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<?php /** * WordPress HTTPS * * @author Mike Ems * @package WordPressHTTPS * ..
Decoded Output download
* WordPress HTTPS
* @author Mike Ems
* @package WordPressHTTPS
class WordPressHTTPS extends Mvied_Plugin {
* @var WordPressHTTPS_Url
protected $_http_url;
* @var WordPressHTTPS_Url
protected $_https_url;
* Plugin Settings
* setting_name => default_value
* @var array
protected $_settings = array(
'ssl_host' => '', // Hostname for SSL Host
'ssl_port' => '', // Port number for SSL Host
'secure_external_urls' => array(), // Secure external URL's
'unsecure_external_urls' => array(), // Unsecure external URL's
'ssl_host_diff' => 0, // Is SSL Host different than WordPress host
'ssl_host_subdomain' => 0, // Is SSL Host a subdomain of WordPress host
'exclusive_https' => 0, // Redirect pages that are not secured to HTTP
'remove_unsecure' => 0, // Remove unsecure elements from HTML
'ssl_admin' => 0, // Force SSL Over Administration Panel (The same as FORCE_SSL_ADMIN)
'ssl_proxy' => 0, // Proxy detection
'debug' => 0, // Debug Mode
'admin_menu' => 'side', // HTTPS Admin Menu location
'secure_filter' => array(), // Expressions to secure URL's against
'ssl_host_mapping' => array(), // External SSL Hosts whose HTTPS content is on another domain
'network_defaults' => array(), // Default settings for new blogs on a multisite network
* File extensions to be loaded securely.
* @var array
protected $_file_extensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'css', 'js');
* Default External SSL Host Mapping
* @var array
public static $ssl_host_mapping = array(
'' => '',
'\' => '',
* Get File Extensions to Secure
* @param none
* @return array
public function getFileExtensions() {
return $this->_file_extensions;
* Get HTTP Url
* @param none
* @return WordPressHTTPS_Url
public function getHttpUrl() {
if ( !isset($this->_http_url) ) {
$this->_http_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString('http://' . parse_url(get_bloginfo('template_url'), PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url(home_url('/'), PHP_URL_PATH));
return $this->_http_url;
* Get HTTPS Url
* @param none
* @return WordPressHTTPS_Url
public function getHttpsUrl() {
if ( !isset($this->_https_url) ) {
$this->_https_url = clone $this->getHttpUrl();
if ( is_string($this->getSetting('ssl_host')) && $this->getSetting('ssl_host') != '' ) {
$ssl_host = rtrim($this->getSetting('ssl_host'), '/') . '/';
// If using a different host for SSL
if ( $ssl_host != $this->_https_url->toString() ) {
// Assign HTTPS URL to SSL Host
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', 1);
if ( strpos($ssl_host, 'http://') === false && strpos($ssl_host, 'https://') === false ) {
$ssl_host = 'https://' . $ssl_host;
$this->_https_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $ssl_host );
} else {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', 0);
// Prepend SSL Host path
if ( strpos($this->_https_url->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
$this->_https_url->setPath( $this->_https_url->getPath() . $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() );
// Add SSL Port to HTTPS URL
return $this->_https_url;
* Get domains local to the WordPress installation.
* @param none
* @return array $hosts Array of domains local to the WordPress installation.
