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PHP Decode
<?php use App\Actions\Proxy\SaveConfiguration; use App\Models\Application; use App\Models..
Decoded Output download
use App\Actions\Proxy\SaveConfiguration;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\Server;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
function connectProxyToNetworks(Server $server)
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
} else {
// Standalone networks
$networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
// Service networks
foreach ($server->services()->get() as $service) {
// Docker compose based apps
$docker_compose_apps = $server->dockerComposeBasedApplications();
foreach ($docker_compose_apps as $app) {
// Docker compose based preview deployments
$docker_compose_previews = $server->dockerComposeBasedPreviewDeployments();
foreach ($docker_compose_previews as $preview) {
$pullRequestId = $preview->pull_request_id;
$applicationId = $preview->application_id;
$application = Application::find($applicationId);
if (! $application) {
$network = "{$application->uuid}-{$pullRequestId}";
$networks = collect($networks)->flatten()->unique();
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']);
$commands = $networks->map(function ($network) {
return [
"echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'",
"docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --driver overlay --attachable $network >/dev/null",
"docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true",
} else {
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify']);
$commands = $networks->map(function ($network) {
return [
"echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'",
"docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --attachable $network >/dev/null",
"docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true",
return $commands->flatten();
function generate_default_proxy_configuration(Server $server)
$proxy_path = $server->proxyPath();
$proxy_type = $server->proxyType();
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']);
} else {
$networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify']);
$array_of_networks = collect([]);
$networks->map(function ($network) use ($array_of_networks) {
$array_of_networks[$network] = [
'external' => true,
if ($proxy_type === 'TRAEFIK_V2') {
$labels = [
$config = [
'version' => '3.8',
'networks' => $array_of_networks->toArray(),
'services' => [
'traefik' => [
'container_name' => 'coolify-proxy',
'image' => 'traefik:v2.10',
'restart' => RESTART_MODE,
'extra_hosts' => [
'networks' => $networks->toArray(),
'ports' => [
'healthcheck' => [
'test' => 'wget -qO- http://localhost:80/ping || exit 1',
'interval' => '4s',
'timeout' => '2s',
'retries' => 5,
'volumes' => [
'command' => [
'labels' => $labels,
if (isDev()) {
// $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--log.level=debug";
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--accesslog.filepath=/traefik/access.log';
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--accesslog.bufferingsize=100';
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.container_name');
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.restart');
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.labels');
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--providers.docker.swarmMode=true';
$config['services']['traefik']['deploy'] = [
'labels' => $labels,
'placement' => [
'constraints' => [
} else {
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--providers.docker=true';
} elseif ($proxy_type === 'CADDY') {
$config = [
'version' => '3.8',
'networks' => $array_of_networks->toArray(),
'services' => [
'caddy' => [
'container_name' => 'coolify-proxy',
'image' => 'lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy:2.8-alpine',
'restart' => RESTART_MODE,
'extra_hosts' => [
'environment' => [
'networks' => $networks->toArray(),
'ports' => [
// "healthcheck" => [
// "test" => "wget -qO- http://localhost:80|| exit 1",
// "interval" => "4s",
// "timeout" => "2s",
// "retries" => 5,
// ],
'volumes' => [
} else {
return null;
$config = Yaml::dump($config, 12, 2);
SaveConfiguration::run($server, $config);
return $config;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
use App\Actions\Proxy\SaveConfiguration;
use App\Models\Application;
use App\Models\Server;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
function connectProxyToNetworks(Server $server)
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
} else {
// Standalone networks
$networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
// Service networks
foreach ($server->services()->get() as $service) {
// Docker compose based apps
$docker_compose_apps = $server->dockerComposeBasedApplications();
foreach ($docker_compose_apps as $app) {
// Docker compose based preview deployments
$docker_compose_previews = $server->dockerComposeBasedPreviewDeployments();
foreach ($docker_compose_previews as $preview) {
$pullRequestId = $preview->pull_request_id;
$applicationId = $preview->application_id;
$application = Application::find($applicationId);
if (! $application) {
$network = "{$application->uuid}-{$pullRequestId}";
$networks = collect($networks)->flatten()->unique();
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']);
$commands = $networks->map(function ($network) {
return [
"echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'",
"docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --driver overlay --attachable $network >/dev/null",
"docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true",
} else {
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify']);
$commands = $networks->map(function ($network) {
return [
"echo 'Connecting coolify-proxy to $network network...'",
"docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep '^$network$' >/dev/null || docker network create --attachable $network >/dev/null",
"docker network connect $network coolify-proxy >/dev/null 2>&1 || true",
return $commands->flatten();
function generate_default_proxy_configuration(Server $server)
$proxy_path = $server->proxyPath();
$proxy_type = $server->proxyType();
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
$networks = collect($server->swarmDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify-overlay']);
} else {
$networks = collect($server->standaloneDockers)->map(function ($docker) {
return $docker['network'];
if ($networks->count() === 0) {
$networks = collect(['coolify']);
$array_of_networks = collect([]);
$networks->map(function ($network) use ($array_of_networks) {
$array_of_networks[$network] = [
'external' => true,
if ($proxy_type === 'TRAEFIK_V2') {
$labels = [
$config = [
'version' => '3.8',
'networks' => $array_of_networks->toArray(),
'services' => [
'traefik' => [
'container_name' => 'coolify-proxy',
'image' => 'traefik:v2.10',
'restart' => RESTART_MODE,
'extra_hosts' => [
'networks' => $networks->toArray(),
'ports' => [
'healthcheck' => [
'test' => 'wget -qO- http://localhost:80/ping || exit 1',
'interval' => '4s',
'timeout' => '2s',
'retries' => 5,
'volumes' => [
'command' => [
'labels' => $labels,
if (isDev()) {
// $config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = "--log.level=debug";
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--accesslog.filepath=/traefik/access.log';
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--accesslog.bufferingsize=100';
if ($server->isSwarm()) {
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.container_name');
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.restart');
data_forget($config, 'services.traefik.labels');
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--providers.docker.swarmMode=true';
$config['services']['traefik']['deploy'] = [
'labels' => $labels,
'placement' => [
'constraints' => [
} else {
$config['services']['traefik']['command'][] = '--providers.docker=true';
} elseif ($proxy_type === 'CADDY') {
$config = [
'version' => '3.8',
'networks' => $array_of_networks->toArray(),
'services' => [
'caddy' => [
'container_name' => 'coolify-proxy',
'image' => 'lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy:2.8-alpine',
'restart' => RESTART_MODE,
'extra_hosts' => [
'environment' => [
'networks' => $networks->toArray(),
'ports' => [
// "healthcheck" => [
// "test" => "wget -qO- http://localhost:80|| exit 1",
// "interval" => "4s",
// "timeout" => "2s",
// "retries" => 5,
// ],
'volumes' => [
} else {
return null;
$config = Yaml::dump($config, 12, 2);
SaveConfiguration::run($server, $config);
return $config;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | a54ba963467844ad61f3d8c5d26816b9 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 109 ms |