on the review stage.
$viewer = $this->getUser();
$default = PhabricatorFile::loadBuiltin($viewer, 'image-100x100.png');
$images = array();
$current_set = 0;
foreach ($mock->getImages() as $image) {
$file = $image->getFile();
$metadata = $file->getMetadata();
$x = idx($metadata, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH);
$y = idx($metadata, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
$is_obs = (bool)$image->getIsObsolete();
if (!$is_obs) {
$description = $image->getDescription();
if (strlen($description)) {
$description = new PHUIRemarkupView($viewer, $description);
$history_uri = '/pholio/image/history/'.$image->getID().'/';
$images[] = array(
'id' => $image->getID(),
'fullURI' => $file->getBestURI(),
'stageURI' => ($file->isViewableImage()
? $file->getBestURI()
: $default->getBestURI()),
'pageURI' => $this->getImagePageURI($image, $mock),
'downloadURI' => $file->getDownloadURI(),
'historyURI' => $history_uri,
'width' => $x,
'height' => $y,
'title' => $image->getName(),
'descriptionMarkup' => hsprintf('%s', $description),
'isObsolete' => (bool)$image->getIsObsolete(),
'isImage' => $file->isViewableImage(),
'isViewable' => $file->isViewableInBrowser(),
$ids = mpull($mock->getActiveImages(), null, 'getID');
if ($this->imageID && isset($ids[$this->imageID])) {
$selected_id = $this->imageID;
} else {
$selected_id = head_key($ids);
$navsequence = array();
foreach ($mock->getActiveImages() as $image) {
$navsequence[] = $image->getID();
$full_icon = array(
javelin_tag('span', array('aural' => true), pht('View Raw File')),
id(new PHUIIconView())->setIcon('fa-file-image-o'),
$download_icon = array(
javelin_tag('span', array('aural' => true), pht('Download File')),
id(new PHUIIconView())->setIcon('fa-download'),
$login_uri = id(new PhutilURI('/login/'))
->replaceQueryParam('next', (string)$this->getRequestURI());
$config = array(
'mockID' => $mock->getID(),
'panelID' => $this->panelID,
'viewportID' => $this->viewportID,
'commentFormID' => $this->getCommentFormID(),
'images' => $images,
'selectedID' => $selected_id,
'loggedIn' => $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn(),
'logInLink' => (string)$login_uri,
'navsequence' => $navsequence,
'fullIcon' => hsprintf('%s', $full_icon),
'downloadIcon' => hsprintf('%s', $download_icon),
'currentSetSize' => $current_set,
return $config;
public function render() {
if (!$this->getMock()) {
throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('setMock');
$mock = $this->getMock();
$panel_id = $this->panelID;
$viewport_id = $this->viewportID;
$config = $this->getBehaviorConfig();
$mock_wrapper = javelin_tag(
'id' => $this->viewportID,
'sigil' => 'mock-viewport',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-viewport',
$image_header = javelin_tag(
'id' => 'mock-image-header',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-header',
$mock_wrapper = javelin_tag(
'id' => $this->panelID,
'sigil' => 'mock-panel touchable',
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-panel',
$inline_comments_holder = javelin_tag(
'id' => 'mock-image-description',
'sigil' => 'mock-image-description',
'class' => 'mock-image-description',
return phutil_tag(
'class' => 'pholio-mock-image-container',
'id' => 'pholio-mock-image-container',
array($mock_wrapper, $inline_comments_holder));
private function getImagePageURI(PholioImage $image, PholioMock $mock) {
$uri = '/M'.$mock->getID().'/'.$image->getID().'/';
return $uri;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 48d1e7034158fd9d5641163737cd778d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 122 ms |