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<?php /** * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Soft..
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* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yiiunit\framework\db;
use PDO;
use yii\caching\ArrayCache;
use yii\caching\FileCache;
use yii\db\CheckConstraint;
use yii\db\ColumnSchema;
use yii\db\Constraint;
use yii\db\Expression;
use yii\db\ForeignKeyConstraint;
use yii\db\IndexConstraint;
use yii\db\Schema;
use yii\db\TableSchema;
abstract class SchemaTest extends DatabaseTestCase
* @var string[]
protected $expectedSchemas;
public function pdoAttributesProvider()
return [
public function testGetSchemaNames()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schemas = $schema->getSchemaNames();
foreach ($this->expectedSchemas as $schema) {
$this->assertContains($schema, $schemas);
* @dataProvider pdoAttributesProvider
* @param array $pdoAttributes
public function testGetTableNames($pdoAttributes)
$connection = $this->getConnection();
foreach ($pdoAttributes as $name => $value) {
if ($name === PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES && $connection->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$connection->pdo->setAttribute($name, $value);
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $connection->schema;
$tables = $schema->getTableNames();
if ($this->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$tables = array_map(static function ($item) {
return trim($item, '[]');
}, $tables);
$this->assertContains('customer', $tables);
$this->assertContains('category', $tables);
$this->assertContains('item', $tables);
$this->assertContains('order', $tables);
$this->assertContains('order_item', $tables);
$this->assertContains('type', $tables);
$this->assertContains('animal', $tables);
$this->assertContains('animal_view', $tables);
* @dataProvider pdoAttributesProvider
* @param array $pdoAttributes
public function testGetTableSchemas($pdoAttributes)
$connection = $this->getConnection();
foreach ($pdoAttributes as $name => $value) {
if ($name === PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES && $connection->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$connection->pdo->setAttribute($name, $value);
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $connection->schema;
$tables = $schema->getTableSchemas();
$this->assertEquals(\count($schema->getTableNames()), \count($tables));
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('yii\db\TableSchema', $table);
public function testGetTableSchemasWithAttrCase()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$this->assertEquals(\count($db->schema->getTableNames()), \count($db->schema->getTableSchemas()));
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_UPPER);
$this->assertEquals(\count($db->schema->getTableNames()), \count($db->schema->getTableSchemas()));
public function testGetNonExistingTableSchema()
public function testSchemaCache()
/* @var $db Connection */
$db = $this->getConnection();
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $db->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new FileCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$cachedTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', false);
$this->assertEquals($noCacheTable, $cachedTable);
$db->createCommand()->renameTable('type', 'type_test');
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $cachedTable);
$db->createCommand()->renameTable('type_test', 'type');
* @depends testSchemaCache
public function testRefreshTableSchema()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new FileCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$refreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', false);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $refreshedTable);
public function tableSchemaCachePrefixesProvider()
$configs = [
'prefix' => '',
'name' => 'type',
'prefix' => '',
'name' => '{{%type}}',
'prefix' => 'ty',
'name' => '{{%pe}}',
$data = [];
foreach ($configs as $config) {
foreach ($configs as $testConfig) {
if ($config === $testConfig) {
$description = sprintf(
"%s (with '%s' prefix) against %s (with '%s' prefix)",
$data[$description] = [
return $data;
* @dataProvider tableSchemaCachePrefixesProvider
* @depends testSchemaCache
public function testTableSchemaCacheWithTablePrefixes($tablePrefix, $tableName, $testTablePrefix, $testTableName)
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new ArrayCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName, true);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $noCacheTable);
// Compare
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $testTablePrefix;
$testNoCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema($testTableName);
$this->assertSame($noCacheTable, $testNoCacheTable);
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix;
$refreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName, false);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $refreshedTable);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $refreshedTable);
// Compare
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $testTablePrefix;
$testRefreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema($testTableName, false);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $testRefreshedTable);
$this->assertEquals($refreshedTable, $testRefreshedTable);
$this->assertNotSame($testNoCacheTable, $testRefreshedTable);
public function testCompositeFk()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$table = $schema->getTableSchema('composite_fk');
$this->assertCount(1, $table->foreignKeys);
$this->assertEquals('order_item', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item'][0]);
$this->assertEquals('order_id', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item']['order_id']);
$this->assertEquals('item_id', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item']['item_id']);
public function testGetPDOType()
$values = [
[null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL],
['', \PDO::PARAM_STR],
['hello', \PDO::PARAM_STR],
[1337, \PDO::PARAM_INT],
[true, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL],
[false, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL],
[$fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'), \PDO::PARAM_LOB],
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$this->assertEquals($value[1], $schema->getPdoType($value[0]), 'type for value ' . print_r($value[0], true) . ' does not match.');
public function getExpectedColumns()
return [
'int_col' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'int(11)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 11,
'precision' => 11,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'int_col2' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'int(11)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 11,
'precision' => 11,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'tinyint_col' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(3)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 3,
'precision' => 3,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'smallint_col' => [
'type' => 'smallint',
'dbType' => 'smallint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'char_col' => [
'type' => 'char',
'dbType' => 'char(100)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 100,
'precision' => 100,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'char_col2' => [
'type' => 'string',
'dbType' => 'varchar(100)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 100,
'precision' => 100,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 'something',
'char_col3' => [
'type' => 'text',
'dbType' => 'text',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'enum_col' => [
'type' => 'string',
'dbType' => "enum('a','B','c,D')",
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => ['a', 'B', 'c,D'],
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'float_col' => [
'type' => 'double',
'dbType' => 'double(4,3)',
'phpType' => 'double',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 4,
'precision' => 4,
'scale' => 3,
'defaultValue' => null,
'float_col2' => [
'type' => 'double',
'dbType' => 'double',
'phpType' => 'double',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1.23,
'blob_col' => [
'type' => 'binary',
'dbType' => 'blob',
'phpType' => 'resource',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'numeric_col' => [
'type' => 'decimal',
'dbType' => 'decimal(5,2)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 5,
'precision' => 5,
'scale' => 2,
'defaultValue' => '33.22',
'time' => [
'type' => 'timestamp',
'dbType' => 'timestamp',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => '2002-01-01 00:00:00',
'bool_col' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'bool_col2' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'ts_default' => [
'type' => 'timestamp',
'dbType' => 'timestamp',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => new Expression('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'),
'bit_col' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'bit(8)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 8,
'precision' => 8,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 130, // b'10000010'
'json_col' => [
'type' => 'json',
'dbType' => 'json',
'phpType' => 'array',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
public function testNegativeDefaultValues()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$table = $schema->getTableSchema('negative_default_values');
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('tinyint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('smallint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('int_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('bigint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-12345.6789, $table->getColumn('float_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-33.22, $table->getColumn('numeric_col')->defaultValue);
public function testColumnSchema()
$columns = $this->getExpectedColumns();
$table = $this->getConnection(false)->schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$expectedColNames = array_keys($columns);
$colNames = $table->columnNames;
$this->assertEquals($expectedColNames, $colNames);
foreach ($table->columns as $name => $column) {
$expected = $columns[$name];
