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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Pest\Factories; use Closure; use Pest\Contract..
Decoded Output download
namespace Pest\Factories;
use Closure;
use Pest\Contracts\AddsAnnotations;
use Pest\Exceptions\ShouldNotHappen;
use Pest\Factories\Concerns\HigherOrderable;
use Pest\Repositories\DatasetsRepository;
use Pest\Support\Str;
use Pest\TestSuite;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
* @internal
final class TestCaseMethodFactory
use HigherOrderable;
* The test's describing, if any.
public ?string $describing = null;
* The test's number of repetitions.
public int $repetitions = 1;
* Determines if the test is a "todo".
public bool $todo = false;
* The test's datasets.
* @var array<Closure|iterable<int|string, mixed>|string>
public array $datasets = [];
* The test's dependencies.
* @var array<int, string>
public array $depends = [];
* The test's groups.
* @var array<int, string>
public array $groups = [];
* The covered classes and functions.
* @var array<int, \Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversClass|\Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversFunction|\Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversNothing>
public array $covers = [];
* Creates a new test case method factory instance.
public function __construct(
public string $filename,
public ?string $description,
public ?Closure $closure,
) {
$this->closure ??= function (): void {
(Assert::getCount() > 0 || $this->doesNotPerformAssertions()) ?: self::markTestIncomplete(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
* Creates the test's closure.
public function getClosure(TestCase $concrete): Closure
$concrete::flush(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
if ($this->description === null) {
throw ShouldNotHappen::fromMessage('Description can not be empty.');
$closure = $this->closure;
$testCase = TestSuite::getInstance()->tests->get($this->filename);
$method = $this;
return function () use ($testCase, $method, $closure): mixed { // @phpstan-ignore-line
/* @var TestCase $this */
return \Pest\Support\Closure::bind($closure, $this, self::class)(...func_get_args());
* Determine if the test case will receive argument input from Pest, or not.
public function receivesArguments(): bool
return $this->datasets !== [] || $this->depends !== [];
* Creates a PHPUnit method as a string ready for evaluation.
* @param array<int, class-string<AddsAnnotations>> $annotationsToUse
* @param array<int, class-string<\Pest\Factories\Attributes\Attribute>> $attributesToUse
public function buildForEvaluation(array $annotationsToUse, array $attributesToUse): string
if ($this->description === null) {
throw ShouldNotHappen::fromMessage('The test description may not be empty.');
$methodName = Str::evaluable($this->description);
$datasetsCode = '';
$annotations = ['@test'];
$attributes = [];
foreach ($annotationsToUse as $annotation) {
$annotations = (new $annotation())->__invoke($this, $annotations);
foreach ($attributesToUse as $attribute) {
$attributes = (new $attribute())->__invoke($this, $attributes);
if ($this->datasets !== [] || $this->repetitions > 1) {
$dataProviderName = $methodName.'_dataset';
$annotations[] = "@dataProvider $dataProviderName";
$datasetsCode = $this->buildDatasetForEvaluation($methodName, $dataProviderName);
$annotations = implode('', array_map(
static fn (string $annotation): string => sprintf("
* %s", $annotation), $annotations,
$attributes = implode('', array_map(
static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("
%s", $attribute), $attributes,
return <<<PHP
public function $methodName()
\$test = \Pest\TestSuite::getInstance()->tests->get(self::\$__filename)->getMethod(\$this->name())->getClosure(\$this);
return \$this->__runTest(
* Creates a PHPUnit Data Provider as a string ready for evaluation.