public function getLocalDomains() {
global $wpdb;
$hosts = array(
if ( is_multisite() && is_subdomain_install() ) {
$multisite_hosts = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT domain FROM " . $wpdb->blogs, NULL));
$hosts = array_merge($hosts, $multisite_hosts);
return $hosts;
* Initialize
* @param none
* @return void
public function init() {
$this->getLogger()->log('Version: ' . $this->getVersion());
$this->getLogger()->log('HTTP URL: ' . $this->getHttpUrl()->toString());
$this->getLogger()->log('HTTPS URL: ' . $this->getHttpsUrl()->toString());
$this->getLogger()->log('SSL: ' . ( $this->isSsl() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Diff Host: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Subdomain: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_subdomain') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Proxy: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_proxy') === 'auto' ? 'Auto' : ( $this->getSetting('ssl_proxy') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Secure External URLs: [ ' . implode(', ', (array)$this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) . ' ]');
$this->getLogger()->log('Unsecure External URLs: [ ' . implode(', ', (array)$this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls')) . ' ]');
* Install
* @param none
* @return void
public function install() {
global $wpdb;
if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->blogs, NULL));
} else {
$blogs = array($wpdb->blogid);
$defaults = $this->getSetting('network_defaults');
foreach ( $blogs as $blog_id ) {
// Add Settings
foreach ( $this->getSettings() as $option => $value ) {
if ( is_multisite() ) {
if ( add_blog_option($blog_id, $option, $value) && isset($defaults[$option]) ) {
if ( $option == 'ssl_host' && strpos($value, 'https://') !== 0 ) {
$value = 'https://' . rtrim($defaults[$option], '/') . '/';
} else {
$value = $defaults[$option];
$this->setSetting($option, $value, $blog_id);
} else {
add_option($option, $value);
// Fix a bug that saved the ssl_host as an object
if ( ! is_string($this->getSetting('ssl_host', $blog_id)) ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host', $this->_settings['ssl_host'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_port', $this->_settings['ssl_port'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', $this->_settings['ssl_host_diff'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_subdomain', $this->_settings['ssl_host_subdomain'], $blog_id);
// If secure front page option exists, create front page filter
if ( $this->getSetting('frontpage', $blog_id) ) {
$this->setSetting('secure_filter', array_merge($this->getSetting('secure_filter'), array(rtrim(str_replace('http://', '', $this->getHttpUrl()->toString()), '/') . '/$')));
$this->setSetting('frontpage', 0, $blog_id);
// Reset cache
$this->setSetting('secure_external_urls', $this->_settings['secure_external_urls'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('unsecure_external_urls', $this->_settings['unsecure_external_urls'], $blog_id);
// Set default domain mapping
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_mapping', $blog_id) == array() ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_mapping', WordPressHTTPS::$ssl_host_mapping, $blog_id);
$is_subdomain = $this->getHttpsUrl()->isSubdomain($this->getHttpUrl());
foreach ( $blogs as $blog_id ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_subdomain', $is_subdomain, $blog_id);
* Is Local URL
* Determines if URL is local or external
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public function isUrlLocal($url) {
$hosts = $this->getLocalDomains();
if ( ($url_parts = @parse_url($url)) && isset($url_parts['host']) && !in_array($url_parts['host'], $hosts) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Replaces HTTP Host with HTTPS Host
* @param string $string
* @return string $string
public function makeUrlHttps( $string ) {
if ( (string)$string == '' ) {
return false;
// If relative, prepend appropriate path
if ( strpos($string, '/') === 0 ) {
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($string, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
if ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == '/' ) {
$string = rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . $string;
} else {
$string = str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $string);
} else if ( $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $string ) ) {
if ( $this->isUrlLocal($url) ) {
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'http' || ( $url->getScheme() == 'https' && $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') ) ) {
$has_host = ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getHost() == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() ) || strpos($url, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost()) !== false;
$has_path = ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() ) || strpos($url, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false;
$has_port = ( (int)$this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() > 0 ? strpos($url, ':' . $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort()) !== false : true );
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'http' || !$has_host || !$has_path || !$has_port ) {
$updated = clone $url;
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
if ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == '/' ) {
$updated->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . $updated->getPath());
} else if ( strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
} else if ( strpos($updated->getPath(), rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/')) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace(rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/'), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
if ( ( ( $this->isSsl() && !$this->getSetting('exclusive_https') ) || ( defined('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') && constant('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') ) || $this->getSetting('ssl_admin') ) && strpos($url, 'wp-admin') !== false && preg_match('/redirect_to=([^&]+)/i', $updated->toString(), $redirect) && isset($redirect[1]) ) {
$redirect_url = $redirect[1];
$updated = str_replace($redirect_url, urlencode($this->makeUrlHttps(urldecode($redirect_url))), $updated->toString());
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
} else {
$updated = clone $url;
$updated = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( apply_filters('https_external_url', $updated->toString()) );
if ( @in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) == false && @in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls')) == false ) {
$test = clone $updated;
if ( $test->isValid() ) {
// Cache this URL as available over HTTPS for future reference
