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PHP Decode
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams ..
Decoded Output download
* Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
* Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* @license AGPL License
* @link Passbolt(tm)
* @since 2.13.0
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources;
use App\Error\Exception\ValidationException;
use App\Model\Entity\Permission;
use App\Model\Entity\Role;
use App\Service\Resources\ResourcesExpireResourcesFallbackServiceService;
use App\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareService;
use App\Test\Lib\AppTestCase;
use App\Utility\UserAccessControl;
use App\Utility\UuidFactory;
use Cake\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
* \App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareServiceTest Test Case
* @covers \App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareServiceTest
class ResourcesShareServiceTest extends AppTestCase
* @var ResourcesTable $Resources
public $Resources;
* @var FavoritesTable $Favorites
public $Favorites;
* @var \Passbolt\AccountSettings\Model\Table\PermissionsTable $Permissions
public $Permissions;
* @var UsersTable $Users
public $Users;
* @var ResourcesShareService $service
public $service;
public $fixtures = [
'app.Base/Permissions', 'app.Base/Resources', 'app.Base/Secrets', 'app.Base/Favorites',
'app.Base/Users', 'app.Base/Profiles', 'app.Base/Gpgkeys', 'app.Base/Roles',
'app.Base/GroupsUsers', 'app.Base/Groups',
public function setUp(): void
$this->Favorites = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Favorites');
$this->Resources = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Resources');
$this->Permissions = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Permissions');
$this->Users = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$this->service = new ResourcesShareService(
new ResourcesExpireResourcesFallbackServiceService()
public function tearDown(): void
protected function getValidSecret()
return '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
-----END PGP MESSAGE-----';
/* SHARE */
public function testShareSuccess()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userJId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userKId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userLId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userMId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userNId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Groups
$groupBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
$secrets = [];
// Expected results.
$expectedAddedUsersIds = [];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the user Ada to read (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userAId"), 'type' => Permission::READ];
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userBId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userBId;
// Add an owner permission for the user Edith
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
$secrets[] = ['user_id' => $userEId, 'data' => $this->getValidSecret()];
$expectedAddedUsersIds[] = $userEId;
// Groups permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the group Board (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupBId"), 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
// Delete the permission of the group Freelancer.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupFId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedRemovedUsersIds, [$userJId, $userKId, $userLId, $userMId, $userNId]);
// Add a read permission for the group Accounting.
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'Group', 'aro_foreign_key' => $groupAId, 'type' => Permission::READ];
$secrets[] = ['user_id' => $userFId, 'data' => $this->getValidSecret()];
$expectedAddedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedAddedUsersIds, [$userFId]);
// Share.
$resource = $this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $changes, $secrets);
// Load the resource.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Permissions', 'Secrets']]);
// Verify that all the allowed users have a secret for the resource.
$secretsUsersIds = Hash::extract($resource->secrets, '{n}.user_id');
$hasAccessUsers = $this->Users->findIndex(Role::USER, ['filter' => ['has-access' => [$resourceId]]])->all()->toArray();
$hasAccessUsersIds = Hash::extract($hasAccessUsers, '{n}.id');
$this->assertEquals(count($secretsUsersIds), count($hasAccessUsersIds));
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($secretsUsersIds, $hasAccessUsersIds));
// Ensure that the newly added users have a secret, and are allowed to access the resource.
foreach ($expectedAddedUsersIds as $userId) {
$this->assertContains($userId, $secretsUsersIds);
$this->assertContains($userId, $hasAccessUsersIds);
// Ensure that the removed users don't have a secret, and are no more allowed to access the resource.
foreach ($expectedRemovedUsersIds as $userId) {
$this->assertNotContains($userId, $secretsUsersIds);
$this->assertNotContains($userId, $hasAccessUsersIds);
public function testShareLostAccessFavoritesDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userDId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
$secrets = [];
// Expected results.
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userDId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userDId;
// Share.
$resource = $this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $changes, $secrets);
// Ensure the apache favorite for Dame is deleted
// But the other favorites for this resource are not touched.
$resources = $this->Favorites->find()
->where(['user_id' => $userDId])
$resourcesId = Hash::extract($resources->toArray(), '{n}.foreign_key');
$this->assertNotContains($resourceId, $resourcesId);
$this->assertcontains(UuidFactory::uuid(''), $resourcesId);
public function testShareValidationError()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceApacheId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceAprilId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$testCases = [
'cannot update a permission that does not exist' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid()]]],
'cannot delete a permission of another resource' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceAprilId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permission with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key._empty',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [
['aro' => 'User', 'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
'cannot update a permission with a wrong permission type' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.type.inList',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"), 'type' => 42]]],
'cannot add a secret with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::READ]],
'secrets' => [[
'user_id' => $userEId, 'data' => 'INVALID GPG MESSAGE']],
// Test build rules.
