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<?php /** * Copyright since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors * PrestaShop is an Inter..
Decoded Output download
* Copyright since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
* PrestaShop is an International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA and Contributors <[email protected]>
* @copyright Since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\Facet;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\FacetsRendererInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\Pagination;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchContext;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchProviderInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchQuery;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchResult;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\SortOrder;
* This class is the base class for all front-end "product listing" controllers,
* like "CategoryController", that is, controllers whose primary job is
* to display a list of products and filters to make navigation easier.
abstract class ProductListingFrontControllerCore extends ProductPresentingFrontController
* Generates an URL to a product listing controller
* with only the essential query params and page remaining.
* @param string $canonicalUrl an url to a listing controller page
* @return string a canonical URL for the current page in the list
public function buildPaginatedUrl(string $canonicalUrl): string
$parsedUrl = parse_url($canonicalUrl);
if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
parse_str($parsedUrl['query'], $params);
} else {
$params = [];
$page = (int) Tools::getValue('page');
if ($page > 1) {
$params['page'] = $page;
} else {
return http_build_url($parsedUrl, ['query' => http_build_query($params)]);
* Takes an associative array with at least the "id_product" key
* and returns an array containing all information necessary for
* rendering the product in the template.
* @param array $rawProduct an associative array with at least the "id_product" key
* @return array a product ready for templating
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
private function prepareProductForTemplate(array $rawProduct)
// Enrich data of product
$product = (new ProductAssembler($this->context))->assembleProduct($rawProduct);
// Prepare configuration
$presenter = $this->getProductPresenter();
$settings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();
// Present and return product
return $presenter->present(
* Runs "prepareProductForTemplate" on the collection
* of product ids passed in.
* @param array $products array of arrays containing at list the "id_product" key
* @return array of products ready for templating
protected function prepareMultipleProductsForTemplate(array $products)
// Enrich data set of products
$products = (new ProductAssembler($this->context))->assembleProducts($products);
// Prepare configuration
$presenter = $this->getProductPresenter();
$settings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();
// Present and return each product
foreach ($products as &$product) {
$product = $presenter->present(
return $products;
* The ProductSearchContext is passed to search providers
* so that they can avoid using the global id_lang and such
* variables. This method acts as a factory for the ProductSearchContext.
* @return ProductSearchContext a search context for the queries made by this controller
protected function getProductSearchContext()
return (new ProductSearchContext())
->setIdCustomer($this->context->customer ? $this->context->customer->id : null);
* Converts a Facet to an array with all necessary
* information for templating.
* @param Facet $facet
* @return array ready for templating
protected function prepareFacetForTemplate(Facet $facet)
$facetsArray = $facet->toArray();
foreach ($facetsArray['filters'] as &$filter) {
$filter['facetLabel'] = $facet->getLabel();
if ($filter['nextEncodedFacets']) {
$filter['nextEncodedFacetsURL'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => $filter['nextEncodedFacets'],
'page' => null,
} else {
$filter['nextEncodedFacetsURL'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => null,
return $facetsArray;
* Renders an array of facets.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return string the HTML of the facets
protected function renderFacets(ProductSearchResult $result)
$facetCollection = $result->getFacetCollection();
// not all search providers generate menus
if (empty($facetCollection)) {
return '';
$facetsVar = array_map(
[$this, 'prepareFacetForTemplate'],
$activeFilters = [];
foreach ($facetsVar as $facet) {
foreach ($facet['filters'] as $filter) {
if ($filter['active']) {
$activeFilters[] = $filter;
return $this->render('catalog/_partials/facets', [
'facets' => $facetsVar,
'js_enabled' => $this->ajax,
'activeFilters' => $activeFilters,
'sort_order' => $result->getCurrentSortOrder()->toString(),
'clear_all_link' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString(['q' => null, 'page' => null]),
* Renders an array of active filters.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return string the HTML of the facets
protected function renderActiveFilters(ProductSearchResult $result)
$facetCollection = $result->getFacetCollection();
// not all search providers generate menus
if (empty($facetCollection)) {
return '';
$facetsVar = array_map(
[$this, 'prepareFacetForTemplate'],
$activeFilters = [];
foreach ($facetsVar as $facet) {
foreach ($facet['filters'] as $filter) {
if ($filter['active']) {
$activeFilters[] = $filter;
return $this->render('catalog/_partials/active_filters', [
'activeFilters' => $activeFilters,
'clear_all_link' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString(['q' => null, 'page' => null]),
* This method is the heart of the search provider delegation
* mechanism.