} else {
// If not available over HTTPS, mark as an unsecure external URL
} else if ( in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) ) {
if ( $url->toString() != $updated->toString() ) {
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
return $string;
* Replaces HTTPS Host with HTTP Host
* @param string $string
* @return string $string
public function makeUrlHttp( $string ) {
if ( (string)$string == '' ) {
return false;
// If relative
if ( strpos($string, '/') === 0 ) {
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($string, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$string = str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $string);
} else if ( $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $string ) ) {
if ( $this->isUrlLocal($url) ) {
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'https' ) {
$updated = clone $url;
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
if ( strpos($url, 'wp-admin') !== false && preg_match('/redirect_to=([^&]+)/i', $url, $redirect) && isset($redirect[1]) ) {
$redirect_url = $redirect[1];
$url = str_replace($redirect_url, urlencode($this->makeUrlHttp(urldecode($redirect_url))), $url);
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
} else {
$updated = apply_filters('http_external_url', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url));
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
return $string;
* Add Secure External URL
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function addSecureExternalUrl( $value ) {
if ( trim($value) == '' ) {
return $this;
$secure_external_urls = (array) $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls');
array_push($secure_external_urls, (string) $value);
$this->setSetting('secure_external_urls', $secure_external_urls);
return $this;
* Add Unsecure External URL
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function addUnsecureExternalUrl( $value ) {
if ( trim($value) == '' ) {
return $this;
$unsecure_external_urls = (array) $this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls');
array_push($unsecure_external_urls, (string) $value);
$this->setSetting('unsecure_external_urls', $unsecure_external_urls);
return $this;
* Checks if the current page is SSL
* @param none
* @return bool
public function isSsl() {
// Some extra checks for Shared SSL
if ( is_ssl() && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost()) === false && $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) {
return false;
} else if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'], 'https') ) {
return true;
} else if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) == 'https' ) {
return true;
} else if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && !is_ssl() && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] ) {
return true;
} else if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && !is_ssl() && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && ( $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() <= 0 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() ) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
return true;
return is_ssl();
* Maintained for backwards compatibility.
* @param none
* @return bool
public function is_ssl() {
return $this->isSsl();
* Redirects page to HTTP or HTTPS accordingly
* @param string $scheme Either http or https
* @return void
public function redirect( $scheme = 'https' ) {
$current_path = ( isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && strpos($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], 'index.php') === false ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
if ( strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') !== false && isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && strpos($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], '?') === false ) {
$current_path .= substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'));
$current_url = ( $this->isSsl() ? 'https' : 'http' ) . '://' . ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) . $current_path;
if ( $scheme == 'https' ) {
$url = $this->makeUrlHttps($current_url);
} else {
$url = $this->makeUrlHttp($current_url);
if ( $current_url != $url ) {
// Use a cookie to detect redirect loops
$redirect_count = ( isset($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) && is_numeric($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) ? (int)$_COOKIE['redirect_count']+1 : 1 );
setcookie('redirect_count', $redirect_count, 0, '/');
// If redirect count is greater than 2, prevent redirect and log the redirect loop
if ( $redirect_count > 2 ) {
setcookie('redirect_count', null, -time(), '/');
$this->getLogger()->log('[ERROR] Redirect Loop!');
// Redirect
if ( function_exists('wp_redirect') ) {
wp_redirect($url, 301);
} else {
// End all output buffering and redirect
header("Location: " . $url, true, 301);
* Get relevent files and directories within WordPress
* @param none
* @return void
public function getDirectories() {
$directories = array();
$scannedDirectories = array();
$directories[] = get_theme_root() . '/' . get_template();
foreach( $directories as $directory ) {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['name'] = $directory;
if ( is_readable($directory) && ($files = scandir($directory)) ) {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['files'] = $files;
} else {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['error'] = "Unable to read directory.";
return $scannedDirectories;
} ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* WordPress HTTPS
* @author Mike Ems
* @package WordPressHTTPS
class WordPressHTTPS extends Mvied_Plugin {
* @var WordPressHTTPS_Url
protected $_http_url;
* @var WordPressHTTPS_Url
protected $_https_url;
* Plugin Settings
* setting_name => default_value
* @var array
protected $_settings = array(
'ssl_host' => '', // Hostname for SSL Host
'ssl_port' => '', // Port number for SSL Host
'secure_external_urls' => array(), // Secure external URL's
'unsecure_external_urls' => array(), // Unsecure external URL's
'ssl_host_diff' => 0, // Is SSL Host different than WordPress host
'ssl_host_subdomain' => 0, // Is SSL Host a subdomain of WordPress host
'exclusive_https' => 0, // Redirect pages that are not secured to HTTP
'remove_unsecure' => 0, // Remove unsecure elements from HTML
'ssl_admin' => 0, // Force SSL Over Administration Panel (The same as FORCE_SSL_ADMIN)
'ssl_proxy' => 0, // Proxy detection
'debug' => 0, // Debug Mode
'admin_menu' => 'side', // HTTPS Admin Menu location
'secure_filter' => array(), // Expressions to secure URL's against
'ssl_host_mapping' => array(), // External SSL Hosts whose HTTPS content is on another domain
'network_defaults' => array(), // Default settings for new blogs on a multisite network
* File extensions to be loaded securely.
