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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro..

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-07-22 17:03:49              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 abstract class Cd12p extends FCXUJ implements zb04W, ghTxH { const sd7F1 = "core"; const hsBj3 = "util"; const QRbm7 = "admin"; const DPtJX = "developer"; public static final function CBznU() { return array(self::sd7F1 => XMhWr("Core Applications"), self::hsBj3 => xMHwR("Utilities"), self::QRbm7 => xmHWr("Administration"), self::DPtJX => XMHWR("Developer Tools")); } public final function BgSSR() { return "application"; } public final function jM7eG() { return "application_application"; } protected final function SizDx() { return array(self::tHDG0 => true) + parent::SiZDx(); } public final function TG8PC() { return $this->KEV1Z(); } public final function aqgmw() { return $this; } public abstract function getName(); public function i8Spl() { return XMhWR("%s Application", $this->getName()); } public final function sZpIZ() { goto wqA2w; Tl5qO: return true; goto szh42; wqA2w: if ($this->t_50H()) { goto SsBW1; } goto Tl5qO; szh42: SsBW1: goto fZfDh; JBXKU: return empty($nMsjP[get_class($this)]); goto hG6Fj; GKmdE: NBjE2: goto HsKH7; EAvMO: if (!(!$w3tAE && $this->mPL1I())) { goto NBjE2; } goto Y34iP; fZfDh: $w3tAE = LEvvR::tK01i(""); goto EAvMO; Y34iP: return false; goto GKmdE; HsKH7: $nMsjP = leVVR::tk01I("phabricator.uninstalled-applications"); goto JBXKU; hG6Fj: } public function Mpl1i() { return false; } public function HuFPl() { return false; } public function wp3ZG() { return true; } public function L3e1W(pWjeg $vcsgI) { return false; } public final function tJts1() { goto zElKO; ihhLC: return false; goto fJ_c3; zElKO: $miUzN = mixnU(new ReflectionClass($this))->getFileName(); goto ym2E3; ym2E3: $F4L1z = XqfaE("phabricator"); goto N2O5V; fJ_c3: eKEhP: goto xwnS5; MGIdG: if (!UcsJi::jp6w9($miUzN, $F4L1z . "/extensions")) { goto eKEhP; } goto ihhLC; tOUtQ: asa5G: goto MGIdG; N2O5V: if (uCsji::Jp6w9($miUzN, $F4L1z)) { goto asa5G; } goto NZvre; NZvre: return false; goto tOUtQ; xwnS5: return true; goto ETuTH; ETuTH: } public function t_50H() { return true; } public final function keV1Z() { return "PHID-APPS-" . get_class($this); } public function Pk3_K() { return $this->wP3zg() ? $this->Wn1xN() : null; } public function Wn1xN() { return null; } public final function FYcx2($dhLHh = '') { return $this->Wn1xN() . ltrim($dhLHh, "/"); } public function f3MNm() { return "fa-puzzle-piece"; } public function C1sjV() { return PHP_INT_MAX; } public function AKd47() { return self::sd7F1; } public function b23YR() { return null; } public final function CPTXu(PwJEg $vcsgI) { goto J9Psv; UKM0w: Npm86: goto vUWBV; Dowom: $SaS3d = $this->c9wIR(); goto q7MQM; FPEjG: aLu8w: goto UKM0w; J9Psv: $Dtwte = array(); goto oFRP3; fAHfR: foreach ($SaS3d as $o5aLn => $ppsV_) { goto bxIAV; KLeZD: $NFdSk = get_class($this); goto iHwgV; ayOIP: $Dtwte[] = $y5SpJ; goto FsKcg; FsKcg: ZORYA: goto Zuzer; iHwgV: $ilE2e = "/applications/mailcommands/" . $NFdSk . "/" . $o5aLn . "/"; goto NeAgk; bxIAV: $vVDYA = $ppsV_["object"]; goto KLeZD; NeAgk: $y5SpJ = MiXnU(new eTtew())->Cs4SP($ppsV_["name"])->jjuaM($ilE2e)->VSWsC("help-item")->jsvw9(true); goto ayOIP; Zuzer: } goto FPEjG; QxY5I: n7eOy: goto I1qsu; vUWBV: if (!$Dtwte) { goto n7eOy; } goto PvQcD; S2o8k: if (!$tbPVP) { goto JlAqv; } goto VhVKM; jYUnh: JlAqv: goto Dowom; VhVKM: foreach ($tbPVP as $vP2bx) { goto QGic8; QGic8: $y5SpJ = MIxNu(new eTTEW())->cS4sp($vP2bx["name"])->jJUAM($vP2bx["href"])->VsWsc("help-item")->jSvw9(true); goto Y5QbE; Y5QbE: $Dtwte[] = $y5SpJ; goto FvPJx; FvPJx: cQbvU: goto oD264; oD264: } goto JgPw0; AH_kh: array_unshift($Dtwte, $IwC9L); goto QxY5I; q7MQM: if (!