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PHP Decode
<?php class MergedRSS { private $myFeeds = null; private $myTitle = null; private $myLi..
Decoded Output download
class MergedRSS {
private $myFeeds = null;
private $myTitle = null;
private $myLink = null;
private $myDescription = null;
private $myPubDate = null;
private $myCacheTime = null;
private $fetch_timeout = null; //timeout for fetching urls in seconds (floating point)
// create our Merged RSS Feed
public function __construct($feeds = null, $channel_title = null, $channel_link = null, $channel_description = null, $channel_pubdate = null, $cache_time_in_seconds = 3600, $fetch_timeout = '1.2') {
// set variables
$this->myTitle = $channel_title;
$this->myLink = $channel_link;
$this->myDescription = $channel_description;
$this->myPubDate = $channel_pubdate;
$this->myCacheTime = $cache_time_in_seconds;
$this->fetch_timeout = $fetch_timeout;
// initialize feed variable
$this->myFeeds = array();
if (isset($feeds)) {
// check if it's an array. if so, merge it into our existing array. if it's a single feed, just push it into the array
if (is_array($feeds)) {
$this->myFeeds = array_merge($feeds);
} else {
$this->myFeeds[] = $feeds;
// exports the data as a returned value and/or outputted to the screen
public function export($return_as_string = true, $output = false, $limit = null, $community = 'all') {
// initialize a combined item array for later
$items = array();
// loop through each feed
foreach ($this->myFeeds as $key => $feed_array) {
if ($community !== 'all' && $key !== $community) {
$results = null;
$feed_url = $feed_array[0];
// determine my cache file name. for now i assume they're all kept in a file called "cache"
$cache_file = "cache/" . $this->__create_feed_key($feed_url);
// determine whether or not I should use the cached version of the xml
$use_cache = false;
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
if (time() - filemtime($cache_file) < $this->myCacheTime) {
$use_cache = true;
if ($use_cache) {
// retrieve cached version
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file);
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
} else {
// retrieve updated rss feed
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_url($feed_url);
if ( is_object($sxe) ) {
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
if (!isset($results)) {
// couldn't fetch from the url. grab a cached version if we can
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file);
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
} else {
// we need to update the cache file
if (is_object($sxe)) {
if (isset($results)) {
// add each item to the master item list
foreach ($results as $item) {
if (trim($item->title) == '') {
//convert title to utf-8 (i.e. from facebook feeds)
$item->title = html_entity_decode($item->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$source = $item->addChild('source', '' . $feed_array[1]);
$source->addAttribute('url', $feed_array[2]);
$items[] = $item;
// set all the initial, necessary xml data
$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
$xml .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:content=\"\" xmlns:wfw=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\" xmlns:sy=\"\" xmlns:slash=\"\" xmlns:itunes=\"\" >
$xml .= "<channel>
if (isset($this->myTitle)) { $xml .= " <title>".$this->myTitle."</title>
"; }
$xml .= " <atom:link href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />
if (isset($this->myLink)) { $xml .= " <link>".$this->myLink."</link>
"; }
if (isset($this->myDescription)) { $xml .= " <description>".$this->myDescription."</description>
"; }
if (isset($this->myPubDate)) { $xml .= " <pubDate>".$this->myPubDate."</pubDate>
"; }
// if there are any items to add to the feed, let's do it
if (sizeof($items) >0) {
// sort items
usort($items, array($this,"__compare_items"));
// if desired, splice items into an array of the specified size
if (isset($limit)) { array_splice($items, intval($limit)); }
// now let's convert all of our items to XML
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($items); $i++) {
$xml .= $items[$i]->asXML() ."