* @var array
protected $_file_extensions = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'css', 'js');
* Default External SSL Host Mapping
* @var array
public static $ssl_host_mapping = array(
'' => '',
'\' => '',
* Get File Extensions to Secure
* @param none
* @return array
public function getFileExtensions() {
return $this->_file_extensions;
* Get HTTP Url
* @param none
* @return WordPressHTTPS_Url
public function getHttpUrl() {
if ( !isset($this->_http_url) ) {
$this->_http_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString('http://' . parse_url(get_bloginfo('template_url'), PHP_URL_HOST) . parse_url(home_url('/'), PHP_URL_PATH));
return $this->_http_url;
* Get HTTPS Url
* @param none
* @return WordPressHTTPS_Url
public function getHttpsUrl() {
if ( !isset($this->_https_url) ) {
$this->_https_url = clone $this->getHttpUrl();
if ( is_string($this->getSetting('ssl_host')) && $this->getSetting('ssl_host') != '' ) {
$ssl_host = rtrim($this->getSetting('ssl_host'), '/') . '/';
// If using a different host for SSL
if ( $ssl_host != $this->_https_url->toString() ) {
// Assign HTTPS URL to SSL Host
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', 1);
if ( strpos($ssl_host, 'http://') === false && strpos($ssl_host, 'https://') === false ) {
$ssl_host = 'https://' . $ssl_host;
$this->_https_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $ssl_host );
} else {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', 0);
// Prepend SSL Host path
if ( strpos($this->_https_url->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
$this->_https_url->setPath( $this->_https_url->getPath() . $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() );
// Add SSL Port to HTTPS URL
return $this->_https_url;
* Get domains local to the WordPress installation.
* @param none
* @return array $hosts Array of domains local to the WordPress installation.
