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--TEST-- Test touch() function : variation: various valid and invalid paths --CREDITS-- Da..

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Test touch() function : variation: various valid and invalid paths
Dave Kelsey <[email protected]>
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
    die('skip.. only for Windows');
$workDir = "touchVar5.tmp";
$subDirOrFile = "aSubDirOrFile";
$cwd = getcwd();

$unixifiedDirOrFile = '/'.substr(str_replace('\','/',$cwd).'/'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile, 3);

$paths = array(
             // relative

             // relative bad path (note p8 msgs differ)


             //absolute bad path (note p8 msgs differ)

             //trailing separators

             // multiple separators

             // Unixified Dir Or File


echo "*** Testing touch() : variation ***

echo "
*** testing nonexisting paths ***

echo "
*** testing existing files ***
test_existing($paths, false);

echo "
*** testing existing directories ***
test_existing($paths, true);


function test_nonexisting($paths) {
    foreach($paths as $path) {
       echo "--- testing $path ---

       if (is_dir($path) || is_file($path)) {
          echo "FAILED: $path - exists
       else {
          $res = touch($path);
          if ($res === true) {
             // something was created
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                  // something found
                  if (is_dir($path)) {
                     echo "FAILED: $path - unexpected directory
                  else {
                     echo "PASSED: $path - created
             else {
                // nothing found
                echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned true, nothing there
          else {
             // nothing created
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                  //something found
                  echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned false, something there
                  if (is_dir($path)) {
                  else {

function test_existing($paths, $are_dirs) {
    foreach($paths as $path) {
       if ($are_dirs) {
          $res = @mkdir($path);
          if ($res == true) {
       else {
          $h = @fopen($path,"w");
          if ($h !== false) {

function test_path($path) {
   echo "--- testing $path ---
   $org_atime = get_atime($path);
   $res = touch($path,0,0);
   $next_atime = get_atime($path);
   if ($next_atime == $org_atime) {
      echo "FAILED: $path - access time not changed
   else {
      echo "PASSED: $path - touched

function get_atime($path) {
   $temp = stat($path);
   return $temp['atime'];

*** Testing touch() : variation ***

*** testing nonexisting paths ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..\BADDIRSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmp\..\BADDIRSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing BADDIRSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file BADDIRSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\BADDIRSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file %s\BADDIRSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created

*** testing existing files ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched

*** testing existing directories ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmp\..	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ - touched
--- testing %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ ---
PASSED: %s	ouchVar5.tmpSubDirOrFile\ - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

Test touch() function : variation: various valid and invalid paths
Dave Kelsey <[email protected]>
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
    die('skip.. only for Windows');
$workDir = "touchVar5.tmp";
$subDirOrFile = "aSubDirOrFile";
$cwd = getcwd();

$unixifiedDirOrFile = '/'.substr(str_replace('\\','/',$cwd).'/'.$workDir.'/'.$subDirOrFile, 3);

$paths = array(
             // relative

             // relative bad path (note p8 msgs differ)


             //absolute bad path (note p8 msgs differ)

             //trailing separators

             // multiple separators

             // Unixified Dir Or File


echo "*** Testing touch() : variation ***\n";

echo "\n*** testing nonexisting paths ***\n";

echo "\n*** testing existing files ***\n";
test_existing($paths, false);

echo "\n*** testing existing directories ***\n";
test_existing($paths, true);


function test_nonexisting($paths) {
    foreach($paths as $path) {
       echo "--- testing $path ---\n";

       if (is_dir($path) || is_file($path)) {
          echo "FAILED: $path - exists\n";
       else {
          $res = touch($path);
          if ($res === true) {
             // something was created
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                  // something found
                  if (is_dir($path)) {
                     echo "FAILED: $path - unexpected directory\n";
                  else {
                     echo "PASSED: $path - created\n";
             else {
                // nothing found
                echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned true, nothing there\n";
          else {
             // nothing created
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                  //something found
                  echo "FAILED: $path - touch returned false, something there\n";
                  if (is_dir($path)) {
                  else {

function test_existing($paths, $are_dirs) {
    foreach($paths as $path) {
       if ($are_dirs) {
          $res = @mkdir($path);
          if ($res == true) {
       else {
          $h = @fopen($path,"w");
          if ($h !== false) {

function test_path($path) {
   echo "--- testing $path ---\n";
   $org_atime = get_atime($path);
   $res = touch($path,0,0);
   $next_atime = get_atime($path);
   if ($next_atime == $org_atime) {
      echo "FAILED: $path - access time not changed\n";
   else {
      echo "PASSED: $path - touched\n";

function get_atime($path) {
   $temp = stat($path);
   return $temp['atime'];

*** Testing touch() : variation ***

*** testing nonexisting paths ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..\BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmp\..\BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file %s\BADDIR\aSubDirOrFile because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ ---

Warning: touch(): Unable to create file %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ because %s in %s on line %d
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - created
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - created

*** testing existing files ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched

*** testing existing directories ***
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: .\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\.\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\..\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ - touched
--- testing %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ ---
PASSED: %s\touchVar5.tmp\aSubDirOrFile\ - touched
--- testing touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: %s\\touchVar5.tmp\\aSubDirOrFile - touched
--- testing /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile ---
PASSED: /%s/touchVar5.tmp/aSubDirOrFile - touched

Function Calls





MD5 5ab3d157ed941d36eb15854fb623462b
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 112 ms