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PHP Decode

declare (strict_types=1); namespace OneTeamSoftware\WP\Admin; class OneTeamSoftware { priv..

Decoded Output download

<?  declare (strict_types=1); namespace OneTeamSoftware\WP\Admin; class OneTeamSoftware { private static $instance = null; private $mainMenuId; private $author; private $freePluginsApiUrl; private $paidPluginsApiUrl; private $isRegistered; private $pluginPath; public static function instance() : OneTeamSoftware { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new OneTeamSoftware(); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { $this->mainMenuId = "oneteamsoftware"; $this->author = "oneteamsoftware"; $this->freePluginsApiUrl = ""; $this->paidPluginsApiUrl = ""; $this->isRegistered = false; $this->pluginPath = dirname(dirname(dirname(str_replace("phar://", '', __FILE__)))); } public function register() : void { if ($this->isRegistered) { return; } $this->isRegistered = true; add_action("admin_menu", [$this, "onAdminMenu"], 2); } public function onAdminMenu() : void { global $yJP9g; if (isset($yJP9g[$this->mainMenuId])) { return; } add_menu_page("1TeamSoftware", "1TeamSoftware", "manage_options", $this->mainMenuId, [$this, "display"], plugins_url("assets/images/1TeamSoftware-icon.png", $this->pluginPath), 26); add_submenu_page($this->mainMenuId, "About", "About", "manage_options", $this->mainMenuId); } public function enqueueScripts() : void { $h7eiB = defined("WP_DEBUG") && WP_DEBUG ? "css" : "min.css"; wp_register_style($this->mainMenuId . "-About", plugins_url("assets/css/OneTeamSoftware." . $h7eiB, str_replace("phar://", '', $this->pluginPath))); wp_enqueue_style($this->mainMenuId . "-About"); } public function display() : void { $this->enqueueScripts(); echo "\x9	<div class="wrap "; echo $this->mainMenuId; echo "">\xa		\x9<img width="190" height="80" src=""; echo plugins_url("assets/images/1TeamSoftware-logo.png", $this->pluginPath); echo "" class="header_logo header-logo" alt="1 Team Software"> 
	\x9	<div class="card">\xa	\x9\x9\x9<h2 class="title">About Us</h2>\xa\x9	\x9	<p><strong>1TeamSoftware</strong> specializes in providing elegant solutions for complex e-commerce challenges. We have over 15 years of software development experience as well as many years of hands on e-commerce experience, which makes us an ideal solutions provider for your e-commerce needs.</p> 
			\x9<p>We develop and publish unique and helpful free and premium <a href="" target="_blank">WooCommerce plugins</a> that will help to boost your sales while reducing your operation expenses.</p> 
\x9\x9		<p>Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so we are always working hard to address any customers\342\x80\231 requirements and provide <a href="" target="_blank">rapid support</a> at every step.</p>\xa\x9	\x9	<p>We are continually listening to the needs of our customers, so our <a href="" target="_blank">WooCommerce plugins</a> are constantly evolving into more feature-rich and solid products.</p> 
		\x9\x9<p><strong>1TeamSoftware</strong> strives to provide best quality useful products and support, so we guarantee your satisfaction by offering 30-day money back guarantee and hassle-free updates.</p> 
			</div>\xa			<div class="card"> 
\x9\x9		<h2 class="title">Contact Us</h2>\xa\x9			<p>We are always here to help you with any of our great WooCommerce extensions, as well as with any customization or project you have in mind!</p> 
\x9	\x9\x9<span>Contact us using any of the following ways:</span> 
		\x9\x9<ul>\xa	\x9\x9		<li><a href="" target="_blank">Website Contact Form</a></li> 
\x9\x9\x9	\x9<li><a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a></li>\xa\x9\x9\x9\x9</ul> 
	\x9	</div> 
\x9\x9\x9"; $this->displayPlugins(); echo "		</div> 
