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<?php /* __________________________________________________ | Obfuscated by YAK Pro..

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:21:53              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace HQbyJ\f7JEK\ASpZt; use CachingIterator; use Closure; use Exception; use HQByj\jkLp3\F7jEK\WeHjq; use HQBYj\jklp3\F7JEK\RuPfn; use HQByJ\f7jek\lCuMb; use HQbyJ\f7jek\fiVy8; use HQbyj\F7Jek\uEI_f; use hQBYj\F7jeK\LXnQP; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use Traversable; use UnexpectedValueException; use UnitEnum; use WeakMap; trait O9CwY { use srB_m; protected $jNTlu = false; protected static $aPA_z = ["average", "avg", "contains", "doesntContain", "each", "every", "filter", "first", "flatMap", "groupBy", "keyBy", "map", "max", "min", "partition", "percentage", "reject", "skipUntil", "skipWhile", "some", "sortBy", "sortByDesc", "sum", "takeUntil", "takeWhile", "unique", "unless", "until", "when"]; public static function YC8uT($PHbk7 = []) { return new static($PHbk7); } public static function meORs($zytl6) { return $zytl6 instanceof uEI_f ? new static($zytl6) : new static(LCUMb::mEOrs($zytl6)); } public static function u2GXk($zytl6) { return $zytl6 instanceof uei_f ? $zytl6->lS5BT() : $zytl6; } public static function empty() { return new static([]); } public static function x9qC2($KFsY1, callable $Wwtg4 = null) { goto oq28j; yQAAx: qz2gU: goto su5L5; su5L5: return static::range(1, $KFsY1)->jwZiq($Wwtg4 == null)->DGsxy($Wwtg4); goto sopPG; oq28j: if (!($KFsY1 < 1)) { goto qz2gU; } goto Ro_I4; Ro_I4: return new static(); goto yQAAx; sopPG: } public function Irud8($Wwtg4 = null) { return $this->FLd1z($Wwtg4); } public function aQi7O($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->contains(...func_get_args()); } public function SS2vE(...$z2xtS) { $this->gLvr0(...$z2xtS); cmiYw(); } public function GlVR0(...$z2xtS) { kIfAm($this->LS5Bt(), ...$z2xtS); return $this; } public function mspqG(callable $Wwtg4) { goto pQbhi; nehBU: pVXKF: goto DtQyW; DtQyW: return $this; goto Xavkg; pQbhi: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $pMdzj) { goto yTDjl; Fd9I3: p2xOR: goto uE5X2; yTDjl: if (!($Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa) === false)) { goto p2xOR; } goto YOf9o; YOf9o: goto pVXKF; goto Fd9I3; uE5X2: tqKj_: goto x6J4G; x6J4G: } goto nehBU; Xavkg: } public function ItkmT(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->mSpqG(function ($T6iFj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4) { $T6iFj[] = $jQIWa; return $Wwtg4(...$T6iFj); }); } public function q7MoW($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto rlvSR; wbSsD: foreach ($this as $WQjGL => $LNB2a) { goto Gk90o; K4qSX: qmY3Y: goto z1UAv; Gk90o: if ($Wwtg4($LNB2a, $WQjGL)) { goto a37gL; } goto X5GH_; d2fiL: a37gL: goto K4qSX; X5GH_: return false; goto d2fiL; z1UAv: } goto m_S9E; hJARc: return true; goto Pc7CQ; Pc7CQ: NVXSP: goto qVvJ9; rlvSR: if (!(func_num_args() === 1)) { goto NVXSP; } goto kWwrI; qVvJ9: return $this->q7MoW($this->u6F4v(...func_get_args())); goto jgohc; m_S9E: LHgG4: goto hJARc; kWwrI: $Wwtg4 = $this->YDq0_($jQIWa); goto wbSsD; jgohc: } public function lZbjH($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->o3pWF($this->U6f4v(...func_get_args())); } public function BJiNF($jQIWa, $AxDJz = null) { goto lm2qj; SCph3: return uwiWh($AxDJz); goto nqFR1; eBh6V: return etWAf($zytl6, $jQIWa, $AxDJz); goto HcXz9; HcXz9: RoBhQ: goto SCph3; lm2qj: if (!($zytl6 = $this->lZBJH($jQIWa))) { goto RoBhQ; } goto eBh6V; nqFR1: } public function JlQjo($wn88c) { $oWsrj = is_array($wn88c) ? $wn88c : [$wn88c]; return $this->MsPQg(function ($pMdzj, $S9YN9) use($oWsrj) { goto SBrUs; SBrUs: $INS06 = get_debug_type($pMdzj); goto E6x9D; E6x9D: foreach ($oWsrj as $n81k0) { goto FqykW; lGGwE: return true; goto OfDQB; HlY7A: jIyg1: goto MG_wK; OfDQB: Fk0GW: goto HlY7A; FqykW: if (!($INS06 === $n81k0 || $pMdzj instanceof $n81k0)) { goto Fk0GW; } goto lGGwE; MG_wK: } goto UK6sq; UK6sq: IrTPs: goto JRoiB; JRoiB: throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("Collection should only include [%s] items, but '%s' found at position %d.", implode(", ", $oWsrj), $INS06, $S9YN9)); goto m3HAn; m3HAn: }); } public function lJz5s() { return !