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PHP Decode

<?php //hi all! you may ask what to do here? its simple, just have a nice walk through th..

Decoded Output download

//hi all! you may ask what to do here? its simple, just have a nice walk through these lines, then just call w_()  
//and its done  
$_k = @$_GET['magic']; //put the magic byte here :) 
$_u=create_function('$_a_','foreach($_a_ as $_=>$__){$a[$_]=$__;}return @array_splice($a,1);');  
$_u=@call_user_func($_u,@$_GET['argv']);function w_(){print'Good job! flag: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';}$_f=chr(112).chr(114).__CLASS__."e"."g"."_";  
$_f.="ac"."e";@$_f("%.".$_a."%ixs","(string)$_u[3]()",' '); 

Did this file decode correctly?

Original Code

//hi all! you may ask what to do here? its simple, just have a nice walk through these lines, then just call w_() 
//and its done 
$_k = @$_GET['magic']; //put the magic byte here :)
$_u=create_function('$_a_','foreach($_a_ as $_=>$__){$a[$_]=$__;}return @array_splice($a,1);'); 
$_u=@call_user_func($_u,@$_GET['argv']);function w_(){print'Good job! flag: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';}$_f=chr(112).chr(114).__CLASS__."\x65"."\x67"."_"; 
$_f.="ac"."\x65";@$_f("%.".$_a."%ixs","(string)$_u[3]()",' ');

Function Calls





MD5 d4fe19fc389af31661853e88a105d3a6
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 114 ms