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PHP Decode
<?php /** * Copyright Magento, Inc. All rights reserved. * See COPYING.txt for license ..
Decoded Output download
* Copyright Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
namespace Magento\Backend\App;
use Magento\Backend\App\Action\Context;
use Magento\Backend\Helper\Data as BackendHelper;
use Magento\Backend\Model\Auth;
use Magento\Backend\Model\Session;
use Magento\Backend\Model\UrlInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;
use Magento\Framework\AuthorizationInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey\Validator as FormKeyValidator;
use Magento\Framework\Locale\ResolverInterface;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock;
use Magento\Framework\Encryption\Helper\Security;
* Generic backend controller
* @deprecated 102.0.0 Use \Magento\Framework\App\ActionInterface
* phpcs:disable Magento2.Classes.AbstractApi
* @api
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NumberOfChildren)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
* @since 100.0.2
abstract class AbstractAction extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
* Name of "is URLs checked" flag
const FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED = 'check_url_settings';
* Session namespace to refer in other places
const SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'adminhtml';
* Authorization level of a basic admin session
const ADMIN_RESOURCE = 'Magento_Backend::admin';
* Array of actions which can be processed without secret key validation
* @var array
protected $_publicActions = [];
* Namespace for session.
* @var string
protected $_sessionNamespace = self::SESSION_NAMESPACE;
* @var BackendHelper
protected $_helper;
* @var Session
protected $_session;
* @var AuthorizationInterface
protected $_authorization;
* @var Auth
protected $_auth;
* @var UrlInterface
protected $_backendUrl;
* @var ResolverInterface
protected $_localeResolver;
* @var bool
protected $_canUseBaseUrl;
* @var FormKeyValidator
protected $_formKeyValidator;
* @param Context $context
public function __construct(Context $context)
$this->_authorization = $context->getAuthorization();
$this->_auth = $context->getAuth();
$this->_helper = $context->getHelper();
$this->_backendUrl = $context->getBackendUrl();
$this->_formKeyValidator = $context->getFormKeyValidator();
$this->_localeResolver = $context->getLocaleResolver();
$this->_canUseBaseUrl = $context->getCanUseBaseUrl();
$this->_session = $context->getSession();
* Dispatches the Action
* @param RequestInterface $request
* @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
public function dispatch(RequestInterface $request)
if ($request->isDispatched() && $request->getActionName() !== 'denied' && !$this->_isAllowed()) {
$this->_response->setStatusHeader(403, '1.1', 'Forbidden');
if (!$this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
return $this->_redirect('*/auth/login');
$this->_view->loadLayout(['default', 'adminhtml_denied'], true, true, false);
return $this->_response;
if ($this->_isUrlChecked()) {
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED, true);
// Need to preload isFirstPageAfterLogin (see
if ($this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
return parent::dispatch($request);
* Check url keys. If non valid - redirect
* @return bool
* @see \Magento\Backend\App\Request\BackendValidator for default request validation.
public function _processUrlKeys()
$_isValidFormKey = true;
$_isValidSecretKey = true;
$_keyErrorMsg = '';
if ($this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$_isValidFormKey = $this->_formKeyValidator->validate($this->getRequest());
$_keyErrorMsg = __('Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.');
} elseif ($this->_backendUrl->useSecretKey()) {
$_isValidSecretKey = $this->_validateSecretKey();
$_keyErrorMsg = __('You entered an invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.');
if (!$_isValidFormKey || !$_isValidSecretKey) {
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true);
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_POST_DISPATCH, true);
if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('isAjax', false) || $this->getRequest()->getQuery('ajax', false)) {
['error' => true, 'message' => $_keyErrorMsg]
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Generate url by route and parameters
* @param string $route
* @param array $params
* @return string
public function getUrl($route = '', $params = [])
return $this->_helper->getUrl($route, $params);
* Determines whether current user is allowed to access Action
* @return bool
protected function _isAllowed()
return $this->_authorization->isAllowed(static::ADMIN_RESOURCE);
* Retrieve adminhtml session model object
* @return \Magento\Backend\Model\Session
protected function _getSession()
return $this->_session;
* Returns instantiated Message\ManagerInterface.
* @return \Magento\Framework\Message\ManagerInterface
protected function getMessageManager()
return $this->messageManager;
* Define active menu item in menu block
* @param string $itemId current active menu item
* @return $this
protected function _setActiveMenu($itemId)
/** @var $menuBlock \Magento\Backend\Block\Menu */
$menuBlock = $this->_view->getLayout()->getBlock('menu');
$parents = $menuBlock->getMenuModel()->getParentItems($itemId);
foreach ($parents as $item) {
/** @var $item \Magento\Backend\Model\Menu\Item */
return $this;
* Adds element to Breadcrumbs block
* @param string $label
* @param string $title
* @param string|null $link
* @return $this
protected function _addBreadcrumb($label, $title, $link = null)
$this->_view->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs')->addLink($label, $title, $link);
return $this;
* Adds block to `content` block
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addContent(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'content');
* Moves Block to `left` container
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addLeft(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'left');
* Adds Block to `js` container
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addJs(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'js');
* Set specified block as an anonymous child to specified container.
