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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. * * (c) Fabien..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\AutoReview;
use PhpCsFixer\Console\Report\FixReport\ReporterFactory;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\DocumentationLocator;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\FixerDocumentGenerator;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\RuleSetDocumentationGenerator;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FixerInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerFactory;
use PhpCsFixer\RuleSet\RuleSets;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
* @internal
* @coversNothing
* @group legacy
* @group auto-review
final class DocumentationTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDateCases
public function testFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDate(FixerInterface $fixer): void
// @TODO 4.0 Remove this expectations
$this->expectDeprecation('Rule set "@PER" is deprecated. Use "@PER-CS" instead.');
$this->expectDeprecation('Rule set "@PER:risky" is deprecated. Use "@PER-CS:risky" instead.');
if ('nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value' === $fixer->getName()) {
$this->expectDeprecation('Option "use_nullable_type_declaration" for rule "nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value" is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0. Behaviour will follow default one.');
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new FixerDocumentGenerator($locator);
$path = $locator->getFixerDocumentationFilePath($fixer);
$expected = $generator->generateFixerDocumentation($fixer);
$actual = file_get_contents($path);
$expected = preg_replace_callback(
# an example
Example\ \#\d
(?:\*Default\*\ configuration\.
(?:With\ configuration:.*?
# with a diff that could not be generated
\.\.\ error::
\ \ \ Cannot\ generate\ diff\ for\ code\ sample\ \#\d\ of\ rule\ .+?:
\ \ \ the\ sample\ is\ not\ suitable\ for\ current\ version\ of\ PHP\ \(.+?\).
# followed by another title or end of file
static function (array $matches) use ($actual): string {
$before = preg_quote($matches['before'], '/');
$after = preg_quote($matches['after'], '/');
$replacement = '[UNAVAILABLE EXAMPLE DIFF]';
if (1 === preg_match("/{$before}(\.\. code-block:: diff.*?){$after}/s", $actual, $actualMatches)) {
$replacement = $actualMatches[1];
return $matches[1].$replacement.$matches[2];
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public static function provideFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDateCases(): iterable
foreach (self::getFixers() as $fixer) {
yield $fixer->getName() => [$fixer];
public function testFixersDocumentationIndexFileIsUpToDate(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new FixerDocumentGenerator($locator);
public function testFixersDocumentationDirectoryHasNoExtraFiles(): void
$generator = new DocumentationLocator();
\count(self::getFixers()) + 1,
(new Finder())->files()->in($generator->getFixersDocumentationDirectoryPath())
public function testRuleSetsDocumentationIsUpToDate(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new RuleSetDocumentationGenerator($locator);
$fixers = self::getFixers();
$paths = [];
foreach (RuleSets::getSetDefinitions() as $name => $definition) {
$path = $locator->getRuleSetsDocumentationFilePath($name);
$paths[$path] = $definition;
$generator->generateRuleSetsDocumentation($definition, $fixers),
sprintf('RuleSet documentation is generated (please see, file "%s".', $path)
$indexFilePath = $locator->getRuleSetsDocumentationIndexFilePath();
sprintf('RuleSet documentation is generated (please, file "%s".', $indexFilePath)
public function testRuleSetsDocumentationDirectoryHasNoExtraFiles(): void
$generator = new DocumentationLocator();
\count(RuleSets::getSetDefinitions()) + 1,
(new Finder())->files()->in($generator->getRuleSetsDocumentationDirectoryPath())
public function testInstallationDocHasCorrectMinimumVersion(): void
$composerJsonContent = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../../composer.json');
$composerJson = json_decode($composerJsonContent, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$phpVersion = $composerJson['require']['php'];
$minimumVersion = ltrim(substr($phpVersion, 0, strpos($phpVersion, ' ')), '^');
$minimumVersionInformation = sprintf('PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP %s.', $minimumVersion);
$installationDocPath = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../doc/installation.rst');
sprintf('Files %s needs to contain information "%s"', $installationDocPath, $minimumVersionInformation)
public function testAllReportFormatsAreInUsageDoc(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$usage = $locator->getUsageFilePath();
$usage = file_get_contents($usage);
$reporterFactory = new ReporterFactory();
$formats = array_filter(
static fn (string $format): bool => 'txt' !== $format,
foreach ($formats as $format) {
self::assertStringContainsString(sprintf('* ``%s``', $format), $usage);
$lastFormat = array_pop($formats);
$expectedContent = 'Supported formats are ``txt`` (default one), ';
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$expectedContent .= '``'.$format.'``, ';
$expectedContent = substr($expectedContent, 0, -2);
$expectedContent .= ' and ``'.$lastFormat.'``.';
self::assertStringContainsString($expectedContent, $usage);
private static function assertFileEqualsString(string $expectedString, string $actualFilePath, string $message = ''): void
self::assertFileExists($actualFilePath, $message);
self::assertSame($expectedString, file_get_contents($actualFilePath), $message);
* @return list<FixerInterface>
private static function getFixers(): array
$fixerFactory = new FixerFactory();
return $fixerFactory->getFixers();
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* Dariusz Rumiski <[email protected]>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\AutoReview;
use PhpCsFixer\Console\Report\FixReport\ReporterFactory;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\DocumentationLocator;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\FixerDocumentGenerator;
use PhpCsFixer\Documentation\RuleSetDocumentationGenerator;
use PhpCsFixer\Fixer\FixerInterface;
use PhpCsFixer\FixerFactory;
use PhpCsFixer\RuleSet\RuleSets;
use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
* @internal
* @coversNothing
* @group legacy
* @group auto-review
final class DocumentationTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDateCases
public function testFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDate(FixerInterface $fixer): void
// @TODO 4.0 Remove this expectations
$this->expectDeprecation('Rule set "@PER" is deprecated. Use "@PER-CS" instead.');
$this->expectDeprecation('Rule set "@PER:risky" is deprecated. Use "@PER-CS:risky" instead.');
if ('nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value' === $fixer->getName()) {
$this->expectDeprecation('Option "use_nullable_type_declaration" for rule "nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value" is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0. Behaviour will follow default one.');
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new FixerDocumentGenerator($locator);
$path = $locator->getFixerDocumentationFilePath($fixer);
$expected = $generator->generateFixerDocumentation($fixer);
$actual = file_get_contents($path);
$expected = preg_replace_callback(
# an example
Example\ \#\d\n
(?:\*Default\*\ configuration\.\n\n)?