$SaS3d) { goto Npm86; } goto fAHfR; JgPw0: J1KAL: goto jYUnh; PvQcD: $IwC9L = mIxnU(new eTtEw())->VSWSc("help-item")->setType(ETTew::sGdyt); goto AH_kh; oFRP3: $tbPVP = $this->LcwML($vcsgI); goto S2o8k; I1qsu: return array_values($Dtwte); goto QlXdQ; QlXdQ: } public function LcWMl(pwJEG $vcsgI) { return array(); } public function ma9PQ() { return null; } public function v_FVM() { return array(); } public function Z7ph7() { return array(); } public function L9tFm() { return array(); } public function C9WIr() { return array(); } public function iFH1k() { return array(); } public function WurLr() { return array(); } public function y_E1o() { return false; } protected final function MsuVP() { return LEvvr::uOY7H("Configuring Inbound Email"); } public function auKSW() { throw new KFYCC(); } public function cqS1U() { return array(); } public function Qe20F() { return null; } public function G3ilq(pWjEG $GH2lM, YcIwy $Z81Ra = null) { return array(); } public static final function rwxT2($PQhsa) { goto M_HEN; mlBbH: gnkv7: goto xCh77; xCh77: return $kWKui; goto mjgHW; zCTiG: throw new Exception(xmHWR("No application '%s'!", $PQhsa)); goto mlBbH; VrQtW: if ($kWKui) { goto gnkv7; } goto zCTiG; uJBNj: $jW81r = self::RNwYY(); goto UJjgT; UJjgT: foreach ($jW81r as $rprHg) { goto ZzhsO; dkitq: Sm1iP: goto uuOgR; uuOgR: DnVzW: goto SwL6U; ZzhsO: if (!(get_class($rprHg) == $PQhsa)) { goto Sm1iP; } goto uEy83; uEy83: $kWKui = $rprHg; goto Upc45; Upc45: goto cAWfN; goto dkitq; SwL6U: } goto wB8PQ; wB8PQ: cAWfN: goto VrQtW; M_HEN: $kWKui = null; goto uJBNj; mjgHW: } public static final function RNWYY() { goto ZDznP; fIu4G: if (!($jW81r === null)) { goto EMNzS; } goto FAk0L; e8hsM: $mkSK8 = aNFjm($mkSK8, "getApplicationGroup"); goto rsZPS; cA1Zc: EMNzS: goto uEmwq; y7JbM: $mkSK8 = Rgmdr($mkSK8); goto Mz3iY; uEmwq: return $jW81r; goto GQoIB; rsZPS: $ytyj5 = array_keys(self::cbzNU()); goto qpf_u; Mz3iY: $jW81r = $mkSK8; goto cA1Zc; FAk0L: $mkSK8 = MIXnu(new dQCWj())->UB3XK(__CLASS__)->lhvrD("getApplicationOrder")->execute(); goto e8hsM; qpf_u: $mkSK8 = g8WLo($mkSK8, $ytyj5) + $mkSK8; goto y7JbM; ZDznP: static $jW81r; goto fIu4G; GQoIB: } public static final function X16CM() { goto WiqpU; HzNM1: rX5SK: goto qsBI7; WiqpU: $RZ2zn = self::RNwYy(); goto erEU9; ougZ3: foreach ($RZ2zn as $gxCkw) { goto qDwU1; nOuBj: $mkSK8[] = $gxCkw; goto w3kB0; FvsYW: o3pLr: goto nOuBj; w3kB0: mSkG6: goto rgylb; qDwU1: if ($gxCkw->SzPIz()) { goto o3pLr; } goto qI4Rn; qI4Rn: goto mSkG6; goto FvsYW; rgylb: } goto HzNM1; qsBI7: return $mkSK8; goto jU6Su; erEU9: $mkSK8 = array(); goto ougZ3; jU6Su: } public static final function g6gxf($NFdSk) { return self::Rwxt2($NFdSk)->SzPiZ(); } public static final function fc4oy($NFdSk, PwJEG $vcsgI) { goto ymojJ; el_U1: return true; goto aq1K5; z2l2R: $BBMB6 = $vcsgI->matwq(); goto Vd_mU; U7QIU: $nldm7 = true; goto V8Dj6; QOKvQ: $nldm7 = false; goto yKsCs; aq1K5: vrv13: goto rLSTn; jSQqM: $nldm7 = $WKRrK->EV0gz($o5aLn); goto qzbrO; ykG7F: $WKRrK->e2Hm1($o5aLn, $nldm7); goto B_eLz; yKsCs: RB6_6: goto ykG7F; CUpO8: if (!$rprHg->T_50h()) { goto HrteP; } goto yH4uE; VTGCN: kJFaC: goto QOKvQ; tYesI: $rprHg = self::RWxt2($NFdSk); goto CUpO8; rLSTn: $WKRrK = I9iYl::h4Q1n(); goto z2l2R; qzbrO: if (!($nldm7 === null)) { goto lpDSo; } goto JVgYX; MjDy6: HrteP: goto U7QIU; JVgYX: if (!self::g6Gxf($NFdSk)) { goto kJFaC; } goto tYesI; V8Dj6: L_KnC: goto C5t4C; C5t4C: goto RB6_6; goto VTGCN; A5AHz: return $nldm7; goto UtMSJ; ymojJ: if (!