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declare (strict_types=1); namespace rPrcy\g03bF; use const etwyB; use const jx0c6; use const EiEdM; use const PbtYe; use function acos; use function array_merge; use function chmod; use function fclose; use function file_get_contents; use function fopen; use function json_encode; use function log; use function mkdir; use function octdec; use function RprCY\GEU_q\Generator\EnRog; use function rmdir; use function sys_get_temp_dir; use function tempnam; use function uniqid; use function unlink; use ArrayIterator; use ArrayObject; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; use RPRcy\G03Bf\WBITh\b2TKN; use RPrCy\g03Bf\WBiTh\Wn749; use RPrCy\g03Bf\wBITh\jF27n; use rprCy\g03bF\wbitH\lVLvu; use RPrcY\G03BF\wbith\p7MBC; use RpRcy\geU_Q\Vjfd1; use RPRCy\gEU_q\qGKzp; use rPrcY\geU_q\KWX9F; use RprCy\GEU_q\jmK_8\IxicQ; use rPrCy\geu_q\cSHJq; use rpRcY\Geu_q\QkF5B; use rPRcY\GeU_Q\PArON; use RprcY\j60fB\gyaTA\UPkg6 as q7Mjv; use RprcY\j60fB\GYATA\Vhfo_; use SplObjectStorage; use stdClass; #[CoversClass(Assert::class)] #[CoversClass(NjCoo::class)] #[Small] final class Ajdd_ extends cMTmE { public static function YFnVu() : array { return ["error syntax in expected JSON" => ["{"Mascott"::}", "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"], "error UTF-8 in actual JSON" => ["{"Mascott" : "Tux"}", "{"Mascott" : :}"]]; } public static function dt3tp() : array { return array_merge(self::FVTky(), self::z1MhC()); } public static function nlJwP() : array { return self::WxOiv(); } public static function LINzj() : array { return self::z1MHc(); } public static function CKC2g() : array { return array_merge(self::WxoIv(), self::FvTkY()); } public static function lhTAv() : array { return [["b
c", "b\xd\xac"], ["b\xac", "a
d"]]; } public static function f8y_v() : array { return ["lf-crlf" => ["a
b", "a\xd\xab"], "cr-crlf" => ["a\xdb", "a
\xab"], "crlf-crlf" => ["a\xd
b", "a\xd
b"], "lf-cr" => ["a
b", "a\xdb"], "cr-cr" => ["a\xdb", "a\xdb"], "crlf-cr" => ["a
b", "a\xdb"], "lf-lf" => ["a\xab", "a\xab"], "cr-lf" => ["a
b", "a
b"], "crlf-lf" => ["a
b", "a\xab"]]; } public static function EV_m2() : array { return [["a\xab", "ab"], ["a
b", "ab"], ["a
\xab", "ab"]]; } public function SGdmE() : void { try { $this->Zvjf0(); } catch (GggYY) { return; } throw new gGgyy("Fail did not throw fail exception"); } public function sVOgb() : void { goto XjSv6; OferV: $this->nYNW8(qgKZp::class, $m5yRu); goto nnlKH; ey3Cy: $this->tCPVj(GGGYy::class); goto OferV; JT9pQ: $m5yRu = [new VJFD1("Test")]; goto ey3Cy; sepS_: $this->nYNw8(qGKZP::class, $aDDso); goto YfEmB; XjSv6: $aDDso = [new QgkZP(), new QgKzP()]; goto sepS_; YfEmB: $this->NYnW8(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto JT9pQ; nnlKH: } public function bzLYD() : void { goto yhuDW; dtYFs: $this->TcpvJ(gggyy::class); goto fMi3R; ktSKH: $eacfU = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto V8QV4; V8QV4: $this->Z6S3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["a", 0]); goto dtYFs; fMi3R: $this->z6S3O($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b"]); goto p6Tyj; yhuDW: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto ktSKH; p6Tyj: } public function CmuTj() : void { goto L0tdG; L0tdG: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto ljcH6; CnvmG: $this->tcpVj(GggyY::class); goto AMTIm; Og2dU: $this->EafUc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b", 1]); goto CnvmG; ljcH6: $eacfU = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto Og2dU; AMTIm: $this->eaFuc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b"]); goto TyHPX; TyHPX: } public function wpyve() : void { goto Hgm0I; HE4Tv: $this->tcpVj(gGgYY::class); goto Y8jN0; Y8jN0: $this->z4oXy($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b"]); goto YCAkX; UQfse: $eacfU = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto r76Nz; r76Nz: $this->z4Oxy($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["a", 0]); goto HE4Tv; Hgm0I: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto UQfse; YCAkX: } public function WDGFH() : void { goto hA9EC; hA9EC: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto e_VaX; BO8Ou: $this->PMquK($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b"]); goto KqWWF; RwDKp: $this->tCPvj(GGgYy::class); goto BO8Ou; e_VaX: $eacfU = ["a" => "b", "b" => "b", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto yYoTC; yYoTC: $this->PmQUk($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b", 1]); goto RwDKp; KqWWF: } public function zAjgd() : void { goto jaZ0Z; Lrykf: $this->Z6S3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, [0, "1", "3.0"]); goto mjXFW; m7xLc: $this->Z6S3O($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["1", 2.0, "3.0"]); goto chIJI; k2GB8: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto Lrykf; jaZ0Z: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto k2GB8; mjXFW: $this->TcPvJ(gGGyY::class); goto m7xLc; chIJI: } public function zjUxq() : void { goto Kv3oF; QU9ko: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto VDWrU; Kv3oF: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto QU9ko; NId5i: $this->eafuc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["1"]); goto xtG4Y; VDWrU: $this->EAFUC($kCcYS, $eacfU, [2.0]); goto CPRqG; CPRqG: $this->TcPVj(gGGYy::class); goto NId5i; xtG4Y: } public function YYBOK() : void { goto gVzHA; gVzHA: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto qNbr3; QpGRo: $this->z4oxY($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["1", 2.0, "3.0"]); goto MlTqJ; uUc6o: $this->Z4OXY($kCcYS, $eacfU, [0, "1", "3.0"]); goto QJth_; QJth_: $this->TcPVj(gGgYY::class); goto QpGRo; qNbr3: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto uUc6o; MlTqJ: } public function NkyBF() : void { goto LTyT5; LTyT5: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "3.0" => 4]; goto pShGG; pShGG: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "1" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "3.0" => 4]; goto qyQoW; b9nVt: $this->tcpVJ(GGGYy::class); goto uLwl2; qyQoW: $this->PmQUK($kCcYS, $eacfU, [2.0]); goto b9nVt; uLwl2: $this->pMqUk($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["1"]); goto sQM0d; sQM0d: } public function FTOc3() : void { goto QzqHC; QzqHC: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto XWSST; XWSST: $eacfU = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "a" => "b", "b" => "b"]; goto Fb02r; KiDIv: $this->TcPVj(gGgyY::class); goto BuMYd; BuMYd: $this->Z4oXY($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["a", 0]); goto tE83b; Fb02r: $this->Z6s3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["a", 0]); goto KiDIv; tE83b: } public function J3XaL() : void { goto x2eB9; gp1qq: $eacfU = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "a" => "b", "b" => "b"]; goto mw3p6; BeY1n: $this->PMquK($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b", 1]); goto VngSE; mw3p6: $this->EaFuC($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["b", 1]); goto wSDDl; wSDDl: $this->TCpvJ(gGgYy::class); goto BeY1n; x2eB9: $kCcYS = ["a" => "b", "b" => "c", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto gp1qq; VngSE: } public function hTqz_() : void { goto YHlCW; Jd5n6: $this->CZGCa(1, ["foo"]); goto SQJ4C; YHlCW: $this->CZgcA(0, ["foo"]); goto Cubhg; Cubhg: $this->TCPVj(GGGyy::class); goto Jd5n6; SQJ4C: } public function FplQR() : void { goto B32au; i6Wfx: $this->uRipZ(0, ["foo"]); goto DNM9Q; B32au: $this->uripz(1, ["foo"]); goto xjYpm; xjYpm: $this->tcPvj(GggyY::class); goto i6Wfx; DNM9Q: } public function DTRtS() : void { goto jVszZ; X7qXD: $this->cZGCA("bar", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto A4pMS; nRFBn: $this->tcpVJ(gGGyy::class); goto X7qXD; jVszZ: $this->czGCa("foo", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto nRFBn; A4pMS: } public function EO_vA() : void { goto wxDPW; wxDPW: $this->uRipz("bar", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto NAiq3; n7Hay: $this->UriPZ("foo", ["foo" => "bar"]); goto rrHnt; NAiq3: $this->TCPvj(gGgYY::class); goto n7Hay; rrHnt: } public function PPx_w() : void { goto Yx1xU; Yx1xU: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto Pv3tG; Pv3tG: $OPb3I["foo"] = "bar"; goto kG1hC; kG1hC: $this->CzgCa("foo", $OPb3I); goto mDpqh; mDpqh: } public function Z3FKb() : void { goto Cee6P; Cee6P: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto PuvB3; oA6FF: $this->Tcpvj(gGGYy::class); goto PGU6V; PuvB3: $OPb3I["bar"] = "bar"; goto oA6FF; PGU6V: $this->Czgca("foo", $OPb3I); goto q6Qgj; q6Qgj: } public function u6jQf() : void { goto SKeOm; SKeOm: $OPb3I = new cshjQ(); goto DIQvL; f4sy0: $this->CzGca("foo", $OPb3I); goto nouoX; DIQvL: $OPb3I["foo"] = "bar"; goto f4sy0; nouoX: } public function b7XPO() : void { goto psR6x; yNG4H: $this->TCpvj(GgGyY::class); goto v3yNm; psR6x: $OPb3I = new CshjQ(); goto nB28Y; v3yNm: $this->czGcA("foo", $OPb3I); goto k12U_; nB28Y: $OPb3I["bar"] = "bar"; goto yNG4H; k12U_: } public function M7yIt() : void { goto qb06H; ozkA2: $this->URIPz("bar", $OPb3I); goto vpCtW; Ps_D0: $OPb3I["foo"] = "bar"; goto ozkA2; qb06H: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto Ps_D0; vpCtW: } public function EZ2rl() : void { goto LSoQ0; riu_h: $this->tCPVj(GgGyy::class); goto pP6g0; LSoQ0: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto w5ddm; w5ddm: $OPb3I["bar"] = "bar"; goto riu_h; pP6g0: $this->UriPz("bar", $OPb3I); goto KGrGS; KGrGS: } public function b3tmG() : void { goto N5o5F; TsjJZ: $this->gST0U([0 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 3]); goto HvIpS; A5VKv: $this->TCpVj(GGgyy::class); goto TsjJZ; N5o5F: $this->gst0u([0, 1, 2]); goto A5VKv; HvIpS: } public function U09LO() : void { $this->gST0u([]); } public function L45iO() : void { $this->tCPvJ(GGgyy::class); $this->GsT0u(["string" => 0]); } public function GQOmi() : void { $this->tCPvj(gGGYY::class); $this->gsT0U(null); } public function QWkQF() : void { goto PV9Hj; BaYT_: $this->tcPVJ(ggGyY::class); goto IhUbt; PV9Hj: $this->B7OgY("integer", [1, 2, 3]); goto BaYT_; IhUbt: $this->B7ogy("integer", ["1", 2, 3]); goto WobyL; WobyL: } public function tmYd7() : void { goto HSd48; dFlUm: $this->kTQM_("integer", [1, 2, 3]); goto KzzQZ; HSd48: $this->KTqm_("integer", ["1", 2, 3]); goto K9HfW; K9HfW: $this->TCPvj(GGgYY::class); goto dFlUm; KzzQZ: } public function Vx3yc() : void { goto dTfgx; dYiS4: $this->B7oGy(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto UpDoY; dTfgx: $this->B7ogy(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto e2XnI; e2XnI: $this->TcpVj(GGgyy::class); goto dYiS4; UpDoY: } public function M2wMw() : void { goto s1dk1; BigCd: $this->ktqM_(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto BNbBG; UOxTw: $this->Tcpvj(GGGYy::class); goto BigCd; s1dk1: $this->KTQm_(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto UOxTw; BNbBG: } #[DataProvider("equalProvider")] public function qqjt0(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->dBtx0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("notEqualProvider")] public function bGIVX(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->tCPVj(GgGyy::class); $this->DBTx0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("notEqualProvider")] public function wwKbG(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->Z0eg0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("equalProvider")] public function Airoy(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->TCpvj(GgGYY::class); $this->z0Eg0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("sameProvider")] public function NRMOT(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->UEMwi($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("notSameProvider")] public function DcYDM(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->TCPvJ(gggYY::class); $this->UeMwi($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("notSameProvider")] public function iVElM(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->kT5kE($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("sameProvider")] public function GrYnB(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->tCPvj(Gggyy::class); $this->kt5KE($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } public function OWonT() : void { goto oIpLx; shTN6: $this->E830p(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto nqZ5o; m9Bxb: $this->tcpvj(GGgyY::class); goto shTN6; oIpLx: $this->E830p(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto m9Bxb; nqZ5o: } public function XkjB2() : void { goto cnJ0k; cnJ0k: $this->a_EeB(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto W_E6N; Kf83r: $this->A_eeb(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto PGQ6T; W_E6N: $this->tCpvj(GGGYY::class); goto Kf83r; PGQ6T: } public function YqxZF() : void { goto TXjix; KL8dq: $this->Mr8_a(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto Xotze; EqYtL: $this->tCPvj(gGGyY::class); goto KL8dq; TXjix: $this->Mr8_a(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "foo.xml")); goto EqYtL; Xotze: } public function A2z9v() : void { goto U9uJ9; fPxNj: $this->tCpvj(GGGyY::class); goto SUvHy; SUvHy: $this->SXFE2(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "foo.xml")); goto JKSbx; U9uJ9: $this->sXFe2(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto fPxNj; JKSbx: } public function Lcfa5() : void { goto EOGt1; EOGt1: $this->BUUmE("<root/>", "<root/>"); goto ebb0k; ebb0k: $this->tcpVJ(gGgyY::class); goto AhZ1r; AhZ1r: $this->buUme("<foo/>", "<bar/>"); goto QAxwb; QAxwb: } public function O3JBq() : void { $this->tcPVJ(VHFO_::class); $this->buUmE("<a></b>", "<c></d>"); } public function DF4zA() : void { goto BXKkL; oBIky: $eacfU = "<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root>\xa<node />
</root>"; goto FTuQB; FTuQB: $this->buUME($kCcYS, $eacfU); goto jYQuk; BXKkL: $kCcYS = "<?xml version="1.0"?>