$xml .= "</channel>
// if output is desired print to screen
if ($output) { echo $xml; }
// if user wants results returned as a string, do so
if ($return_as_string) { return $xml; }
// compares two items based on "pubDate"
private function __compare_items($a,$b) {
return strtotime($b->pubDate) - strtotime($a->pubDate);
// retrieves contents from a cache file ; returns null on error
private function __fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file) {
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
return simplexml_load_file($cache_file);
return null;
// retrieves contents of an external RSS feed ; implicitly returns null on error
private function __fetch_rss_from_url($url) {
// Create new SimpleXMLElement instance
try {
//set user agent, i.e. doesn't deliver feeds to unknown browsers
ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2049.0 Safari/537.36');
$fp = fopen($url, 'r', false , stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => $this->fetch_timeout))));
if ($fp) {
$sxe = simplexml_load_string(stream_get_contents($fp));
} else {
$sxe = false;
return $sxe;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
// creates a key for a specific feed url (used for creating friendly file names)
private function __create_feed_key($url) {
return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/', '_', $url) . 'cache';
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
class MergedRSS {
private $myFeeds = null;
private $myTitle = null;
private $myLink = null;
private $myDescription = null;
private $myPubDate = null;
private $myCacheTime = null;
private $fetch_timeout = null; //timeout for fetching urls in seconds (floating point)
// create our Merged RSS Feed
public function __construct($feeds = null, $channel_title = null, $channel_link = null, $channel_description = null, $channel_pubdate = null, $cache_time_in_seconds = 3600, $fetch_timeout = '1.2') {
// set variables
$this->myTitle = $channel_title;
$this->myLink = $channel_link;
$this->myDescription = $channel_description;
$this->myPubDate = $channel_pubdate;
$this->myCacheTime = $cache_time_in_seconds;
$this->fetch_timeout = $fetch_timeout;
// initialize feed variable
$this->myFeeds = array();
if (isset($feeds)) {
// check if it's an array. if so, merge it into our existing array. if it's a single feed, just push it into the array
if (is_array($feeds)) {
$this->myFeeds = array_merge($feeds);
} else {
$this->myFeeds[] = $feeds;
// exports the data as a returned value and/or outputted to the screen
public function export($return_as_string = true, $output = false, $limit = null, $community = 'all') {
// initialize a combined item array for later
$items = array();
// loop through each feed
foreach ($this->myFeeds as $key => $feed_array) {
if ($community !== 'all' && $key !== $community) {
$results = null;
$feed_url = $feed_array[0];
// determine my cache file name. for now i assume they're all kept in a file called "cache"
$cache_file = "cache/" . $this->__create_feed_key($feed_url);
// determine whether or not I should use the cached version of the xml
$use_cache = false;
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
if (time() - filemtime($cache_file) < $this->myCacheTime) {
$use_cache = true;
if ($use_cache) {
// retrieve cached version
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file);
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
} else {
// retrieve updated rss feed
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_url($feed_url);
if ( is_object($sxe) ) {
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
if (!isset($results)) {
// couldn't fetch from the url. grab a cached version if we can
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
$sxe = $this->__fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file);
$results = $sxe->channel->item;
} else {
// we need to update the cache file
if (is_object($sxe)) {
if (isset($results)) {
// add each item to the master item list
foreach ($results as $item) {
if (trim($item->title) == '') {
//convert title to utf-8 (i.e. from facebook feeds)
$item->title = html_entity_decode($item->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$source = $item->addChild('source', '' . $feed_array[1]);
$source->addAttribute('url', $feed_array[2]);
$items[] = $item;
// set all the initial, necessary xml data
$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
$xml .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:content=\"\" xmlns:wfw=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\" xmlns:sy=\"\" xmlns:slash=\"\" xmlns:itunes=\"\" >\n";
$xml .= "<channel>\n";
if (isset($this->myTitle)) { $xml .= "\t<title>".$this->myTitle."</title>\n"; }
$xml .= "\t<atom:link href=\"http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n";
if (isset($this->myLink)) { $xml .= "\t<link>".$this->myLink."</link>\n"; }
if (isset($this->myDescription)) { $xml .= "\t<description>".$this->myDescription."</description>\n"; }
if (isset($this->myPubDate)) { $xml .= "\t<pubDate>".$this->myPubDate."</pubDate>\n"; }
// if there are any items to add to the feed, let's do it
if (sizeof($items) >0) {
// sort items
usort($items, array($this,"__compare_items"));
// if desired, splice items into an array of the specified size
if (isset($limit)) { array_splice($items, intval($limit)); }
// now let's convert all of our items to XML
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($items); $i++) {
$xml .= $items[$i]->asXML() ."\n";
$xml .= "</channel>\n</rss>";
// if output is desired print to screen
if ($output) { echo $xml; }
// if user wants results returned as a string, do so
if ($return_as_string) { return $xml; }
// compares two items based on "pubDate"
private function __compare_items($a,$b) {
return strtotime($b->pubDate) - strtotime($a->pubDate);
// retrieves contents from a cache file ; returns null on error
private function __fetch_rss_from_cache($cache_file) {
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
return simplexml_load_file($cache_file);
return null;
// retrieves contents of an external RSS feed ; implicitly returns null on error
private function __fetch_rss_from_url($url) {
// Create new SimpleXMLElement instance
try {
//set user agent, i.e. doesn't deliver feeds to unknown browsers
ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2049.0 Safari/537.36');
$fp = fopen($url, 'r', false , stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => $this->fetch_timeout))));
if ($fp) {
$sxe = simplexml_load_string(stream_get_contents($fp));
} else {
$sxe = false;
return $sxe;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return null;
// creates a key for a specific feed url (used for creating friendly file names)
private function __create_feed_key($url) {
return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]/', '_', $url) . 'cache';
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 6f600a9f870cd60decba3060ba2434ed |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 94 ms |