$vcsgI->vQ30o()) { goto vrv13; } goto el_U1; Vd_mU: $o5aLn = "app." . $NFdSk . ".installed." . $BBMB6; goto jSQqM; B_eLz: lpDSo: goto A5AHz; haUhr: goto L_KnC; goto MjDy6; yH4uE: $nldm7 = h3n1S::fEyb6($vcsgI, self::RWxt2($NFdSk), ltqrJ::pB2tM); goto haUhr; UtMSJ: } public function nw2d5() { return array_merge(array(LTQrJ::pB2tM, LTqrJ::LRhgk), array_keys($this->T7Cna())); } public function HRaDm($f2S43) { goto myERV; hiXhP: switch ($f2S43) { case Ltqrj::pB2tM: return e_vkp::MLXYG(); case LTQrJ::LRhgk: return e_VKP::KzP3m; default: $ppsV_ = $this->oH4yM($f2S43); return erOvy($ppsV_, "default", e_vKp::WRGfy); } goto RpCXh; ic3la: wvbfn: goto vmoSf; myERV: $pvqSc = $this->K3GjX($f2S43); goto W4XcA; ds0wD: NCO0e: goto hiXhP; IKHWB: return $pvqSc; goto ds0wD; W4XcA: if (!$pvqSc) { goto NCO0e; } goto IKHWB; RpCXh: D310j: goto ic3la; vmoSf: } public function gjkQw($f2S43, PWjeg $vcsgI) { return false; } protected function T7CNA() { return array(); } private function k3gJx($f2S43) { goto UNd04; ns8aS: $S0XLN = LEVvR::TK01I("phabricator.application-settings"); goto L2HnT; aWU74: return null; goto nbCeU; LtkZs: return null; goto g83kg; zmbXk: return null; goto zA0JW; g83kg: HVpJs: goto kMjED; zA0JW: cuQKZ: goto SJUJx; fR7z1: if ($gxCkw) { goto cuQKZ; } goto zmbXk; L_XK9: UOgIV: goto ns8aS; UNd04: if ($this->nTEQp($f2S43)) { goto HVpJs; } goto LtkZs; L2HnT: $gxCkw = ErovY($S0XLN, $this->KeV1Z()); goto fR7z1; g_RKy: return $AcMKy[$f2S43]; goto L_XK9; nbCeU: qrm7X: goto DUxV_; VvMSm: if (!isset($AcMKy[$f2S43])) { goto UOgIV; } goto g_RKy; DUxV_: return ErovY($T4q6U, $f2S43); goto TrouV; kMjED: $AcMKy = lEvVR::Tk01i("policy.locked"); goto VvMSm; Qn2Br: if ($T4q6U) { goto qrm7X; } goto aWU74; SJUJx: $T4q6U = erovY($gxCkw, "policy"); goto Qn2Br; TrouV: } private function Oh4ym($f2S43) { goto gd146; gd146: $O15Lk = $this->T7cnA(); goto kc3hX; S_o3I: throw new Exception(xmhwr("Unknown capability '%s'!", $f2S43)); goto XTHdG; XTHdG: pa3kD: goto dvRTk; dvRTk: return $O15Lk[$f2S43]; goto fXBEJ; kc3hX: if (isset($O15Lk[$f2S43])) { goto pa3kD; } goto S_o3I; fXBEJ: } public final function TNUg4($f2S43) { goto y9woH; y9woH: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQRj::pB2tM: return xMhwr("Can Use Application"); case lTqRJ::LRhgk: return XMHwR("Can Configure Application"); } goto imrrZ; fwZLN: xvfmu: goto UsUrE; UsUrE: return null; goto VPd59; agE1y: K0l15: goto MOqqK; PccRL: if (!$EBP94) { goto xvfmu; } goto T4WIY; imrrZ: WvwSw: goto agE1y; T4WIY: return $EBP94->u8DD4(); goto fwZLN; MOqqK: $EBP94 = LTQrj::mG339($f2S43); goto PccRL; VPd59: } public final function nTeqp($f2S43) { goto pah_6; pah_6: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQrj::pB2tM: return $this->T_50h(); case LTQRJ::LRhgk: return true; default: $ppsV_ = $this->Oh4YM($f2S43); return EROvy($ppsV_, "edit", true); } goto Ld08H; F9ytJ: BViLf: goto EQinQ; Ld08H: GXf4x: goto F9ytJ; EQinQ: } public final function UN4jm($f2S43) { goto HCrWW; uNszV: k7skn: goto tfXpv; HCrWW: switch ($f2S43) { case LTqrJ::pB2tM: goto Hrg7q; O9P9w: return null; goto y1_cu; a4Kd2: hCPdR: goto FJa_w; FJa_w: return xmhWR("This application is required, so all " . "users must have access to it."); goto EJHDE; Hrg7q: if (!$this->t_50h()) { goto hCPdR; } goto O9P9w; EJHDE: tjh0a: goto JySXU; y1_cu: goto tjh0a; goto a4Kd2; JySXU: case LTQrJ::LRhgk: return null; default: $ppsV_ = $this->OH4ym($f2S43); return eROvy($ppsV_, "caption"); } goto RrPe4; RrPe4: fdPrB: goto uNszV; tfXpv: } public final function SGj9m($f2S43) { goto uwO0F; HsosH: JSGWr: goto d4ldf; K3dRi: return eRovY($ppsV_, "template"); goto AKTEM; uwO0F: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQRj::pB2tM: case LTQRj::LRhgk: return null; } goto HsosH; d4ldf: G6RMF: goto AUkrJ; AUkrJ: $ppsV_ = $this->OH4Ym($f2S43); goto K3dRi; AKTEM: } public final function u2Lxv() { goto XAkCb; wNUB3: foreach ($this->T7Cna() as $f2S43 => $ppsV_) { goto rj50f; od4Us: goto Ri8Us; goto PlKDl; D0mYx: $uLuOo[$ppsV_["template"]][$ppsV_["capability"]] = $pvqSc; goto w41zq; PlKDl: sdisR: goto rQbwt; rj50f: if (!empty($ppsV_["template"])) { goto sdisR; } goto od4Us; w41zq: Ri8Us: goto rD1XN; Ol92Y: $pvqSc = $this->hrAdm($f2S43); goto D0mYx; rQbwt: if (!empty($ppsV_["capability"])) { goto tBrPQ; } goto YD9y9; YD9y9: goto Ri8Us; goto kF1T4; kF1T4: tBrPQ: goto Ol92Y; rD1XN: } goto wxWue; XAkCb: $uLuOo = array(); goto wNUB3; wxWue: xUUtf: goto IkIRQ; IkIRQ: return $uLuOo; goto kWjBK; kWjBK: } public function piqKN() { return array(); } protected function kbVK_($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "(?:" . "(?P<id>[0-9]\d*)/)?" . "(?:" . "(?:" . "(?P<editAction>parameters|nodefault|nocreate|nomanage|comment)/" . "|" . "(?:form/(?P<formKey>[^/]+)/)?(?:page/(?P<pageKey>[^/]+)/)?" . ")" . ")?"; } protected function KHaSO($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "(?:query/(?P<queryKey>[^/]+)/)?"; } protected function yp8DO($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "(?:query/(?P<queryKey>[^/]+)/(?:(?P<queryAction>[^/]+)/)?)?"; } protected function Ze3H2($Z81Ra) { goto Br74A; Br74A: $TG1fT = $this->kBvk_(); goto HZDgy; HZDgy: $OHn0P = "(?P<itemEditMode>global|custom)/"; goto ZlQko; ZlQko: return array("(?P<itemAction>view)/(?P<itemID>[^/]+)/" => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>hide)/(?P<itemID>[^/]+)/" => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>default)/(?P<itemID>[^/]+)/" => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>configure)/" => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>configure)/" . $OHn0P => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>reorder)/" . $OHn0P => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>edit)/" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>new)/" . $OHn0P . "(?<itemKey>[^/]+)/" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra, "(?P<itemAction>builtin)/(?<itemID>[^/]+)/" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra); goto u1qVq; u1qVq: } public function EVN0R() { return new g0LXx(); } public function yJZss() { return new Yhf90(); } } ?>

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Original Code

/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-07-22 17:03:49              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 abstract class Cd12p extends FCXUJ implements zb04W, ghTxH { const sd7F1 = "\143\157\162\145"; const hsBj3 = "\x75\x74\x69\154"; const QRbm7 = "\141\144\155\151\156"; const DPtJX = "\x64\x65\166\x65\x6c\x6f\160\145\162"; public static final function CBznU() { return array(self::sd7F1 => XMhWr("\103\x6f\x72\145\40\x41\x70\x70\154\151\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\156\163"), self::hsBj3 => xMHwR("\125\x74\151\x6c\x69\164\x69\x65\163"), self::QRbm7 => xmHWr("\101\144\x6d\x69\x6e\x69\163\164\x72\141\x74\x69\x6f\x6e"), self::DPtJX => XMHWR("\104\x65\x76\145\154\157\x70\x65\162\x20\x54\157\157\x6c\x73")); } public final function BgSSR() { return "\x61\x70\160\x6c\151\143\x61\164\151\x6f\x6e"; } public final function jM7eG() { return "\141\160\x70\154\x69\x63\141\164\151\x6f\156\137\141\x70\x70\154\151\143\141\164\151\157\x6e"; } protected final function SizDx() { return array(self::tHDG0 => true) + parent::SiZDx(); } public final function TG8PC() { return $this->KEV1Z(); } public final function aqgmw() { return $this; } public abstract function getName(); public function i8Spl() { return XMhWR("\45\163\x20\101\160\160\x6c\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\x6f\x6e", $this->getName()); } public final function sZpIZ() { goto wqA2w; Tl5qO: return true; goto szh42; wqA2w: if ($this->t_50H()) { goto SsBW1; } goto Tl5qO; szh42: SsBW1: goto fZfDh; JBXKU: return empty($nMsjP[get_class($this)]); goto hG6Fj; GKmdE: NBjE2: goto HsKH7; EAvMO: if (!(!