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PHP Decode

<?php /** * This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing * ..

Decoded Output download

 * This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing
 * word processing documents.
 * PHPWord is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please read the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code. For the full list of
 * contributors, visit
 * @see
 * @license LGPL version 3

namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part;

use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Chart as ChartElement;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\XMLWriter;

 * Word2007 chart part writer: word/charts/chartx.xml.
 * @since 0.12.0
 * @see
class Chart extends AbstractPart
     * Chart element.
     * @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Chart
    private $element;

     * Type definition.
     * @var array
    private $types = [
        'pie' => ['type' => 'pie', 'colors' => 1],
        'doughnut' => ['type' => 'doughnut', 'colors' => 1, 'hole' => 75, 'no3d' => true],
        'bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'clustered'],
        'stacked_bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'stacked'],
        'percent_stacked_bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'percentStacked'],
        'column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'clustered'],
        'stacked_column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'stacked'],
        'percent_stacked_column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'percentStacked'],
        'line' => ['type' => 'line', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true],
        'area' => ['type' => 'area', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true],
        'radar' => ['type' => 'radar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'radar' => 'standard', 'no3d' => true],
        'scatter' => ['type' => 'scatter', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'scatter' => 'marker', 'no3d' => true],

     * Chart options.
     * @var array
    private $options = [];

     * Set chart element.
    public function setElement(ChartElement $element): void
        $this->element = $element;

     * Write part.
     * @return string
    public function write()
        $xmlWriter = $this->getXmlWriter();

        $xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8', 'yes');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:c', '');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:a', '');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:r', '');


        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:chartSpace

        return $xmlWriter->getData();

     * Write chart.
     * @see
    private function writeChart(XMLWriter $xmlWriter): void


        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:chart

     * Write plot area.
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
    private function writePlotArea(XMLWriter $xmlWriter): void
        $type = $this->element->getType();
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $this->options = $this->types[$type];

        $title = $style->getTitle();
        $showLegend = $style->isShowLegend();
        $legendPosition = $style->getLegendPosition();

        //Chart title
        if ($title) {
                <a:defRPr/></a:pPr><a:r><a:rPr/><a:t>' . $title . '</a:t></a:r>
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:rich
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:tx
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:title
        } else {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:autoTitleDeleted', 'val', 1);

        //Chart legend
        if ($showLegend) {
            $xmlWriter->writeRaw('<c:legend><c:legendPos val="' . $legendPosition . '"/></c:legend>');


        // Chart
        $chartType = $this->options['type'];
        $chartType .= $style->is3d() && !isset($this->options['no3d']) ? '3D' : '';
        $chartType .= 'Chart';

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:varyColors', 'val', $this->options['colors']);
        if ($type == 'area') {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:grouping', 'val', 'standard');
        if (isset($this->options['hole'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:holeSize', 'val', $this->options['hole']);
        if (isset($this->options['bar'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:barDir', 'val', $this->options['bar']); // bar|col
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:grouping', 'val', $this->options['grouping']); // 3d; standard = percentStacked
        if (isset($this->options['radar'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:radarStyle', 'val', $this->options['radar']);
        if (isset($this->options['scatter'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:scatterStyle', 'val', $this->options['scatter']);

        // Series
        $this->writeSeries($xmlWriter, isset($this->options['scatter']));

        // don't overlap if grouping is 'clustered'
        if (!isset($this->options['grouping']) || $this->options['grouping'] != 'clustered') {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:overlap', 'val', '100');

        // Axes
        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', 1);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', 2);

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // chart type

        // Axes
        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $this->writeAxis($xmlWriter, 'cat');
            $this->writeAxis($xmlWriter, 'val');

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:plotArea

     * Write series.
     * @param bool $scatter
    private function writeSeries(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $scatter = false): void
        $series = $this->element->getSeries();
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $colors = $style->getColors();

        $index = 0;
        $colorIndex = 0;
        foreach ($series as $seriesItem) {
            $categories = $seriesItem['categories'];
            $values = $seriesItem['values'];