$this->isEmpty(); } public function zKFSM(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->DGSxY(function ($T6iFj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4) { $T6iFj[] = $jQIWa; return $Wwtg4(...$T6iFj); }); } public function KXpOf(callable $Wwtg4) { $bLZ9S = $this->euu9W($Wwtg4); return $bLZ9S->DGSXy([$this, "make"]); } public function DABFm(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->DgsxY($Wwtg4)->f8HpM(); } public function Ycvlr($bWU3M) { return $this->DgsxY(fn($zytl6, $jQIWa) => new $bWU3M($zytl6, $jQIWa)); } public function min($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = $this->YDQ0_($Wwtg4); return $this->dgSxY(fn($zytl6) => $Wwtg4($zytl6))->filter(fn($zytl6) => !is_null($zytl6))->lQove(fn($ecEcb, $zytl6) => is_null($ecEcb) || $zytl6 < $ecEcb ? $zytl6 : $ecEcb); } public function max($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = $this->YDQ0_($Wwtg4); return $this->filter(fn($zytl6) => !is_null($zytl6))->lqOVE(function ($ecEcb, $pMdzj) use($Wwtg4) { $zytl6 = $Wwtg4($pMdzj); return is_null($ecEcb) || $zytl6 > $ecEcb ? $zytl6 : $ecEcb; }); } public function GnpMw($dooYA, $W7mcZ) { $YxPBH = max(0, ($dooYA - 1) * $W7mcZ); return $this->w1BVy($YxPBH, $W7mcZ); } public function nYh7V($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto O34Ie; a3E97: $ShYwC = []; goto WIH8E; WIH8E: $Wwtg4 = func_num_args() === 1 ? $this->ydQ0_($jQIWa) : $this->u6F4V(...func_get_args()); goto Ei1gQ; O34Ie: $ZM3oV = []; goto a3E97; IllAt: return new static([new static($ZM3oV), new static($ShYwC)]); goto oePoT; vvX2K: lxVUC: goto IllAt; Ei1gQ: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $pMdzj) { goto ee1rA; ee1rA: if ($Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa)) { goto Pa71j; } goto FV9Ct; k5vYR: goto nSEBd; goto ucXe4; T5yVU: $ZM3oV[$jQIWa] = $pMdzj; goto a6KLr; KGRk5: twXP4: goto V3dsi; a6KLr: nSEBd: goto KGRk5; ucXe4: Pa71j: goto T5yVU; FV9Ct: $ShYwC[$jQIWa] = $pMdzj; goto k5vYR; V3dsi: } goto vvX2K; oePoT: } public function wBztI(callable $Wwtg4, int $OF5Gw = 2) { goto VZzRI; mRXGV: return round($this->filter($Wwtg4)->count() / $this->count() * 100, $OF5Gw); goto S2l6X; VZzRI: if (!$this->isEmpty()) { goto gyE1m; } goto mh_Gx; zNvib: gyE1m: goto mRXGV; mh_Gx: return null; goto zNvib; S2l6X: } public function cnL3y($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = is_null($Wwtg4) ? $this->RJn8s() : $this->yDq0_($Wwtg4); return $this->lQOVE(fn($ecEcb, $pMdzj) => $ecEcb + $Wwtg4($pMdzj), 0); } public function HDhWs(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->jisBN($this->isEmpty(), $Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function NKWDL(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->JISbN($this->lJz5S(), $Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function RIos3(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->nKWdL($Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function hC310(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->hDHWS($Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function fji7z($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->filter($this->u6f4V(...func_get_args())); } public function Ir1QO($jQIWa = null) { return $this->G0KOj($jQIWa, null); } public function l9iAp($jQIWa = null) { return $this->FjI7z($jQIWa, "!==", null); } public function G0koJ($jQIWa, $zytl6) { return $this->FJi7Z($jQIWa, "===", $zytl6); } public function w7xYa($jQIWa, $CqDr0, $qZW4W = false) { $CqDr0 = $this->Vu0Sc($CqDr0); return $this->filter(fn($pMdzj) => in_array(etWaF($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $CqDr0, $qZW4W)); } public function cYZJQ($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->W7XyA($jQIWa, $CqDr0, true); } public function dEUGO($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->fjI7Z($jQIWa, ">=", reset($CqDr0))->fji7Z($jQIWa, "<=", end($CqDr0)); } public function tM7Fr($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->filter(fn($pMdzj) => ETwAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa) < reset($CqDr0) || EtWAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa) > end($CqDr0)); } public