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PHP Decode
<?php namespace Illuminate\Tests\Integration\Console; use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\..
Decoded Output download
namespace Illuminate\Tests\Integration\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
class CommandSchedulingTest extends TestCase
* Each run of this test is assigned a random ID to ensure that separate runs
* do not interfere with each other.
* @var string
protected $id;
* The path to the file that execution logs will be written to.
* @var string
protected $logfile;
* Just in case Testbench starts to ship an `artisan` script, we'll check and save a backup.
* @var string|null
protected $originalArtisan;
* The Filesystem instance for writing stubs and logs.
* @var \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
protected $fs;
protected function setUp(): void
$this->fs = new Filesystem;
$this->id = Str::random();
$this->logfile = storage_path("logs/command_scheduling_test_{$this->id}.log");
protected function tearDown(): void
if (! is_null($this->originalArtisan)) {
$this->fs->put(base_path('artisan'), $this->originalArtisan);
public function testExecutionOrder($background, $expected)
$schedule = $this->app->make(Schedule::class);
$event = $schedule
->after(function () {
$this->fs->append($this->logfile, "foreground:after
->before(function () {
$this->fs->append($this->logfile, "foreground:before
if ($background) {
// We'll trigger the scheduler three times to simulate multiple servers
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
if ($background) {
// Since our command is running in a separate process, we need to wait
// until it has finished executing before running our assertions.
public static function executionProvider()
return [
'Foreground' => [false, ['foreground:before', 'handled', 'foreground:after']],
'Background' => [true, ['foreground:before', 'handled', 'background:after']],
protected function waitForLogMessages(...$messages)
$tries = 0;
$sleep = 100000; // 100K microseconds = 0.1 second
$limit = 50; // 0.1s * 50 = 5 second wait limit
do {
$log = $this->fs->get($this->logfile);
if (Str::containsAll($log, $messages)) {
} while ($tries < $limit);
protected function assertLogged(...$messages)
$log = trim($this->fs->get($this->logfile));
", $messages), $log);
protected function writeArtisanScript()
$path = base_path('artisan');
// Save existing artisan script if there is one
if ($this->fs->exists($path)) {
$this->originalArtisan = $this->fs->get($path);
$thisFile = __FILE__;
$logfile = var_export($this->logfile, true);
$script = <<<PHP
#!/usr/bin/env php
// This is a custom artisan script made specifically for:
// {$thisFile}
// It should be automatically cleaned up when the tests have finished executing.
// If you are seeing this file, an unexpected error must have occurred. Please
// manually remove it.
define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
require __DIR__.'/../../../autoload.php';
\$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
\$kernel = \$app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel::class);
// Here is our custom command for the test
class CommandSchedulingTestCommand_{$this->id} extends Illuminate\Console\Command
protected \$signature = 'test:{$this->id}';
public function handle()
\$logfile = {$logfile};
(new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem)->append(\$logfile, "handled\n");
// Register command with Kernel
Illuminate\Console\Application::starting(function (\$artisan) {
\$artisan->add(new CommandSchedulingTestCommand_{$this->id});
// Add command to scheduler so that the after() callback is trigger in our spawned process
->booted(function (\$app) {
\$app->resolving(Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule::class, function(\$schedule) {
\$fs = new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
->after(function() use (\$fs) {
\$logfile = {$logfile};
\$fs->append(\$logfile, "background:after\n");
->before(function() use (\$fs) {
\$logfile = {$logfile};
\$fs->append(\$logfile, "background:before\n");
\$status = \$kernel->handle(
\$input = new Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput,
new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput
\$kernel->terminate(\$input, \$status);
$this->fs->put($path, $script);
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
namespace Illuminate\Tests\Integration\Console;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
class CommandSchedulingTest extends TestCase
* Each run of this test is assigned a random ID to ensure that separate runs
* do not interfere with each other.
* @var string
protected $id;
* The path to the file that execution logs will be written to.
* @var string
protected $logfile;
* Just in case Testbench starts to ship an `artisan` script, we'll check and save a backup.
* @var string|null
protected $originalArtisan;
* The Filesystem instance for writing stubs and logs.
* @var \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
protected $fs;
protected function setUp(): void
$this->fs = new Filesystem;
$this->id = Str::random();
$this->logfile = storage_path("logs/command_scheduling_test_{$this->id}.log");
protected function tearDown(): void
if (! is_null($this->originalArtisan)) {
$this->fs->put(base_path('artisan'), $this->originalArtisan);
public function testExecutionOrder($background, $expected)
$schedule = $this->app->make(Schedule::class);
$event = $schedule
->after(function () {
$this->fs->append($this->logfile, "foreground:after\n");
->before(function () {
$this->fs->append($this->logfile, "foreground:before\n");
if ($background) {
// We'll trigger the scheduler three times to simulate multiple servers
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
$this->app->instance(Schedule::class, clone $schedule);
if ($background) {
// Since our command is running in a separate process, we need to wait
// until it has finished executing before running our assertions.
public static function executionProvider()
return [
'Foreground' => [false, ['foreground:before', 'handled', 'foreground:after']],
'Background' => [true, ['foreground:before', 'handled', 'background:after']],
protected function waitForLogMessages(...$messages)
$tries = 0;
$sleep = 100000; // 100K microseconds = 0.1 second
$limit = 50; // 0.1s * 50 = 5 second wait limit
do {
$log = $this->fs->get($this->logfile);
if (Str::containsAll($log, $messages)) {
} while ($tries < $limit);
protected function assertLogged(...$messages)
$log = trim($this->fs->get($this->logfile));
$this->assertEquals(implode("\n", $messages), $log);
protected function writeArtisanScript()
$path = base_path('artisan');
// Save existing artisan script if there is one
if ($this->fs->exists($path)) {
$this->originalArtisan = $this->fs->get($path);
$thisFile = __FILE__;
$logfile = var_export($this->logfile, true);
$script = <<<PHP
#!/usr/bin/env php
// This is a custom artisan script made specifically for:
// {$thisFile}
// It should be automatically cleaned up when the tests have finished executing.
// If you are seeing this file, an unexpected error must have occurred. Please
// manually remove it.
define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
require __DIR__.'/../../../autoload.php';
\$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
\$kernel = \$app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel::class);
// Here is our custom command for the test
class CommandSchedulingTestCommand_{$this->id} extends Illuminate\Console\Command
protected \$signature = 'test:{$this->id}';
public function handle()
\$logfile = {$logfile};
(new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem)->append(\$logfile, "handled\\n");
// Register command with Kernel
Illuminate\Console\Application::starting(function (\$artisan) {
\$artisan->add(new CommandSchedulingTestCommand_{$this->id});
// Add command to scheduler so that the after() callback is trigger in our spawned process
->booted(function (\$app) {
\$app->resolving(Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule::class, function(\$schedule) {
\$fs = new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
->after(function() use (\$fs) {
\$logfile = {$logfile};
\$fs->append(\$logfile, "background:after\\n");
->before(function() use (\$fs) {
\$logfile = {$logfile};
\$fs->append(\$logfile, "background:before\\n");
\$status = \$kernel->handle(
\$input = new Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput,
new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput
\$kernel->terminate(\$input, \$status);
$this->fs->put($path, $script);
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | 929c284e18d316db69a93c994d6897a8 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 90 ms |