public function getLocalDomains() {
global $wpdb;
$hosts = array(
if ( is_multisite() && is_subdomain_install() ) {
$multisite_hosts = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT domain FROM " . $wpdb->blogs, NULL));
$hosts = array_merge($hosts, $multisite_hosts);
return $hosts;
* Initialize
* @param none
* @return void
public function init() {
$this->getLogger()->log('Version: ' . $this->getVersion());
$this->getLogger()->log('HTTP URL: ' . $this->getHttpUrl()->toString());
$this->getLogger()->log('HTTPS URL: ' . $this->getHttpsUrl()->toString());
$this->getLogger()->log('SSL: ' . ( $this->isSsl() ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Diff Host: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Subdomain: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_subdomain') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Proxy: ' . ( $this->getSetting('ssl_proxy') === 'auto' ? 'Auto' : ( $this->getSetting('ssl_proxy') ? 'Yes' : 'No' ) ));
$this->getLogger()->log('Secure External URLs: [ ' . implode(', ', (array)$this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) . ' ]');
$this->getLogger()->log('Unsecure External URLs: [ ' . implode(', ', (array)$this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls')) . ' ]');
* Install
* @param none
* @return void
public function install() {
global $wpdb;
if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) {
$blogs = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->blogs, NULL));
} else {
$blogs = array($wpdb->blogid);
$defaults = $this->getSetting('network_defaults');
foreach ( $blogs as $blog_id ) {
// Add Settings
foreach ( $this->getSettings() as $option => $value ) {
if ( is_multisite() ) {
if ( add_blog_option($blog_id, $option, $value) && isset($defaults[$option]) ) {
if ( $option == 'ssl_host' && strpos($value, 'https://') !== 0 ) {
$value = 'https://' . rtrim($defaults[$option], '/') . '/';
} else {
$value = $defaults[$option];
$this->setSetting($option, $value, $blog_id);
} else {
add_option($option, $value);
// Fix a bug that saved the ssl_host as an object
if ( ! is_string($this->getSetting('ssl_host', $blog_id)) ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host', $this->_settings['ssl_host'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_port', $this->_settings['ssl_port'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_diff', $this->_settings['ssl_host_diff'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_subdomain', $this->_settings['ssl_host_subdomain'], $blog_id);
// If secure front page option exists, create front page filter
if ( $this->getSetting('frontpage', $blog_id) ) {
$this->setSetting('secure_filter', array_merge($this->getSetting('secure_filter'), array(rtrim(str_replace('http://', '', $this->getHttpUrl()->toString()), '/') . '/$')));
$this->setSetting('frontpage', 0, $blog_id);
// Reset cache
$this->setSetting('secure_external_urls', $this->_settings['secure_external_urls'], $blog_id);
$this->setSetting('unsecure_external_urls', $this->_settings['unsecure_external_urls'], $blog_id);
// Set default domain mapping
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_mapping', $blog_id) == array() ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_mapping', WordPressHTTPS::$ssl_host_mapping, $blog_id);
$is_subdomain = $this->getHttpsUrl()->isSubdomain($this->getHttpUrl());
foreach ( $blogs as $blog_id ) {
$this->setSetting('ssl_host_subdomain', $is_subdomain, $blog_id);
* Is Local URL
* Determines if URL is local or external
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
public function isUrlLocal($url) {
$hosts = $this->getLocalDomains();
if ( ($url_parts = @parse_url($url)) && isset($url_parts['host']) && !in_array($url_parts['host'], $hosts) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Replaces HTTP Host with HTTPS Host
* @param string $string
* @return string $string
public function makeUrlHttps( $string ) {
if ( (string)$string == '' ) {
return false;
// If relative, prepend appropriate path
if ( strpos($string, '/') === 0 ) {
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($string, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
if ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == '/' ) {
$string = rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . $string;
} else {
$string = str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $string);
} else if ( $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $string ) ) {
if ( $this->isUrlLocal($url) ) {
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'http' || ( $url->getScheme() == 'https' && $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') ) ) {
$has_host = ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getHost() == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() ) || strpos($url, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost()) !== false;
$has_path = ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() ) || strpos($url, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false;
$has_port = ( (int)$this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() > 0 ? strpos($url, ':' . $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort()) !== false : true );
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'http' || !$has_host || !$has_path || !$has_port ) {
$updated = clone $url;
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) === false ) {
if ( $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() == '/' ) {
$updated->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . $updated->getPath());
} else if ( strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
} else if ( strpos($updated->getPath(), rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/')) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace(rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/'), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
if ( ( ( $this->isSsl() && !$this->getSetting('exclusive_https') ) || ( defined('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') && constant('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN') ) || $this->getSetting('ssl_admin') ) && strpos($url, 'wp-admin') !== false && preg_match('/redirect_to=([^&]+)/i', $updated->toString(), $redirect) && isset($redirect[1]) ) {
$redirect_url = $redirect[1];