(?:With\ configuration:.*?\n\n)?
# with a diff that could not be generated
\.\.\ error::\n
\ \ \ Cannot\ generate\ diff\ for\ code\ sample\ \#\d\ of\ rule\ .+?:\n
\ \ \ the\ sample\ is\ not\ suitable\ for\ current\ version\ of\ PHP\ \(.+?\).\n
# followed by another title or end of file
[^ \n].*?
static function (array $matches) use ($actual): string {
$before = preg_quote($matches['before'], '/');
$after = preg_quote($matches['after'], '/');
$replacement = '[UNAVAILABLE EXAMPLE DIFF]';
if (1 === preg_match("/{$before}(\\.\\. code-block:: diff.*?){$after}/s", $actual, $actualMatches)) {
$replacement = $actualMatches[1];
return $matches[1].$replacement.$matches[2];
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public static function provideFixerDocumentationFileIsUpToDateCases(): iterable
foreach (self::getFixers() as $fixer) {
yield $fixer->getName() => [$fixer];
public function testFixersDocumentationIndexFileIsUpToDate(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new FixerDocumentGenerator($locator);
public function testFixersDocumentationDirectoryHasNoExtraFiles(): void
$generator = new DocumentationLocator();
\count(self::getFixers()) + 1,
(new Finder())->files()->in($generator->getFixersDocumentationDirectoryPath())
public function testRuleSetsDocumentationIsUpToDate(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$generator = new RuleSetDocumentationGenerator($locator);
$fixers = self::getFixers();
$paths = [];
foreach (RuleSets::getSetDefinitions() as $name => $definition) {
$path = $locator->getRuleSetsDocumentationFilePath($name);
$paths[$path] = $definition;
$generator->generateRuleSetsDocumentation($definition, $fixers),
sprintf('RuleSet documentation is generated (please see, file "%s".', $path)
$indexFilePath = $locator->getRuleSetsDocumentationIndexFilePath();
sprintf('RuleSet documentation is generated (please, file "%s".', $indexFilePath)
public function testRuleSetsDocumentationDirectoryHasNoExtraFiles(): void
$generator = new DocumentationLocator();
\count(RuleSets::getSetDefinitions()) + 1,
(new Finder())->files()->in($generator->getRuleSetsDocumentationDirectoryPath())
public function testInstallationDocHasCorrectMinimumVersion(): void
$composerJsonContent = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/../../composer.json');
$composerJson = json_decode($composerJsonContent, true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
$phpVersion = $composerJson['require']['php'];
$minimumVersion = ltrim(substr($phpVersion, 0, strpos($phpVersion, ' ')), '^');
$minimumVersionInformation = sprintf('PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP %s.', $minimumVersion);
$installationDocPath = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../doc/installation.rst');
sprintf('Files %s needs to contain information "%s"', $installationDocPath, $minimumVersionInformation)
public function testAllReportFormatsAreInUsageDoc(): void
$locator = new DocumentationLocator();
$usage = $locator->getUsageFilePath();
$usage = file_get_contents($usage);
$reporterFactory = new ReporterFactory();
$formats = array_filter(
static fn (string $format): bool => 'txt' !== $format,
foreach ($formats as $format) {
self::assertStringContainsString(sprintf('* ``%s``', $format), $usage);
$lastFormat = array_pop($formats);
$expectedContent = 'Supported formats are ``txt`` (default one), ';
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$expectedContent .= '``'.$format.'``, ';
$expectedContent = substr($expectedContent, 0, -2);
$expectedContent .= ' and ``'.$lastFormat.'``.';
self::assertStringContainsString($expectedContent, $usage);
private static function assertFileEqualsString(string $expectedString, string $actualFilePath, string $message = ''): void
self::assertFileExists($actualFilePath, $message);
self::assertSame($expectedString, file_get_contents($actualFilePath), $message);
* @return list<FixerInterface>
private static function getFixers(): array
$fixerFactory = new FixerFactory();
return $fixerFactory->getFixers();
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 8fdc16e561d2fb2faac089e3840a2812 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 85 ms |