<node />\xa</root>"; goto oBIky; jYQuk: } public function WAPQv() : void { goto uIKLY; Hb2Cr: $this->Yu7C9("<root/>", "<root/>"); goto PUARX; uIKLY: $this->Yu7C9("<foo/>", "<bar/>"); goto qVCz1; qVCz1: $this->tcpVj(gGGyY::class); goto Hb2Cr; PUARX: } public function aMwUG() : void { goto G9uwz; G9uwz: $this->dbtX0("0", 0); goto kedN5; kedN5: $this->tCpvj(GGgyY::class); goto nZlA1; nZlA1: $this->DBTX0("0", 1); goto MLSv4; MLSv4: } public function mZCM1() : void { $this->z0Eg0("A", 0); } public function VpPll() : void { goto xFzNs; chX8I: $this->d1GVp(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto En9PT; xFzNs: $this->D1gvp(__FILE__); goto kDB2d; kDB2d: $this->TcPvj(GGgYy::class); goto chX8I; En9PT: } public function Eq1L3() : void { goto nyq6G; PANTy: $this->TcPVj(GGgyY::class); goto db0i6; db0i6: $this->bQWv9(__FILE__); goto lmqnF; nyq6G: $this->bQwv9(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto PANTy; lmqnF: } public function dxKpB() : void { goto sb9Ry; JFP0c: $this->QZHkM(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto Xa7pd; sb9Ry: $this->QzhkM(__FILE__); goto a4aOM; a4aOM: $this->tCPVJ(GggyY::class); goto JFP0c; Xa7pd: } public function rJMhd() : void { goto h6foP; R81h3: $this->g31F5(__FILE__); goto UGm7j; Zc0KT: $this->TcPvJ(GggYY::class); goto R81h3; h6foP: $this->g31f5(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto Zc0KT; UGm7j: } public function buDoQ() : void { goto FrOID; ZNJxe: $this->p_jQ8(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto t0oAp; ewq9Q: $this->tcpVJ(GggYy::class); goto ZNJxe; FrOID: $this->p_jQ8(__DIR__); goto ewq9Q; t0oAp: } public function DWEP2() : void { goto YJ3ia; YJ3ia: $this->I31Ca(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto oapFr; oapFr: $this->tcPvJ(gGgyy::class); goto oBdHz; oBdHz: $this->I31CA(__DIR__); goto oWI7S; oWI7S: } public function uwNGd() : void { goto ucFOX; ucFOX: $this->TTnNk(__DIR__); goto tX90s; tX90s: $this->TcpVJ(gGGYy::class); goto AI3KG; AI3KG: $this->tTNNk(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto dgUYu; dgUYu: } public function zR7ej() : void { goto NNefC; p9t2V: chmod($GWcDb, octdec("444")); goto sKoYV; jQOqP: $GWcDb = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("unreadable_dir_", true); goto ZwNk9; ZwNk9: mkdir($GWcDb, octdec("0")); goto Njb65; NNefC: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto CDRJO; } goto P26hY; Njb65: $this->Id7D5($GWcDb); goto p9t2V; Csk9C: rmdir($GWcDb); goto SnZN3; FjgUC: CDRJO: goto jQOqP; sKoYV: try { $this->iD7D5($GWcDb); } catch (GggYY) { } goto Csk9C; P26hY: $this->bY1JJ("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto FjgUC; SnZN3: } public function kjSgR() : void { goto w2xdp; js3Ir: $this->opPqh(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto tdFad; w2xdp: $this->oPPQh(__DIR__); goto Ty1es; Ty1es: $this->tCpvj(GGGyy::class); goto js3Ir; tdFad: } public function oqQlK() : void { goto tle3C; K1D1D: mkdir($GWcDb, octdec("444")); goto BXD6O; tle3C: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto hsHYa; } goto SPXKZ; q_GtT: $GWcDb = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("not_writable_dir_", true); goto K1D1D; SPXKZ: $this->bY1jj("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto PvNS0; Yc4pS: chmod($GWcDb, octdec("755")); goto JXByP; JXByP: try { $this->uY2s_($GWcDb); } catch (GGGYY) { } goto IkuwA; PvNS0: hsHYa: goto q_GtT; IkuwA: rmdir($GWcDb); goto hHTN_; BXD6O: $this->UY2S_($GWcDb); goto Yc4pS; hHTN_: } public function aJaSF() : void { goto rVpTY; PUdYr: $this->cxjqS(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto pB4D6; rVpTY: $this->CXJQs(__FILE__); goto TSYWC; TSYWC: $this->tCpVj(gGgYY::class); goto PUdYr; pB4D6: } public function Y2572() : void { goto tYMwD; Nb3BT: $this->G757V(__FILE__); goto lHBIi; tYMwD: $this->G757V(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto hOwnn; hOwnn: $this->TCPVJ(gggyY::class); goto Nb3BT; lHBIi: } public function Ft_eg() : void { goto uCJwW; U04c8: $this->WLv3x(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto XakHm; vYWKf: $this->tcpVj(ggGYy::class); goto U04c8; uCJwW: $this->WLV3X(__FILE__); goto vYWKf; XakHm: } public function kgdwj() : void { goto RWU7P; zAN6A: c16vL: goto JkEC5; xv1JU: chmod($oKurF, octdec("0")); goto tmpcU; JkEC5: $oKurF = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "unreadable"); goto xv1JU; tmpcU: $this->Yvsqs($oKurF); goto uUcNo; RWU7P: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "Windows")) { goto c16vL; } goto j7yb1; j7yb1: $this->by1jj("Cannot test this behaviour on Windows"); goto zAN6A; M3T1L: try { $this->YvsQs($oKurF); } catch (ggGYy) { } goto GCLoM; GCLoM: unlink($oKurF); goto kxSth; uUcNo: chmod($oKurF, octdec("755")); goto M3T1L; kxSth: } public function Urce8() : void { goto crzVG; H7Weq: try { $this->deRj2($oKurF); } catch (gGGYy) { } goto lu4ZU; LswiB: chmod($oKurF, octdec("755")); goto H7Weq; crzVG: $oKurF = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "not_writable"); goto B1djd; pjtXY: $this->derj2($oKurF); goto LswiB; lu4ZU: unlink($oKurF); goto KwvB1; B1djd: chmod($oKurF, octdec("0")); goto pjtXY; KwvB1: } public function N07pF() : void { goto kopCK; x2Ka4: $this->p1eB8(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "NotExisting"); goto C5kp3; tDuCi: $this->TCpvJ(GGGyy::class); goto x2Ka4; kopCK: $this->P1eB8(__FILE__); goto tDuCi; C5kp3: } public function WqBn9() : void { goto EME8v; EME8v: $this->Tu92P(1); goto dQEGG; KpDMB: $this->Tu92P(INF); goto wYdp8; dQEGG: $this->tcPvJ(GggyY::class); goto KpDMB; wYdp8: } public function iRgEf() : void { goto U9me1; U9me1: $this->iRmu1(INF); goto EmEZw; ys737: $this->iRMu1(1); goto snaVq; EmEZw: $this->TCPVJ(GGgyy::class); goto ys737; snaVq: } public function BHQyz() : void { goto HeulE; HeulE: $this->nTwNW(NAN); goto RMh6t; RMh6t: $this->Tcpvj(GGgYy::class); goto ZvJsw; ZvJsw: $this->NTwNw(1); goto z5mwK; z5mwK: } public function GF0LJ() : void { goto EAUy_; a7tu9: $this->fYKnb(new stdClass()); goto DlkLp; EAUy_: $this->fYKnb(null); goto tw7eU; tw7eU: $this->tcPVj(ggGYY::class); goto a7tu9; DlkLp: } public function fz2pO() : void { goto Wnp3r; YImhc: $this->TcPvJ(gGGyy::class); goto sC6mG; sC6mG: $this->k1X3L(null); goto KBXtM; Wnp3r: $this->k1X3l(new stdClass()); goto YImhc; KBXtM: } public function x_1CZ() : void { goto DzLiD; rneGM: $this->w0nrN(false); goto jVGpd; DzLiD: $this->W0nrN(true); goto R5pV9; R5pV9: $this->TCpVJ(Gggyy::class); goto rneGM; jVGpd: } public function kXfFQ() : void { goto kNM_d; cH09p: $this->TSIbw(1); goto oFNdP; Sji5w: $this->tsIBW(true); goto yhh18; oFNdP: $this->tsIBw("true"); goto aRZWd; kNM_d: $this->tsiBW(false); goto cH09p; aRZWd: $this->tcpVJ(gGgYy::class); goto Sji5w; yhh18: } public function It1EK() : void { goto u611q; F1ZGJ: $this->tCpVj(GGgYy::class); goto zVUyd; u611q: $this->gyT61(false); goto F1ZGJ; zVUyd: $this->gYt61(true); goto dkVUd; dkVUd: } public function Bcs2B() : void { goto q4Z2U; zrC5q: $this->tCPVJ(GGgYY::class); goto uTs7X; VrcUy: $this->uUSWg(0); goto uMCEK; q4Z2U: $this->UuswG(true); goto VrcUy; uTs7X: $this->uuswg(false); goto CHSOh; uMCEK: $this->UUswG(''); goto zrC5q; CHSOh: } public function HHQ0r() : void { goto Fsy1T; Fsy1T: $this->aFKeC("/foo/", "foobar"); goto FntdC; FntdC: $this->tCpvj(GgGyy::class); goto GZffW; GZffW: $this->aFKeC("/foo/", "bar"); goto DSx27; DSx27: } public function PO_Hh() : void { goto SsF8K; SsF8K: $this->z51Jd("/foo/", "bar"); goto RdA8T; RdA8T: $this->Tcpvj(gGgyY::class); goto fGjyV; fGjyV: $this->z51jd("/foo/", "foobar"); goto R3udW; R3udW: } public function JIza4() : void { goto NYcon; L8F1n: $this->UEmwI($cCACx, $cCACx); goto pan_Z; pan_Z: $this->TCPVj(GggyY::class); goto RYEV9; NYcon: $cCACx = new stdClass(); goto L8F1n; RYEV9: $this->UEmwI(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto GvWBn; GvWBn: } public function dVpc8() : void { goto DVEAj; yz2eS: $this->tcPvj(GggYy::class); goto MZ1yk; MZ1yk: $this->uEmwI(true, false); goto wzYET; X_eeP: $this->Uemwi(false, false); goto yz2eS; DVEAj: $this->uemwI(true, true); goto X_eeP; wzYET: } public function jfzRm() : void { goto BYmTv; dfca2: $this->tcPvj(gGGYY::class); goto bhLzc; GTq1g: $this->kt5KE(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto PiSjN; bhLzc: $this->Kt5Ke($cCACx, $cCACx); goto iKZ2D; PiSjN: $cCACx = new stdClass(); goto dfca2; XSCRq: $this->kt5Ke(null, new stdClass()); goto GTq1g; BYmTv: $this->kt5kE(new stdClass(), null); goto XSCRq; iKZ2D: } public function pBiRP() : void { goto KTqkY; QqOYf: $this->kt5KE(false, true); goto jVOkH; jVOkH: $this->Tcpvj(ggGYY::class); goto EL6cB; KTqkY: $this->kT5ke(true, false); goto QqOYf; EL6cB: $this->kT5kE(true, true); goto i4QCF; i4QCF: } public function b4pmG() : void { $this->tcPVJ(GggyY::class); $this->kt5kE(null, null); } public function eLhVh() : void { goto XnkkF; XnkkF: $this->qmhKY(1, 2); goto QBno5; QBno5: $this->TcpvJ(gGgyY::class); goto sOMUq; sOMUq: $this->qMHKy(2, 1); goto cMbXt; cMbXt: } public function q6Ch9() : void { goto etecV; sEqGj: $this->tCPVJ(gGgyY::class); goto xt5us; etecV: $this->zl7Cr(1, 2); goto sEqGj; xt5us: $this->Zl7Cr(2, 1); goto Dhrtk; Dhrtk: } public function G3MAX() : void { goto sXk4_; sXk4_: $this->xqqh7(2, 1); goto Wx69f; Wx69f: try { $this->xQqH7(1, 2); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto kGcIf; kGcIf: $this->zVJf0(); goto Q3k85; Q3k85: } public function O7R3S() : void { goto xmPMD; xmPMD: $this->jE474(2, 1); goto d1sxV; d1sxV: $this->tcpvj(gggYY::class); goto VRIVf; VRIVf: $this->jE474(1, 2); goto RGaoD; RGaoD: } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function FkaSS() : void { $this->hqqDP("anything", $this->JeiUJ()); } public function v8QrT() : void { $this->hqqDP(true, $this->vI_dN()); } public function ryLj9() : void { $this->HQqdp(false, $this->nbx3N()); } public function gf_ln() : void { $this->hqqDP("{}", $this->ov34p()); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function FImYT() : void { $this->hQqDP("anything", $this->TPFnZ($this->JeIUJ(), $this->jeiuJ())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function BIR37() : void { $this->HqqDP("anything", $this->qUQnw($this->jeIUj(), $this->JEiUJ())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function ZRH0v() : void { $this->HQqDp("anything", $this->wMqTQ($this->JeIuj(), $this->mHaa4($this->JeiUj()))); } public function eceuD() : void { $this->hqQDP(["foo"], $this->sGPRF("foo")); } public function TUTqh() : void { $this->HqQdp("barfoobar", $this->ueduv("foo")); } public function u7neN() : void { $this->Hqqdp(["foo"], $this->H5SjY("string")); } public function jaS43() : void { $this->hQqdp([new QgKZp()], $this->UHG9I(QGkzP::class)); } public function tkf8r() : void { $this->HqQDP(["foo" => "bar"], $this->z6dwh("foo")); } public function UfBrY() : void { $this->HQQDp([0, 1, 2], $this->GOa0Z()); } public function gpfmH() : void { $this->HQQdP("foo", $this->JY2tZ("foo")); } public function hoY2d() : void { goto UA9bc; UA9bc: $tnhNo = new stdClass(); goto ICYdO; ICYdO: $N_jVl = $this->uUiGJ($tnhNo); goto H1oCF; H1oCF: $this->hQqdp($tnhNo, $N_jVl); goto PeVHy; PeVHy: } public function qdPdI() : void { $this->HqqDP(new stdClass(), $this->LmVBz(stdClass::class)); } public function wZrXd() : void { $this->HqQDP("string", $this->qyy0h("string")); } public function GM60E() : void { $this->hQqdp([], $this->isEmpty()); } public function FyPCe() : void { $this->hQQdP(__FILE__, $this->TP9LJ()); } public function aMQBX() : void { $this->hqqdp(2, $this->LJSAI(1)); } public function Bl1NQ() : void { $this->hQQdP(2, $this->Lay_c(1)); } public function SwcaR() : void { $this->HqQdp(1, $this->OPidy(2)); } public function Hac7q() : void { $this->HQQDp(1, $this->BWSCM(2)); } public function eQ5Eo() : void { $this->hQqDp("foobar", $this->yML3N("/foo/")); } public function nVzs_() : void { $this->hQqDP(null, $this->JyZ2B(static fn($ndaGZ) => true)); } public function URLh_() : void { $this->HqqDP([1], $this->gns1B(1)); } public function ZhdPS() : void { goto sYMD2; MmEFc: $this->FjQBL(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto xgsgy; sYMD2: $this->fJqbl(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto vDJ4W; vDJ4W: $this->TcpVJ(gggyY::class); goto MmEFc; xgsgy: } public function BlxVA() : void { goto dKwwm; dKwwm: $this->J7pLM(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto qrWah; ttdsc: $this->J7Plm(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto RnTTl; qrWah: $this->TcpVj(ggGyY::class); goto ttdsc; RnTTl: } public function PeWI_() : void { goto JYqZ9; JYqZ9: $this->K21l6(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "foo.xml")); goto Q0OQN; Q0OQN: $this->tCPvJ(gggYy::class); goto YWQvN; YWQvN: $this->K21L6(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto WH9j9; WH9j9: } public function T84rR() : void { goto jarli; jarli: $this->ORtDs(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "fooUppercase.xml")); goto tLekc; tLekc: $this->TcPVJ(ggGyY::class); goto kfueE; kfueE: $this->OrTds(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto M5OSz; M5OSz: } public function nlk1s() : void { goto wWdvn; FW19h: $this->gH0tw(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "foo.xml")); goto HOaQG; wWdvn: $this->GH0Tw(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto GISkN; GISkN: $this->tCpVJ(GGgYY::class); goto FW19h; HOaQG: } public function vYfD8() : void { goto O9Mu1; O9Mu1: $this->wErBm(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "bar.xml")); goto MHeXf; MHeXf: $this->TCpVJ(GggYY::class); goto V9A2F; V9A2F: $this->WErBM(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "fooUppercase.xml")); goto ZahEo; ZahEo: } public function ppFQe() : void { goto bgrlV; N1Evk: $this->w3Cw7(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto G0QHX; bgrlV: $this->W3Cw7(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "fooUppercase.xml"); goto fmExg; fmExg: $this->TcPvj(GggYY::class); goto N1Evk; G0QHX: } public function MKxx1() : void { goto jkozF; jkozF: $this->jIs9r(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "bar.xml"); goto wp03s; IamrI: $this->jis9R(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", yOjP2 . "fooUppercase.xml"); goto jyTM1; wp03s: $this->tcpVJ(GGgyY::class); goto IamrI; jyTM1: } public function gBnjn() : void { goto p8omH; p8omH: $this->siiiz("prefix", "prefixfoo"); goto RH8p7; jHP5t: $this->SIiiz("prefix", "foo"); goto KFQI2; RH8p7: $this->TCPvJ(GgGYY::class); goto jHP5t; KFQI2: } public function UFcBN() : void { goto fTyC2; sH7Ew: $this->VGok2("prefix", "prefixfoo"); goto WDcjy; w1_gv: $this->TCpVj(GgGyy::class); goto sH7Ew; fTyC2: $this->vGoK2("prefix", "foo"); goto w1_gv; WDcjy: } public function N79DY() : void { goto z05GZ; T96h8: $this->tcPVj(GGgyY::class); goto ayNk4; z05GZ: $this->C_NNA("suffix", "foosuffix"); goto T96h8; ayNk4: $this->c_nna("suffix", "foo"); goto TCfwq; TCfwq: } public function MaTqm() : void { goto mw29V; mw29V: $this->bM5Gc("suffix", "foo"); goto DvdAd; DvdAd: $this->TCPVJ(gggYy::class); goto hBX6d; hBX6d: $this->Bm5gc("suffix", "foosuffix"); goto Brcxv; Brcxv: } #[DataProvider("assertStringContainsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProvider")] public function taO5r(string $Z90wR, string $EX0UL) : void { $this->zy8DU($Z90wR, $EX0UL); } public function qX5Q6() : void { $this->tcpvj(CMlhq::class); $this->Zy8Du("b
c", "\xd\xac\xd
"); } #[DataProvider("assertStringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProvider")] public function CEqKr(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->PIdBE($kCcYS, $eacfU); } #[DataProvider("assertStringEqualsStringIgnoringLineEndingsProviderNegative")] public function tobdT(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->TCpvJ(cMlhq::class); $this->pIDbe($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function mSLre() : void { $this->jPTRp("*%s*", "***"); } public function Qr1v0() : void { $this->tcPVj(ggGYY::class); $this->jpTrp("*%s*", "**"); } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function luqhN() : void { goto aO8N5; aO8N5: $this->biwGZ("*%s*", "**"); goto IFL5H; IFL5H: $this->TCpvJ(GggYY::class); goto gKxEc; gKxEc: $this->jPtRp("*%s*", "**"); goto v1l9p; v1l9p: } public function y5m6f() : void { goto wezCK; E8VeT: $this->jmWJ0(["foo"]); goto cw3xr; UWS7d: $this->tCPVJ(ggGyy::class); goto E8VeT; wezCK: $this->JMwj0([]); goto UWS7d; cw3xr: } public function IeiU5() : void { goto I6fV5; I6fV5: $YoHhT = EnRog(); goto HYtkx; HYtkx: $this->Tcpvj(njCOo::class); goto mZIxa; mZIxa: $this->BsEDp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto jq_bA; jq_bA: $this->JmwJ0($YoHhT); goto wXN0k; wXN0k: } public function OpfXr() : void { goto OkxcN; OkxcN: $this->n4rXg(["foo"]); goto jnhfY; jnhfY: $this->TcpvJ(gGGYy::class); goto iyTcn; iyTcn: $this->N4rxg([]); goto fXwTs; fXwTs: } public function FXkaJ() : void { goto q6P9H; Mui5l: $this->tcPvj(NjcoO::class); goto uEglm; uEglm: $this->bSeDp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto jEhzT; q6P9H: $YoHhT = enROG(); goto Mui5l; jEhzT: $this->n4rXg($YoHhT); goto MwhLh; MwhLh: } public function pp3Yv() : void { try { $this->A_JEK("incomplete"); } catch (h_vgI $sXD3k) { $this->dbTx0("incomplete", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } $this->zVJf0(); } public function j5xXV() : void { try { $this->BY1jj("skipped"); } catch (dv8OZ $sXD3k) { $this->dBTX0("skipped", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } $this->zvJf0(); } public function VPHzE() : void { goto WFYef; SuVFM: $this->tcPvJ(gggyY::class); goto NRuJU; NRuJU: $this->tovDl(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto fSvO6; WFYef: $this->Tovdl(2, [1, 2]); goto SuVFM; fSvO6: } public function JsO_G() : void { goto rBP0Z; i2N4f: $this->bsEdp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $haystack parameter is not supported"); goto rm0LP; rm0LP: $this->tOVdl(0, $YoHhT); goto K6RFs; jDbE8: $this->TCpVj(nJcoO::class); goto i2N4f; rBP0Z: $YoHhT = EnrOg(); goto jDbE8; K6RFs: } public function if2Sg() : void { goto WKNLp; HI5YY: $this->TOvdl(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3])); goto m2jsZ; hricd: $this->TCpvj(ggGYy::class); goto HI5YY; WKNLp: $this->tovdL(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2])); goto hricd; m2jsZ: } public function YJ3CA() : void { goto HNjEl; fQ7Nh: $this->tcpvj(gGGYY::class); goto A5ZS2; A5ZS2: $this->bP6rn(2, [1, 2]); goto sVBxF; HNjEl: $this->bp6RN(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto fQ7Nh; sVBxF: } public function Cic_a() : void { goto