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<?php namespace Illuminate\Tests\Support; use Illuminate\Support\Once; use PHPUnit\Frame..

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namespace Illuminate\Tests\Support;

use Illuminate\Support\Once;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class OnceTest extends TestCase
    protected function tearDown(): void


    public function testResultMemoization()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testCallableIsCalledOnce()
        $instance = new class
            public int $count = 0;

            public function increment()
                return once(fn () => ++$this->count);

        $first = $instance->increment();
        $second = $instance->increment();

        $this->assertSame(1, $first);
        $this->assertSame(1, $second);
        $this->assertSame(1, $instance->count);

    public function testFlush()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->rand();


        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);


        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testNotMemoizedWhenObjectIsGarbageCollected()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $instance = new MyClass();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testIsNotMemoizedWhenCallableUsesChanges()
        $instance = new class()
            public function rand(string $letter)
                return once(function () use ($letter) {
                    return $letter.rand(1, 10000000);

        $first = $instance->rand('a');
        $second = $instance->rand('b');

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

        $first = $instance->rand('a');
        $second = $instance->rand('a');

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

        $results = [];
        $letter = 'a';

        $results[] = once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, 10000000));

        if (count($results) < 2) {
            goto a;

        $this->assertSame($results[0], $results[1]);

    public function testUsageOfThis()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->callRand();
        $second = $instance->callRand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testInvokables()
        $invokable = new class
            public static $count = 0;

            public function __invoke()
                return static::$count = static::$count + 1;

        $instance = new class($invokable)
            public function __construct(protected $invokable)

            public function call()
                return once($this->invokable);

        $first = $instance->call();
        $second = $instance->call();
        $third = $instance->call();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);
        $this->assertSame($first, $third);
        $this->assertSame(1, $invokable::$count);

    public function testFirstClassCallableSyntax()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(MyClass::staticRand(...));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testFirstClassCallableSyntaxWithArraySyntax()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once([MyClass::class, 'staticRand']);

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testStaticMemoization()
        $first = MyClass::staticRand();
        $second = MyClass::staticRand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testMemoizationWhenOnceIsWithinClosure()
        $resolver = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $resolver();
        $second = $resolver();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testMemoizationOnGlobalFunctions()
        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testDisable()

        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testTemporaryDisable()
        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();


        $third = my_rand();


        $fourth = my_rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);
        $this->assertNotSame($first, $third);
        $this->assertSame($first, $fourth);

    public function testMemoizationWithinEvals()
        $firstResolver = eval('return fn () => once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $firstA = $firstResolver();
        $firstB = $firstResolver();

        $secondResolver = eval('return fn () => fn () => once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $secondA = $secondResolver()();
        $secondB = $secondResolver()();

        $third = eval('return once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');
        $fourth = eval('return once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $this->assertNotSame($firstA, $firstB);
        $this->assertNotSame($secondA, $secondB);
        $this->assertNotSame($third, $fourth);

    public function testMemoizationOnSameLine()
        $this->markTestSkipped('This test shows a limitation of the current implementation.');

        $result = [once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)), once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX))];

        $this->assertNotSame($result[0], $result[1]);

    public function testResultIsDifferentWhenCalledFromDifferentClosures()
        $resolver = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));
        $resolver2 = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $resolver();
        $second = $resolver2();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testResultIsMemoizedWhenCalledFromMethodsWithSameName()
        $instanceA = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $instanceB = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $instanceA->rand();
        $second = $instanceB->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testRecursiveOnceCalls()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testGlobalClosures()
        $first = $GLOBALS['onceable1']();
        $second = $GLOBALS['onceable1']();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

        $third = $GLOBALS['onceable2']();
        $fourth = $GLOBALS['onceable2']();

        $this->assertSame($third, $fourth);

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $third);

$letter = 'a';

$GLOBALS['onceable1'] = fn () => once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));
$GLOBALS['onceable2'] = fn () => once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

function my_rand()
    return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

class MyClass
    public function rand()
        return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

    public static function staticRand()
        return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

    public function callRand()
        return once(fn () => $this->rand());

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


namespace Illuminate\Tests\Support;

use Illuminate\Support\Once;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class OnceTest extends TestCase
    protected function tearDown(): void


    public function testResultMemoization()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testCallableIsCalledOnce()
        $instance = new class
            public int $count = 0;

            public function increment()
                return once(fn () => ++$this->count);