function pc5_I($jQIWa, $CqDr0, $qZW4W = false) { $CqDr0 = $this->vU0Sc($CqDr0); return $this->rT8E7(fn($pMdzj) => in_array(eTwaf($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $CqDr0, $qZW4W)); } public function PxcvV($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->pc5_i($jQIWa, $CqDr0, true); } public function sFi8B($wn88c) { return $this->filter(function ($zytl6) use($wn88c) { goto ZUqzv; jTZnh: m0pnp: goto AlcxC; AlcxC: return false; goto b08qi; ZUqzv: if (!is_array($wn88c)) { goto BNv20; } goto Y8KZ1; Y8KZ1: foreach ($wn88c as $LwRRz) { goto pfuHH; B0NlA: Xb3pU: goto GkDBr; pBCbS: return true; goto B0NlA; GkDBr: xqEt3: goto t6Fqb; pfuHH: if (!$zytl6 instanceof $LwRRz) { goto Xb3pU; } goto pBCbS; t6Fqb: } goto jTZnh; tpaO4: return $zytl6 instanceof $wn88c; goto Ie6pL; b08qi: BNv20: goto tpaO4; Ie6pL: }); } public function QgeAT(callable $Wwtg4) { return $Wwtg4($this); } public function pWBex($bWU3M) { return new $bWU3M($this); } public function gbcQn($VpoMU) { return FivY8::yc8uT($VpoMU)->LQoVE(fn($MfA3h, $Wwtg4) => $Wwtg4($MfA3h), $this); } public function lqOVE(callable $Wwtg4, $O3hvH = null) { goto Rai3q; HJWoQ: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $zytl6) { $ecEcb = $Wwtg4($ecEcb, $zytl6, $jQIWa); OQq3h: } goto V4b1U; Rai3q: $ecEcb = $O3hvH; goto HJWoQ; V4b1U: Rso0O: goto mvqKc; mvqKc: return $ecEcb; goto qx8Xm; qx8Xm: } public function N_iAx(callable $Wwtg4, ...$O3hvH) { goto JS35e; cEVtf: Jkilr: goto UnFD_; M0bCA: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $zytl6) { goto u5Kaf; u5Kaf: $ecEcb = call_user_func_array($Wwtg4, array_merge($ecEcb, [$zytl6, $jQIWa])); goto axLwX; it3jk: YTxHC: goto e8_ro; axLwX: if (is_array($ecEcb)) { goto i0mrL; } goto Snu2K; rkj2F: i0mrL: goto it3jk; Snu2K: throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("%s::reduceSpread expects reducer to return an array, but got a '%s' instead.", Dfzbe(static::class), gettype($ecEcb))); goto rkj2F; e8_ro: } goto cEVtf; UnFD_: return $ecEcb; goto xCLyl; JS35e: $ecEcb = $O3hvH; goto M0bCA; xCLyl: } public function U7sLz(callable $Wwtg4, $O3hvH = null) { return $this->lQove($Wwtg4, $O3hvH); } public function Rt8e7($Wwtg4 = true) { $Nw691 = $this->tOR2O($Wwtg4); return $this->filter(function ($zytl6, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4, $Nw691) { return $Nw691 ? !$Wwtg4($zytl6, $jQIWa) : $zytl6 != $Wwtg4; }); } public function myz2f(callable $Wwtg4) { $Wwtg4($this); return $this; } public function zW5mc($jQIWa = null, $qZW4W = false) { goto wuKiH; zPNwM: $G7qgq = []; goto CnibB; wuKiH: $Wwtg4 = $this->YdQ0_($jQIWa); goto zPNwM; CnibB: return $this->RT8E7(function ($pMdzj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4, $qZW4W, &$G7qgq) { goto c7o_4; TnGOp: M4S3Q: goto JYmqv; JYmqv: $G7qgq[] = $GTgeS; goto EWH93; DaRE5: return true; goto TnGOp; c7o_4: if (!in_array($GTgeS = $Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $G7qgq, $qZW4W)) { goto M4S3Q; } goto DaRE5; EWH93: }); goto cb8Gx; cb8Gx: } public function ZAEBy($jQIWa = null) { return $this->ZW5mC($jQIWa, true); } public function LSIf9() { return new FIVy8($this->lS5Bt()); } public function toArray() { return $this->dgsXY(fn($zytl6) => $zytl6 instanceof WEHJq ? $zytl6->toArray() : $zytl6)->Ls5bT(); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return array_map(function ($zytl6) { goto jHhzA; hqty2: return json_decode($zytl6->olk_2(), true); goto n53S2; ieqUv: goto KqeA_; goto MAUkR; hnjWu: ptdt1: goto wJZk2; m9mtR: return $zytl6->jsonSerialize(); goto g32Zw; MAUkR: UawNk: goto m9mtR; iS5ig: if ($zytl6 instanceof WEHjq) { goto ptdt1; } goto ieqUv; JXtQd: Zft7d: goto hqty2; g32Zw: goto KqeA_; goto JXtQd; SpYTw: return $zytl6; goto AhPt3; ljAfk: KqeA_: goto SpYTw; n53S2: goto KqeA_; goto hnjWu; wJZk2: return $zytl6->toArray(); goto ljAfk; iIkNi: if ($zytl6 instanceof RupfN) { goto Zft7d; } goto iS5ig; jHhzA: if ($zytl6 instanceof JsonSerializable) { goto UawNk; } goto iIkNi; AhPt3: }, $this->lS5Bt()); } public function oLk_2($SgrxR = 0) { return json_encode($this->jsonSerialize(), $SgrxR); } public