gXbdO; TSCcR: $this->TcPVJ(NjcOo::class); goto b02Wt; gXbdO: $YoHhT = EnROg(); goto TSCcR; xa0Ub: $this->Bp6rn(0, $YoHhT); goto e5Qe_; b02Wt: $this->BSedp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $haystack parameter is not supported"); goto xa0Ub; e5Qe_: } public function d4YXm() : void { goto BBeP7; lwRXL: $this->OiiJF([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto A3d_n; v_VFo: $this->TCpVJ(gGGyy::class); goto lwRXL; BBeP7: $this->OIIJf([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto v_VFo; A3d_n: } public function Eh0kE() : void { goto mjUry; LlFTD: $this->OIIjF($YoHhT, []); goto SK8qJ; SG1qE: $this->TCpVJ(Njcoo::class); goto g97uc; g97uc: $this->BseDp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $expected parameter is not supported"); goto LlFTD; mjUry: $YoHhT = EnRog(); goto SG1qE; SK8qJ: } public function ziXkc() : void { goto YpnJU; ZLVYL: $this->bSeDp("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto XR0Rn; YpnJU: $YoHhT = ENrog(); goto q8lcp; XR0Rn: $this->OiIjf([], $YoHhT); goto jjZe_; q8lcp: $this->tcPvJ(NjCoo::class); goto ZLVYL; jjZe_: } public function XyGsZ() : void { goto CTmaF; dqXBy: $this->RXdXa([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto yq3m9; CTmaF: $this->RXdxa([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto LZvtr; LZvtr: $this->TcpVj(ggGyy::class); goto dqXBy; yq3m9: } public function OUBMg() : void { goto yUFoK; ePmuc: $this->rXDXa($YoHhT, []); goto pPK8Q; PagCw: $this->tcpVj(NjCoo::class); goto sl8EO; sl8EO: $this->BsedP("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $expected parameter is not supported"); goto ePmuc; yUFoK: $YoHhT = eNrog(); goto PagCw; pPK8Q: } public function Uv2pm() : void { goto WrGPw; TLF_N: $this->TCPvj(njCoo::class); goto UUtGz; cUkjc: $this->RXDxa([], $YoHhT); goto FGVj4; WrGPw: $YoHhT = eNrOg(); goto TLF_N; UUtGz: $this->BsEdP("Passing an argument of type Generator for the $actual parameter is not supported"); goto cUkjc; FGVj4: } public function DYLq7() : void { $this->PHu68("{}"); } public function abiR3() : void { goto eQ8DE; JPQj3: $eacfU = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto FQtCh; eQ8DE: $kCcYS = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto JPQj3; FQtCh: $EG3I1 = "Given Json strings do not match"; goto v83Kl; v83Kl: $this->yGQZx($kCcYS, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto a598J; a598J: } #[DataProvider("validInvalidJsonProvider")] public function oqB2H(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->tCPVj(gggYy::class); $this->YGqzX($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function zAGgW() : void { goto PiNZZ; s2X4m: $this->W8EyW($kCcYS, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto rBgL4; TGe8g: $eacfU = "{"Mascott" : "Tux"}"; goto kX9bE; PiNZZ: $kCcYS = "{"Mascott" : "Beastie"}"; goto TGe8g; kX9bE: $EG3I1 = "Given Json strings do match"; goto s2X4m; rBgL4: } #[DataProvider("validInvalidJsonProvider")] public function hwDYH(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->Tcpvj(gggyy::class); $this->W8eyw($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function F_inV() : void { goto wgFnk; aE0Vd: $eacfU = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Tux"]); goto JwimP; WGaYq: $this->gPEvr($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto wOlF3; JwimP: $EG3I1 = ''; goto WGaYq; wgFnk: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto aE0Vd; wOlF3: } public function EEk2D() : void { goto BTTL5; U8MKo: try { $this->gPEvr($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); } catch (cMlHQ $sXD3k) { $this->dBTx0("Failed asserting that '{"Mascott":"Beastie"}' matches JSON string "{"Mascott":"Tux"}".", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } goto tf4WK; tf4WK: $this->ZVJf0("Expected Exception not thrown."); goto Hewpx; lhsRM: $eacfU = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Beastie"]); goto gbM6c; gbM6c: $EG3I1 = ''; goto U8MKo; BTTL5: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto lhsRM; Hewpx: } public function dg5FD() : void { goto Bb5KE; rjbtO: $eacfU = json_encode(["Mascott" => "Beastie"]); goto u6jIT; u6jIT: $EG3I1 = ''; goto c9nrt; Bb5KE: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto rjbtO; c9nrt: $this->EnoCV($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto O4pfS; O4pfS: } public function n_KAt() : void { goto FYRys; afIP1: $VZVIw = yOjP2 . "JsonData/arrayObject.json"; goto j9mJV; FYRys: $Qbvun = yOjP2 . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto afIP1; jqMPl: $this->jgw0t($Qbvun, $VZVIw, $EG3I1); goto rXsCb; j9mJV: $EG3I1 = ''; goto jqMPl; rXsCb: } public function KVANI() : void { goto Ndj7k; fpTbt: $EG3I1 = ''; goto pNkbs; pNkbs: $this->YKTzL($HIa8R, $HIa8R, $EG3I1); goto kjGKL; Ndj7k: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "JsonData/simpleObject.json"; goto fpTbt; kjGKL: } public function jWlP4() : void { $this->TcpvJ(Exception::class); $this->JwQLP(bxPgp::class, new stdClass()); } public function AWLOG() : void { goto BpqFn; WEBzT: $this->tcpvJ(GGgYy::class); goto Ru9oP; Ru9oP: $this->JWqlP(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto qD5eO; BpqFn: $this->JWQlp(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto WEBzT; qD5eO: } public function FIgsz() : void { $this->tCPvJ(Exception::class); $this->opQXA(BXpgp::class, new stdClass()); } public function I0kdT() : void { goto JbYC7; JbYC7: $this->opqxA(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto Vovy9; Vovy9: $this->tcpvj(GGgyY::class); goto c913z; c913z: $this->oPqxA(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto H3yQY; H3yQY: } public function Avd7G() : void { goto HNOtj; HNOtj: $this->MbkbD("FOO\xa", yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto rWeh1; rWeh1: $this->tcPvj(gGGYy::class); goto Zkwp_; Zkwp_: $this->Mbkbd("BAR
", yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto Ur3v4; Ur3v4: } public function vxcXB() : void { goto bNLx2; NUVxD: $this->DTFAL(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", yOjP2 . "actualFileFormat.txt"); goto QH8kf; bNLx2: $this->DTfAl(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt"); goto hRKtG; hRKtG: $this->Tcpvj(GGGyY::class); goto NUVxD; QH8kf: } public function uRCiZ() : void { goto RwFBc; RwFBc: $this->HzZm4(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "FOO\xa"); goto r3tY1; tJtP0: $this->hzzm4(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "BAR
"); goto SsaSM; r3tY1: $this->tCPvj(gGgYy::class); goto tJtP0; SsaSM: } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function uBZwe() : void { goto PUSUh; PUSUh: $this->aNxUT(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "BAR\xa"); goto y0sxT; y0sxT: $this->tCpvJ(gGgyY::class); goto q193K; q193K: $this->ANxUT(yOjP2 . "expectedFileFormat.txt", "FOO\xa"); goto CcDE_; CcDE_: } public function CZm4E() : void { goto DnfxL; ScCfu: $this->OvD_c(yOjP2 . "foo.txt", yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto nDHsX; IG7Hz: $this->TcPVJ(GGGyY::class); goto ScCfu; DnfxL: $this->J7pLM(yOjP2 . "foo.txt", yOjP2 . "bar.txt"); goto uFSgq; uFSgq: $this->OVD_C(yOjP2 . "foo.txt", yOjP2 . "foo.txt"); goto IG7Hz; nDHsX: } public function kI8f3() : void { goto CHIhP; CHIhP: $fZzpc = file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "foo.xml"); goto Frmoc; Q0WKY: $this->lON_k(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", $fZzpc); goto IfiA2; V23LL: $this->lon_k(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", "BAR"); goto knQXi; Frmoc: $this->loN_K(yOjP2 . "foo.xml", $fZzpc . " BAR"); goto V23LL; knQXi: $this->tCpvJ(GgGYy::class); goto Q0WKY; IfiA2: } public function ncFKb() : void { $this->Xnjku("a", "A"); $this->h_JAu("a", "B"); } public function qN9ib() : void { $this->XNJKu(["a"], ["A"]); $this->H_JaU(["a"], ["B"]); } public function YgEcW() : void { $this->L4Xms(2.3, 2.5, 0.5); $this->AuNnF(2.3, 3.5, 0.5); } public function GJoWc() : void { $this->L4XMS([2.3], [2.5], 0.5); $this->AunnF([2.3], [3.5], 0.5); } public function X_IdF() : void { $this->Fpmu4([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]); $this->NRWmA([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 4]); } public function bW8r_() : void { goto o2lm8; nmZ6y: try { $this->Va1J3(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto FhRU7; o2lm8: $this->VA1J3([]); goto nmZ6y; FhRU7: $this->ZVjF0(); goto hujNw; hujNw: } public function XOwMf() : void { goto UPqat; T1wTa: $this->zvJf0(); goto srvjE; UPqat: $this->G5MUZ(true); goto zeob8; zeob8: try { $this->G5Muz(null); } catch (gggyy) { return; } goto T1wTa; srvjE: } public function OwuW0() : void { goto App6A; App6A: $this->pMu0F(0.0); goto gBwZA; gBwZA: try { $this->PMU0F(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto awhdP; awhdP: $this->ZvjF0(); goto CbaFP; CbaFP: } public function FtdLf() : void { goto w0TzA; fq_md: try { $this->Hb_jR(null); } catch (ggGYy) { return; } goto ZZ26j; w0TzA: $this->HB_JR(1); goto fq_md; ZZ26j: $this->zVjF0(); goto IEz7N; IEz7N: } public function ZdYBc() : void { goto s42wN; s42wN: $this->zVqUG("1.0"); goto MQG2w; MQG2w: try { $this->zVqUG("abc"); } catch (GGgYy) { return; } goto q3gwy; q3gwy: $this->zvJF0(); goto qQx2Z; qQx2Z: } public function itcZD() : void { goto Q7LLZ; QYxb7: $this->Zvjf0(); goto ThSH7; irQgE: try { $this->B_sbO(null); } catch (GgGYy) { return; } goto QYxb7; Q7LLZ: $this->b_Sbo(new stdClass()); goto irQgE; ThSH7: } public function wGHtk() : void { goto dyBC3; HZS10: try { $this->Qfmo7(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto EJzEL; EJzEL: $this->ZVjf0(); goto h3SlS; dyBC3: $this->QFMO7(fopen(__FILE__, "r")); goto HZS10; h3SlS: } public function gwalA() : void { goto bxM7v; RPJiu: $this->QFmo7($rXGGP); goto kUmKo; tmbdH: fclose($rXGGP); goto BKHPC; iIxMg: $this->zVJf0(); goto Jn_XZ; BKHPC: $this->ImA_p($rXGGP); goto RPJiu; bxM7v: $rXGGP = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); goto tmbdH; kUmKo: try { $this->IMA_p(null); } catch (ggGYY) { return; } goto iIxMg; Jn_XZ: } public function t1zXC() : void { goto xUcs0; WuYsL: try { $this->tJ_zc(null); } catch (GGgyy) { return; } goto OMDEL; xUcs0: $this->tJ_Zc(''); goto WuYsL; OMDEL: $this->zvJf0(); goto JiIR8; JiIR8: } public function j1RAH() : void { goto qVQDE; qVQDE: $this->ab8VO(true); goto lPsMd; t1xVU: $this->ZvJF0(); goto BTXhW; lPsMd: try { $this->AB8vo(new stdClass()); } catch (gGGyY) { return; } goto t1xVU; BTXhW: } public function t0ZPN() : void { goto bRqR_; bRqR_: $this->hBWsL(static function () : void { }); goto FjxW2; pJCNR: $this->zvJF0(); goto wLPW7; FjxW2: try { $this->hBwsl(null); } catch (GggYy) { return; } goto pJCNR; wLPW7: } public function FYgqQ() : void { goto B90uW; vrlfL: try { $this->ZQk1b(null); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto cpHWf; cpHWf: $this->zvjf0(); goto Y4jfT; B90uW: $this->zQK1b([]); goto vrlfL; Y4jfT: } public function uYgi2() : void { goto qWfNj; lGU01: $this->zvJf0(); goto tpdTG; cqT9s: try { $this->DhLd9([]); } catch (Gggyy) { return; } goto lGU01; qWfNj: $this->DHld9(null); goto cqT9s; tpdTG: } public function GbKWi() : void { goto Fwx9p; WwfHA: $this->ZVJf0(); goto Np2D0; oVV4a: try { $this->SqVp7(true); } catch (GGgyy) { return; } goto WwfHA; Fwx9p: $this->sqVp7(null); goto oVV4a; Np2D0: } public function MfFrH() : void { goto Y58Df; Y58Df: $this->wJ8LX(null); goto iTnK1; iTnK1: try { $this->WJ8lX(0.0); } catch (ggGyY) { return; } goto yWjDr; yWjDr: $this->ZVJf0(); goto PclSI; PclSI: } public function PBmAp() : void { goto AXAZH; AXAZH: $this->WY73A(null); goto yjdoC; yjdoC: try { $this->Wy73A(1); } catch (gggyY) { return; } goto EESPE; EESPE: $this->zvJF0(); goto v032G; v032G: } public function V9QMf() : void { goto tGPw_; O2vJH: $this->ZvJf0(); goto gujhU; hzYiU: try { $this->fGfEN("1.0"); } catch (gGgyY) { return; } goto O2vJH; tGPw_: $this->fgFen("abc"); goto hzYiU; gujhU: } public function H1dze() : void { goto YDu1a; YDu1a: $this->arv5_(null); goto aXHpC; aXHpC: try { $this->arV5_(new stdClass()); } catch (GGGYY) { return; } goto e1XLX; e1XLX: $this->zVJf0(); goto icrHM; icrHM: } public function ROVNQ() : void { goto XjY6Y; g1AKw: try { $this->CafNS(fopen(__FILE__, "r")); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto kf20r; kf20r: $this->zvJf0(); goto HVcEa; XjY6Y: $this->CAFnS(null); goto g1AKw; HVcEa: } public function ayKD9() : void { goto P4sFO; t7DZG: try { $this->cAFNs($rXGGP); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto Ck2H3; mgN1p: fclose($rXGGP); goto EqnP0; P4sFO: $this->O4M5d(null); goto wWFAc; wWFAc: $rXGGP = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); goto mgN1p; Ck2H3: $this->zVJF0(); goto oYGo6; EqnP0: try { $this->O4m5D($rXGGP); } catch (GggYY) { return; } goto t7DZG; oYGo6: } public function nNqDN() : void { goto Uy7cT; B8a5Z: try { $this->VFIhN(true); } catch (ggGYy) { return; } goto RoPpG; RoPpG: $this->ZvjF0(); goto clGiT; Uy7cT: $this->VFIhN(new stdClass()); goto B8a5Z; clGiT: } public function BO6xa() : void { goto IJdTC; ubeTv: try { $this->dxbgA(''); } catch (GGGYy) { return; } goto QGJZF; IJdTC: $this->dxbGa(null); goto ubeTv; QGJZF: $this->zvjF0(); goto j3qgJ; j3qgJ: } public function PUKg4() : void { goto ZNdYd; ZNdYd: $this->d7PCq(null); goto mthPK; mthPK: try { $this->D7PcQ(static function () : void { }); } catch (gGgyY) { return; } goto ewa5O; ewa5O: $this->ZVjF0(); goto OSqJa; OSqJa: } public function gyStP() : void { goto XDEzu; XDEzu: $this->Xsc8l(null); goto KqaeA; KqaeA: try { $this->xsc8l([]); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto Cn61F; Cn61F: $this->ZVJF0(); goto YT6sL; YT6sL: } public function FlzH8() : void { goto gp9gq; WSFaV: $this->hqqDp(true, $this->tpFnZ($this->vi_Dn(), $this->nBX3n())); goto iw_9f; USeFu: $this->TCpvj(gGgyY::class); goto WSFaV; gp9gq: $this->hQqdp(true, $this->tpfnZ($this->VI_dn(), $this->VI_Dn())); goto USeFu; iw_9f: } public function Ilrv9() : void { goto TxlMG; td_TY: $this->hQqdp(true, $this->qUQNw($this->nbx3N(), $this->nbx3N())); goto W9TX7; TxlMG: $this->hQQdP(true, $this->QuQNw($this->vI_dN(), $this->nBX3N())); goto vIrbc; vIrbc: $this->Tcpvj(ggGyy::class); goto td_TY; W9TX7: } public function zaI72() : void { goto AdQQH; xIKdh: $this->tCPvJ(GggYy::class); goto kMTwa; kMTwa: $this->hqqdP(true, $this->wMqtq($this->vI_Dn(), $this->VI_dn())); goto o1OdI; AdQQH: $this->hQqDP(true, $this->wMQtQ($this->vi_dn(), $this->nBx3n())); goto xIKdh; o1OdI: } public function AisBE() : void { goto mSAI8; ynreB: try { $this->xoQDu("barbara", "foobarbaz"); } catch (ggGYY) { return; } goto D7M_s; mSAI8: $this->XoQDU("bar", "foobarbaz"); goto ynreB; D7M_s: $this->ZvjF0(); goto E6pEx; E6pEx: } public function ZCz5v() : void { goto AbtXO; AbtXO: $this->BOwKi("barbara", "foobarbaz"); goto iRCP0; iRCP0: try { $this->BoWKI("bar", "foobarbaz"); } catch (GGgYY) { return; } goto hdu7p; hdu7p: $this->ZvJF0(); goto sM1Ra; sM1Ra: } public function Zk7GY() : void { goto S_0p0; y3KJU: try { $this->gPA30("BARBARA", "foobarbaz"); } catch (GgGyY) { return; } goto XlRI9; XlRI9: $this->zVjf0(); goto z5iF8; S_0p0: $this->gPA30("BAR", "foobarbaz"); goto y3KJU; z5iF8: } public function NLP_E() : void { goto m_gH8; dkRQ2: $this->ZvjF0(); goto KiBFg; m_gH8: $this->bmKTY("BARBARA", "foobarbaz"); goto FWReK; FWReK: try { $this->BmKty("BAR", "foobarbaz"); } catch (Gggyy) { return; } goto dkRQ2; KiBFg: } public function ijEbS() : void { goto o5qq5; hhSBs: $this->v4D4A($QRp4J, $z3uCw); goto zvtn6; zvtn6: try { $this->V4d4A(new stdClass(), $z3uCw); } catch (GggYy) { return; } goto XQs6t; o5qq5: $QRp4J = new stdClass(); goto Dg5Lh; XQs6t: $this->ZVjF0(); goto REqyz; Dg5Lh: $z3uCw = [$QRp4J]; goto hhSBs; REqyz: } public function fNw5R() : void { goto v8m6w; P37uI: $this->ZvJF0(); goto MYDcm; k7QEn: $this->tcP4d(new stdClass(), $z3uCw); goto ghBzg; v8m6w: $QRp4J = new stdClass(); goto gBd_m; gBd_m: $z3uCw = [$QRp4J]; goto k7QEn; ghBzg: try { $this->tcP4d($QRp4J, $z3uCw); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto P37uI; MYDcm: } public function O_JyX() : void { goto fBTej; W8b8p: $this->I28xx($UYb9F, [$UYb9F]); goto meUaj; yQZDd: $this->ZvJF0(); goto uWD_J; fBTej: $UYb9F = new stdClass(); goto JEIfc; JEIfc: $UYb9F->CS1zV = "bar"; goto kQxwq; kQxwq: $ihRU1 = new stdClass(); goto