$w3tAE && $this->mPL1I())) { goto NBjE2; } goto Y34iP; fZfDh: $w3tAE = LEvvR::tK01i("\x70\x68\x61\x62\162\151\x63\141\164\157\162\x2e\163\150\x6f\x77\55\160\162\157\164\157\164\171\x70\145\163"); goto EAvMO; Y34iP: return false; goto GKmdE; HsKH7: $nMsjP = leVVR::tk01I("\160\150\141\142\x72\151\x63\x61\x74\x6f\x72\56\165\156\x69\x6e\x73\x74\x61\154\x6c\x65\144\55\x61\x70\160\154\x69\x63\141\x74\151\157\156\163"); goto JBXKU; hG6Fj: } public function Mpl1i() { return false; } public function HuFPl() { return false; } public function wp3ZG() { return true; } public function L3e1W(pWjeg $vcsgI) { return false; } public final function tJts1() { goto zElKO; ihhLC: return false; goto fJ_c3; zElKO: $miUzN = mixnU(new ReflectionClass($this))->getFileName(); goto ym2E3; ym2E3: $F4L1z = XqfaE("\160\x68\141\142\162\151\143\x61\x74\x6f\x72"); goto N2O5V; fJ_c3: eKEhP: goto xwnS5; MGIdG: if (!UcsJi::jp6w9($miUzN, $F4L1z . "\57\x65\170\x74\145\x6e\x73\x69\157\156\x73")) { goto eKEhP; } goto ihhLC; tOUtQ: asa5G: goto MGIdG; N2O5V: if (uCsji::Jp6w9($miUzN, $F4L1z)) { goto asa5G; } goto NZvre; NZvre: return false; goto tOUtQ; xwnS5: return true; goto ETuTH; ETuTH: } public function t_50H() { return true; } public final function keV1Z() { return "\120\x48\x49\x44\55\101\x50\x50\123\55" . get_class($this); } public function Pk3_K() { return $this->wP3zg() ? $this->Wn1xN() : null; } public function Wn1xN() { return null; } public final function FYcx2($dhLHh = '') { return $this->Wn1xN() . ltrim($dhLHh, "\x2f"); } public function f3MNm() { return "\x66\141\55\160\x75\x7a\172\154\x65\55\x70\151\x65\143\145"; } public function C1sjV() { return PHP_INT_MAX; } public function AKd47() { return self::sd7F1; } public function b23YR() { return null; } public final function CPTXu(PwJEg $vcsgI) { goto J9Psv; UKM0w: Npm86: goto vUWBV; Dowom: $SaS3d = $this->c9wIR(); goto q7MQM; FPEjG: aLu8w: goto UKM0w; J9Psv: $Dtwte = array(); goto oFRP3; fAHfR: foreach ($SaS3d as $o5aLn => $ppsV_) { goto bxIAV; KLeZD: $NFdSk = get_class($this); goto iHwgV; ayOIP: $Dtwte[] = $y5SpJ; goto FsKcg; FsKcg: ZORYA: goto Zuzer; iHwgV: $ilE2e = "\57\141\x70\x70\x6c\x69\143\141\164\x69\x6f\156\x73\x2f\155\x61\151\154\143\157\x6d\x6d\x61\156\x64\163\x2f" . $NFdSk . "\x2f" . $o5aLn . "\x2f"; goto NeAgk; bxIAV: $vVDYA = $ppsV_["\157\142\152\145\x63\164"]; goto KLeZD; NeAgk: $y5SpJ = MiXnU(new eTtew())->Cs4SP($ppsV_["\156\x61\x6d\x65"])->jjuaM($ilE2e)->VSWsC("\150\145\x6c\x70\55\151\164\145\x6d")->jsvw9(true); goto ayOIP; Zuzer: } goto FPEjG; QxY5I: n7eOy: goto I1qsu; vUWBV: if (!$Dtwte) { goto n7eOy; } goto PvQcD; S2o8k: if (!$tbPVP) { goto JlAqv; } goto VhVKM; jYUnh: JlAqv: goto Dowom; VhVKM: foreach ($tbPVP as $vP2bx) { goto QGic8; QGic8: $y5SpJ = MIxNu(new eTTEW())->cS4sp($vP2bx["\x6e\x61\x6d\145"])->jJUAM($vP2bx["\150\x72\145\146"])->VsWsc("\x68\x65\x6c\160\55\x69\164\145\x6d")->jSvw9(true); goto Y5QbE; Y5QbE: $Dtwte[] = $y5SpJ; goto FvPJx; FvPJx: cQbvU: goto oD264; oD264: } goto JgPw0; AH_kh: array_unshift($Dtwte, $IwC9L); goto QxY5I; q7MQM: if (!$SaS3d) { goto Npm86; } goto fAHfR; JgPw0: J1KAL: goto jYUnh; PvQcD: $IwC9L = mIxnU(new eTtEw())->VSWSc("\150\x65\154\160\x2d\151\x74\x65\155")->setType(ETTew::sGdyt); goto AH_kh; oFRP3: $tbPVP = $this->LcwML($vcsgI); goto S2o8k; I1qsu: return array_values($Dtwte); goto QlXdQ; QlXdQ: } public function LcWMl(pwJEG $vcsgI) { return array(); } public function ma9PQ() { return null; } public function v_FVM() { return array(); } public function Z7ph7() { return array(); } public function L9tFm() { return array(); } public function C9WIr() { return array(); } public function iFH1k() { return array(); } public function WurLr() { return array(); } public function y_E1o() { return false; } protected final function MsuVP() { return