$this->assertSame($expected['dbType'], $column->dbType, "dbType of column $name does not match. type is $column->type, dbType is $column->dbType.");
$this->assertSame($expected['phpType'], $column->phpType, "phpType of column $name does not match. type is $column->type, dbType is $column->dbType.");
$this->assertSame($expected['type'], $column->type, "type of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['allowNull'], $column->allowNull, "allowNull of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['autoIncrement'], $column->autoIncrement, "autoIncrement of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['enumValues'], $column->enumValues, "enumValues of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['size'], $column->size, "size of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['precision'], $column->precision, "precision of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['scale'], $column->scale, "scale of column $name does not match.");
if (\is_object($expected['defaultValue'])) {
$this->assertIsObject($column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name is expected to be an object but it is not.");
$this->assertEquals((string)$expected['defaultValue'], (string)$column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name does not match.");
} else {
$this->assertEquals($expected['defaultValue'], $column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name does not match.");
if (isset($expected['dimension'])) { // PgSQL only
$this->assertSame($expected['dimension'], $column->dimension, "dimension of column $name does not match");
public function testColumnSchemaDbTypecastWithEmptyCharType()
$columnSchema = new ColumnSchema(['type' => Schema::TYPE_CHAR]);
$this->assertSame('', $columnSchema->dbTypecast(''));
* @dataProvider columnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpTypeProvider
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $expected
public function testColumnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpType($value, $expected)
$columnSchema = new ColumnSchema(['phpType' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
$this->assertSame($expected, $columnSchema->dbTypecast($value));
public function columnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpTypeProvider()
return [
[1, true],
[0, false],
['1', true],
['0', false],
["\1", true],
["\0", false],
['TRUE', true],
['FALSE', false],
['true', true],
['false', false],
['True', true],
['False', false],
public function testFindUniqueIndexes()
if ($this->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$this->markTestSkipped('`\yii\db\mssql\Schema::findUniqueIndexes()` returns only unique constraints not unique indexes.');
$db = $this->getConnection();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('uniqueIndex', [
'somecol' => 'string',
'someCol2' => 'string',
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $db->schema;
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
$this->assertEquals([], $uniqueIndexes);
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('somecolUnique', 'uniqueIndex', 'somecol', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
// create another column with upper case letter that fails postgres
// see
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('someCol2Unique', 'uniqueIndex', 'someCol2', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
'someCol2Unique' => ['someCol2'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
// see
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('another unique index', 'uniqueIndex', 'someCol2', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
'someCol2Unique' => ['someCol2'],
'another unique index' => ['someCol2'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
public function testContraintTablesExistance()
$tableNames = [
$schema = $this->getConnection()->getSchema();
foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
$tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName);
$this->assertInstanceOf('yii\db\TableSchema', $tableSchema, $tableName);
public function constraintsProvider()
return [
'1: primary key' => ['T_constraints_1', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'1: check' => ['T_constraints_1', 'checks', [
new CheckConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_check'],
'expression' => "C_check <> ''",
'1: unique' => ['T_constraints_1', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_unique',
'columnNames' => ['C_unique'],
'1: index' => ['T_constraints_1', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'isUnique' => true,
'isPrimary' => true,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_unique',
'columnNames' => ['C_unique'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => true,
'1: default' => ['T_constraints_1', 'defaultValues', false],
'2: primary key' => ['T_constraints_2', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_pk',
'columnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'2: unique' => ['T_constraints_2', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_multi',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_2_1', 'C_index_2_2'],
'2: index' => ['T_constraints_2', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'isUnique' => true,
