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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Pest\PendingCalls; use Closure; use Pest\Excep..

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namespace Pest\PendingCalls;

use Closure;
use Pest\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversClass;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversFunction;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversNothing;
use Pest\Factories\TestCaseMethodFactory;
use Pest\PendingCalls\Concerns\Describable;
use Pest\Plugins\Only;
use Pest\Support\Backtrace;
use Pest\Support\Exporter;
use Pest\Support\HigherOrderCallables;
use Pest\Support\NullClosure;
use Pest\Support\Str;
use Pest\TestSuite;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * @internal
 * @mixin HigherOrderCallables|TestCase
final class TestCall
    use Describable;

     * The Test Case Factory.
    public readonly TestCaseMethodFactory $testCaseMethod;

     * If test call is descriptionLess.
    private readonly bool $descriptionLess;

     * Creates a new Pending Call.
    public function __construct(
        private readonly TestSuite $testSuite,
        private readonly string $filename,
        ?string $description = null,
        ?Closure $closure = null
    ) {
        $this->testCaseMethod = new TestCaseMethodFactory($filename, $description, $closure);

        $this->descriptionLess = $description === null;

        $this->describing = DescribeCall::describing();


     * Asserts that the test fails with the given message.
    public function fails(?string $message = null): self
        return $this->throws(AssertionFailedError::class, $message);

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called.
    public function throws(string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        if (is_int($exception)) {
            $exceptionCode = $exception;
        } elseif (class_exists($exception)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectException', [$exception]);
        } else {
            $exceptionMessage = $exception;

        if (is_string($exceptionMessage)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectExceptionMessage', [$exceptionMessage]);

        if (is_int($exceptionCode)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectExceptionCode', [$exceptionCode]);

        return $this;

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called if the given condition is true.
     * @param  (callable(): bool)|bool  $condition
    public function throwsIf(callable|bool $condition, string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : static fn (): bool => $condition;

        if ($condition()) {
            return $this->throws($exception, $exceptionMessage, $exceptionCode);

        return $this;

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called if the given condition is false.
     * @param  (callable(): bool)|bool  $condition
    public function throwsUnless(callable|bool $condition, string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : static fn (): bool => $condition;

        if (! $condition()) {
            return $this->throws($exception, $exceptionMessage, $exceptionCode);

        return $this;

     * Runs the current test multiple times with
     * each item of the given `iterable`.
     * @param  array<\Closure|iterable<int|string, mixed>|string>  $data
    public function with(Closure|iterable|string ...$data): self
        foreach ($data as $dataset) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->datasets[] = $dataset;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test depends.
    public function depends(string ...$depends): self
        foreach ($depends as $depend) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->depends[] = $depend;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test group(s).
    public function group(string ...$groups): self
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->groups[] = $group;

        return $this;

     * Filters the test suite by "only" tests.
    public function only(): self

        return $this;

     * Skips the current test.
    public function skip(Closure|bool|string $conditionOrMessage = true, string $message = ''): self
        $condition = is_string($conditionOrMessage)
            ? NullClosure::create()
            : $conditionOrMessage;

        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : fn (): bool => $condition;

        $message = is_string($conditionOrMessage)
            ? $conditionOrMessage
            : $message;

        /** @var callable(): bool $condition */
        $condition = $condition->bindTo(null);

            ->addWhen($condition, $this->filename, Backtrace::line(), 'markTestSkipped', [$message]);

        return $this;

     * Skips the current test on the given PHP version.
    public function skipOnPhp(string $version): self
        if (mb_strlen($version) < 2) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version must start with [<] or [>].');

        if (str_starts_with($version, '>=') || str_starts_with($version, '<=')) {
            $operator = substr($version, 0, 2);
            $version = substr($version, 2);
        } elseif (str_starts_with($version, '>') || str_starts_with($version, '<')) {
            $operator = $version[0];
            $version = substr($version, 1);
            // ensure starts with number:
        } elseif (is_numeric($version[0])) {
            $operator = '==';
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version must start with [<, >, <=, >=] or a number.');

        return $this->skip(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $version, $operator), sprintf('This test is skipped on PHP [%s%s].', $operator, $version));

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Windows.
    public function skipOnWindows(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Windows', 'This test is skipped on [Windows].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Mac OS.
    public function skipOnMac(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Darwin', 'This test is skipped on [Mac].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Linux.
    public function skipOnLinux(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Linux', 'This test is skipped on [Linux].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on the given operating systems.
    private function skipOnOs(string $osFamily, string $message): self
        return $osFamily === PHP_OS_FAMILY
            ? $this->skip($message)
            : $this;

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Windows.
    public function onlyOnWindows(): self
        return $this->skipOnMac()->skipOnLinux();

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Mac.
    public function onlyOnMac(): self
        return $this->skipOnWindows()->skipOnLinux();

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Linux.
    public function onlyOnLinux(): self
        return $this->skipOnWindows()->skipOnMac();

     * Repeats the current test the given number of times.
    public function repeat(int $times): self
        if ($times < 1) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The number of repetitions must be greater than 0.');

