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<?php final class PhortuneStripePaymentProvider extends PhortunePaymentProvider { cons..

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final class PhortuneStripePaymentProvider extends PhortunePaymentProvider {

  const STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY  = 'stripe.publishable-key';
  const STRIPE_SECRET_KEY       = 'stripe.secret-key';

  public function isAcceptingLivePayments() {
    return preg_match('/_live_/', $this->getPublishableKey());

  public function getName() {
    return pht('Stripe');

  public function getConfigureName() {
    return pht('Add Stripe Payments Account');

  public function getConfigureDescription() {
    return pht(
      'Allows you to accept credit or debit card payments with a '.
      ' account.');

  public function getConfigureProvidesDescription() {
    return pht('This merchant accepts credit and debit cards via Stripe.');

  public function getPaymentMethodDescription() {
    return pht('Add Credit or Debit Card (US and Canada)');

  public function getPaymentMethodIcon() {
    return 'Stripe';

  public function getPaymentMethodProviderDescription() {
    return pht('Processed by Stripe');

  public function getDefaultPaymentMethodDisplayName(
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method) {
    return pht('Credit/Debit Card');

  public function getAllConfigurableProperties() {
    return array(

  public function getAllConfigurableSecretProperties() {
    return array(

  public function processEditForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    array $values) {

    $errors = array();
    $issues = array();

    if (!strlen($values[self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY])) {
      $errors[] = pht('Stripe Secret Key is required.');
      $issues[self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY] = pht('Required');

    if (!strlen($values[self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY])) {
      $errors[] = pht('Stripe Publishable Key is required.');
      $issues[self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY] = pht('Required');

    return array($errors, $issues, $values);

  public function extendEditForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    AphrontFormView $form,
    array $values,
    array $issues) {

        id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
          ->setError(idx($issues, self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, true))
          ->setLabel(pht('Stripe Secret Key')))
        id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
          ->setError(idx($issues, self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY, true))
          ->setLabel(pht('Stripe Publishable Key')));

  public function getConfigureInstructions() {
    return pht(
      "To configure Stripe, register or log in to an existing account on ".
      "[[ |]]. Once logged in:

      "  - Go to {nav icon=user, name=Your Account > Account Settings ".
      "> API Keys}
      "  - Copy the **Secret Key** and **Publishable Key** into the fields ".

      "You can either use the test keys to add this provider in test mode, ".
      "or the live keys to accept live payments.");

  public function canRunConfigurationTest() {
    return true;

  public function runConfigurationTest() {

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $account = Stripe_Account::retrieve($secret_key);

   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Charge
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_CardError
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Account
  protected function executeCharge(
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
    PhortuneCharge $charge) {

    $price = $charge->getAmountAsCurrency();

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $params = array(
      'amount'      => $price->getValueInUSDCents(),
      'currency'    => $price->getCurrency(),
      'customer'    => $method->getMetadataValue('stripe.customerID'),
      'description' => $charge->getPHID(),
      'capture'     => true,

    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::create($params, $secret_key);

    $id = $stripe_charge->id;
    if (!$id) {
      throw new Exception(pht('Stripe charge call did not return an ID!'));

    $charge->setMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID', $id);

  protected function executeRefund(
    PhortuneCharge $charge,
    PhortuneCharge $refund) {

    $charge_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID');
    if (!$charge_id) {
      throw new Exception(
        pht('Unable to refund charge; no Stripe chargeID!'));

    $refund_cents = $refund

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $params = array(
      'amount' => $refund_cents,

    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $secret_key);
    $stripe_refund = $stripe_charge->refunds->create($params);

    $id = $stripe_refund->id;
    if (!$id) {
      throw new Exception(pht('Stripe refund call did not return an ID!'));

    $charge->setMetadataValue('stripe.refundID', $id);

  public function updateCharge(PhortuneCharge $charge) {

    $charge_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID');
    if (!$charge_id) {
      throw new Exception(
        pht('Unable to update charge; no Stripe chargeID!'));

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $secret_key);

    // TODO: Deal with disputes / chargebacks / surprising refunds.


  private function getPublishableKey() {
    return $this

  private function getSecretKey() {
    return $this

/* -(  Adding Payment Methods  )--------------------------------------------- */

  public function canCreatePaymentMethods() {
    return true;

   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Token
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Customer
  public function createPaymentMethodFromRequest(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
    array $token) {

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $stripe_token = $token['stripeCardToken'];

    // First, make sure the token is valid.
    $info = id(new Stripe_Token())->retrieve($stripe_token, $secret_key);

    $account_phid = $method->getAccountPHID();
    $author_phid = $method->getAuthorPHID();

