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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Whitespace;
use PhpCsFixer\AbstractFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\CodeSample;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinition;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\Preg;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens;
* Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 2.4.
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
final class IndentationTypeFixer extends AbstractFixer implements WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface
* @var string
private $indent;
public function getDefinition(): FixerDefinitionInterface
return new FixerDefinition(
'Code MUST use configured indentation type.',
new CodeSample("<?php
if (true) {
echo 'Hello!';
* {@inheritdoc}
* Must run before PhpdocIndentFixer.
* Must run after ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.
public function getPriority(): int
return 50;
public function isCandidate(Tokens $tokens): bool
return $tokens->isAnyTokenKindsFound([T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT, T_WHITESPACE]);
protected function applyFix(\SplFileInfo $file, Tokens $tokens): void
$this->indent = $this->whitespacesConfig->getIndent();
foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
if ($token->isComment()) {
$tokens[$index] = $this->fixIndentInComment($tokens, $index);
if ($token->isWhitespace()) {
$tokens[$index] = $this->fixIndentToken($tokens, $index);
private function fixIndentInComment(Tokens $tokens, int $index): Token
$content = Preg::replace('/^(?:(?<! ) {1,3})? /m', ' ', $tokens[$index]->getContent(), -1, $count);
// Also check for more tabs.
while (0 !== $count) {
$content = Preg::replace('/^(\ +)? /m', ' ', $content, -1, $count);
$indent = $this->indent;
// change indent to expected one
$content = Preg::replaceCallback('/^(?: )+/m', fn (array $matches): string => $this->getExpectedIndent($matches[0], $indent), $content);
return new Token([$tokens[$index]->getId(), $content]);
private function fixIndentToken(Tokens $tokens, int $index): Token
$content = $tokens[$index]->getContent();
$previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak = false;
// @TODO this can be removed when we have a transformer for "T_OPEN_TAG" to "T_OPEN_TAG + T_WHITESPACE"
if (str_contains($tokens[$index - 1]->getContent(), "
")) {
$content = "
$previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak = true;
$indent = $this->indent;
$newContent = Preg::replaceCallback(
'/(\R)(\h+)/', // find indent
function (array $matches) use ($indent): string {
// normalize mixed indent
$content = Preg::replace('/(?:(?<! ) {1,3})? /', ' ', $matches[2]);
// change indent to expected one
return $matches[1].$this->getExpectedIndent($content, $indent);
if ($previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak) {
$newContent = substr($newContent, 1);
return new Token([T_WHITESPACE, $newContent]);
* @return string mixed
private function getExpectedIndent(string $content, string $indent): string
if (" " === $indent) {
$content = str_replace(' ', $indent, $content);
return $content;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Fixer\Whitespace;
use PhpCsFixer\AbstractFixer;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\CodeSample;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinition;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerDefinition\FixerDefinitionInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\Preg;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Token;
use PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens;
* Fixer for rules defined in PSR2 2.4.
* @author Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
final class IndentationTypeFixer extends AbstractFixer implements WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface
* @var string
private $indent;
public function getDefinition(): FixerDefinitionInterface
return new FixerDefinition(
'Code MUST use configured indentation type.',
new CodeSample("<?php\n\nif (true) {\n\techo 'Hello!';\n}\n"),
* {@inheritdoc}
* Must run before PhpdocIndentFixer.
* Must run after ClassAttributesSeparationFixer.
public function getPriority(): int
return 50;
public function isCandidate(Tokens $tokens): bool
return $tokens->isAnyTokenKindsFound([T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT, T_WHITESPACE]);
protected function applyFix(\SplFileInfo $file, Tokens $tokens): void
$this->indent = $this->whitespacesConfig->getIndent();
foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
if ($token->isComment()) {
$tokens[$index] = $this->fixIndentInComment($tokens, $index);
if ($token->isWhitespace()) {
$tokens[$index] = $this->fixIndentToken($tokens, $index);
private function fixIndentInComment(Tokens $tokens, int $index): Token
$content = Preg::replace('/^(?:(?<! ) {1,3})?\t/m', '\1 ', $tokens[$index]->getContent(), -1, $count);
// Also check for more tabs.
while (0 !== $count) {
$content = Preg::replace('/^(\ +)?\t/m', '\1 ', $content, -1, $count);
$indent = $this->indent;
// change indent to expected one
$content = Preg::replaceCallback('/^(?: )+/m', fn (array $matches): string => $this->getExpectedIndent($matches[0], $indent), $content);
return new Token([$tokens[$index]->getId(), $content]);
private function fixIndentToken(Tokens $tokens, int $index): Token
$content = $tokens[$index]->getContent();
$previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak = false;
// @TODO this can be removed when we have a transformer for "T_OPEN_TAG" to "T_OPEN_TAG + T_WHITESPACE"
if (str_contains($tokens[$index - 1]->getContent(), "\n")) {
$content = "\n".$content;
$previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak = true;
$indent = $this->indent;
$newContent = Preg::replaceCallback(
'/(\R)(\h+)/', // find indent
function (array $matches) use ($indent): string {
// normalize mixed indent
$content = Preg::replace('/(?:(?<! ) {1,3})?\t/', ' ', $matches[2]);
// change indent to expected one
return $matches[1].$this->getExpectedIndent($content, $indent);
if ($previousTokenHasTrailingLinebreak) {
$newContent = substr($newContent, 1);
return new Token([T_WHITESPACE, $newContent]);
* @return string mixed
private function getExpectedIndent(string $content, string $indent): string
if ("\t" === $indent) {
$content = str_replace(' ', $indent, $content);
return $content;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 8fcdf4e6cde1ac92942dc899b5ee09e2 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 89 ms |