function H6Zqt($NwIZY = CachingIterator::CALL_TOSTRING) { return new CachingIterator($this->getIterator(), $NwIZY); } public function __toString() { return $this->jNTlu ? Oif96($this->olk_2()) : $this->olk_2(); } public function MpE2C($HLIEZ = true) { $this->jNTlu = $HLIEZ; return $this; } public static function VqQiS($r1xe7) { static::$aPA_z[] = $r1xe7; } public function __get($jQIWa) { goto G8JuH; CzGbU: return new LxNqP($this, $jQIWa); goto izTgC; KfhAd: throw new Exception("Property [{$jQIWa}] does not exist on this collection instance."); goto N5GMf; N5GMf: bVh7T: goto CzGbU; G8JuH: if (in_array($jQIWa, static::$aPA_z)) { goto bVh7T; } goto KfhAd; izTgC: } protected function VU0SC($PHbk7) { goto SWStX; VBSSW: mZlBR: goto oXgkp; oXgkp: return match (true) { $PHbk7 instanceof WeakMap => throw new InvalidArgumentException("Collections can not be created using instances of WeakMap."), $PHbk7 instanceof UEI_f => $PHbk7->ls5BT(), $PHbk7 instanceof WEhjQ => $PHbk7->toArray(), $PHbk7 instanceof Traversable => iterator_to_array($PHbk7), $PHbk7 instanceof RuPFN => json_decode($PHbk7->oLK_2(), true), $PHbk7 instanceof JsonSerializable => (array) $PHbk7->jsonSerialize(), $PHbk7 instanceof UnitEnum => [$PHbk7], default => (array) $PHbk7, }; goto Vq07g; SWStX: if (!is_array($PHbk7)) { goto mZlBR; } goto uzIW1; uzIW1: return $PHbk7; goto VBSSW; Vq07g: } protected function U6f4V($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto HDbG_; kfxjP: $OcUgq = "="; goto NlsoC; H5pLM: $OcUgq = "="; goto CzAFq; NlsoC: ix6mM: goto gYogm; CzAFq: WLJHV: goto UcAUc; UcAUc: return function ($pMdzj) use($jQIWa, $OcUgq, $zytl6) { goto hoyPf; ByLWj: P8XhD: goto KOucV; PIsqv: $X3T1n = array_filter([$G5BSw, $zytl6], function ($zytl6) { return is_string($zytl6) || is_object($zytl6) && method_exists($zytl6, "__toString"); }); goto NI9ws; f2sUo: f9ydx: goto zlMK0; fEIKy: SVGdV: goto f2sUo; KOucV: switch ($OcUgq) { default: case "=": case "==": return $G5BSw == $zytl6; case "!=": case "<>": return $G5BSw != $zytl6; case "<": return $G5BSw < $zytl6; case ">": return $G5BSw > $zytl6; case "<=": return $G5BSw <= $zytl6; case ">=": return $G5BSw >= $zytl6; case "===": return $G5BSw === $zytl6; case "!==": return $G5BSw !== $zytl6; case "<=>": return $G5BSw <=> $zytl6; } goto fEIKy; O4Msg: return in_array($OcUgq, ["!=", "<>", "!=="]); goto ByLWj; hoyPf: $G5BSw = EtWAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa); goto PIsqv; NI9ws: if (!(count($X3T1n) < 2 && count(array_filter([$G5BSw, $zytl6], "is_object")) == 1)) { goto P8XhD; } goto O4Msg; zlMK0: }; goto l98Nv; HDbG_: if (!$this->ToR2O($jQIWa)) { goto izAYb; } goto PzV6P; aqmIn: $zytl6 = $OcUgq; goto H5pLM; xnkZa: $zytl6 = true; goto kfxjP; aZQO3: if (!(func_num_args() === 1)) { goto ix6mM; } goto xnkZa; LOKRy: izAYb: goto aZQO3; gYogm: if (!(func_num_args() === 2)) { goto WLJHV; } goto aqmIn; PzV6P: return $jQIWa; goto LOKRy; l98Nv: } protected function ToR2O($zytl6) { return !is_string($zytl6) && is_callable($zytl6); } protected function ydq0_($zytl6) { goto DU6C5; DU6C5: if (!$this->ToR2o($zytl6)) { goto z1eYr; } goto YBSut; TUhNd: z1eYr: goto Bje_9; Bje_9: return fn($pMdzj) => eTWAF($pMdzj, $zytl6); goto nipoY; YBSut: return $zytl6; goto TUhNd; nipoY: } protected function Hwc6H($zytl6) { return fn($pMdzj) => $pMdzj === $zytl6; } protected function LtT_r(Closure $Wwtg4) { return fn(...$JAAcD) => !$Wwtg4(...$JAAcD); } protected function RjN8S() { return fn($zytl6) => $zytl6; } } ?>

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/*   __________________________________________________
    |  Obfuscated by YAK Pro - Php Obfuscator  2.0.14  |
    |              on 2024-04-04 18:21:53              |
    |    GitHub:    |