        $this->testCaseMethod->repetitions = $times;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test as "todo".
    public function todo(): self

        $this->testCaseMethod->todo = true;

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered classes or methods.
    public function covers(string ...$classesOrFunctions): self
        foreach ($classesOrFunctions as $classOrFunction) {
            $isClass = class_exists($classOrFunction) || trait_exists($classOrFunction);
            $isMethod = function_exists($classOrFunction);

            if (! $isClass && ! $isMethod) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No class or method named "%s" has been found.', $classOrFunction));

            if ($isClass) {
            } else {

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered classes.
    public function coversClass(string ...$classes): self
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->covers[] = new CoversClass($class);

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered functions.
    public function coversFunction(string ...$functions): self
        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->covers[] = new CoversFunction($function);

        return $this;

     * Sets that the current test covers nothing.
    public function coversNothing(): self
        $this->testCaseMethod->covers = [new CoversNothing()];

        return $this;

     * Informs the test runner that no expectations happen in this test,
     * and its purpose is simply to check whether the given code can
     * be executed without throwing exceptions.
    public function throwsNoExceptions(): self
        $this->testCaseMethod->proxies->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectNotToPerformAssertions', []);

        return $this;

     * Saves the property accessors to be used on the target.
    public function __get(string $name): self
        return $this->addChain(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), $name);

     * Saves the calls to be used on the target.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>  $arguments
    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): self
        return $this->addChain(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), $name, $arguments);

     * Add a chain to the test case factory. Omitting the arguments will treat it as a property accessor.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>|null  $arguments
    private function addChain(string $file, int $line, string $name, ?array $arguments = null): self
        $exporter = Exporter::default();

            ->add($file, $line, $name, $arguments);

        if ($this->descriptionLess) {

            if ($this->testCaseMethod->description !== null) {
                $this->testCaseMethod->description .= '  ';
            $this->testCaseMethod->description .= $arguments === null
                ? $name
                : sprintf('%s %s', $name, $exporter->shortenedRecursiveExport($arguments));

        return $this;

     * Creates the Call.
    public function __destruct()
        if (! is_null($this->describing)) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->describing = $this->describing;
            $this->testCaseMethod->description = Str::describe($this->describing, $this->testCaseMethod->description); // @phpstan-ignore-line


Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code



namespace Pest\PendingCalls;

use Closure;
use Pest\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversClass;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversFunction;
use Pest\Factories\Covers\CoversNothing;
use Pest\Factories\TestCaseMethodFactory;
use Pest\PendingCalls\Concerns\Describable;
use Pest\Plugins\Only;
use Pest\Support\Backtrace;
use Pest\Support\Exporter;
use Pest\Support\HigherOrderCallables;
use Pest\Support\NullClosure;
use Pest\Support\Str;
use Pest\TestSuite;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

 * @internal
 * @mixin HigherOrderCallables|TestCase
final class TestCall
    use Describable;

     * The Test Case Factory.
    public readonly TestCaseMethodFactory $testCaseMethod;

     * If test call is descriptionLess.
    private readonly bool $descriptionLess;

     * Creates a new Pending Call.
    public function __construct(
        private readonly TestSuite $testSuite,
        private readonly string $filename,
        ?string $description = null,
        ?Closure $closure = null
    ) {
        $this->testCaseMethod = new TestCaseMethodFactory($filename, $description, $closure);

        $this->descriptionLess = $description === null;

        $this->describing = DescribeCall::describing();


     * Asserts that the test fails with the given message.
    public function fails(?string $message = null): self
        return $this->throws(AssertionFailedError::class, $message);

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called.
    public function throws(string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        if (is_int($exception)) {
            $exceptionCode = $exception;
        } elseif (class_exists($exception)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectException', [$exception]);
        } else {
            $exceptionMessage = $exception;

        if (is_string($exceptionMessage)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectExceptionMessage', [$exceptionMessage]);

        if (is_int($exceptionCode)) {
                ->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectExceptionCode', [$exceptionCode]);

        return $this;

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called if the given condition is true.
     * @param  (callable(): bool)|bool  $condition
    public function throwsIf(callable|bool $condition, string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : static fn (): bool => $condition;

        if ($condition()) {
            return $this->throws($exception, $exceptionMessage, $exceptionCode);

        return $this;

     * Asserts that the test throws the given `$exceptionClass` when called if the given condition is false.
     * @param  (callable(): bool)|bool  $condition
    public function throwsUnless(callable|bool $condition, string|int $exception, ?string $exceptionMessage = null, ?int $exceptionCode = null): self
        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : static fn (): bool => $condition;

        if (! $condition()) {
            return $this->throws($exception, $exceptionMessage, $exceptionCode);

        return $this;

     * Runs the current test multiple times with
     * each item of the given `iterable`.
     * @param  array<\Closure|iterable<int|string, mixed>|string>  $data
    public function with(Closure|iterable|string ...$data): self
        foreach ($data as $dataset) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->datasets[] = $dataset;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test depends.
    public function depends(string ...$depends): self
        foreach ($depends as $depend) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->depends[] = $depend;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test group(s).
    public function group(string ...$groups): self
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->groups[] = $group;

        return $this;