private function buildDatasetForEvaluation(string $methodName, string $dataProviderName): string
$datasets = $this->datasets;
if ($this->repetitions > 1) {
$datasets = [range(1, $this->repetitions), ...$datasets];
DatasetsRepository::with($this->filename, $methodName, $datasets);
return <<<EOF
public static function $dataProviderName()
return __PestDatasets::get(self::\$__filename, "$methodName");
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
namespace Pest\Factories;
use Closure;
use Pest\Contracts\AddsAnnotations;
use Pest\Exceptions\ShouldNotHappen;
use Pest\Factories\Concerns\HigherOrderable;
use Pest\Repositories\DatasetsRepository;
use Pest\Support\Str;
use Pest\TestSuite;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
* @internal
final class TestCaseMethodFactory
use HigherOrderable;
* The test's describing, if any.
public ?string $describing = null;
* The test's number of repetitions.
public int $repetitions = 1;
* Determines if the test is a "todo".
public bool $todo = false;
* The test's datasets.
* @var array<Closure|iterable<int|string, mixed>|string>
public array $datasets = [];
* The test's dependencies.
* @var array<int, string>
public array $depends = [];
* The test's groups.
* @var array<int, string>
public array $groups = [];
* The covered classes and functions.
* @var array<int, \Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversClass|\Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversFunction|\Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversNothing>
public array $covers = [];
* Creates a new test case method factory instance.
public function __construct(
public string $filename,
public ?string $description,
public ?Closure $closure,
) {
$this->closure ??= function (): void {
(Assert::getCount() > 0 || $this->doesNotPerformAssertions()) ?: self::markTestIncomplete(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
* Creates the test's closure.
public function getClosure(TestCase $concrete): Closure
$concrete::flush(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
if ($this->description === null) {
throw ShouldNotHappen::fromMessage('Description can not be empty.');
$closure = $this->closure;
$testCase = TestSuite::getInstance()->tests->get($this->filename);
$method = $this;
return function () use ($testCase, $method, $closure): mixed { // @phpstan-ignore-line
/* @var TestCase $this */
return \Pest\Support\Closure::bind($closure, $this, self::class)(...func_get_args());
* Determine if the test case will receive argument input from Pest, or not.
public function receivesArguments(): bool
return $this->datasets !== [] || $this->depends !== [];
* Creates a PHPUnit method as a string ready for evaluation.
* @param array<int, class-string<AddsAnnotations>> $annotationsToUse
* @param array<int, class-string<\Pest\Factories\Attributes\Attribute>> $attributesToUse
public function buildForEvaluation(array $annotationsToUse, array $attributesToUse): string
if ($this->description === null) {
throw ShouldNotHappen::fromMessage('The test description may not be empty.');
$methodName = Str::evaluable($this->description);
$datasetsCode = '';
$annotations = ['@test'];
$attributes = [];
foreach ($annotationsToUse as $annotation) {
$annotations = (new $annotation())->__invoke($this, $annotations);
foreach ($attributesToUse as $attribute) {
$attributes = (new $attribute())->__invoke($this, $attributes);
if ($this->datasets !== [] || $this->repetitions > 1) {
$dataProviderName = $methodName.'_dataset';
$annotations[] = "@dataProvider $dataProviderName";
$datasetsCode = $this->buildDatasetForEvaluation($methodName, $dataProviderName);
$annotations = implode('', array_map(
static fn (string $annotation): string => sprintf("\n * %s", $annotation), $annotations,
$attributes = implode('', array_map(
static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("\n %s", $attribute), $attributes,
return <<<PHP
public function $methodName()
\$test = \Pest\TestSuite::getInstance()->tests->get(self::\$__filename)->getMethod(\$this->name())->getClosure(\$this);
return \$this->__runTest(
* Creates a PHPUnit Data Provider as a string ready for evaluation.
private function buildDatasetForEvaluation(string $methodName, string $dataProviderName): string
$datasets = $this->datasets;
if ($this->repetitions > 1) {
$datasets = [range(1, $this->repetitions), ...$datasets];
DatasetsRepository::with($this->filename, $methodName, $datasets);
return <<<EOF
public static function $dataProviderName()
return __PestDatasets::get(self::\$__filename, "$methodName");
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 54f1f4bcfd241e88da2aaeed4cfbed18 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 92 ms |