            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:idx', 'val', $index);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:order', 'val', $index);

            if (null !== $seriesItem['name'] && $seriesItem['name'] != '') {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:ptCount', 'val', 1);
                $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('idx', 0);
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:v
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:pt
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:strCache
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:strRef
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:tx

            // The c:dLbls was added to make word charts look more like the reports in SurveyGizmo
            // This section needs to be made configurable before a pull request is made

            foreach ($style->getDataLabelOptions() as $option => $val) {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock("c:{$option}", 'val', (int) $val);

            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:dLbls

            if (isset($this->options['scatter'])) {

            if ($scatter === true) {
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'xVal', $categories);
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'yVal', $values);
            } else {
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'cat', $categories);
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'val', $values);

                // check that there are colors
                if (is_array($colors) && count($colors) > 0) {
                    // assign a color to each value
                    $valueIndex = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); ++$i) {
                        // check that there are still enought colors
                        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:idx', 'val', $valueIndex);
                        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('a:srgbClr', 'val', $colors[$colorIndex++ % count($colors)]);
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // a:solidFill
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:spPr
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:dPt

            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:ser

     * Write series items.
     * @param string $type
     * @param array $values
    private function writeSeriesItem(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $type, $values): void
        $types = [
            'cat' => ['c:cat', 'c:strLit'],
            'val' => ['c:val', 'c:numLit'],
            'xVal' => ['c:xVal', 'c:strLit'],
            'yVal' => ['c:yVal', 'c:numLit'],
        [$itemType, $itemLit] = $types[$type];

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:ptCount', 'val', count($values));

        $index = 0;
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('idx', $index);
            if (\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::isOutputEscapingEnabled()) {
                $xmlWriter->writeElement('c:v', $value);
            } else {
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:v
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:pt

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $itemLit
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $itemType

     * Write axis.
     * @see
     * @param string $type
    private function writeAxis(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $type): void
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $types = [
            'cat' => ['c:catAx', 1, 'b', 2],
            'val' => ['c:valAx', 2, 'l', 1],
        [$axisType, $axisId, $axisPos, $axisCross] = $types[$type];


        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', $axisId);
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axPos', 'val', $axisPos);

        $categoryAxisTitle = $style->getCategoryAxisTitle();
        $valueAxisTitle = $style->getValueAxisTitle();

        if ($axisType == 'c:catAx') {
            if (null !== $categoryAxisTitle) {
                $this->writeAxisTitle($xmlWriter, $categoryAxisTitle);
        } elseif ($axisType == 'c:valAx') {
            if (null !== $valueAxisTitle) {
                $this->writeAxisTitle($xmlWriter, $valueAxisTitle);

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:crossAx', 'val', $axisCross);
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:auto', 'val', 1);

        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:delete', 'val', 0);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:majorTickMark', 'val', $style->getMajorTickPosition());
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:minorTickMark', 'val', 'none');
            if ($style->showAxisLabels()) {
                if ($axisType == 'c:catAx') {
                    $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', $style->getCategoryLabelPosition());
                } else {
                    $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', $style->getValueLabelPosition());
            } else {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', 'none');
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:crosses', 'val', 'autoZero');
        if (isset($this->options['radar']) || ($type == 'cat' && $style->showGridX()) || ($type == 'val' && $style->showGridY())) {

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:orientation', 'val', 'minMax');
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:scaling

        $this->writeShape($xmlWriter, true);

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $axisType

     * Write shape.
     * @see
     * @param bool $line
    private function writeShape(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $line = false): void
        if ($line === true) {
        } else {
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // a:ln
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:spPr

    private function writeAxisTitle(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $title): void
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:title'); //start c:title
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:tx'); //start c:tx
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:rich'); // start c:rich
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end a:pPr
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('a:rPr', 'lang', 'en-US');

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end a:t

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end a:r
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end a:p
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end c:rich
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end c:tx
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:overlay', 'val', '0');
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end c:title

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

 * This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing
 * word processing documents.
 * PHPWord is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please read the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code. For the full list of
 * contributors, visit
 * @see
 * @license LGPL version 3

namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Writer\Word2007\Part;

use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Chart as ChartElement;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\XMLWriter;