LEvvr::uOY7H("\103\x6f\x6e\x66\151\147\x75\x72\151\156\x67\40\x49\x6e\x62\x6f\x75\156\144\40\105\155\x61\151\x6c"); } public function auKSW() { throw new KFYCC(); } public function cqS1U() { return array(); } public function Qe20F() { return null; } public function G3ilq(pWjEG $GH2lM, YcIwy $Z81Ra = null) { return array(); } public static final function rwxT2($PQhsa) { goto M_HEN; mlBbH: gnkv7: goto xCh77; xCh77: return $kWKui; goto mjgHW; zCTiG: throw new Exception(xmHWR("\116\157\x20\141\x70\x70\x6c\151\x63\x61\164\151\x6f\156\x20\47\45\163\x27\x21", $PQhsa)); goto mlBbH; VrQtW: if ($kWKui) { goto gnkv7; } goto zCTiG; uJBNj: $jW81r = self::RNwYY(); goto UJjgT; UJjgT: foreach ($jW81r as $rprHg) { goto ZzhsO; dkitq: Sm1iP: goto uuOgR; uuOgR: DnVzW: goto SwL6U; ZzhsO: if (!(get_class($rprHg) == $PQhsa)) { goto Sm1iP; } goto uEy83; uEy83: $kWKui = $rprHg; goto Upc45; Upc45: goto cAWfN; goto dkitq; SwL6U: } goto wB8PQ; wB8PQ: cAWfN: goto VrQtW; M_HEN: $kWKui = null; goto uJBNj; mjgHW: } public static final function RNWYY() { goto ZDznP; fIu4G: if (!($jW81r === null)) { goto EMNzS; } goto FAk0L; e8hsM: $mkSK8 = aNFjm($mkSK8, "\147\145\x74\101\x70\x70\154\151\143\x61\x74\151\157\156\x47\x72\x6f\165\160"); goto rsZPS; cA1Zc: EMNzS: goto uEmwq; y7JbM: $mkSK8 = Rgmdr($mkSK8); goto Mz3iY; uEmwq: return $jW81r; goto GQoIB; rsZPS: $ytyj5 = array_keys(self::cbzNU()); goto qpf_u; Mz3iY: $jW81r = $mkSK8; goto cA1Zc; FAk0L: $mkSK8 = MIXnu(new dQCWj())->UB3XK(__CLASS__)->lhvrD("\147\x65\164\101\x70\160\x6c\x69\x63\x61\164\x69\157\156\x4f\x72\x64\x65\x72")->execute(); goto e8hsM; qpf_u: $mkSK8 = g8WLo($mkSK8, $ytyj5) + $mkSK8; goto y7JbM; ZDznP: static $jW81r; goto fIu4G; GQoIB: } public static final function X16CM() { goto WiqpU; HzNM1: rX5SK: goto qsBI7; WiqpU: $RZ2zn = self::RNwYy(); goto erEU9; ougZ3: foreach ($RZ2zn as $gxCkw) { goto qDwU1; nOuBj: $mkSK8[] = $gxCkw; goto w3kB0; FvsYW: o3pLr: goto nOuBj; w3kB0: mSkG6: goto rgylb; qDwU1: if ($gxCkw->SzPIz()) { goto o3pLr; } goto qI4Rn; qI4Rn: goto mSkG6; goto FvsYW; rgylb: } goto HzNM1; qsBI7: return $mkSK8; goto jU6Su; erEU9: $mkSK8 = array(); goto ougZ3; jU6Su: } public static final function g6gxf($NFdSk) { return self::Rwxt2($NFdSk)->SzPiZ(); } public static final function fc4oy($NFdSk, PwJEG $vcsgI) { goto ymojJ; el_U1: return true; goto aq1K5; z2l2R: $BBMB6 = $vcsgI->matwq(); goto Vd_mU; U7QIU: $nldm7 = true; goto V8Dj6; QOKvQ: $nldm7 = false; goto yKsCs; aq1K5: vrv13: goto rLSTn; jSQqM: $nldm7 = $WKRrK->EV0gz($o5aLn); goto qzbrO; ykG7F: $WKRrK->e2Hm1($o5aLn, $nldm7); goto B_eLz; yKsCs: RB6_6: goto ykG7F; CUpO8: if (!$rprHg->T_50h()) { goto HrteP; } goto yH4uE; VTGCN: kJFaC: goto QOKvQ; tYesI: $rprHg = self::RWxt2($NFdSk); goto CUpO8; rLSTn: $WKRrK = I9iYl::h4Q1n(); goto z2l2R; qzbrO: if (!($nldm7 === null)) { goto lpDSo; } goto JVgYX; MjDy6: HrteP: goto U7QIU; JVgYX: if (!self::g6Gxf($NFdSk)) { goto kJFaC; } goto tYesI; V8Dj6: L_KnC: goto C5t4C; C5t4C: goto RB6_6; goto VTGCN; A5AHz: return $nldm7; goto UtMSJ; ymojJ: if (!$vcsgI->vQ30o()) { goto vrv13; } goto el_U1; Vd_mU: $o5aLn = "\x61\x70\160\x2e" . $NFdSk . "\56\x69\x6e\x73\164\x61\x6c\x6c\x65\144\x2e" . $BBMB6; goto jSQqM; B_eLz: lpDSo: goto A5AHz; haUhr: goto L_KnC; goto MjDy6; yH4uE: $nldm7 = h3n1S::fEyb6($vcsgI, self::RWxt2($NFdSk), ltqrJ::pB2tM); goto haUhr; UtMSJ: } public function nw2d5() { return array_merge(array(LTQrJ::pB2tM, LTqrJ::LRhgk), array_keys($this->T7Cna())); } public function HRaDm($f2S43) { goto myERV; hiXhP: switch ($f2S43) { case Ltqrj::pB2tM: return e_vkp::MLXYG(); case LTQrJ::LRhgk: return e_VKP::KzP3m; default: $ppsV_ = $this->oH4yM($f2S43); return erOvy($ppsV_, "\144\x65\146\141\x75\154\164", e_vKp::WRGfy); } goto RpCXh; ic3la: wvbfn: goto vmoSf; myERV: $pvqSc = $this->K3GjX($f2S43); goto W4XcA; ds0wD: NCO0e: goto hiXhP; IKHWB: return $pvqSc; goto ds0wD; W4XcA: if (!