eIdqH; eIdqH: $ihRU1->CS1zV = "baz"; goto W8b8p; meUaj: try { $this->i28XX($ihRU1, [$UYb9F]); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto yQZDd; uWD_J: } public function m5XLW() : void { goto v5KmD; iR0bS: $this->wPMRG($ihRU1, [$UYb9F]); goto OdDCy; nIRDh: $this->zVjF0(); goto k1Fi2; wzOpw: $ihRU1 = new stdClass(); goto xEbQT; BjSUh: $UYb9F->CS1zV = "bar"; goto wzOpw; OdDCy: try { $this->WpMrG($UYb9F, [$UYb9F]); } catch (gGgYy) { return; } goto nIRDh; xEbQT: $ihRU1->CS1zV = "baz"; goto iR0bS; v5KmD: $UYb9F = new stdClass(); goto BjSUh; k1Fi2: } public function VYjZI() : void { goto DcIXU; Ocx2K: $this->zvJF0(); goto iuy8O; DcIXU: $this->PMZaK(new IXicQ(1), new IxiCq(1)); goto RZ5f8; RZ5f8: try { $this->pmzaK(new IXIcQ(1), new IXICQ(2)); } catch (GGgYy) { return; } goto Ocx2K; iuy8O: } public function pZ15_() : void { goto ygiCh; VsYJM: $this->zVJF0(); goto ATvhB; ygiCh: $b9B3e = new stdClass(); goto qG9Rd; M_6OR: $this->kYsmZ("theProperty", $b9B3e); goto KuYoK; qG9Rd: $b9B3e->YH_V4 = "value"; goto M_6OR; KuYoK: try { $this->kYsmz("doesNotExist", $b9B3e); } catch (ggGYy $sXD3k) { return; } goto VsYJM; ATvhB: } public function UoIKJ() : void { goto vSKV_; HkBKv: $b9B3e->YH_V4 = "value"; goto BSWrn; vSKV_: $b9B3e = new stdClass(); goto HkBKv; BSWrn: $this->GSPH6("doesNotExist", $b9B3e); goto Tyg4e; Wtv7p: $this->ZvJF0(); goto HLmPX; Tyg4e: try { $this->gsPh6("theProperty", $b9B3e); } catch (ggGYy $sXD3k) { return; } goto Wtv7p; HLmPX: } protected static function Z1MhC() : array { goto lknzl; hU0Lz: $rXGGP = fopen($HIa8R, "r"); goto qH_zn; qH_zn: return [[null, null], ["a", "a"], [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.3, 2.3], [1 / 3, 1 / 3], [1 - 2 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [5.5E+123, 5.5E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.5E-123], [log(0), log(0)], [INF, INF], [-INF, -INF], [[], []], [[0 => 1], [0 => 1]], [[0 => null], [0 => null]], [["a", "b" => [1, 2]], ["a", "b" => [1, 2]]], [$QRp4J, $QRp4J], [$rXGGP, $rXGGP]]; goto hbxRO; lknzl: $QRp4J = new qKF5b(4, 8, 15); goto OBWiz; OBWiz: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "foo.xml"; goto hU0Lz; hbxRO: } protected static function WXoiv() : array { goto DrCxk; C6hjN: $yPDn4->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $yPDn4; goto ReNOo; ReNOo: $qdGoY = new QGKZP(); goto nKPp0; hZh3Y: $xpPcq = new SplObjectStorage(); goto DkAPD; wvhfh: $H8pK5 = new stdClass(); goto zluZ_; nKPp0: $qdGoY->RhdpM = new vJFD1("Terry Pratch"); goto LpCRz; TwGCB: $VXabk = new QkF5B(4, 8, 15); goto Np_7g; Np_7g: $xXIKe = new QKf5b(16, 23, 42); goto F07yR; DrCxk: $yPDn4 = new qGkzP(); goto lPM2q; LpCRz: $qdGoY->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $qdGoY; goto buB1O; w647I: $TSNpW = new SplObjectStorage(); goto Wj23V; UJfhw: $fR_j9->RhdpM = "Terry Pratchett"; goto wvhfh; ylQBA: return [["a", "b"], ["a", "A"], ["9E6666666", "9E7777777"], [1, 2], [2, 1], [2.3, 4.2], [2.3, 4.2, 0.5], [[2.3], [4.2], 0.5], [[[2.3]], [[4.2]], 0.5], [new pAroN(2.3), new PAroN(4.2), 0.5], [[new PaROn(2.3)], [new paroN(4.2)], 0.5], [1 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [1 / 3, "0.33333333333333337"], [1 - 2 / 3, "3333333333333333"], [5.5E+123, 5.6E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.6E-123], [5.5E+123, 5.5E-123], [NAN, NAN], [[], [0 => 1]], [[0 => 1], []], [[0 => null], []], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], [0 => 1, 1 => 3]], [["a", "b" => [1, 2]], ["a", "b" => [2, 1]]], [new qKf5B(4, 8, 15), new Qkf5b(16, 23, 42)], [$VXabk, $xXIKe], [$yPDn4, $qdGoY], [$fR_j9, $H8pK5], [fopen($HIa8R, "r"), fopen($HIa8R, "r")], [$TSNpW, $xpPcq], [(new Q7Mjv())->load("<root></root>"), (new Q7MJV())->load("<bar/>")], [(new Q7MJv())->load("<foo attr1="bar"/>"), (new Q7Mjv())->load("<foo attr1="foobar"/>")], [(new q7mjv())->load("<foo> bar </foo>"), (new Q7mJv())->load("<foo />")], [(new q7Mjv())->load("<foo xmlns="urn:myns:bar"/>"), (new Q7MJV())->load("<foo xmlns="urn:notmyns:bar"/>")], [(new q7mJv())->load("<foo> bar </foo>"), (new Q7MJv())->load("<foo> bir </foo>")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 05:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), 43200], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago")), 3500], [new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0600"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T04:13:35-0600")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0600"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0500")], [new qKf5b(4, 8, 15), false], [false, new QkF5B(4, 8, 15)], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], false], [false, [0 => 1, 1 => 2]], [[], new stdClass()], [new stdClass(), []], [0, "Foobar"], ["Foobar", 0], [3, acos(8)], [acos(8), 3]]; goto f1_HU; AnRku: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "foo.xml"; goto ylQBA; DkAPD: $xpPcq->attach($p8Zqv); goto AnRku; lPM2q: $yPDn4->RhdpM = new vJfd1("Terry Pratchett"); goto C6hjN; F07yR: $p8Zqv = new QkF5b(4, 8, 15); goto w647I; buB1O: $fR_j9 = new QGkZP(); goto UJfhw; zluZ_: $H8pK5->RhdpM = "Terry Pratchett"; goto TwGCB; Wj23V: $TSNpW->attach($VXabk); goto hZh3Y; f1_HU: } protected static function FVTkY() : array { goto rZANi; HkPmI: $VXabk = new qKF5b(4, 8, 15); goto IHx04; gd6nK: $qdGoY->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $qdGoY; goto HkPmI; nf2IL: $qdGoY->RhdpM = new vjfD1("Terry Pratchett"); goto gd6nK; ZcG4A: $yPDn4->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $yPDn4; goto PMZgW; PMZgW: $qdGoY = new qgkzp(); goto nf2IL; rZANi: $yPDn4 = new Qgkzp(); goto Fh6Nv; Fh6Nv: $yPDn4->RhdpM = new vjFd1("Terry Pratchett"); goto ZcG4A; VxNRa: return [[["a" => 1, "b" => 2], ["b" => 2, "a" => 1]], [[1], ["1"]], [$VXabk, $xXIKe], [$yPDn4, $qdGoY], [$TSNpW, $xpPcq], [(new q7mjv())->load("<root></root>"), (new q7Mjv())->load("<root/>")], [(new Q7mJV())->load("<root attr="bar"></root>"), (new q7mJV())->load("<root attr="bar"/>")], [(new Q7mJv())->load("<root><foo attr="bar"></foo></root>"), (new Q7MJV())->load("<root><foo attr="bar"/></root>")], [(new Q7MJv())->load("<root>\xa <child/>\xa</root>"), (new Q7Mjv())->load("<root><child/></root>")], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29 04:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 03:13:35", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-30", new DateTimeZone("America/New_York")), new DateTime("2013-03-29 23:00:00", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("@1364616000"), new DateTime("2013-03-29 23:00:00", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"))], [new DateTime("2013-03-29T05:13:35-0500"), new DateTime("2013-03-29T04:13:35-0600")], [0, "0"], ["0", 0], [2.3, "2.3"], ["2.3", 2.3], [1, 1.0], [1.0, "1"], [1 / 3, "0.3333333333333333"], [1 - 2 / 3, "0.33333333333333337"], [5.5E+123, "5.5E+123"], [5.5E-123, "5.5E-123"], ["string representation", new kWX9F()], [new kwX9F(), "string representation"]]; goto hUtqd; XYKR5: $TSNpW->attach($VXabk); goto vhnS2; UwLj2: $TSNpW = new SplObjectStorage(); goto XYKR5; vhnS2: $xpPcq = new SplObjectStorage(); goto sGYe1; sGYe1: $xpPcq->attach($VXabk); goto VxNRa; IHx04: $xXIKe = new Qkf5B(4, 8, 15); goto UwLj2; hUtqd: } } ?>
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/* __________________________________________________
| Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator 2.0.14 |
| on 2024-04-04 18:20:13 |
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declare (strict_types=1); namespace rPrcy\g03bF; use const etwyB; use const jx0c6; use const EiEdM; use const PbtYe; use function acos; use function array_merge; use function chmod; use function fclose; use function file_get_contents; use function fopen; use function json_encode; use function log; use function mkdir; use function octdec; use function RprCY\GEU_q\Generator\EnRog; use function rmdir; use function sys_get_temp_dir; use function tempnam; use function uniqid; use function unlink; use ArrayIterator; use ArrayObject; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; use RPRcy\G03Bf\WBITh\b2TKN; use RPrCy\g03Bf\WBiTh\Wn749; use RPrCy\g03Bf\wBITh\jF27n; use rprCy\g03bF\wbitH\lVLvu; use RPrcY\G03BF\wbith\p7MBC; use RpRcy\geU_Q\Vjfd1; use RPRCy\gEU_q\qGKzp; use rPrcY\geU_q\KWX9F; use RprCy\GEU_q\jmK_8\IxicQ; use rPrCy\geu_q\cSHJq; use rpRcY\Geu_q\QkF5B; use rPRcY\GeU_Q\PArON; use RprcY\j60fB\gyaTA\UPkg6 as q7Mjv; use RprcY\j60fB\GYATA\Vhfo_; use SplObjectStorage; use stdClass; #[CoversClass(Assert::class)] #[CoversClass(NjCoo::class)] #[Small] final class Ajdd_ extends cMTmE { public static function YFnVu() : array { return ["\x65\x72\162\x6f\x72\x20\163\x79\156\x74\141\170\40\151\156\40\x65\170\x70\x65\x63\164\x65\144\40\x4a\x53\117\116" => ["\173\x22\x4d\141\163\143\x6f\x74\x74\x22\72\72\175", "\x7b\x22\x4d\x61\163\143\x6f\x74\x74\42\40\x3a\x20\42\x54\x75\x78\x22\x7d"], "\x65\162\x72\x6f\162\x20\x55\124\106\55\x38\40\x69\x6e\40\141\143\x74\165\x61\x6c\40\x4a\x53\x4f\116" => ["\173\x22\x4d\x61\163\x63\x6f\x74\x74\42\x20\x3a\40\42\124\165\170\42\x7d", "\173\42\115\141\163\143\157\164\x74\42\40\72\x20\72\175"]]; } public static function dt3tp() : array { return array_merge(self::FVTky(), self::z1MhC()); } public static function nlJwP() : array { return self::WxOiv(); } public static function LINzj() : array { return self::z1MHc(); } public static function CKC2g() : array { return array_merge(self::WxoIv(), self::FvTkY()); } public static function lhTAv() : array { return [["\x62\12\x63", "\x62\xd\xa\143"], ["\142\xa\143", "\141\15\xa\x62\xd\12\143\15\12\x64"]]; } public static function f8y_v() : array { return ["\x6c\x66\55\x63\162\154\146" => ["\141\12\x62", "\x61\xd\xa\142"], "\x63\162\55\x63\x72\x6c\x66" => ["\x61\xd\x62", "\141\15\xa\142"], "\143\162\x6c\146\x2d\143\162\x6c\x66" => ["\x61\xd\12\142", "\x61\xd\12\x62"], "\154\146\55\x63\162" => ["\141\12\x62", "\141\xd\142"], "\x63\162\x2d\x63\x72" => ["\141\xd\x62", "\x61\xd\142"], "\143\162\x6c\146\x2d\x63\x72" => ["\x61\15\12\142", "\141\xd\x62"], "\x6c\146\55\154\146" => ["\x61\xa\x62", "\141\xa\x62"], "\x63\x72\x2d\x6c\x66" => ["\x61\15\x62", "\x61\12\142"], "\143\x72\x6c\x66\x2d\x6c\x66" => ["\141\15\12\x62", "\x61\xa\x62"]]; } public static function EV_m2() : array { return [["\141\xa\142", "\141\142"], ["\141\15\x62", "\x61\142"], ["\141\15\xa\142", "\141\x62"]]; } public function SGdmE() : void { try { $this->Zvjf0(); } catch (GggYY) { return; } throw new gGgyy("\106\x61\x69\154\x20\144\151\x64\40\x6e\157\x74\40\164\150\162\157\x77\40\146\x61\x69\x6c\x20\x65\x78\143\x65\x70\164\151\157\156"); } public function sVOgb() : void { goto XjSv6; OferV: $this->nYNW8(qgKZp::class, $m5yRu); goto nnlKH; ey3Cy: $this->tCPVj(GGGYy::class); goto OferV; JT9pQ: $m5yRu = [new VJFD1("\124\145\x73\x74")]; goto ey3Cy; sepS_: $this->nYNw8(qGKZP::class, $aDDso); goto YfEmB; XjSv6: $aDDso = [new QgkZP(), new QgKzP()]; goto sepS_; YfEmB: $this->NYnW8(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto JT9pQ; nnlKH: } public function bzLYD() : void { goto yhuDW; dtYFs: $this->TcpvJ(gggyy::class); goto fMi3R; ktSKH: $eacfU = ["\141" => "\142", "\142" => "\142", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto V8QV4; V8QV4: $this->Z6S3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\141", 0]); goto dtYFs; fMi3R: $this->z6S3O($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\142"]); goto p6Tyj; yhuDW: $kCcYS = ["\141" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto ktSKH; p6Tyj: } public function CmuTj() : void { goto L0tdG; L0tdG: $kCcYS = ["\x61" => "\142", "\142" => "\x63", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto ljcH6; CnvmG: $this->tcpVj(GggyY::class); goto AMTIm; Og2dU: $this->EafUc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\142", 1]); goto CnvmG; ljcH6: $eacfU = ["\x61" => "\142", "\x62" => "\142", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto Og2dU; AMTIm: $this->eaFuc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x62"]); goto TyHPX; TyHPX: } public function wpyve() : void { goto Hgm0I; HE4Tv: $this->tcpVj(gGgYY::class); goto Y8jN0; Y8jN0: $this->z4oXy($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\142"]); goto YCAkX; UQfse: $eacfU = ["\x61" => "\142", "\x62" => "\142", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto r76Nz; r76Nz: $this->z4Oxy($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x61", 0]); goto HE4Tv; Hgm0I: $kCcYS = ["\x61" => "\142", "\142" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto UQfse; YCAkX: } public function WDGFH() : void { goto hA9EC; hA9EC: $kCcYS = ["\x61" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto e_VaX; BO8Ou: $this->PMquK($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\142"]); goto KqWWF; RwDKp: $this->tCPvj(GGgYy::class); goto BO8Ou; e_VaX: $eacfU = ["\141" => "\x62", "\142" => "\x62", 0 => 1, 1 => 3]; goto yYoTC; yYoTC: $this->PmQUk($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x62", 1]); goto RwDKp; KqWWF: } public function zAjgd() : void { goto jaZ0Z; Lrykf: $this->Z6S3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, [0, "\x31", "\x33\56\x30"]); goto mjXFW; m7xLc: $this->Z6S3O($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x31", 2.0, "\63\56\60"]); goto chIJI; k2GB8: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "\61" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\x33\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto Lrykf; jaZ0Z: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\x33\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto k2GB8; mjXFW: $this->TcPvJ(gGGyY::class); goto m7xLc; chIJI: } public function zjUxq() : void { goto Kv3oF; QU9ko: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\63\56\60" => 4]; goto VDWrU; Kv3oF: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\x33\56\x30" => 4]; goto QU9ko; NId5i: $this->eafuc($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\61"]); goto xtG4Y; VDWrU: $this->EAFUC($kCcYS, $eacfU, [2.0]); goto CPRqG; CPRqG: $this->TcPVj(gGGYy::class); goto NId5i; xtG4Y: } public function YYBOK() : void { goto gVzHA; gVzHA: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "\61" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\63\56\60" => 4]; goto qNbr3; QpGRo: $this->z4oxY($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x31", 2.0, "\x33\56\60"]); goto MlTqJ; uUc6o: $this->Z4OXY($kCcYS, $eacfU, [0, "\61", "\x33\56\60"]); goto QJth_; QJth_: $this->TcPVj(gGgYY::class); goto QpGRo; qNbr3: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\63\x2e\60" => 4]; goto uUc6o; MlTqJ: } public function NkyBF() : void { goto LTyT5; LTyT5: $kCcYS = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 3, "\63\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto pShGG; pShGG: $eacfU = [0 => 1, "\x31" => 2, 2.0 => 2, "\63\x2e\x30" => 4]; goto qyQoW; b9nVt: $this->tcpVJ(GGGYy::class); goto uLwl2; qyQoW: $this->PmQUK($kCcYS, $eacfU, [2.0]); goto b9nVt; uLwl2: $this->pMqUk($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\61"]); goto sQM0d; sQM0d: } public function FTOc3() : void { goto QzqHC; QzqHC: $kCcYS = ["\141" => "\x62", "\x62" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto XWSST; XWSST: $eacfU = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "\x61" => "\142", "\142" => "\x62"]; goto Fb02r; KiDIv: $this->TcPVj(gGgyY::class); goto BuMYd; BuMYd: $this->Z4oXY($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x61", 0]); goto tE83b; Fb02r: $this->Z6s3o($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x61", 0]); goto KiDIv; tE83b: } public function J3XaL() : void { goto x2eB9; gp1qq: $eacfU = [0 => 1, 1 => 3, "\141" => "\142", "\142" => "\x62"]; goto mw3p6; BeY1n: $this->PMquK($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x62", 1]); goto VngSE; mw3p6: $this->EaFuC($kCcYS, $eacfU, ["\x62", 1]); goto wSDDl; wSDDl: $this->TCpvJ(gGgYy::class); goto BeY1n; x2eB9: $kCcYS = ["\x61" => "\142", "\142" => "\143", 0 => 1, 1 => 2]; goto gp1qq; VngSE: } public function hTqz_() : void { goto YHlCW; Jd5n6: $this->CZGCa(1, ["\146\x6f\x6f"]); goto SQJ4C; YHlCW: $this->CZgcA(0, ["\146\157\157"]); goto Cubhg; Cubhg: $this->TCPVj(GGGyy::class); goto Jd5n6; SQJ4C: } public function FplQR() : void { goto B32au; i6Wfx: $this->uRipZ(0, ["\x66\x6f\157"]); goto DNM9Q; B32au: $this->uripz(1, ["\x66\157\x6f"]); goto xjYpm; xjYpm: $this->tcPvj(GggyY::class); goto i6Wfx; DNM9Q: } public function DTRtS() : void { goto jVszZ; X7qXD: $this->cZGCA("\x62\141\162", ["\x66\x6f\x6f" => "\142\x61\x72"]); goto A4pMS; nRFBn: $this->tcpVJ(gGGyy::class); goto X7qXD; jVszZ: $this->czGCa("\146\x6f\157", ["\146\x6f\157" => "\x62\x61\162"]); goto nRFBn; A4pMS: } public function EO_vA() : void { goto wxDPW; wxDPW: $this->uRipz("\142\x61\x72", ["\x66\x6f\157" => "\142\141\x72"]); goto NAiq3; n7Hay: $this->UriPZ("\x66\157\x6f", ["\146\x6f\157" => "\x62\141\x72"]); goto rrHnt; NAiq3: $this->TCPvj(gGgYY::class); goto n7Hay; rrHnt: } public function PPx_w() : void { goto Yx1xU; Yx1xU: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto Pv3tG; Pv3tG: $OPb3I["\146\157\157"] = "\142\141\162"; goto kG1hC; kG1hC: $this->CzgCa("\x66\x6f\x6f", $OPb3I); goto mDpqh; mDpqh: } public function Z3FKb() : void { goto Cee6P; Cee6P: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto PuvB3; oA6FF: $this->Tcpvj(gGGYy::class); goto PGU6V; PuvB3: $OPb3I["\x62\141\x72"] = "\142\141\162"; goto oA6FF; PGU6V: $this->Czgca("\146\157\157", $OPb3I); goto q6Qgj; q6Qgj: } public function u6jQf() : void { goto SKeOm; SKeOm: $OPb3I = new cshjQ(); goto DIQvL; f4sy0: $this->CzGca("\x66\157\157", $OPb3I); goto nouoX; DIQvL: $OPb3I["\146\157\x6f"] = "\x62\141\162"; goto f4sy0; nouoX: } public function b7XPO() : void { goto psR6x; yNG4H: $this->TCpvj(GgGyY::class); goto v3yNm; psR6x: $OPb3I = new CshjQ(); goto nB28Y; v3yNm: $this->czGcA("\x66\x6f\x6f", $OPb3I); goto k12U_; nB28Y: $OPb3I["\142\x61\162"] = "\x62\141\x72"; goto yNG4H; k12U_: } public function M7yIt() : void { goto qb06H; ozkA2: $this->URIPz("\142\x61\x72", $OPb3I); goto vpCtW; Ps_D0: $OPb3I["\146\157\x6f"] = "\x62\x61\x72"; goto ozkA2; qb06H: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto Ps_D0; vpCtW: } public function EZ2rl() : void { goto LSoQ0; riu_h: $this->tCPVj(GgGyy::class); goto pP6g0; LSoQ0: $OPb3I = new ArrayObject(); goto w5ddm; w5ddm: $OPb3I["\142\141\162"] = "\142\x61\162"; goto riu_h; pP6g0: $this->UriPz("\x62\x61\x72", $OPb3I); goto KGrGS; KGrGS: } public function b3tmG() : void { goto N5o5F; TsjJZ: $this->gST0U([0 => 0, 2 => 2, 3 => 3]); goto HvIpS; A5VKv: $this->TCpVj(GGgyy::class); goto TsjJZ; N5o5F: $this->gst0u([0, 1, 2]); goto A5VKv; HvIpS: } public function U09LO() : void { $this->gST0u([]); } public function L45iO() : void { $this->tCPvJ(GGgyy::class); $this->GsT0u(["\x73\164\x72\151\x6e\x67" => 0]); } public function GQOmi() : void { $this->tCPvj(gGGYY::class); $this->gsT0U(null); } public function QWkQF() : void { goto PV9Hj; BaYT_: $this->tcPVJ(ggGyY::class); goto IhUbt; PV9Hj: $this->B7OgY("\x69\x6e\164\x65\147\145\162", [1, 2, 3]); goto BaYT_; IhUbt: $this->B7ogy("\x69\x6e\x74\x65\147\x65\x72", ["\x31", 2, 3]); goto WobyL; WobyL: } public function tmYd7() : void { goto HSd48; dFlUm: $this->kTQM_("\x69\156\164\145\x67\x65\x72", [1, 2, 3]); goto KzzQZ; HSd48: $this->KTqm_("\151\156\x74\145\147\145\162", ["\61", 2, 3]); goto K9HfW; K9HfW: $this->TCPvj(GGgYY::class); goto dFlUm; KzzQZ: } public function Vx3yc() : void { goto dTfgx; dYiS4: $this->B7oGy(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto UpDoY; dTfgx: $this->B7ogy(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto e2XnI; e2XnI: $this->TcpVj(GGgyy::class); goto dYiS4; UpDoY: } public function M2wMw() : void { goto s1dk1; BigCd: $this->ktqM_(stdClass::class, [new stdClass()]); goto BNbBG; UOxTw: $this->Tcpvj(GGGYy::class); goto BigCd; s1dk1: $this->KTQm_(stdClass::class, [stdClass::class]); goto UOxTw; BNbBG: } #[DataProvider("\x65\161\165\141\x6c\x50\162\157\x76\x69\144\x65\x72")] public function qqjt0(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->dBtx0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\x6e\157\164\105\x71\x75\x61\154\120\162\x6f\166\151\144\x65\162")] public function bGIVX(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->tCPVj(GgGyy::class); $this->DBTx0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\156\157\x74\x45\161\165\141\x6c\120\x72\157\x76\151\x64\145\162")] public function wwKbG(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->Z0eg0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\x65\x71\165\x61\x6c\x50\162\x6f\166\x69\x64\145\x72")] public function Airoy(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->TCpvj(GgGYY::class); $this->z0Eg0($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\163\141\155\x65\120\x72\157\x76\151\x64\x65\x72")] public function NRMOT(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->UEMwi($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\x6e\x6f\x74\x53\x61\x6d\145\x50\162\x6f\x76\x69\x64\145\162")] public function DcYDM(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->TCPvJ(gggYY::class); $this->UeMwi($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\x6e\x6f\164\123\x61\155\x65\120\162\x6f\166\x69\x64\x65\162")] public function iVElM(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->kT5kE($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } #[DataProvider("\x73\x61\155\x65\120\x72\157\166\x69\144\x65\162")] public function GrYnB(mixed $UYb9F, mixed $ihRU1) : void { $this->tCPvj(Gggyy::class); $this->kt5KE($UYb9F, $ihRU1); } public function OWonT() : void { goto oIpLx; shTN6: $this->E830p(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\56\170\x6d\x6c", yOjP2 . "\142\141\x72\56\170\x6d\x6c"); goto nqZ5o; m9Bxb: $this->tcpvj(GGgyY::class); goto shTN6; oIpLx: $this->E830p(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\170\x6d\154", yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\x78\155\154"); goto m9Bxb; nqZ5o: } public function XkjB2() : void { goto cnJ0k; cnJ0k: $this->a_EeB(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\56\x78\x6d\154", yOjP2 . "\x62\x61\x72\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c"); goto W_E6N; Kf83r: $this->A_eeb(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\x2e\170\x6d\x6c", yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\154"); goto PGQ6T; W_E6N: $this->tCpvj(GGGYY::class); goto Kf83r; PGQ6T: } public function YqxZF() : void { goto TXjix; KL8dq: $this->Mr8_a(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\56\170\155\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\142\x61\x72\56\x78\155\x6c")); goto Xotze; EqYtL: $this->tCPvj(gGGyY::class); goto KL8dq; TXjix: $this->Mr8_a(yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\56\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\x2e\170\155\x6c")); goto EqYtL; Xotze: } public function A2z9v() : void { goto U9uJ9; fPxNj: $this->tCpvj(GGGyY::class); goto SUvHy; SUvHy: $this->SXFE2(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\56\x78\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\155\x6c")); goto JKSbx; U9uJ9: $this->sXFe2(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\56\170\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x62\141\162\x2e\170\x6d\x6c")); goto fPxNj; JKSbx: } public function Lcfa5() : void { goto EOGt1; EOGt1: $this->BUUmE("\x3c\x72\157\x6f\164\57\x3e", "\x3c\x72\x6f\x6f\164\x2f\76"); goto ebb0k; ebb0k: $this->tcpVJ(gGgyY::class); goto AhZ1r; AhZ1r: $this->buUme("\x3c\146\157\157\57\76", "\74\x62\141\162\57\76"); goto QAxwb; QAxwb: } public function O3JBq() : void { $this->tcPVJ(VHFO_::class); $this->buUmE("\x3c\141\x3e\x3c\57\x62\x3e", "\x3c\x63\x3e\74\x2f\144\x3e"); } public function DF4zA() : void { goto BXKkL; oBIky: $eacfU = "\x3c\x3f\x78\x6d\x6c\x20\x76\x65\162\x73\x69\x6f\x6e\x3d\42\61\56\x30\42\77\x3e\12\x3c\x72\x6f\157\164\76\xa\74\156\x6f\144\145\40\x2f\x3e\12\74\x2f\x72\x6f\157\x74\x3e"; goto FTuQB; FTuQB: $this->buUME($kCcYS, $eacfU); goto jYQuk; BXKkL: $kCcYS = "\x3c\x3f\x78\x6d\x6c\x20\166\x65\162\x73\151\x6f\x6e\75\x22\x31\56\60\42\x3f\76\12\x3c\162\157\157\x74\76\12\x20\x20\x20\40\74\x6e\x6f\x64\x65\x20\x2f\76\xa\74\x2f\162\x6f\x6f\164\x3e"; goto oBIky; jYQuk: } public function WAPQv() : void { goto uIKLY; Hb2Cr: $this->Yu7C9("\74\x72\157\157\x74\57\x3e", "\x3c\162\x6f\x6f\x74\x2f\76"); goto PUARX; uIKLY: $this->Yu7C9("\74\x66\x6f\x6f\x2f\76", "\74\142\x61\162\x2f\x3e"); goto qVCz1; qVCz1: $this->tcpVj(gGGyY::class); goto Hb2Cr; PUARX: } public function aMwUG() : void { goto G9uwz; G9uwz: $this->dbtX0("\60", 0); goto kedN5; kedN5: $this->tCpvj(GGgyY::class); goto nZlA1; nZlA1: $this->DBTX0("\60", 1); goto MLSv4; MLSv4: } public function mZCM1() : void { $this->z0Eg0("\x41", 0); } public function VpPll() : void { goto xFzNs; chX8I: $this->d1GVp(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\105\x78\x69\163\164\151\x6e\147"); goto En9PT; xFzNs: $this->D1gvp(__FILE__); goto kDB2d; kDB2d: $this->TcPvj(GGgYy::class); goto chX8I; En9PT: } public function Eq1L3() : void { goto nyq6G; PANTy: $this->TcPVj(GGgyY::class); goto db0i6; db0i6: $this->bQWv9(__FILE__); goto lmqnF; nyq6G: $this->bQwv9(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\157\164\105\x78\x69\x73\164\x69\156\x67"); goto PANTy; lmqnF: } public function dxKpB() : void { goto sb9Ry; JFP0c: $this->QZHkM(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\x74\x45\170\151\163\x74\151\x6e\147"); goto Xa7pd; sb9Ry: $this->QzhkM(__FILE__); goto a4aOM; a4aOM: $this->tCPVJ(GggyY::class); goto JFP0c; Xa7pd: } public function rJMhd() : void { goto h6foP; R81h3: $this->g31F5(__FILE__); goto UGm7j; Zc0KT: $this->TcPvJ(GggYY::class); goto R81h3; h6foP: $this->g31f5(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\x6f\164\x45\x78\x69\x73\164\x69\156\x67"); goto Zc0KT; UGm7j: } public function buDoQ() : void { goto FrOID; ZNJxe: $this->p_jQ8(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\x6f\x74\105\x78\x69\x73\x74\x69\156\147"); goto t0oAp; ewq9Q: $this->tcpVJ(GggYy::class); goto ZNJxe; FrOID: $this->p_jQ8(__DIR__); goto ewq9Q; t0oAp: } public function DWEP2() : void { goto YJ3ia; YJ3ia: $this->I31Ca(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\x6f\x74\x45\170\151\163\164\151\x6e\x67"); goto oapFr; oapFr: $this->tcPvJ(gGgyy::class); goto oBdHz; oBdHz: $this->I31CA(__DIR__); goto oWI7S; oWI7S: } public function uwNGd() : void { goto ucFOX; ucFOX: $this->TTnNk(__DIR__); goto tX90s; tX90s: $this->TcpVJ(gGGYy::class); goto AI3KG; AI3KG: $this->tTNNk(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\157\164\x45\170\x69\x73\164\151\156\147"); goto dgUYu; dgUYu: } public function zR7ej() : void { goto NNefC; p9t2V: chmod($GWcDb, octdec("\x34\64\x34")); goto sKoYV; jQOqP: $GWcDb = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("\x75\156\162\x65\141\x64\x61\x62\154\145\x5f\x64\151\x72\137", true); goto ZwNk9; ZwNk9: mkdir($GWcDb, octdec("\x30")); goto Njb65; NNefC: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\x57\151\156\144\157\x77\163")) { goto CDRJO; } goto P26hY; Njb65: $this->Id7D5($GWcDb); goto p9t2V; Csk9C: rmdir($GWcDb); goto SnZN3; FjgUC: CDRJO: goto jQOqP; sKoYV: try { $this->iD7D5($GWcDb); } catch (GggYY) { } goto Csk9C; P26hY: $this->bY1JJ("\x43\x61\156\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\164\145\x73\164\40\164\150\151\x73\40\x62\x65\150\141\166\151\x6f\165\x72\40\x6f\x6e\40\127\x69\156\144\157\167\x73"); goto FjgUC; SnZN3: } public function kjSgR() : void { goto w2xdp; js3Ir: $this->opPqh(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\x6f\x74\105\170\151\163\x74\151\x6e\147"); goto tdFad; w2xdp: $this->oPPQh(__DIR__); goto Ty1es; Ty1es: $this->tCpvj(GGGyy::class); goto js3Ir; tdFad: } public function oqQlK() : void { goto tle3C; K1D1D: mkdir($GWcDb, octdec("\64\x34\64")); goto BXD6O; tle3C: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\127\x69\156\144\x6f\167\x73")) { goto hsHYa; } goto SPXKZ; q_GtT: $GWcDb = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid("\156\157\164\137\167\x72\x69\x74\x61\142\x6c\x65\137\x64\x69\162\x5f", true); goto K1D1D; SPXKZ: $this->bY1jj("\103\141\156\156\x6f\164\40\164\x65\163\164\x20\164\150\x69\163\x20\x62\145\x68\141\166\x69\157\165\162\x20\157\156\x20\x57\151\156\x64\157\x77\163"); goto PvNS0; Yc4pS: chmod($GWcDb, octdec("\67\65\65")); goto JXByP; JXByP: try { $this->uY2s_($GWcDb); } catch (GGGYY) { } goto IkuwA; PvNS0: hsHYa: goto q_GtT; IkuwA: rmdir($GWcDb); goto hHTN_; BXD6O: $this->UY2S_($GWcDb); goto Yc4pS; hHTN_: } public function aJaSF() : void { goto rVpTY; PUdYr: $this->cxjqS(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\x4e\157\164\105\x78\151\x73\x74\x69\156\147"); goto pB4D6; rVpTY: $this->CXJQs(__FILE__); goto TSYWC; TSYWC: $this->tCpVj(gGgYY::class); goto PUdYr; pB4D6: } public function Y2572() : void { goto tYMwD; Nb3BT: $this->G757V(__FILE__); goto lHBIi; tYMwD: $this->G757V(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\164\x45\x78\151\163\164\x69\x6e\x67"); goto hOwnn; hOwnn: $this->TCPVJ(gggyY::class); goto Nb3BT; lHBIi: } public function Ft_eg() : void { goto uCJwW; U04c8: $this->WLv3x(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\x6f\x74\x45\170\x69\x73\x74\151\156\147"); goto XakHm; vYWKf: $this->tcpVj(ggGYy::class); goto U04c8; uCJwW: $this->WLV3X(__FILE__); goto vYWKf; XakHm: } public function kgdwj() : void { goto RWU7P; zAN6A: c16vL: goto JkEC5; xv1JU: chmod($oKurF, octdec("\60")); goto tmpcU; JkEC5: $oKurF = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\x75\156\x72\x65\141\144\141\x62\154\145"); goto xv1JU; tmpcU: $this->Yvsqs($oKurF); goto uUcNo; RWU7P: if (!(PHP_OS_FAMILY === "\127\151\x6e\x64\x6f\167\163")) { goto c16vL; } goto j7yb1; j7yb1: $this->by1jj("\103\x61\156\156\x6f\164\40\164\x65\x73\164\40\x74\150\151\163\40\142\x65\x68\141\166\x69\157\165\x72\40\157\156\x20\x57\151\x6e\144\157\x77\163"); goto zAN6A; M3T1L: try { $this->YvsQs($oKurF); } catch (ggGYy) { } goto GCLoM; GCLoM: unlink($oKurF); goto kxSth; uUcNo: chmod($oKurF, octdec("\67\x35\x35")); goto M3T1L; kxSth: } public function Urce8() : void { goto crzVG; H7Weq: try { $this->deRj2($oKurF); } catch (gGGYy) { } goto lu4ZU; LswiB: chmod($oKurF, octdec("\x37\x35\65")); goto H7Weq; crzVG: $oKurF = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "\x6e\157\164\x5f\167\x72\x69\x74\141\142\154\145"); goto B1djd; pjtXY: $this->derj2($oKurF); goto LswiB; lu4ZU: unlink($oKurF); goto KwvB1; B1djd: chmod($oKurF, octdec("\60")); goto pjtXY; KwvB1: } public function N07pF() : void { goto kopCK; x2Ka4: $this->p1eB8(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "\116\157\164\x45\170\151\x73\x74\x69\x6e\147"); goto C5kp3; tDuCi: $this->TCpvJ(GGGyy::class); goto x2Ka4; kopCK: $this->P1eB8(__FILE__); goto tDuCi; C5kp3: } public function WqBn9() : void { goto EME8v; EME8v: $this->Tu92P(1); goto dQEGG; KpDMB: $this->Tu92P(INF); goto wYdp8; dQEGG: $this->tcPvJ(GggyY::class); goto KpDMB; wYdp8: } public function iRgEf() : void { goto U9me1; U9me1: $this->iRmu1(INF); goto EmEZw; ys737: $this->iRMu1(1); goto snaVq; EmEZw: $this->TCPVJ(GGgyy::class); goto ys737; snaVq: } public function BHQyz() : void { goto HeulE; HeulE: $this->nTwNW(NAN); goto RMh6t; RMh6t: $this->Tcpvj(GGgYy::class); goto ZvJsw; ZvJsw: $this->NTwNw(1); goto z5mwK; z5mwK: } public function GF0LJ() : void { goto EAUy_; a7tu9: $this->fYKnb(new stdClass()); goto DlkLp; EAUy_: $this->fYKnb(null); goto tw7eU; tw7eU: $this->tcPVj(ggGYY::class); goto a7tu9; DlkLp: } public function fz2pO() : void { goto Wnp3r; YImhc: $this->TcPvJ(gGGyy::class); goto sC6mG; sC6mG: $this->k1X3L(null); goto KBXtM; Wnp3r: $this->k1X3l(new stdClass()); goto YImhc; KBXtM: } public function x_1CZ() : void { goto DzLiD; rneGM: $this->w0nrN(false); goto jVGpd; DzLiD: $this->W0nrN(true); goto R5pV9; R5pV9: $this->TCpVJ(Gggyy::class); goto rneGM; jVGpd: } public function kXfFQ() : void { goto kNM_d; cH09p: $this->TSIbw(1); goto oFNdP; Sji5w: $this->tsIBW(true); goto yhh18; oFNdP: $this->tsIBw("\x74\x72\x75\145"); goto aRZWd; kNM_d: $this->tsiBW(false); goto cH09p; aRZWd: $this->tcpVJ(gGgYy::class); goto Sji5w; yhh18: } public function It1EK() : void { goto u611q; F1ZGJ: $this->tCpVj(GGgYy::class); goto zVUyd; u611q: $this->gyT61(false); goto F1ZGJ; zVUyd: $this->gYt61(true); goto dkVUd; dkVUd: } public function Bcs2B() : void { goto q4Z2U; zrC5q: $this->tCPVJ(GGgYY::class); goto uTs7X; VrcUy: $this->uUSWg(0); goto uMCEK; q4Z2U: $this->UuswG(true); goto VrcUy; uTs7X: $this->uuswg(false); goto CHSOh; uMCEK: $this->UUswG(''); goto zrC5q; CHSOh: } public function HHQ0r() : void { goto Fsy1T; Fsy1T: $this->aFKeC("\57\x66\x6f\x6f\57", "\x66\157\x6f\x62\x61\x72"); goto FntdC; FntdC: $this->tCpvj(GgGyy::class); goto GZffW; GZffW: $this->aFKeC("\57\146\157\x6f\x2f", "\142\141\x72"); goto DSx27; DSx27: } public function PO_Hh() : void { goto SsF8K; SsF8K: $this->z51Jd("\57\146\157\x6f\57", "\x62\141\162"); goto RdA8T; RdA8T: $this->Tcpvj(gGgyY::class); goto fGjyV; fGjyV: $this->z51jd("\x2f\146\x6f\x6f\x2f", "\146\x6f\x6f\x62\141\162"); goto R3udW; R3udW: } public function JIza4() : void { goto NYcon; L8F1n: $this->UEmwI($cCACx, $cCACx); goto pan_Z; pan_Z: $this->TCPVj(GggyY::class); goto RYEV9; NYcon: $cCACx = new stdClass(); goto L8F1n; RYEV9: $this->UEmwI(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto GvWBn; GvWBn: } public function dVpc8() : void { goto DVEAj; yz2eS: $this->tcPvj(GggYy::class); goto MZ1yk; MZ1yk: $this->uEmwI(true, false); goto wzYET; X_eeP: $this->Uemwi(false, false); goto yz2eS; DVEAj: $this->uemwI(true, true); goto X_eeP; wzYET: } public function jfzRm() : void { goto BYmTv; dfca2: $this->tcPvj(gGGYY::class); goto bhLzc; GTq1g: $this->kt5KE(new stdClass(), new stdClass()); goto PiSjN; bhLzc: $this->Kt5Ke($cCACx, $cCACx); goto iKZ2D; PiSjN: $cCACx = new stdClass(); goto dfca2; XSCRq: $this->kt5Ke(null, new stdClass()); goto GTq1g; BYmTv: $this->kt5kE(new stdClass(), null); goto XSCRq; iKZ2D: } public function pBiRP() : void { goto KTqkY; QqOYf: $this->kt5KE(false, true); goto jVOkH; jVOkH: $this->Tcpvj(ggGYY::class); goto EL6cB; KTqkY: $this->kT5ke(true, false); goto QqOYf; EL6cB: $this->kT5kE(true, true); goto i4QCF; i4QCF: } public function b4pmG() : void { $this->tcPVJ(GggyY::class); $this->kt5kE(null, null); } public function eLhVh() : void { goto XnkkF; XnkkF: $this->qmhKY(1, 2); goto QBno5; QBno5: $this->TcpvJ(gGgyY::class); goto sOMUq; sOMUq: $this->qMHKy(2, 1); goto cMbXt; cMbXt: } public function q6Ch9() : void { goto etecV; sEqGj: $this->tCPVJ(gGgyY::class); goto xt5us; etecV: $this->zl7Cr(1, 2); goto sEqGj; xt5us: $this->Zl7Cr(2, 1); goto Dhrtk; Dhrtk: } public function G3MAX() : void { goto sXk4_; sXk4_: $this->xqqh7(2, 1); goto Wx69f; Wx69f: try { $this->xQqH7(1, 2); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto kGcIf; kGcIf: $this->zVJf0(); goto Q3k85; Q3k85: } public function O7R3S() : void { goto xmPMD; xmPMD: $this->jE474(2, 1); goto d1sxV; d1sxV: $this->tcpvj(gggYY::class); goto VRIVf; VRIVf: $this->jE474(1, 2); goto RGaoD; RGaoD: } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function FkaSS() : void { $this->hqqDP("\141\x6e\x79\164\x68\151\x6e\x67", $this->JeiUJ()); } public function v8QrT() : void { $this->hqqDP(true, $this->vI_dN()); } public function ryLj9() : void { $this->HQqdp(false, $this->nbx3N()); } public function gf_ln() : void { $this->hqqDP("\x7b\x7d", $this->ov34p()); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function FImYT() : void { $this->hQqDP("\x61\156\x79\164\x68\151\156\x67", $this->TPFnZ($this->JeIUJ(), $this->jeiuJ())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function BIR37() : void { $this->HqqDP("\141\156\171\164\x68\151\156\147", $this->qUQnw($this->jeIUj(), $this->JEiUJ())); } #[DoesNotPerformAssertions] public function ZRH0v() : void { $this->HQqDp("\x61\x6e\x79\164\150\x69\156\147", $this->wMqTQ($this->JeIuj(), $this->mHaa4($this->JeiUj()))); } public function eceuD() : void { $this->hqQDP(["\x66\x6f\157"], $this->sGPRF("\x66\157\x6f")); } public function TUTqh() : void { $this->HqQdp("\142\141\x72\x66\x6f\x6f\x62\x61\x72", $this->ueduv("\146\157\x6f")); } public function u7neN() : void { $this->Hqqdp(["\146\157\x6f"], $this->H5SjY("\x73\x74\162\151\156\147")); } public function jaS43() : void { $this->hQqdp([new QgKZp()], $this->UHG9I(QGkzP::class)); } public function tkf8r() : void { $this->HqQDP(["\146\157\x6f" => "\x62\141\162"], $this->z6dwh("\146\x6f\157")); } public function UfBrY() : void { $this->HQQDp([0, 1, 2], $this->GOa0Z()); } public function gpfmH() : void { $this->HQQdP("\146\157\x6f", $this->JY2tZ("\x66\x6f\x6f")); } public function hoY2d() : void { goto UA9bc; UA9bc: $tnhNo = new stdClass(); goto ICYdO; ICYdO: $N_jVl = $this->uUiGJ($tnhNo); goto H1oCF; H1oCF: $this->hQqdp($tnhNo, $N_jVl); goto PeVHy; PeVHy: } public function qdPdI() : void { $this->HqqDP(new stdClass(), $this->LmVBz(stdClass::class)); } public function wZrXd() : void { $this->HqQDP("\x73\x74\x72\151\156\x67", $this->qyy0h("\x73\x74\x72\x69\156\x67")); } public function GM60E() : void { $this->hQqdp([], $this->isEmpty()); } public function FyPCe() : void { $this->hQQdP(__FILE__, $this->TP9LJ()); } public function aMQBX() : void { $this->hqqdp(2, $this->LJSAI(1)); } public function Bl1NQ() : void { $this->hQQdP(2, $this->Lay_c(1)); } public function SwcaR() : void { $this->HqQdp(1, $this->OPidy(2)); } public function Hac7q() : void { $this->HQQDp(1, $this->BWSCM(2)); } public function eQ5Eo() : void { $this->hQqDp("\x66\157\157\142\x61\162", $this->yML3N("\57\146\x6f\x6f\x2f")); } public function nVzs_() : void { $this->hQqDP(null, $this->JyZ2B(static fn($ndaGZ) => true)); } public function URLh_() : void { $this->HqqDP([1], $this->gns1B(1)); } public function ZhdPS() : void { goto sYMD2; MmEFc: $this->FjQBL(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\56\x78\155\x6c", yOjP2 . "\142\141\x72\56\x78\155\154"); goto xgsgy; sYMD2: $this->fJqbl(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\x2e\170\x6d\154", yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\56\170\155\154"); goto vDJ4W; vDJ4W: $this->TcpVJ(gggyY::class); goto MmEFc; xgsgy: } public function BlxVA() : void { goto dKwwm; dKwwm: $this->J7pLM(yOjP2 . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\170\155\x6c", yOjP2 . "\142\x61\x72\x2e\x78\155\x6c"); goto qrWah; ttdsc: $this->J7Plm(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\56\170\x6d\154", yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\56\170\x6d\154"); goto RnTTl; qrWah: $this->TcpVj(ggGyY::class); goto ttdsc; RnTTl: } public function PeWI_() : void { goto JYqZ9; JYqZ9: $this->K21l6(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\56\170\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\56\x78\155\154")); goto Q0OQN; Q0OQN: $this->tCPvJ(gggYy::class); goto YWQvN; YWQvN: $this->K21L6(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\170\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x62\x61\162\56\170\x6d\x6c")); goto WH9j9; WH9j9: } public function T84rR() : void { goto jarli; jarli: $this->ORtDs(yOjP2 . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\125\x70\x70\145\162\x63\141\x73\x65\x2e\170\x6d\x6c")); goto tLekc; tLekc: $this->TcPVJ(ggGyY::class); goto kfueE; kfueE: $this->OrTds(yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\142\141\x72\x2e\x78\x6d\154")); goto M5OSz; M5OSz: } public function nlk1s() : void { goto wWdvn; FW19h: $this->gH0tw(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\x2e\x78\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\146\157\x6f\56\x78\155\154")); goto HOaQG; wWdvn: $this->GH0Tw(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\170\155\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\142\141\x72\x2e\170\155\x6c")); goto GISkN; GISkN: $this->tCpVJ(GGgYY::class); goto FW19h; HOaQG: } public function vYfD8() : void { goto O9Mu1; O9Mu1: $this->wErBm(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\157\x2e\170\155\x6c", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x62\141\162\56\x78\155\x6c")); goto MHeXf; MHeXf: $this->TCpVJ(GggYY::class); goto V9A2F; V9A2F: $this->WErBM(yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\56\x78\x6d\154", file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\x55\x70\x70\x65\162\x63\141\x73\145\56\x78\x6d\154")); goto ZahEo; ZahEo: } public function ppFQe() : void { goto bgrlV; N1Evk: $this->w3Cw7(yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\x2e\x78\155\x6c", yOjP2 . "\x62\x61\x72\x2e\170\155\x6c"); goto G0QHX; bgrlV: $this->W3Cw7(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\56\170\155\x6c", yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\125\x70\x70\145\162\x63\141\x73\x65\56\x78\155\154"); goto fmExg; fmExg: $this->TcPvj(GggYY::class); goto N1Evk; G0QHX: } public function MKxx1() : void { goto jkozF; jkozF: $this->jIs9r(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\56\x78\155\154", yOjP2 . "\x62\141\162\x2e\x78\x6d\x6c"); goto wp03s; IamrI: $this->jis9R(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\56\170\155\154", yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\125\160\x70\x65\x72\x63\141\163\x65\x2e\x78\155\x6c"); goto jyTM1; wp03s: $this->tcpVJ(GGgyY::class); goto IamrI; jyTM1: } public function gBnjn() : void { goto p8omH; p8omH: $this->siiiz("\x70\x72\145\x66\151\170", "\x70\162\145\146\151\x78\x66\157\x6f"); goto RH8p7; jHP5t: $this->SIiiz("\x70\x72\145\146\x69\170", "\146\157\157"); goto KFQI2; RH8p7: $this->TCPvJ(GgGYY::class); goto jHP5t; KFQI2: } public function UFcBN() : void { goto fTyC2; sH7Ew: $this->VGok2("\x70\162\145\x66\151\x78", "\x70\162\145\x66\151\170\146\157\157"); goto WDcjy; w1_gv: $this->TCpVj(GgGyy::class); goto sH7Ew; fTyC2: $this->vGoK2("\160\162\145\x66\x69\x78", "\146\x6f\157"); goto w1_gv; WDcjy: } public function N79DY() : void { goto z05GZ; T96h8: $this->tcPVj(GGgyY::class); goto ayNk4; z05GZ: $this->C_NNA("\x73\165\x66\x66\151\170", "\146\157\157\163\165\146\146\x69\170"); goto T96h8; ayNk4: $this->c_nna("\x73\165\146\x66\151\x78", "\146\x6f\x6f"); goto TCfwq; TCfwq: } public function MaTqm() : void { goto mw29V; mw29V: $this->bM5Gc("\163\165\x66\146\x69\170", "\146\x6f\x6f"); goto DvdAd; DvdAd: $this->TCPVJ(gggYy::class); goto hBX6d; hBX6d: $this->Bm5gc("\x73\165\x66\146\151\x78", "\x66\x6f\157\x73\165\x66\x66\151\x78"); goto Brcxv; Brcxv: } #[DataProvider("\x61\163\x73\x65\162\x74\x53\164\162\151\x6e\x67\x43\157\x6e\x74\x61\151\x6e\x73\x53\164\x72\x69\156\x67\x49\147\x6e\157\x72\x69\156\x67\114\x69\156\145\x45\x6e\x64\x69\156\x67\x73\120\162\157\x76\151\x64\145\162")] public function taO5r(string $Z90wR, string $EX0UL) : void { $this->zy8DU($Z90wR, $EX0UL); } public function qX5Q6() : void { $this->tcpvj(CMlhq::class); $this->Zy8Du("\142\12\x63", "\xd\xa\143\xd\12"); } #[DataProvider("\x61\163\x73\145\162\164\123\164\x72\151\x6e\x67\x45\161\165\x61\154\163\x53\x74\162\x69\x6e\147\x49\147\x6e\157\x72\151\156\147\x4c\x69\x6e\x65\105\156\x64\151\156\x67\163\x50\x72\x6f\166\151\144\x65\162")] public function CEqKr(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->PIdBE($kCcYS, $eacfU); } #[DataProvider("\141\163\x73\145\x72\164\x53\x74\162\x69\x6e\x67\x45\x71\165\x61\x6c\x73\123\164\162\151\156\x67\111\147\x6e\x6f\162\151\x6e\x67\114\151\x6e\145\105\156\x64\x69\156\x67\163\120\162\157\166\x69\144\x65\x72\x4e\x65\x67\141\164\151\x76\x65")] public function tobdT(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->TCpvJ(cMlhq::class); $this->pIDbe($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function mSLre() : void { $this->jPTRp("\52\x25\163\52", "\52\x2a\52"); } public function Qr1v0() : void { $this->tcPVj(ggGYY::class); $this->jpTrp("\x2a\x25\x73\52", "\x2a\x2a"); } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function luqhN() : void { goto aO8N5; aO8N5: $this->biwGZ("\x2a\45\163\52", "\52\x2a"); goto IFL5H; IFL5H: $this->TCpvJ(GggYY::class); goto gKxEc; gKxEc: $this->jPtRp("\52\x25\163\52", "\x2a\x2a"); goto v1l9p; v1l9p: } public function y5m6f() : void { goto wezCK; E8VeT: $this->jmWJ0(["\146\x6f\157"]); goto cw3xr; UWS7d: $this->tCPVJ(ggGyy::class); goto E8VeT; wezCK: $this->JMwj0([]); goto UWS7d; cw3xr: } public function IeiU5() : void { goto I6fV5; I6fV5: $YoHhT = EnRog(); goto HYtkx; HYtkx: $this->Tcpvj(njCOo::class); goto mZIxa; mZIxa: $this->BsEDp("\x50\141\163\163\x69\156\147\x20\x61\156\40\x61\162\147\165\x6d\145\x6e\164\40\157\x66\40\x74\x79\x70\145\x20\x47\x65\156\145\x72\141\x74\157\x72\40\x66\x6f\162\40\164\150\x65\x20\44\141\143\164\x75\141\154\x20\x70\x61\x72\x61\155\x65\x74\x65\x72\x20\151\163\x20\156\157\x74\x20\x73\165\x70\x70\x6f\x72\x74\x65\x64"); goto jq_bA; jq_bA: $this->JmwJ0($YoHhT); goto wXN0k; wXN0k: } public function OpfXr() : void { goto OkxcN; OkxcN: $this->n4rXg(["\x66\157\157"]); goto jnhfY; jnhfY: $this->TcpvJ(gGGYy::class); goto iyTcn; iyTcn: $this->N4rxg([]); goto fXwTs; fXwTs: } public function FXkaJ() : void { goto q6P9H; Mui5l: $this->tcPvj(NjcoO::class); goto uEglm; uEglm: $this->bSeDp("\120\x61\163\x73\x69\156\x67\x20\x61\x6e\40\141\162\x67\165\x6d\x65\x6e\x74\40\x6f\x66\40\164\171\160\x65\40\x47\145\x6e\x65\x72\141\x74\x6f\162\x20\x66\157\162\x20\x74\x68\x65\x20\44\141\143\x74\x75\x61\154\40\160\141\162\x61\155\145\164\145\x72\40\151\163\40\x6e\157\x74\x20\163\x75\x70\x70\157\x72\164\x65\144"); goto jEhzT; q6P9H: $YoHhT = enROG(); goto Mui5l; jEhzT: $this->n4rXg($YoHhT); goto MwhLh; MwhLh: } public function pp3Yv() : void { try { $this->A_JEK("\151\156\x63\157\x6d\x70\154\x65\x74\x65"); } catch (h_vgI $sXD3k) { $this->dbTx0("\x69\156\x63\157\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\164\x65", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } $this->zVJf0(); } public function j5xXV() : void { try { $this->BY1jj("\x73\x6b\151\160\x70\x65\144"); } catch (dv8OZ $sXD3k) { $this->dBTX0("\163\153\151\x70\160\145\x64", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } $this->zvJf0(); } public function VPHzE() : void { goto WFYef; SuVFM: $this->tcPvJ(gggyY::class); goto NRuJU; NRuJU: $this->tovDl(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto fSvO6; WFYef: $this->Tovdl(2, [1, 2]); goto SuVFM; fSvO6: } public function JsO_G() : void { goto rBP0Z; i2N4f: $this->bsEdp("\x50\x61\163\x73\151\156\147\40\x61\156\x20\141\x72\147\x75\155\x65\156\164\40\x6f\146\40\164\x79\x70\x65\40\107\145\x6e\x65\162\x61\x74\157\162\x20\146\157\162\x20\x74\150\145\40\x24\x68\x61\171\x73\x74\x61\x63\x6b\40\160\141\x72\x61\155\145\x74\145\162\x20\151\x73\x20\156\157\164\x20\x73\x75\160\x70\x6f\162\x74\145\144"); goto rm0LP; rm0LP: $this->tOVdl(0, $YoHhT); goto K6RFs; jDbE8: $this->TCpVj(nJcoO::class); goto i2N4f; rBP0Z: $YoHhT = EnrOg(); goto jDbE8; K6RFs: } public function if2Sg() : void { goto WKNLp; HI5YY: $this->TOvdl(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3])); goto m2jsZ; hricd: $this->TCpvj(ggGYy::class); goto HI5YY; WKNLp: $this->tovdL(2, new ArrayIterator([1, 2])); goto hricd; m2jsZ: } public function YJ3CA() : void { goto HNjEl; fQ7Nh: $this->tcpvj(gGGYY::class); goto A5ZS2; A5ZS2: $this->bP6rn(2, [1, 2]); goto sVBxF; HNjEl: $this->bp6RN(2, [1, 2, 3]); goto fQ7Nh; sVBxF: } public function Cic_a() : void { goto gXbdO; TSCcR: $this->TcPVJ(NjcOo::class); goto b02Wt; gXbdO: $YoHhT = EnROg(); goto TSCcR; xa0Ub: $this->Bp6rn(0, $YoHhT); goto e5Qe_; b02Wt: $this->BSedp("\120\x61\163\x73\151\x6e\x67\40\x61\x6e\x20\x61\x72\147\x75\x6d\145\x6e\x74\x20\157\146\40\x74\171\x70\145\x20\x47\x65\x6e\145\162\141\164\157\x72\x20\146\157\x72\40\x74\x68\x65\x20\x24\150\141\171\x73\x74\141\143\x6b\40\x70\x61\162\141\155\x65\x74\145\162\x20\x69\x73\40\x6e\x6f\164\40\163\x75\x70\160\x6f\162\164\x65\144"); goto xa0Ub; e5Qe_: } public function d4YXm() : void { goto BBeP7; lwRXL: $this->OiiJF([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto A3d_n; v_VFo: $this->TCpVJ(gGGyy::class); goto lwRXL; BBeP7: $this->OIIJf([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto v_VFo; A3d_n: } public function Eh0kE() : void { goto mjUry; LlFTD: $this->OIIjF($YoHhT, []); goto SK8qJ; SG1qE: $this->TCpVJ(Njcoo::class); goto g97uc; g97uc: $this->BseDp("\120\141\x73\x73\151\156\147\x20\141\x6e\x20\141\162\x67\x75\155\x65\x6e\x74\x20\x6f\146\40\164\171\x70\145\x20\x47\x65\x6e\145\162\141\164\x6f\162\x20\x66\157\162\40\x74\150\145\40\44\x65\x78\160\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\40\160\x61\x72\141\x6d\x65\164\145\x72\40\x69\x73\x20\x6e\157\164\x20\163\x75\x70\160\x6f\x72\164\x65\144"); goto LlFTD; mjUry: $YoHhT = EnRog(); goto SG1qE; SK8qJ: } public function ziXkc() : void { goto YpnJU; ZLVYL: $this->bSeDp("\120\x61\163\163\x69\156\x67\40\141\156\x20\141\162\147\x75\155\x65\x6e\164\40\157\x66\40\x74\171\x70\x65\40\107\x65\156\145\x72\141\164\157\x72\40\146\157\162\40\164\x68\145\40\x24\141\x63\164\x75\x61\154\x20\x70\141\x72\x61\155\x65\164\145\x72\x20\151\163\40\x6e\x6f\164\x20\x73\x75\x70\x70\x6f\x72\x74\145\144"); goto XR0Rn; YpnJU: $YoHhT = ENrog(); goto q8lcp; XR0Rn: $this->OiIjf([], $YoHhT); goto jjZe_; q8lcp: $this->tcPvJ(NjCoo::class); goto ZLVYL; jjZe_: } public function XyGsZ() : void { goto CTmaF; dqXBy: $this->RXdXa([1, 2], [3, 4]); goto yq3m9; CTmaF: $this->RXdxa([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]); goto LZvtr; LZvtr: $this->TcpVj(ggGyy::class); goto dqXBy; yq3m9: } public function OUBMg() : void { goto yUFoK; ePmuc: $this->rXDXa($YoHhT, []); goto pPK8Q; PagCw: $this->tcpVj(NjCoo::class); goto sl8EO; sl8EO: $this->BsedP("\120\x61\x73\x73\151\x6e\147\40\141\156\x20\x61\162\x67\165\155\145\156\164\40\x6f\146\40\x74\171\x70\145\40\x47\145\x6e\x65\x72\141\164\x6f\x72\x20\x66\157\162\x20\x74\x68\145\40\x24\145\x78\x70\x65\143\164\x65\x64\x20\160\x61\x72\141\155\x65\x74\x65\x72\40\x69\x73\40\x6e\157\x74\40\x73\165\160\x70\157\x72\164\145\144"); goto ePmuc; yUFoK: $YoHhT = eNrog(); goto PagCw; pPK8Q: } public function Uv2pm() : void { goto WrGPw; TLF_N: $this->TCPvj(njCoo::class); goto UUtGz; cUkjc: $this->RXDxa([], $YoHhT); goto FGVj4; WrGPw: $YoHhT = eNrOg(); goto TLF_N; UUtGz: $this->BsEdP("\x50\141\x73\x73\151\156\x67\40\141\x6e\x20\x61\x72\147\165\155\145\156\x74\x20\157\146\40\164\x79\160\x65\x20\107\x65\x6e\145\x72\141\164\x6f\x72\x20\146\x6f\162\x20\164\x68\145\40\x24\141\x63\164\165\141\154\x20\x70\141\x72\141\155\x65\164\145\x72\x20\x69\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x73\165\160\160\157\x72\164\x65\x64"); goto cUkjc; FGVj4: } public function DYLq7() : void { $this->PHu68("\173\x7d"); } public function abiR3() : void { goto eQ8DE; JPQj3: $eacfU = "\173\x22\x4d\141\x73\143\157\x74\164\42\x20\x3a\x20\42\x54\x75\170\42\x7d"; goto FQtCh; eQ8DE: $kCcYS = "\173\42\115\141\x73\143\x6f\164\x74\42\40\72\40\x22\x54\x75\170\x22\175"; goto JPQj3; FQtCh: $EG3I1 = "\107\151\166\145\156\40\x4a\163\157\x6e\x20\x73\x74\x72\151\156\x67\163\x20\144\157\x20\156\x6f\x74\40\155\x61\x74\x63\x68"; goto v83Kl; v83Kl: $this->yGQZx($kCcYS, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto a598J; a598J: } #[DataProvider("\166\141\154\x69\144\x49\x6e\x76\141\154\151\144\x4a\x73\157\156\120\162\157\x76\151\144\x65\x72")] public function oqB2H(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->tCPVj(gggYy::class); $this->YGqzX($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function zAGgW() : void { goto PiNZZ; s2X4m: $this->W8EyW($kCcYS, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto rBgL4; TGe8g: $eacfU = "\173\42\115\141\163\143\x6f\x74\x74\x22\x20\x3a\x20\x22\x54\165\170\x22\175"; goto kX9bE; PiNZZ: $kCcYS = "\x7b\x22\115\141\163\143\x6f\x74\x74\42\40\x3a\40\x22\102\145\x61\163\x74\x69\x65\x22\x7d"; goto TGe8g; kX9bE: $EG3I1 = "\x47\x69\x76\x65\156\40\112\163\157\156\40\163\x74\162\x69\156\x67\x73\40\144\157\x20\155\x61\164\143\150"; goto s2X4m; rBgL4: } #[DataProvider("\x76\x61\154\151\x64\111\156\166\x61\154\x69\144\x4a\163\157\156\120\162\x6f\166\x69\144\145\162")] public function hwDYH(string $kCcYS, string $eacfU) : void { $this->Tcpvj(gggyy::class); $this->W8eyw($kCcYS, $eacfU); } public function F_inV() : void { goto wgFnk; aE0Vd: $eacfU = json_encode(["\115\141\163\x63\x6f\x74\x74" => "\x54\165\x78"]); goto JwimP; WGaYq: $this->gPEvr($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto wOlF3; JwimP: $EG3I1 = ''; goto WGaYq; wgFnk: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\112\x73\157\x6e\x44\141\x74\141\57\x73\x69\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\117\142\152\145\x63\x74\56\x6a\x73\157\156"; goto aE0Vd; wOlF3: } public function EEk2D() : void { goto BTTL5; U8MKo: try { $this->gPEvr($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); } catch (cMlHQ $sXD3k) { $this->dBTx0("\106\x61\x69\x6c\145\144\x20\141\x73\x73\x65\x72\x74\x69\156\147\x20\164\x68\x61\x74\40\47\x7b\42\115\141\163\x63\157\164\164\x22\x3a\42\102\x65\141\x73\x74\x69\x65\x22\175\47\x20\x6d\141\x74\143\x68\x65\163\40\x4a\123\117\x4e\x20\x73\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67\x20\42\173\42\x4d\141\x73\x63\157\164\x74\42\72\42\x54\x75\x78\42\175\42\56", $sXD3k->getMessage()); return; } goto tf4WK; tf4WK: $this->ZVJf0("\x45\170\160\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\x20\x45\170\x63\145\160\164\151\157\156\x20\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\164\x68\162\157\x77\x6e\x2e"); goto Hewpx; lhsRM: $eacfU = json_encode(["\115\141\x73\x63\x6f\x74\164" => "\x42\x65\141\x73\164\151\x65"]); goto gbM6c; gbM6c: $EG3I1 = ''; goto U8MKo; BTTL5: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\x4a\163\157\x6e\x44\141\164\141\x2f\163\151\x6d\160\x6c\x65\117\x62\152\x65\x63\x74\x2e\x6a\163\x6f\x6e"; goto lhsRM; Hewpx: } public function dg5FD() : void { goto Bb5KE; rjbtO: $eacfU = json_encode(["\115\141\x73\x63\157\164\164" => "\102\x65\x61\x73\x74\151\145"]); goto u6jIT; u6jIT: $EG3I1 = ''; goto c9nrt; Bb5KE: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\112\163\157\156\x44\x61\x74\x61\57\x73\x69\155\160\154\x65\x4f\142\x6a\x65\143\x74\56\x6a\163\157\156"; goto rjbtO; c9nrt: $this->EnoCV($HIa8R, $eacfU, $EG3I1); goto O4pfS; O4pfS: } public function n_KAt() : void { goto FYRys; afIP1: $VZVIw = yOjP2 . "\112\x73\x6f\156\104\141\164\x61\57\141\x72\x72\141\171\117\142\x6a\145\x63\x74\x2e\152\x73\157\x6e"; goto j9mJV; FYRys: $Qbvun = yOjP2 . "\x4a\163\157\156\x44\x61\164\141\57\x73\151\155\x70\154\145\117\x62\x6a\x65\x63\164\x2e\x6a\163\x6f\x6e"; goto afIP1; jqMPl: $this->jgw0t($Qbvun, $VZVIw, $EG3I1); goto rXsCb; j9mJV: $EG3I1 = ''; goto jqMPl; rXsCb: } public function KVANI() : void { goto Ndj7k; fpTbt: $EG3I1 = ''; goto pNkbs; pNkbs: $this->YKTzL($HIa8R, $HIa8R, $EG3I1); goto kjGKL; Ndj7k: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\112\x73\157\x6e\104\x61\x74\141\x2f\x73\x69\155\x70\154\x65\x4f\142\152\x65\x63\x74\x2e\x6a\163\157\156"; goto fpTbt; kjGKL: } public function jWlP4() : void { $this->TcpvJ(Exception::class); $this->JwQLP(bxPgp::class, new stdClass()); } public function AWLOG() : void { goto BpqFn; WEBzT: $this->tcpvJ(GGgYy::class); goto Ru9oP; Ru9oP: $this->JWqlP(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto qD5eO; BpqFn: $this->JWQlp(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto WEBzT; qD5eO: } public function FIgsz() : void { $this->tCPvJ(Exception::class); $this->opQXA(BXpgp::class, new stdClass()); } public function I0kdT() : void { goto JbYC7; JbYC7: $this->opqxA(\Exception::class, new stdClass()); goto Vovy9; Vovy9: $this->tcpvj(GGgyY::class); goto c913z; c913z: $this->oPqxA(stdClass::class, new stdClass()); goto H3yQY; H3yQY: } public function Avd7G() : void { goto HNOtj; HNOtj: $this->MbkbD("\x46\117\x4f\xa", yOjP2 . "\x65\x78\160\x65\143\x74\145\144\x46\151\x6c\145\x46\x6f\x72\155\x61\x74\x2e\164\x78\164"); goto rWeh1; rWeh1: $this->tcPvj(gGGYy::class); goto Zkwp_; Zkwp_: $this->Mbkbd("\102\x41\122\12", yOjP2 . "\x65\x78\160\x65\x63\x74\x65\x64\106\151\154\145\x46\157\162\155\141\164\x2e\x74\x78\164"); goto Ur3v4; Ur3v4: } public function vxcXB() : void { goto bNLx2; NUVxD: $this->DTFAL(yOjP2 . "\x65\170\160\x65\143\x74\145\144\106\151\154\x65\x46\x6f\x72\155\141\x74\x2e\164\x78\x74", yOjP2 . "\141\x63\x74\x75\x61\154\106\x69\154\x65\106\x6f\162\155\x61\164\x2e\x74\x78\x74"); goto QH8kf; bNLx2: $this->DTfAl(yOjP2 . "\145\x78\x70\x65\143\164\145\144\x46\151\154\x65\x46\x6f\162\155\141\164\x2e\x74\x78\164", yOjP2 . "\x65\x78\x70\145\x63\x74\145\x64\106\x69\x6c\x65\x46\x6f\x72\155\141\164\56\x74\x78\x74"); goto hRKtG; hRKtG: $this->Tcpvj(GGGyY::class); goto NUVxD; QH8kf: } public function uRCiZ() : void { goto RwFBc; RwFBc: $this->HzZm4(yOjP2 . "\145\170\160\x65\143\x74\145\144\x46\x69\154\x65\x46\x6f\x72\155\141\164\x2e\x74\170\x74", "\x46\117\x4f\xa"); goto r3tY1; tJtP0: $this->hzzm4(yOjP2 . "\145\x78\160\x65\143\164\x65\x64\x46\x69\x6c\x65\106\x6f\162\155\141\164\x2e\x74\170\x74", "\102\x41\122\12"); goto SsaSM; r3tY1: $this->tCPvj(gGgYy::class); goto tJtP0; SsaSM: } #[IgnorePhpunitDeprecations] public function uBZwe() : void { goto PUSUh; PUSUh: $this->aNxUT(yOjP2 . "\x65\x78\x70\145\143\x74\145\x64\106\151\x6c\x65\106\x6f\162\155\x61\x74\x2e\x74\170\164", "\x42\x41\122\xa"); goto y0sxT; y0sxT: $this->tCpvJ(gGgyY::class); goto q193K; q193K: $this->ANxUT(yOjP2 . "\x65\170\x70\145\143\164\x65\144\x46\x69\154\145\x46\x6f\162\x6d\141\x74\56\x74\x78\164", "\x46\x4f\117\xa"); goto CcDE_; CcDE_: } public function CZm4E() : void { goto DnfxL; ScCfu: $this->OvD_c(yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\x2e\x74\x78\164", yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\x6f\56\170\x6d\154"); goto nDHsX; IG7Hz: $this->TcPVJ(GGGyY::class); goto ScCfu; DnfxL: $this->J7pLM(yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\x2e\x74\170\164", yOjP2 . "\142\141\x72\x2e\164\x78\164"); goto uFSgq; uFSgq: $this->OVD_C(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\157\56\164\170\x74", yOjP2 . "\x66\x6f\157\56\x74\x78\164"); goto IG7Hz; nDHsX: } public function kI8f3() : void { goto CHIhP; CHIhP: $fZzpc = file_get_contents(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\x2e\x78\155\154"); goto Frmoc; Q0WKY: $this->lON_k(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\x6f\56\170\155\x6c", $fZzpc); goto IfiA2; V23LL: $this->lon_k(yOjP2 . "\146\x6f\x6f\x2e\170\x6d\x6c", "\x42\x41\122"); goto knQXi; Frmoc: $this->loN_K(yOjP2 . "\x66\157\157\56\170\155\154", $fZzpc . "\x20\x42\101\122"); goto V23LL; knQXi: $this->tCpvJ(GgGYy::class); goto Q0WKY; IfiA2: } public function ncFKb() : void { $this->Xnjku("\x61", "\x41"); $this->h_JAu("\x61", "\102"); } public function qN9ib() : void { $this->XNJKu(["\x61"], ["\101"]); $this->H_JaU(["\x61"], ["\x42"]); } public function YgEcW() : void { $this->L4Xms(2.3, 2.5, 0.5); $this->AuNnF(2.3, 3.5, 0.5); } public function GJoWc() : void { $this->L4XMS([2.3], [2.5], 0.5); $this->AunnF([2.3], [3.5], 0.5); } public function X_IdF() : void { $this->Fpmu4([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 1]); $this->NRWmA([3, 2, 1], [2, 3, 4]); } public function bW8r_() : void { goto o2lm8; nmZ6y: try { $this->Va1J3(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto FhRU7; o2lm8: $this->VA1J3([]); goto nmZ6y; FhRU7: $this->ZVjF0(); goto hujNw; hujNw: } public function XOwMf() : void { goto UPqat; T1wTa: $this->zvJf0(); goto srvjE; UPqat: $this->G5MUZ(true); goto zeob8; zeob8: try { $this->G5Muz(null); } catch (gggyy) { return; } goto T1wTa; srvjE: } public function OwuW0() : void { goto App6A; App6A: $this->pMu0F(0.0); goto gBwZA; gBwZA: try { $this->PMU0F(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto awhdP; awhdP: $this->ZvjF0(); goto CbaFP; CbaFP: } public function FtdLf() : void { goto w0TzA; fq_md: try { $this->Hb_jR(null); } catch (ggGYy) { return; } goto ZZ26j; w0TzA: $this->HB_JR(1); goto fq_md; ZZ26j: $this->zVjF0(); goto IEz7N; IEz7N: } public function ZdYBc() : void { goto s42wN; s42wN: $this->zVqUG("\61\56\x30"); goto MQG2w; MQG2w: try { $this->zVqUG("\x61\x62\x63"); } catch (GGgYy) { return; } goto q3gwy; q3gwy: $this->zvJF0(); goto qQx2Z; qQx2Z: } public function itcZD() : void { goto Q7LLZ; QYxb7: $this->Zvjf0(); goto ThSH7; irQgE: try { $this->B_sbO(null); } catch (GgGYy) { return; } goto QYxb7; Q7LLZ: $this->b_Sbo(new stdClass()); goto irQgE; ThSH7: } public function wGHtk() : void { goto dyBC3; HZS10: try { $this->Qfmo7(null); } catch (gggYy) { return; } goto EJzEL; EJzEL: $this->ZVjf0(); goto h3SlS; dyBC3: $this->QFMO7(fopen(__FILE__, "\162")); goto HZS10; h3SlS: } public function gwalA() : void { goto bxM7v; RPJiu: $this->QFmo7($rXGGP); goto kUmKo; tmbdH: fclose($rXGGP); goto BKHPC; iIxMg: $this->zVJf0(); goto Jn_XZ; BKHPC: $this->ImA_p($rXGGP); goto RPJiu; bxM7v: $rXGGP = fopen(__FILE__, "\162"); goto tmbdH; kUmKo: try { $this->IMA_p(null); } catch (ggGYY) { return; } goto iIxMg; Jn_XZ: } public function t1zXC() : void { goto xUcs0; WuYsL: try { $this->tJ_zc(null); } catch (GGgyy) { return; } goto OMDEL; xUcs0: $this->tJ_Zc(''); goto WuYsL; OMDEL: $this->zvJf0(); goto JiIR8; JiIR8: } public function j1RAH() : void { goto qVQDE; qVQDE: $this->ab8VO(true); goto lPsMd; t1xVU: $this->ZvJF0(); goto BTXhW; lPsMd: try { $this->AB8vo(new stdClass()); } catch (gGGyY) { return; } goto t1xVU; BTXhW: } public function t0ZPN() : void { goto bRqR_; bRqR_: $this->hBWsL(static function () : void { }); goto FjxW2; pJCNR: $this->zvJF0(); goto wLPW7; FjxW2: try { $this->hBwsl(null); } catch (GggYy) { return; } goto pJCNR; wLPW7: } public function FYgqQ() : void { goto B90uW; vrlfL: try { $this->ZQk1b(null); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto cpHWf; cpHWf: $this->zvjf0(); goto Y4jfT; B90uW: $this->zQK1b([]); goto vrlfL; Y4jfT: } public function uYgi2() : void { goto qWfNj; lGU01: $this->zvJf0(); goto tpdTG; cqT9s: try { $this->DhLd9([]); } catch (Gggyy) { return; } goto lGU01; qWfNj: $this->DHld9(null); goto cqT9s; tpdTG: } public function GbKWi() : void { goto Fwx9p; WwfHA: $this->ZVJf0(); goto Np2D0; oVV4a: try { $this->SqVp7(true); } catch (GGgyy) { return; } goto WwfHA; Fwx9p: $this->sqVp7(null); goto oVV4a; Np2D0: } public function MfFrH() : void { goto Y58Df; Y58Df: $this->wJ8LX(null); goto iTnK1; iTnK1: try { $this->WJ8lX(0.0); } catch (ggGyY) { return; } goto yWjDr; yWjDr: $this->ZVJf0(); goto PclSI; PclSI: } public function PBmAp() : void { goto AXAZH; AXAZH: $this->WY73A(null); goto yjdoC; yjdoC: try { $this->Wy73A(1); } catch (gggyY) { return; } goto EESPE; EESPE: $this->zvJF0(); goto v032G; v032G: } public function V9QMf() : void { goto tGPw_; O2vJH: $this->ZvJf0(); goto gujhU; hzYiU: try { $this->fGfEN("\x31\x2e\x30"); } catch (gGgyY) { return; } goto O2vJH; tGPw_: $this->fgFen("\141\x62\x63"); goto hzYiU; gujhU: } public function H1dze() : void { goto YDu1a; YDu1a: $this->arv5_(null); goto aXHpC; aXHpC: try { $this->arV5_(new stdClass()); } catch (GGGYY) { return; } goto e1XLX; e1XLX: $this->zVJf0(); goto icrHM; icrHM: } public function ROVNQ() : void { goto XjY6Y; g1AKw: try { $this->CafNS(fopen(__FILE__, "\x72")); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto kf20r; kf20r: $this->zvJf0(); goto HVcEa; XjY6Y: $this->CAFnS(null); goto g1AKw; HVcEa: } public function ayKD9() : void { goto P4sFO; t7DZG: try { $this->cAFNs($rXGGP); } catch (GgGYY) { return; } goto Ck2H3; mgN1p: fclose($rXGGP); goto EqnP0; P4sFO: $this->O4M5d(null); goto wWFAc; wWFAc: $rXGGP = fopen(__FILE__, "\x72"); goto mgN1p; Ck2H3: $this->zVJF0(); goto oYGo6; EqnP0: try { $this->O4m5D($rXGGP); } catch (GggYY) { return; } goto t7DZG; oYGo6: } public function nNqDN() : void { goto Uy7cT; B8a5Z: try { $this->VFIhN(true); } catch (ggGYy) { return; } goto RoPpG; RoPpG: $this->ZvjF0(); goto clGiT; Uy7cT: $this->VFIhN(new stdClass()); goto B8a5Z; clGiT: } public function BO6xa() : void { goto IJdTC; ubeTv: try { $this->dxbgA(''); } catch (GGGYy) { return; } goto QGJZF; IJdTC: $this->dxbGa(null); goto ubeTv; QGJZF: $this->zvjF0(); goto j3qgJ; j3qgJ: } public function PUKg4() : void { goto ZNdYd; ZNdYd: $this->d7PCq(null); goto mthPK; mthPK: try { $this->D7PcQ(static function () : void { }); } catch (gGgyY) { return; } goto ewa5O; ewa5O: $this->ZVjF0(); goto OSqJa; OSqJa: } public function gyStP() : void { goto XDEzu; XDEzu: $this->Xsc8l(null); goto KqaeA; KqaeA: try { $this->xsc8l([]); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto Cn61F; Cn61F: $this->ZVJF0(); goto YT6sL; YT6sL: } public function FlzH8() : void { goto gp9gq; WSFaV: $this->hqqDp(true, $this->tpFnZ($this->vi_Dn(), $this->nBX3n())); goto iw_9f; USeFu: $this->TCpvj(gGgyY::class); goto WSFaV; gp9gq: $this->hQqdp(true, $this->tpfnZ($this->VI_dn(), $this->VI_Dn())); goto USeFu; iw_9f: } public function Ilrv9() : void { goto TxlMG; td_TY: $this->hQqdp(true, $this->qUQNw($this->nbx3N(), $this->nbx3N())); goto W9TX7; TxlMG: $this->hQQdP(true, $this->QuQNw($this->vI_dN(), $this->nBX3N())); goto vIrbc; vIrbc: $this->Tcpvj(ggGyy::class); goto td_TY; W9TX7: } public function zaI72() : void { goto AdQQH; xIKdh: $this->tCPvJ(GggYy::class); goto kMTwa; kMTwa: $this->hqqdP(true, $this->wMqtq($this->vI_Dn(), $this->VI_dn())); goto o1OdI; AdQQH: $this->hQqDP(true, $this->wMQtQ($this->vi_dn(), $this->nBx3n())); goto xIKdh; o1OdI: } public function AisBE() : void { goto mSAI8; ynreB: try { $this->xoQDu("\x62\x61\x72\x62\x61\x72\141", "\x66\x6f\157\x62\141\162\x62\x61\x7a"); } catch (ggGYY) { return; } goto D7M_s; mSAI8: $this->XoQDU("\142\x61\162", "\146\157\157\142\141\162\x62\141\x7a"); goto ynreB; D7M_s: $this->ZvjF0(); goto E6pEx; E6pEx: } public function ZCz5v() : void { goto AbtXO; AbtXO: $this->BOwKi("\x62\x61\x72\142\x61\162\x61", "\146\157\x6f\142\x61\162\142\x61\172"); goto iRCP0; iRCP0: try { $this->BoWKI("\142\141\x72", "\x66\x6f\x6f\x62\x61\x72\x62\x61\x7a"); } catch (GGgYY) { return; } goto hdu7p; hdu7p: $this->ZvJF0(); goto sM1Ra; sM1Ra: } public function Zk7GY() : void { goto S_0p0; y3KJU: try { $this->gPA30("\102\x41\x52\102\101\122\x41", "\x66\157\157\x62\x61\162\142\x61\172"); } catch (GgGyY) { return; } goto XlRI9; XlRI9: $this->zVjf0(); goto z5iF8; S_0p0: $this->gPA30("\x42\x41\x52", "\x66\x6f\157\x62\x61\162\142\141\x7a"); goto y3KJU; z5iF8: } public function NLP_E() : void { goto m_gH8; dkRQ2: $this->ZvjF0(); goto KiBFg; m_gH8: $this->bmKTY("\x42\101\x52\x42\101\x52\101", "\x66\157\x6f\142\141\x72\142\141\172"); goto FWReK; FWReK: try { $this->BmKty("\x42\101\x52", "\x66\157\x6f\142\141\162\x62\141\x7a"); } catch (Gggyy) { return; } goto dkRQ2; KiBFg: } public function ijEbS() : void { goto o5qq5; hhSBs: $this->v4D4A($QRp4J, $z3uCw); goto zvtn6; zvtn6: try { $this->V4d4A(new stdClass(), $z3uCw); } catch (GggYy) { return; } goto XQs6t; o5qq5: $QRp4J = new stdClass(); goto Dg5Lh; XQs6t: $this->ZVjF0(); goto REqyz; Dg5Lh: $z3uCw = [$QRp4J]; goto hhSBs; REqyz: } public function fNw5R() : void { goto v8m6w; P37uI: $this->ZvJF0(); goto MYDcm; k7QEn: $this->tcP4d(new stdClass(), $z3uCw); goto ghBzg; v8m6w: $QRp4J = new stdClass(); goto gBd_m; gBd_m: $z3uCw = [$QRp4J]; goto k7QEn; ghBzg: try { $this->tcP4d($QRp4J, $z3uCw); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto P37uI; MYDcm: } public function O_JyX() : void { goto fBTej; W8b8p: $this->I28xx($UYb9F, [$UYb9F]); goto meUaj; yQZDd: $this->ZvJF0(); goto uWD_J; fBTej: $UYb9F = new stdClass(); goto JEIfc; JEIfc: $UYb9F->CS1zV = "\142\141\x72"; goto kQxwq; kQxwq: $ihRU1 = new stdClass(); goto eIdqH; eIdqH: $ihRU1->CS1zV = "\142\x61\x7a"; goto W8b8p; meUaj: try { $this->i28XX($ihRU1, [$UYb9F]); } catch (gGGYy) { return; } goto yQZDd; uWD_J: } public function m5XLW() : void { goto v5KmD; iR0bS: $this->wPMRG($ihRU1, [$UYb9F]); goto OdDCy; nIRDh: $this->zVjF0(); goto k1Fi2; wzOpw: $ihRU1 = new stdClass(); goto xEbQT; BjSUh: $UYb9F->CS1zV = "\x62\141\x72"; goto wzOpw; OdDCy: try { $this->WpMrG($UYb9F, [$UYb9F]); } catch (gGgYy) { return; } goto nIRDh; xEbQT: $ihRU1->CS1zV = "\142\x61\x7a"; goto iR0bS; v5KmD: $UYb9F = new stdClass(); goto BjSUh; k1Fi2: } public function VYjZI() : void { goto DcIXU; Ocx2K: $this->zvJF0(); goto iuy8O; DcIXU: $this->PMZaK(new IXicQ(1), new IxiCq(1)); goto RZ5f8; RZ5f8: try { $this->pmzaK(new IXIcQ(1), new IXICQ(2)); } catch (GGgYy) { return; } goto Ocx2K; iuy8O: } public function pZ15_() : void { goto ygiCh; VsYJM: $this->zVJF0(); goto ATvhB; ygiCh: $b9B3e = new stdClass(); goto qG9Rd; M_6OR: $this->kYsmZ("\x74\x68\145\x50\162\157\160\145\162\164\171", $b9B3e); goto KuYoK; qG9Rd: $b9B3e->YH_V4 = "\166\141\x6c\x75\145"; goto M_6OR; KuYoK: try { $this->kYsmz("\x64\157\x65\163\116\x6f\164\105\x78\x69\163\x74", $b9B3e); } catch (ggGYy $sXD3k) { return; } goto VsYJM; ATvhB: } public function UoIKJ() : void { goto vSKV_; HkBKv: $b9B3e->YH_V4 = "\166\x61\154\165\145"; goto BSWrn; vSKV_: $b9B3e = new stdClass(); goto HkBKv; BSWrn: $this->GSPH6("\144\157\145\163\x4e\157\x74\105\170\x69\163\x74", $b9B3e); goto Tyg4e; Wtv7p: $this->ZvJF0(); goto HLmPX; Tyg4e: try { $this->gsPh6("\164\x68\145\x50\162\x6f\x70\x65\x72\x74\x79", $b9B3e); } catch (ggGYy $sXD3k) { return; } goto Wtv7p; HLmPX: } protected static function Z1MhC() : array { goto lknzl; hU0Lz: $rXGGP = fopen($HIa8R, "\162"); goto qH_zn; qH_zn: return [[null, null], ["\x61", "\141"], [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.3, 2.3], [1 / 3, 1 / 3], [1 - 2 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [5.5E+123, 5.5E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.5E-123], [log(0), log(0)], [INF, INF], [-INF, -INF], [[], []], [[0 => 1], [0 => 1]], [[0 => null], [0 => null]], [["\x61", "\142" => [1, 2]], ["\x61", "\142" => [1, 2]]], [$QRp4J, $QRp4J], [$rXGGP, $rXGGP]]; goto hbxRO; lknzl: $QRp4J = new qKF5b(4, 8, 15); goto OBWiz; OBWiz: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\146\157\157\56\170\155\154"; goto hU0Lz; hbxRO: } protected static function WXoiv() : array { goto DrCxk; C6hjN: $yPDn4->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $yPDn4; goto ReNOo; ReNOo: $qdGoY = new QGKZP(); goto nKPp0; hZh3Y: $xpPcq = new SplObjectStorage(); goto DkAPD; wvhfh: $H8pK5 = new stdClass(); goto zluZ_; nKPp0: $qdGoY->RhdpM = new vJFD1("\x54\145\162\162\171\x20\120\x72\141\164\143\x68"); goto LpCRz; TwGCB: $VXabk = new QkF5B(4, 8, 15); goto Np_7g; Np_7g: $xXIKe = new QKf5b(16, 23, 42); goto F07yR; DrCxk: $yPDn4 = new qGkzP(); goto lPM2q; LpCRz: $qdGoY->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $qdGoY; goto buB1O; w647I: $TSNpW = new SplObjectStorage(); goto Wj23V; UJfhw: $fR_j9->RhdpM = "\124\x65\x72\x72\x79\40\120\162\x61\x74\x63\x68\145\x74\x74"; goto wvhfh; ylQBA: return [["\x61", "\x62"], ["\x61", "\x41"], ["\71\105\66\x36\x36\66\x36\66\x36", "\71\x45\x37\x37\67\67\x37\x37\x37"], [1, 2], [2, 1], [2.3, 4.2], [2.3, 4.2, 0.5], [[2.3], [4.2], 0.5], [[[2.3]], [[4.2]], 0.5], [new pAroN(2.3), new PAroN(4.2), 0.5], [[new PaROn(2.3)], [new paroN(4.2)], 0.5], [1 / 3, 1 - 2 / 3], [1 / 3, "\x30\x2e\63\x33\63\63\x33\x33\x33\x33\63\63\x33\x33\x33\63\63\63\x37"], [1 - 2 / 3, "\x33\63\x33\63\x33\x33\63\63\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33\x33"], [5.5E+123, 5.6E+123], [5.5E-123, 5.6E-123], [5.5E+123, 5.5E-123], [NAN, NAN], [[], [0 => 1]], [[0 => 1], []], [[0 => null], []], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], [0 => 1, 1 => 3]], [["\141", "\142" => [1, 2]], ["\x61", "\142" => [2, 1]]], [new qKf5B(4, 8, 15), new Qkf5b(16, 23, 42)], [$VXabk, $xXIKe], [$yPDn4, $qdGoY], [$fR_j9, $H8pK5], [fopen($HIa8R, "\162"), fopen($HIa8R, "\162")], [$TSNpW, $xpPcq], [(new Q7Mjv())->load("\x3c\162\x6f\x6f\164\x3e\74\x2f\162\x6f\157\x74\x3e"), (new Q7MJV())->load("\74\142\141\162\x2f\76")], [(new Q7MJv())->load("\74\146\x6f\x6f\40\141\x74\x74\162\61\x3d\x22\x62\x61\162\x22\x2f\x3e"), (new Q7Mjv())->load("\x3c\x66\157\x6f\40\x61\x74\164\x72\x31\75\x22\146\157\157\x62\141\x72\42\x2f\x3e")], [(new q7mjv())->load("\x3c\146\x6f\157\x3e\40\x62\x61\x72\x20\x3c\57\146\x6f\x6f\x3e"), (new Q7mJv())->load("\x3c\x66\x6f\x6f\x20\57\76")], [(new q7Mjv())->load("\74\x66\x6f\x6f\x20\170\x6d\x6c\156\163\x3d\42\165\162\156\x3a\x6d\171\x6e\x73\x3a\142\x61\x72\x22\57\76"), (new Q7MJV())->load("\74\146\157\157\x20\170\x6d\154\156\163\x3d\x22\x75\162\156\72\x6e\157\x74\155\171\x6e\x73\x3a\x62\x61\162\x22\x2f\76")], [(new q7mJv())->load("\x3c\146\157\157\x3e\40\142\x61\162\40\74\x2f\146\x6f\157\x3e"), (new Q7MJv())->load("\x3c\146\157\157\76\x20\x62\151\162\x20\x3c\57\146\x6f\x6f\76")], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\x2d\60\63\55\x32\71\x20\60\64\72\61\x33\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\162\x69\143\141\x2f\116\x65\167\x5f\x59\157\162\153")), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\63\x2d\x30\63\55\62\x39\x20\x30\63\72\x31\63\72\63\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\145\x72\x69\143\141\x2f\116\x65\x77\x5f\x59\x6f\162\153"))], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\63\x2d\x30\x33\x2d\x32\x39\x20\60\x34\x3a\x31\63\x3a\x33\x35", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\x65\x72\151\x63\x61\x2f\116\x65\167\x5f\x59\x6f\x72\153")), new DateTime("\62\60\61\63\x2d\60\x33\55\x32\71\40\x30\63\72\61\63\x3a\63\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\145\162\151\x63\x61\x2f\116\145\x77\x5f\131\x6f\162\x6b")), 3500], [new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\x33\55\x30\x33\55\62\x39\x20\60\64\x3a\x31\63\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\x65\162\x69\143\x61\x2f\116\145\167\137\x59\x6f\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\61\63\x2d\x30\63\x2d\62\71\40\x30\65\x3a\x31\x33\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\x72\151\143\x61\57\116\145\167\x5f\x59\157\x72\x6b")), 3500], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\x2d\x30\x33\x2d\62\x39", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\x72\151\143\141\x2f\116\145\167\137\131\157\162\153")), new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\x2d\60\63\x2d\x33\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\x72\x69\x63\141\57\116\x65\167\137\x59\x6f\x72\153"))], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\x2d\x30\63\55\62\71", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\145\162\151\143\x61\57\116\145\167\137\x59\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\62\60\61\63\55\60\x33\55\63\60", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\x69\143\141\x2f\x4e\145\167\137\131\157\x72\x6b")), 43200], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\63\55\60\63\x2d\x32\x39\40\x30\64\x3a\x31\63\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\145\162\151\143\141\57\116\145\167\x5f\131\x6f\162\x6b")), new DateTime("\62\60\x31\x33\55\x30\63\x2d\x32\71\x20\60\64\x3a\x31\63\x3a\63\x35", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\x69\x63\x61\x2f\x43\150\151\x63\141\x67\157"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\63\x2d\x30\63\x2d\x32\x39\x20\60\x34\x3a\61\63\x3a\63\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\145\162\151\143\x61\57\116\145\x77\137\x59\x6f\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\55\60\x33\55\62\x39\x20\x30\x34\72\61\63\x3a\63\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\x72\x69\x63\141\x2f\x43\150\x69\x63\x61\147\x6f")), 3500], [new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\63\x2d\x30\x33\55\x33\x30", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\x72\151\143\x61\57\x4e\145\167\x5f\131\157\162\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\x33\x2d\x30\x33\55\63\x30", new DateTimeZone("\x41\155\145\162\151\x63\x61\57\103\150\151\143\141\x67\x6f"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\x2d\x30\x33\x2d\x32\x39\x54\x30\65\x3a\61\63\x3a\x33\x35\x2d\60\x36\x30\60"), new DateTime("\62\60\61\x33\x2d\x30\63\x2d\62\x39\x54\60\x34\72\61\x33\x3a\63\65\55\x30\x36\x30\x30")], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\55\x30\63\x2d\62\71\124\x30\x35\72\61\63\x3a\x33\65\55\60\x36\60\x30"), new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\63\55\x30\x33\55\62\x39\x54\60\65\72\61\63\72\63\x35\55\60\65\60\x30")], [new qKf5b(4, 8, 15), false], [false, new QkF5B(4, 8, 15)], [[0 => 1, 1 => 2], false], [false, [0 => 1, 1 => 2]], [[], new stdClass()], [new stdClass(), []], [0, "\x46\157\157\x62\141\x72"], ["\x46\x6f\x6f\142\x61\162", 0], [3, acos(8)], [acos(8), 3]]; goto f1_HU; AnRku: $HIa8R = yOjP2 . "\146\157\x6f\x2e\170\x6d\x6c"; goto ylQBA; DkAPD: $xpPcq->attach($p8Zqv); goto AnRku; lPM2q: $yPDn4->RhdpM = new vJfd1("\124\145\x72\x72\x79\x20\x50\162\141\x74\x63\x68\145\164\164"); goto C6hjN; F07yR: $p8Zqv = new QkF5b(4, 8, 15); goto w647I; buB1O: $fR_j9 = new QGkZP(); goto UJfhw; zluZ_: $H8pK5->RhdpM = "\124\x65\162\x72\x79\40\120\162\141\x74\143\x68\x65\164\x74"; goto TwGCB; Wj23V: $TSNpW->attach($VXabk); goto hZh3Y; f1_HU: } protected static function FVTkY() : array { goto rZANi; HkPmI: $VXabk = new qKF5b(4, 8, 15); goto IHx04; gd6nK: $qdGoY->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $qdGoY; goto HkPmI; nf2IL: $qdGoY->RhdpM = new vjfD1("\x54\145\x72\162\x79\40\120\162\x61\x74\143\150\145\x74\164"); goto gd6nK; ZcG4A: $yPDn4->RhdpM->ABBV6[] = $yPDn4; goto PMZgW; PMZgW: $qdGoY = new qgkzp(); goto nf2IL; rZANi: $yPDn4 = new Qgkzp(); goto Fh6Nv; Fh6Nv: $yPDn4->RhdpM = new vjFd1("\x54\x65\162\162\x79\40\120\x72\x61\164\143\150\145\x74\164"); goto ZcG4A; VxNRa: return [[["\141" => 1, "\x62" => 2], ["\142" => 2, "\x61" => 1]], [[1], ["\x31"]], [$VXabk, $xXIKe], [$yPDn4, $qdGoY], [$TSNpW, $xpPcq], [(new q7mjv())->load("\x3c\162\x6f\157\164\76\x3c\x2f\162\157\157\164\x3e"), (new q7Mjv())->load("\74\x72\x6f\157\x74\x2f\x3e")], [(new Q7mJV())->load("\74\162\x6f\157\x74\x20\141\164\x74\x72\x3d\42\x62\x61\x72\x22\76\74\57\162\x6f\x6f\164\76"), (new q7mJV())->load("\x3c\x72\157\157\x74\x20\x61\164\x74\x72\75\42\x62\x61\162\42\x2f\76")], [(new Q7mJv())->load("\x3c\x72\x6f\157\x74\76\x3c\x66\157\157\40\141\x74\164\x72\x3d\x22\142\141\x72\x22\x3e\74\57\x66\157\157\x3e\74\x2f\162\157\x6f\164\x3e"), (new Q7MJV())->load("\x3c\162\157\x6f\x74\x3e\74\x66\x6f\157\40\x61\164\164\x72\x3d\x22\142\x61\x72\x22\57\x3e\74\x2f\x72\x6f\x6f\x74\76")], [(new Q7MJv())->load("\74\162\x6f\157\x74\76\xa\x20\40\x3c\143\x68\151\x6c\x64\57\x3e\xa\x3c\57\x72\x6f\157\164\76"), (new Q7Mjv())->load("\x3c\x72\x6f\157\x74\76\74\x63\x68\x69\154\144\x2f\76\x3c\57\162\157\157\x74\x3e")], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\55\x30\x33\55\62\x39\40\x30\x34\x3a\x31\x33\72\63\x35", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\145\162\151\143\141\57\x4e\145\x77\x5f\131\157\x72\x6b")), new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\55\60\63\55\x32\71\x20\x30\x34\x3a\x31\63\72\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\151\143\141\57\x4e\x65\x77\x5f\131\x6f\x72\153"))], [new DateTime("\x32\x30\61\63\x2d\x30\63\x2d\62\x39", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\x72\x69\143\141\x2f\116\145\167\137\131\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\55\x30\x33\55\62\71", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\x65\x72\151\x63\141\57\116\x65\167\137\x59\x6f\x72\153"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\x31\x33\55\60\x33\55\x32\71\x20\x30\x34\x3a\61\x33\x3a\63\x35", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\x65\x72\x69\143\x61\x2f\x4e\145\x77\x5f\x59\x6f\162\153")), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\x33\x2d\x30\63\55\62\x39\x20\60\x33\x3a\x31\x33\x3a\x33\65", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\x65\x72\x69\x63\141\x2f\103\x68\x69\x63\x61\147\x6f"))], [new DateTime("\62\x30\61\x33\55\60\63\x2d\x33\x30", new DateTimeZone("\x41\x6d\x65\162\151\x63\x61\57\x4e\145\167\137\x59\157\x72\153")), new DateTime("\x32\x30\x31\x33\x2d\60\x33\x2d\62\71\40\62\x33\72\60\x30\x3a\x30\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\155\x65\162\151\143\x61\57\x43\x68\x69\x63\x61\147\157"))], [new DateTime("\100\x31\63\x36\x34\x36\x31\66\60\60\x30"), new DateTime("\62\x30\x31\x33\x2d\60\x33\x2d\62\x39\x20\x32\x33\72\60\60\x3a\x30\x30", new DateTimeZone("\101\x6d\145\162\151\x63\x61\x2f\x43\x68\151\x63\141\147\x6f"))], [new DateTime("\x32\60\61\x33\55\60\63\x2d\x32\x39\124\x30\65\72\x31\63\72\63\x35\x2d\60\65\x30\60"), new DateTime("\62\60\x31\x33\55\60\63\55\62\x39\124\x30\64\x3a\61\63\72\x33\65\55\60\66\60\x30")], [0, "\x30"], ["\x30", 0], [2.3, "\62\x2e\x33"], ["\62\x2e\63", 2.3], [1, 1.0], [1.0, "\x31"], [1 / 3, "\60\x2e\x33\63\63\x33\63\x33\63\63\63\63\63\x33\63\63\63\63"], [1 - 2 / 3, "\60\x2e\63\x33\x33\x33\63\x33\x33\x33\63\63\63\x33\x33\63\63\63\x37"], [5.5E+123, "\65\56\x35\105\53\61\x32\63"], [5.5E-123, "\x35\56\x35\105\55\61\62\x33"], ["\163\x74\x72\x69\156\x67\x20\x72\145\160\x72\x65\163\145\x6e\x74\x61\164\151\x6f\156", new kWX9F()], [new kwX9F(), "\163\164\x72\x69\x6e\x67\40\x72\145\160\x72\x65\163\x65\x6e\x74\x61\x74\151\x6f\x6e"]]; goto hUtqd; XYKR5: $TSNpW->attach($VXabk); goto vhnS2; UwLj2: $TSNpW = new SplObjectStorage(); goto XYKR5; vhnS2: $xpPcq = new SplObjectStorage(); goto sGYe1; sGYe1: $xpPcq->attach($VXabk); goto VxNRa; IHx04: $xXIKe = new Qkf5B(4, 8, 15); goto UwLj2; hUtqd: } }
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 4e2962430aec9cbe606224364cbe7c9a |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 134 ms |