 * Word2007 chart part writer: word/charts/chartx.xml.
 * @since 0.12.0
 * @see
class Chart extends AbstractPart
     * Chart element.
     * @var \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Element\Chart
    private $element;

     * Type definition.
     * @var array
    private $types = [
        'pie' => ['type' => 'pie', 'colors' => 1],
        'doughnut' => ['type' => 'doughnut', 'colors' => 1, 'hole' => 75, 'no3d' => true],
        'bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'clustered'],
        'stacked_bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'stacked'],
        'percent_stacked_bar' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'bar', 'grouping' => 'percentStacked'],
        'column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'clustered'],
        'stacked_column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'stacked'],
        'percent_stacked_column' => ['type' => 'bar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'bar' => 'col', 'grouping' => 'percentStacked'],
        'line' => ['type' => 'line', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true],
        'area' => ['type' => 'area', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true],
        'radar' => ['type' => 'radar', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'radar' => 'standard', 'no3d' => true],
        'scatter' => ['type' => 'scatter', 'colors' => 0, 'axes' => true, 'scatter' => 'marker', 'no3d' => true],

     * Chart options.
     * @var array
    private $options = [];

     * Set chart element.
    public function setElement(ChartElement $element): void
        $this->element = $element;

     * Write part.
     * @return string
    public function write()
        $xmlWriter = $this->getXmlWriter();

        $xmlWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8', 'yes');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:c', '');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:a', '');
        $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns:r', '');


        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:chartSpace

        return $xmlWriter->getData();

     * Write chart.
     * @see
    private function writeChart(XMLWriter $xmlWriter): void


        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:chart

     * Write plot area.
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
     * @see
    private function writePlotArea(XMLWriter $xmlWriter): void
        $type = $this->element->getType();
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $this->options = $this->types[$type];

        $title = $style->getTitle();
        $showLegend = $style->isShowLegend();
        $legendPosition = $style->getLegendPosition();

        //Chart title
        if ($title) {
                <a:defRPr/></a:pPr><a:r><a:rPr/><a:t>' . $title . '</a:t></a:r>
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:rich
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:tx
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:title
        } else {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:autoTitleDeleted', 'val', 1);

        //Chart legend
        if ($showLegend) {
            $xmlWriter->writeRaw('<c:legend><c:legendPos val="' . $legendPosition . '"/></c:legend>');


        // Chart
        $chartType = $this->options['type'];
        $chartType .= $style->is3d() && !isset($this->options['no3d']) ? '3D' : '';
        $chartType .= 'Chart';

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:varyColors', 'val', $this->options['colors']);
        if ($type == 'area') {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:grouping', 'val', 'standard');
        if (isset($this->options['hole'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:holeSize', 'val', $this->options['hole']);
        if (isset($this->options['bar'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:barDir', 'val', $this->options['bar']); // bar|col
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:grouping', 'val', $this->options['grouping']); // 3d; standard = percentStacked
        if (isset($this->options['radar'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:radarStyle', 'val', $this->options['radar']);
        if (isset($this->options['scatter'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:scatterStyle', 'val', $this->options['scatter']);

        // Series
        $this->writeSeries($xmlWriter, isset($this->options['scatter']));

        // don't overlap if grouping is 'clustered'
        if (!isset($this->options['grouping']) || $this->options['grouping'] != 'clustered') {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:overlap', 'val', '100');

        // Axes
        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', 1);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', 2);

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // chart type

        // Axes
        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $this->writeAxis($xmlWriter, 'cat');
            $this->writeAxis($xmlWriter, 'val');

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:plotArea

     * Write series.
     * @param bool $scatter
    private function writeSeries(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $scatter = false): void
        $series = $this->element->getSeries();
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $colors = $style->getColors();

        $index = 0;
        $colorIndex = 0;
        foreach ($series as $seriesItem) {
            $categories = $seriesItem['categories'];
            $values = $seriesItem['values'];


            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:idx', 'val', $index);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:order', 'val', $index);

            if (null !== $seriesItem['name'] && $seriesItem['name'] != '') {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:ptCount', 'val', 1);
                $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('idx', 0);
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:v
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:pt
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:strCache
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:strRef
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:tx

