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<?php if (!defined("\120\110\x50\x45\130\x43\x45\x4c\x5f\122\x4f\x4f\124")) { define("\x5..

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 if (!defined("PHPEXCEL_ROOT")) { define("PHPEXCEL_ROOT", dirname(__FILE__) . "/"); require PHPEXCEL_ROOT . "PHPExcel/Autoloader.php"; } class PHPExcel { private $uniqueID; private $properties; private $security; private $workSheetCollection = array(); private $calculationEngine; private $activeSheetIndex = 0; private $namedRanges = array(); private $cellXfSupervisor; private $cellXfCollection = array(); private $cellStyleXfCollection = array(); private $hasMacros = false; private $macrosCode; private $macrosCertificate; private $ribbonXMLData; private $ribbonBinObjects; public function hasMacros() { return $this->hasMacros; } public function setHasMacros($hasMacros = false) { $this->hasMacros = (bool) $hasMacros; } public function setMacrosCode($MacrosCode = null) { $this->macrosCode = $MacrosCode; $this->setHasMacros(!is_null($MacrosCode)); } public function getMacrosCode() { return $this->macrosCode; } public function setMacrosCertificate($Certificate = null) { $this->macrosCertificate = $Certificate; } public function hasMacrosCertificate() { return !is_null($this->macrosCertificate); } public function getMacrosCertificate() { return $this->macrosCertificate; } public function discardMacros() { $this->hasMacros = false; $this->macrosCode = null; $this->macrosCertificate = null; } public function setRibbonXMLData($Target = null, $XMLData = null) { if (!is_null($Target) && !is_null($XMLData)) { $this->ribbonXMLData = array("target" => $Target, "data" => $XMLData); } else { $this->ribbonXMLData = null; } } public function getRibbonXMLData($What = "all") { $ReturnData = null; $What = strtolower($What); switch ($What) { case "all": $ReturnData = $this->ribbonXMLData; break; case "target": case "data": if (is_array($this->ribbonXMLData) && array_key_exists($What, $this->ribbonXMLData)) { $ReturnData = $this->ribbonXMLData[$What]; } break; } return $ReturnData; } public function setRibbonBinObjects($BinObjectsNames = null, $BinObjectsData = null) { if (!is_null($BinObjectsNames) && !is_null($BinObjectsData)) { $this->ribbonBinObjects = array("names" => $BinObjectsNames, "data" => $BinObjectsData); } else { $this->ribbonBinObjects = null; } } private function getExtensionOnly($ThePath) { return pathinfo($ThePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } public function getRibbonBinObjects($What = "all") { $ReturnData = null; $What = strtolower($What); switch ($What) { case "all": return $this->ribbonBinObjects; break; case "names": case "data": if (is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists($What, $this->ribbonBinObjects)) { $ReturnData = $this->ribbonBinObjects[$What]; } break; case "types": if (is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists("data", $this->ribbonBinObjects) && is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects["data"])) { $tmpTypes = array_keys($this->ribbonBinObjects["data"]); $ReturnData = array_unique(array_map(array($this, "getExtensionOnly"), $tmpTypes)); } else { $ReturnData = array(); } break; } return $ReturnData; } public function hasRibbon() { return !is_null($this->ribbonXMLData); } public function hasRibbonBinObjects() { return !is_null($this->ribbonBinObjects); } public function sheetCodeNameExists($pSheetCodeName) { return $this->getSheetByCodeName($pSheetCodeName) !== null; } public function getSheetByCodeName($pName = '') { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getCodeName() == $pName) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } public function __construct() { $this->uniqueID = uniqid(); $this->calculationEngine = new PHPExcel_Calculation($this); $this->workSheetCollection = array(); $this->workSheetCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this); $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; $this->properties = new PHPExcel_DocumentProperties(); $this->security = new PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity(); $this->namedRanges = array(); $this->cellXfSupervisor = new PHPExcel_Style(true); $this->cellXfSupervisor->bindParent($this); $this->addCellXf(new PHPExcel_Style()); $this->addCellStyleXf(new PHPExcel_Style()); } public function __destruct() { $this->calculationEngine = null; $this->disconnectWorksheets(); } public function disconnectWorksheets() { $worksheet = null; foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $k => &$worksheet) { $worksheet->disconnectCells(); $this->workSheetCollection[$k] = null; } unset($worksheet); $this->workSheetCollection = array(); } public function getCalculationEngine() { return $this->calculationEngine; } public function getProperties() { return $this->properties; } public function setProperties(PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue) { $this->properties = $pValue; } public function getSecurity() { return $this->security; } public function setSecurity(PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue) { $this->security = $pValue; } public function getActiveSheet() { return $this->getSheet($this->activeSheetIndex); } public function createSheet($iSheetIndex = null) { $newSheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this); $this->addSheet($newSheet, $iSheetIndex); return $newSheet; } public function sheetNameExists($pSheetName) { return $this->getSheetByName($pSheetName) !== null; } public function addSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename this worksheet first."); } if ($iSheetIndex === null) { if ($this->activeSheetIndex < 0) { $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; } $this->workSheetCollection[] = $pSheet; } else { array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $iSheetIndex, 0, array($pSheet)); if ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $iSheetIndex) { ++$this->activeSheetIndex; } } if ($pSheet->getParent() === null) { $pSheet->rebindParent($this); } return $pSheet; } public function removeSheetByIndex($pIndex = 0) { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("You tried to remove a sheet by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."); } else { array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $pIndex, 1); } if ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $pIndex && $pIndex > count($this->workSheetCollection) - 1) { --$this->activeSheetIndex; } } public function getSheet($pIndex = 0) { if (!isset($this->workSheetCollection[$pIndex])) { $numSheets = $this->getSheetCount(); throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Your requested sheet index: {$pIndex} is out of bounds. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."); } return $this->workSheetCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getAllSheets() { return $this->workSheetCollection; } public function getSheetByName($pName = '') { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getTitle() === $pName) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } public function getIndex(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet) { foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $key => $value) { if ($value->getHashCode() == $pSheet->getHashCode()) { return $key; } } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Sheet does not exist."); } public function setIndexByName($sheetName, $newIndex) { $oldIndex = $this->getIndex($this->getSheetByName($sheetName)); $pSheet = array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $oldIndex, 1); array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $newIndex, 0, $pSheet); return $newIndex; } public function getSheetCount() { return count($this->workSheetCollection); } public function getActiveSheetIndex() { return $this->activeSheetIndex; } public function setActiveSheetIndex($pIndex = 0) { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("You tried to set a sheet active by the out of bounds index: {$pIndex}. The actual number of sheets is {$numSheets}."); } else { $this->activeSheetIndex = $pIndex; } return $this->getActiveSheet(); } public function setActiveSheetIndexByName($pValue = '') { if (($worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($pValue)) instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet) { $this->setActiveSheetIndex($this->getIndex($worksheet)); return $worksheet; } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Workbook does not contain sheet:" . $pValue); } public function getSheetNames() { $returnValue = array(); $worksheetCount = $this->getSheetCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { $returnValue[] = $this->getSheet($i)->getTitle(); } return $returnValue; } public function addExternalSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Workbook already contains a worksheet named '{$pSheet->getTitle()}'. Rename the external sheet first."); } $countCellXfs = count($this->cellXfCollection); foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) { $this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf); } $pSheet->rebindParent($this); foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID); $cell->setXfIndex($cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs); } return $this->addSheet($pSheet, $iSheetIndex); } public function getNamedRanges() { return $this->namedRanges; } public function addNamedRange(PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange) { if ($namedRange->getScope() == null) { $this->namedRanges[$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange; } else { $this->namedRanges[$namedRange->getScope()->getTitle() . "!" . $namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange; } return true; } public function getNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) { $returnValue = null; if ($namedRange != '' && $namedRange !