$updated = str_replace($redirect_url, urlencode($this->makeUrlHttps(urldecode($redirect_url))), $updated->toString());
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
} else {
$updated = clone $url;
$updated = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( apply_filters('https_external_url', $updated->toString()) );
if ( @in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) == false && @in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls')) == false ) {
$test = clone $updated;
if ( $test->isValid() ) {
// Cache this URL as available over HTTPS for future reference
} else {
// If not available over HTTPS, mark as an unsecure external URL
} else if ( in_array($updated->toString(), $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls')) ) {
if ( $url->toString() != $updated->toString() ) {
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
return $string;
* Replaces HTTPS Host with HTTP Host
* @param string $string
* @return string $string
public function makeUrlHttp( $string ) {
if ( (string)$string == '' ) {
return false;
// If relative
if ( strpos($string, '/') === 0 ) {
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($string, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$string = str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $string);
} else if ( $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( $string ) ) {
if ( $this->isUrlLocal($url) ) {
if ( $url->getScheme() == 'https' ) {
$updated = clone $url;
if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
$updated->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
if ( strpos($url, 'wp-admin') !== false && preg_match('/redirect_to=([^&]+)/i', $url, $redirect) && isset($redirect[1]) ) {
$redirect_url = $redirect[1];
$url = str_replace($redirect_url, urlencode($this->makeUrlHttp(urldecode($redirect_url))), $url);
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
} else {
$updated = apply_filters('http_external_url', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url));
$string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
return $string;
* Add Secure External URL
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function addSecureExternalUrl( $value ) {
if ( trim($value) == '' ) {
return $this;
$secure_external_urls = (array) $this->getSetting('secure_external_urls');
array_push($secure_external_urls, (string) $value);
$this->setSetting('secure_external_urls', $secure_external_urls);
return $this;
* Add Unsecure External URL
* @param string $value
* @return $this
public function addUnsecureExternalUrl( $value ) {
if ( trim($value) == '' ) {
return $this;
$unsecure_external_urls = (array) $this->getSetting('unsecure_external_urls');
array_push($unsecure_external_urls, (string) $value);
$this->setSetting('unsecure_external_urls', $unsecure_external_urls);
return $this;
* Checks if the current page is SSL
* @param none
* @return bool
public function isSsl() {
// Some extra checks for Shared SSL
if ( is_ssl() && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost()) === false && $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) {
return false;
} else if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'], 'https') ) {
return true;
} else if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) == 'https' ) {
return true;
} else if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && !is_ssl() && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] ) {
return true;
} else if ( $this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && !is_ssl() && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getHost() == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && ( $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() <= 0 || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPort() ) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false ) {
return true;
return is_ssl();
* Maintained for backwards compatibility.
* @param none
* @return bool
public function is_ssl() {
return $this->isSsl();
* Redirects page to HTTP or HTTPS accordingly
* @param string $scheme Either http or https
* @return void
public function redirect( $scheme = 'https' ) {
$current_path = ( isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && strpos($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], 'index.php') === false ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
if ( strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') !== false && isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && strpos($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], '?') === false ) {
$current_path .= substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'));
$current_url = ( $this->isSsl() ? 'https' : 'http' ) . '://' . ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) . $current_path;
if ( $scheme == 'https' ) {
$url = $this->makeUrlHttps($current_url);
} else {
$url = $this->makeUrlHttp($current_url);
if ( $current_url != $url ) {
// Use a cookie to detect redirect loops
$redirect_count = ( isset($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) && is_numeric($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) ? (int)$_COOKIE['redirect_count']+1 : 1 );
setcookie('redirect_count', $redirect_count, 0, '/');
// If redirect count is greater than 2, prevent redirect and log the redirect loop
if ( $redirect_count > 2 ) {
setcookie('redirect_count', null, -time(), '/');
$this->getLogger()->log('[ERROR] Redirect Loop!');
// Redirect
if ( function_exists('wp_redirect') ) {
wp_redirect($url, 301);
} else {
// End all output buffering and redirect
header("Location: " . $url, true, 301);
* Get relevent files and directories within WordPress
* @param none
* @return void
public function getDirectories() {
$directories = array();
$scannedDirectories = array();
$directories[] = get_theme_root() . '/' . get_template();
foreach( $directories as $directory ) {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['name'] = $directory;
if ( is_readable($directory) && ($files = scandir($directory)) ) {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['files'] = $files;
} else {
$scannedDirectories[$directory]['error'] = "Unable to read directory.";
return $scannedDirectories;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | a4238b201fc10e4e1ae92b9fc215d222 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 190 ms |