'isPrimary' => true,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_single',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_1'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => false,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_multi',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_2_1', 'C_index_2_2'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => true,
'2: check' => ['T_constraints_2', 'checks', []],
'2: default' => ['T_constraints_2', 'defaultValues', false],
'3: primary key' => ['T_constraints_3', 'primaryKey', null],
'3: foreign key' => ['T_constraints_3', 'foreignKeys', [
new ForeignKeyConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_3',
'columnNames' => ['C_fk_id_1', 'C_fk_id_2'],
'foreignTableName' => 'T_constraints_2',
'foreignColumnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE',
'onUpdate' => 'CASCADE',
'3: unique' => ['T_constraints_3', 'uniques', []],
'3: index' => ['T_constraints_3', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_3',
'columnNames' => ['C_fk_id_1', 'C_fk_id_2'],
'isUnique' => false,
'isPrimary' => false,
'3: check' => ['T_constraints_3', 'checks', []],
'3: default' => ['T_constraints_3', 'defaultValues', false],
'4: primary key' => ['T_constraints_4', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'4: unique' => ['T_constraints_4', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_4',
'columnNames' => ['C_col_1', 'C_col_2'],
'4: check' => ['T_constraints_4', 'checks', []],
'4: default' => ['T_constraints_4', 'defaultValues', false],
public function lowercaseConstraintsProvider()
return $this->constraintsProvider();
public function uppercaseConstraintsProvider()
return $this->constraintsProvider();
* @dataProvider constraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraints($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$constraints = $this->getConnection(false)->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
* @dataProvider uppercaseConstraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraintsWithPdoUppercase($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$connection = $this->getConnection(false);
$connection->getSlavePdo(true)->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);
$constraints = $connection->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName, true);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
* @dataProvider lowercaseConstraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraintsWithPdoLowercase($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$connection = $this->getConnection(false);
$connection->getSlavePdo(true)->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$constraints = $connection->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName, true);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
protected function assertMetadataEquals($expected, $actual)
switch (\strtolower(\gettype($expected))) {
case 'object':
case 'array':
case 'null':
if (\is_array($expected)) {
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($expected, false);
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($actual, false);
$this->normalizeConstraints($expected, $actual);
if (\is_array($expected)) {
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($expected, true);
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($actual, true);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
protected function normalizeArrayKeys(array &$array, $caseSensitive)
$newArray = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value instanceof Constraint) {
$key = (array)$value;
unset($key['name'], $key['foreignSchemaName']);
foreach ($key as $keyName => $keyValue) {
if ($keyValue instanceof AnyCaseValue) {
$key[$keyName] = $keyValue->value;
} elseif ($keyValue instanceof AnyValue) {
$key[$keyName] = '[AnyValue]';
ksort($key, SORT_STRING);
$newArray[$caseSensitive ? json_encode($key) : strtolower(json_encode($key))] = $value;
} else {
$newArray[] = $value;
ksort($newArray, SORT_STRING);
$array = $newArray;
protected function normalizeConstraints(&$expected, &$actual)
if (\is_array($expected)) {
foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
if (!$value instanceof Constraint || !isset($actual[$key]) || !$actual[$key] instanceof Constraint) {
$this->normalizeConstraintPair($value, $actual[$key]);
} elseif ($expected instanceof Constraint && $actual instanceof Constraint) {
$this->normalizeConstraintPair($expected, $actual);
protected function normalizeConstraintPair(Constraint $expectedConstraint, Constraint $actualConstraint)
if ($expectedConstraint::className() !== $actualConstraint::className()) {
foreach (array_keys((array)$expectedConstraint) as $name) {
if ($expectedConstraint->$name instanceof AnyValue) {
$actualConstraint->$name = $expectedConstraint->$name;
} elseif ($expectedConstraint->$name instanceof AnyCaseValue) {
$actualConstraint->$name = new AnyCaseValue($actualConstraint->$name);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yiiunit\framework\db;
use PDO;
use yii\caching\ArrayCache;
use yii\caching\FileCache;
use yii\db\CheckConstraint;
use yii\db\ColumnSchema;
use yii\db\Constraint;
use yii\db\Expression;
use yii\db\ForeignKeyConstraint;