$pvqSc) { goto NCO0e; } goto IKHWB; RpCXh: D310j: goto ic3la; vmoSf: } public function gjkQw($f2S43, PWjeg $vcsgI) { return false; } protected function T7CNA() { return array(); } private function k3gJx($f2S43) { goto UNd04; ns8aS: $S0XLN = LEVvR::TK01I("\160\x68\141\x62\162\x69\143\x61\164\x6f\162\x2e\x61\160\x70\x6c\x69\x63\x61\164\151\x6f\156\55\163\x65\x74\x74\x69\x6e\x67\x73"); goto L2HnT; aWU74: return null; goto nbCeU; LtkZs: return null; goto g83kg; zmbXk: return null; goto zA0JW; g83kg: HVpJs: goto kMjED; zA0JW: cuQKZ: goto SJUJx; fR7z1: if ($gxCkw) { goto cuQKZ; } goto zmbXk; L_XK9: UOgIV: goto ns8aS; UNd04: if ($this->nTEQp($f2S43)) { goto HVpJs; } goto LtkZs; L2HnT: $gxCkw = ErovY($S0XLN, $this->KeV1Z()); goto fR7z1; g_RKy: return $AcMKy[$f2S43]; goto L_XK9; nbCeU: qrm7X: goto DUxV_; VvMSm: if (!isset($AcMKy[$f2S43])) { goto UOgIV; } goto g_RKy; DUxV_: return ErovY($T4q6U, $f2S43); goto TrouV; kMjED: $AcMKy = lEvVR::Tk01i("\160\157\154\x69\143\171\x2e\154\157\143\153\145\x64"); goto VvMSm; Qn2Br: if ($T4q6U) { goto qrm7X; } goto aWU74; SJUJx: $T4q6U = erovY($gxCkw, "\160\x6f\x6c\x69\x63\x79"); goto Qn2Br; TrouV: } private function Oh4ym($f2S43) { goto gd146; gd146: $O15Lk = $this->T7cnA(); goto kc3hX; S_o3I: throw new Exception(xmhwr("\x55\156\153\156\157\167\156\x20\143\x61\x70\141\142\x69\154\x69\x74\171\40\47\45\x73\x27\41", $f2S43)); goto XTHdG; XTHdG: pa3kD: goto dvRTk; dvRTk: return $O15Lk[$f2S43]; goto fXBEJ; kc3hX: if (isset($O15Lk[$f2S43])) { goto pa3kD; } goto S_o3I; fXBEJ: } public final function TNUg4($f2S43) { goto y9woH; y9woH: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQRj::pB2tM: return xMhwr("\x43\141\156\40\125\163\145\40\101\x70\x70\x6c\151\143\x61\x74\x69\157\156"); case lTqRJ::LRhgk: return XMHwR("\x43\x61\x6e\40\103\157\x6e\x66\151\147\x75\x72\x65\40\101\160\160\154\151\143\x61\x74\151\x6f\156"); } goto imrrZ; fwZLN: xvfmu: goto UsUrE; UsUrE: return null; goto VPd59; agE1y: K0l15: goto MOqqK; PccRL: if (!$EBP94) { goto xvfmu; } goto T4WIY; imrrZ: WvwSw: goto agE1y; T4WIY: return $EBP94->u8DD4(); goto fwZLN; MOqqK: $EBP94 = LTQrj::mG339($f2S43); goto PccRL; VPd59: } public final function nTeqp($f2S43) { goto pah_6; pah_6: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQrj::pB2tM: return $this->T_50h(); case LTQRJ::LRhgk: return true; default: $ppsV_ = $this->Oh4YM($f2S43); return EROvy($ppsV_, "\145\x64\x69\x74", true); } goto Ld08H; F9ytJ: BViLf: goto EQinQ; Ld08H: GXf4x: goto F9ytJ; EQinQ: } public final function UN4jm($f2S43) { goto HCrWW; uNszV: k7skn: goto tfXpv; HCrWW: switch ($f2S43) { case LTqrJ::pB2tM: goto Hrg7q; O9P9w: return null; goto y1_cu; a4Kd2: hCPdR: goto FJa_w; FJa_w: return xmhWR("\x54\x68\x69\x73\x20\141\160\x70\154\151\x63\141\164\151\x6f\x6e\40\x69\x73\x20\x72\x65\x71\x75\x69\162\145\144\54\x20\163\157\x20\x61\x6c\x6c\40" . "\165\163\x65\x72\x73\40\155\165\x73\x74\x20\150\141\x76\145\40\x61\143\143\x65\x73\163\40\164\x6f\x20\151\x74\x2e"); goto EJHDE; Hrg7q: if (!$this->t_50h()) { goto hCPdR; } goto O9P9w; EJHDE: tjh0a: goto JySXU; y1_cu: goto tjh0a; goto a4Kd2; JySXU: case LTQrJ::LRhgk: return null; default: $ppsV_ = $this->OH4ym($f2S43); return eROvy($ppsV_, "\x63\141\x70\164\151\x6f\x6e"); } goto RrPe4; RrPe4: fdPrB: goto uNszV; tfXpv: } public final function SGj9m($f2S43) { goto uwO0F; HsosH: JSGWr: goto d4ldf; K3dRi: return eRovY($ppsV_, "\x74\145\x6d\160\154\x61\164\x65"); goto AKTEM; uwO0F: switch ($f2S43) { case LTQRj::pB2tM: case LTQRj::LRhgk: return null; } goto HsosH; d4ldf: G6RMF: goto AUkrJ; AUkrJ: $ppsV_ = $this->OH4Ym($f2S43); goto K3dRi; AKTEM: } public final function u2Lxv() { goto XAkCb; wNUB3: foreach ($this->T7Cna() as $f2S43 => $ppsV_) { goto