* It executes the `productSearchProvider` hook (array style),
* and returns the first one encountered.
* This provides a well specified way for modules to execute
* the search query instead of the core.
* The hook is called with the $query argument, which allows
* modules to decide if they can manage the query.
* For instance, if two search modules are installed and
* one module knows how to search by category but not by manufacturer,
* then "ManufacturerController" will use one module to do the query while
* "CategoryController" will use another module to do the query.
* If no module can perform the query then null is returned.
* @param ProductSearchQuery $query
* @return ProductSearchProviderInterface|null
private function getProductSearchProviderFromModules($query)
// An array [module_name => module_output] will be returned
$providers = Hook::exec(
['query' => $query],
if (!is_array($providers)) {
$providers = [];
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
if ($provider instanceof ProductSearchProviderInterface) {
return $provider;
return null;
* This returns all template variables needed for rendering
* the product list, the facets, the pagination and the sort orders.
* @return array variables ready for templating
protected function getProductSearchVariables()
* To render the page we need to find something (a ProductSearchProviderInterface)
* that knows how to query products.
// the search provider will need a context (language, shop...) to do its job
$context = $this->getProductSearchContext();
// the controller generates the query...
$query = $this->getProductSearchQuery();
// ...modules decide if they can handle it (first one that can is used)
$provider = $this->getProductSearchProviderFromModules($query);
// if no module wants to do the query, then the core feature is used
if (null === $provider) {
$provider = $this->getDefaultProductSearchProvider();
$resultsPerPage = (int) Tools::getValue('resultsPerPage');
if ($resultsPerPage <= 0) {
$resultsPerPage = Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE');
// we need to set a few parameters from back-end preferences
->setPage(max((int) Tools::getValue('page'), 1))
// set the sort order if provided in the URL
if ($encodedSortOrder = Tools::getValue('order')) {
// get the parameters containing the encoded facets from the URL
$encodedFacets = Tools::getValue('q');
* The controller is agnostic of facets.
* It's up to the search module to use /define them.
* Facets are encoded in the "q" URL parameter, which is passed
* to the search provider through the query's "$encodedFacets" property.
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchProviderRunQueryBefore', [
'query' => $query,
// We're ready to run the actual query!
/** @var ProductSearchResult $result */
$result = $provider->runQuery(
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchProviderRunQueryAfter', [
'query' => $query,
'result' => $result,
if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE') && !Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE_WITH_PRICES')) {
// sort order is useful for template,
// add it if undefined - it should be the same one
// as for the query anyway
if (!$result->getCurrentSortOrder()) {
// prepare the products
$products = $this->prepareMultipleProductsForTemplate(
// render the facets
if ($provider instanceof FacetsRendererInterface) {
// with the provider if it wants to
$rendered_facets = $provider->renderFacets(
$rendered_active_filters = $provider->renderActiveFilters(
} else {
// with the core
$rendered_facets = $this->renderFacets(
$rendered_active_filters = $this->renderActiveFilters(
$pagination = $this->getTemplateVarPagination(
// prepare the sort orders
// note that, again, the product controller is sort-orders
// agnostic
// a module can easily add specific sort orders that it needs
// to support (e.g. sort by "energy efficiency")
$sort_orders = $this->getTemplateVarSortOrders(
$sort_selected = false;
if (!empty($sort_orders)) {
foreach ($sort_orders as $order) {
if (isset($order['current']) && true === $order['current']) {
$sort_selected = $order['label'];
$searchVariables = [
'result' => $result,
'label' => $this->getListingLabel(),
'products' => $products,
'sort_orders' => $sort_orders,
'sort_selected' => $sort_selected,
'pagination' => $pagination,
'rendered_facets' => $rendered_facets,
'rendered_active_filters' => $rendered_active_filters,
'js_enabled' => $this->ajax,
'current_url' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => $result->getEncodedFacets(),
Hook::exec('filterProductSearch', ['searchVariables' => &$searchVariables]);
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchAfter', $searchVariables);
return $searchVariables;
* Removes price information from result (in facet collection and available sorters)
* Usually used for catalog mode.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
protected function disablePriceControls(ProductSearchResult $result)
if ($result->getFacetCollection()) {
$filteredFacets = [];
/** @var Facet $facet */
foreach ($result->getFacetCollection()->getFacets() as $facet) {
if ('price' === $facet->getType()) {
$filteredFacets[] = $facet;
if ($result->getAvailableSortOrders()) {
$filteredOrders = [];
/** @var SortOrder $sortOrder */
foreach ($result->getAvailableSortOrders() as $sortOrder) {
if ('price' === $sortOrder->getField()) {
$filteredOrders[] = $sortOrder;
* Pagination is HARD. We let the core do the heavy lifting from
* a simple representation of the pagination.