            // The c:dLbls was added to make word charts look more like the reports in SurveyGizmo
            // This section needs to be made configurable before a pull request is made

            foreach ($style->getDataLabelOptions() as $option => $val) {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock("c:{$option}", 'val', (int) $val);

            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:dLbls

            if (isset($this->options['scatter'])) {

            if ($scatter === true) {
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'xVal', $categories);
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'yVal', $values);
            } else {
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'cat', $categories);
                $this->writeSeriesItem($xmlWriter, 'val', $values);

                // check that there are colors
                if (is_array($colors) && count($colors) > 0) {
                    // assign a color to each value
                    $valueIndex = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); ++$i) {
                        // check that there are still enought colors
                        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:idx', 'val', $valueIndex);
                        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('a:srgbClr', 'val', $colors[$colorIndex++ % count($colors)]);
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // a:solidFill
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:spPr
                        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:dPt

            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:ser

     * Write series items.
     * @param string $type
     * @param array $values
    private function writeSeriesItem(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $type, $values): void
        $types = [
            'cat' => ['c:cat', 'c:strLit'],
            'val' => ['c:val', 'c:numLit'],
            'xVal' => ['c:xVal', 'c:strLit'],
            'yVal' => ['c:yVal', 'c:numLit'],
        [$itemType, $itemLit] = $types[$type];

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:ptCount', 'val', count($values));

        $index = 0;
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            $xmlWriter->writeAttribute('idx', $index);
            if (\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings::isOutputEscapingEnabled()) {
                $xmlWriter->writeElement('c:v', $value);
            } else {
                $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:v
            $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:pt

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $itemLit
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $itemType

     * Write axis.
     * @see
     * @param string $type
    private function writeAxis(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $type): void
        $style = $this->element->getStyle();
        $types = [
            'cat' => ['c:catAx', 1, 'b', 2],
            'val' => ['c:valAx', 2, 'l', 1],
        [$axisType, $axisId, $axisPos, $axisCross] = $types[$type];


        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axId', 'val', $axisId);
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:axPos', 'val', $axisPos);

        $categoryAxisTitle = $style->getCategoryAxisTitle();
        $valueAxisTitle = $style->getValueAxisTitle();

        if ($axisType == 'c:catAx') {
            if (null !== $categoryAxisTitle) {
                $this->writeAxisTitle($xmlWriter, $categoryAxisTitle);
        } elseif ($axisType == 'c:valAx') {
            if (null !== $valueAxisTitle) {
                $this->writeAxisTitle($xmlWriter, $valueAxisTitle);

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:crossAx', 'val', $axisCross);
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:auto', 'val', 1);

        if (isset($this->options['axes'])) {
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:delete', 'val', 0);
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:majorTickMark', 'val', $style->getMajorTickPosition());
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:minorTickMark', 'val', 'none');
            if ($style->showAxisLabels()) {
                if ($axisType == 'c:catAx') {
                    $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', $style->getCategoryLabelPosition());
                } else {
                    $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', $style->getValueLabelPosition());
            } else {
                $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:tickLblPos', 'val', 'none');
            $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:crosses', 'val', 'autoZero');
        if (isset($this->options['radar']) || ($type == 'cat' && $style->showGridX()) || ($type == 'val' && $style->showGridY())) {

        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:orientation', 'val', 'minMax');
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:scaling

        $this->writeShape($xmlWriter, true);

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // $axisType

     * Write shape.
     * @see
     * @param bool $line
    private function writeShape(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $line = false): void
        if ($line === true) {
        } else {
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // a:ln
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // c:spPr

    private function writeAxisTitle(XMLWriter $xmlWriter, $title): void
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:title'); //start c:title
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:tx'); //start c:tx
        $xmlWriter->startElement('c:rich'); // start c:rich
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end a:pPr
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('a:rPr', 'lang', 'en-US');

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end a:t

        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end a:r
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end a:p
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); //end c:rich
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end c:tx
        $xmlWriter->writeElementBlock('c:overlay', 'val', '0');
        $xmlWriter->endElement(); // end c:title

Function Calls





MD5 ace2cdeaacb4771ed242377e82d90cb1
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 115 ms