use yii\db\IndexConstraint;
use yii\db\Schema;
use yii\db\TableSchema;
abstract class SchemaTest extends DatabaseTestCase
* @var string[]
protected $expectedSchemas;
public function pdoAttributesProvider()
return [
public function testGetSchemaNames()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schemas = $schema->getSchemaNames();
foreach ($this->expectedSchemas as $schema) {
$this->assertContains($schema, $schemas);
* @dataProvider pdoAttributesProvider
* @param array $pdoAttributes
public function testGetTableNames($pdoAttributes)
$connection = $this->getConnection();
foreach ($pdoAttributes as $name => $value) {
if ($name === PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES && $connection->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$connection->pdo->setAttribute($name, $value);
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $connection->schema;
$tables = $schema->getTableNames();
if ($this->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$tables = array_map(static function ($item) {
return trim($item, '[]');
}, $tables);
$this->assertContains('customer', $tables);
$this->assertContains('category', $tables);
$this->assertContains('item', $tables);
$this->assertContains('order', $tables);
$this->assertContains('order_item', $tables);
$this->assertContains('type', $tables);
$this->assertContains('animal', $tables);
$this->assertContains('animal_view', $tables);
* @dataProvider pdoAttributesProvider
* @param array $pdoAttributes
public function testGetTableSchemas($pdoAttributes)
$connection = $this->getConnection();
foreach ($pdoAttributes as $name => $value) {
if ($name === PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES && $connection->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$connection->pdo->setAttribute($name, $value);
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $connection->schema;
$tables = $schema->getTableSchemas();
$this->assertEquals(\count($schema->getTableNames()), \count($tables));
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('yii\db\TableSchema', $table);
public function testGetTableSchemasWithAttrCase()
$db = $this->getConnection(false);
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$this->assertEquals(\count($db->schema->getTableNames()), \count($db->schema->getTableSchemas()));
$db->slavePdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, \PDO::CASE_UPPER);
$this->assertEquals(\count($db->schema->getTableNames()), \count($db->schema->getTableSchemas()));
public function testGetNonExistingTableSchema()
public function testSchemaCache()
/* @var $db Connection */
$db = $this->getConnection();
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $db->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new FileCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$cachedTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', false);
$this->assertEquals($noCacheTable, $cachedTable);
$db->createCommand()->renameTable('type', 'type_test');
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $cachedTable);
$db->createCommand()->renameTable('type_test', 'type');
* @depends testSchemaCache
public function testRefreshTableSchema()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new FileCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$refreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema('type', false);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $refreshedTable);
public function tableSchemaCachePrefixesProvider()
$configs = [
'prefix' => '',
'name' => 'type',
'prefix' => '',
'name' => '{{%type}}',
'prefix' => 'ty',
'name' => '{{%pe}}',
$data = [];
foreach ($configs as $config) {
foreach ($configs as $testConfig) {
if ($config === $testConfig) {
$description = sprintf(
"%s (with '%s' prefix) against %s (with '%s' prefix)",
$data[$description] = [
return $data;
* @dataProvider tableSchemaCachePrefixesProvider
* @depends testSchemaCache
public function testTableSchemaCacheWithTablePrefixes($tablePrefix, $tableName, $testTablePrefix, $testTableName)
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$schema->db->enableSchemaCache = true;
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix;
$schema->db->schemaCache = new ArrayCache();
$noCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName, true);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $noCacheTable);
// Compare
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $testTablePrefix;
$testNoCacheTable = $schema->getTableSchema($testTableName);
$this->assertSame($noCacheTable, $testNoCacheTable);
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix;
$refreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName, false);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $refreshedTable);
$this->assertNotSame($noCacheTable, $refreshedTable);
// Compare
$schema->db->tablePrefix = $testTablePrefix;
$testRefreshedTable = $schema->getTableSchema($testTableName, false);
$this->assertInstanceOf(TableSchema::className(), $testRefreshedTable);
$this->assertEquals($refreshedTable, $testRefreshedTable);
$this->assertNotSame($testNoCacheTable, $testRefreshedTable);
public function testCompositeFk()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$table = $schema->getTableSchema('composite_fk');