* Generated URLs will include the page number, obviously,
* but also the sort order and the "q" (facets) parameters.
* @param ProductSearchQuery $query
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return array An array that makes rendering the pagination very easy
protected function getTemplateVarPagination(
ProductSearchQuery $query,
ProductSearchResult $result
) {
$pagination = new Pagination();
(int) ceil($result->getTotalProductsCount() / $query->getResultsPerPage())
$totalItems = $result->getTotalProductsCount();
$itemsShownFrom = ($query->getResultsPerPage() * ($query->getPage() - 1)) + 1;
$itemsShownTo = $query->getResultsPerPage() * $query->getPage();
$pages = array_map(function ($link) {
$link['url'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'page' => $link['page'] > 1 ? $link['page'] : null,
return $link;
}, $pagination->buildLinks());
// Filter next/previous link on first/last page
$pages = array_filter($pages, function ($page) use ($pagination) {
if ('previous' === $page['type'] && 1 === $pagination->getPage()) {
return false;
if ('next' === $page['type'] && $pagination->getPagesCount() === $pagination->getPage()) {
return false;
return true;
return [
'total_items' => $totalItems,
'items_shown_from' => $itemsShownFrom,
'items_shown_to' => ($itemsShownTo <= $totalItems) ? $itemsShownTo : $totalItems,
'current_page' => $pagination->getPage(),
'pages_count' => $pagination->getPagesCount(),
'pages' => $pages,
// Compare to 3 because there are the next and previous links
'should_be_displayed' => (count($pagination->buildLinks()) > 3),
* Prepares the sort-order links.
* Sort order links contain the current encoded facets if any,
* but not the page number because normally when you change the sort order
* you want to go back to page one.
* @param array $sortOrders the available sort orders
* @param string $currentSortOrderURLParameter used to know which of the sort orders (if any) is active
* @return array
protected function getTemplateVarSortOrders(array $sortOrders, $currentSortOrderURLParameter)
return array_map(function ($sortOrder) use ($currentSortOrderURLParameter) {
$order = $sortOrder->toArray();
$order['current'] = $order['urlParameter'] === $currentSortOrderURLParameter;
$order['url'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'order' => $order['urlParameter'],
'page' => null,
return $order;
}, $sortOrders);
* Similar to "getProductSearchVariables" but used in AJAX queries.
* It returns an array with the HTML for the products and facets,
* and the current URL to put it in the browser URL bar (we don't want to
* break the back button!).
* @return array
protected function getAjaxProductSearchVariables()
$search = $this->getProductSearchVariables();
$rendered_products_top = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-top', ['listing' => $search]);
$rendered_products = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products', ['listing' => $search]);
$rendered_products_bottom = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-bottom', ['listing' => $search]);
$data = array_merge(
'rendered_products_top' => $rendered_products_top,
'rendered_products' => $rendered_products,
'rendered_products_bottom' => $rendered_products_bottom,
if (!empty($data['products']) && is_array($data['products'])) {
$data['products'] = $this->prepareProductArrayForAjaxReturn($data['products']);
return $data;
* Cleans the products array with only whitelisted properties.
* @param array[] $products
* @return array[] Filtered product list
protected function prepareProductArrayForAjaxReturn(array $products)
$filter = $this->get('prestashop.core.filter.front_end_object.search_result_product_collection');
return $filter->filter($products);
* Finally, the methods that wraps it all:.
* If we're doing AJAX, output a JSON of the necessary product search related
* variables.
* If we're not doing AJAX, then render the whole page with the given template.
* @param string $template the template for this page
protected function doProductSearch($template, $params = [], $locale = null)
if ($this->ajax) {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
} else {
$variables = $this->getProductSearchVariables();
'listing' => $variables,
$this->setTemplate($template, $params, $locale);
abstract public function getListingLabel();
* Gets the product search query for the controller.
* That is, the minimum contract with which search modules
* must comply.
* @return ProductSearchQuery
abstract protected function getProductSearchQuery();
* We cannot assume that modules will handle the query,
* so we need a default implementation for the search provider.
