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PHP Decode
<?php /** * This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing * ..
Decoded Output download
* This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing
* word processing documents.
* PHPWord is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code. For the full list of
* contributors, visit
* @see
* @license LGPL version 3
namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared;
use PclZip;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Exception\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings;
use Throwable;
* ZipArchive wrapper.
* Wraps zip archive functionality of PHP ZipArchive and PCLZip. PHP ZipArchive
* properties and methods are bypassed and used as the model for the PCLZip
* emulation. Only needed PHP ZipArchive features are implemented.
* @method bool addFile(string $filename, string $localname = null)
* @method bool addFromString(string $localname, string $contents)
* @method false|string getNameIndex(int $index)
* @method false|int locateName(string $name)
* @since 0.10.0
class ZipArchive
/** @const int Flags for open method */
const CREATE = 1; // Emulate \ZipArchive::CREATE
const OVERWRITE = 8; // Emulate \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE
* Number of files (emulate ZipArchive::$numFiles).
* @var int
public $numFiles = 0;
* Archive filename (emulate ZipArchive::$filename).
* @var string
public $filename;
* Temporary storage directory.
* @var string
private $tempDir;
* Internal zip archive object.
* @var PclZip|\ZipArchive
private $zip;
* Use PCLZip (default behaviour).
* @var bool
private $usePclzip = true;
* Create new instance.
public function __construct()
$this->usePclzip = (Settings::getZipClass() != 'ZipArchive');
if ($this->usePclzip) {
if (!defined('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR')) {
define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', Settings::getTempDir() . '/');
require_once 'PCLZip/pclzip.lib.php';
* Catch function calls: pass to ZipArchive or PCLZip.
* `call_user_func_array` can only used for public function, hence the `public` in all `pcl...` methods
* @param mixed $function
* @param mixed $args
* @return mixed
public function __call($function, $args)
// Set object and function
$zipFunction = $function;
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$zipObject = $this->zip;
} else {
$zipObject = $this;
$zipFunction = "pclzip{$zipFunction}";
// Run function
$result = false;
if (method_exists($zipObject, $zipFunction)) {
$result = @call_user_func_array([$zipObject, $zipFunction], $args);
return $result;
* Open a new zip archive.
* @param string $filename The file name of the ZIP archive to open
* @param int $flags The mode to use to open the archive
* @return bool
public function open($filename, $flags = null)
$result = true;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->tempDir = Settings::getTempDir();
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
// PHP 8.1 compat - passing null as second arg to \ZipArchive::open() is deprecated
// passing 0 achieves the same behaviour
if ($flags === null) {
$flags = 0;
$result = $zip->open($this->filename, $flags);
// Scrutizer will report the property numFiles does not exist
// See
$this->numFiles = $zip->numFiles;
} else {
$zip = new PclZip($this->filename);
$zipContent = $zip->listContent();
$this->numFiles = is_array($zipContent) ? count($zipContent) : 0;
$this->zip = $zip;
return $result;
* Close the active archive.
* @return bool
public function close()
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
try {
$result = @$this->zip->close();
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$result = false;
if ($result === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not close zip file {$this->filename}: ");
return true;
* Extract the archive contents (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $destination
* @param array|string $entries
* @return bool
* @since 0.10.0
public function extractTo($destination, $entries = null)
if (!is_dir($destination)) {
return false;
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
return $this->zip->extractTo($destination, $entries);
return $this->pclzipExtractTo($destination, $entries);
* Extract file from archive by given file name (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return string $contents File string contents
public function getFromName($filename)
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$contents = $this->zip->getFromName($filename);
if ($contents === false) {
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
$contents = $this->zip->getFromName($filename);
} else {
$contents = $this->pclzipGetFromName($filename);
return $contents;
* Add a new file to the zip archive (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Directory/Name of the file to add to the zip archive
* @param string $localname Directory/Name of the file added to the zip
* @return bool
public function pclzipAddFile($filename, $localname = null)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
// Bugfix GH-261
$realpathFilename = realpath($filename);
if ($realpathFilename !== false) {
$filename = $realpathFilename;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($filename);
$localnameParts = pathinfo($localname);
// To Rename the file while adding it to the zip we
// need to create a temp file with the correct name
$tempFile = false;
if ($filenameParts['basename'] != $localnameParts['basename']) {
$tempFile = true; // temp file created
$temppath = $this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localnameParts['basename'];
copy($filename, $temppath);
$filename = $temppath;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($temppath);
$pathRemoved = $filenameParts['dirname'];
$pathAdded = $localnameParts['dirname'];
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$pathAdded = $pathAdded . '/' . ltrim(str_replace('\', '/', substr($filename, strlen($pathRemoved))), '/');
//$res = $zip->addFile($filename, $pathAdded);
$res = $zip->addFromString($pathAdded, file_get_contents($filename)); // addFile can't use subfolders in some cases
} else {
$res = $zip->add($filename, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathRemoved, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $pathAdded);
if ($tempFile) {
// Remove temp file, if created
unlink($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localnameParts['basename']);
return $res != 0;
* Add a new file to the zip archive from a string of raw data (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $localname Directory/Name of the file to add to the zip archive