$this->assertCount(1, $table->foreignKeys);
$this->assertEquals('order_item', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item'][0]);
$this->assertEquals('order_id', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item']['order_id']);
$this->assertEquals('item_id', $table->foreignKeys['FK_composite_fk_order_item']['item_id']);
public function testGetPDOType()
$values = [
[null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL],
['', \PDO::PARAM_STR],
['hello', \PDO::PARAM_STR],
[1337, \PDO::PARAM_INT],
[true, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL],
[false, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL],
[$fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'rb'), \PDO::PARAM_LOB],
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$this->assertEquals($value[1], $schema->getPdoType($value[0]), 'type for value ' . print_r($value[0], true) . ' does not match.');
public function getExpectedColumns()
return [
'int_col' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'int(11)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 11,
'precision' => 11,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'int_col2' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'int(11)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 11,
'precision' => 11,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'tinyint_col' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(3)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 3,
'precision' => 3,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'smallint_col' => [
'type' => 'smallint',
'dbType' => 'smallint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'char_col' => [
'type' => 'char',
'dbType' => 'char(100)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 100,
'precision' => 100,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'char_col2' => [
'type' => 'string',
'dbType' => 'varchar(100)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 100,
'precision' => 100,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 'something',
'char_col3' => [
'type' => 'text',
'dbType' => 'text',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'enum_col' => [
'type' => 'string',
'dbType' => "enum('a','B','c,D')",
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => ['a', 'B', 'c,D'],
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'float_col' => [
'type' => 'double',
'dbType' => 'double(4,3)',
'phpType' => 'double',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 4,
'precision' => 4,
'scale' => 3,
'defaultValue' => null,
'float_col2' => [
'type' => 'double',
'dbType' => 'double',
'phpType' => 'double',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1.23,
'blob_col' => [
'type' => 'binary',
'dbType' => 'blob',
'phpType' => 'resource',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'numeric_col' => [
'type' => 'decimal',
'dbType' => 'decimal(5,2)',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 5,
'precision' => 5,
'scale' => 2,
'defaultValue' => '33.22',
'time' => [
'type' => 'timestamp',
'dbType' => 'timestamp',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => '2002-01-01 00:00:00',
'bool_col' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
'bool_col2' => [
'type' => 'tinyint',
'dbType' => 'tinyint(1)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 1,
'precision' => 1,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 1,
'ts_default' => [
'type' => 'timestamp',
'dbType' => 'timestamp',
'phpType' => 'string',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => new Expression('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'),
'bit_col' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'dbType' => 'bit(8)',
'phpType' => 'integer',
'allowNull' => false,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => 8,
'precision' => 8,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => 130, // b'10000010'
'json_col' => [
'type' => 'json',
'dbType' => 'json',
'phpType' => 'array',
'allowNull' => true,
'autoIncrement' => false,
'enumValues' => null,
'size' => null,
'precision' => null,
'scale' => null,
'defaultValue' => null,
public function testNegativeDefaultValues()
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $this->getConnection()->schema;
$table = $schema->getTableSchema('negative_default_values');
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('tinyint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('smallint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('int_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-123, $table->getColumn('bigint_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-12345.6789, $table->getColumn('float_col')->defaultValue);
$this->assertEquals(-33.22, $table->getColumn('numeric_col')->defaultValue);
public function testColumnSchema()
$columns = $this->getExpectedColumns();
$table = $this->getConnection(false)->schema->getTableSchema('type', true);
$expectedColNames = array_keys($columns);
$colNames = $table->columnNames;
$this->assertEquals($expectedColNames, $colNames);
foreach ($table->columns as $name => $column) {
$expected = $columns[$name];