* @return ProductSearchProviderInterface
abstract protected function getDefaultProductSearchProvider();
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Copyright since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
* PrestaShop is an International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* @author PrestaShop SA and Contributors <[email protected]>
* @copyright Since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\Facet;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\FacetsRendererInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\Pagination;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchContext;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchProviderInterface;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchQuery;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\ProductSearchResult;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Product\Search\SortOrder;
* This class is the base class for all front-end "product listing" controllers,
* like "CategoryController", that is, controllers whose primary job is
* to display a list of products and filters to make navigation easier.
abstract class ProductListingFrontControllerCore extends ProductPresentingFrontController
* Generates an URL to a product listing controller
* with only the essential query params and page remaining.
* @param string $canonicalUrl an url to a listing controller page
* @return string a canonical URL for the current page in the list
public function buildPaginatedUrl(string $canonicalUrl): string
$parsedUrl = parse_url($canonicalUrl);
if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) {
parse_str($parsedUrl['query'], $params);
} else {
$params = [];
$page = (int) Tools::getValue('page');
if ($page > 1) {
$params['page'] = $page;
} else {
return http_build_url($parsedUrl, ['query' => http_build_query($params)]);
* Takes an associative array with at least the "id_product" key
* and returns an array containing all information necessary for
* rendering the product in the template.
* @param array $rawProduct an associative array with at least the "id_product" key
* @return array a product ready for templating
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
private function prepareProductForTemplate(array $rawProduct)
// Enrich data of product
$product = (new ProductAssembler($this->context))->assembleProduct($rawProduct);
// Prepare configuration
$presenter = $this->getProductPresenter();
$settings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();
// Present and return product
return $presenter->present(
* Runs "prepareProductForTemplate" on the collection
* of product ids passed in.
* @param array $products array of arrays containing at list the "id_product" key
* @return array of products ready for templating
protected function prepareMultipleProductsForTemplate(array $products)
// Enrich data set of products
$products = (new ProductAssembler($this->context))->assembleProducts($products);
// Prepare configuration
$presenter = $this->getProductPresenter();
$settings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();
// Present and return each product
foreach ($products as &$product) {
$product = $presenter->present(
return $products;
* The ProductSearchContext is passed to search providers
* so that they can avoid using the global id_lang and such
* variables. This method acts as a factory for the ProductSearchContext.
* @return ProductSearchContext a search context for the queries made by this controller
protected function getProductSearchContext()
return (new ProductSearchContext())
->setIdCustomer($this->context->customer ? $this->context->customer->id : null);
* Converts a Facet to an array with all necessary
* information for templating.
* @param Facet $facet
* @return array ready for templating
protected function prepareFacetForTemplate(Facet $facet)
$facetsArray = $facet->toArray();
foreach ($facetsArray['filters'] as &$filter) {
$filter['facetLabel'] = $facet->getLabel();
if ($filter['nextEncodedFacets']) {
$filter['nextEncodedFacetsURL'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => $filter['nextEncodedFacets'],
'page' => null,
} else {
$filter['nextEncodedFacetsURL'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => null,
return $facetsArray;
* Renders an array of facets.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return string the HTML of the facets
protected function renderFacets(ProductSearchResult $result)
$facetCollection = $result->getFacetCollection();
// not all search providers generate menus
if (empty($facetCollection)) {
return '';
$facetsVar = array_map(
[$this, 'prepareFacetForTemplate'],
$activeFilters = [];
foreach ($facetsVar as $facet) {
foreach ($facet['filters'] as $filter) {
if ($filter['active']) {
$activeFilters[] = $filter;
return $this->render('catalog/_partials/facets', [
'facets' => $facetsVar,
'js_enabled' => $this->ajax,
'activeFilters' => $activeFilters,
'sort_order' => $result->getCurrentSortOrder()->toString(),
'clear_all_link' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString(['q' => null, 'page' => null]),
* Renders an array of active filters.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return string the HTML of the facets
protected function renderActiveFilters(ProductSearchResult $result)
$facetCollection = $result->getFacetCollection();
// not all search providers generate menus
if (empty($facetCollection)) {
return '';
$facetsVar = array_map(
[$this, 'prepareFacetForTemplate'],
$activeFilters = [];
foreach ($facetsVar as $facet) {
foreach ($facet['filters'] as $filter) {
if ($filter['active']) {
$activeFilters[] = $filter;
return $this->render('catalog/_partials/active_filters', [
'activeFilters' => $activeFilters,
'clear_all_link' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString(['q' => null, 'page' => null]),
* This method is the heart of the search provider delegation
* mechanism.
* It executes the `productSearchProvider` hook (array style),
* and returns the first one encountered.