* @param string $contents String of data to add to the zip archive
* @return bool
public function pclzipAddFromString($localname, $contents)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($localname);
// Write $contents to a temp file
$handle = fopen($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename'], 'wb');
fwrite($handle, $contents);
// Add temp file to zip
$filename = $this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename'];
$pathRemoved = $this->tempDir;
$pathAdded = $filenameParts['dirname'];
$res = $zip->add($filename, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathRemoved, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $pathAdded);
// Remove temp file
@unlink($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename']);
return $res != 0;
* Extract the archive contents (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $destination
* @param array|string $entries
* @return bool
* @since 0.10.0
public function pclzipExtractTo($destination, $entries = null)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
// Extract all files
if (null === $entries) {
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $destination);
return $result > 0;
// Extract by entries
if (!is_array($entries)) {
$entries = [$entries];
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$entryIndex = $this->locateName($entry);
$result = $zip->extractByIndex($entryIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $destination);
if ($result <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Extract file from archive by given file name (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return string $contents File string contents
public function pclzipGetFromName($filename)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$listIndex = $this->pclzipLocateName($filename);
$contents = false;
if ($listIndex !== false) {
$extracted = $zip->extractByIndex($listIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
} else {
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
$listIndex = $this->pclzipLocateName($filename);
$extracted = $zip->extractByIndex($listIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
if ((is_array($extracted)) && ($extracted != 0)) {
$contents = $extracted[0]['content'];
return $contents;
* Returns the name of an entry using its index (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param int $index
* @return bool|string
* @since 0.10.0
public function pclzipGetNameIndex($index)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$list = $zip->listContent();
if (isset($list[$index])) {
return $list[$index]['filename'];
return false;
* Returns the index of the entry in the archive (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return false|int
public function pclzipLocateName($filename)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$list = $zip->listContent();
$listCount = count($list);
$listIndex = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $listCount; ++$i) {
if (strtolower($list[$i]['filename']) == strtolower($filename) ||
strtolower($list[$i]['stored_filename']) == strtolower($filename)) {
$listIndex = $i;
return ($listIndex > -1) ? $listIndex : false;
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
* This file is part of PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing
* word processing documents.
* PHPWord is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code. For the full list of
* contributors, visit
* @see
* @license LGPL version 3
namespace PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared;
use PclZip;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Exception\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpWord\Settings;
use Throwable;
* ZipArchive wrapper.
* Wraps zip archive functionality of PHP ZipArchive and PCLZip. PHP ZipArchive
* properties and methods are bypassed and used as the model for the PCLZip
* emulation. Only needed PHP ZipArchive features are implemented.
* @method bool addFile(string $filename, string $localname = null)
* @method bool addFromString(string $localname, string $contents)
* @method false|string getNameIndex(int $index)
* @method false|int locateName(string $name)
* @since 0.10.0
class ZipArchive
/** @const int Flags for open method */
const CREATE = 1; // Emulate \ZipArchive::CREATE
const OVERWRITE = 8; // Emulate \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE
* Number of files (emulate ZipArchive::$numFiles).
* @var int
public $numFiles = 0;
* Archive filename (emulate ZipArchive::$filename).
* @var string
public $filename;
* Temporary storage directory.
* @var string
private $tempDir;
* Internal zip archive object.
* @var PclZip|\ZipArchive
private $zip;
* Use PCLZip (default behaviour).
* @var bool
private $usePclzip = true;
* Create new instance.
public function __construct()
$this->usePclzip = (Settings::getZipClass() != 'ZipArchive');
if ($this->usePclzip) {
if (!defined('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR')) {
define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', Settings::getTempDir() . '/');
require_once 'PCLZip/pclzip.lib.php';
* Catch function calls: pass to ZipArchive or PCLZip.
* `call_user_func_array` can only used for public function, hence the `public` in all `pcl...` methods
* @param mixed $function
* @param mixed $args
* @return mixed
public function __call($function, $args)
// Set object and function
$zipFunction = $function;
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$zipObject = $this->zip;
} else {
$zipObject = $this;
$zipFunction = "pclzip{$zipFunction}";
// Run function
$result = false;
if (method_exists($zipObject, $zipFunction)) {
$result = @call_user_func_array([$zipObject, $zipFunction], $args);
return $result;
* Open a new zip archive.
* @param string $filename The file name of the ZIP archive to open
* @param int $flags The mode to use to open the archive
* @return bool
public function open($filename, $flags = null)
$result = true;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->tempDir = Settings::getTempDir();
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
// PHP 8.1 compat - passing null as second arg to \ZipArchive::open() is deprecated
// passing 0 achieves the same behaviour
if ($flags === null) {
$flags = 0;
$result = $zip->open($this->filename, $flags);
// Scrutizer will report the property numFiles does not exist
// See
$this->numFiles = $zip->numFiles;
} else {
$zip = new PclZip($this->filename);
$zipContent = $zip->listContent();
$this->numFiles = is_array($zipContent) ? count($zipContent) : 0;
$this->zip = $zip;
return $result;
* Close the active archive.