 namespace HQbyJ\f7JEK\ASpZt; use CachingIterator; use Closure; use Exception; use HQByj\jkLp3\F7jEK\WeHjq; use HQBYj\jklp3\F7JEK\RuPfn; use HQByJ\f7jek\lCuMb; use HQbyJ\f7jek\fiVy8; use HQbyj\F7Jek\uEI_f; use hQBYj\F7jeK\LXnQP; use InvalidArgumentException; use JsonSerializable; use Traversable; use UnexpectedValueException; use UnitEnum; use WeakMap; trait O9CwY { use srB_m; protected $jNTlu = false; protected static $aPA_z = ["\141\166\145\162\141\x67\145", "\x61\x76\x67", "\143\x6f\156\x74\x61\151\x6e\163", "\144\x6f\x65\x73\x6e\x74\x43\157\156\x74\x61\151\x6e", "\x65\x61\x63\x68", "\145\x76\145\x72\171", "\146\151\x6c\164\x65\x72", "\x66\x69\x72\163\x74", "\146\154\141\164\115\x61\160", "\147\162\157\165\160\102\171", "\x6b\145\171\102\171", "\x6d\141\x70", "\155\141\x78", "\155\151\156", "\x70\x61\162\x74\x69\164\151\157\156", "\x70\145\162\143\145\x6e\164\141\147\145", "\162\145\152\x65\x63\164", "\163\153\x69\160\125\156\x74\x69\154", "\x73\153\151\x70\x57\x68\151\x6c\x65", "\163\157\155\x65", "\x73\157\162\164\x42\x79", "\x73\x6f\162\x74\102\171\104\145\163\x63", "\x73\165\x6d", "\164\x61\x6b\145\125\x6e\x74\151\154", "\x74\x61\x6b\145\127\150\151\x6c\145", "\165\x6e\x69\161\x75\x65", "\165\x6e\154\145\163\163", "\165\x6e\x74\151\154", "\167\x68\x65\156"]; public static function YC8uT($PHbk7 = []) { return new static($PHbk7); } public static function meORs($zytl6) { return $zytl6 instanceof uEI_f ? new static($zytl6) : new static(LCUMb::mEOrs($zytl6)); } public static function u2GXk($zytl6) { return $zytl6 instanceof uei_f ? $zytl6->lS5BT() : $zytl6; } public static function empty() { return new static([]); } public static function x9qC2($KFsY1, callable $Wwtg4 = null) { goto oq28j; yQAAx: qz2gU: goto su5L5; su5L5: return static::range(1, $KFsY1)->jwZiq($Wwtg4 == null)->DGsxy($Wwtg4); goto sopPG; oq28j: if (!($KFsY1 < 1)) { goto qz2gU; } goto Ro_I4; Ro_I4: return new static(); goto yQAAx; sopPG: } public function Irud8($Wwtg4 = null) { return $this->FLd1z($Wwtg4); } public function aQi7O($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->contains(...func_get_args()); } public function SS2vE(...$z2xtS) { $this->gLvr0(...$z2xtS); cmiYw(); } public function GlVR0(...$z2xtS) { kIfAm($this->LS5Bt(), ...$z2xtS); return $this; } public function mspqG(callable $Wwtg4) { goto pQbhi; nehBU: pVXKF: goto DtQyW; DtQyW: return $this; goto Xavkg; pQbhi: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $pMdzj) { goto yTDjl; Fd9I3: p2xOR: goto uE5X2; yTDjl: if (!($Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa) === false)) { goto p2xOR; } goto YOf9o; YOf9o: goto pVXKF; goto Fd9I3; uE5X2: tqKj_: goto x6J4G; x6J4G: } goto nehBU; Xavkg: } public function ItkmT(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->mSpqG(function ($T6iFj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4) { $T6iFj[] = $jQIWa; return $Wwtg4(...$T6iFj); }); } public function q7MoW($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto rlvSR; wbSsD: foreach ($this as $WQjGL => $LNB2a) { goto Gk90o; K4qSX: qmY3Y: goto z1UAv; Gk90o: if ($Wwtg4($LNB2a, $WQjGL)) { goto a37gL; } goto X5GH_; d2fiL: a37gL: goto K4qSX; X5GH_: return false; goto d2fiL; z1UAv: } goto m_S9E; hJARc: return true; goto Pc7CQ; Pc7CQ: NVXSP: goto qVvJ9; rlvSR: if (!(func_num_args() === 1)) { goto NVXSP; } goto kWwrI; qVvJ9: return $this->q7MoW($this->u6F4v(...func_get_args())); goto jgohc; m_S9E: LHgG4: goto hJARc; kWwrI: $Wwtg4 = $this->YDq0_($jQIWa); goto wbSsD; jgohc: } public function lZbjH($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->o3pWF($this->U6f4v(...func_get_args())); } public function BJiNF($jQIWa, $AxDJz = null) { goto lm2qj; SCph3: return uwiWh($AxDJz); goto nqFR1; eBh6V: return etWAf($zytl6, $jQIWa, $AxDJz); goto HcXz9; HcXz9: RoBhQ: goto SCph3; lm2qj: if (!($zytl6 = $this->lZBJH($jQIWa))) { goto RoBhQ; } goto eBh6V; nqFR1: } public function JlQjo($wn88c) { $oWsrj = is_array($wn88c) ? $wn88c : [$wn88c]; return $this->MsPQg(function ($pMdzj, $S9YN9) use($oWsrj) { goto SBrUs; SBrUs: $INS06 = get_debug_type($pMdzj); goto E6x9D; E6x9D: foreach ($oWsrj as $n81k0) { goto FqykW; lGGwE: return true; goto OfDQB; HlY7A: jIyg1: goto MG_wK; OfDQB: Fk0GW: goto HlY7A; FqykW: if (!($INS06 === $n81k0 || $pMdzj instanceof $n81k0)) { goto Fk0GW; } goto lGGwE; MG_wK: } goto UK6sq; UK6sq: IrTPs: goto JRoiB; JRoiB: throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("\x43\157\154\x6c\145\x63\164\x69\x6f\156\x20\163\150\157\x75\154\x64\x20\157\156\154\171\x20\x69\156\143\x6c\x75\x64\x65\40\133\x25\x73\135\x20\151\x74\145\155\x73\x2c\x20\142\x75\x74\40\x27\45\x73\47\x20\x66\157\x75\156\x64\40\141\x74\40\x70\157\x73\151\x74\151\x6f\156\40\x25\144\x2e", implode("\x2c\x20", $oWsrj), $INS06, $S9YN9)); goto m3HAn; m3HAn: }); } public function lJz5s() { return !