$this->assertSame($expected['dbType'], $column->dbType, "dbType of column $name does not match. type is $column->type, dbType is $column->dbType.");
$this->assertSame($expected['phpType'], $column->phpType, "phpType of column $name does not match. type is $column->type, dbType is $column->dbType.");
$this->assertSame($expected['type'], $column->type, "type of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['allowNull'], $column->allowNull, "allowNull of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['autoIncrement'], $column->autoIncrement, "autoIncrement of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['enumValues'], $column->enumValues, "enumValues of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['size'], $column->size, "size of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['precision'], $column->precision, "precision of column $name does not match.");
$this->assertSame($expected['scale'], $column->scale, "scale of column $name does not match.");
if (\is_object($expected['defaultValue'])) {
$this->assertIsObject($column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name is expected to be an object but it is not.");
$this->assertEquals((string)$expected['defaultValue'], (string)$column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name does not match.");
} else {
$this->assertEquals($expected['defaultValue'], $column->defaultValue, "defaultValue of column $name does not match.");
if (isset($expected['dimension'])) { // PgSQL only
$this->assertSame($expected['dimension'], $column->dimension, "dimension of column $name does not match");
public function testColumnSchemaDbTypecastWithEmptyCharType()
$columnSchema = new ColumnSchema(['type' => Schema::TYPE_CHAR]);
$this->assertSame('', $columnSchema->dbTypecast(''));
* @dataProvider columnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpTypeProvider
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $expected
public function testColumnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpType($value, $expected)
$columnSchema = new ColumnSchema(['phpType' => Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
$this->assertSame($expected, $columnSchema->dbTypecast($value));
public function columnSchemaDbTypecastBooleanPhpTypeProvider()
return [
[1, true],
[0, false],
['1', true],
['0', false],
["\1", true],
["\0", false],
['TRUE', true],
['FALSE', false],
['true', true],
['false', false],
['True', true],
['False', false],
public function testFindUniqueIndexes()
if ($this->driverName === 'sqlsrv') {
$this->markTestSkipped('`\yii\db\mssql\Schema::findUniqueIndexes()` returns only unique constraints not unique indexes.');
$db = $this->getConnection();
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$db->createCommand()->createTable('uniqueIndex', [
'somecol' => 'string',
'someCol2' => 'string',
/* @var $schema Schema */
$schema = $db->schema;
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
$this->assertEquals([], $uniqueIndexes);
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('somecolUnique', 'uniqueIndex', 'somecol', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
// create another column with upper case letter that fails postgres
// see
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('someCol2Unique', 'uniqueIndex', 'someCol2', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
'someCol2Unique' => ['someCol2'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
// see
$db->createCommand()->createIndex('another unique index', 'uniqueIndex', 'someCol2', true)->execute();
$uniqueIndexes = $schema->findUniqueIndexes($schema->getTableSchema('uniqueIndex', true));
'somecolUnique' => ['somecol'],
'someCol2Unique' => ['someCol2'],
'another unique index' => ['someCol2'],
], $uniqueIndexes);
public function testContraintTablesExistance()
$tableNames = [
$schema = $this->getConnection()->getSchema();
foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
$tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($tableName);
$this->assertInstanceOf('yii\db\TableSchema', $tableSchema, $tableName);
public function constraintsProvider()
return [
'1: primary key' => ['T_constraints_1', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'1: check' => ['T_constraints_1', 'checks', [
new CheckConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_check'],
'expression' => "C_check <> ''",
'1: unique' => ['T_constraints_1', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_unique',
'columnNames' => ['C_unique'],
'1: index' => ['T_constraints_1', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'isUnique' => true,
'isPrimary' => true,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_unique',
'columnNames' => ['C_unique'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => true,
'1: default' => ['T_constraints_1', 'defaultValues', false],
'2: primary key' => ['T_constraints_2', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_pk',
'columnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'2: unique' => ['T_constraints_2', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_multi',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_2_1', 'C_index_2_2'],
'2: index' => ['T_constraints_2', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'isUnique' => true,