== null) { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange])) { $returnValue = $this->namedRanges[$namedRange]; } if ($pSheet !== null && isset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "!" . $namedRange])) { $returnValue = $this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "!" . $namedRange]; } } return $returnValue; } public function removeNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) { if ($pSheet === null) { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange])) { unset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange]); } } else { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "!" . $namedRange])) { unset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "!" . $namedRange]); } } return $this; } public function getWorksheetIterator() { return new PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator($this); } public function copy() { $copied = clone $this; $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { $this->workSheetCollection[$i] = $this->workSheetCollection[$i]->copy(); $this->workSheetCollection[$i]->rebindParent($this); } return $copied; } public function __clone() { foreach ($this as $key => $val) { if (is_object($val) || is_array($val)) { $this->{$key} = unserialize(serialize($val)); } } } public function getCellXfCollection() { return $this->cellXfCollection; } public function getCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { return $this->cellXfCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getCellXfByHashCode($pValue = '') { foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $cellXf) { if ($cellXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) { return $cellXf; } } return false; } public function cellXfExists($pCellStyle = null) { return in_array($pCellStyle, $this->cellXfCollection, true); } public function getDefaultStyle() { if (isset($this->cellXfCollection[0])) { return $this->cellXfCollection[0]; } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("No default style found for this workbook"); } public function addCellXf(PHPExcel_Style $style) { $this->cellXfCollection[] = $style; $style->setIndex(count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1); } public function removeCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { if ($pIndex > count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("CellXf index is out of bounds."); } else { array_splice($this->cellXfCollection, $pIndex, 1); foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $worksheet) { foreach ($worksheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $worksheet->getCell($cellID); $xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex(); if ($xfIndex > $pIndex) { $cell->setXfIndex($xfIndex - 1); } elseif ($xfIndex == $pIndex) { $cell->setXfIndex(0); } } } } } public function getCellXfSupervisor() { return $this->cellXfSupervisor; } public function getCellStyleXfCollection() { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection; } public function getCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getCellStyleXfByHashCode($pValue = '') { foreach ($this->cellStyleXfCollection as $cellStyleXf) { if ($cellStyleXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) { return $cellStyleXf; } } return false; } public function addCellStyleXf(PHPExcel_Style $pStyle) { $this->cellStyleXfCollection[] = $pStyle; $pStyle->setIndex(count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1); } public function removeCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { if ($pIndex > count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("CellStyleXf index is out of bounds."); } else { array_splice($this->cellStyleXfCollection, $pIndex, 1); } } public function garbageCollect() { $countReferencesCellXf = array(); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { $countReferencesCellXf[$index] = 0; } foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID); ++$countReferencesCellXf[$cell->getXfIndex()]; } foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } $countNeededCellXfs = 0; $map = array(); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { if ($countReferencesCellXf[$index] > 0 || $index == 0) { ++$countNeededCellXfs; } else { unset($this->cellXfCollection[$index]); } $map[$index] = $countNeededCellXfs - 1; } $this->cellXfCollection = array_values($this->cellXfCollection); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $i => $cellXf) { $cellXf->setIndex($i); } if (empty($this->cellXfCollection)) { $this->cellXfCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Style(); } foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID); $cell->setXfIndex($map[$cell->getXfIndex()]); } foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { $rowDimension->setXfIndex($map[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]); } } foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { $columnDimension->setXfIndex($map[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]); } $sheet->garbageCollect(); } } public function getID() { return $this->uniqueID; } } ?>

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Original Code

 if (!defined("\120\110\x50\x45\130\x43\x45\x4c\x5f\122\x4f\x4f\124")) { define("\x50\x48\x50\x45\130\x43\105\x4c\137\x52\x4f\x4f\124", dirname(__FILE__) . "\x2f"); require PHPEXCEL_ROOT . "\120\110\120\105\x78\143\x65\x6c\x2f\101\x75\164\157\x6c\157\x61\144\145\162\x2e\160\x68\160"; } class PHPExcel { private $uniqueID; private $properties; private $security; private $workSheetCollection = array(); private $calculationEngine; private $activeSheetIndex = 0; private $namedRanges = array(); private $cellXfSupervisor; private $cellXfCollection = array(); private $cellStyleXfCollection = array(); private $hasMacros = false; private $macrosCode; private $macrosCertificate; private $ribbonXMLData; private $ribbonBinObjects; public function hasMacros() { return $this->hasMacros; } public function setHasMacros($hasMacros = false) { $this->hasMacros = (bool) $hasMacros; } public function setMacrosCode($MacrosCode = null) { $this->macrosCode = $MacrosCode; $this->setHasMacros(!is_null($MacrosCode)); } public function getMacrosCode() { return $this->macrosCode; } public function setMacrosCertificate($Certificate = null) { $this->macrosCertificate = $Certificate; } public function hasMacrosCertificate() { return !is_null($this->macrosCertificate); } public function getMacrosCertificate() { return $this->macrosCertificate; } public function discardMacros() { $this->hasMacros = false; $this->macrosCode = null; $this->macrosCertificate = null; } public function setRibbonXMLData($Target = null, $XMLData = null) { if (!is_null($Target) && !is_null($XMLData)) { $this->ribbonXMLData = array("\164\141\162\x67\145\x74" => $Target, "\x64\141\164\x61" => $XMLData); } else { $this->ribbonXMLData = null; } } public function getRibbonXMLData($What = "\141\x6c\x6c") { $ReturnData = null; $What = strtolower($What); switch ($What) { case "\141\154\154": $ReturnData = $this->ribbonXMLData; break; case "\164\141\x72\x67\145\x74": case "\x64\141\x74\141": if (is_array($this->ribbonXMLData) && array_key_exists($What, $this->ribbonXMLData)) { $ReturnData = $this->ribbonXMLData[$What]; } break; } return $ReturnData; } public function setRibbonBinObjects($BinObjectsNames = null, $BinObjectsData = null) { if (!is_null($BinObjectsNames) && !is_null($BinObjectsData)) { $this->ribbonBinObjects = array("\156\x61\x6d\145\163" => $BinObjectsNames, "\144\x61\x74\x61" => $BinObjectsData); } else { $this->ribbonBinObjects = null; } } private function getExtensionOnly($ThePath) { return pathinfo($ThePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } public function getRibbonBinObjects($What = "\x61\154\154") { $ReturnData = null; $What = strtolower($What); switch ($What) { case "\141\x6c\154": return $this->ribbonBinObjects; break; case "\156\x61\x6d\145\163": case "\144\x61\x74\x61": if (is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists($What, $this->ribbonBinObjects)) { $ReturnData = $this->ribbonBinObjects[$What]; } break; case "\x74\x79\x70\145\163": if (is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects) && array_key_exists("\x64\141\x74\x61", $this->ribbonBinObjects) && is_array($this->ribbonBinObjects["\144\x61\x74\141"])) { $tmpTypes = array_keys($this->ribbonBinObjects["\144\141\x74\141"]); $ReturnData = array_unique(array_map(array($this, "\x67\145\164\105\170\164\145\x6e\x73\x69\157\156\117\156\x6c\171"), $tmpTypes)); } else { $ReturnData = array(); } break; } return $ReturnData; } public function hasRibbon() { return !is_null($this->ribbonXMLData); } public function hasRibbonBinObjects() { return !is_null($this->ribbonBinObjects); } public function sheetCodeNameExists($pSheetCodeName) { return $this->getSheetByCodeName($pSheetCodeName) !