$this->isEmpty(); } public function zKFSM(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->DGSxY(function ($T6iFj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4) { $T6iFj[] = $jQIWa; return $Wwtg4(...$T6iFj); }); } public function KXpOf(callable $Wwtg4) { $bLZ9S = $this->euu9W($Wwtg4); return $bLZ9S->DGSXy([$this, "\x6d\141\153\145"]); } public function DABFm(callable $Wwtg4) { return $this->DgsxY($Wwtg4)->f8HpM(); } public function Ycvlr($bWU3M) { return $this->DgsxY(fn($zytl6, $jQIWa) => new $bWU3M($zytl6, $jQIWa)); } public function min($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = $this->YDQ0_($Wwtg4); return $this->dgSxY(fn($zytl6) => $Wwtg4($zytl6))->filter(fn($zytl6) => !is_null($zytl6))->lQove(fn($ecEcb, $zytl6) => is_null($ecEcb) || $zytl6 < $ecEcb ? $zytl6 : $ecEcb); } public function max($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = $this->YDQ0_($Wwtg4); return $this->filter(fn($zytl6) => !is_null($zytl6))->lqOVE(function ($ecEcb, $pMdzj) use($Wwtg4) { $zytl6 = $Wwtg4($pMdzj); return is_null($ecEcb) || $zytl6 > $ecEcb ? $zytl6 : $ecEcb; }); } public function GnpMw($dooYA, $W7mcZ) { $YxPBH = max(0, ($dooYA - 1) * $W7mcZ); return $this->w1BVy($YxPBH, $W7mcZ); } public function nYh7V($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto O34Ie; a3E97: $ShYwC = []; goto WIH8E; WIH8E: $Wwtg4 = func_num_args() === 1 ? $this->ydQ0_($jQIWa) : $this->u6F4V(...func_get_args()); goto Ei1gQ; O34Ie: $ZM3oV = []; goto a3E97; IllAt: return new static([new static($ZM3oV), new static($ShYwC)]); goto oePoT; vvX2K: lxVUC: goto IllAt; Ei1gQ: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $pMdzj) { goto ee1rA; ee1rA: if ($Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa)) { goto Pa71j; } goto FV9Ct; k5vYR: goto nSEBd; goto ucXe4; T5yVU: $ZM3oV[$jQIWa] = $pMdzj; goto a6KLr; KGRk5: twXP4: goto V3dsi; a6KLr: nSEBd: goto KGRk5; ucXe4: Pa71j: goto T5yVU; FV9Ct: $ShYwC[$jQIWa] = $pMdzj; goto k5vYR; V3dsi: } goto vvX2K; oePoT: } public function wBztI(callable $Wwtg4, int $OF5Gw = 2) { goto VZzRI; mRXGV: return round($this->filter($Wwtg4)->count() / $this->count() * 100, $OF5Gw); goto S2l6X; VZzRI: if (!$this->isEmpty()) { goto gyE1m; } goto mh_Gx; zNvib: gyE1m: goto mRXGV; mh_Gx: return null; goto zNvib; S2l6X: } public function cnL3y($Wwtg4 = null) { $Wwtg4 = is_null($Wwtg4) ? $this->RJn8s() : $this->yDq0_($Wwtg4); return $this->lQOVE(fn($ecEcb, $pMdzj) => $ecEcb + $Wwtg4($pMdzj), 0); } public function HDhWs(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->jisBN($this->isEmpty(), $Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function NKWDL(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->JISbN($this->lJz5S(), $Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function RIos3(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->nKWdL($Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function hC310(callable $Wwtg4, callable $AxDJz = null) { return $this->hDHWS($Wwtg4, $AxDJz); } public function fji7z($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { return $this->filter($this->u6f4V(...func_get_args())); } public function Ir1QO($jQIWa = null) { return $this->G0KOj($jQIWa, null); } public function l9iAp($jQIWa = null) { return $this->FjI7z($jQIWa, "\41\75\75", null); } public function G0koJ($jQIWa, $zytl6) { return $this->FJi7Z($jQIWa, "\75\x3d\75", $zytl6); } public function w7xYa($jQIWa, $CqDr0, $qZW4W = false) { $CqDr0 = $this->Vu0Sc($CqDr0); return $this->filter(fn($pMdzj) => in_array(etWaF($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $CqDr0, $qZW4W)); } public function cYZJQ($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->W7XyA($jQIWa, $CqDr0, true); } public function dEUGO($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->fjI7Z($jQIWa, "\x3e\x3d", reset($CqDr0))->fji7Z($jQIWa, "\x3c\x3d", end($CqDr0)); } public function