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PHP Decode
--TEST-- Test array_keys() function (variation - 5) --FILE-- <?php echo "\n*** Testing ar..
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*** Testing array_keys() with resource type ***
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Test array_keys() function (variation - 5)
echo "\n*** Testing array_keys() with resource type ***\n";
$resource1 = fopen( __FILE__, "r");
$resource2 = opendir( "." );
/* creating an array with resource types as elements */
$arr_resource = array($resource1, $resource2);
var_dump(array_keys($arr_resource, $resource1)); // loose type checking
var_dump(array_keys($arr_resource, $resource1, TRUE)); // strict type checking
var_dump(array_keys($arr_resource, $resource2)); // loose type checking
var_dump(array_keys($arr_resource, $resource2, TRUE)); // strict type checking
/* Closing the resource handles */
fclose( $resource1 );
closedir( $resource2 );
*** Testing array_keys() with resource type ***
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
array(1) {
Function Calls
fopen | 1 |
opendir | 1 |
MD5 | dfa8705f20783257e8f527fb2b303d47 |
Eval Count | 0 |
Decode Time | 89 ms |