* This provides a well specified way for modules to execute
* the search query instead of the core.
* The hook is called with the $query argument, which allows
* modules to decide if they can manage the query.
* For instance, if two search modules are installed and
* one module knows how to search by category but not by manufacturer,
* then "ManufacturerController" will use one module to do the query while
* "CategoryController" will use another module to do the query.
* If no module can perform the query then null is returned.
* @param ProductSearchQuery $query
* @return ProductSearchProviderInterface|null
private function getProductSearchProviderFromModules($query)
// An array [module_name => module_output] will be returned
$providers = Hook::exec(
['query' => $query],
if (!is_array($providers)) {
$providers = [];
foreach ($providers as $provider) {
if ($provider instanceof ProductSearchProviderInterface) {
return $provider;
return null;
* This returns all template variables needed for rendering
* the product list, the facets, the pagination and the sort orders.
* @return array variables ready for templating
protected function getProductSearchVariables()
* To render the page we need to find something (a ProductSearchProviderInterface)
* that knows how to query products.
// the search provider will need a context (language, shop...) to do its job
$context = $this->getProductSearchContext();
// the controller generates the query...
$query = $this->getProductSearchQuery();
// ...modules decide if they can handle it (first one that can is used)
$provider = $this->getProductSearchProviderFromModules($query);
// if no module wants to do the query, then the core feature is used
if (null === $provider) {
$provider = $this->getDefaultProductSearchProvider();
$resultsPerPage = (int) Tools::getValue('resultsPerPage');
if ($resultsPerPage <= 0) {
$resultsPerPage = Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE');
// we need to set a few parameters from back-end preferences
->setPage(max((int) Tools::getValue('page'), 1))
// set the sort order if provided in the URL
if ($encodedSortOrder = Tools::getValue('order')) {
// get the parameters containing the encoded facets from the URL
$encodedFacets = Tools::getValue('q');
* The controller is agnostic of facets.
* It's up to the search module to use /define them.
* Facets are encoded in the "q" URL parameter, which is passed
* to the search provider through the query's "$encodedFacets" property.
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchProviderRunQueryBefore', [
'query' => $query,
// We're ready to run the actual query!
/** @var ProductSearchResult $result */
$result = $provider->runQuery(
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchProviderRunQueryAfter', [
'query' => $query,
'result' => $result,
if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE') && !Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE_WITH_PRICES')) {
// sort order is useful for template,
// add it if undefined - it should be the same one
// as for the query anyway
if (!$result->getCurrentSortOrder()) {
// prepare the products
$products = $this->prepareMultipleProductsForTemplate(
// render the facets
if ($provider instanceof FacetsRendererInterface) {
// with the provider if it wants to
$rendered_facets = $provider->renderFacets(
$rendered_active_filters = $provider->renderActiveFilters(
} else {
// with the core
$rendered_facets = $this->renderFacets(
$rendered_active_filters = $this->renderActiveFilters(
$pagination = $this->getTemplateVarPagination(
// prepare the sort orders
// note that, again, the product controller is sort-orders
// agnostic
// a module can easily add specific sort orders that it needs
// to support (e.g. sort by "energy efficiency")
$sort_orders = $this->getTemplateVarSortOrders(
$sort_selected = false;
if (!empty($sort_orders)) {
foreach ($sort_orders as $order) {
if (isset($order['current']) && true === $order['current']) {
$sort_selected = $order['label'];
$searchVariables = [
'result' => $result,
'label' => $this->getListingLabel(),
'products' => $products,
'sort_orders' => $sort_orders,
'sort_selected' => $sort_selected,
'pagination' => $pagination,
'rendered_facets' => $rendered_facets,
'rendered_active_filters' => $rendered_active_filters,
'js_enabled' => $this->ajax,
'current_url' => Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'q' => $result->getEncodedFacets(),
Hook::exec('filterProductSearch', ['searchVariables' => &$searchVariables]);
Hook::exec('actionProductSearchAfter', $searchVariables);
return $searchVariables;
* Removes price information from result (in facet collection and available sorters)
* Usually used for catalog mode.
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
protected function disablePriceControls(ProductSearchResult $result)
if ($result->getFacetCollection()) {
$filteredFacets = [];
/** @var Facet $facet */
foreach ($result->getFacetCollection()->getFacets() as $facet) {
if ('price' === $facet->getType()) {
$filteredFacets[] = $facet;
if ($result->getAvailableSortOrders()) {
$filteredOrders = [];
/** @var SortOrder $sortOrder */
foreach ($result->getAvailableSortOrders() as $sortOrder) {
if ('price' === $sortOrder->getField()) {
$filteredOrders[] = $sortOrder;
* Pagination is HARD. We let the core do the heavy lifting from
* a simple representation of the pagination.