tM7Fr($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->filter(fn($pMdzj) => ETwAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa) < reset($CqDr0) || EtWAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa) > end($CqDr0)); } public function pc5_I($jQIWa, $CqDr0, $qZW4W = false) { $CqDr0 = $this->vU0Sc($CqDr0); return $this->rT8E7(fn($pMdzj) => in_array(eTwaf($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $CqDr0, $qZW4W)); } public function PxcvV($jQIWa, $CqDr0) { return $this->pc5_i($jQIWa, $CqDr0, true); } public function sFi8B($wn88c) { return $this->filter(function ($zytl6) use($wn88c) { goto ZUqzv; jTZnh: m0pnp: goto AlcxC; AlcxC: return false; goto b08qi; ZUqzv: if (!is_array($wn88c)) { goto BNv20; } goto Y8KZ1; Y8KZ1: foreach ($wn88c as $LwRRz) { goto pfuHH; B0NlA: Xb3pU: goto GkDBr; pBCbS: return true; goto B0NlA; GkDBr: xqEt3: goto t6Fqb; pfuHH: if (!$zytl6 instanceof $LwRRz) { goto Xb3pU; } goto pBCbS; t6Fqb: } goto jTZnh; tpaO4: return $zytl6 instanceof $wn88c; goto Ie6pL; b08qi: BNv20: goto tpaO4; Ie6pL: }); } public function QgeAT(callable $Wwtg4) { return $Wwtg4($this); } public function pWBex($bWU3M) { return new $bWU3M($this); } public function gbcQn($VpoMU) { return FivY8::yc8uT($VpoMU)->LQoVE(fn($MfA3h, $Wwtg4) => $Wwtg4($MfA3h), $this); } public function lqOVE(callable $Wwtg4, $O3hvH = null) { goto Rai3q; HJWoQ: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $zytl6) { $ecEcb = $Wwtg4($ecEcb, $zytl6, $jQIWa); OQq3h: } goto V4b1U; Rai3q: $ecEcb = $O3hvH; goto HJWoQ; V4b1U: Rso0O: goto mvqKc; mvqKc: return $ecEcb; goto qx8Xm; qx8Xm: } public function N_iAx(callable $Wwtg4, ...$O3hvH) { goto JS35e; cEVtf: Jkilr: goto UnFD_; M0bCA: foreach ($this as $jQIWa => $zytl6) { goto u5Kaf; u5Kaf: $ecEcb = call_user_func_array($Wwtg4, array_merge($ecEcb, [$zytl6, $jQIWa])); goto axLwX; it3jk: YTxHC: goto e8_ro; axLwX: if (is_array($ecEcb)) { goto i0mrL; } goto Snu2K; rkj2F: i0mrL: goto it3jk; Snu2K: throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("\x25\x73\72\x3a\162\x65\x64\165\x63\145\123\x70\x72\x65\141\x64\x20\x65\170\x70\145\x63\x74\x73\40\162\x65\x64\x75\x63\145\x72\40\164\x6f\40\162\145\x74\165\x72\x6e\40\141\x6e\x20\141\162\162\x61\171\x2c\40\x62\165\164\40\x67\x6f\x74\x20\x61\40\x27\45\163\x27\x20\151\x6e\163\x74\145\x61\x64\x2e", Dfzbe(static::class), gettype($ecEcb))); goto rkj2F; e8_ro: } goto cEVtf; UnFD_: return $ecEcb; goto xCLyl; JS35e: $ecEcb = $O3hvH; goto M0bCA; xCLyl: } public function U7sLz(callable $Wwtg4, $O3hvH = null) { return $this->lQove($Wwtg4, $O3hvH); } public function Rt8e7($Wwtg4 = true) { $Nw691 = $this->tOR2O($Wwtg4); return $this->filter(function ($zytl6, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4, $Nw691) { return $Nw691 ? !$Wwtg4($zytl6, $jQIWa) : $zytl6 != $Wwtg4; }); } public function myz2f(callable $Wwtg4) { $Wwtg4($this); return $this; } public function zW5mc($jQIWa = null, $qZW4W = false) { goto wuKiH; zPNwM: $G7qgq = []; goto CnibB; wuKiH: $Wwtg4 = $this->YdQ0_($jQIWa); goto zPNwM; CnibB: return $this->RT8E7(function ($pMdzj, $jQIWa) use($Wwtg4, $qZW4W, &$G7qgq) { goto c7o_4; TnGOp: M4S3Q: goto JYmqv; JYmqv: $G7qgq[] = $GTgeS; goto EWH93; DaRE5: return true; goto TnGOp; c7o_4: if (!in_array($GTgeS = $Wwtg4($pMdzj, $jQIWa), $G7qgq, $qZW4W)) { goto M4S3Q; } goto DaRE5; EWH93: }); goto cb8Gx; cb8Gx: } public function ZAEBy($jQIWa = null) { return $this->ZW5mC($jQIWa, true); } public function LSIf9() { return new FIVy8($this->lS5Bt()); } public function toArray() { return $this->dgsXY(fn($zytl6) => $zytl6 instanceof WEHJq ? $zytl6->toArray() : $zytl6)->Ls5bT(); } public function jsonSerialize() : array { return array_map(function ($zytl6) { goto jHhzA; hqty2: return json_decode($zytl6->olk_2(), true); goto n53S2; ieqUv: goto KqeA_; goto MAUkR; hnjWu: ptdt1: goto wJZk2; m9mtR: return $zytl6->jsonSerialize(); goto g32Zw; MAUkR: UawNk: goto m9mtR; iS5ig: if ($zytl6 instanceof WEHjq) { goto ptdt1; } goto ieqUv; JXtQd: Zft7d: goto hqty2; g32Zw: goto KqeA_; goto JXtQd; SpYTw: return $zytl6; goto AhPt3; ljAfk: KqeA_: goto SpYTw; n53S2: goto KqeA_; goto hnjWu; wJZk2: return $zytl6->toArray(); goto ljAfk; iIkNi: if ($zytl6 instanceof RupfN) { goto Zft7d; } goto iS5ig; jHhzA: if ($zytl6 instanceof