        $first = $instance->increment();
        $second = $instance->increment();

        $this->assertSame(1, $first);
        $this->assertSame(1, $second);
        $this->assertSame(1, $instance->count);

    public function testFlush()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->rand();


        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);


        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testNotMemoizedWhenObjectIsGarbageCollected()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $instance = new MyClass();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testIsNotMemoizedWhenCallableUsesChanges()
        $instance = new class()
            public function rand(string $letter)
                return once(function () use ($letter) {
                    return $letter.rand(1, 10000000);

        $first = $instance->rand('a');
        $second = $instance->rand('b');

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

        $first = $instance->rand('a');
        $second = $instance->rand('a');

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

        $results = [];
        $letter = 'a';

        $results[] = once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, 10000000));

        if (count($results) < 2) {
            goto a;

        $this->assertSame($results[0], $results[1]);

    public function testUsageOfThis()
        $instance = new MyClass();

        $first = $instance->callRand();
        $second = $instance->callRand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testInvokables()
        $invokable = new class
            public static $count = 0;

            public function __invoke()
                return static::$count = static::$count + 1;

        $instance = new class($invokable)
            public function __construct(protected $invokable)

            public function call()
                return once($this->invokable);

        $first = $instance->call();
        $second = $instance->call();
        $third = $instance->call();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);
        $this->assertSame($first, $third);
        $this->assertSame(1, $invokable::$count);

    public function testFirstClassCallableSyntax()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(MyClass::staticRand(...));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testFirstClassCallableSyntaxWithArraySyntax()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once([MyClass::class, 'staticRand']);

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testStaticMemoization()
        $first = MyClass::staticRand();
        $second = MyClass::staticRand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testMemoizationWhenOnceIsWithinClosure()
        $resolver = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $resolver();
        $second = $resolver();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testMemoizationOnGlobalFunctions()
        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testDisable()

        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testTemporaryDisable()
        $first = my_rand();
        $second = my_rand();


        $third = my_rand();


        $fourth = my_rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);
        $this->assertNotSame($first, $third);
        $this->assertSame($first, $fourth);

    public function testMemoizationWithinEvals()
        $firstResolver = eval('return fn () => once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $firstA = $firstResolver();
        $firstB = $firstResolver();

        $secondResolver = eval('return fn () => fn () => once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $secondA = $secondResolver()();
        $secondB = $secondResolver()();

        $third = eval('return once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');
        $fourth = eval('return once( function () { return random_int(1, PHP_INT_MAX); } ) ;');

        $this->assertNotSame($firstA, $firstB);
        $this->assertNotSame($secondA, $secondB);
        $this->assertNotSame($third, $fourth);

    public function testMemoizationOnSameLine()
        $this->markTestSkipped('This test shows a limitation of the current implementation.');

        $result = [once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)), once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX))];

        $this->assertNotSame($result[0], $result[1]);

    public function testResultIsDifferentWhenCalledFromDifferentClosures()
        $resolver = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));
        $resolver2 = fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $resolver();
        $second = $resolver2();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testResultIsMemoizedWhenCalledFromMethodsWithSameName()
        $instanceA = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $instanceB = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

        $first = $instanceA->rand();
        $second = $instanceB->rand();

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);

    public function testRecursiveOnceCalls()
        $instance = new class
            public function rand()
                return once(fn () => once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX)));

        $first = $instance->rand();
        $second = $instance->rand();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

    public function testGlobalClosures()
        $first = $GLOBALS['onceable1']();
        $second = $GLOBALS['onceable1']();

        $this->assertSame($first, $second);

        $third = $GLOBALS['onceable2']();
        $fourth = $GLOBALS['onceable2']();

        $this->assertSame($third, $fourth);

        $this->assertNotSame($first, $third);

$letter = 'a';

$GLOBALS['onceable1'] = fn () => once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));
$GLOBALS['onceable2'] = fn () => once(fn () => $letter.rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

function my_rand()
    return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

class MyClass
    public function rand()
        return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

    public static function staticRand()
        return once(fn () => rand(1, PHP_INT_MAX));

    public function callRand()
        return once(fn () => $this->rand());

Function Calls





MD5 925056d95c8cc73a0176cb5ea6024c68
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 81 ms