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PHP Decode

<?php namespace App\Providers; use Aws\AwsClientInterface; use Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface;..

Decoded Output download


namespace App\Providers;

use Aws\AwsClientInterface;
use Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ObjectStorageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->bind(S3ClientInterface::class, static function (): ?AwsClientInterface {
            // If these two values are not configured in .env, AWS will attempt initializing
            // the client with null values and throw an error.
            if (!config('aws.credentials.key') || !config('aws.credentials.secret')) {
                return null;

            return app('aws')->createClient('s3');

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Original Code


namespace App\Providers;

use Aws\AwsClientInterface;
use Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class ObjectStorageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->bind(S3ClientInterface::class, static function (): ?AwsClientInterface {
            // If these two values are not configured in .env, AWS will attempt initializing
            // the client with null values and throw an error.
            if (!config('aws.credentials.key') || !config('aws.credentials.secret')) {
                return null;

            return app('aws')->createClient('s3');

Function Calls





MD5 889bbcc7859716256de3704acdc86270
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 141 ms