'cannot remove the latest owner' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.at_least_one_owner',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permissions for a deleted user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
'cannot add a permissions for an inactive user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
foreach ($testCases as $caseLabel => $case) {
$permissions = Hash::get($case, 'data.permissions', []);
$secrets = Hash::get($case, 'data.secrets', []);
try {
$this->service->share($uac, $resourceApacheId, $permissions, $secrets);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
$this->assertEquals('Could not validate resource data.', $e->getMessage());
$error = Hash::get($e->getErrors(), $case['errorField']);
$this->assertNotNull($error, "Expected error not found : {$case['errorField']}. Errors: " . json_encode($e->getErrors()));
$this->assertFalse(true, 'The test should throw an exception.');
public function testShareErrorRuleResourceIsNotSoftDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data = [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]];
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The resource does not exist.');
$this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $data);
public function testShareDryRunSuccess()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userJId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userKId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userLId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userMId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userNId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Groups
$groupBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Expected results.
$expectedAddedUsersIds = [];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the user Ada to read (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userAId"), 'type' => Permission::READ];
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userBId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userBId;
// Add an owner permission for the user Edith
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
$expectedAddedUsersIds[] = $userEId;
// Groups permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the group Board (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupBId"), 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
// Delete the permission of the group Freelancer.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupFId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedRemovedUsersIds, [$userJId, $userKId, $userLId, $userMId, $userNId]);
// Add a read permission for the group Accounting.
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'Group', 'aro_foreign_key' => $groupAId, 'type' => Permission::READ];
$expectedAddedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedAddedUsersIds, [$userFId]);
// Share dry run.
$result = $this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceId, $changes);
$addedUsersIds = $result['added'];
$removedUsersIds = $result['deleted'];
// Assert the results.
$this->assertCount(count($expectedAddedUsersIds), $addedUsersIds);
$this->assertCount(count($expectedRemovedUsersIds), $removedUsersIds);
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($expectedAddedUsersIds, $addedUsersIds));
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($expectedRemovedUsersIds, $removedUsersIds));
* The format validation is done by the Permissions model.
* @see App\Test\TestCase\Model\Table\Permissions\PatchEntitiesWithChangesTest
public function testShareDryRunValidationError()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceApacheId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceAprilId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$testCases = [
// Check some validation format rules, just to ensure they are well returned by the
// PatchEntitiesWithChanges function
'cannot update a permission that does not exist' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [['id' => UuidFactory::uuid()]],
'cannot delete a permission of another resource' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceAprilId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permission with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key._empty',
'data' => [['aro' => 'User', 'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
'cannot update a permission with a wrong permission type' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.type.inList',
'data' => [['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"), 'type' => 42]],
// Test build rules.
'cannot remove the latest owner' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.at_least_one_owner',
'data' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permissions for a deleted user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
'cannot add a permissions for an inactive user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
foreach ($testCases as $caseLabel => $case) {
try {
$this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceApacheId, $case['data']);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
$this->assertEquals('Could not validate resource data.', $e->getMessage());
$error = Hash::get($e->getErrors(), $case['errorField']);
$this->assertNotNull($error, "Expected error not found : {$case['errorField']}. Errors: " . json_encode($e->getErrors()));
$this->assertFalse(true, 'The test should throw an exception.');
public function testShareDryRunErrorRuleResourceIsSoftDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data = [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER,
$this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceId, $data);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Passbolt ~ Open source password manager for teams
* Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 of the or any later version.