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @param string $containerName
* @return $this
private function _moveBlockToContainer(AbstractBlock $block, $containerName)
$this->_view->getLayout()->setChild($containerName, $block->getNameInLayout(), '');
return $this;
* Check whether url is checked
* @return bool
protected function _isUrlChecked()
return !$this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED)
&& !$this->getRequest()->isForwarded()
&& !$this->_getSession()->getIsUrlNotice(true)
&& !$this->_canUseBaseUrl;
* Set session locale, process force locale set through url params
* @return $this
protected function _processLocaleSettings()
$forceLocale = $this->getRequest()->getParam('locale', null);
if ($this->_objectManager->get(\Magento\Framework\Validator\Locale::class)->isValid($forceLocale)) {
if ($this->_getSession()->getLocale() === null) {
return $this;
* Set redirect into response
* @TODO MAGETWO-28356: Refactor controller actions to new ResultInterface
* @param string $path
* @param array $arguments
* @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
protected function _redirect($path, $arguments = [])
$this->_getSession()->setIsUrlNotice($this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED));
$this->getResponse()->setRedirect($this->getUrl($path, $arguments));
return $this->getResponse();
* Forward to action
* @TODO MAGETWO-28356: Refactor controller actions to new ResultInterface
* @param string $action
* @param string|null $controller
* @param string|null $module
* @param array|null $params
* @return void
protected function _forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null)
$this->_getSession()->setIsUrlNotice($this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED));
parent::_forward($action, $controller, $module, $params);
* Validate Secret Key
* @return bool
protected function _validateSecretKey()
if (is_array($this->_publicActions) && in_array($this->getRequest()->getActionName(), $this->_publicActions)) {
return true;
$secretKey = $this->getRequest()->getParam(UrlInterface::SECRET_KEY_PARAM_NAME, null);
if (!$secretKey || !Security::compareStrings($secretKey, $this->_backendUrl->getSecretKey())) {
return false;
return true;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* Copyright Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
namespace Magento\Backend\App;
use Magento\Backend\App\Action\Context;
use Magento\Backend\Helper\Data as BackendHelper;
use Magento\Backend\Model\Auth;
use Magento\Backend\Model\Session;
use Magento\Backend\Model\UrlInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;
use Magento\Framework\AuthorizationInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey\Validator as FormKeyValidator;
use Magento\Framework\Locale\ResolverInterface;
use Magento\Framework\View\Element\AbstractBlock;
use Magento\Framework\Encryption\Helper\Security;
* Generic backend controller
* @deprecated 102.0.0 Use \Magento\Framework\App\ActionInterface
* phpcs:disable Magento2.Classes.AbstractApi
* @api
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NumberOfChildren)
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
* @since 100.0.2
abstract class AbstractAction extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
* Name of "is URLs checked" flag
const FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED = 'check_url_settings';
* Session namespace to refer in other places
const SESSION_NAMESPACE = 'adminhtml';
* Authorization level of a basic admin session
const ADMIN_RESOURCE = 'Magento_Backend::admin';
* Array of actions which can be processed without secret key validation
* @var array
protected $_publicActions = [];
* Namespace for session.
* @var string
protected $_sessionNamespace = self::SESSION_NAMESPACE;
* @var BackendHelper
protected $_helper;
* @var Session
protected $_session;
* @var AuthorizationInterface
protected $_authorization;
* @var Auth
protected $_auth;
* @var UrlInterface
protected $_backendUrl;
* @var ResolverInterface
protected $_localeResolver;
* @var bool
protected $_canUseBaseUrl;
* @var FormKeyValidator
protected $_formKeyValidator;
* @param Context $context
public function __construct(Context $context)
$this->_authorization = $context->getAuthorization();
$this->_auth = $context->getAuth();
$this->_helper = $context->getHelper();
$this->_backendUrl = $context->getBackendUrl();
$this->_formKeyValidator = $context->getFormKeyValidator();
$this->_localeResolver = $context->getLocaleResolver();
$this->_canUseBaseUrl = $context->getCanUseBaseUrl();
$this->_session = $context->getSession();
* Dispatches the Action
* @param RequestInterface $request
* @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
public function dispatch(RequestInterface $request)
if ($request->isDispatched() && $request->getActionName() !== 'denied' && !$this->_isAllowed()) {
$this->_response->setStatusHeader(403, '1.1', 'Forbidden');
if (!$this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
return $this->_redirect('*/auth/login');
$this->_view->loadLayout(['default', 'adminhtml_denied'], true, true, false);
return $this->_response;
if ($this->_isUrlChecked()) {
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED, true);
// Need to preload isFirstPageAfterLogin (see
if ($this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
return parent::dispatch($request);
* Check url keys. If non valid - redirect
* @return bool
* @see \Magento\Backend\App\Request\BackendValidator for default request validation.