    $params = array(
      'card' => $stripe_token,
      'description' => $account_phid.':'.$author_phid,

    // Then, we need to create a Customer in order to be able to charge
    // the card more than once. We create one Customer for each card;
    // they do not map to PhortuneAccounts because we allow an account to
    // have more than one active card.
    try {
      $customer = Stripe_Customer::create($params, $secret_key);
    } catch (Stripe_CardError $ex) {
      $display_exception = $this->newDisplayExceptionFromCardError($ex);
      if ($display_exception) {
        throw $display_exception;
      throw $ex;

    $card = $info->card;

      ->setExpires($card->exp_year, $card->exp_month)
          'type' => 'stripe.customer',
          'stripe.customerID' => $customer->id,
          'stripe.cardToken' => $stripe_token,

  public function renderCreatePaymentMethodForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    array $errors) {

    $src = '';

    $ccform = id(new PhortuneCreditCardForm())
        pht('Payments are processed securely by Stripe.'))

      ->addContentSecurityPolicyURI('script-src', $src)
      ->addContentSecurityPolicyURI('frame-src', $src);

        'stripePublishableKey' => $this->getPublishableKey(),
        'formID'               => $ccform->getFormID(),

    return $ccform->buildForm();

  private function getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code) {
    $prefix = 'cc:stripe:';
    if (strncmp($error_code, $prefix, strlen($prefix))) {
      return null;
    return substr($error_code, strlen($prefix));

  public function validateCreatePaymentMethodToken(array $token) {
    return isset($token['stripeCardToken']);

  public function translateCreatePaymentMethodErrorCode($error_code) {
    $short_code = $this->getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code);

    if ($short_code) {
      static $map = array(
        'error:invalid_number'        => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_NUMBER,
        'error:invalid_cvc'           => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_CVC,
        'error:invalid_expiry_month'  => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_EXPIRY,
        'error:invalid_expiry_year'   => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_EXPIRY,

      if (isset($map[$short_code])) {
        return $map[$short_code];

    return $error_code;

   * See for more information on possible
   * errors.
  public function getCreatePaymentMethodErrorMessage($error_code) {
    $short_code = $this->getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code);
    if (!$short_code) {
      return null;

    switch ($short_code) {
      case 'error:incorrect_number':
        $error_key = 'number';
        $message = pht('Invalid or incorrect credit card number.');
      case 'error:incorrect_cvc':
        $error_key = 'cvc';
        $message = pht('Card CVC is invalid or incorrect.');
        $error_key = 'exp';
        $message = pht('Card expiration date is invalid or incorrect.');
      case 'error:invalid_expiry_month':
      case 'error:invalid_expiry_year':
      case 'error:invalid_cvc':
      case 'error:invalid_number':
        // NOTE: These should be translated into Phortune error codes earlier,
        // so we don't expect to receive them here. They are listed for clarity
        // and completeness. If we encounter one, we treat it as an unknown
        // error.
      case 'error:invalid_amount':
      case 'error:missing':
      case 'error:card_declined':
      case 'error:expired_card':
      case 'error:duplicate_transaction':
      case 'error:processing_error':
        // NOTE: These errors currently don't receive a detailed message.
        // NOTE: We can also end up here with "http:nnn" messages.

        // TODO: At least some of these should have a better message, or be
        // translated into common errors above.

    return null;

  private function loadStripeAPILibraries() {
    $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
    require_once $root.'/externals/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php';

  private function newDisplayExceptionFromCardError(Stripe_CardError $ex) {
    $body = $ex->getJSONBody();
    if (!$body) {
      return null;

    $map = idx($body, 'error');
    if (!$map) {
      return null;

    $view = array();

    $message = idx($map, 'message');

    $view[] = id(new PHUIInfoView())

    $view[] = phutil_tag(
        'class' => 'mlt mlb',
      pht('Additional details about this error:'));

    $rows = array();

    $rows[] = array(
      pht('Error Code'),
      idx($map, 'code'),

    $rows[] = array(
      pht('Error Type'),
      idx($map, 'type'),

    $param = idx($map, 'param');
    if (strlen($param)) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Error Param'),

    $decline_code = idx($map, 'decline_code');
    if (strlen($decline_code)) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Decline Code'),

    $doc_url = idx($map, 'doc_url');
    if ($doc_url) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Learn More'),
            'href' => $doc_url,
            'target' => '_blank',

    $view[] = id(new AphrontTableView($rows))

    return id(new PhortuneDisplayException(get_class($ex)))


Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code


final class PhortuneStripePaymentProvider extends PhortunePaymentProvider {

  const STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY  = 'stripe.publishable-key';
  const STRIPE_SECRET_KEY       = 'stripe.secret-key';

  public function isAcceptingLivePayments() {
    return preg_match('/_live_/', $this->getPublishableKey());

  public function getName() {
    return pht('Stripe');

  public function getConfigureName() {
    return pht('Add Stripe Payments Account');

  public function getConfigureDescription() {
    return pht(
      'Allows you to accept credit or debit card payments with a '.
      ' account.');

  public function getConfigureProvidesDescription() {
    return pht('This merchant accepts credit and debit cards via Stripe.');

  public function getPaymentMethodDescription() {
    return pht('Add Credit or Debit Card (US and Canada)');

  public function getPaymentMethodIcon() {
    return 'Stripe';

  public function getPaymentMethodProviderDescription() {
    return pht('Processed by Stripe');

  public function getDefaultPaymentMethodDisplayName(
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method) {
    return pht('Credit/Debit Card');

  public function getAllConfigurableProperties() {
    return array(

  public function getAllConfigurableSecretProperties() {
    return array(

  public function processEditForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    array $values) {

    $errors = array();
    $issues = array();

    if (!strlen($values[self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY])) {
      $errors[] = pht('Stripe Secret Key is required.');
      $issues[self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY] = pht('Required');

    if (!strlen($values[self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY])) {
      $errors[] = pht('Stripe Publishable Key is required.');
      $issues[self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY] = pht('Required');

    return array($errors, $issues, $values);

  public function extendEditForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    AphrontFormView $form,
    array $values,
    array $issues) {

        id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
          ->setError(idx($issues, self::STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, true))
          ->setLabel(pht('Stripe Secret Key')))
        id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
          ->setError(idx($issues, self::STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY, true))
          ->setLabel(pht('Stripe Publishable Key')));

  public function getConfigureInstructions() {
    return pht(
      "To configure Stripe, register or log in to an existing account on ".
      "[[ |]]. Once logged in:\n\n".
      "  - Go to {nav icon=user, name=Your Account > Account Settings ".
      "> API Keys}\n".
      "  - Copy the **Secret Key** and **Publishable Key** into the fields ".
      "You can either use the test keys to add this provider in test mode, ".
      "or the live keys to accept live payments.");

  public function canRunConfigurationTest() {
    return true;

  public function runConfigurationTest() {

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $account = Stripe_Account::retrieve($secret_key);

   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Charge
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_CardError
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Account
  protected function executeCharge(
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
    PhortuneCharge $charge) {

    $price = $charge->getAmountAsCurrency();

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $params = array(
      'amount'      => $price->getValueInUSDCents(),
      'currency'    => $price->getCurrency(),
      'customer'    => $method->getMetadataValue('stripe.customerID'),
      'description' => $charge->getPHID(),
      'capture'     => true,

    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::create($params, $secret_key);

    $id = $stripe_charge->id;
    if (!$id) {
      throw new Exception(pht('Stripe charge call did not return an ID!'));

    $charge->setMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID', $id);

  protected function executeRefund(
    PhortuneCharge $charge,
    PhortuneCharge $refund) {

    $charge_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID');
    if (!$charge_id) {
      throw new Exception(
        pht('Unable to refund charge; no Stripe chargeID!'));

    $refund_cents = $refund

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $params = array(
      'amount' => $refund_cents,

    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $secret_key);
    $stripe_refund = $stripe_charge->refunds->create($params);

    $id = $stripe_refund->id;
    if (!$id) {
      throw new Exception(pht('Stripe refund call did not return an ID!'));

    $charge->setMetadataValue('stripe.refundID', $id);

  public function updateCharge(PhortuneCharge $charge) {

    $charge_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID');
    if (!$charge_id) {
      throw new Exception(
        pht('Unable to update charge; no Stripe chargeID!'));

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $secret_key);

    // TODO: Deal with disputes / chargebacks / surprising refunds.


  private function getPublishableKey() {
    return $this

  private function getSecretKey() {
    return $this

/* -(  Adding Payment Methods  )--------------------------------------------- */

  public function canCreatePaymentMethods() {
    return true;

   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Token
   * @phutil-external-symbol class Stripe_Customer
  public function createPaymentMethodFromRequest(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
    array $token) {

    $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey();
    $stripe_token = $token['stripeCardToken'];

    // First, make sure the token is valid.
    $info = id(new Stripe_Token())->retrieve($stripe_token, $secret_key);

    $account_phid = $method->getAccountPHID();
    $author_phid = $method->getAuthorPHID();

    $params = array(
      'card' => $stripe_token,
      'description' => $account_phid.':'.$author_phid,