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Passbolt SA (
* @license AGPL License
* @link Passbolt(tm)
* @since 2.13.0
namespace App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources;
use App\Error\Exception\ValidationException;
use App\Model\Entity\Permission;
use App\Model\Entity\Role;
use App\Service\Resources\ResourcesExpireResourcesFallbackServiceService;
use App\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareService;
use App\Test\Lib\AppTestCase;
use App\Utility\UserAccessControl;
use App\Utility\UuidFactory;
use Cake\Http\Exception\NotFoundException;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
* \App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareServiceTest Test Case
* @covers \App\Test\TestCase\Service\Resources\ResourcesShareServiceTest
class ResourcesShareServiceTest extends AppTestCase
* @var ResourcesTable $Resources
public $Resources;
* @var FavoritesTable $Favorites
public $Favorites;
* @var \Passbolt\AccountSettings\Model\Table\PermissionsTable $Permissions
public $Permissions;
* @var UsersTable $Users
public $Users;
* @var ResourcesShareService $service
public $service;
public $fixtures = [
'app.Base/Permissions', 'app.Base/Resources', 'app.Base/Secrets', 'app.Base/Favorites',
'app.Base/Users', 'app.Base/Profiles', 'app.Base/Gpgkeys', 'app.Base/Roles',
'app.Base/GroupsUsers', 'app.Base/Groups',
public function setUp(): void
$this->Favorites = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Favorites');
$this->Resources = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Resources');
$this->Permissions = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Permissions');
$this->Users = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Users');
$this->service = new ResourcesShareService(
new ResourcesExpireResourcesFallbackServiceService()
public function tearDown(): void
protected function getValidSecret()
return '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
-----END PGP MESSAGE-----';
/* SHARE */
public function testShareSuccess()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userJId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userKId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userLId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userMId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userNId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Groups
$groupBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
$secrets = [];
// Expected results.
$expectedAddedUsersIds = [];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the user Ada to read (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userAId"), 'type' => Permission::READ];
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userBId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userBId;
// Add an owner permission for the user Edith
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
$secrets[] = ['user_id' => $userEId, 'data' => $this->getValidSecret()];
$expectedAddedUsersIds[] = $userEId;
// Groups permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the group Board (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupBId"), 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
// Delete the permission of the group Freelancer.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupFId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedRemovedUsersIds, [$userJId, $userKId, $userLId, $userMId, $userNId]);
// Add a read permission for the group Accounting.
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'Group', 'aro_foreign_key' => $groupAId, 'type' => Permission::READ];
$secrets[] = ['user_id' => $userFId, 'data' => $this->getValidSecret()];
$expectedAddedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedAddedUsersIds, [$userFId]);
// Share.
$resource = $this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $changes, $secrets);
// Load the resource.
$resource = $this->Resources->get($resourceId, ['contain' => ['Permissions', 'Secrets']]);
// Verify that all the allowed users have a secret for the resource.
$secretsUsersIds = Hash::extract($resource->secrets, '{n}.user_id');
$hasAccessUsers = $this->Users->findIndex(Role::USER, ['filter' => ['has-access' => [$resourceId]]])->all()->toArray();
$hasAccessUsersIds = Hash::extract($hasAccessUsers, '{n}.id');
$this->assertEquals(count($secretsUsersIds), count($hasAccessUsersIds));
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($secretsUsersIds, $hasAccessUsersIds));
// Ensure that the newly added users have a secret, and are allowed to access the resource.
foreach ($expectedAddedUsersIds as $userId) {
$this->assertContains($userId, $secretsUsersIds);
$this->assertContains($userId, $hasAccessUsersIds);
// Ensure that the removed users don't have a secret, and are no more allowed to access the resource.
foreach ($expectedRemovedUsersIds as $userId) {
$this->assertNotContains($userId, $secretsUsersIds);
$this->assertNotContains($userId, $hasAccessUsersIds);
public function testShareLostAccessFavoritesDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userDId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
$secrets = [];
// Expected results.
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userDId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userDId;
// Share.
$resource = $this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $changes, $secrets);
// Ensure the apache favorite for Dame is deleted
// But the other favorites for this resource are not touched.
$resources = $this->Favorites->find()
->where(['user_id' => $userDId])
$resourcesId = Hash::extract($resources->toArray(), '{n}.foreign_key');
$this->assertNotContains($resourceId, $resourcesId);
$this->assertcontains(UuidFactory::uuid(''), $resourcesId);
public function testShareValidationError()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceApacheId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceAprilId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$testCases = [
'cannot update a permission that does not exist' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid()]]],
'cannot delete a permission of another resource' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceAprilId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permission with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key._empty',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [
['aro' => 'User', 'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
'cannot update a permission with a wrong permission type' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.type.inList',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"), 'type' => 42]]],
'cannot add a secret with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::READ]],
'secrets' => [[
'user_id' => $userEId, 'data' => 'INVALID GPG MESSAGE']],
// Test build rules.