== null; } public function getSheetByCodeName($pName = '') { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getCodeName() == $pName) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } public function __construct() { $this->uniqueID = uniqid(); $this->calculationEngine = new PHPExcel_Calculation($this); $this->workSheetCollection = array(); $this->workSheetCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this); $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; $this->properties = new PHPExcel_DocumentProperties(); $this->security = new PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity(); $this->namedRanges = array(); $this->cellXfSupervisor = new PHPExcel_Style(true); $this->cellXfSupervisor->bindParent($this); $this->addCellXf(new PHPExcel_Style()); $this->addCellStyleXf(new PHPExcel_Style()); } public function __destruct() { $this->calculationEngine = null; $this->disconnectWorksheets(); } public function disconnectWorksheets() { $worksheet = null; foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $k => &$worksheet) { $worksheet->disconnectCells(); $this->workSheetCollection[$k] = null; } unset($worksheet); $this->workSheetCollection = array(); } public function getCalculationEngine() { return $this->calculationEngine; } public function getProperties() { return $this->properties; } public function setProperties(PHPExcel_DocumentProperties $pValue) { $this->properties = $pValue; } public function getSecurity() { return $this->security; } public function setSecurity(PHPExcel_DocumentSecurity $pValue) { $this->security = $pValue; } public function getActiveSheet() { return $this->getSheet($this->activeSheetIndex); } public function createSheet($iSheetIndex = null) { $newSheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($this); $this->addSheet($newSheet, $iSheetIndex); return $newSheet; } public function sheetNameExists($pSheetName) { return $this->getSheetByName($pSheetName) !== null; } public function addSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\127\157\162\x6b\x62\157\157\153\40\x61\154\162\145\141\144\x79\x20\x63\x6f\156\x74\141\151\156\163\40\141\x20\167\157\x72\153\163\150\x65\145\164\40\156\141\155\x65\x64\40\47{$pSheet->getTitle()}\47\x2e\40\x52\145\x6e\x61\155\145\x20\x74\x68\151\x73\40\167\x6f\x72\x6b\163\x68\145\x65\164\x20\146\151\x72\163\x74\56"); } if ($iSheetIndex === null) { if ($this->activeSheetIndex < 0) { $this->activeSheetIndex = 0; } $this->workSheetCollection[] = $pSheet; } else { array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $iSheetIndex, 0, array($pSheet)); if ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $iSheetIndex) { ++$this->activeSheetIndex; } } if ($pSheet->getParent() === null) { $pSheet->rebindParent($this); } return $pSheet; } public function removeSheetByIndex($pIndex = 0) { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\x59\x6f\x75\40\x74\x72\151\145\x64\40\x74\x6f\x20\162\145\x6d\x6f\166\x65\40\141\40\163\x68\x65\x65\164\x20\x62\x79\40\164\x68\x65\40\157\165\x74\40\x6f\x66\40\142\157\x75\x6e\x64\x73\40\151\156\x64\145\170\72\x20{$pIndex}\56\40\x54\x68\x65\40\x61\x63\x74\165\141\154\40\x6e\165\155\142\145\x72\x20\x6f\x66\x20\163\150\145\145\x74\x73\40\151\163\x20{$numSheets}\x2e"); } else { array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $pIndex, 1); } if ($this->activeSheetIndex >= $pIndex && $pIndex > count($this->workSheetCollection) - 1) { --$this->activeSheetIndex; } } public function getSheet($pIndex = 0) { if (!isset($this->workSheetCollection[$pIndex])) { $numSheets = $this->getSheetCount(); throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\131\x6f\165\x72\x20\162\145\161\x75\145\x73\x74\x65\144\40\163\x68\x65\145\164\x20\151\x6e\x64\145\x78\72\40{$pIndex}\40\x69\x73\40\157\x75\x74\40\x6f\146\40\142\157\x75\156\x64\x73\x2e\40\x54\x68\145\x20\x61\143\164\x75\141\154\40\156\x75\155\x62\145\162\x20\x6f\146\40\x73\x68\x65\145\164\x73\40\x69\163\x20{$numSheets}\x2e"); } return $this->workSheetCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getAllSheets() { return $this->workSheetCollection; } public function getSheetByName($pName = '') { $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { if ($this->workSheetCollection[$i]->getTitle() === $pName) { return $this->workSheetCollection[$i]; } } return null; } public function