JsonSerializable) { goto UawNk; } goto iIkNi; AhPt3: }, $this->lS5Bt()); } public function oLk_2($SgrxR = 0) { return json_encode($this->jsonSerialize(), $SgrxR); } public function H6Zqt($NwIZY = CachingIterator::CALL_TOSTRING) { return new CachingIterator($this->getIterator(), $NwIZY); } public function __toString() { return $this->jNTlu ? Oif96($this->olk_2()) : $this->olk_2(); } public function MpE2C($HLIEZ = true) { $this->jNTlu = $HLIEZ; return $this; } public static function VqQiS($r1xe7) { static::$aPA_z[] = $r1xe7; } public function __get($jQIWa) { goto G8JuH; CzGbU: return new LxNqP($this, $jQIWa); goto izTgC; KfhAd: throw new Exception("\120\162\157\160\145\162\x74\x79\x20\x5b{$jQIWa}\135\40\144\x6f\x65\x73\x20\156\x6f\164\40\145\x78\151\163\164\40\x6f\156\40\164\150\x69\x73\x20\x63\x6f\x6c\154\145\143\x74\151\157\156\x20\x69\156\x73\164\141\156\143\145\56"); goto N5GMf; N5GMf: bVh7T: goto CzGbU; G8JuH: if (in_array($jQIWa, static::$aPA_z)) { goto bVh7T; } goto KfhAd; izTgC: } protected function VU0SC($PHbk7) { goto SWStX; VBSSW: mZlBR: goto oXgkp; oXgkp: return match (true) { $PHbk7 instanceof WeakMap => throw new InvalidArgumentException("\103\x6f\x6c\154\145\143\x74\x69\157\x6e\x73\x20\x63\x61\156\x20\x6e\x6f\164\40\142\145\x20\x63\x72\x65\x61\x74\145\x64\x20\x75\163\151\x6e\147\40\x69\x6e\163\x74\141\156\x63\x65\163\x20\157\146\x20\127\x65\141\153\x4d\141\x70\x2e"), $PHbk7 instanceof UEI_f => $PHbk7->ls5BT(), $PHbk7 instanceof WEhjQ => $PHbk7->toArray(), $PHbk7 instanceof Traversable => iterator_to_array($PHbk7), $PHbk7 instanceof RuPFN => json_decode($PHbk7->oLK_2(), true), $PHbk7 instanceof JsonSerializable => (array) $PHbk7->jsonSerialize(), $PHbk7 instanceof UnitEnum => [$PHbk7], default => (array) $PHbk7, }; goto Vq07g; SWStX: if (!is_array($PHbk7)) { goto mZlBR; } goto uzIW1; uzIW1: return $PHbk7; goto VBSSW; Vq07g: } protected function U6f4V($jQIWa, $OcUgq = null, $zytl6 = null) { goto HDbG_; kfxjP: $OcUgq = "\x3d"; goto NlsoC; H5pLM: $OcUgq = "\75"; goto CzAFq; NlsoC: ix6mM: goto gYogm; CzAFq: WLJHV: goto UcAUc; UcAUc: return function ($pMdzj) use($jQIWa, $OcUgq, $zytl6) { goto hoyPf; ByLWj: P8XhD: goto KOucV; PIsqv: $X3T1n = array_filter([$G5BSw, $zytl6], function ($zytl6) { return is_string($zytl6) || is_object($zytl6) && method_exists($zytl6, "\137\137\164\x6f\123\x74\162\151\x6e\147"); }); goto NI9ws; f2sUo: f9ydx: goto zlMK0; fEIKy: SVGdV: goto f2sUo; KOucV: switch ($OcUgq) { default: case "\x3d": case "\75\x3d": return $G5BSw == $zytl6; case "\41\x3d": case "\74\x3e": return $G5BSw != $zytl6; case "\x3c": return $G5BSw < $zytl6; case "\x3e": return $G5BSw > $zytl6; case "\74\x3d": return $G5BSw <= $zytl6; case "\76\x3d": return $G5BSw >= $zytl6; case "\x3d\x3d\75": return $G5BSw === $zytl6; case "\x21\75\x3d": return $G5BSw !== $zytl6; case "\x3c\x3d\x3e": return $G5BSw <=> $zytl6; } goto fEIKy; O4Msg: return in_array($OcUgq, ["\x21\75", "\74\x3e", "\x21\x3d\75"]); goto ByLWj; hoyPf: $G5BSw = EtWAf($pMdzj, $jQIWa); goto PIsqv; NI9ws: if (!(count($X3T1n) < 2 && count(array_filter([$G5BSw, $zytl6], "\151\163\x5f\157\142\x6a\145\143\164")) == 1)) { goto P8XhD; } goto O4Msg; zlMK0: }; goto l98Nv; HDbG_: if (!$this->ToR2O($jQIWa)) { goto izAYb; } goto PzV6P; aqmIn: $zytl6 = $OcUgq; goto H5pLM; xnkZa: $zytl6 = true; goto kfxjP; aZQO3: if (!(func_num_args() === 1)) { goto ix6mM; } goto xnkZa; LOKRy: izAYb: goto aZQO3; gYogm: if (!(func_num_args() === 2)) { goto WLJHV; } goto aqmIn; PzV6P: return $jQIWa; goto LOKRy; l98Nv: } protected function ToR2O($zytl6) { return !is_string($zytl6) && is_callable($zytl6); } protected function ydq0_($zytl6) { goto DU6C5; DU6C5: if (!$this->ToR2o($zytl6)) { goto z1eYr; } goto YBSut; TUhNd: z1eYr: goto Bje_9; Bje_9: return fn($pMdzj) => eTWAF($pMdzj, $zytl6); goto nipoY; YBSut: return $zytl6; goto TUhNd; nipoY: } protected function Hwc6H($zytl6) { return fn($pMdzj) => $pMdzj === $zytl6; } protected function LtT_r(Closure $Wwtg4) { return fn(...$JAAcD) => !$Wwtg4(...$JAAcD); } protected function RjN8S() { return fn($zytl6) => $zytl6; } }

Function Calls





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Eval Count 0
Decode Time 123 ms