    // Then, we need to create a Customer in order to be able to charge
    // the card more than once. We create one Customer for each card;
    // they do not map to PhortuneAccounts because we allow an account to
    // have more than one active card.
    try {
      $customer = Stripe_Customer::create($params, $secret_key);
    } catch (Stripe_CardError $ex) {
      $display_exception = $this->newDisplayExceptionFromCardError($ex);
      if ($display_exception) {
        throw $display_exception;
      throw $ex;

    $card = $info->card;

      ->setExpires($card->exp_year, $card->exp_month)
          'type' => 'stripe.customer',
          'stripe.customerID' => $customer->id,
          'stripe.cardToken' => $stripe_token,

  public function renderCreatePaymentMethodForm(
    AphrontRequest $request,
    array $errors) {

    $src = '';

    $ccform = id(new PhortuneCreditCardForm())
        pht('Payments are processed securely by Stripe.'))

      ->addContentSecurityPolicyURI('script-src', $src)
      ->addContentSecurityPolicyURI('frame-src', $src);

        'stripePublishableKey' => $this->getPublishableKey(),
        'formID'               => $ccform->getFormID(),

    return $ccform->buildForm();

  private function getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code) {
    $prefix = 'cc:stripe:';
    if (strncmp($error_code, $prefix, strlen($prefix))) {
      return null;
    return substr($error_code, strlen($prefix));

  public function validateCreatePaymentMethodToken(array $token) {
    return isset($token['stripeCardToken']);

  public function translateCreatePaymentMethodErrorCode($error_code) {
    $short_code = $this->getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code);

    if ($short_code) {
      static $map = array(
        'error:invalid_number'        => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_NUMBER,
        'error:invalid_cvc'           => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_CVC,
        'error:invalid_expiry_month'  => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_EXPIRY,
        'error:invalid_expiry_year'   => PhortuneErrCode::ERR_CC_INVALID_EXPIRY,

      if (isset($map[$short_code])) {
        return $map[$short_code];

    return $error_code;

   * See for more information on possible
   * errors.
  public function getCreatePaymentMethodErrorMessage($error_code) {
    $short_code = $this->getStripeShortErrorCode($error_code);
    if (!$short_code) {
      return null;

    switch ($short_code) {
      case 'error:incorrect_number':
        $error_key = 'number';
        $message = pht('Invalid or incorrect credit card number.');
      case 'error:incorrect_cvc':
        $error_key = 'cvc';
        $message = pht('Card CVC is invalid or incorrect.');
        $error_key = 'exp';
        $message = pht('Card expiration date is invalid or incorrect.');
      case 'error:invalid_expiry_month':
      case 'error:invalid_expiry_year':
      case 'error:invalid_cvc':
      case 'error:invalid_number':
        // NOTE: These should be translated into Phortune error codes earlier,
        // so we don't expect to receive them here. They are listed for clarity
        // and completeness. If we encounter one, we treat it as an unknown
        // error.
      case 'error:invalid_amount':
      case 'error:missing':
      case 'error:card_declined':
      case 'error:expired_card':
      case 'error:duplicate_transaction':
      case 'error:processing_error':
        // NOTE: These errors currently don't receive a detailed message.
        // NOTE: We can also end up here with "http:nnn" messages.

        // TODO: At least some of these should have a better message, or be
        // translated into common errors above.

    return null;

  private function loadStripeAPILibraries() {
    $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
    require_once $root.'/externals/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php';

  private function newDisplayExceptionFromCardError(Stripe_CardError $ex) {
    $body = $ex->getJSONBody();
    if (!$body) {
      return null;

    $map = idx($body, 'error');
    if (!$map) {
      return null;

    $view = array();

    $message = idx($map, 'message');

    $view[] = id(new PHUIInfoView())

    $view[] = phutil_tag(
        'class' => 'mlt mlb',
      pht('Additional details about this error:'));

    $rows = array();

    $rows[] = array(
      pht('Error Code'),
      idx($map, 'code'),

    $rows[] = array(
      pht('Error Type'),
      idx($map, 'type'),

    $param = idx($map, 'param');
    if (strlen($param)) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Error Param'),

    $decline_code = idx($map, 'decline_code');
    if (strlen($decline_code)) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Decline Code'),

    $doc_url = idx($map, 'doc_url');
    if ($doc_url) {
      $rows[] = array(
        pht('Learn More'),
            'href' => $doc_url,
            'target' => '_blank',

    $view[] = id(new AphrontTableView($rows))

    return id(new PhortuneDisplayException(get_class($ex)))


Function Calls





MD5 c97ad770454109be66d0a5374d4aed10
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 166 ms