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PHP Decode

<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework. * ..

Decoded Output download



 * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities;

use CodeIgniter\Cache\FactoriesCache;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
use Config\Optimize;
use Kint\Kint;

 * Check the Config values.
 * @see \CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\ConfigCheckTest
final class ConfigCheck extends BaseCommand
     * The group the command is lumped under
     * when listing commands.
     * @var string
    protected $group = 'CodeIgniter';

     * The Command's name
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'config:check';

     * The Command's short description
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Check your Config values.';

     * The Command's usage
     * @var string
    protected $usage = 'config:check <classname>';

     * The Command's arguments
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $arguments = [
        'classname' => 'The config classname to check. Short classname or FQCN.',

     * The Command's options
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $options = [];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function run(array $params)
        if (! isset($params[0])) {
            CLI::error('You must specify a Config classname.');
            CLI::write('  Usage: ' . $this->usage);
            CLI::write('Example: config:check App');
            CLI::write('         config:check \'CodeIgniter\Shield\Config\Auth\'');

            return EXIT_ERROR;

        /** @var class-string<BaseConfig> $class */
        $class = $params[0];

        // Load Config cache if it is enabled.
        $configCacheEnabled = class_exists(Optimize::class)
            && (new Optimize())->configCacheEnabled;
        if ($configCacheEnabled) {
            $factoriesCache = new FactoriesCache();

        $config = config($class);

        if ($config === null) {
            CLI::error('No such Config class: ' . $class);

            return EXIT_ERROR;

        if (defined('KINT_DIR') && Kint::$enabled_mode !== false) {
        } else {
                CLI::color($this->getVarDump($config), 'cyan')

        $state = CLI::color($configCacheEnabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled', 'green');
        CLI::write('Config Caching: ' . $state);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Gets object dump by Kint d()
    private function getKintD(object $config): string
        $output = ob_get_clean();

        $output = trim($output);

        $lines = explode("\n", $output);
        array_splice($lines, 0, 3);
        array_splice($lines, -3);

        return implode("\n", $lines);

     * Gets object dump by var_dump()
    private function getVarDump(object $config): string
        $output = ob_get_clean();

        return preg_replace(

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code



 * This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
 * (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities;

use CodeIgniter\Cache\FactoriesCache;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\BaseCommand;
use CodeIgniter\CLI\CLI;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;
use Config\Optimize;
use Kint\Kint;

 * Check the Config values.
 * @see \CodeIgniter\Commands\Utilities\ConfigCheckTest
final class ConfigCheck extends BaseCommand
     * The group the command is lumped under
     * when listing commands.
     * @var string
    protected $group = 'CodeIgniter';

     * The Command's name
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'config:check';

     * The Command's short description
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Check your Config values.';

     * The Command's usage
     * @var string
    protected $usage = 'config:check <classname>';

     * The Command's arguments
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $arguments = [
        'classname' => 'The config classname to check. Short classname or FQCN.',

     * The Command's options
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $options = [];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function run(array $params)
        if (! isset($params[0])) {
            CLI::error('You must specify a Config classname.');
            CLI::write('  Usage: ' . $this->usage);
            CLI::write('Example: config:check App');
            CLI::write('         config:check \'CodeIgniter\Shield\Config\Auth\'');

            return EXIT_ERROR;

        /** @var class-string<BaseConfig> $class */
        $class = $params[0];

        // Load Config cache if it is enabled.
        $configCacheEnabled = class_exists(Optimize::class)
            && (new Optimize())->configCacheEnabled;
        if ($configCacheEnabled) {
            $factoriesCache = new FactoriesCache();

        $config = config($class);

        if ($config === null) {
            CLI::error('No such Config class: ' . $class);

            return EXIT_ERROR;

        if (defined('KINT_DIR') && Kint::$enabled_mode !== false) {
        } else {
                CLI::color($this->getVarDump($config), 'cyan')

        $state = CLI::color($configCacheEnabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled', 'green');
        CLI::write('Config Caching: ' . $state);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

     * Gets object dump by Kint d()
    private function getKintD(object $config): string
        $output = ob_get_clean();

        $output = trim($output);

        $lines = explode("\n", $output);
        array_splice($lines, 0, 3);
        array_splice($lines, -3);

        return implode("\n", $lines);

     * Gets object dump by var_dump()
    private function getVarDump(object $config): string
        $output = ob_get_clean();

        return preg_replace(

Function Calls





MD5 a403ec439b2e3ffb81194d2876449a92
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 95 ms