* @return bool
public function close()
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
try {
$result = @$this->zip->close();
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$result = false;
if ($result === false) {
throw new Exception("Could not close zip file {$this->filename}: ");
return true;
* Extract the archive contents (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $destination
* @param array|string $entries
* @return bool
* @since 0.10.0
public function extractTo($destination, $entries = null)
if (!is_dir($destination)) {
return false;
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
return $this->zip->extractTo($destination, $entries);
return $this->pclzipExtractTo($destination, $entries);
* Extract file from archive by given file name (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return string $contents File string contents
public function getFromName($filename)
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$contents = $this->zip->getFromName($filename);
if ($contents === false) {
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
$contents = $this->zip->getFromName($filename);
} else {
$contents = $this->pclzipGetFromName($filename);
return $contents;
* Add a new file to the zip archive (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Directory/Name of the file to add to the zip archive
* @param string $localname Directory/Name of the file added to the zip
* @return bool
public function pclzipAddFile($filename, $localname = null)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
// Bugfix GH-261
$realpathFilename = realpath($filename);
if ($realpathFilename !== false) {
$filename = $realpathFilename;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($filename);
$localnameParts = pathinfo($localname);
// To Rename the file while adding it to the zip we
// need to create a temp file with the correct name
$tempFile = false;
if ($filenameParts['basename'] != $localnameParts['basename']) {
$tempFile = true; // temp file created
$temppath = $this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localnameParts['basename'];
copy($filename, $temppath);
$filename = $temppath;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($temppath);
$pathRemoved = $filenameParts['dirname'];
$pathAdded = $localnameParts['dirname'];
if (!$this->usePclzip) {
$pathAdded = $pathAdded . '/' . ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($filename, strlen($pathRemoved))), '/');
//$res = $zip->addFile($filename, $pathAdded);
$res = $zip->addFromString($pathAdded, file_get_contents($filename)); // addFile can't use subfolders in some cases
} else {
$res = $zip->add($filename, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathRemoved, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $pathAdded);
if ($tempFile) {
// Remove temp file, if created
unlink($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localnameParts['basename']);
return $res != 0;
* Add a new file to the zip archive from a string of raw data (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $localname Directory/Name of the file to add to the zip archive
* @param string $contents String of data to add to the zip archive
* @return bool
public function pclzipAddFromString($localname, $contents)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$filenameParts = pathinfo($localname);
// Write $contents to a temp file
$handle = fopen($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename'], 'wb');
fwrite($handle, $contents);
// Add temp file to zip
$filename = $this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename'];
$pathRemoved = $this->tempDir;
$pathAdded = $filenameParts['dirname'];
$res = $zip->add($filename, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $pathRemoved, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $pathAdded);
// Remove temp file
@unlink($this->tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filenameParts['basename']);
return $res != 0;
* Extract the archive contents (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $destination
* @param array|string $entries
* @return bool
* @since 0.10.0
public function pclzipExtractTo($destination, $entries = null)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
// Extract all files
if (null === $entries) {
$result = $zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $destination);
return $result > 0;
// Extract by entries
if (!is_array($entries)) {
$entries = [$entries];
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$entryIndex = $this->locateName($entry);
$result = $zip->extractByIndex($entryIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $destination);
if ($result <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Extract file from archive by given file name (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return string $contents File string contents
public function pclzipGetFromName($filename)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$listIndex = $this->pclzipLocateName($filename);
$contents = false;
if ($listIndex !== false) {
$extracted = $zip->extractByIndex($listIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
} else {
$filename = substr($filename, 1);
$listIndex = $this->pclzipLocateName($filename);
$extracted = $zip->extractByIndex($listIndex, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
if ((is_array($extracted)) && ($extracted != 0)) {
$contents = $extracted[0]['content'];
return $contents;
* Returns the name of an entry using its index (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param int $index
* @return bool|string
* @since 0.10.0
public function pclzipGetNameIndex($index)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$list = $zip->listContent();
if (isset($list[$index])) {
return $list[$index]['filename'];
return false;
* Returns the index of the entry in the archive (emulate \ZipArchive).
* @param string $filename Filename for the file in zip archive
* @return false|int
public function pclzipLocateName($filename)
/** @var PclZip $zip Type hint */
$zip = $this->zip;
$list = $zip->listContent();
$listCount = count($list);
$listIndex = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $listCount; ++$i) {
if (strtolower($list[$i]['filename']) == strtolower($filename) ||
strtolower($list[$i]['stored_filename']) == strtolower($filename)) {
$listIndex = $i;
return ($listIndex > -1) ? $listIndex : false;
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | b6fd1b63115405fcd0281d629695040e |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 92 ms |