'cannot remove the latest owner' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.at_least_one_owner',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permissions for a deleted user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
'cannot add a permissions for an inactive user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [
'permissions' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]]],
foreach ($testCases as $caseLabel => $case) {
$permissions = Hash::get($case, 'data.permissions', []);
$secrets = Hash::get($case, 'data.secrets', []);
try {
$this->service->share($uac, $resourceApacheId, $permissions, $secrets);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
$this->assertEquals('Could not validate resource data.', $e->getMessage());
$error = Hash::get($e->getErrors(), $case['errorField']);
$this->assertNotNull($error, "Expected error not found : {$case['errorField']}. Errors: " . json_encode($e->getErrors()));
$this->assertFalse(true, 'The test should throw an exception.');
public function testShareErrorRuleResourceIsNotSoftDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data = [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]];
$this->expectExceptionMessage('The resource does not exist.');
$this->service->share($uac, $resourceId, $data);
public function testShareDryRunSuccess()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
// Define actors of this tests
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Users
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userEId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userJId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userKId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userLId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userMId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userNId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Groups
$groupBId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupFId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$groupAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
// Expected results.
$expectedAddedUsersIds = [];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = [];
// Build the changes.
$changes = [];
// Users permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the user Ada to read (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userAId"), 'type' => Permission::READ];
// Delete the permission of the user Betty.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$userBId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds[] = $userBId;
// Add an owner permission for the user Edith
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'User', 'aro_foreign_key' => $userEId, 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
$expectedAddedUsersIds[] = $userEId;
// Groups permissions changes.
// Change the permission of the group Board (no users are expected to be added or removed).
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupBId"), 'type' => Permission::OWNER];
// Delete the permission of the group Freelancer.
$changes[] = ['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceId-$groupFId"), 'delete' => true];
$expectedRemovedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedRemovedUsersIds, [$userJId, $userKId, $userLId, $userMId, $userNId]);
// Add a read permission for the group Accounting.
$changes[] = ['aro' => 'Group', 'aro_foreign_key' => $groupAId, 'type' => Permission::READ];
$expectedAddedUsersIds = array_merge($expectedAddedUsersIds, [$userFId]);
// Share dry run.
$result = $this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceId, $changes);
$addedUsersIds = $result['added'];
$removedUsersIds = $result['deleted'];
// Assert the results.
$this->assertCount(count($expectedAddedUsersIds), $addedUsersIds);
$this->assertCount(count($expectedRemovedUsersIds), $removedUsersIds);
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($expectedAddedUsersIds, $addedUsersIds));
$this->assertEmpty(array_diff($expectedRemovedUsersIds, $removedUsersIds));
* The format validation is done by the Permissions model.
* @see App\Test\TestCase\Model\Table\Permissions\PatchEntitiesWithChangesTest
public function testShareDryRunValidationError()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceApacheId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$resourceAprilId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$testCases = [
// Check some validation format rules, just to ensure they are well returned by the
// PatchEntitiesWithChanges function
'cannot update a permission that does not exist' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [['id' => UuidFactory::uuid()]],
'cannot delete a permission of another resource' => [
'errorField' => '',
'data' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceAprilId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permission with invalid data' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key._empty',
'data' => [['aro' => 'User', 'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
'cannot update a permission with a wrong permission type' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.type.inList',
'data' => [['id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"), 'type' => 42]],
// Test build rules.
'cannot remove the latest owner' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.at_least_one_owner',
'data' => [[
'id' => UuidFactory::uuid("$resourceApacheId-$userAId"),
'delete' => true]],
'cannot add a permissions for a deleted user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
'cannot add a permissions for an inactive user' => [
'errorField' => 'permissions.0.aro_foreign_key.aro_exists',
'data' => [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER]],
foreach ($testCases as $caseLabel => $case) {
try {
$this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceApacheId, $case['data']);
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
$this->assertEquals('Could not validate resource data.', $e->getMessage());
$error = Hash::get($e->getErrors(), $case['errorField']);
$this->assertNotNull($error, "Expected error not found : {$case['errorField']}. Errors: " . json_encode($e->getErrors()));
$this->assertFalse(true, 'The test should throw an exception.');
public function testShareDryRunErrorRuleResourceIsSoftDeleted()
$userAId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$uac = new UserAccessControl(Role::USER, $userAId);
$resourceId = UuidFactory::uuid('');
$data = [[
'aro' => 'User',
'aro_foreign_key' => UuidFactory::uuid(''),
'type' => Permission::OWNER,
$this->service->shareDryRun($uac, $resourceId, $data);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 8fe60b82b0fa952af3f221c353777f4d |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 87 ms |