* Generated URLs will include the page number, obviously,
* but also the sort order and the "q" (facets) parameters.
* @param ProductSearchQuery $query
* @param ProductSearchResult $result
* @return array An array that makes rendering the pagination very easy
protected function getTemplateVarPagination(
ProductSearchQuery $query,
ProductSearchResult $result
) {
$pagination = new Pagination();
(int) ceil($result->getTotalProductsCount() / $query->getResultsPerPage())
$totalItems = $result->getTotalProductsCount();
$itemsShownFrom = ($query->getResultsPerPage() * ($query->getPage() - 1)) + 1;
$itemsShownTo = $query->getResultsPerPage() * $query->getPage();
$pages = array_map(function ($link) {
$link['url'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'page' => $link['page'] > 1 ? $link['page'] : null,
return $link;
}, $pagination->buildLinks());
// Filter next/previous link on first/last page
$pages = array_filter($pages, function ($page) use ($pagination) {
if ('previous' === $page['type'] && 1 === $pagination->getPage()) {
return false;
if ('next' === $page['type'] && $pagination->getPagesCount() === $pagination->getPage()) {
return false;
return true;
return [
'total_items' => $totalItems,
'items_shown_from' => $itemsShownFrom,
'items_shown_to' => ($itemsShownTo <= $totalItems) ? $itemsShownTo : $totalItems,
'current_page' => $pagination->getPage(),
'pages_count' => $pagination->getPagesCount(),
'pages' => $pages,
// Compare to 3 because there are the next and previous links
'should_be_displayed' => (count($pagination->buildLinks()) > 3),
* Prepares the sort-order links.
* Sort order links contain the current encoded facets if any,
* but not the page number because normally when you change the sort order
* you want to go back to page one.
* @param array $sortOrders the available sort orders
* @param string $currentSortOrderURLParameter used to know which of the sort orders (if any) is active
* @return array
protected function getTemplateVarSortOrders(array $sortOrders, $currentSortOrderURLParameter)
return array_map(function ($sortOrder) use ($currentSortOrderURLParameter) {
$order = $sortOrder->toArray();
$order['current'] = $order['urlParameter'] === $currentSortOrderURLParameter;
$order['url'] = Tools::updateCurrentQueryString([
'order' => $order['urlParameter'],
'page' => null,
return $order;
}, $sortOrders);
* Similar to "getProductSearchVariables" but used in AJAX queries.
* It returns an array with the HTML for the products and facets,
* and the current URL to put it in the browser URL bar (we don't want to
* break the back button!).
* @return array
protected function getAjaxProductSearchVariables()
$search = $this->getProductSearchVariables();
$rendered_products_top = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-top', ['listing' => $search]);
$rendered_products = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products', ['listing' => $search]);
$rendered_products_bottom = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-bottom', ['listing' => $search]);
$data = array_merge(
'rendered_products_top' => $rendered_products_top,
'rendered_products' => $rendered_products,
'rendered_products_bottom' => $rendered_products_bottom,
if (!empty($data['products']) && is_array($data['products'])) {
$data['products'] = $this->prepareProductArrayForAjaxReturn($data['products']);
return $data;
* Cleans the products array with only whitelisted properties.
* @param array[] $products
* @return array[] Filtered product list
protected function prepareProductArrayForAjaxReturn(array $products)
$filter = $this->get('prestashop.core.filter.front_end_object.search_result_product_collection');
return $filter->filter($products);
* Finally, the methods that wraps it all:.
* If we're doing AJAX, output a JSON of the necessary product search related
* variables.
* If we're not doing AJAX, then render the whole page with the given template.
* @param string $template the template for this page
protected function doProductSearch($template, $params = [], $locale = null)
if ($this->ajax) {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
} else {
$variables = $this->getProductSearchVariables();
'listing' => $variables,
$this->setTemplate($template, $params, $locale);
abstract public function getListingLabel();
* Gets the product search query for the controller.
* That is, the minimum contract with which search modules
* must comply.
* @return ProductSearchQuery
abstract protected function getProductSearchQuery();
* We cannot assume that modules will handle the query,
* so we need a default implementation for the search provider.
* @return ProductSearchProviderInterface
abstract protected function getDefaultProductSearchProvider();
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 60d2ba4a9d1fd797007a6675369a1b4d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 146 ms |