\x9\x9"; } private function getPlugins() : array { $Pfhgf = ($this->mainMenuId ?? "oneteamsoftware") . "_plugins"; $FRpYc = get_transient($Pfhgf); if (false === empty($FRpYc)) { return $FRpYc; } $FRpYc = []; $FRpYc = $this->getFreePlugins(); set_transient($Pfhgf, $FRpYc, 24 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); return $FRpYc; } private function getFreePlugins() : array { $gt8LX = (object) ["author" => $this->author, "per_page" => "120", "page" => "1", "fields" => ["slug", "name", "version", "downloaded", "active_installs", "homepage"]]; $dBKe3 = ["action" => "query_plugins", "timeout" => 15, "request" => serialize($gt8LX)]; $Jq1yz = wp_remote_post($this->freePluginsApiUrl, ["body" => $dBKe3]); if (is_wp_error($Jq1yz)) { return []; } $FRpYc = []; $rpJrE = unserialize($Jq1yz["body"]); if (isset($rpJrE->plugins) && count($rpJrE->plugins) > 0) { foreach ($rpJrE->plugins as $YNE2V) { $YNE2V = json_decode(json_encode($YNE2V), true); $FRpYc[$YNE2V["slug"]] = $YNE2V; gDXcu: } EGPJV: } return $FRpYc; } private function getPaidPlugins() : array { $dBKe3 = ["timeout" => 15]; $Jq1yz = wp_remote_get($this->paidPluginsApiUrl, ["body" => $dBKe3]); if (is_wp_error($Jq1yz)) { return []; } $Jq1yz = json_decode($Jq1yz["body"], true); if (false === empty($Jq1yz["code"])) { return []; } $FRpYc = $Jq1yz; return $FRpYc; } private function displayPlugins() : void { $FRpYc = $this->getPlugins(); if (empty($FRpYc)) { return; } echo "\x9\x9\x9<div class="card"> 
	\x9		<h2 class="title">Our Plugins</h2>\xa		\x9\x9"; $qd2po = 1; foreach ($FRpYc as $lP_11) { if (false === empty($lP_11["homepage"]) && false === empty($lP_11["name"]) && false === empty($lP_11["short_description"]) && false === empty($lP_11["version"])) { echo sprintf("<div class="item"><a href="%s" target="_blank"><span class="num">%d</span><span class="title">%s</span><p>%s</p><span class="extra">Version %s</span></a></div>", esc_url($lP_11["homepage"]), esc_html($qd2po), esc_html($lP_11["name"]), esc_html($lP_11["short_description"]), esc_html($lP_11["version"])); $qd2po++; } UwgXc: } zkWVS: echo "		\x9</div>\xa\x9	"; } } ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

declare (strict_types=1); namespace OneTeamSoftware\WP\Admin; class OneTeamSoftware { private static $instance = null; private $mainMenuId; private $author; private $freePluginsApiUrl; private $paidPluginsApiUrl; private $isRegistered; private $pluginPath; public static function instance() : OneTeamSoftware { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new OneTeamSoftware(); } return self::$instance; } public function __construct() { $this->mainMenuId = "oneteamsoftware"; $this->author = "oneteamsoftware"; $this->freePluginsApiUrl = ""; $this->paidPluginsApiUrl = ""; $this->isRegistered = false; $this->pluginPath = dirname(dirname(dirname(str_replace("phar://", '', __FILE__)))); } public function register() : void { if ($this->isRegistered) { return; } $this->isRegistered = true; add_action("admin_menu", [$this, "onAdminMenu"], 2); } public function onAdminMenu() : void { global $yJP9g; if (isset($yJP9g[$this->mainMenuId])) { return; } add_menu_page("1TeamSoftware", "1TeamSoftware", "manage_options", $this->mainMenuId, [$this, "display"], plugins_url("assets/images/1TeamSoftware-icon.png", $this->pluginPath), 26); add_submenu_page($this->mainMenuId, "About", "About", "manage_options", $this->mainMenuId); } public function enqueueScripts() : void { $h7eiB = defined("WP_DEBUG") && WP_DEBUG ? "css" : "min.css"; wp_register_style($this->mainMenuId . "-About", plugins_url("assets/css/OneTeamSoftware." . $h7eiB, str_replace("phar://", '', $this->pluginPath))); wp_enqueue_style($this->mainMenuId . "-About"); } public function display() : void { $this->enqueueScripts(); echo "\x9	<div class="wrap "; echo $this->mainMenuId; echo "">\xa		\x9<img width="190" height="80" src=""; echo plugins_url("assets/images/1TeamSoftware-logo.png", $this->pluginPath); echo "" class="header_logo header-logo" alt="1 Team Software">
