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PHP Decode

--TEST-- Test strval() function : basic functionality --FILE-- <?php echo "*** Testing str..

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*** Testing strval() : basic variations ***

-- Iteration 1 --

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Original Code

Test strval() function : basic functionality
echo "*** Testing strval() : basic variations ***\n";

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

$simple_heredoc =<<<EOT
Simple HEREDOC string

//array of values to iterate over
$values = array(
            // Simple strings
/*1*/		"Hello World",
            'Hello World',

            // String with control chars
/*3*/		"String\nwith\ncontrol\ncharacters\r\n",

            // String with quotes
/*4*/		"String with \"quotes\"",

            //Numeric String
/*5*/		"123456",

            // Hexadecimal string
/*6*/		"0xABC",

            //Heredoc String
/*7*/		$simple_heredoc

// loop through each element of the array for strval
$iterator = 1;
foreach($values as $value) {
      echo "\n-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
      var_dump( strval($value) );
*** Testing strval() : basic variations ***

-- Iteration 1 --
string(11) "Hello World"

-- Iteration 2 --
string(11) "Hello World"

-- Iteration 3 --
string(32) "String

-- Iteration 4 --
string(20) "String with "quotes""

-- Iteration 5 --
string(6) "123456"

-- Iteration 6 --
string(5) "0xABC"

-- Iteration 7 --
string(21) "Simple HEREDOC string"

Function Calls

strval 1
error_reporting 1


$value Hello World
$values [{'key': 0, 'value': 'Hello World'}, {'key': 1, 'value': 'Hello World'}, {'key': 2, 'value': 'String\nwith\ncontrol\ncharacters\r\n'}, {'key': 3, 'value': 'String with "quotes"'}, {'key': 4, 'value': '123456'}, {'key': 5, 'value': '0xABC'}, {'key': 6, 'value': 'Simple HEREDOC string\n'}]
$iterator 1
$simple_heredoc Simple HEREDOC string


MD5 da792ab4df68792c38f9fb313fe618d8
Eval Count 0
Decode Time 103 ms