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PHP Decode

<?php namespace Livewire\Mechanisms\ExtendBlade; use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeComp..

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namespace Livewire\Mechanisms\ExtendBlade;

use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;

class DeterministicBladeKeys
    protected $countersByPath = [];

    protected $currentPathHash;

    public function generate()
        if (! $this->currentPathHash) {
            throw new \Exception('Latest compiled component path not found.');

        $path = $this->currentPathHash;
        $count = $this->counter();

        // $key = "lw-[hash of Blade view path]-[current @livewire directive count]"
        return 'lw-' . $this->currentPathHash . '-' . $count;

    public function counter()
        if (! isset($this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash])) {
            $this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash] = 0;

        return $this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash]++;

    public function hookIntoCompile(BladeCompiler $compiler, $viewContent)
        $path = $compiler->getPath();

        // If there is no path this means this Blade is being compiled
        // with ->compileString(...) directly instead of ->compile()
        // therefore we'll generate a hash of the contents instead
        if ($path === null) {
            $path = $viewContent;

        $this->currentPathHash = crc32($path);

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Original Code


namespace Livewire\Mechanisms\ExtendBlade;

use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;

class DeterministicBladeKeys
    protected $countersByPath = [];

    protected $currentPathHash;

    public function generate()
        if (! $this->currentPathHash) {
            throw new \Exception('Latest compiled component path not found.');

        $path = $this->currentPathHash;
        $count = $this->counter();

        // $key = "lw-[hash of Blade view path]-[current @livewire directive count]"
        return 'lw-' . $this->currentPathHash . '-' . $count;

    public function counter()
        if (! isset($this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash])) {
            $this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash] = 0;

        return $this->countersByPath[$this->currentPathHash]++;

    public function hookIntoCompile(BladeCompiler $compiler, $viewContent)
        $path = $compiler->getPath();

        // If there is no path this means this Blade is being compiled
        // with ->compileString(...) directly instead of ->compile()
        // therefore we'll generate a hash of the contents instead
        if ($path === null) {
            $path = $viewContent;

        $this->currentPathHash = crc32($path);

Function Calls





MD5 7a34712747e90254417d9d0345147037
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 81 ms