	\x9	<div class="card">\xa	\x9\x9\x9<h2 class="title">About Us</h2>\xa\x9	\x9	<p><strong>1TeamSoftware</strong> specializes in providing elegant solutions for complex e-commerce challenges. We have over 15 years of software development experience as well as many years of hands on e-commerce experience, which makes us an ideal solutions provider for your e-commerce needs.</p>
			\x9<p>We develop and publish unique and helpful free and premium <a href="" target="_blank">WooCommerce plugins</a> that will help to boost your sales while reducing your operation expenses.</p>
\x9\x9		<p>Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so we are always working hard to address any customers\342\x80\231 requirements and provide <a href="" target="_blank">rapid support</a> at every step.</p>\xa\x9	\x9	<p>We are continually listening to the needs of our customers, so our <a href="" target="_blank">WooCommerce plugins</a> are constantly evolving into more feature-rich and solid products.</p>
		\x9\x9<p><strong>1TeamSoftware</strong> strives to provide best quality useful products and support, so we guarantee your satisfaction by offering 30-day money back guarantee and hassle-free updates.</p>
			</div>\xa			<div class="card">
\x9\x9		<h2 class="title">Contact Us</h2>\xa\x9			<p>We are always here to help you with any of our great WooCommerce extensions, as well as with any customization or project you have in mind!</p>
\x9	\x9\x9<span>Contact us using any of the following ways:</span>
		\x9\x9<ul>\xa	\x9\x9		<li><a href="" target="_blank">Website Contact Form</a></li>
\x9\x9\x9	\x9<li><a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a></li>\xa\x9\x9\x9\x9</ul>
	\x9	</div>
\x9\x9\x9"; $this->displayPlugins(); echo "		</div>
\x9\x9"; } private function getPlugins() : array { $Pfhgf = ($this->mainMenuId ?? "oneteamsoftware") . "_plugins"; $FRpYc = get_transient($Pfhgf); if (false === empty($FRpYc)) { return $FRpYc; } $FRpYc = []; $FRpYc = $this->getFreePlugins(); set_transient($Pfhgf, $FRpYc, 24 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); return $FRpYc; } private function getFreePlugins() : array { $gt8LX = (object) ["author" => $this->author, "per_page" => "120", "page" => "1", "fields" => ["slug", "name", "version", "downloaded", "active_installs", "homepage"]]; $dBKe3 = ["action" => "query_plugins", "timeout" => 15, "request" => serialize($gt8LX)]; $Jq1yz = wp_remote_post($this->freePluginsApiUrl, ["body" => $dBKe3]); if (is_wp_error($Jq1yz)) { return []; } $FRpYc = []; $rpJrE = unserialize($Jq1yz["body"]); if (isset($rpJrE->plugins) && count($rpJrE->plugins) > 0) { foreach ($rpJrE->plugins as $YNE2V) { $YNE2V = json_decode(json_encode($YNE2V), true); $FRpYc[$YNE2V["slug"]] = $YNE2V; gDXcu: } EGPJV: } return $FRpYc; } private function getPaidPlugins() : array { $dBKe3 = ["timeout" => 15]; $Jq1yz = wp_remote_get($this->paidPluginsApiUrl, ["body" => $dBKe3]); if (is_wp_error($Jq1yz)) { return []; } $Jq1yz = json_decode($Jq1yz["body"], true); if (false === empty($Jq1yz["code"])) { return []; } $FRpYc = $Jq1yz; return $FRpYc; } private function displayPlugins() : void { $FRpYc = $this->getPlugins(); if (empty($FRpYc)) { return; } echo "\x9\x9\x9<div class="card">
	\x9		<h2 class="title">Our Plugins</h2>\xa		\x9\x9"; $qd2po = 1; foreach ($FRpYc as $lP_11) { if (false === empty($lP_11["homepage"]) && false === empty($lP_11["name"]) && false === empty($lP_11["short_description"]) && false === empty($lP_11["version"])) { echo sprintf("<div class="item"><a href="%s" target="_blank"><span class="num">%d</span><span class="title">%s</span><p>%s</p><span class="extra">Version %s</span></a></div>", esc_url($lP_11["homepage"]), esc_html($qd2po), esc_html($lP_11["name"]), esc_html($lP_11["short_description"]), esc_html($lP_11["version"])); $qd2po++; } UwgXc: } zkWVS: echo "		\x9</div>\xa\x9	"; } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 58 ms