     * Filters the test suite by "only" tests.
    public function only(): self

        return $this;

     * Skips the current test.
    public function skip(Closure|bool|string $conditionOrMessage = true, string $message = ''): self
        $condition = is_string($conditionOrMessage)
            ? NullClosure::create()
            : $conditionOrMessage;

        $condition = is_callable($condition)
            ? $condition
            : fn (): bool => $condition;

        $message = is_string($conditionOrMessage)
            ? $conditionOrMessage
            : $message;

        /** @var callable(): bool $condition */
        $condition = $condition->bindTo(null);

            ->addWhen($condition, $this->filename, Backtrace::line(), 'markTestSkipped', [$message]);

        return $this;

     * Skips the current test on the given PHP version.
    public function skipOnPhp(string $version): self
        if (mb_strlen($version) < 2) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version must start with [<] or [>].');

        if (str_starts_with($version, '>=') || str_starts_with($version, '<=')) {
            $operator = substr($version, 0, 2);
            $version = substr($version, 2);
        } elseif (str_starts_with($version, '>') || str_starts_with($version, '<')) {
            $operator = $version[0];
            $version = substr($version, 1);
            // ensure starts with number:
        } elseif (is_numeric($version[0])) {
            $operator = '==';
        } else {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version must start with [<, >, <=, >=] or a number.');

        return $this->skip(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $version, $operator), sprintf('This test is skipped on PHP [%s%s].', $operator, $version));

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Windows.
    public function skipOnWindows(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Windows', 'This test is skipped on [Windows].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Mac OS.
    public function skipOnMac(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Darwin', 'This test is skipped on [Mac].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on Linux.
    public function skipOnLinux(): self
        return $this->skipOnOs('Linux', 'This test is skipped on [Linux].');

     * Skips the current test if the given test is running on the given operating systems.
    private function skipOnOs(string $osFamily, string $message): self
        return $osFamily === PHP_OS_FAMILY
            ? $this->skip($message)
            : $this;

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Windows.
    public function onlyOnWindows(): self
        return $this->skipOnMac()->skipOnLinux();

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Mac.
    public function onlyOnMac(): self
        return $this->skipOnWindows()->skipOnLinux();

     * Skips the current test unless the given test is running on Linux.
    public function onlyOnLinux(): self
        return $this->skipOnWindows()->skipOnMac();

     * Repeats the current test the given number of times.
    public function repeat(int $times): self
        if ($times < 1) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The number of repetitions must be greater than 0.');

        $this->testCaseMethod->repetitions = $times;

        return $this;

     * Sets the test as "todo".
    public function todo(): self

        $this->testCaseMethod->todo = true;

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered classes or methods.
    public function covers(string ...$classesOrFunctions): self
        foreach ($classesOrFunctions as $classOrFunction) {
            $isClass = class_exists($classOrFunction) || trait_exists($classOrFunction);
            $isMethod = function_exists($classOrFunction);

            if (! $isClass && ! $isMethod) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No class or method named "%s" has been found.', $classOrFunction));

            if ($isClass) {
            } else {

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered classes.
    public function coversClass(string ...$classes): self
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->covers[] = new CoversClass($class);

        return $this;

     * Sets the covered functions.
    public function coversFunction(string ...$functions): self
        foreach ($functions as $function) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->covers[] = new CoversFunction($function);

        return $this;

     * Sets that the current test covers nothing.
    public function coversNothing(): self
        $this->testCaseMethod->covers = [new CoversNothing()];

        return $this;

     * Informs the test runner that no expectations happen in this test,
     * and its purpose is simply to check whether the given code can
     * be executed without throwing exceptions.
    public function throwsNoExceptions(): self
        $this->testCaseMethod->proxies->add(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), 'expectNotToPerformAssertions', []);

        return $this;

     * Saves the property accessors to be used on the target.
    public function __get(string $name): self
        return $this->addChain(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), $name);

     * Saves the calls to be used on the target.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>  $arguments
    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): self
        return $this->addChain(Backtrace::file(), Backtrace::line(), $name, $arguments);

     * Add a chain to the test case factory. Omitting the arguments will treat it as a property accessor.
     * @param  array<int, mixed>|null  $arguments
    private function addChain(string $file, int $line, string $name, ?array $arguments = null): self
        $exporter = Exporter::default();

            ->add($file, $line, $name, $arguments);

        if ($this->descriptionLess) {

            if ($this->testCaseMethod->description !== null) {
                $this->testCaseMethod->description .= '  ';
            $this->testCaseMethod->description .= $arguments === null
                ? $name
                : sprintf('%s %s', $name, $exporter->shortenedRecursiveExport($arguments));

        return $this;

     * Creates the Call.
    public function __destruct()
        if (! is_null($this->describing)) {
            $this->testCaseMethod->describing = $this->describing;
            $this->testCaseMethod->description = Str::describe($this->describing, $this->testCaseMethod->description); // @phpstan-ignore-line


Function Calls





MD5 9814ec9be9490f8e1bf85dc27247091e
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 97 ms