public function _processUrlKeys()
$_isValidFormKey = true;
$_isValidSecretKey = true;
$_keyErrorMsg = '';
if ($this->_auth->isLoggedIn()) {
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$_isValidFormKey = $this->_formKeyValidator->validate($this->getRequest());
$_keyErrorMsg = __('Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.');
} elseif ($this->_backendUrl->useSecretKey()) {
$_isValidSecretKey = $this->_validateSecretKey();
$_keyErrorMsg = __('You entered an invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.');
if (!$_isValidFormKey || !$_isValidSecretKey) {
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true);
$this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_POST_DISPATCH, true);
if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('isAjax', false) || $this->getRequest()->getQuery('ajax', false)) {
['error' => true, 'message' => $_keyErrorMsg]
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Generate url by route and parameters
* @param string $route
* @param array $params
* @return string
public function getUrl($route = '', $params = [])
return $this->_helper->getUrl($route, $params);
* Determines whether current user is allowed to access Action
* @return bool
protected function _isAllowed()
return $this->_authorization->isAllowed(static::ADMIN_RESOURCE);
* Retrieve adminhtml session model object
* @return \Magento\Backend\Model\Session
protected function _getSession()
return $this->_session;
* Returns instantiated Message\ManagerInterface.
* @return \Magento\Framework\Message\ManagerInterface
protected function getMessageManager()
return $this->messageManager;
* Define active menu item in menu block
* @param string $itemId current active menu item
* @return $this
protected function _setActiveMenu($itemId)
/** @var $menuBlock \Magento\Backend\Block\Menu */
$menuBlock = $this->_view->getLayout()->getBlock('menu');
$parents = $menuBlock->getMenuModel()->getParentItems($itemId);
foreach ($parents as $item) {
/** @var $item \Magento\Backend\Model\Menu\Item */
return $this;
* Adds element to Breadcrumbs block
* @param string $label
* @param string $title
* @param string|null $link
* @return $this
protected function _addBreadcrumb($label, $title, $link = null)
$this->_view->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs')->addLink($label, $title, $link);
return $this;
* Adds block to `content` block
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addContent(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'content');
* Moves Block to `left` container
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addLeft(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'left');
* Adds Block to `js` container
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @return $this
protected function _addJs(AbstractBlock $block)
return $this->_moveBlockToContainer($block, 'js');
* Set specified block as an anonymous child to specified container.
* @param AbstractBlock $block
* @param string $containerName
* @return $this
private function _moveBlockToContainer(AbstractBlock $block, $containerName)
$this->_view->getLayout()->setChild($containerName, $block->getNameInLayout(), '');
return $this;
* Check whether url is checked
* @return bool
protected function _isUrlChecked()
return !$this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED)
&& !$this->getRequest()->isForwarded()
&& !$this->_getSession()->getIsUrlNotice(true)
&& !$this->_canUseBaseUrl;
* Set session locale, process force locale set through url params
* @return $this
protected function _processLocaleSettings()
$forceLocale = $this->getRequest()->getParam('locale', null);
if ($this->_objectManager->get(\Magento\Framework\Validator\Locale::class)->isValid($forceLocale)) {
if ($this->_getSession()->getLocale() === null) {
return $this;
* Set redirect into response
* @TODO MAGETWO-28356: Refactor controller actions to new ResultInterface
* @param string $path
* @param array $arguments
* @return \Magento\Framework\App\ResponseInterface
protected function _redirect($path, $arguments = [])
$this->_getSession()->setIsUrlNotice($this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED));
$this->getResponse()->setRedirect($this->getUrl($path, $arguments));
return $this->getResponse();
* Forward to action
* @TODO MAGETWO-28356: Refactor controller actions to new ResultInterface
* @param string $action
* @param string|null $controller
* @param string|null $module
* @param array|null $params
* @return void
protected function _forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null)
$this->_getSession()->setIsUrlNotice($this->_actionFlag->get('', self::FLAG_IS_URLS_CHECKED));
parent::_forward($action, $controller, $module, $params);
* Validate Secret Key
* @return bool
protected function _validateSecretKey()
if (is_array($this->_publicActions) && in_array($this->getRequest()->getActionName(), $this->_publicActions)) {
return true;
$secretKey = $this->getRequest()->getParam(UrlInterface::SECRET_KEY_PARAM_NAME, null);
if (!$secretKey || !Security::compareStrings($secretKey, $this->_backendUrl->getSecretKey())) {
return false;
return true;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | adb7f614dcad1a6bf814f84d593c0944 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 96 ms |