rj50f; od4Us: goto Ri8Us; goto PlKDl; D0mYx: $uLuOo[$ppsV_["\164\x65\155\160\x6c\x61\x74\x65"]][$ppsV_["\x63\x61\160\141\x62\151\x6c\151\x74\171"]] = $pvqSc; goto w41zq; PlKDl: sdisR: goto rQbwt; rj50f: if (!empty($ppsV_["\164\145\x6d\x70\154\141\x74\x65"])) { goto sdisR; } goto od4Us; w41zq: Ri8Us: goto rD1XN; Ol92Y: $pvqSc = $this->hrAdm($f2S43); goto D0mYx; rQbwt: if (!empty($ppsV_["\x63\141\160\x61\142\151\154\x69\x74\171"])) { goto tBrPQ; } goto YD9y9; YD9y9: goto Ri8Us; goto kF1T4; kF1T4: tBrPQ: goto Ol92Y; rD1XN: } goto wxWue; XAkCb: $uLuOo = array(); goto wNUB3; wxWue: xUUtf: goto IkIRQ; IkIRQ: return $uLuOo; goto kWjBK; kWjBK: } public function piqKN() { return array(); } protected function kbVK_($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "\x28\x3f\72" . "\x28\77\x50\74\x69\144\x3e\x5b\60\55\x39\135\134\x64\x2a\51\57\51\x3f" . "\x28\77\72" . "\x28\x3f\x3a" . "\50\77\120\74\145\144\151\x74\101\143\164\x69\157\x6e\x3e\160\141\x72\x61\x6d\x65\x74\x65\162\163\174\156\157\x64\x65\x66\x61\x75\x6c\164\174\x6e\157\143\x72\145\x61\x74\x65\174\156\x6f\155\x61\156\x61\x67\145\x7c\143\x6f\155\155\145\x6e\x74\x29\x2f" . "\x7c" . "\x28\77\72\x66\157\x72\155\57\50\x3f\120\x3c\146\157\162\x6d\x4b\145\x79\x3e\133\136\x2f\135\53\x29\x2f\51\77\50\77\72\160\x61\147\x65\57\50\x3f\x50\x3c\x70\141\x67\145\113\145\x79\76\x5b\x5e\x2f\135\x2b\x29\57\51\77" . "\x29" . "\51\x3f"; } protected function KHaSO($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "\x28\x3f\x3a\161\165\145\162\171\57\50\x3f\120\x3c\x71\x75\x65\162\171\113\145\171\76\133\136\x2f\135\x2b\x29\57\x29\77"; } protected function yp8DO($YwEL1 = null) { return $YwEL1 . "\x28\x3f\72\161\165\x65\162\171\x2f\50\x3f\x50\74\x71\165\x65\x72\x79\113\x65\171\76\133\x5e\57\x5d\53\51\57\50\77\x3a\50\x3f\120\74\x71\x75\145\162\171\x41\143\164\x69\157\156\76\x5b\136\57\135\x2b\51\57\51\77\51\77"; } protected function Ze3H2($Z81Ra) { goto Br74A; Br74A: $TG1fT = $this->kBvk_(); goto HZDgy; HZDgy: $OHn0P = "\50\x3f\120\74\151\164\145\155\x45\144\151\164\x4d\157\144\145\x3e\147\154\x6f\142\x61\x6c\174\x63\165\163\x74\x6f\155\x29\57"; goto ZlQko; ZlQko: return array("\x28\77\120\74\151\x74\145\x6d\x41\x63\x74\x69\157\x6e\x3e\x76\151\145\x77\51\x2f\50\x3f\120\74\151\x74\x65\155\x49\x44\x3e\x5b\x5e\x2f\x5d\53\x29\x2f" => $Z81Ra, "\x28\77\x50\x3c\151\164\x65\x6d\x41\143\164\151\157\x6e\76\x68\x69\x64\145\51\x2f\50\77\120\74\x69\x74\x65\155\111\104\76\133\136\x2f\x5d\53\x29\x2f" => $Z81Ra, "\x28\x3f\x50\74\151\164\145\155\101\143\x74\151\x6f\156\x3e\x64\145\x66\141\165\154\x74\x29\x2f\x28\x3f\x50\74\151\164\x65\155\x49\104\x3e\133\136\x2f\135\53\51\x2f" => $Z81Ra, "\50\77\x50\74\151\x74\145\x6d\x41\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x3e\x63\157\x6e\x66\x69\147\x75\162\145\x29\57" => $Z81Ra, "\50\x3f\120\74\x69\164\x65\155\x41\x63\164\x69\x6f\x6e\76\143\x6f\156\x66\x69\147\165\162\145\x29\57" . $OHn0P => $Z81Ra, "\x28\x3f\120\x3c\x69\x74\145\x6d\x41\x63\x74\151\x6f\156\76\162\x65\157\x72\144\x65\162\x29\x2f" . $OHn0P => $Z81Ra, "\x28\77\120\74\x69\164\x65\x6d\x41\x63\164\x69\157\x6e\76\x65\x64\151\x74\x29\x2f" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra, "\50\77\120\x3c\x69\x74\145\x6d\101\143\x74\151\157\x6e\76\x6e\145\x77\51\57" . $OHn0P . "\50\x3f\74\x69\x74\x65\x6d\x4b\145\171\x3e\x5b\x5e\57\x5d\x2b\51\x2f" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra, "\x28\x3f\x50\74\151\164\145\155\101\143\164\x69\x6f\156\76\x62\165\x69\154\164\x69\156\x29\57\x28\x3f\x3c\x69\x74\145\x6d\111\104\x3e\133\x5e\57\135\53\x29\x2f" . $TG1fT => $Z81Ra); goto u1qVq; u1qVq: } public function EVN0R() { return new g0LXx(); } public function yJZss() { return new Yhf90(); } }

Function Calls





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