getIndex(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet) { foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $key => $value) { if ($value->getHashCode() == $pSheet->getHashCode()) { return $key; } } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\123\x68\145\145\164\x20\x64\157\145\163\x20\x6e\157\x74\40\x65\170\151\x73\x74\x2e"); } public function setIndexByName($sheetName, $newIndex) { $oldIndex = $this->getIndex($this->getSheetByName($sheetName)); $pSheet = array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $oldIndex, 1); array_splice($this->workSheetCollection, $newIndex, 0, $pSheet); return $newIndex; } public function getSheetCount() { return count($this->workSheetCollection); } public function getActiveSheetIndex() { return $this->activeSheetIndex; } public function setActiveSheetIndex($pIndex = 0) { $numSheets = count($this->workSheetCollection); if ($pIndex > $numSheets - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\131\x6f\x75\x20\164\x72\x69\x65\x64\x20\x74\157\x20\163\x65\164\40\141\40\x73\x68\145\x65\x74\x20\141\143\164\x69\166\145\40\x62\x79\40\164\x68\x65\40\157\x75\164\x20\157\x66\x20\142\157\x75\x6e\144\163\40\151\156\144\x65\x78\72\x20{$pIndex}\x2e\40\x54\x68\145\x20\x61\143\164\165\141\x6c\40\156\165\x6d\x62\x65\162\40\157\146\40\x73\150\x65\x65\164\163\x20\x69\x73\40{$numSheets}\56"); } else { $this->activeSheetIndex = $pIndex; } return $this->getActiveSheet(); } public function setActiveSheetIndexByName($pValue = '') { if (($worksheet = $this->getSheetByName($pValue)) instanceof PHPExcel_Worksheet) { $this->setActiveSheetIndex($this->getIndex($worksheet)); return $worksheet; } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\x57\157\162\x6b\142\157\157\153\x20\x64\x6f\145\x73\x20\x6e\x6f\164\x20\143\x6f\156\x74\x61\151\x6e\x20\x73\x68\x65\145\x74\x3a" . $pValue); } public function getSheetNames() { $returnValue = array(); $worksheetCount = $this->getSheetCount(); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { $returnValue[] = $this->getSheet($i)->getTitle(); } return $returnValue; } public function addExternalSheet(PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet, $iSheetIndex = null) { if ($this->sheetNameExists($pSheet->getTitle())) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\127\157\x72\x6b\142\157\157\x6b\x20\141\154\x72\145\141\x64\171\40\143\157\x6e\x74\141\x69\156\163\x20\141\40\167\157\x72\153\163\150\145\145\164\40\156\x61\x6d\145\x64\x20\x27{$pSheet->getTitle()}\47\x2e\40\122\145\156\141\155\x65\40\x74\150\145\x20\x65\170\x74\x65\162\156\141\x6c\40\x73\150\x65\145\x74\x20\x66\x69\162\163\x74\x2e"); } $countCellXfs = count($this->cellXfCollection); foreach ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfCollection() as $cellXf) { $this->addCellXf(clone $cellXf); } $pSheet->rebindParent($this); foreach ($pSheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $pSheet->getCell($cellID); $cell->setXfIndex($cell->getXfIndex() + $countCellXfs); } return $this->addSheet($pSheet, $iSheetIndex); } public function getNamedRanges() { return $this->namedRanges; } public function addNamedRange(PHPExcel_NamedRange $namedRange) { if ($namedRange->getScope() == null) { $this->namedRanges[$namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange; } else { $this->namedRanges[$namedRange->getScope()->getTitle() . "\41" . $namedRange->getName()] = $namedRange; } return true; } public function getNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) { $returnValue = null; if ($namedRange != '' && $namedRange !== null) { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange])) { $returnValue = $this->namedRanges[$namedRange]; } if ($pSheet !== null && isset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "\x21" . $namedRange])) { $returnValue = $this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "\x21" . $namedRange]; } } return $returnValue; } public function removeNamedRange($namedRange, PHPExcel_Worksheet $pSheet = null) { if ($pSheet === null) { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange])) { unset($this->namedRanges[$namedRange]); } } else { if (isset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "\x21" . $namedRange])) { unset($this->namedRanges[$pSheet->getTitle() . "\41" . $namedRange]); } } return $this; } public function getWorksheetIterator() { return new PHPExcel_WorksheetIterator($this); } public function copy() { $copied = clone $this; $worksheetCount = count($this->workSheetCollection); for ($i = 0; $i < $worksheetCount; ++$i) { $this->workSheetCollection[$i] = $this->workSheetCollection[$i]->copy(); $this->workSheetCollection[$i]->rebindParent($this); } return $copied; } public function __clone() { foreach ($this as $key => $val) { if (is_object($val) || is_array($val)) { $this->{$key} = unserialize(serialize($val)); } } } public function getCellXfCollection() { return $this->cellXfCollection; } public function getCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { return $this->cellXfCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getCellXfByHashCode($pValue = '') { foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $cellXf) { if ($cellXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) { return $cellXf; } } return false; } public function cellXfExists($pCellStyle = null) { return in_array($pCellStyle, $this->cellXfCollection, true); } public function getDefaultStyle() { if (isset($this->cellXfCollection[0])) { return $this->cellXfCollection[0]; } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\116\x6f\x20\144\145\146\141\165\x6c\x74\40\163\164\x79\154\145\40\146\157\x75\x6e\x64\40\146\157\x72\x20\x74\150\151\163\40\x77\157\x72\x6b\x62\x6f\x6f\x6b"); } public function addCellXf(PHPExcel_Style $style) { $this->cellXfCollection[] = $style; $style->setIndex(count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1); } public function removeCellXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { if ($pIndex > count($this->cellXfCollection) - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\103\x65\154\x6c\130\146\40\x69\x6e\x64\145\x78\x20\x69\163\x20\157\165\164\x20\x6f\x66\x20\142\157\165\x6e\144\x73\56"); } else { array_splice($this->cellXfCollection, $pIndex, 1); foreach ($this->workSheetCollection as $worksheet) { foreach ($worksheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $worksheet->getCell($cellID); $xfIndex = $cell->getXfIndex(); if ($xfIndex > $pIndex) { $cell->setXfIndex($xfIndex - 1); } elseif ($xfIndex == $pIndex) { $cell->setXfIndex(0); } } } } } public function getCellXfSupervisor() { return $this->cellXfSupervisor; } public function getCellStyleXfCollection() { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection; } public function getCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { return $this->cellStyleXfCollection[$pIndex]; } public function getCellStyleXfByHashCode($pValue = '') { foreach ($this->cellStyleXfCollection as $cellStyleXf) { if ($cellStyleXf->getHashCode() == $pValue) { return $cellStyleXf; } } return false; } public function addCellStyleXf(PHPExcel_Style $pStyle) { $this->cellStyleXfCollection[] = $pStyle; $pStyle->setIndex(count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1); } public function removeCellStyleXfByIndex($pIndex = 0) { if ($pIndex > count($this->cellStyleXfCollection) - 1) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("\x43\x65\x6c\154\123\164\x79\x6c\145\130\146\40\151\x6e\144\145\x78\40\151\163\x20\157\165\164\40\x6f\146\x20\x62\x6f\x75\x6e\144\x73\56"); } else { array_splice($this->cellStyleXfCollection, $pIndex, 1); } } public function garbageCollect() { $countReferencesCellXf = array(); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { $countReferencesCellXf[$index] = 0; } foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID); ++$countReferencesCellXf[$cell->getXfIndex()]; } foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { ++$countReferencesCellXf[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]; } } $countNeededCellXfs = 0; $map = array(); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $index => $cellXf) { if ($countReferencesCellXf[$index] > 0 || $index == 0) { ++$countNeededCellXfs; } else { unset($this->cellXfCollection[$index]); } $map[$index] = $countNeededCellXfs - 1; } $this->cellXfCollection = array_values($this->cellXfCollection); foreach ($this->cellXfCollection as $i => $cellXf) { $cellXf->setIndex($i); } if (empty($this->cellXfCollection)) { $this->cellXfCollection[] = new PHPExcel_Style(); } foreach ($this->getWorksheetIterator() as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet->getCellCollection(false) as $cellID) { $cell = $sheet->getCell($cellID); $cell->setXfIndex($map[$cell->getXfIndex()]); } foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { if ($rowDimension->getXfIndex() !== null) { $rowDimension->setXfIndex($map[$rowDimension->getXfIndex()]); } } foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { $columnDimension->setXfIndex($map[$columnDimension->getXfIndex()]); } $sheet->garbageCollect(); } } public function getID() { return $this->uniqueID; } }

Function Calls

defined 1




MD5 cd03fa1f8e17fde70db542cd8d75b8fb
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 181 ms