'isPrimary' => true,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_single',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_1'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => false,
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_2_multi',
'columnNames' => ['C_index_2_1', 'C_index_2_2'],
'isPrimary' => false,
'isUnique' => true,
'2: check' => ['T_constraints_2', 'checks', []],
'2: default' => ['T_constraints_2', 'defaultValues', false],
'3: primary key' => ['T_constraints_3', 'primaryKey', null],
'3: foreign key' => ['T_constraints_3', 'foreignKeys', [
new ForeignKeyConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_3',
'columnNames' => ['C_fk_id_1', 'C_fk_id_2'],
'foreignTableName' => 'T_constraints_2',
'foreignColumnNames' => ['C_id_1', 'C_id_2'],
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE',
'onUpdate' => 'CASCADE',
'3: unique' => ['T_constraints_3', 'uniques', []],
'3: index' => ['T_constraints_3', 'indexes', [
new IndexConstraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_3',
'columnNames' => ['C_fk_id_1', 'C_fk_id_2'],
'isUnique' => false,
'isPrimary' => false,
'3: check' => ['T_constraints_3', 'checks', []],
'3: default' => ['T_constraints_3', 'defaultValues', false],
'4: primary key' => ['T_constraints_4', 'primaryKey', new Constraint([
'name' => AnyValue::getInstance(),
'columnNames' => ['C_id'],
'4: unique' => ['T_constraints_4', 'uniques', [
new Constraint([
'name' => 'CN_constraints_4',
'columnNames' => ['C_col_1', 'C_col_2'],
'4: check' => ['T_constraints_4', 'checks', []],
'4: default' => ['T_constraints_4', 'defaultValues', false],
public function lowercaseConstraintsProvider()
return $this->constraintsProvider();
public function uppercaseConstraintsProvider()
return $this->constraintsProvider();
* @dataProvider constraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraints($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$constraints = $this->getConnection(false)->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
* @dataProvider uppercaseConstraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraintsWithPdoUppercase($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$connection = $this->getConnection(false);
$connection->getSlavePdo(true)->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);
$constraints = $connection->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName, true);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
* @dataProvider lowercaseConstraintsProvider
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $expected
public function testTableSchemaConstraintsWithPdoLowercase($tableName, $type, $expected)
if ($expected === false) {
$connection = $this->getConnection(false);
$connection->getSlavePdo(true)->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_LOWER);
$constraints = $connection->getSchema()->{'getTable' . ucfirst($type)}($tableName, true);
$this->assertMetadataEquals($expected, $constraints);
protected function assertMetadataEquals($expected, $actual)
switch (\strtolower(\gettype($expected))) {
case 'object':
case 'array':
case 'null':
if (\is_array($expected)) {
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($expected, false);
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($actual, false);
$this->normalizeConstraints($expected, $actual);
if (\is_array($expected)) {
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($expected, true);
$this->normalizeArrayKeys($actual, true);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
protected function normalizeArrayKeys(array &$array, $caseSensitive)
$newArray = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value instanceof Constraint) {
$key = (array)$value;
unset($key['name'], $key['foreignSchemaName']);
foreach ($key as $keyName => $keyValue) {
if ($keyValue instanceof AnyCaseValue) {
$key[$keyName] = $keyValue->value;
} elseif ($keyValue instanceof AnyValue) {
$key[$keyName] = '[AnyValue]';
ksort($key, SORT_STRING);
$newArray[$caseSensitive ? json_encode($key) : strtolower(json_encode($key))] = $value;
} else {
$newArray[] = $value;
ksort($newArray, SORT_STRING);
$array = $newArray;
protected function normalizeConstraints(&$expected, &$actual)
if (\is_array($expected)) {
foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
if (!$value instanceof Constraint || !isset($actual[$key]) || !$actual[$key] instanceof Constraint) {
$this->normalizeConstraintPair($value, $actual[$key]);
} elseif ($expected instanceof Constraint && $actual instanceof Constraint) {
$this->normalizeConstraintPair($expected, $actual);
protected function normalizeConstraintPair(Constraint $expectedConstraint, Constraint $actualConstraint)
if ($expectedConstraint::className() !== $actualConstraint::className()) {
foreach (array_keys((array)$expectedConstraint) as $name) {
if ($expectedConstraint->$name instanceof AnyValue) {
$actualConstraint->$name = $expectedConstraint->$name;
} elseif ($expectedConstraint->$name instanceof AnyCaseValue) {
$actualConstraint->$name = new AnyCaseValue($actualConstraint->$name);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 68e3d39e1b658099550613f478f68ea1 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 122 ms |